
187 AC

Claw Isle

Aerion Targaryen


"We should get up, I need to meet with Lord Celtigar once more and have everything hammered out with his granddaughter coming to foster." Mya groans before rubbing her head against my shoulder. "Come on, I wanted to get flying soon so we can get back sooner." She groans once more but this time rolls off me exposing her bare form to my eyes and making my willpower shake.

I shake myself out of the trance and make my way out of the bed with a heavy heart, it's all for the greater good. The sooner I leave the sooner I can get back and see my babes, I miss them something terrible. I also need to start planning out exactly how I plan to make good on my words to Mya about wedding her. Danny should be fine with it for the most part from what I can judge, just so long as I remarry her in the Valyrian tradition if I end up going that route with Mya.

Those weddings would best be taken place on Dragonstone and with a minimum of an audience. Probably just family and the weddings should go off without a hitch, it's the political backlash I am dreading. I might just meet with the High Septon again and make sure he is aware of just how much of a Maegor I can be if he pisses me, Oldtown might need a visit as well.

I would not lie, a deep pyromaniac side of me wants to see the Hightower crumble to Moonfyres flames...

I shake off the thoughts that I can swear come from my own twin, she has tainted me and I will never be able to wash off the pyromaniac. But I am also glad she rubbed off on me in that way, after the Dothraki burning I have confirmed I can mentally get through large massacres dealt out at my hand. It ate at me a bit for a while and I felt odd but over time it faded and I don't feel like an edge lord wanting to kill more people for fun, so I would say I am only somewhat crazy.

Which considering everything, that's not half bad...

"I am going to go hunt down someone to get us some hot water and something to eat." She mumbles something I can barely make out and I shake my head, not a morning person.


"Are you two sure about this? It's not now but I still feel a pit in my own stomach when I think about what will happen." I ask as I look at Prunella who is eating some bacon with a wide smile.

I would hate to be the reason she is leaving the only home she has known and her family, but they are showing no displeasure. It makes me a bit mad they are not resisting the idea, I mean they even look somewhat excited about the idea.

"We are sure, this is best for her future and our own and I know from the way you seem so concerned for her well-being that she will be safe in your care." I fight off a frown as her father runs a hand over Prunella's head as if he is talking about going to school or something.

I suppose if they are fine with it and it gets this deal pushed through then I am also fine with it. I expect that adding her into the dynamic back home will be a smooth thing and also will help prepare Danny and me for what is to come with our own kids. Prunella seems well behaved but she has also been stuffing her face each time I have met her. For all, I know she is a hellion and will be a terror to deal with, but I can settle that easily enough if that becomes a reality.

"Well I will have a room prepared for her to live in on the same floor as me, I will look after her. If she can pick up what I teach her and maybe some skills from people she will be around in Harrenhal then I expect her to make a name for herself." Maybe she can learn some of Narha's craft if she turns out to have no skill with numbers and business.

"Wonderful, we will be arriving as soon as we get things settled here for a trip to Harrenhal." I nod and take a last look at Prunella before walking off leaving her with her parents.

Let's go get my axe.


"It's big." I wiggle my brows at Mya who snorts and smacks my shoulder before turning her attention to the massive great axe. Reminds me of something I would see in an Elder Scrolls game or something. Kind of like a Wuuthrad in shape but might be a bit bigger honestly, the carvings on it are of dragon heads. The axe heads are both dragon wings and the handle is covered in dragon scales.

All in all, it is a lot of Valyrian steel, even the shaft is mostly Valyrian steel expect some leather wrapping around it. It is the heaviest Valyrian steel weapon I have ever held but I did a quick check with Dark sister and it's the real deal. Way lighter than it would be if it was normal steel but the stuff is still pretty heavy, the man it was crafted for must have been a beast.

"Hold it." I pass it to Mya who goes wide-eyed feeling the full things in her hands.

"I can see why you wanted to have it made into something else, you said two swords?" I nod imagining I can get two blades similar to Dark sister in size or one big one and a short sword.

Maybe one big sword and something like a gladius from the leftover metal, or I can go with just two normal blades. I am tempted to order the smith from Qohor to bring some of their secret powders and color the blades. It is why some Valyrian blades are colored and not just a standard steel-looking metal with ripples. There is even a green Valyrian blade according to rumors that got reforged in Qohor and does not even show its ripples. But usually, it's reds and blues with the occasional black, impressive nonetheless though.

The reason I am thinking about having a Greatsword made is to match House Stark's ancestral sword. I want to have a great big red blade and name it Fire so when they clash together it can be the 'Song of Ice and Fire' or when they are used together, either way, it's a fun idea. I might be dooming one of my descendants to fight or ally with House Stark by doing it though.

"Alright that is enough playing, let's get this bad boy packed up and head back." I gave a deposit to Lord Celtigar along with a signed contract, he was fine with me leaving with the axe before seeing the full purse of gold.

I think he was really good at hiding his feelings and got more than he was expecting, his son almost jumped for joy seeing the deal. The way they also shoved off a kid for me to raise also shows how good their opinion is of me. I am happy with the deal though so I don't feel too bad, it is very rare anyone sells Valyrian steel anyway so even if I got the short end it's not that short.


187 AC


Daenerys Targaryen


"I am going to pull my hair out." I mutter as I rock both of my babies as they scream bloody murder.

They were fine until this morning and I think it's because they miss their Father, he is always there to see them in the morning. It was easy enough to get them to slip off to sleep but this morning they are angry. No matter how much milk I give them or how much I rock or sing to them it is never enough. One will stop for a moment but soon pick back up the screaming hearing their twin still shouting.

It is almost midday and I am regretting not just flying to Claw Isle with him on Drogon with the twins. I was scared they would not like a long flight or it would get them sick or hurt, but now I regret it. I should have given in when Aerion whined about me not letting him bring them along on his trip. He wanted to show them off as any proud father would but I was too scared and now they are punishing me for it.

"It's ok my sweets, your Father will be back as soon as he can." They stop and I feel like the sun is coming out from behind a cloud as my heart ignites with hope.

I kiss each of them on the head before I hear a loud roar that is easy to identify, I make quick steps to the window and easily spot the silver reflection. Moonfyre is circling Harrenhal and I look down at my babes and wonder if their crying stopped because they knew something or if it was good timing.

Either way, I am just glad he is back to help me pick up the slack that I was not expecting to fall in his absence of hardly a full day. I am sure he will show off his new weapon to his babes so I should get them into something clean and not messy with snot. I do not want Aerion to give me a hard time for them screaming their heads off, I tried my best to stop them.

He would never let me live it down, he would lord it over me to get his way whenever he wants to fly off on a trip. Though I plan on going with him in the future, I dread what this would have been like if it was a week or more.


A very large axe is what he bought, he has it strapped to his back as he enters the room with a wide smile on his face.

"My wife, I missed you." He unlatches a buckle on the strap and takes the axe off his back and sets it on a table.

"I missed you as well." He makes his way toward me and wraps me in his warm embrace, the smokey smell of dragon filling my nose.

He loosens the embrace and lifts my chin before sealing my lips in a kiss that makes my heart soar. I suppose I was missing him as much as the twins were but I was distracted by them and did not notice.

"Let me at them!" He enthusiastically wiggles around me to get to the small blanket in front of a couch that has both babies on it kicking around with their small legs.

I smile watching him attack them with kisses and love before I head to see the new axe he bought. I lift the massive weapon and set the butt of it against the ground as I spin around the axe head admiring the carvings. It is beautiful but like Aerion said it would better serve our family if it was melted into multiple weapons. I can already imagine a smaller Aerion wielding a Valyrian steel sword being trained by Aerion himself. Maybe even a smaller me learning on the side, I tried to learn myself and am comfortable with a blade but I can see Rhaella becoming the next Visenya.

I look over my shoulder and see Aerion laying on the couch with both babies on his chest while he tells him the story of his trip. Aemon squeals when Aerion talks about a horn in the vault of the Celtigars that can summon krakens if it is blown. Rhaella also gives her own little squeal hearing about the many chests full of sparkling gems. They are so tiny and precious, they do not even know what he is saying but they love hearing him talk anyway.

I bite my lip as I set the axe back onto the table, I am already regretting telling myself I would hold off on more babies until Rhaella and Aemon are grown. Watching him with both of them puts a fire in my guts that is hard to push down.

"Aerion let's eat in private tonight, I missed you a lot and I want to enjoy my time alone with you." He looks over with a smile before nodding and going back to focusing on his children.

He can show off his new axe tomorrow and inform everyone who needs to know about the deal he made with Lord Celtigar, if he even made one. But for tonight he is going to be in bed with me until this fire is burned out.