
180 AC


Aerion Targaryen


Flying over the city of Kingslanding I look down on all the buildings and wonder how they looked when Danny burned them. I mean she is flying not that far away from me and personally saw it, this very city full to the brim of humans she roasted alive. I sometimes forget that is who she is and get caught up in the 'her' that I know.

I keep my eyes on Drogon as he circles around the Red keep and I wonder if he feels tempted to collapse it in on itself again. I wonder if he even knows, surely he does as he has shown to be very intelligent. He is probably just confused why it is all rebuilt again when he already laid it to waste.

"Where are we going to land?" I hear Shiera speak up over the wind as it blows hard against us from the black water.

"We will land near the Dragon pit, it may be collapsed but it still is the best place for the dragons while we are here." She nods hearing me and looks around curiously before I point at the destroyed dome-like structure.

Moonfyre glides in and I can see people around the pit entrance scatter like rats as she lets out a roar. We are jerked around on the saddle as she lands on a piece of the dome that fell and she climbs down it like a tightrope. A shadow passes over and I look up to see Drogon make his way in through the broken ceiling.

This building looks nothing like how it did in the show, in the show I remember it being a small arena-looking structure but this puts that to shame. It is a marvel to even wonder how it was built and an angering reminder that these 'people' that live in this city killed many dragons that day it was destroyed. The dome collapsed when Dreamfyre broke her chains and flew up into it causing it to crush her and many of the raiding peasants.

Serves them right.

I am not holding a grudge against anyone, all those people are already dead but I can't imagine how it would feel to lose Moonfyre. Moonfyre is a sweet girl that likes to fly and get scratched on her chin and the people that would do her harm can go to hell for all I care. She is no monster and if she was burning hordes of people or castles it would be because I asked and not because she just felt like doing it.

"Let me help you." I speak up as Shiera tries to unlatch the straps holding her to the saddle and keeping her legs down.

She excitedly shifts as I help her get undone and soon throws her leg over and climbs down Moonfyre's side. Shiera is excited to receive a gift from our father, he specifically ordered her to come with us this time to his name day. Something about her dead mom left things behind for her and Shiera has been bouncing around since she heard about it.

"Come on let's go!" She impatiently moves around as I climb down, Drogon climbs into one of the tunnels once Danny is off his back and walking toward us.

""If someone tries to mess with you burn them and come find me."" I pat Moonfyre on the side of her head and her deep blue eye blinks with her multiple eyelids in acknowledgment.

Valyrian has become a fun language to talk with, it feels smooth and also commanding like the language of dragon riders should be.

"Don't run off! There are kidnappers and they will sell you to a pleasure house!" Danny shouts after Shiera as she starts climbing the stairs and Shiera freezes in place.

Turning around she almost trips down the stairs with a look of worry on her face as all excitement leaves her and she runs back to us.

"People are waiting outside for us, or at least there should be we sent a raven long before we left when we would be arriving here." I look at Danny incredulously as she stomped on our sister's happiness.

"She needs to be aware of herself, she does not know who is coming or even that they are coming. She is a little girl and would put up little resistance to a snatcher and would be on a ship to Lys to be sold to a high bidder before we became aware she was gone. She is Valyrian and has beautiful silver hair with mismatched eyes, she is exotic and people would pay a premium price for her." I cringe thinking about it but even with her joining in on exercise a grown man would chase her down in a heartbeat and throw her over his shoulder if he wanted.

Dragonstone is a safe little bubble I rarely leave but this world is not as safe as my last one. The homeless person you worry will stab you for food actually will in this world, unlike the last one I lived in. There are actual cities still allowing slavery and people get stolen away to be forced into chains all the time.

I nod at Danny, she is the one who actually lived through slavers bay in her last life while I read about slavery from a page in a book. The two can't be compared and I should heed her advice on this one.

"Stay with us Shiera, we have people coming to escort us but you need to not leave my side." I grip the handle on my sword tighter and look into the tunnel the dragons climbed in and wonder if I should seek them out.

"Come on let's go." Danny walking ahead get snaps me from my thoughts of just flying straight to the red keep and I walk after her.

I almost sigh in relief when we get to the top of the stairs and I see men in Gold cloaks approach us, in the front a man I am all too familiar with.

Aemon the Dragonknight in his white Kingsguard cloak, he smiles seeing us approach and gives a little bow.

"Prince and princess your father sent me to escort you safely upon your arrival." We both nod and I am already thinking about asking him for more 'lessons'.

That little wake-up call from Danny reminded me I need to be ready at all times, my Eternal arms mastery making me a monster with any weapon but ultimately still an eight-year-old. I need to get more fighting in with adults just on the off chance a situation did go wrong. I can kick around my nephews and half-siblings all I want but a full-grown man is a different story. especially a skilled one like Aemon who usually stays on Dragonstone.

He has been in Kingslanding for a month or so now with the king planning to celebrate his name day grandly. Lords and ladies from all over the realm come to the tourney and the feasts but that also opens up opportunities for assassins in the crowd. So the best Kingsguard should be by the king's side instead of the crown prince.

Well, he spends most of his time with the queen my mom but that is their business and I won't even try to get into it.

"We are riding in that?" A fancy white carriage with a red dragon emboldened on it is what I point at and Aemon stifles a laugh as he nods.

"Yes, my prince." The amusement thick in his voice and I shake my head as I look around for a horse, Roach is back on Dragonstone but I should have had him sailed here in advance so I could take him riding.

I plan to win many future tourneys with Roach and show all of Westeros who is the best horse.

"Just get in, I want to get into the keep and out of these rank streets." Danny quickly walks to the carriage and climbs into it without any help as she waves away the gold cloak that tried to help her.

Danny is no little girl needing help climbing in her dress, she is a dragon-riding badass and takes it personally when someone tries to belittle her ability.

"It does smell horrible." Shiera covers her nose and I follow after her as she leaps up onto the steps to get into the carriage.

I climb in and sit on the cushioned bench and nod approvingly, comfy.


"Your grace." All three of us bow as we were brought to our father's room to see him upon our arrival.

The man is the definition of a glutton, he can still move around on his own but I wouldn't give it long before he is stuck in bed. That or a heart attack will take him in his sleep before then, it's up in the air.

How this man still fucks around is a mystery to me and makes me a bit sick thinking about it but I keep it all inside. One of his official mistresses got caught in bed by him with one of his Kingsguards and he had the man chopped up Infront of her. He then had the mistress and her father killed as well and it lead to an assassination attempt that killed another Kingsguard who died taking a blade for his king.

"My children! hahaha, it's good to see you all looking happy and healthy, how are the dragons growing?" He already knows, he ordered my older brother to keep him updated at all times about the dragons and gets a raven now and then about their health and size.

He probably sees it as a great honor to be the father who made the two that brought back the dragons. It shows with how he tosses around eggs to all the different little silver-headed bastards trying to hatch more. None have shown signs of hatching and he ultimately had all the eggs recalled and lock away in a vault on Dragonstone.

"Bigger every moon, they eat enough for it to be justified." He smiles wide and I try not to look at his stained teeth, the poor woman he kisses.

Why he doesn't have a servant brush his teeth with the toothbrushes and paste I had made up I will never know. They used to use a stiff and nasty old cloth to wipe their teeth until I managed to fix that problem. Thankfully all of my siblings and nephews listened to me and brush daily or their teeth would rot out of their heads. Though I think our magic bodies and blood might be doing something with our teeth, they all grow straight and look almost 'too perfect'.

"That is good, I am beyond happy to see our family's power return through you two. I can't wait to see the two of you wed and bring more dragon riders into the world. Your dragon's eggs should hatch for your offspring." His eyes take on a distant look as he looks down at us and I shiver.

"Of course father it would bring us great joy to return our house's power and true glory." I hesitated too long to respond so Daenerys picked up my fumble and father nods in approval.

"Good good, you three are dismissed to do what you want but I expect to see you present at all of the events." We all nod and Shiera takes on a sad look I am surprised our dad picked up on. "Don't worry I already had your gift sent to your room, go ahead and look through it at your own pace. It was all left by your mom for only you to see so I had it locked up until you were old enough to understand." Shiera perks up and smiles wide getting another nod from our father and he waves us out.

The door closes behind us and I let out a sigh of relief.

"Let's go see what my mom left!" Shiera enthusiastically bounces on her feet looking ready to fly off regardless of our answer.

"Sure." Danny grabs her hand and leads the way probably looking for a guide to Shieras room.