
180 AC


Aerion Targaryen


Riding a horse for the first time was only somewhat difficult, once you realize the horse is going to do all the work and you just need to not fall off like a dumbass it goes well. My very own midnight black horse who I named roach made it very simple to learn and I had quite a lot of fun riding the beaches and limited flatlands of Dragonstone. But horses are not meant to be ridden on Dragonstone, to many rocks and cliffs and so I rarely get to ride him.

Instead, I have been increasing the amount of flights I sneak in with Moonfyre, and she loves it just as much as I do. I used to have an ATV in my last life I took out on trails and rode it till the gas tank went empty, I thought it was peak fun as far as 'riding' could go.

But sitting on Moonfyre's back as she ascends to the clouds with powerful flaps of her wings I can't even begin to describe how wrong I was. Hitting a bump on an ATV and getting some air time would have my guts feeling light but actually being in the air and climbing toward the fluffy clouds in the sky is beyond just 'light'.

I almost can forget my entire body is sweating like I am in a sauna as we pierce through a cloud and the fog-like wetness hits my skin. The clothes I am wearing only expose my hands and head from my neck up, I don't trust gloves after I slipped getting off Moonfyre one night. The 'Saddle' is nothing like a horse saddle and was ordered by my father much to my mother's fury.

The saddle started as a normal horse-like saddle but soon had a full chair mounted onto it with a low back that is for pressing your butt against as you lean forward. No Stirrups here and instead there are five straps that go around my legs to ensure my young body doesn't fly off the back of the dragon. My mom made them add on a strap around my waist as well but I rarely use it because it holds me down too much and I like to float up a bit as we descend.

There were problems with how the reins should work and father had records dug up that were apparently 'lost'. The reins are attached to hooks that were sunk into the dragon's neck, and the 'surgery' to add those onto the dragons ended with blood being spilled. Rather it ended with screams and ashes filling the room but with the help of Danny and me, they got put in. Danny herself was massively against it as she said it was cruel and pointless but after seeing the books explaining how our family always used them she relented. I guess she wanted to ride bareback like she did when she rode in her past life but no one would let an eight-year-old try that, they barely let us ride with all these safety measures.

The dragons themselves seemed to not care after a few hours of having the hooks in, and they will stay in for the rest of their lives. I thought it would be common to replace them as they grow but they don't ever get replaced and the dragon grows around them instead. I could only imagine trying to replace the hooks on a dragon around the size of Balerion after I stood Infront of his massive skull.

Breaking through the top of the clouds and looking around at the ethereal-like 'landscape' made of fluffy white clouds I am struck with awe. Moonfyre levels out and throws the occasional flap to keep us up as I enjoy the sight most people even in my old world would never get to see with their own eyes. I wonder just how few people have seen this in this world, in living memory almost guaranteed to be just Danny and me.

I am rudely woken from my state of wonder by a screeching roar and turn my head to follow Moonfyre as she looks off to the west. Moonfyre returns an odd chirp-like sound that helps the one who roared find us. Drogon makes a mess of the clouds as he flaps his way above them and spots our casual glide.

Silver hair catching the light lets me know my twin is riding her partner as he closes the distance between us. He passes over the top of us and I reach up like I am in the movie free willy but my short arms can't make contact.

Moonfyre dips a wing and we follow behind as Drogon guides us, he levels his own wings and we approach from his left side steading out to the same level. Looking over I see Danny sit up and look around before waving so I wave back.

"WANT TO RACE?!" I yell and a huff escapes Drogon before Danny can respond, It seems he remembers the last time I yelled those words.

It was almost like he was waiting for it as he drops his head and descends before we can agree on where we are racing to. Danny reaches forward and grabs her handholds as Drogon pierces through the cloud.

"Let go girl." Moonfyre answers with a trill as she lowers her head and her wings tuck in and we fall.

My hair slicks back as the wind blows through it, my eyes straining to stay open until we break through the cloud and I blink away the water. I spot Drogon in a full nose dive beneath us but he slowly angles himself and his wings catch as he speeds toward Dragonstone.

"Come on girl! We won't live down a defeat!" Moonfyre is an arrow cutting through the air as she closes the distance between without opening her wings.

I feel my heartbeat like a drum as the ocean gets closer and closer, Ships that looked like ants quickly grow in size and we dart past my sister and her dragon. An angered noise fades behind me as Moonfyre trills once more and slowly opens her wings and raises her head slightly. I feel a shift as her tail catches wind as she uses the frills on it to slow us down ever so slightly.

Her slowly opening wings are spread wide and our speed has drastically reduced, pulling out a hand mirror from Infront of me on the saddle I grip it tight as I hold it up. Seeing Drogon behind us I smile wide and wonder how much of a grump he is going to be later. I slide my 'rearview mirror' back into its little holder on the saddle as I look forward.

Dragonstone's massive Volcano the Dragonmont looks inviting after all these years of living on it, an odd sight. An imposing 'evil' looking fortress with massive statues of dragons and other creatures such as sphynx scattered around the fortress. If I was flying up to a girl's house to take her out to dinner I would turn my dragon away setting my eyes on this.

Moonfyre glides in and only flaps her wings a few times before touching down in the big empty courtyard we left from. I start undoing the straps on my legs and soon hear heavy flaps as Drogon approaches, a rumbling in his chest helps identify him.

"He seems angry girl." I slide one leg free and a loud exhale from Moonfyre as she cranes her neck to look back at Drogon has me laughing.

She lowers herself to the ground as I free my other leg and swing one over so they are both on her right side. I grunt hitting the ground and pat my legs as I raise back up, I turn to watch Drogon use his foot as a step for Danny to disembark. She walks over as Moonfyre makes her way over to the 'lift' that helps get the saddle off.

"You just had to start it didn't you?" She asks while crossing her arms but the smile on her face betrays her emotions.

"I didn't think he would try to get a head start, he heard the magic word and took matters into his own claws." She sighs and looks over to where Moonfyre waits to have the harness lower down to lift the saddle off her back.

A pretty simple crank is put on a pole with a rope leading up to the ceiling on a pulley and lowering down to the harness. The Harness has clips on it to grab the sides of the saddle and lift it off once it is all undone and ready to be lifted.

We both walk over and watch as the new 'dragon keepers' get to work undoing the saddle and start lowering the harness. Moonfyre waits patiently like a well 'trained' dragon who has the patience to not burn anyone. But her eyes narrowing on the Dragon keepers as they move shows she is ready to lash out and smash some fools.

I hear Drogon grumbling behind me as he is most likely dreading what is coming next, he likes to go for flights with Danny but hates putting on and taking off the saddle. He hasn't smashed or burned anyone in the process of getting it put on or taken off but that doesn't stop him from growling at people.

"To their credit, they are pretty brave." I nod hearing Danny's words as the dragon keepers all saw what happened when the hooks were put in but they still eagerly work with the dragons.

They are also the ones to acquire meat when the dragons get around to eating, they usually fish but their diet is rounded. They seem to be just a group of people who genuinely enjoy the presence of the fire-breathing 'monsters'.

How my dad and brother found them I will never know, it's not like there is a website like Indeed here where you can post a position. The saddles harness is manipulated to grab onto the sides of the harness by ropes the keeps pull to align it. They have the harness lowered until it is aligned with the lip of the saddle and then they pull the ropes on the side to pull it under the lip. Once that is done on one side they do it on the other, soon the cranks are being cranked and Moonfyre is free from the saddle.

She shakes herself off as she makes her way out into the courtyard and Drogon is free to make his way under the lift once Moonfyres saddle is dropped.

"She is waiting for him." I laugh seeing Moonfyre wait in the courtyard instead of flying off on her own.

"She is just helping the Keepers, last time she flew off Drogon reacted poorly and I think she knows that." I nod and nudge her side before heading to a door leading inside.

"Let's go inside I want to get cleaned up and show you a piece I have been working on." She hums and we make our way inside leaving the keepers to their work.

It should be fine.


Lutes and harps or Horns and a simple trumpet were about the extent of this world's instruments when I arrived. Drums as well but simple in design and nothing like a drum set in a rock band or even like a simple snare from a marching band.

They had a different kinds of string instruments here and there with something similar to a bass as well but things kicked off when I got my hands involved. Violins and cellos were made even though no one knew any songs I sure did. Flutes were made easily since they are some 'bone flutes' that were used as references. Guitars as well were pretty simple but impactful when compared to a lute. The hardest thing to recreate and still not done perfectly is the piano, I would have never expected it to be as hard as it is.

Even with the gift from Nova, I have struggled with having a working Piano but the newest one that even has properly colored keys has been working well. I have been writing my favorite songs and even teaching some of my family how to play them as well so we can perform together.

Right now we are working on playing Imagine dragons warriors and I took the piano and it actually sounds pretty good with the other instruments playing along. It's like a Walmart version of the original but if I am honest that might as well be the Beethoven of this world.

As we finish up and the music is over the servants clap like madmen and some maids even have tears in their eyes. I pity these people, this sounded mostly like a bunch of cats in a bag with how unpracticed my nephews are but it is progress.

I plan on having a 'band' accompany me when I go to big events or participate in a tourney. I will have my very own theme song or I will die trying. But for now, goofing off with my family is satisfying and is a good start and helps the time pass. That and my mom loves it and bringing her smiles is worth the effort of training Rhaegal with the drums.

Even if the drums have had to be replaced seven times.