
187 AC


Aerion Targaryen


"Fuck off, I should not have told you anything and instead let you suffer delusions of madness." I scoop up the black cat that jumped up onto my desk to knock things over and set it back onto the ground where it yowls at me.

Mya has taken like a damn fish to water when it comes to warging, and she loves to piss me off with animals she knows I would feel bad for punching. So currently she is laying in my bed 'taking a nap' because she apparently likes the smell of my pillow, but it was all a lie. She just wanted to slip her secret agent the cat in to start knocking shit over on my desk as she lounges on my bed.

I look down and see the cat who is actually my soon-to-be wife possessing the cat nuzzling my leg while purring. I push her away with my foot and she comes back making me sigh in both frustration and to stop from laughing.

Leaning down I scoop the cat back up and set it on the desk where its tail raises and flicks as it looks down at the 'paperwork'. I find it cut until I see the paw dart out and kick my cup off the table and it clatters to the ground before the cat leaps off the desk. Swaying its tail as it heads for the cracked door out of my solar.

"Fucking bitch." My chair grinds against the floor as I sprint out of the room looking for the cat to get my vengeance, not finding it I head up the stairs for the source instead.


187 AC


Daenerys Targaryen


"Danny protect me I am delicate!" Mya rolls over on the bed and rolls on top of me before cuddling up to my side with a fearful look at the door.

Her small cat comes running into the room with loud stomping coming from behind it and I rub my brows at what likely happened. Mya has been pissing Aerion off at every chance she can get, nothing permanent or to damaging but she has been like a fussy baby. I almost could confuse her for one of my twins, I wonder if it has to do with the babe growing inside of her. If it is the source we better all pray it does not share her 'gifts' or hell will raise in Harrenhal.

"Mya!" My loving husband busts into the room with a feral look in his eyes before spotting our sister burying her face in my neck.

Mya lifts her head and rubs her eyes while yawning, she looks around before meeting eyes with Aerion and smiling. I would almost believe it if she did not beg me moments ago to 'protect' her because she is delicate.

"What's wrong Husband?" She sounds concerned as if she has no clue what is going on, the word 'husband' always gets a reaction from Aerion.

It is plain as day that he likes the title and almost preens in pride sometimes when I refer to him as such. Mya picked up on it long ago and has been using it ever since she found out she was pregnant. The wedding plans didn't get it to sink in as much as his baby growing inside of her did. I guess she was holding back from accepting it fully because she was keeping in mind how much trouble it would cause. But Aerion's baby growing inside of her snipped away any hesitation or worry about what others will think. She wants everyone to know her baby is his and they love each other, it was nice watching her rise above the worries and stress.

"You are coming with me to clean up what you did." No doubt in his voice even though it's less firm and the fire snuffing out to embers compared to his entrance.

"What did I do?" She asks in confusion as she pinched me under the covers almost begging me to help her but I am enjoying the show that ruined my nap.

I peek over Mya's fat chest and spot my babes in their cradle no longer sleeping and on their bellies with raised heads watching as well. I smile at them and Aemon spots it giving me a toothless one in return as his little feet kick in excitement behind him.

"You know what you did, don't think because you carry my babe I won't sling you over my shoulder and tan that ass." I look away from the babes catching Aerion slowly approaching the bed with the promise of vengeance in his eyes.

"Help me..." Mya whispers and nuzzles back into the crook of my neck.

"Aerion let her sleep for awhile, the babe had her stomach tossing and she has been restless since she got in bed." I give a pointed look to the silky brown hair as she woke me up twice now that I think about it. "I will come to help you..." I slip out from under Mya with my own plans starting to form.

I check the babes once more and find them behaving and I know I have a few moments out of the room before they get fussy. I make my way off the bed and stand up before heading for Aerion and looping my arm with his and heading for the door. Prunella is also out and with Shiera getting into some trouble so I don't have to worry about her overhearing anything. I hunt for moments of 'relaxing' like this and it's always a joy when one shows itself when I need it.

Seeing Mya's cat make to follow us and her head resting on the pillow I know she is up to something once more so I shut the door behind me. She can watch the babes for a bit while I clean up the mess she made both in Aerion's Solar and by frustrating him.


187 AC


Melissa Blackwood


I watch Gwenys as she takes secret messages from cloaked me in the large Hall of a Hundred Hearths. She was helping me with the last of the wedding preparations but then swarms of men delivering words from all over Westeros arrived. She is helping Aerion with his 'Singing Minstrels' as she enjoys all the drama of the secrets. I want to shake my head at her when she giggles reading over them before deciding what is important or not.

It seems thirty to forty every few days is delivered and Aerion trusts her to know what needs his attention and what she can handle on her own. I am not sure how I feel about my sweet girl using secrets to bribe and steal people's gold but she seems to be enjoying herself. I want to smack Aerion upside his head for making my sweet do such dark work but he is not forcing her but rather 'allowing' her to do it.

"What came this time?" I ask with a disinterested tone even though I really want to know as she laughed harder than the last few.

"Lord Tyrell has no idea his wife is slowly making him lose excess weight by making copies of the plate but making them a touch smaller along with the portions. She downsizes his plate every few months and it's only a touch smaller but he has slimmed up because of her scheme. it is not worth much, but it could still be a funny rumor to spread at the right places to cause him to get embarrassed and maybe start an argument between the two." I sigh, she is trying to ruin a marriage when the woman just does not want to suffer under a fat pig of a man.

I should know, Aegon got bigger after me but he still swelled up like a pregnant woman and I was off-put by it. I try not to think about how he ended up because it hurts my heart to see someone I cared for fall so far, a terrible way to die. I won't hide I am bitter deep down about being tossed aside for a Bracken of all people but I have long accepted it's fine to be angry. Maybe it was the Gods that swelled him up for how horribly he lived and he died indulging in his lusts.

"Don't hurt the poor Lady Tyrell by exposing her, she will suffer worse than having him crush her on the mattress if he gets embarrassed." She waves her hand as if to tell me to leave her alone and I snort, I will show her something if she keeps that up.

Just because she has grown up does not mean she is too old for me to get ahold of her and show a mother's discipline. I could also ask Aerion to help me if she tried to escape, I saw the way he chased down Prunella when she tried to run off with Dark sister down the hall. It would be like back on Dragonstone when they chased each other around playing a hiding game.

Even if the children did not get found when they saw two of them running around trying to tag one another they all soon came out and chased. The games they used to get up to would always make me smile along with Naerys.

Thinking about Naerys I wonder if she managed to get the proper robes made up from Narha who said she would figure it out. Narha is very good at what she does and I have faith in her but I would like to see the robes before the wedding day. But I have no doubt she will get it right, she can make some of the best dresses and other clothes I have seen.

I even started wearing the underclothes she makes that are very comfortable and has spread like wildfire across Westeros. Other Houses have started copying her and making their own copies and many can get it close to Narha's level of comfort but Narha still sells out every time she opens up for sale. It is interesting to see people from all over come from as far as Qarth to buy as much as they can of her different outfits and dresses and it all sells out before the day ends.

"I should go check on Narha, I want to see for myself what they have turned out to look like." I stand up and Gwenys nods without looking up from the message she is reading.

I shake my head at her and turn to leave while looking around at the many unlit hearths yet the room is still pleasantly warm. I have visited here before Aerion obtained the castle and it always felt dead and dreary, but it has been different since he got it. He cleared out whatever made Harrenhal a wasteland and turned it into a home where children will run around and play. Prunella is just the first troublemaker who will run down the hall screaming and causing panic, and I can't wait to see the babe in Mya run around making a ruckus.


"What do you think?" I smile at the robe which is the very image of what I imagined it to be from the writings Aerion found in Dragonstone.

"Beautiful, you did a good job with this." I fold it neatly and set it aside with joy in my chest before I spot some lace that looks like it is the framing for some kind of gown.

It has support for a large bust and loops around with a neat pattern but it has no cloth to cover the actual breast, it only supports both of them individually. The lower piece is little more than a strip of lace with an intricate pattern on it and Narha quickly grabs both from my hands. The silver-haired dark-skinned woman I watched grow up from a small little thing looks more embarrassed than I have ever seen her.

"Something new?" I ask trying to ease her mood and she nods while hiding it in a drawer at her workbench. "I would love to see it when it's done." I smile and her face stiffens into an awkward mask.

"It is done..." My eyes widen and I try to imagine what she means by that till I realize it's meant to...expose the body.

"Oh." I mutter as I grab my arm and rub it as I look for anything else to point out and she shifts in place.

"Do you think it would look bad on me?" She suddenly asks and I bite my lip as I look into her eyes.

"I am unsure how to answer that..." She clears her throat and nods as she looks down.

"I was going to wear it when I...Bellenora wants to wear one as well when we..." She mutters in a defeated tone before shaking her head and grabbing the other robe intended for Aerion and showing it off as well.

It felt like she was trying to confess something to me like when she was a small girl and broke something. I almost want to say something to make sure she is fine but I hold back as she still looks flustered. I will focus instead on the robe she worked hard on, her Mother is a captain and was rarely if ever around. So she latched on to older women easily as a child and I took care of her often so I feel some motherly love for the young woman.

But it seems she also does not want me to dig into why exactly she needs some 'clothes' like that so I will stay out of it. If she needs me I will be there though, I would hate to see something happen to her.