
187 AC


Aerion Targaryen


There is only so much preparing for the fallout I can manage when I know the faith will flip its lid hearing of my second marriage. That is why I am not even going to do anything and if some 'poor fellows' or whatever they were called rise up to cause me problems... well dragons can fix things. Everyone and their Mother knows I am screwing around with like half the Targaryen women in Harrenhal and no one gives a shit. They will only care when some fat old man in a sept who can't even wash his own feet because he can't bend over tells people I am sinful. This is why I will personally be visiting any naysayers with my dragon and informing them their opinion is just wrong.

So instead my days leading up to my second marriage have been a whirlwind of Melissa asking me if she is spending too much. Only for me to assure her it's fine and to do what she wants, making my ex-Step Mom slash Good Mother happy is paying off when Mya seeks to 'reward' me. Add to the mix the Celtigars showed up and stayed a week before hightailing it back to Crab Isle and to oversee my shipyard's construction. Little Prunella has been like a fish in the sea when it comes to my twins, she loves them to death and even tried to sleep with them.

I found her climbing the cradle in the middle of the night and we both just stared at each other before she puffed her lips and looked ready to cry. I felt like I was the bad guy for being concerned she would squish them but also not wanting to take her away from her new friends. I guess she was lonely on Claw Isle with no other kids and I know she is eager for them to learn to talk and whatnot but it's way too soon.

But things are starting to mellow out with the wedding approaching and Prunella settling in, well other than my aunts. They seem to have this deep combative nature that has been unleashed from their times as younger women. Random ambushes in side rooms or right in the open and hoping we won't be spotted. Elaena cornered the market on 'work time fun time' and Daena is left playing catch up when she can snatch me to herself.

"When are we visiting DragonsRest?" Daenerys asks as she lazes on the couch in my solar.

"A week after the wedding, I thought you would still be complaining about not wanting to take the babies flying." I have taken them both up many times now, they love it and I love watching them giggle their heads off.

"Either they fly with you in secret or they fly in my arms, I can't stop you when you get focused on something. I want to make sure we have plenty of furs for them though, I don't want them to get cold up in that barren wasteland." Her dislike of the North has never changed no matter how much I tell her the Gift is growing like a paradise under my men.

"Narha made them enough outfits for months but it's only a week or two depending on how it goes." I want to inspect the lands myself other than reading reports of the progress, lots of lumber is harvested every day and I want to see how cleared out it looks.

"I see." She kicks her feet in the air and groans.

"If you are that bored just go and play with the babes, Melissa has had them for hours now." I narrow my eyes at her as she keeps kicking up a fuss in my solar and distracting me.

"No." I take a deep breath and set down my pen as I turn fully to face her.

She looks at me and a staring contest begins to see who will break first but I catch her hand moving to the neck of her dress. She swiftly yanks down ruining the fabric and exposing her breasts while running her tongue across her lips.

"Fuck it." I stand up pushing my chair back as she gives me a triumphant look I will wipe off with a hard pounding.


187 AC


Mya Rivers


It happened again, it keeps happening and I do not know the cause of it.

One moment I am laying in bed with a horrible aching stomach and the next thing I know I am in the sky flapping my feathered wings. The urge to hunt something to eat fills my core and I search out anything wiggling on the ground.

Only to be broken from the trance when I throw up anything I have eaten, a horrible illness that is sending me mad. I want to tell Aerion but he would waste all his time sitting around with me with worry on his mind, I also don't know if he could catch it. Daenerys has been helping me since I told her I have been sick and for some odd reason told me she 'understood' before scheming with our aunts to wear Aerion out. So he has been preoccupied with fending them off to come and see my miserable state, at family meals I put on a brave front as my stomach twists.

The worst of it is the trance I keep going into, seeing the world through the eyes of animals is the best way I would describe it. Once I was in a rat and I was kicked by a servant when I was panicking. It hurt so much I thought I was going to die until I woke back up in my own body and was able to calm down.

I think I should go to the Maester, Aerion hates the Maesters and pretty much paid for the best available one and threatened him with death should he try anything. Something about how coinvent the Maester's order is and it's too hard to replace quickly with the ravens and health treatment. But he seems to trust this Maester enough since he has lasted the whole time we have been at Harrenhal.

I will go to him and see if there is anything he can give me that will make the illness go away. I avoided it for days as I always do when I am ill, my Mother use to get furious when I did this but she is distracted planning a wedding so it was fine. Avoiding getting questioned by her and worrying Aerion is the main reason I have not gone to the Maester till now but I can't wait anymore.

I need to find out what is wrong.


"You are pregnant." I stare at the man who looks old enough to have been alive when Harrenhal was built and he stares right back.

"I am what?" Is it not too soon?

It has only been a little more than a month since we started having sex... maybe two but no more than that.

"It is likely pregnancy, it could be something else but there is no one else coming down with anything similar. Your current situation is similar to many early signs of pregnancy I have seen, just drink a lot of water and wait it out." I left out the animal parts because I thought it was madness but now I am thinking about saying something.

I mean it could be pregnancy, but I also could have some kind of madness-causing illness... that no one else has. So either it is just me who came down with it or there is no sickness and I am pregnant.

"I see." I nod and jump up from my seat with my next spot to head to already decided. "Thank you." I quickly head for the door not caring to stay any longer as I decide to come out to Aerion about my possible oncoming death... or his baby growing inside of me.


187 AC


Aerion Targaryen


"You know what is the best part of being your own employer?" I ask my wife as she lays across me like an overheated and sweaty blanket.

"What?" She turns her head on my chest to look at me with tired eyes.

"I can just say 'fuck it' and cancel work for the day." I will ignore tomorrow until it is here...

She shakes her head and is about to speak up when we both hear the door get knocked as if someone is dying on the other side. I sit up and hold Danny to me as she wraps her legs around my waist and sets her head on my shoulder.

"Hold on." I stand up and she tightens her grip around me as I walk toward the door. "Who is it?" I ask as I stand a good distance from the door but close enough to be heard, heard too many stories of people shoving swords through doors to stand right in front of it.

"Mya." I hear Mya respond and am pleasantly surprised to hear from her as she has been doing her own thing the past few days.

I flip the lock and open the door making her go wide eye at the current state of dress of both Daenerys and myself. She shakes her head and walks past me and into the room where I shut the door and turn to follow her. Danny decides to stop being a koala when I approach the desk and she sits on it as Mya paces back and forth.

"The sky falling?" I ask sarcastically as I make a show of looking out the window. "Nope, the sky is still up high." I look back at Mya to see her looking ready to deliver news about the death of a loved one.

"Ok, so either I am going mad because I am throwing up and somehow seeing through the eyes of animals..." My eyes go wider the more she speaks and I am confused where this is suddenly coming from. "Or the Maester is right and I am pregnant." She puts her hands on her hips and looks at me as if I know the answer.

"Awww, I hope it's a girl so Rhaella will have a sister soon." Daenerys coos and kicks her feet back and forth as she sits on the desk looking like a Valyrian goddess.

A sweaty Valyrian goddess.

Mya is a mix of happy about Danny's response and looking ready to push her over off the desk. I am just left wondering if she is warging and how she has that power, she is from a Riverlands house. A Riverlands house who is exiled from the North and likely has some of that magic blood of the North in her...

I walk forward and place my hands on her cheeks and make her look into my eyes as I squish her cheeks. She blinks but does not pull back as she shifts nervously in place, I want to mess with her if she is going to act cute like this but the magic comes first.

"Think about... animals or something." I give her my best serious look as I watch her eyes and instead of going white with magic and her taking over a bird or something instead they narrow.

"I am being serious here Aerion." She pulls away from my hands and frowns at me, the whole thing must have looked funny as Danny chuckles but I ignore her.

"I am serious as well, there is magic in the blood of the Northmen and I have even heard some of my men on expeditions beyond the wall talk about it. They call it warging and it's when you leave your body and enter the mind of an animal and see with its eyes taste with its tongue and so on and so on." I wonder if she is serious or if she has some pregnancy delusions going on, I know Danny saw some food one time on a table but it was not there no matter how much I looked for it. "Let's go find a raven and see if you can find out how to use it." I grab her hand and am about to head to the door before Danny clears her throat and looks over my body with a raised brow.

Oh yea, pants.

"Oh yea." I head for my discarded clothes and remember the other bomb Mya dropped as I stop midway and then look at her stomach. "The Maester said you were pregnant?" I ask and she nods making me smile.

Today just gets better and better, first Danny got frisky and then my soon-to-be second wife is pregnant and warging. Makes me wonder if the baby will be lucky as well and have some cool warging powers.