
187 AC


Aerion Targaryen


Elaena's production level shot through the roof and into the sky, after we rutted away, I think I found the cheat code. Whenever I have a lot of reports to go over or accounts to skim through to check on payment delivers off loans I have given, I will just throw her over the desk to 'warm her up'. She flew through what I wanted done today and is even cracking into tomorrow's work with a smile on her face.

The happy look she sends my way as she lets her 'pen' fly over the pages makes my heart race a little. All she needs is some glasses and a pencil skirt and this would be perfect...

My erotic fantasy shatters as the door to the solar is knocked on.

"It's unlocked!" I shout out for whoever it is so they will just open it with me having to get up.

The door opens revealing my wife carrying Rhaella, she scans the room with her amethyst eyes and they stop on Elaena. After giving her the once over she rolls her eyes and approaches the desk with her lips curling up.

"Here, she is getting fussy and ruining Aemon's good mood as Melissa tries to hold him." I take my daughter into my arms and nod, I suppose Melissa came to visit her daughters.

I wonder if Mya already told her about us or maybe even the rumors have already spread far enough that Melissa came to see for herself. I suppose I need to talk to her if she is worried about her daughter to assure her I will be taking care of any 'problems'.

One way or another...

"Why are you being fussy?" I whisper next to my daughter's ear and she just lays her head against my chest.

"Cute." I snort at Elaena who walks over to my desk to rub Rhaellas back as she starts to fall asleep.

She was probably just tired and they were being too loud for her taste so she tried to shout at them to shut up, now in her dad's solar she can sleep peacefully. Added bonus I look like a good father for rocking her and making sure she rests well even though I am avoiding working. My daughter knows just what I want, she has the best timing with Elaena getting us ahead of schedule so now I can slack off the rest of the 'work day'.

"I love you little one." I kiss her sweet head while planning to slip off for 'baby nap time'.


187 AC


Melissa Blackwood


Aemon drools with a wide open mouth letting out a strained giggle, each time I bounce him as I sit him up on my knee he giggles. He has giggled so much he has almost giggled himself out of breath.

I look forward across the low table separating two couches at my daughter as she whispers back and forth with Daenerys. When Aerion snuck by offering an excuse of 'baby is sleepy' and ran up to his room to laze around with his daughter they both glared at him. I am confident something happened but it seems they are all fine with it and are just being awkward about telling me if they even want to tell me.

"Is something wrong Mya?" I choose to just get to the heart of it, I pull Aemon to my chest and he squirms around happily.

My daughter gulps and meets eyes with me with a dusting of pink on her cheeks like some blushing bride. I almost let out a sigh seeing her act like this, she has changed a lot without me being around. I think I should ask Aerion if I can stay for longer than I intended and spend more time with my two wayward daughters. I can only imagine what Gwenys has gotten up to in recent times and I need to remedy that by being around more often.

It is only a short ride from Raventree Hall anyway.

"I was not expecting to tell you so soon, so I am not sure what to say at this moment." She stops and I wait as she collects her words with a worried look. "Not that I do not want to tell you, but I just did not think about sending a raven. I want you to know I just was not ready or even thought of saying anything as I was busy figuring things out myself." I smile trying to calm her down, I do not want her to think I will disapprove if it's something that will make her happy.

"I will go get lazy butt, he should be here if you are going to tell her." Daenerys stands up and heads for the stairs going up to where the bedrooms are and Mya bites her lips while looking away.

The door to the Solar opens and Elaena Targaryen walks out with a few books in her hands and some sealed scrolls looking ready to be delivered somewhere. She closes the solar behind her and the makes her way through the room and past the couches.

"Good luck." In a playful tone, Elaena makes Mya shift on the couch before glaring at the retreating back of the woman as she makes way for the door to leave.

"Good luck to you as well, I am certain you have a lot to talk about with Rhaena!" Mya bites back with a victorious smile on her face after Elaena groans.

I suddenly feel like I am missing a lot of information and my intention to stay longer has become rock solid.


A tear-stained Rhaella suckles away after Danny finally managed to stop her restless screaming. The poor baby was woken from her rest as soon as she got it and would not stop no matter what they did. We could hear her desperate cries from down here and finally, they decided to just bring her with them down here instead of laying her back to bed on her own, or so it seems.

Aemon watches his twin as he rests on my lap with his back against my stomach, his hand trying to fit in his mouth. I pull the hand away just for him to shove it at his face desperately so I am caught in a cycle.

"Alright, let's go ahead and clear the air because I know she will be screaming in just a moment." Aerion shakes his head with a fond look at his daughter. "We fucked." Aerion drops the words like a heavy weight off his back and sighs as he leans back onto the couch between Mya and Daenerys.

He puts an arm around each of the back of their heads and smiles as they both get sour looks. They both start to complain about his seemingly careless way of handling the situation but I nod toward him with a smile. If he was not confident enough to just say what is happening or happened then that would show his intention to 'hide it'.

"I see." Both young women stop chewing his ears off with harsh comments and look toward me.

"You see?" My daughter asks which I nod to while pulling Aemon up to cradle him as his head started falling forward toward my thighs.

"Yes I see, I already heard whispers upon my arrival and expected them to be somewhat true. But it is nice to hear it directly, I have nothing else to really say about it other than a single question." Both girls look dumbfounded and Aerion just shrugs.

"Ask away, I don't think there is much to actually hide." I suppose that in enough itself is an answer to part of the question I have.

"I can see you are not at odds nor do you seem to be acting close just for appearances." I look back and forth between the girls and they look at one another and nod trying to guess where I am going with this. "You three know how things ended up for me so my only question is what is the plan, for whatever it is you have going on?" I focus on my daughter to pick up on anything I can and she just looks confused.

"You are not going to say anything about...whatever it is we have going on?" I shake my head and she seems relieved but still, on edge, I hope she knows I only really want her to be happy at the end of the day.

Since her fool of a Father legitimized her he also threw out many potential marriages because she now is 'in line' for the throne. Even if she is far away from the throne she is still in line and people can and would use that to their benefit. So her options got limited by that last cruel act by her Father on his deathbed.

"Long story short, marriage." I blink at Aerion's words as I am surprised.

"You intend to marry Mya?" Neither reacts to his words so it seems this is something they all talked about and I am left wondering just what happened to spark this along.

I knew my daughter was attracted to Aerion but I never thought she would marry him once Daenerys and he was wed. Mya would go to every tourney she could that Aerion was in and they rode his dragon at every chance she could convince him. I just thought it was something doomed to fall apart as they grew older.

Now that I am thinking about it... Gwenys did much the same.

Truthfully most of his sisters chased after Aerion as he traveled Westeros making a name as a demon of the tourney grounds. His fame grew and so did their passion to see him smash his enemy. I push away the stray thought of him marrying the whole batch of them, it is more likely that things just fell into place with Mya and Aerion.

"As I said it's a long story, but yes I intend to marry her and it will be in Valyrian tradition. I know it will cause problems but the alternative is to just let the kids we may or may not have be legitimized by my Kingly brother. He already said he would name any child I have that claims a dragon as a Targaryen, likely marriage to his grandkids will be expected for one or two of them but that is normal. I just did not see the reason to do everything married people do and have Targaryen kids without just getting married. It seems just a waste of time to 'legitimize them' when a marriage can do it and there be no 'doubt'." There will be doubt regardless as the faith will be enflamed by such a thing happening.

"The Faith of the seven will not be happy about this." Though I only put forth an effort to look devout to the seven to avoid annoying problems.

Lots of people if not most of House Blackwood worship the old gods but even the followers of the old gods don't take multiple wives anymore. As someone who was a mistress I do not mind, I was expecting Mya to follow in my footsteps from what I was seeing. But if they want to marry it is even better than her just following her heart and being in a similar position to what I was in.

"The Faith already has problems with me, my Father and Mother are brother and sister and I married my twin. That alone is enough for them to detest me but the heralding of the dragon's return stops their slow power growth over the time since the Dance. They will be no madder after I marry Mya than they were hearing dragons hatched on Dragonstone. I do not doubt they will make claims and tell people we are monsters but there will be consequences for their words, I will handle it." My heart starts beating quickly hearing 'I will handle it' as if he is going to do something drastic.

"I see..." I just hope he does not burn a sept or something, I did not think much of the Dothraki he burned in Essos, but here is different.

Another war with dragons in it will cripple Westeros.

Though I suppose for someone who is already rich and stacks gold in his vaults to the ceiling he won't mind if Westeros is burned to the ground. He would only stand to gain from people taking loans to recover, and wouldn't that be a sour feeling for the Lords? To come to the man who burned your lands to ask for gold to repair them and then have to pay him back.

As if you paid him to destroy your own things, I hope for their sakes they do not anger the dragon of Harrenhal. Faithful or not it is foolish to throw yourself to your death when all he is doing is marrying another woman. It at the end of the day has nothing to do with them, it is his house and his decision. But I suppose as someone who was a mistress I will have a different view on it than the rest of Westeros.

"So when is the wedding?" I ask before thinking about how I said I only would have one question, I can't help but feel a little excited to see my daughter in a nice dress.

Maybe I also am wanting another one of these cute babies in my arms as soon as possible and feel like spurring them on. Being a real grandmother has my heart aching and builds a strong desire to rain kisses on the boy in my arms.