
196 AC


Aerys Targaryen


Dear Gods above, why did I get picked for this?

I can easily guess the truth behind the sudden death of my uncle, it is no secret to anyone what he has been doing. I expected him to die off years ago after the birth of the twins and his constant attempts to use my Father or even one of us his nephews to try and get Aerion to accept a marriage proposal. He would try and say stuff like 'House Martell would also have the blood of the dragon' as if that is all that is needed to be allowed the strongest military asset in the world. If that was the case then every Dragon Seed would have a dragon... we all have seen what happens when you trust a Dragon Seed with a dragon.

But ignoring the 'why' I am presented with this duty, I am left with the 'why me' that is really bothering me.

"Mother surely there is some distant Martell relative that bares the name and can sit the Sunspear throne until my cousin is of age." I plead my case but it falls on deaf ears as she continues eating, she called me to break my fast with her and just her alone.

She did not want others to see me react to the news no doubt, she knows I have no interest in ruling... let alone ruling Dorne.

"Aerys... you have to do this, it is the only way I can see this all working out in the end." She gives me a tight lip smile that seems almost pained and I can't help but sigh.

"Can you at least explain to me your reasoning?" I might just flee the Keep and disappear for a while if there is no decent reason.

She looks at me with hesitance before reaching out and taking my hand in hers.

"I can trust your Uncle to not want to burn down Sunspear if you are there, and I know now that he is out for blood. I have no doubt there will be some Houses in Dorne taking offense to the blatant assassination of their Prince. I can rest easy knowing Sunspear will at least stand when everything is settled and the only way I see that coming to pass is with you ruling from it." She sighs and her grip tightens on my hand as my mouth goes dry.

"If you think there will be a conflict... you are sending me into danger?" I ask feeling a bit betrayed and try to pull my hand back only for her grip to turn to steel.

"No." She practically hisses. "I am going to be with you, nothing will happen to you because of the Dornish Houses and I know Aerion won't do anything to you. This way we can both work to try and stop any coming conflict with both our voices working together. I can speak with the Dornish who admittedly do not like you as much as your older brother Baelor because of your coloring. You can speak to Aerion when the time comes because he actually loves you and won't harm you, everything will work out this way." I slowly nod after wetting my throat with some sweet wine from the Arbor, my thoughts spinning.

"I see." I reply while wondering how much of my library I can bring with me with the limited time I have to prepare.


196 AC


Mya Targaryen


"They both are cuties, aren't they?" I puff my lips and nudge my Brother who I have not seen in almost a full year, Brynden sighs as he looks at his nieces.

"They are just as cute as the last time I saw them..." He replies tiredly with a weary look making me want to elbow him in the ribs for acting like this is draining him.

"Can't you be more active, this is your family and you are making it seem a chore to be around them." I grit my teeth wanting to warg into his horse and bite his ear for being such a... for being such a 'Brynden'.

"I am, Mya." He replies evenly as he narrows his eyes at me, his blood-red eyes bore into me. "I am just tired after yesterday." I nod and look away from him, if I do not look away I might just punch him in his nose.

"Well don't stay up on our behalf, go rest away night owl." I don't know why I even try to include him when all he does is spoil the fun every time, duty this and skulking in the corner that.

Master of Whispers fits him a little too well.

"... fine." He stands and makes to leave, Viserra my sweet little three-name-day-old girl looks up at him with a tilted head.

""Bye?"" Viserra asks in her Mother tongue almost making me smile despite the anger boiling in my chest.

""Bye-bye, little dragon."" Brynden takes a knee and tucks some of my darling girl's hair behind her ear, a hint of a smile on his face before it returns to its natural state resembling a statue.

I sigh as he leaves the room, Visenya only looked up once from her book and then returned to her studies after seeing he was leaving. Visenya is distant from her Uncle despite the efforts I put in to make sure our whole family stays tightly knit together. Visenya loves playing with her Brothers and Sisters and her more distant family in House Blackwood. But she could not care less about her Uncles and what they get up to, if it's not a scaled friend she is not all that excited to be around anyone.

"How is the book?" I ask my oldest as I pick up my youngest and approach her, taking the seat across from her she purses her lips.

"It's fine." She quickly replies turning the page, her Father wants her to finish all the bookwork he brought along on this trip to Kingslanding so she is focused on it as much as she can.

She loves making her Dad proud, all of the little troublemakers do.

"Any troubles?" I ask while trying to stop my thoughts from drifting to my Brother and how much I want to put some itching powder in his bed.

I am sure his little lover would be furious about it, the woman is about as dark and gloomy as he is. From Asshai she claims to be, I doubt it with how everything I have heard about her leads to a birth and life in Pentos. Aerion is friends with the Prince of Pentos, I can ask him to look into it and find out the truth. They have been together for a while and have no children and Brynden only becomes more gloomy the longer he stays with her, Mother is worried about him.

"None." I sigh shaking my head, she does not want to talk to me either...

"Want to go explore the secret tunnels?" I ask while using my feet to tap at her feet under the table, she pouts her lips and moves to sit on her legs.

"I want to finish this." I roll my eyes, she has likely been playing in the tunnels with her siblings or warging into an animal to explore them, if not she would want to go the moment she heard about them.

"Fine." I huff as I set Viserra on the table, my sweet girl chews on her lip as she looks between me and her Sister in confusion.

"Fight?" She asks with a cute voice causing me to smile as Visenya looks up in confusion.

"No fight this time." I reply earning me an understanding nod from my youngest and a glare from my oldest.


196 AC


Shiera Targaryen


Groaning as I sit up in my seat I feel my back scream at me in pain, the desire to be free from the growing weight of my second child is ever present in my mind. I long for the birthing pains that will put to end the lesser but ever-present back and stomach pain from caring for a lovable little babe inside of me. I can only look at my precious little Gaemon and see his smiling little face to give myself some comfort in the hard efforts going into giving him another sibling.

I can only envy Daenerys and her pregnancies that almost seem to leave her unaffected other than the occasional moody day during her later moons of pregnancy. But Aerion can usually calm her down quickly with some effort either in the kitchen or in our chambers. But I find it hard to act as she does when made heavy, I feel like whining and complaining even though I do actually love the experience overall.

Maybe she has a trick to it that I do not know...

""Mom, do you think we can go see Erinnon?"" My beautiful Son asks pulling me from my thoughts and the sharp pain echoing in my back. ""I promised him that I would bring him an extra big fish today..." I roll my eyes seeing him puff his lips and try and give me what Aerion calls 'puppy eyes'.

""We can go, I will send for your Father to accompany us so I do not fall over."" He smiles wide and clenches his fists in excitement with his blue and purple eyes gaining a excited glint to them.

""I am going to pick the biggest fish there is."" I smile and rub my belly wondering if I will be having another boy like Gaemon or if I will have a girl.

The first clutch of eggs from one of the she dragons gives hope that no matter what it is that it might get an egg in its cradle. There are still a few children without dragons and they get priority to test the eggs but I have hope. I look forward to seeing another little baby dragon curled up with my own babe inside of a cradle. It brought me great happiness and filled me with pride last time, a dragon opens up a bright and vast future for my children.

I got to pick what I wanted to do and can still do as I want solely because I know my Husband will use Moonfyre if needed on my behalf. My children will also have that option presented to them when the time comes for them to make their own decisions. I am very happy for them and can not wait to share some of the 'magic' left behind by my Mother. Ancient magic from Valyria from a long-forgotten family that she was from and died with her upon the bed that brought me to life.

Thinking about it makes me wonder about Aerion's own plans for our children though, I know he has talked at great lengths about different plans. He does not like the idea of sitting idle in Harrenhal with a whole 'flock' of dragons once they can all be ridden. The ideas he has said aloud are enough to give me a general path he wishes to take... and I can't decide if I am scared or aroused at the prospect.

I fear for my children should they fly off to fight a war of conquest... but I also know that with the number of dragons we have there is little anyone can do to 'us'. I can see my Husband leading his children with Moonfyre to claim vast swaths of Essos without any real resistance as they do not have armies and rely on Sell swords. The very same Sell swords who my Husband has mountains of gold to throw at and get to stand aside or even join him to later settle the taken lands.

And everyone knows how easily he could purge the rot that is the Dothraki from debatably the most fertile region in all of Essos. Aerion could simply take everything and forge it into one just as Aegon and his Sisters did during their own conquest. It burns me with arousal the thought of seeing him go that path, but I also want to make sure my Husband has enough 'warriors' on his side. So pregnancy pains will have to be dealt with and late-night wake-ups from crying babes will be welcomed with joy knowing they will one day become an unstoppable force that could and likely will take the world with Fire and Blood.

Not to mention the joy my Son and all his siblings bring me with just their tiny smiles, it makes the feeling of knives in my back seem distant and not important.

And to think... some Dornish Prince thought he could get his hands on my husband's most important 'pieces' just so he had something to brag about and add to his 'legacy'. No one will get their hands on dragons until likely the whole of the lands we know are united under House Targaryen.