
196 AC


Aerion Targaryen


"Home sweet home." Moonfyre shakes her head like a wet dog as she lowers her body down to the ground and stretches out her wing so the kiddos can scamper down from the saddle easier.

"NO DON'T!" Little Viserys shouts as he chases after Daenys attracting everyone's attention. "I CALLED DIBS!" I snort in amusement at how important 'dibs' has become after I taught each of my kids what it means.

Some things just needed to be introduced to this world, like washing hands and brushing teeth regularly.

"What is he after?" Elaena asks seeing her Daughter running from Viserys who is already taller than her.

Daenys is going to be a short girl like Daenerys, but she is her mothers spitting image in the face only missing the gold-streaked highlight through her silver hair.

"Only the higher powers over this world could tell you that." I shrug as I help Viserra down from the saddle, the little girl quickly becoming independent, or rather wanting to be, but she still always takes her Fathers support when offered.

It is painful when they stop clinging onto me all the time, but I have always had another entering the stage of wanting all my attention by the time one starts wanting to run around. I have Alyssa growing up and soon to start walking and then the one in Shieras belly after that to look forward to, Gaemon is still a bit clingy as well.

But unless I get another lined up this is the first time I have not had multiple people pregnant at once... I might finally not have small hands snatching at my pant leg. Which if I am honest makes me feel like punching something and also cheer for joy at the same time, it's complicated.

"Well, whatever they are after we need to keep up before they get themselves into trouble." Elaena sighs and I nod as I help Bellenora off Moonfyres wing and turn to follow the Targaryen horde toward the castle.


"You guys were willing to tear each other's hair out over some cheese?" I ask dumbfound as I squat beside Viserys who is holding his head where his smaller yet older sister yanked at his silver locks.

"It's mine!" Daenys pouts as she holds onto the small roll of experimentally aged cheese I apparently told them we would eat when we got back.

I don't even remember saying we could eat it...

"But you can't hurt your Brother, look he is crying." Viserys sniffs loudly as he clenches his fists tightly.

"I am not crying!" He 'hics' shortly after saying that making me snort as I set a hand on his shoulder and pull him against my side.

"Sure bud." He 'hics' again as I reach out for the cheese and take it into my hands much to the displeasure of my Daughter who looks like I just kicked her in the chest.

"Noooo." She pitifully whines as I take the small roll in my hands and slowly try and tear it in half as if it's bread and not five-year-old cheese.

It crumbles into a bunch of pieces and I quickly stuff a small one in my mouth as both children greedily snatch at the pieces that did not fall in my lap but on the floor.

"Five-second rule." Viserys no longer pouting calls out as he stuffs his face.

I sure hope that 'rule' does not get passed down... might end up with someone getting some kind of disease or something. It's a pretty safe bet to consider every floor filthy enough that a pig would not eat off it in this kind of 'time period'. But I won't say anything this time, not when I know this room is kept as clean as possible.

"Good?" I ask while I internally think about the taste myself.

"Yuck." Daenys sticks her little pink tongue out with a grimace as Viserys ignores the both of us to look at the cheese in confusion.

"What's wrong?" I ask him nudging his side and he looks up at me with watery eyes.

"It's not good." I snort taking the cheese from him as I stand up and shake my head.

"Fine, let's try it melted over some chips and see what you think about it then." I don't even know if I approved of this cheese testing, to begin with, and they both are not pulling their punches calling it nasty.


"Better." Daenys nods as she takes another freshly fried up chip and dips it in the dowl with some ground-up beef mixed with the molten cheese that is still bubbling.

"Not too hot?" I ask as I watch the both of them much away as if I have not fed them in days.

"It's good." Viserys childishly waves me off with some hardening cheese on the tip of his nose.

Looking over at Daenys she giggles also noticing it but Viserys presses on eating without caring for what we are doing. I can't help but shake my head as I scoop a little more gooey goodness from the small pot.

Looking around the dining room I smile as I feel the familiar feeling of 'home' seep into my very bones.


196 AC


Brandon Stark


Smiling as I rub my forehead I read the latest raven from the Gift, things are going very well. More food than we will likely need unless a sudden Winter comes and takes us, I might even be able to sell some down South. Though it might be better to get in touch with Prince Aerion, his shipyard might be the best available option for moving the latest harvest and selling part of it.

The Prince has done quite a lot for the North and even gifted a Valyrian steel dagger named Wolfs Fang to House Stark. He certainly has changed how the people of the North live, we have not had so much presence outside of the North as we do now. Northern sailors went as far as Yin in the far distant east, and people from those very same lands coming all the way to Winterfell to trade knowledge and their crafts for animal skins.

Southern Lords trying to marry their Daughters into Northern houses with a frenzy we have never seen. I even think the Bolton heir married a girl from the Stormlands, which is most unusual compared to the past. We are the biggest kingdom and have plenty of lands and have little conflict with one another, but because of the lack of food since the gift got gifted off to the Night watch we have always been seen as 'poor'. Now with some gold in our pockets, almost everyone wants to get in on the 'rising kingdom' as Prince Aerion put it.

I will admit, I thought he was talking out of his ass when he negotiated this deal with the Watch to my older brother. But after my brother passed away and I took over, things have started to really come together with his assistance. The watch is thriving like never before as well, which I know they are glad for, even if I many would say they deserve to freeze their balls off.

Criminals the lot of them, at least that is what most people think.

There are some good men at the wall, and they bring honor to themselves and their families with their service. With the way things are going and the direction Prince Aerion is taking in talking with the Wildlings we might be able to do even more good up there passed the wall. The Nights watch is shifty with his idea and the Lord Commander has been in constant contact with me fearing he might need to ask for assistance with the Wildlings.

At one point even the Blackfyre came up here to talk with some Wildlings but soon rushed back south after nearly freezing his balls off.

But Prince Aerion has been talking with different tribes and even the Giants, Hardhome is quite active according to the Lord Commander. Prince Aerion has been sending food up there to the Wildlings in return for ice spider silk from the haunted forests and other valuables that the Wildlings care little for.

I can't wait to see what comes of all of this, it is exciting and new and feels like a fresh breath has been breathed into the North


196 AC

Casterly Rock

Damon Lannister


Shaking my head I throw the message into the fireplace with a sigh.

"I am getting too old for this shit." My eyes sting just from the light reading and I feel anger knowing I will not rest soon.

My idiot of an heir is still not ready, he is dancing around acting a fool and leaving all the duties to me. Does he want me to toil away till my hands fall off and then he will take his duties without any idea of what they even are?!

Shaking my head I force my thoughts back to the letter I read, the news of Dorne and the growing conflict with the Targaryens... or more specifically Prince Aerion.

I will send a raven promising support, there is no reason not to march with the Prince to finally put down those sand-bathing savages. Dragons will scorch the land once more if given the chance, I feel confident in that assumption. The attitude of Prince Aerion makes me think that he has a bone to pick with the Dornish and wants blood, so the Westerlands will assist him in getting it.

Maybe my idiot of a Son can get some hands-on experience leading men and befriending the Prince. Hopefully, he can, then he might be able to work on getting a marriage to one of the many Dragon Seed Daughters the Prince has planted. My Grandsons even participated in the Iron Throne Cup and their team won second place, I believe we have a good relationship with Prince Aerion. Supporting his war will only make it stronger and maybe one day it will be strong enough to get House Lannister royal blood and a dragon or two.


196 AC


Garlan Tyrell


"What to make of this?" I ask myself aloud as I look at a gift delivered by Prince Aerion.

A gift with a letter asking where we will stand if Dorne kicks up a mess after their Prince died. House Tyrell stood with the Young Dragon and helped take Dorne but also is blamed for losing Dorne shortly after due to an overly comfortable Lord Tyrell getting killed. All of the Young Dragons' efforts went to waste and he ended up dying because of it.

But I am still bitter myself over the event, the damn Martells, and their 'Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken' bullshit that is a lie. They bowed and they bent after Lord Tyrell and King Daeron broke them in their shitty sand castles. But they poison and betray under flags of truce, they are snakes that need to be purged.

"I guess I know what I want to do." I smile as I reach for a scroll to send a letter back to Harrenhal and to let the Prince know the Reach is with him.

I hope I get to stomp on the throats of a few snakes myself.