
196 AC


Aerion Targaryen


"I knew this was coming..." Daeron mutters as I sit in the seat for the Hand of the King in the small council room, he tiredly rubs his brow. "I told him many times, to just leave you alone and finish the pact through his Son to a Granddaughter of mine..." He shakes his head letting his hands fall to the table but one stops and goes for the cup of wine.

"There is a limit, and he is far over that limit." I don't know why he ever thought we would value Dorne more than the Dragons, dude must have suffered a stroke because of the Dornish heat or something.

"I know, trust me when I say that Aerion, I know." His features harden as he lifts the drink to his lips and sips some.

It's hard to tell how he really feels about this, it's not the first time I am killing a Lord... well I guess it's the first time I am killing a 'Prince'. But the Prince of Dorne is of no more importance than a Great House Lord and I have long been working on the downfall of House Tully. The Riverlands being annexed into the Crownlands is only a matter of time and I have had no qualms about it.

Dorne is not special in my eyes, they got lucky killing a dragon or they would already be conquered. Hell, even the first Daeron took Dorne without dragons and the only reason he lost it is because of the Lords he trusted to keep the order failed in their duties. Damn, Tyrell lusting after some Dornish pussy fucking over the Young Dragon...

"When?" Daeron asks as he sets his cup down and I shrug leaning back in my chair.

"I have three separate women that regularly share the bed of the Prince of Dorne, it is a simple matter to give the order to end him. The only problem I have is your Wife and her reaction, I thought maybe she needed to have her eyes opened." I know he is not happy about the way I did it but coddling the woman will do nothing in her favor, she needed the wake-up call. "Got to give it to her though, she is a tough woman turning it around and trying to make gains for her own Children out of this." I never in a hundred years expected her to want one of my Nephews to sit Sunspear while the heir to Sunspear is 'fostered' in Kingslanding. She is effectively giving Dorne to Aerys if that goes through, he has Martell's blood and she will help him by staying in Sunspear for a year or so to get things up and running." Daeron shakes his head once more before looking toward the door with a distant look.

"Her Nephew and the Heir to Sunspear and Dorne is only a boy, his elder brother took a fall from his horse and broke his neck not even two months ago." I shake my head making no claim on the likely assassination of a child, he knows better than to think it was me anyway though. "She just wants to keep the peace with the Dornish Lords and for the time being Aerys will make a good Prince of Dorne." I can't help but feel the tug of my lips upward, Aerys would rather pull his teeth out than go to Dorne.

He has more than once openly stated that the place is a den for whores, a place for people who do not know the meaning of restraint. He has not even lost his virginity if I had to make a guess, his poor Wife... she better not fuck around in Dorne with all the Dornish men though. I can and will have the bitch chopped up and lost in the dunes of the desert if she tries to pass some Dornish bastard off as a Targaryen.

I feel like my thoughts have been drifting to the negative as of late but like a pot spilling over as it boils it's hard to control. Some fuckhead thinks he can make demands of me and when I ignore him he thinks he can get his way using underhanded tactics. I know for a fact he thinks hurting my business is some huge problem to me, that my trading fleet is my livelihood.

He could not be more wrong.

"The Yronwood's will not like having a Targaryen over them even if on the surface it is 'temporary'. They could not care less if your Wife sat beside Aerys while he ruled the Dornish, they will revolt." House Dayne might be fine, the current Lord is more than happy with Dorne joining the rest of the Kingdoms and uniting the continent under one ruler.

I have no idea why he is so supportive of it, he gains little to nothing except access to the politics of the King's court. But if I am honest he might just want to be done with the hostilities going on around him with the Reach and Stormlands. House Dayne gets little in return for their loyalties as of late from House Martell... maybe he is just dissatisfied with House Martell. Prince Martell has been keeping Lord Yronwood close at hand and a good friend by showering him with gifts and hosting feasts for the man. Likely because he has the second strongest force of men in Dorne, while House Dayne has been left out in the wind.

"If they do then they will need to be dealt with, I would not want to be another Daeron locked in war with the Dornish." I nod while remembering how Yronwood looks from above.

"I understand." If they can't sit back and let the thrashing waves settle and instead want to throw their weight around they will be kicking a wall with no hope of damaging it. "Fire and Blood." I lift my own cup and take a big gulp, my thoughts drifting to Moonfyre and Drogon reenacting the Dragon Wroth once more upon Yronwood.


196 AC


Maron Nymeros Martell


Closing the door to my Solar behind me I walk toward my bed, already one of my lovers is waiting for me with a flushed look. She gives me the look she always does when she is ready for another long and passionate night. But I soon spot another head lift from beside her on the bed, yet another of my lovers much to my surprise. These two never get along, today must be a special day if they made peace to visit me at the same time.

That or they both were just craving the spear and sun and could not wait.

"Ladies, it is a pleasure to see the both of you." An annoyed look passes as they look at one another before they smile and kiss each other much to my surprise.

A special night indeed.

I waste little time making my way to the bed stripping my clothes along the way, the scent of something sweet in the air growing stronger with each step. A small metal burner is on the side and I notice they closed all the windows to keep the scent inside of the room. It tickles my nose and makes my head feel a bit light, likely from the new batch of burning Incense from Yi Ti.

I will have to send a thank you letter to Prince Aerion, his ship was rich with these Incense that we hardly ever get in Dorne. The people of Yi Ti love to burn these and I have heard a certain type is used in their pleasure houses. It heightens the pleasure and keeps everyone lively for hours longer than they normally can maintain.

I am excited to get to try them out for myself.


Where did it all go wrong?

"Stop! I will give you anything you want!" I allowed myself to be tied to the bed, a favorite act of love of mine is to lose the 'power' I usually have over others and give it to my trusted lover.

"This is not personal, I am just doing as I was told." I cringe as she approaches with a blade so hot it glows orange in the dully-lit room.

"Please... anything but this." Against my wishes, I am silenced once more with the binding going around my mouth much too tight for my liking.

"Hold his cock still, I will try to make the cut clean as possible." My heart clenches like never before with a hand grasping my still hard length.

Almost as if to torture me the hand grasping my length squeezes tighter as the glowing blade is lowered. I try to thrash about but all the strength has left my body, a mix of the wine and the sex with likely whatever is in the air in the room. They seemed to have taken an antidote shortly after I started losing the feeling in my limbs and could not even sit up to try and leave the room for help.

As the blade makes contact with my skin and the sharp pains rock my body my vision goes black as the smell of burnt flesh tickles my nose.


196 AC


Daenerys Targaryen


"What the hell..." Aerion mutters with a look of disgust on his face as he reads a message that was recently delivered.

"What's wrong?" I ask as I wipe Alyssa's face and my sweet little girl can't stop smiling wide as she tries to grab my hands.

"They cut off his cock." His face scrunches up as I look over at him with a little anger, he should not say such words around our sweet bundle of joy. "They asked if I wanted it..." He shivers and quickly pulls over the small flame he was using to melt his wax and burns the parchment.

"So it's done?" I ask pushing aside the odd behavior of the women that likely got rid of the biggest headache I have ever had.

"It's done, no more Prince Martell to be annoyed about... I sure hope Myriah does not think I asked them to take off his manhood. She wanted to know nothing about it but is likely to hear that detail and I just hope she won't flip out about it." Aerion shakes his head before he starts scribbling away, likely a response to the assassins.

"Well, I am just glad I don't have to feel like some Dornish Prince is going to show up and try to snatch one of my children away... not that it would do him any good." I would never let anyone take them away from me, they will be eaten by Drogon long before they could.

"Agreed, one overeager out stretched hand is now gone and only leaves the other hundred or so..." I frown at his words knowing they are right, too many people come to Harrenhal for various reasons but are using them as a shield to try and negotiate for a Targaryen hand in marriage.

The sad part is that some are likely good people but we can't engage any children off without starting a frenzy. I can't help but wonder if any of the young Targaryens growing up will even marry outward with all the lessons they have had to go through. They cant be ignorant and it's sad that they have to go through this political maneuvering... but it's the way things are with the power to bond with dragons being linked to our blood.

"Do you think Dorne will rise up?" I ask feeling a little heat in my chest and wanting a place to let it all out.

The bedroom can only do so much for the fire inside, sometimes I really need to just see something burn down.

"You bet they will, House Yronwood will no doubt make moves that will justify their extinction with the moves I have been making. They are going to be ready to jump headfirst into Dragon fire by the time everything is in motion." I nod while smiling, Aerion knows exactly how I feel and has lined something up for me with careful planning.

What better a husband could I ask for?

I get to weaken Dorne and let off some stress, it does not get much better than that.