
207 AC

The Wall

Aerion Targaryen


I was feeling super confident when I left Volantis... I thought I would fly on over and handle some stuff with my family before flying North to torch a Regional Variant of Darth Maul.


I am still confident... with a bit of annoyance.

"How am I supposed to find the Night King?" I ask Danny as we stand on top of the wall in between our massive dragons who look uncomfortable perched on the wall like a cat on top of a privacy fence.

"I have no idea." Danny helpfully responds while embracing my side. "Can't you just use your magic 'seeing' power to figure out where he is?" I roll my eyes at her innocence.

I have to dive through a massive 'sea' of history while dreaming of ancient places, it's easy to find people like Visenya or Aegon the Conqueror because I know where I can find them. I just need to sit in Dragonstone rewinding the time in my 'dream' until I eventually see someone who I think is who I am looking for. Then I follow them around until I hear someone talk to them and use their name, that is how I have found people thus far.

It's tricky, it takes a lot of time.

I could do this with the Night King... if I knew a location he had been at some point.

"We could just fly around until an ice spear flies through one of our dragons." Danny squeezes me and looks up with displeased eyes.

Alright, maybe that was a bit rude... but in all honesty, she deserved it a little.

Moonfyre obviously does not want to fly beyond the wall, Drogon on the other hand seems unbothered despite the fact he actually should know what lurks beyond it.

I blame Danny for that.

"Fine." I sigh. "I will try and find him the hard way." I roll my eyes and break from her embrace to step closer to the wall and sit with my back to one of the ice battlements.

It's nice not needing any extra layers of clothes.

I am permanently warm.

Even up here in the North on the Wall surrounded by ice, I feel like I am sitting beside a roaring hearth.

Shaking my head I close my eyes while pushing aside my amused thoughts of never needing to wear thick furs again. I feel Danny sit down in my lap with her back to my chest and her head leaning on my shoulder. I smile as I wrap my arms around her and rest my head against hers so I can easily 'drag' her along with me as I do some dreaming.

Time to learn some history I suppose.




Daenerys Targaryen


"So this is how they did it." I hear Aerion speak up with amusement and turn around to find him standing with his hands on his hips watching the Wall be built.

Giants and Men work with large Mammoth's to drag large blocks of ice on top of large limbless logs. There are hundreds of Giants and Mammoths with thousands of men all working hand in hand to pull large chains to get the giant ice blocks to their destination. I find myself feeling a bit breathless knowing exactly how large this wall they are building one day will be.

"Incredible." I mutter and Aerion hums in agreement.

"This had to take hundreds of years... all so later generations could stand a better chance against a common threat." Aerion shakes his head with a sigh. "This is... heartbreaking." I turn and find him with a pitying look on his face. "All this effort... moving mountains of ice... just to be forgotten and left to rot." I purse my lips and turn back toward the construction.

He is right.

The wall even fell in my first life without even a true fight being put up.

Because of my Son being taken and used to burn a hole straight through it.

"We need to find that Horn that is supposed to bring down this wall with a single blow, I used to think that story was full of shit but now after the things I have been through..." I nod at his words while wrapping my arms around him once more.

"You said it's supposed to be at the Fist of the First Men right?" He kisses the top of my head.

"It could be." The Wall won't have a true purpose once the Night King is slain, but I agree that it would be a shame to see it fall at some point.

The horn needs to be destroyed.

"Let's go back a bit..." Aerion tenses beside me as he focuses and soon my sight is consumed by a blur of light.


"Did that work?" Aerion's words prompt me to open my eyes and I see nothing but pitch blackness as dark as ink. "I think it did." Aerion nudges me and turns my head with his hand and soon I see a bright light in the distance.

It looks like... a sword?

"The Long Night?" This darkness certainly reminds me of what happened at Winterfell.

"Should be, and I think we are watching Eldric Shadowchaser using Dawn to defeat the Night King and his army." I look at him in confusion.

"Dawn?" The ancestral sword of House Dayne.

"I think so, it never made sense to me how Azor Ahai ended the Long Night in both continents... presumably the Long Night happened everywhere all at once and it should be that there were multiple heroes who all fought off the 'Darkness' at the same time." I shake my head in confusion before I remember how there are numerous names for Azor Ahai in different cultures and locations. "They all had a flaming or glowing sword because the 'Darkness' is weak to light and or fire since that is its opposite. I know for a fact Azor Ahai at least fought in the Far East since I have dreamed of it before, this is not him." Aerion snorts in amusement while nodding toward where the man with the glowing sword is.

Whoever is wielding that blade certainly has great skill.

The blade is one of the only lights in the dark other than some torches that seem ready to snuff out any moment. It spins and twirls as the 'hero' cuts his way through an army of blue-eyed monsters.

"The children would love to see this." Aerion chuckles at my words and I smile as he pulls me flush against his side.

"Maegor would whine until I find a way to make a sword glow like that..." That sweet little boy loves his flaming sword, I can already imagine how he would jump around acting crazy to get a glowing one. "It would be the lightsaber he has always wanted after I told him that story for bedtime..." I snort and nod in agreement. "It probably has to do with the blade being made from from a 'fallen star'..." I almost speak up to remind him how rare such a material is and not to get his hopes up but when I spot the blue eyes in the dark turn and start running I instead go stiff.

"Do we follow them?" I know he can't really 'control' what he dreams about and is still learning...

But I really do not want to have to chase after these frozen-dead people to see where they end up hiding.

"We do." Aerion nods and I instantly regret having joined him in this dream. "But I should be able to..." I look up and the light from his eyes dims as he shuts them and seems to concentrate.

The distant echo of a horse neighing echoes and I turn toward the source with both brows raised.

"Roach?" I ask in confusion and Aerion laughs joyfully.

"That worked!" Aerion cheers and a loud nicker echoes as Roach rapidly approaches us in all of his reborn flaming glory.


"Aerion." I clear my throat and look up to meet my husband's eyes.

"Huh?" He looks down and locks his gaze with mine. "What?" He tilts his head in confusion.

"What were we going to do if that did not work?" He stiffens in my arms as Roach rears up beside us and whips his head around letting his excitement be known with a bright flash of light as his flames grow larger.

"It worked so there is no point in worrying about nothing." He smiles and tries to escape from my arms and I grit my teeth.

"Aerion!" I hiss as he slips out of my arms.

"Let's go, Roach!" Aerion quickly tries to mount his saddleless horse but finds it hard to do when the flaming mount seems to notice my displeasure and actively avoids letting Aerion onto his back.

Good Roach.


207 AC

Lands of Always Winter

Aerion Targaryen


"So this is the Night King's 'home'." Looking around the frozen wasteland as Roach walks across the thin ice with no problem I find myself admiring the deadly beauty of this place.

A normal person would freeze to death here in no time, and that is ignoring the dangers of the magical creatures that lurk out here.

I saw a spider the size of Roach.

I am talking about newthe Roach as well, the Roach who now dwarfs normal horses.

This place needs some Fire and Blood.

Lots of Fire and Blood.

"What's that?" Danny asks from behind me as she leans around me to look since she can't see over my shoulder.

She is huffy and did not want to ride in front of me because she thought I might 'enjoy' that.

I would.

"Magic." I mutter aloud as I look toward where she pointed and see large ice pillars jutting out of the ice and a small 'altar' in the middle of them.

That's kind of familiar?

Guess I found the spot where I am going to fast forward and wait until I find the Night King.

I need to find where he is today.

This seems like a good place to start looking.

He should be out here camping or something until it's closer to the time when he will march toward the wall.

"Alright, Roach." I speak up while patting my mount on the neck and he comes to a stop. "Time to get to work." I feel Danny wrap her arms around my body and press her face against my back.

The sooner I get this threat out of the way the better off we all will be.