A/N: I still am ass cheeks at fight scenes... I wrote this chapter 10 times and just decided to pull a Gojo on it.


207 AC

Haunted Forest

Aerion Targaryen


"He is... just standing there." I mutter mostly to myself as Moonfyre circles high overhead, a single small 'ant' is all on its own in a rather large clearing.

The Night King.

I know because that is where he was when I followed his path from the Lands of Always Winter to here.

He is just... doing nothing?

Looking over toward Drogon who is also circling high up here I can't help but be a bit concerned.

We are high enough to not be speared and even if we are I highly doubt those ice spears can do anything to Moonfyre or Drogon.

It would have to hit the eye to even stand a chance of doing real damage, and if it did I am pretty confident I can make the dragons shrug it off with a quick 'revive'.

It worked on Roach and he was dead a long time in comparison to an instant revive.

It would suck, and I would feel bad for either of them if they got hurt or worse.

But... deep down I think they both know what is going on here.

Drogon should at least.

Moonfyre can likely tell something is up with how Drogon is acting, the big fuck off black dragon has been acting out of character and maintaining constant vigilance.

To Moonfyre, that is likely a huge red flag.

Drogon has not acted like this since he hatched as far as I am aware, and Moonfyre has been by his side that entire time.

My smart girl knows something is up.

She may not know exactly how bad things can go today, but even if she did I know she would face what is to come.

""Dive and burn a circle!"" I command and Moonfyre lowers her head tucking her massive wings in sending my body sliding back in the saddle until my back is pressed against the backrest.

So long as there is dragon fire burning around the Night King and none of his 'army' can reach him then I will just fight him one on one.

I could order Moonfyre to burn him but I know that likely will not work, I doubt eating him would be good for her stomach either.

Valyrian Steel will finish this.

Flaming Valyrian steel.

My Lightbringer.

Turning my head slightly as the wind sends my hair flying back I spot Drogon diving as well but he is heading toward the forest. The army the Night King summoned is just standing among the trees, at first, I did not know why he did that... but now I have a pretty good idea.

He spread out his army and hid his 'Generals' among them.

Maybe he is hoping they could throw a spear through Danny or Me?

His army is useless against Drogon and Moonfyre, so his plan has to revolve around killing both Danny and Myself since he has little to no chance of killing either.

Unless he has plot armor aim.

Fuck that would suck.

My whole second life, all slowly built up just to die to a random lucky spear aim bot?

I would rage.

Moonfyre lifts her head and spreads her wings which causes a loud leathery snap to echo across the clearing as her wings catch air and drastically slow her dive until she is gliding. Heat builds like a furnace even through the saddle as Moonfyre grumbles and slowly opens her maw to spew forth a torrent of silver flames that flicker with blue almost looking like streaks of lighting.

Turning to my left as Moonfyre cuts a large circle counterclockwise around the Night King with her flames I spot the blue 'man' standing tall and proud with a large blade stabbed into the ground.

He is leaning against it with his hands resting on the pommel almost looking bored from this distance.

Alright... I won't lie.

He kind of looks badass.

But that won't stop me from running my own blade through his chest.

""Land!"" I command knowing full well Moonfyre knows where to land without me having to say anything.

Time for the most important fight of my life.


"Do you speak the common tongue?" I call out as I walk through the knee-high snow that is melting as I pass through it.

I spin Dark Sister once and a bright red flame ignites on the blade mid-way through the spin causing a streak of fire and smoke to be left in its trail.

The Night King only tilts his head with his starry blue eyes narrowing at me.

"I guess not." I take a deep breath and spare one last look toward Drogon who is now aided by Moonfyre who just left me.

Could she have helped by putting her foot or something on top of him?

Possibly... probably.

But it felt wrong.

Since my ascension, I have become the Lord of Light.

I am Light, Fire, and Life.

If I can't beat what I am assuming is a simple puppet of Dark, Ice, and Death?

Well, it would not bode well for my future rule as the One True God of this world once I am done uniting it into one.

The Night King tilts his head as he yanks his icy blade from the ground and casually takes a stance ready to do battle. 

Letting out the breath I took I push forward in a burst of speed, I want this to end fast on the off chance one of his 'Generals' does plant to snipe my Wife off her dragon. The best way to do that is to just overwhelm him with a constant 'stream' of attacks only possible thanks to my unnatural stamina.

No one has ever beaten the sword spam, the Night King won't be any different.


207 AC

Haunted Forest

Daenerys Targaryen


"Damn." Gritting my teeth I can feel my skin crawl with goosebumps after a spear soared over my head.

This is a lot scarier than last time, even with it being day outside still unlike the pitch black the first time I fought these monsters. But at least I know for a fact the ice spears can not pierce through Drogon as I heard one hit his neck and it exploded into countless pieces as if it was made of glass.

A deafening roar from the right side of Drogon attracts my attention and my heart leaps into my throat as I turn and spot Moonfyre.

Why is Moonfyre up here?

Blinking the snowflakes out of my lashes I narrow my eyes and confirm her saddle is empty.

"I am going to kill him." If he does not get himself killed.

That fool.

I can already see it now.

He is likely planning to make a new 'cool story' for the children by fighting an eight thousand-year-old ice man.

I am going to kill him.

Turning my head as Drogon flaps his wings trying to fly higher I spot a small distant flame twirling and slashing. The sight reminds me of the fight we watched not long ago, the fight during the first Long Night.

He did this to show the children.

I know he did.

I can feel it in my bones.


207 AC

Haunted Forest

Aerion Targaryen


Swiping down I smile wide as a loud crack rings out as my flaming sword 'bites' into the large blade made of ice.

I can see cracks on the blade like spider webs.

Meanwhile, my own blade despite being covered in fire can be seen as it flickers and is in pristine shape.

Jumping back avoiding a clawed hand to the gut I lunge back forward after my feet hit the ground. With no time to bring my blade around to chop the Night King into two pieces as he recovers his stance, I headbutt him in his frozen nose. An equally loud crack once more sounds out as his nose fails the vibe check my Valyrian steel helmet just sent over.

Lifting my head I spot the Night King stumbling from the blow and wildly swinging his blade from a low position trying to ward me off.

Rolling to the side just like any Dark Souls player would seeing a stun-locked target I quickly push off the ground as soon as I feel my feet hit it. The tip of my blade cuts through the air as I grunt throwing my entire body weight forward. I grit my teeth feeling a heavy blow to my side but I keep pushing, stepping forward as I raise my head once more to see my blade halfway into the Night King's chest.

His piercing blue eyes glare into me as one hand clutches the blade and the other holds onto my Valyrian steel Scalemail armor.

I can't help the smile that grows on my face as I keep pushing forward while stepping into the Night King with my helmeted forehead slowly coming down to rest against his own forehead.

"One day..." I mutter while taking a deep breath, the Night King's eyes flicker. "This fight will be streamed online to countless people as they lay on fluffy couches in their warm homes fat and happy." His brows raise and I twist my blade while pouring my 'fire' into it as steadily as I can manage.

He crumbles.

Bursting into ice shards is the fate of the Night King.

I smile as I look up and see two dragons roaring and slowly turning to fly back toward me.

Game Over I suppose.

With that out of the way... there is truly nothing in this world that can threaten me.

Maybe if there are still some shadow demons in the East... but I can swarm those with dragon fire as in the memory of the world I saw flames instantly killed them.

Now it is just a matter of flying around taming the rest of the world and burning the Religious history of every culture.

It will be a long process.

But not impossible.

I will need a lot of fanatics... but that should not be too hard if I heal a few people or revert their old age and make them young once more.

A dream here, a dream there... I can manage it.


"Ugghhh." Groaning I grab my side and feel a chill through my body.

Fuck, I jinxed it.

With shaky hands full of nerves I reach for the clasps around my shoulders and quickly undo them. My chest plate falls and soon I am yanking the Scalemail over my head and dropping it onto the icy ground.

"Cheater." Looking at my side I see a blue hand print 'burned' onto my skin.

Looking down at the rapidly melting ice shards that were once the Night King I can't help but wonder...

"Was this your plan?" Gritting my teeth I almost fall to my knees but instead, I stand strong and start trying everything I can to purge the mark from my body.

Well... maybe I won't let this fight be streamed one day.