
207 AC


Aerion Targaryen


"We will follow the Valyrian road to Norvos, it will take us through the Velvet hills and also the ruined city of Ghoyan Drohe. Other than those 'obstacles' it is a smooth march to Norvos with only a few bridges being potentially a problem." Dragging my finger across the Valyrian road starting at Pentos I end at Norvos before sitting back up straight and looking around the room. "With the dragons scouting ahead and keeping an eye out with their riders we should not have any problems with potential ambush." Almost everyone nods with some even looking eager to get the long journey started.

Armies take a while to move, after all, if we did not need men to pacify the common folk after taking a city then we could take Norvos before the sun set today. But they are one of the tricky Free Cities to take over, even there slaves are relatively more loyal compared to most places. The Red Priests have had trouble in Norvos after the bell worshipers caught wind of them slowly spreading roots in their city.

So out of all the Free Cities, they are not only the easiest to get the army to at this point but also the most 'difficult' as far as keeping pacified... Their way of life there is just too different from the rest of the world.

They even have people ring a bell to tell them when they can fuck and when they can't fuck... creepy bearded freaks.

"Just to clarify..." Aemon speaks up and I nod while smiling internally at him, I can tell he wants me to go over the broad strokes once more just for those who did not listen but do not have the 'status' to speak up in this room. "After Norvos is taken we then will head for Qohor which the Red Priests are already causing unrest in." I nod and he pretends to look at the map while pointing at the Rhoyne. "Then the portion of the fleet that was sent months ago to occupy Dagger Lake and disrupt trade will head up the last stretch of the river Rhoyne to pick up the army and sail it back down the Rhoyne to Volantis." He purposely forgot to mention some things but as far as the men in this room should be concerned that will be plenty.

Dothraki lookouts have also been sent from the Dagger Lake to scout out as far as they can before sending back word. If any Khalasar's are going to make a move soon by chance or get too close I will be flying out to burn them up while I have the chance. If that does come to pass hopefully any survivors will spread the word and the various Khal's will meet in their Horse Lord city in the Grass Sea so I can rain fire down on them all at once.

They did it the last time I burned a great number of them all those years ago... if they do it again then it will be their extinction event.

"That is correct... if no one has anything to say then you are all dismissed to prepare." The room buzzes with activity as men shuffle to escape while muttering about what was said and what will soon be happening.

It goes without saying that even if one of them is a spy that they can do nothing, even if they snuck out and rode hard to deliver the news or sent it ahead of them... the dragons won't just disappear because our enemies know we are making a move.

"Seems almost unreal..." I mutter while drumming my fingers on the edge of the table.

"All of your plans from over the years getting put into action... you must be happy old man." Rhaegar jokes from across the table where he is safe from my grasp... for now.

"I am happy." I smile while ignoring the small chuckles from my other children who remained behind. "I have been preparing for this for longer than most of you have been alive." I shake my head as the room goes silent, my gaze falls on Daenerys who nods in agreement even though she is staring at the map with a distant look.

"Not much longer..." She mutters with a low voice.


207 AC


Aemon Targaryen


"They say it's an omen." I find myself looking away from the large red comet that is bleeding across the sky and I look at Ser Richard curiously.

"Who?" I ask while wondering who he overheard while standing on guard behind me, if I know one thing about the most loyal knight my Father has it is that his ears are sharp as Valyrian steel.

"The Red Priests... they are screaming in the streets below that Emperor Aerion Targaryen is blessed by the Lord of Light." I hum while looking back up at the sky and can't help but wonder if they are right.

We just so happen to be starting the Conquest in true, no more preparing or stockpiling necessities. We have everything and all the men are ready to march and then the sky turns red with the 'bleeding star'.

...I wonder why Mother and Father seemed so bothered by it... Mother more so, but Father went with her when she decided to take a quick flight.

  "Well, whatever it means we will soon find out." I can see nothing other than an act of a God putting a stop to House Targaryen at this point.

If this is the sign of one being on our side or one being opposed to us, I can not say.

But regardless we will soon find out... with Fire and Blood.


207 AC


Daenerys Targaryen


"It is flying East." I speak up after Aerion reaches my side and loops an arm around my back and pulls me against his side.

Drogon and Moonfyre trill and sing a high-pitched song while they watch the familiar red comet fly across the sky.

"It looks like a wound upon the sky." Aerion's words remind me of some that were muttered when I last saw this comet... after I hatched the stone eggs.

I can feel... it's the same one.

"It bleeds as a warning to those who would oppose us." I take a deep breath and look up at Aerion while trying to put on a reassuring smile. "Sorry I flew off, I wanted to clear my head after suddenly seeing... that." I nod toward the red streak and he smiles.

"I get it." I hum and wrap my own arms around him and embrace him tightly. "You think anyone will heed the warning?" I hum louder hearing his question while turning my head to look up once more.

"I hope." If they don't they will meet a brutal end.

It goes east and soon we will as well, just like the last time I saw it I will once more be following the bleeding star.

Looking away from it I rub my face against my husband and smell the familiar scent he always seems to wear, dragon and some fancy oil from some far-off island.

I feel comfort knowing that this time I follow the star I will not be without family... excluding the dragons last time.


207 AC

Ghoyan Drohe

Aerion Targaryen


"It is beautiful." I clear my throat and slap Viserys on the shoulder as we stand on the edge of a canal.

"Did you need to hit me to tell me what we both could see with our eyes?" He glares at me while rubbing his shoulder and I shrug while nodding toward the fountains of the old Rhoynar city.

"Think you want this one?" I ask while judging his reaction... I have no clue where to 'seat' Viserys, he has expressed little interest in any places he has read about.

"No thanks." He shakes his head with a curled upper lip. "It smells like rot and mildew here." I snort while my eyes go from the carved and smoothed fountains and instead land on the broken-down old buildings.

"Yeah... it is certainly a fixer-upper." I pat his shoulder once more but this time far easier than before, turning from him I walk toward a small bridge that goes over the canal. "Make sure you are keeping your eyes peeled." I don't forget to remind him to be alert as I head in search of another problem child of mine.

"Yea yea..." He lazily waves before perking up once he notices Viserra walking toward him with a smile on her face and a river flower tucked behind her ear.

...at least I know something he has decided upon.


"Dormammu!" I playfully shout which catches Alyssa off guard and she almost slips while standing on the edge of a shallow canal.

"I have come to bargain..." Alyssa responds as she regains her footing and she even holds out her arm like she is reenacting the scene I have often told her about.

God, I love this girl.

Obviously, I had to heavily modify the story for her to understand it... but it is still one of her favorites, unlike my other girls who seemed to all like the Disney Princess stories the best.

"Why did you shout?" She finishes skipping over me too and almost tackles me with a tight hug.

"The painting on the wall." I point up at a large wall that is half collapsed and there is a giant painted face with lines going down it. "It reminds me of how I pictured Dormammu..." I rub my chin 'thoughtfully' as she turns and looks up with excitement.

"Do you think we will find the time stone!?" She joyfully squeals. "If we can get one then certainly we will get the rest..." I can't help but smile wide at my 'nerdy' girl who always loves my stories and seems to remember them as well as I do.

She would love real television... we would likely sit in front of it for days watching movie marathons or binge-watching entire seasons of different shows. She easily spins me on the palm of her hand getting me caught up in explaining different stories and their lore that I know. Sometimes I think she is 'on to me' with how much I get caught in the moment reminiscing about certain movies and shows.

Like when I mention something like a 'car' and have to correct myself with 'cart' when she asks about it.

But I think she just enjoys the stories I tell so much that she memorizes each little detail, she comes running every time she knows I am about to tell one.

"-if we get the whole gauntlet then we can just snap Valyria back into one piece and then rule from there with all of the dragons and the volcanoes." She looks up at me after going on a long-winded explanation and eagerly awaits my 'approval'

"Sounds like a good plan to me." I snort in amusement as she smiles from ear to ear and turns to run off to 'look for the stones'.

"The dragons have eaten, I think most of them are planning on taking a quick nap with the army still being a few hours out." I almost leap out of my skin feeling a hand on my back suddenly but I relax hearing Shiera's voice.

"Aemon and Rhaegar?" She shrugs and I nod, it's not like she can jump on a dragon and go and find out so I guess I will just have to wait for word on them.

They will escort the army here while we let the dragons rest, maybe we will decide to camp out here tonight. The original plan was to camp away from the city after passing through it but I do not think it will be a bad idea to let the men rest before crossing one of the bigger parts of the Rhoyne we will face up in these mountains.

"What to help them?" Shiera asks while nodding toward Alyssa who was apparently joined by Serenei when I was not paying attention.

"You bet." I snort while pulling off my gloves to head to get my hands dirty with my girls as they seem to be unearthing some kind of salamander from under a rock.