
207 AC


Aerion Targaryen


Norvos the Great... or so its people call it at least.

A city of beauty no doubt about it, from above on dragon back it looks to be one of the most beautiful cities I have ever seen. Sitting on the banks of the Noyne River which is a tributary of the Mother Rhoyne River it is almost entirely built on the West side. The same side that has massive hills and the city weaves over and around the hills like a giant snake along the river bank.

The distant sound of bells brings a smile to my face as I wonder what the people must be seeing from below.

... likely a sight that has not been seen since the height of Valyria, I doubt there have ever been more than ten dragons flying over this city, at least not often.

But today is the day Norvos will be brought back under the control of Dragon Lords and their 'holy bells' will be tossed into the river... or flames. I have no doubt the Dragon Lords of old will cheer from the dead upon that happening, they would likely roll in their ashen graves seeing some bell-worshiping fools control one of the Free Cities.

I look forward to actually talking to a few of the Bearded priests though, to see how they have managed to brainwash their people. I might learn of some more magic in the world, I can't help but see the benefits of some magic bells if I myself could repurpose them. But I am doubtful if I am honest, I can't even begin to fathom how such a thing would work... but then again ice zombies are a thing.

Multiple small red smoke clouds begin to build in size far beneath me upon the ground and I smile wider knowing the men are ready. Reaching out I pat the neck of my mount as she trills loudly as one of her children glides beside her with an equally excited trill escaping it as well.

""Let's do what we do best!"" Shouting loud enough to hopefully be heard over the wind I push aside my worries about the 'attack team' hearing me once Drogon roars as he dives toward the city.

I guess he wanted to sound off the attack... they may have thought that it was wise to mount weapons resembling the scorpions I am familiar with upon tall towers. But they will soon find out that we do not negotiate with people who think we are on an even playing field or that they might have an 'advantage'. Instead, we will destroy their means of 'defense' so when we do demand a meeting with their council of Magisters and their priests... they will know our word is final.

Hopefully, that will spare many others from dragon flame... this will be the Harrenhal of Essos as far as the Free Cities are concerned.

Far fewer deaths though... hopefully.


207 AC


Daenerys Targaryen


"Dracarys!" I shout loudly so Drogon can hear me, even if he already knows what to do I still feel it's symbolic to actually say the word.

Drogon has long become accustomed to targeting the 'threats' and even is being careful not to burn too much of the structures the 'Scorpions' are mounted upon. Most of the towers are fused stone that is artistically twisted or carved and it can survive in the dragon flame for a short time regardless.

But looking around... its easy to see the structures that have been built after the Dragon Lords.

They are the ones burning.

Aemon and his green mount dives past Drogon and me as we slowly rise back into the air after a pass over the city. I smile knowing full well my Son is counting how many he has taken out on his own, I overheard the children when we were getting ready. He saw his siblings who were going to participate in the actual attack instead of flying around aimlessly had some 'jitters' as Aerion called it, and Aemon sought to help them. He proposed a 'game' with the reward of being labeled the 'best rider' to whoever destroyed the most of the cities defenses.

Little did he know I heard him and I am also counting.

""Let's get back down there!"" I shout while biting my lip feeling my stomach roll with Drogon taking a steep dive at my words.

I will claim my rightful title, and the best part is they won't even see it coming.


207 AC


Erao Hatio


"I told you we needed to fly a white flag, they offered us a peaceful integration and even proposed the council keeping some power!" All we had to do was follow the instructions in the letter, we would not have dragons burning our city if we did.

"Craven!" I gasp as my fellow council members point at and curse me.

"Say what you will about me!" I slam my hands on the table. "But I am doing my best to actually protect Norvos and her people!" These old men only care about there coin and little else, it is sickening to see the state of the ruling council of the Great City I love.

I fought tooth and nail to get this seat... and it was worthless when I needed it most.

"They seem to only be targeting the weapons we received from Qohor." An aged councilman speaks up which kills all the muttering that followed my words. "There is still hope..." He trails off and looks toward the sole window in the room and I feel the desire to spit on his face knowing he is talking about saving his own skin.

Targeting the weapons they may be, but no doubt many are dying in the fires they are starting. I know without a shadow of a doubt that many of the people who are really suffering right now will be forgotten as these men seek ways to preserve themselves.

"So be it." I look toward the corner of the room and nod seeing my guard, who silently moves to stab another guard in the neck.

If we are even allowed to negotiate at this point, only I can be trusted to look out for Norvos. Even if the opportunity does not present itself... it will be me who sees that the people who suffered today will be avenged as I spill the blood of these traitors myself.

"What is going on?!" An old councilman leaps to his feet in a show of speed I thought impossible before today.

"What I should have done days ago when we saw a dragon fly over the city and its shadow covered more than half of it while passing over." I shake my head feeling regret, but it's too late for those feelings and these thoughts.

If only I listened to myself instead of the poisonous words of the priests.


"People of Norvos!" A young princely man shouts from on top of his dragon, his silver hair blows in the wind behind him as smoke rises from under his mount as it stands on top of a half-burnt structure.

The green and orange dragon watches the crowd I have found myself a part of after I rushed out here after hearing of the 'speeches' that are ongoing. The Targaryens are landing around the city and giving speeches to the people who do not run as soon as they see a dragon. I could not believe it but now that I am seeing and hearing it I can't help but nod as it slowly makes sense.

They are in no danger by doing this, and they are talking from a 'position of power' while seemingly speaking hopeful words.

"-tand aside and let our men put out the fires and treat any wounded, we will also begin to help remove rubble!" He stops and reaches for something before pulling out a water or wineskin and takes a deep drink from it before putting it away. "This attack was unfortunate and only necessary because of your Rulers and the Priests who denied even speaking with us!" I shift in place as his words sting, a movement that seems to aggravate a man next to me and he turns to look at me angrily.

I am about to apologize and step away before his eyes open a little and I get a bad feeling in my gut.

"Magister?" He asks before I step back and turn to escape but instead, I bump into someone else. "Grab him!" The shout from the man behind me sends a shiver down my back as the loud voice stopped the Targaryens speech and no doubt many people are looking this way now.

I should not have tried to sneak out here to hear the speech for myself... 


207 AC


Aerion Targaryen


"The kind Magister is also very generous..." I mutter while looking around the very large room we have been 'given'.

"You think anything he said is the truth?" Danny asks as she walks by me with her head held high as if she is proud.

She has been like this since she said something to the children when they all gathered to eat with us after washing off... I wonder what was said.

"I think he speaks the truth but his actions still hurt us." I speak my honest thoughts while watching my youngest children be carried in.

Story night will not be missed even if we are Conquering cities, it is a family tradition.

"We took no injury." I hear Danny snort as she looks out a window and I shake my head knowing she is both right and wrong.

Nothing lasting but it still will affect how people see us... all the Magisters are dead besides one and the Priests are being a pain in the ass. We have no one to throw to the crowds to let them take out their frustrations by ripping their failed rulers apart. They can do nothing but hold onto their grievances currently, in the end, it won't matter, but I still would rather they blame foolish people and not cruel dragon riders.

"Let's hope Melisandre can keep her word." I have been hesitant about anything the red witch says, she is the most magically gifted person I know on this planet besides my own family and it has me on edge.

Even with her calling me her promised prince and a hundred other titles... it means little when I have personally seen a 'version' of her flip-flop between people because she can't read the signs in the flames correctly.

Skilled and gifted in magic... shit interpreter.

"She said she has seen Norvos fly our banner and return to peace... along with many other things. This will be our first real test of how much we can listen to her, I think if even half of what she says comes true we have nothing to worry about." Mya slips next to me and wraps her arms around me before sniffing my chest. "You need another wash." She pats me once before pulling back and heading to the playing younglings who are excitedly waiting on me.

"I am not livestock." I grumble at how she worded her 'suggestion' but she merely looks over her shoulder and winks at me playfully.

"She likes the smell." Danny walks by me as well seeing the younger children start to call out for attention with many in the room also looking at her angrily as if she stole something from them.

"Did I miss something?" I ask as I quickly follow after her, some of the elder children who slipped into the room because they also still like hearing a good story every now and then are the main culprits behind the dirty looks tossed at my wife.

"No, I just had to show the children who there Muna really was... the best." I purse my lips while coming to the conclusion that this has something to do with Drogon seeming 'extra' fired up today.