
207 AC


Aerion Targaryen


"Do you think Lys will be as wise?" I ask absentmindedly as I sit on a balcony enjoying some wine.

"If not it will make little difference." Daemon Blackfyre snorts and shakes his head. "They saw half of your dragons and bent the knee on the spot, Tyrosh seems to remember the power of Dragonlords." This time I shake my head with a soft snort.

"They didn't seem to remember when they funded a war against your namesake and his Blood Wyrm." I purse my lips in thought as Daemon narrows his eyes as he looks over the city that is now his. "Though there is a big difference between one dragon and nearly ten all ready to burn down the city." Tyrosh did not even have any 'Anti-Air' and seemed to want to surrender and fall under Targaryen rule... or rather Blackfyre rule.

Probably Daemon's wife and her family having spread the word to the other rich families that there is no point in resistance. Bending the knee and gracefully accepting that they are now under the dragon's banner saved them a lot of coin and heartache. No one needed to burn and instead, they could paint the 'narrative' that they are returning to the 'old ways' and not look like cowards. It's a win-win for them except for the loss of slavery that will be implemented slowly over the next five years.

If they fought slavery would have ended today on this island, but since they took the knee we are being 'kinder' and giving them time to adapt.

Ironically enough it will help the slaves more than the masters...

"What do you think of marrying your Daughter to my Son." His nose scrunches for a moment but not because of his daughter's sake, I know he would even marry her to me if I asked, Daemon loves his children in the typical Westerosi Lord fashion.

Enough to house and feed them and pay for maids to raise them.

"My Half Brother?" I hum remembering that little fact and almost feeling a fool for having forgotten for a moment.

"Yes." I play it off easily enough as I look off over the city with a 'casual' look.

"I approve of the match, do you plan to have them wed anytime soon?" I once more hum wondering how best to go about it, Jacaerys Mother is currently not here.

Daena would throw a fit if she missed her baby boy's marriage... also her granddaughter's marriage.

"I think Jacaerys ought to stay in Tyrosh with his betrothed until his Mother arrives and they can wed with her present." I frown knowing I might miss the wedding but I can't sit around in Tyrosh waiting for Daena to get here. "I hate the thought of missing the wedding myself... maybe we can do a small private ceremony tonight." I am sure my Son is already... bedding the girl.

So it's not like they are saving themselves or something, I can watch a small private ceremony, and then his Mother can throw a big one with Blackfyres coffers. I grin at the thought of Daena pulling from her eldest son's coin purse to marry his Daughter and Brother together. I might still be a bit petty over the past, not enough to not give him a city but surely enough to have him suffer a bit under his mother's pressure to squeeze out his gold.

"Yes that sounds like a good plan, tonight we will marry them in Old Valyrian tradition before the flames and then Daena can throw a big celebration for the public once she arrives." Daemon looks thoughtful and slowly nods with a smile forming.

"It would show unity between House Targaryen and House Blackfyre for all to see." It would further cement us together in the minds of the people of Tyrosh, making them all the more loyal in fear of me flying back should anything go wrong.

"I am glad we got this smoothed out, I am sure Jacaerys will be pleased." Now my smile is a pleasant mix of good wine and fatherly love as I know my Son will soon be happy, there is only a hint of joy at setting up Daemon.


207 AC

Isle of Cedars

Daenerys Targaryen


"Is this everything?" I ask as I look at the assembled ships that have been camping at this Island for a few days.

"We lost two ships in the mists at the base of Valyria." The ship captain bows his head and I nod once in understanding.

"What were they carrying?" Hopefully, not too much food was lost, mainly that is all that was sent but with enough men to protect it from pirates.

"Basic Provisions and a full crew but only three men perished as another ship was nearby and managed to save most of the crews from both ships." I nod once more humming as I turn to look at the tent I will be staying in tonight.

A large tent where all of the dragon riders will be staying tonight, with our dragons circling it to keep any brave would-be assassins from attempting anything. I do not doubt the loyalty of any of the men here, but I won't take chances. This close to the Bay of Slaves I would rather be safe than sorry and I will stay on guard until I reunite with the rest of my family.

"Thank you, that will be all." I hear an acknowledgment from the captain as I step forward and head toward the tent to check on how everyone is settling in.

Most of the smaller dragons are nestled up together on the back side of the tent with Drogon laying near the front and blocking most of it with his head. He is being gentle with the other dragons and not snapping at them like he would any other day when they annoy him. He knows we need everyone on high alert and can't have internal disputes right now.

His whole mood has shifted since leaving Moonfyre.


"Muna." Rhaegar greets me as I enter the tent after spending a few moments with my mount and ensuring he is not hungry or overly stressed.

"Rhaegar." I smile at my boy who is lying out on a fort of pillows with a book in hand.

"Muna!" Maegor the seven-name-day-old boy charges over and embraces my leg, Mya sighs watching the excited boy muttering about how glad he is to be here.

"Don't bother Muna Danny." Mya tries to sound stern with her youngest born but it is hard when he is just a bundle of joy bouncing around wanting to do something 'good' for his House.

He was supposed to go with his Father, but he begged and begged to come with me and so we swapped him with Visenya. Much to his eldest sister's annoyance as she wanted to come along as she was sure most of the fighting would happen in the Bay and not in the Disputed lands. So his Mother rode with him on his usually ill-tempered dragon that was tame as a loyal hound when carrying the both of them.

"Are we going to melt the chains into a cool throne?!" I snort at the young boy's question as I take one of his hands and guide him back to Mya.

"Do you want to make a throne from all of the collars and chains?" I ask while imagining the sight, it would be messy and not nearly as intimidating as the Iron Throne but it would send a message.

I will not lie and say the thought did not cross my mind in my last attempt to free the slaves.

"I do." Maegor nods as Mya picks him up and sets him beside her while grunting in effort as the boy has grown quite large for his age.

A pang goes through my heart, I miss when all the boys were small enough to pick up and sit down with ease. Now they are almost all too big and independent to let their Muna carry them around and show them things. They just want to run around doing their own thing or going riding, whether it be Horse or Dragon... or woman.

Hmm... it should not be too long before I start seeing Grandchildren, that thought alone is enough to banish any heartache over everyone growing. Rhaella won't be too much longer and then I can spoil the next generation of Targaryens rotten.

Just like I did the generation I helped bring into the world.


207 AC


Gaemon Targaryen


Looking down from the tall stone tower I landed upon I tilt my head back watching the distant ships through the fog. Not too much longer and we will have made it through this city and we will stop and camp on the river bank. Then it's just a matter of time until we get word that Father and Mother are heading to Volantis from either side.

I will be camping in the woods for quite some time...

"Stay here." A woman's voice reaches my ears and I almost leap out of my skin turning around while drawing my dagger from my hip.

My dragon lifts its head seeing me react and also looks around but I can easily tell she did not hear anything as she would be far more responsive than she is right now. I feel my neck go chill as I come to that realization and slowly move closer to her and the warmth she will provide me.

""Hear anything?"" I ask her simply but she only lowers her head back down as I think back to the whisper on the wind.

...only there is no wind.

Only lots and lots of fog.

Taking a seat next to my dragon's belly which is half exposed as she rests on her side I lean my head back on her warm scales. I keep my dagger in hand as I watch the stairs that come up to the top of this large tower, a tower that could compete with the ones back home at Harrenhal in girth. But even with it lacking height it is still one of the tallest structures in this ruined city and I just landed up here not long ago.

So I doubt anyone was already up here... meaning I am imagining things or the rumors about this place are right.

The dead don't rest.

Hundreds of Dragon Lords drowned here after they burned the Rhoynar army of a fourth of a million people. The men that led all of those people to death against the Valyrians cursed the Dragon Lords who faced him in battle from the sky, all while he hanged from a gold cage. His words brought the Great Mother Rhoyne's rage down upon the Valyrians who drowned or became sick with a curse... that some say is Grayscale.

Taking a deep breath I watch the stairs close while pushing aside the thoughts.

Regardless of my confidence in keeping myself safe, I know I won't be sleeping well tonight after what I just experienced.