
207 AC


Gaemon Targaryen


Opening my eyes I immediately know I am still asleep as I am not in the camp I made last night. The same dream I have had since I visited that damned cursed city has once more visited me tonight it seems. The only difference this time is my Dragon is obviously sick of the haunting curse and is blowing fire everywhere at the reflective surface of the water surrounding us.

""That is enough, you can't turn it all to steam."" I sigh as I earn myself a tired look from my mount as she snaps her jaws closed and turns to look at me, only now seemingly noticing I am here.

I just hope this time she does not roll around in her sleep while we are in this dream together... she almost crushed me last time. Standing up in the few inches deep water I find myself in I slowly walk forward toward the deeper parts that seemingly call to me endlessly. The first time I was here I feared venturing too far but eventually, I mustered up my courage on the second trip here and made a discovery.

I do not get tired no matter how long I swim and I need not even breathe while in this dream.

I toss a look over my shoulder at my annoyed mount who is standing on her legs spreading her wings in a 'threatening' display to make herself look bigger. When she was smaller it would always look cute to me like a kitten arching its back and hissing, I never understood why my Father said it was meant to be 'scary'. But looking at her now as she is surrounded by endless water on all sides like we are lost at sea without any waves in sight... she looks quite frightening. But I also know she is just fed up, she wants to stop ending up here and that is why I am about to do what I am about to do.

I am about to swim until I can't any longer, I will find an end to this place and slay whatever foul demon has us ensnared in its magic.


207 AC

North of Selhorys

Dustin Tarth


 "I can hear that beast once more." Narrio mutters as he sits beside me at the fire, each of us waiting for our fish to finish cooking over the fire.

"I heard its having nightmares, someone was foolish enough to approach it the other night and saw it twisting and turning in its sleep." I mutter as I look toward the sound of the long drawn-out shrieks that sound like a wailing woman from this distance.

I shake my head pushing down the nerves I am feeling as I wonder about what could a dragon dream of that would scare it. Hells, before this trip downriver I never even thought about dragons dreaming, it's an odd thing to think about.

Do they dream of burning cities and eating herds of cattle?

"I hope nothing is wrong with it... we are at the final destination where we will wait until word arrives to sail straight to Volantis and start the attack." I nod remembering the plan we all got told of, a dragon rider will arrive a day before we are supposed to set sail for the last stretch to Volantis.

Once we get word it means Tyrosh and Lys have been taken and the dragons are on the way to take the First of the Daughters of Valyria, the oldest of them all. Volantis being captured will be the true sign of Essos falling back into the hands of the Dragon Lords and will be the start of a new era... or so the Red Priests say. I have not a single clue, but I am happy to earn coin and watch history be written before my eyes.

Another loud shriek echoes and I look toward Narrio with a raised brow as he sighs loudly.

"I kind of want to go check it out for myself..." He mutters and I quickly shake my head.

"We have watch duty later tonight, I would rather get a few hours of sleep." Narrio snorts and grabs his fish straight from the rack without caring about its heat.

"Aye, that is a good idea." I hum as I carefully plate my own fish and bring out my stash of spices I bought back in Qohor.

"Sprinkle me some." Narrio holds out his fish and I quickly shake my head.

"This cost me a week's worth of earnings." Damned prices on this stuff are just as expensive as back home, which does not make sense to me since this is where it's from.

...could have something to do with dragons burning stuff down.


207 AC


Gaemon Targaryen


 Well... this got ominous.

Swimming through crystal clear water I frown as I see hundreds of bodies, all in fancy armor and or draped in fine silk. From the looks of it, they are all of Valyrian descent as they all have silver hair, and from the ones that are close and have their eyes open, I can see purple in their dead-eyed gaze.

Valyrians floating around in the water.

Cursed dreams started after I visited a cursed city.

A cursed city that was conquered by Valyrians and then later said Valyrians drowned when the river rose and swallowed them up.

I once more feel the urge to punch something in frustration at how I ended up agreeing to this escort mission. I know Father said something about Rhaella having a vision about the cursed city, but they did not mention it being like this. They just mentioned the fog lifting after a dragon visited the city, they spoke nothing of dreams plaguing me.

"Mhmhmh." Muffled laughter reaches my ears freezing me in place as I am underwater and should not be hearing something like this so clearly.

I whip my head around half expecting the corpses to have come alive and attempt to eat me like one of my father's stories of a 'Zombie Apocalypse'. But thankfully none of them move beyond slowly drifting around in the water as they were when I first discovered them.

"You are a cautious one." A woman's voice speaks up and I feel my heart thump heavily in my chest.


"Me." The voice answers and I feel a chill rivaling the time I flew to the wall during Winter, the trip was not too bad but when I returned and my Mother locked eyes with me... "She is beautiful." The voice speaks up, this time like a whisper over my shoulder causing me to look behind me and spot nothing but clear water.

It's in my head, this is not real.

"It could be the other way around... you could be in my head." The feeling of hands, many hands, slowly grabs and feels at my body as if the water itself is trying to molest me. "A funny one indeed." The voice turns cheerful as two hands, one on each cheek, grab my face and lift my head upwards. "We have so much to talk about." A pair of deep blue eyes appear before me and I can see the outline of a woman's face as she smiles down at me.

Oh fuck, I should have stayed up top with Erinnon.


207 AC




 "I got you a seat on one of the dragons so you would not be left behind, but so far it seems to be a waste of time and effort on my part." Empress Shiera huffs as she drops onto the couch in the room that I have been assigned. "Aerion seems to think you have some skill with magic, but I gave you that candle a while ago and have yet to see anything come of it." I hum and nod my head, something came from it but I have kept it to myself.

I suppose I should show her something though, most of what I have been seeing is... confusing.

But I know we are all following a path heading toward... the light.

Approaching the single chest of items I was able to bring with me on the dragon I rode over I smile as I open it up and grab the Glass Candle. The work of Valyrian sorcery that has shown me many things thanks to R'hllor's power, something I doubt the candle was ever intended to do. I do not yet know why I am being shown what I am being shown, but I know its the future that lies ahead. A future I do not see a need for me to attempt to bring about as it is already happening rapidly before my eyes.

"Watch closely." I speak up and the Empress nods as I set the candle on a table close to the couch she is seated on.

I prick my finger on one of the sharp edges and let my blood fall down the side of the candle which sparks a white flame upon it. A flame I would sooner call a 'light' than a true flame as it does not burn but is still a bit warm. But the real power of the 'light' that is sparked on top of the candle is the visions and images it shows.

"What are we seeing?" The Empress stands and approaches closer with narrowed eyes of different colors.

"A wedding." I answer as a beautiful motherly looking woman with clear eyes and sparkling hair holds hands with a man looking to be made of fire. 

"A wedding." Empress Shiera sighs and shakes her head. "Is this supposed to show the wedding that will soon take place here in Tyrosh for Jacaerys and the Blackfyre girl?" I shake my head and smile lightly as I watch the bride kiss the man made of fire and the two seemingly merge.

"No..." I tilt my head watching the man made of fire now steam and flicker. "It's Gaemon's wedding." I smile as the Empress takes a moment before her face turns to stone hiding her emotions well.

"That little shit is getting married without telling me?" Her tone is even but I can feel the anger emitting like warmth from the light on the candle.

"He is." I nod.

"With whom?" She grits her teeth, no doubt enraged at her son's actions even if he had little choice in the matter himself.

Though she does not yet know that.

"To the Mother Rhoyne." I answer while the light fades and soon the room is darker as it completely is snuffed out prompting me to head to put more wood into the fireplace.

The room is silent as a grave as those words hang in the air, though I am expecting a strong response soon enough.

"What!?" The Empress nearly falls out but catches herself on the table, her eyes locked on the candle in confusion. "You must be lying... it's not possible to marry a river." She takes a deep breath and I fully turn to face her once more after loading the grate with wood so we would not be in darkness soon enough.

"He is not marrying a river, he is marrying the nearly dead Goddess of the River." Oh great Lord of Light, send me the strength to make it through the questioning I know is soon to arrive.