
207 AC


Daenerys Targaryen


""Here is what is going to happen, you all will bend the knee and accept the terms I put forth or you will all be turned to ash."" It almost disgusts me to be talking to the 'Good Masters' of Astapor once more, but there is a little sweetness among the sour taste.

There despair-filled looks as they try and find a solution and look to one another only to realize all of there friends are also helpless. They have no power now that I am here, now that the dragons are here to free the Bay of Slaves. The men and women in chains will be free by the end of the day and the Unsullied will be given the chance to serve House Targaryen or stay behind in this city to keep order.

I would prefer to end all of the Masters, one of the mistakes I made the last time I took the Bay was showing too much mercy. Power is cruel and I will be seen as mad for wielding it to push for my goals, but in time I will be remembered as just for ensuring slavery dies in my lifetime. I won't leave behind embers to grow into flames to bring terror to men and women in the future after my time has passed. I won't let slavery return as I will scrub it fro-

""You foul bitch!"" I raise an eyebrow as a man forced onto his knees by some of the guards we brought spits toward me but misses. ""This is our way of lif-" He is cut off by a backhand across the face with a heavy gauntlet that draws blood as his cheek is split open.

""Your way of life ends here and now, find a new one or die with it."" I smile at the guard who nods solemnly and grabs the man dragging him off. ""He has lost the chance to choose... will the rest of you be as foolish?"" I turn to look over the rest of the Good Masters who bothered to show up and are receiving my offer of mercy.

The ones who hid away will not be given this choice.

""I have made my choice."" A Master on the younger side steps forward drawing attention to himself as one of my guards steps between him and my Family. ""I choose to live."" He falls to his knees and I eye the rest who look like they have swallowed something sour as they gaze at him.

One even hissed like a snake at the young man.

""Then you will be allowed to live in the new world with the rest of us."" The young man casts a grateful look up towards me before lowering his eyes back to the ground.

Looking toward my family I can see a mix of emotions on their faces, likely from not being used to 'this' side of me. I smile trying to not looks like the cruel bitch I know I can be at times, the cruel bitch that my Husband loves and refers to as 'Sexy Danny'. But I know they will get used to it soo, they are dragons and they choose to join me in the Bay knowing what was to happen. We do not have time to waste, we need to move swiftly and clean out the rot in the Bay before regrouping with the rest of our family in Volantis.

Once we have Volantis things will begin to rapidly change.


207 AC


Aerion Targaryen


"My head hurts." I lift my wineskin and down a third of it before putting the stopper back and casting a narrowed-eyed look at the source of my pounding headache. "How long did you know?" I ask Melisandre as she bows her head and I suddenly have the urge to toss something at her.

"For a while, Your Grace." I clutch my wine skin almost having tossed it at her head but instead lower it and set it on the table.

"Fuckin hell." Gaemon you little shi-

"You believe her?!" Shiera hisses at me and I unfortunately nod that I do.

Because I do.

Some random God half-forgotten clinging to a rising power sounds like something a divine being would do to gain relevance in a new age. I am not an arrogant man most of the time but it's impossible to see my actions as anything but the dawn of a new age. I have not even implemented half of the things I plan to and this world has been permanently changed in a way that will never be undone even if stories of me are forgotten. I know the Gods of this world are 'real' and they likely don't want to be left behind and forgotten as that is probably the only true death for a God.

So the Rhoyne wants to join the cause and rise alongside my new Empire... or something.

Which sounds amazing and terrifying since she seemingly is marrying one of my sons who is pretty far down in the inheritance. That will screw things up and even if I 'allow' Gaemon to claim the Rhoynar city Chroyane and fund its resettling and reconstruction, it will cause problems. completely ignoring how or if they will have kids and what those kids will be like, as I know there are stories of the old Storm Kings in Westeros having married 'Gods' that are likely true in hindsight or at least where an avatar of a Gods 'will'... how am I to rule my Empire from Volantis is a divine city is right up the river?

I mean- what the hell Gaemon!?

Why are you stepping on my toes before I even get a chance to stand up on my feet?!

Sighing, I drop into the chair behind me, a bone-deep exhaustion washes over me.

"This is your Son." I narrow my eyes at Shiera who gasps as if struck.

"My Son my left foot!" She huffs and crosses her arms. "You are the one who taught him how to use his pretty looks to 'pick up girls'." I cringe knowing she is right but I turn away and toward the still-bowing red woman who I can almost feel amusement from.

I am going to harm this woman.

I don't know how as I really prefer to not hurt women... but she will feel my wroth.

"Tell me what other nonsense you have seen, surely a supporter of the Red God would not be happy to see a 'false' God clinging to the hope of her religions rise." I frown realizing there might be a lot more under the surface than I would like.

But at least things have been silent from the farther East, I know for a fact some of those far-off islands in the Jade Sea have the real problematic Gods. I have reports of what kinds of 'Gods' are worshiped on the island of Leng and I honestly want to torch the whole place and be done with it. There is strong evidence that they worship Eldritch Gods in those dark tunnels and I will see the practice purged from this world and any evidence of it.

This is not even getting started on the Shadowlands and the foul things I have heard from there...

"I have seen the rise of the Prince who was promised." Melisandre slightly looks up, her red eyes almost alight in the dark room as she gazes at me with her usual religious fervor. "I have seen the Son take the Mantle from his Father and lead the world from Darkness and into an ever-brightening Light of salvation." She lowers her gaze, murmuring praises and I honestly get the feeling she has fallen off the deep end.

She was walking a tightrope of sanity, but it was clear she had slipped and bumped her head.

"I have heard enough of this horse shit!" Shiera turns slightly red in the face and looks completely fed up. "I wanted you to teach me about the magics in the East but your cryptic nonsense needs to be plugged up like a leak in an old ship." She rapidly closes in on the red-haired woman who only demurely follows along as Shiera snatches her by the hair. "On your knees." I deadpan as Shiera pushes the woman onto her knees before me and gives me a pointed look toward my crotch.

Here we go again...


207 AC


Gaemon Targaryen


"My Father is going to kill me." I lay on my back in a bed seemingly made of water looking up through the house made of air around me on the river bed, a feeling of defeat and great victory washes over me.

"Why would he do that?" The Great Mother of the River Rhoyne asks me curiously as she lays beside me with her head on my chest.

I am a dead man.

I just know it.

"You foul sorceress." I grit out as I run a hand over her ample curves that draw me in like a moth to the flame. "You seduced me with your magic and-" The Goddess of the River looks up at me with an amused look before pressing her lips on my jaw silencing me.

"Keep telling yourself that, in the meantime let me tell you about all of your new subjects that have been cured after I lifted my curse from the world of the living." I sigh relaxing my head back onto the water-like pillow that embraces my head like a... kind of like a really big breast or something. "Oh wait!" She sits up and leaves the bed showing off her slightly reddened ass from the rough coupling, I feel a bit of relief knowing I made her 'suffer' a bit.

Father taught me it's wrong to hurt women unless one of a few things is true, either she is a crazy bitch and was 'asking' for a beating or she is a crazy bitch and was asking for a beating.

"Here, this is my dowry I am paying to House Targaryen." I go wide-eyed as I sit up watching a literal hill of Valyrian steel armor and weapons fall into a pile in the middle of the room, seemingly brought in by the waves around the 'bubble' around us.

"What?" I shake my head standing up and walking over to the pile of arms and armor.

"I drowned all of those Dragon Lords but I kept their magic steel, I am sure your Father would forgive me if you presented him with these." She preens like a hunting dog coming back with some game it caught and I sigh shaking my head.

"He can forge his own but the historical value alone might ease his wroth before it burns us both to cinders..." I stand up from kneeling on the slightly cool river bed and wrap my arms around the woman I can not get a good read on.

"Oh." She purses her lips and looks thoughtful before her eyes widen and she smiles. "Maybe there is something else I can do to help ease his 'wroth'." I raise a brow, not knowing where she is going with this.

"What might that be?" I ask hoping it won't make things worse.

"He plans on taking the city at the mouth of my domain... right?" She smiles slyly and I nod before slowly catching on to what she might be suggesting.

That might work.