
207 AC


Dustin Tarth


"Back down the river..." I sigh after we finally get orders from the Commander.

"Could be worse... this time we have dragon escort." I nod while squinting my eyes to see the silver shine coming from Moonfyre the largest female dragon alive.

Maybe to ever live as well... as far as I am aware both Drogon and Moonfyre hatched in the cradle with Emperor Aerion and Empress Daenerys. But for some reason, maybe godly interference, the dragons are as large as some of the largest ever seen in recent memory. I have not personally seen the skull of the Black Dread that rests in the Red Keep... but they say these two giant dragons are not that far off.

"I wonder which one is going with us down the river?" I mutter aloud wondering if we will be constantly blocking out the sheen of one of the more metallic dragons that can almost blind a man when they fly near the sun.

"I just hope it is not that bloody beast... that red one is a demon stuffed into a dragon's hide." I shiver hearing Narrio's words and remember how the red dragon killed a fleeing noble.

I was nearby having just delivered a bunch of surrendered soldiers into the holding pen, the screaming man was hard to ignore. I swear by all the gods that the damn beast allowed the Qohor noble to get a head start before jumping into the air and diving down. It managed to crush the man's legs and kept him pinned down and just suffocated him slowly and carefully every so often letting the man breathe.

"If the red menace is following us down the river... I would rather not have an escort even if we are to sail into an army raised by Volantis." Shaking my head I send a prayer that it's any dragon but that one.

"Agreed." Narrio chuckles before running his hand through his beard. "Do you think we are heading to Volantis next?" I shrug not really knowing but if I had to guess...

"I think so, it seems the dragons are splitting up with having already taken Qohor, Norvos, Braavos, Pentos, Myr, and are rumored to have made a deal with Lorath. That leaves two of the three Daughters unclaimed to our west and Volantis to our south and then everything else is East. I would be willing to bet that the dragons will split with the Emperor heading off to take the last of the two Daughters and then meeting back with the army at Volantis if I had to guess." The dragon being sent with us is likely only there to scout ahead after Volantis no doubt has made moves mustering its forces and to keep us safe.

I doubt they expect one dragon to take the biggest of the Free Cities...

"I hope they do not burn down my home in Tyrosh..." I snort and shake my head.

It must be stressful to own something in Essos with the Dragons out and about claiming all of the lands and cities.


207 AC


Aerion Targaryen


"What about the island of Ibben?" Mya asks curiously as I roll up my large map and prepare to have it packed onto Moonfyres saddle.

This specific map is likely the most accurate in the world unless Yi Ti has some from the ancient Empire of the Dawn. It uses many different maps to get the most accurate 'picture' of what the continents of this world look like by using maps sourced from around the globe as far as I was able to send out ships over the last decade.

The Summer Isles had the most completed map and was not far off from my own which was a bit surprising seeing how their introduction to the 'world stage' was not that long ago in retrospect. 

"Lorath has close ties with the island of short men, they agreed to be the middlemen for us and if that fails once we finish with this side of the Bone Mountains we can visit them ourselves." I have no idea what to expect from the hairy men of the frozen-over island, but if what I have on hand is correct the island is roughly the size of Ireland if not a bit smaller.

They keep mammoths and go whale hunting... it's a pretty odd practice when you learn they are usually shorter than four feet. They have bulky bodies though so I guess they are just built differently, their furry bodies should be another sign that they are far different from other humans on this planet. I can't help but wonder what kind of smiths they have, they make massive chains that can drag back Leviathan whales that I myself have never seen except for in drawings.

But those whales are much bigger than even blue whales which is quite mind-numbing to think about... what else is in the deep?

Fish people and Sea Dragons according to ancient stories...

Shaking off the thoughts of the ocean I turn to look at my Son Gaemon, the first I had with Shiera and the boy who volunteered to follow the men down the Rhoyne. I feel a sense of pride knowing he is growing up, even if he already thinks of himself fully grown already, it's nice to see it myself with how he is transitioning from 'listening' and instead is 'leading'. As Royalty, there is usually a point where my children flip a switch and begin acting the part.

It brings me great joy and a deep sadness knowing they will soon start doing their own things... likely when the Conquest is over half of them will fly off on their own.

"You ready?" I ask Gaemon when he finally notices me looking and he nods.

"I am." I smile and nod as his blue eyes seem to shine with excitement that makes the purple streaks stand out.

Shiera 'makes' beautiful eyes... I wonder if it has to do with her mother's Valyrian family and how they were apparently related to 'Beauty magic'. I still have yet to sit down and look into it myself as Shiera is mainly the one reading up on things like that and filling me in with the main points. But when some of my kids come out with eyes that literally make me jealous I can't help but want to dig around in her old books myself.

"Well don't forget to say bye to your Mothers and siblings." I worry for Gaemon but showing that will only make him doubt himself, it's better I show complete faith and have him confident in himself.

He has plenty of training and knows to be serious when flying along toward the most dangerous of the Free Cities on his own.

"I will." He responds and I nod before dismissing him with a wave but Mya snatches his ear as he turns.

"I am right here, did you plan to walk away without even a hug?" She grumpily embraces the boy who tosses me a pleading look as he is 'embarrassed' before some of the commanders who chuckle lightly.

Poor lad... his Mothers are all going to smother him before he sets off on his own for the first time. With it being the first time one of us splits up on our own in this war I know everyone will be worried about him, they will probably nag his ear off before he can climb onto Erinnon and fly off.


207 AC


Gaemon Targaryen


 "We got to get out of here..." I whisper to Erinnon as I pat her snout and she trills as she watches Ariel's dragon Greed with narrowed eyes.

The black dragon with copper metallic wings has always had a thing for Erinnon with her body being mostly gold that catches the light. I am willing to bet anything that Erinnon would prefer to have an entirely blue body like her wings are blue, but I prefer her the way she is even if it brings her too much attention.

"Bye-bye!" Nerah my youngest sister who shares a birth Muna with me waves her short arms at me as I climb toward the saddle.

"Bye-bye." I wave back standing half on and off my dragon before throwing my leg over the saddle and sliding into place.

I grab the straps and go around my legs to secure myself before clipping the safety belt that even if it annoys me I still keep on after almost falling off two years ago. I transfer my sword from the sheath on my side and into the sheath mounted on the saddle and I check my dragon bone bow and Valyrian steel-tipped arrows to make sure they are secure as well. I have plenty of preserved food and water and wine skins fill the saddle bag behind me.

I am as ready as I will ever be.

""Let's go find those ships!"" I speak loud enough for Erinnon to hear me over the loud chirps and shouts of dragons and family sending me off.

She shrieks in joy as she lifts her upper body lifting her snout straight up toward the sky making me slide back a bit in the saddle. Her powerful legs push off the ground as she brings down her raised blue wings that send wind-blowing dresses and hair like a storm's wind. Familiar joy fills me with each flap of her wings that carry us higher and higher into the sky and after our men who we will protect until Kepa brings the rest of the dragons from the West after claiming the remaining two daughters.

The only real worry I carry with me is the 'Dream' that Kepa warned me about that Rhaella had... a dragon on its own flying toward the cursed Rhoyne city. I suppose I will find out for myself what the dream means, while keeping myself and Erinnon safe like I promised I would.


207 AC


Daenerys Targaryen


"I think I am going to cry." Aerion jests as he escorts me toward Drogon who looks forlorn at leaving behind his mate.

"Well, that just means you need to finish off those Free Cities quickly to rejoin me." I taunt and he snorts as he pulls me against his side, I wrap an arm around his back and lean my head against him. "I will miss you as well." I purse my lips watching the children load up their own dragons and equipment for where we will be heading.

We will meet with the ships carrying supplies and a few men to keep us safe as we sleep on the Isle of Cedars. A small island that was swallowed by a tsunami during the Doom and now has few people living on it that is located in the mouth of the Bay of slaves. I know we will be safe and I have confidence in bringing the Unsullied to our side, but I fear after we take the bay.

I have long thought of my mistakes over and over, I know what to do better and how to do it... but I still worry. I do not want my family in danger of some 'Sons of the Harpy' scheme like during my own time taking the bay and freeing the slaves. I have made it clear no one is taking a lover in the bay or I will 'handle' them myself just like I used to when they could be bent over my knee.

I will have no Sons or Daughters of mine getting their throat slit in their sleep by some 'lover'.

"Be safe." Aerion pulls me around to his front and pulls me flush against himself. "I will burn the bay to ash and kill every last person if something happens." His eyes darken a bit as he clenches his jaw in deep thought.

"The same goes for you in the Disputed lands... we will both be safe and pinch Volantis from both sides. Then Essos will be as good as conquered other than the Great Grass Sea and the Red Waste." Beyond the Bone Mountains is out of thought, for now, we have plans to bring them in without any blood spilling.

Marriage could easily work with the Emperor of Yi Ti only having Daughters at this point after all.

"Good luck." He kisses my lips and I return the kiss before we part and I turn to Mount Drogon and lead the other dragons and riders who are going with me.

Time to break the chains.