
188 AC


Aerion Targaryen


"It will be fine..." I respond to the worried Mother trying to take my daughter from my arms as we sit on Moonfyre's back.

"No, it won't, let me hold her behind you so you will block the wind." I reluctantly let her slip Visenya from my arms and grab the reins instead giving them a little tug wordlessly telling Moonfyre to move forward.

"It won't be cold when she is wearing enough fur to make an entire bear, I am more worried about her not being able to breathe." I look back over my shoulder as Mya sits strapped down with Visenya bundled up in her arms.

I look over at Drogon with Daenerys on his back and smile seeing Danny sitting backward on the saddle double checking on the twins. She had Drogons saddle modified and 'car seats' got added that are mounted to the saddle and has plenty of straps. She loves taking the twins up into the sky whenever she gets a chance, so much I fear something might go wrong with all that diving and flying. But Targaryens are just built different anyway, the blood of the dragon letting even the little ones squeal with joy in the sky instead of wetting themselves in fear.

"Just be careful ok big girl?" Mya pats Moonfyre and the dragon rumbles in return as the youngest dragon sits on her head looking content with life.

Aemon's and Rhaellas dragons both are flying in the sky already waiting on us to take off, I doubt they will stay airborne the whole trip though. I expect them to latch onto one of their parents once their wings get tired but we shall see just how much stamina they have.

"You got her?" I ask even if I am annoyed at her not letting me hold the babe I still double-check.

"As ready as I possibly can be." I nod feeling some excitement at getting to show Mya DragonsRest as she has yet to lay eyes on it.

""Take us up, big girl!"" I can't wait to see both of their faces though when I show them the location I picked out on Skagos, I think they will love it.


188 AC


Mya Targaryen


Circling around DragonsRest I can't help but find the place to be very busy with all the people that look like ants from up here moving around. I am sure they are used to seeing a dragon or two and that is why it seems like any other work day for them. A small castle sits on top of a hill surrounded by houses on all sides with clear streets laid out like at Harrenhal. A large field to the North of the castle is full of recognizable training fields and many people running around on them.

The port looks busy with some ships getting worked on or in the process of being loaded or unloaded. The majority of the ships bear Targaryen sails as this is where Aerion has most of the fleet he is having built for himself. They are made at the shipyard down at the Whispers and then sailed up here or off to trade goods in the case of the ones with Capitan's Aerion trusts. Seeing the ships once more reminds me of his plans to sail to Yi Ti and trade goods from Westeros along with gold for as much spice and silk as he can buy, he hopes to establish a trading pact with the current ruler over there.

"What do you think?" He turns and I press my lips against his cheek before pressing my face against his back.

"It's cold!" I pull Visenyas face away from my chest to check on her as I keep my forehead on my husband's back, her little eyes look up at me. "Hey, little one." I feel warmth in my body seeing her open her toothless mouth with her tongue moving around.

"Let's get you to a fire then, though, between the two of us, you are the one with ancestry coming from the North. I am shocked you are even bothered by this little chill..." I tuck my daughter against my chest again and sit up to bite at his neck for pocking fun at me. "Ah!" He ducks away and Moonfyre dives making my stomach flip and Visenya squeal against my chest.

He always brings up my mother's house being from the North whenever I say I am cold as if that will make the cold leave me alone. It was a long time ago that happened, Blackwood's have been in the Riverlands for quite some time.


"Brrrr!" I sit before the fire and wonder how people put up with this, maybe I just need some time to get used to it.

Visenya seems made of a tougher material than me as she is unbundled and sitting in her Dad's lap bouncing around unbothered. The twins are playing on the floor on their bellies trying to move around on the fur rug. The heat from the fire makes the whole room feel alive adding to the family feeling in the air.

"Don't worry love, if you are still chilly when the sun sets Danny and I will volunteer our warmth to keep you from freezing over." Aerion chuckles as Visenya once more squeals in glee at being bounced on his knee.

"I am sure, you two insatiable beasts would love to pull me under that monster of a fur trap you call a bed in that room." I shake my head thinking about the large bed covered with the furs of over twenty large beasts at the very least. "Danny already braved the elements to venture out to get me something warm to drink so I suppose I can pay her back a little. " I tap my chin in thought as I feel thankful for my fellow sister wife going out into the cold halls to find something for me.

"I should have had some more servants brought in before coming up here..." Aerion mutters as she stands up and approaches the hearth. "You want to see the fire little troublemaker?" Aerion whispers into Visenyas ear as he sits on the edge of the hearth and she wiggles in his arms.

The door opens and I almost jump with joy seeing steam leaving a bowl as Danny makes quick steps over toward me. She passes off a bowl filled with some dark murky liquid but I care little as I bring it to my lips. My trust in her was not misplaced as a hearty taste fills my mouth and the heat warms my very bones making me sigh after I lower the bowl.

"Good." I speak up as Danny moves to pick up both babes on the floor and moves to sit beside me in front of the flames. "Thank you." She smiles and nods putting her feet up almost toughing the flames after taking her boots off.

"I would ask how you expect Visenya to visit the new castle on Skagos once it's built if she is anything like you but she seems fine with the cold." Danny speaks up amused as she looks over at Father and Daughter playing with the flickering flames at the edge of the hearth. "She seems more than fine, she almost looks happier." I nod feeling a bit bothered that I also noticed my daughter taking so a liking to the sudden shift in coldness yet I am not keeping up with her.

Hopefully, I can get used to it, if she likes it I don't want to ruin it for her by shaking like a leaf next to a fire the whole time we are here. Skagos is supposed to be even colder and there is snow on the mountains near where Aerion wants to build at.


188 AC


Daenerys Targaryen


It is certainly bigger than I thought." I look around at the raised platform of stone we are standing on with the dragons curling up after we all got off their backs.

"It looks beautiful though... right?" He asks with much less confidence than the man who has sung praises about this place for months.

"It is." Mya speaks up as she looks around and stops to look at the very large Weirwood tree sitting on a perched cliff not far away.

The Weirwood tree looks to barely be hanging onto the cliff but I know those mighty roots digging into the rock are stronger than they look. Those trees are magic, it would be odd to see one not even able to hang on to the side of a cliff.

"I think it would piss off the Children of the Forest on this island to hack it down, plus we have one back at Harrenhal so I see no reason to hack it down anyway." Aerion speaks up seeing us both look at the large tree and I nod along.

"My warging comes from the Old Gods anyway, if I can warg into an animal why couldn't they? You said they watch people pray through the trees but that is a lot less invasive than entering a bird and perching on a window. It is likely best to leave it regardless if it means the Old Gods can use it to spy..." Mya has taken a lot of interest in Old God magic since she started warging around, it would be hard not to.

She also seems much more accustomed to the cold this morning after a warm night rolling around under the furs with Aerion and Me.

"Wait... you talked as if you actually know there are more Children of the Forest on this island." I suddenly realize and speak up getting a nod of confirmation from him.

"I have not seen them but one time I think... they are closely knit with the short hairy men that live on these islands. I am almost certain I recognized one inside of the 'Kingshouse' on the other side of the island from here." I nod trusting his words, we are closer to Deep Down but we will have to look into if they also have some of those magical people living among them as well. "I think it is a nice spot, halfway up the mountain so it will be a pain to get stuff up here normally but there is this nice natural road of sorts." He points at the looping 'road' that descends down the mountain and I nod trying to imagine the drawing built in stone where I stand.

"It will certainly be private... House Targaryen would have a stronghold out of the way of everything." He nods with a smile as he rests his chin on Rhaellas head.

"Exactly." He rubs his head against our daughter's head causing her to wiggle and I smile seeing her eat up his affection. "I think it would be good for the future of House Targaryen and also a nice spot to stockpile knowledge in the form of a massive library. It is next to impossible to attack this place and with dragons it IS impossible. So a place of learning just for learning away from the politics of the mainland would be a nice addition." I close my eyes imagining it and nod thinking about one day there being bookshelves as tall as three men stacked side by side filled with books.

"That would anger the Citadel, other people have tried to do something similar before." Mya says with a bit of humor.

"Fuck the Citadel." I scowl as Aemon starts babbling hearing his Dad talk so loudly and I fear he is picking up on foul words.

"Stop cursing..." I mutter as I put my hands over my son's ears and kiss his forehead.

"If he learns to curse the citadel then I will be a proud Dad." No regret at all as he looks at his son with proud eyes as he keeps babbling away.

I shake my head, if he teaches my sweet boy to curse just to have him curse the Citadel I will be wroth with him.