
207 AC

Vaes Dothrak



Watching the sky turn black with smoke I feel a deep anger and unwillingness.

Vaes Dothrak is no more.

The winged fire-spitting 'Dragons' came down and burned it to ash after a day passed since the silver-haired people came.

My Khal, if he can even claim to be one anymore, decided it was for the best not to confront the large flying beasts.

He saved the Khalasar from death... but it still feels like a defeat.

He should cut his braid.

"Do you see it?" A woman with a fat chest asks while pointing at the flames with her other hand going over her mouth.

"Dumb bitch, of course, I can see the city on fire." I strike her and she falls with a loud shout.

Does she think I lost my eyes?

I lost my courage, not my sight.

I feel like charging into battle but I dare not aim even a single arrow at even the smallest of the dragons.

I might could hit one of the smaller riders off, I have done it many times with horse riders, and I have confidence even if they soar through the sky.

But I know I could not hit one of the bigger ones riders.

The beasts are too bulky to hit the riders.

A loud scream echoes over the plains and I turn toward the fires in confusion.

That sounded... like a horse?

But it was too loud.

"Not the fire..." I hear the woman I struck down whimper some more words. "The Great Stallion..." She raises her hand once more and points which I follow the direction and see the large silver dragon on the ground at the edge of the flames.

Paying close attention I can see the bright silver hair of one of the riders down on the ground before his silver mount.

My eyes widen though as I see something... strange.

A horse.

A horse far larger than any I have ever seen.

Black as the night sky.

A mane of flames.

Rearing up the massive horse once more lets out a noise that carries far.

"The Great Stallion." Turning I see the woman next to me laying her face down in the dirt.

A strange feeling rises up inside of me as I look around and notice all of the horses lowering themselves down to the ground, their heads almost touching the dirt and their eyes shut.

"What...?" Turning around I can see many people slowly falling to the ground while looking toward the flaming horse and the large dragon.

Is this... is it really the Great Stallion?

Looking back toward the large horse I see it approach the large silver dragon and both of them almost seem to greet each other with their noses.

What is going on?


207 AC

Vaes Dothrak

Aerion Targaryen


I think it's working.

I can feel the 'flame' growing inside of Roach all on its own.

Looking back toward the largest surviving crowd of Dothraki I can't help but grin.

The greatest Gaslighting in all of Dothraki history.

A large head pushes against my back, easily the same size as my entire body.

"Alright you big brute, show a little restraint... you are too big to be pushing me." I turn back and place a hand on Roach's head and he nickers in a way that shows his amusement. "I got your favorite, but I doubt it will be the same with how big you have gotten." I pull out a flawless apple and hold it out, a comically large tongue snatches it up and it disappears into my flaming companion's mouth.

I will need some bigger apples soon...

Can I grow them?


I will try to fill an apple tree with my life...

Hopefully, the tree doesn't start growing mutant flaming apples.

An annoyed neigh leaves Roach as he kicks a foot back at Moonfyre who was sniffing at his hind leg. Moonfyre yanks her head back out of the way with a snort of smoke showing her displeasure before she hisses at Roach in annoyance.

These two never got along... I hope I don't have to break up any fights.

"Huh..." I mutter as I look at Roaches flaming mane and tail. "You should be immune to fire..." Maybe I should just let them go at it and hash out their old feud?

* Boom *

The ground shakes slightly as a giant hulking black mass crashes into the ground 'gently' behind Moonfyre.

"She has reinforcements bud, you might want to chill out until the big guy takes back off into the sky." I quickly warn Roach as Drogon raises his head up from behind Moonfyre, his eyes looking menacingly towards Roach.

A loud neigh is sent toward Drogon which the large black dragon answers with a louder screech.

Roach side eyes Drogon and Drogon glares down at Roach as he raises his body to show off the size difference between the two of them. With flaring nostrils, Roach shakes his head sending waves of flames around his body before he snorts and trots away toward the large gathering of kneeling horses and praying Dothraki.

Drama Queen.

"I can't believe this actually worked." I hear Daenerys speak up as she swiftly closes in on me and embraces my side with a look of wonder in her beautiful eyes.

"This is just the beginning." I learned a lot from what I just did, and I think I can replicate this event in the future.

Some things just got confirmed.

I am almost one hundred percent sure Gods can be 'overwritten'.

Well... it's more like a new 'definition' takes the place of the old one.


I am still not entirely sure what R'hllor did, but I know what 'I' just did.

I took the Great Stallion and overlapped him with Roach.

Roach has eclipsed the Great Stallion.

The Great Stallion is still there, I can practically feel his anger and frustration emitting from the burning city like heat from a flame.

But I can also 'feel' Roach slowly growing.

His 'presence' is becoming more and more solid as he canters around the horses and Dothraki.

I think it goes like this, 'Roach' equals 'Great Stallion' but 'Great Stallion' does not equal 'Roach'.

So long as the remaining Dothraki believe Roach is the 'Great Stallion', he will be the Great Stallion.

I can see why the Horse God is angered.

He is being overwritten by force, which was the goal and I am relatively confident it has worked.

But I care little for his anger.

Instead, I am more concerned by what this has revealed to me.

"I need to make sure it is spread around the world that I am the Lord of Light." I purse my lips as I think about the worst-case scenario.

If the vast majority of the world started thinking I was not the living Lord of Light... I could very well be in trouble.

"Huh?" Danny raises a brow and looks away from a prancing Roach and meets my gaze.

"Spreading the 'faith' just became a necessity even more than I originally thought." I am about to do some crazy stuff that I never before would have thought I would do.

Conquest is one thing.

It's like melting down and forging together some scrap metal.

What I am about to do is going to be closer to a 'Crusade'.

This world is about to get a healthy dose of 'Deus vult'.

"Parts of history are going to have to be erased forever and new histories need to be written in their place." I speak up once more with a plan slowly forming in my mind. "Good thing I already decided to get rid of the Maester order... other than them there are the records in Yi Ti that might rival the Citadel but I am not worried about either. The vast majority of people only know of history from word of mouth, it really won't even be that hard to spread 'misinformation'." I will start 'schools' all around the world teaching 'my' version of history. "It will take generations for stories of the 'old' to die out... but as children are raised in the new world we will forge together..." Slowly nodding I can imagine the end result and a long and snaking path remains between where I am now and where I need to get.

Good thing the Red Faith already is filled with fanatics.

Once I make a solid enough plan and present it to the head priests as well as slip some dreams to specific individuals... we will be well on the way toward a future where the world only has one religion.