
177 AC


Aerion Targaryen


Watching Drogon bring a charred sheep over to Moonfyre and lay on his side as he watches her tear into it I let out a sigh. This boy is down bad for my baby girl and has been 'courting' her for a few moons now. They are bigger than horses and approaching cart size, Danny says it is close to the growth her smaller dragons had before she and they died. Drogon apparently was always bigger but after he flew off and came back he was much bigger and I wonder if he will do the same soon.

He is up Moonfyres butt most of the day since he is bored out of his mind and can only pester his potential 'mate'. Danny and I took a late-night fly a while back but had to stay low as our 'weak' five-year-old bodies can barely hang on to the spikes on the dragons.

When we landed mother tore us a new ass, I have never been spanked in this life but that night I could not sit. Danny squealed like a pig when she was thrown over mothers knee and given all seven of the hells.

"Why are you giggling like a fool?" Speak of the devil.

"Just laughing at Drogon trying to trick my little baby into loving him, her heart is as steady as the wall in the north and she remains vigilant to his attempts." I think she is still a little young, in a few years she will probably 'reluctantly' accept his advances.

"His attempts are more skillful than your own, how is your ego feeling after Mya ignored you once again?" I grip my chest as the pain of being ignored by a five-year-old who is actually a five-year-old.

Nothing unholy going on here, Mya took interest in the different instruments I have been creating and practicing and I invited her to learn from me. She 'politely' refused and left me hanging even though she still sat outside of hearing range so she could listen to me play. I felt like I was back in school and asked to sit with someone and they just stood up and left the table without a word.

"Well I can't do anything about it, if I seek the 'others' out then I feel like a child predator or something so I just do my own thing." She sits next to me and looks at the music I was writing, my book is full of old songs I have been reviving into this world slowly with instruments I have 'created'.

"This is played on the violin and is called 'What could have been' so I take it that it's a sad song?" She asks curiously and I purse my lips remembering the song and giving a so-so gesture.

"Mostly sad, a little walking down memory lane and thinking about happy memories as well." She nods and looks back at the dragons and wipes her nose.

"Sing it to me, please." I look over at her and wonder what she is up to but not seeing anything I just shrug and set the 'pencil' aside and hold the book in both hands.

"Alright, here I go."


What Could Have Been feat. Ray Chen (from the series Arcane League of Legends)


"With the instruments, it obviously could be better but you get the point and I will get the sheet music written eventually." The gift from Nova I received did indeed make me a master of music but only music I know.

I do not just have an I-pod in my head full of songs so it is slow going and based on memory and my own trial and error. It is a lifelong passion to pursue and will leave my 'mark' upon this world in an unforgettable way. But instruments I feel like I can make any of them as I just have this 'programmed' knowledge of how they work and how they should be built.

For my first guitar, I had help making somehow convinced Danny I was her older brother Rhaegar for some reason but I told her I was not. She has not given up on this idea she has that I am someone she knows or could know of, I just gave up convincing her. It is not like I can just tell her I am from a different world where she was fiction, she would probably go mad like professor X looking into Deadpool's mind.

"I can't wait to hear it, are you going to exercise sometime soon?" I close my book and grab my pencil before standing up and looking toward the sun for a rough estimate of the time.

"I am, you planning to join me again?" She nods and we both head off back into the castle made of fused black stone.

I will never get tired of seeing the massive statues of varying creatures, it is truly something from a fantasy world. It is sad that the men who built these didn't pass the skills to later generations so they could be carried on.

But shaking my head I think about the light exercising I have started doing, they refuse to let me train with a sword until I am six or seven so I have been working on my body. I know for a fact - Eternal Arms Mastery - is a monster of a skill just by the feeling of 'experience' I had when I held a wooden sword.

I will try to impress everyone so I can get Dark Sister the family sword given to the best swordsmen in the family. Danny has told me a bit about the 'history' or at least as she had heard it and Daemon waters is going to be a problem... apparently.

Aegon the 'unworthy' gives the king's blade to his bastard Daemon Waters and our half-brother takes the name Daemon Blackfyre after the blade. He will rise in rebellion to take the throne for a multitude of reasons but will fail but his kids will carry on and cause more rebellions.

Maybe I could impress father and get the blade but I doubt it, he knighted Daemon at like eleven or twelve to give him the blade. It was not about skill or being worthy but to spit on his heir my trueborn older brother Daeron the second, or at least he will be Daeron the second. The chances I get the sword are so small it is put out of my mind and instead I focus on the blade in the hands of the Dragonknight, the man Danny thinks is our actual father.

Too much drama for me, if I am Aemon's kid I am a bastard so I would like to keep Aegon as my 'father' so I can keep being a trueborn. This is not a kind world and the lower you are on the totem the more people step on you and abuse you. Given I am a dragon rider so that is a flawed way of thinking as everyone will bow if I told them to. I would like to stay out of the drama though, Danny has plans and likes the politics so I will leave her to her games and I will enjoy the parts I like.

Living my second life to the best of my ability is what I aim to do.

"I forgot to mention but apparently your plan to- kill our dad with a heart attack might work." She whispers the latter part directly in my ear and I roll my eyes.

"That was a joke, I didn't think he was such a glutton when I shared those 'recipes' with the cooks when we went to the Redkeep." If he eats himself to death before he gives over Blackfyre that would actually be great for all of us.

"I know it was a joke but the deep frying and all those sweets have become a massive trend in court. The ladies have gotten 'plump' and the men... fat." These poor underdeveloped people with absolutely no defense against these foods are all going to fall over dead.

I should pass on some of the healthy recipes at some point so all the beautiful women don't become pigs. Dragonstone is our home and none of the people here have shown any addiction to fried foods so it seems fine. It must be my dads pushing it that is making it a problem, poor him I guess.

"Not much I can do now, once the arrow has flown it cant be brought back." She nods and we spot our older brother walking toward us from the other end of the hall as we enter the main building.

"Hello you two, having a nice walk?" He asks with genuine care and curiosity, he is one of the nicest people I have seen in this world, or he is a top-tier fake.

"I saw Drogon share his food with Moonfyre and then I came back to train my body with Danny." He smiles and ruffles my short hair.

"You two be careful, if Baelor joins you then send him to find me after you are done." I nod and he walks around us off to do princely things.

"Let's go." Danny snaps me from my thoughts as she walks ahead.


"Hey Baelor, oh you brought Aerys and Rhaegal as well." I spot two of my other 'nephews'.

If there was ever any 'boys' to hang out with in this world it would be these fine fellas.

"Hey Aerion, we were about to start without you!" I snort at Aerys knowing he would definitely not start without me and would instead push it off even if I never showed up.

"It's time to get that grind Aerys, you cant get the finest maidens if you look like you're made of sticks." Baelor slaps his brother's shoulder with a barking laugh for such a young guy.

Baelor the oldest with Aerys the same age as me and Rhaegal the wild card a year younger looking ready to eat some dirt or do pushups, I am not sure. Maekar is the youngest but he has not joined in yet because he is barely even three so pushups and stuff are off the table, got to be four at least.

Danny walks past me and grabs a 'mat' we had made to make the 'grind' not as hard on the knees of our young bodies while we are on the ground.

I stretch my arms seeing the fire in Baelor's eyes that let me know he is ready to go for broke today, sore backs await us. The poor older kid doesn't know my body has cheating Vitality so he will never surpass me when it comes to training but it doesn't stop him from trying. He has a can-do attitude that hypes me up to let him keep trying though.

I can heal faster and can be back on my feet by morning no matter how sore I get, he on the other hand...

"Today I will prove I am the eldest!" His proud voice would grate on people if they didn't know him, he is a big cinnamon roll on the inside.

I walk to the side and grab my mat and hear Aerys groan as he grabs his own. Rhaegal meanwhile is already face-first in the dirt pushing and dropping himself into it with some much force I fear for his nose. He is not 'special' but he for sure has his little moments where it makes you question.


"Everything hurts." Aerys moans in pain and I see Baelor panting for sweet air in his dying lungs.

"That just means the grind is working." I smile wide as my muscles sting, I am one hundred percent sure this is not good to do at a young age in my old world.

But in this world, you have thirteen and fourteen-year-old 'boys' looking and being legally 'adults' so the maturation of this world seems to be faster. There is a bit of worry about some things concerning age like how soon women get pregnant but training early seems to have no negative effects on growth or development.

Most knights have trained from young so I am not too worried about it Daeron knows we are doing this and he doesn't stop his sons. That just lets me know there are no giant red flags of training early, this world's civilization has been like this for eight thousand years at least so they would have found any problems early on and it would be common knowledge.

"Aerion help me back to my room please, I can't feel my knees." Daenerys whines from the side and I give her an impressed look.

She can tough it out with Baelor and that's saying something as the kid is a muscle head through and through. She has the adult mind helping her but her body's pain is still that of a kid and I am sure she is suffering.

I know she worries about being killed again so I don't discourage her, I hope to help her live her second life to the fullest.