
172 AC


Aerion Targaryen


Turns out mom is made of some serious badass stuff as she is already back to holding and cooing at us. The baby dragons on the bed clicking at her with their tongues and trilling as they nudge into her have her on edge but she seems to be taking it fine.

"We will need to figure out how to reinstate the dragon keeper order and also we will need a secure location to defend them. The lords of Westeros are not going to be happy about the return of the dragons. I already had word sent to father as his master of whispers would hear by the end of tomorrow at the latest anyway." Mom tickles my tiny nose and makes me sneeze as my brother paces around the room like a madman.

"Calm down son, you have seen what happens when you tried to separate the babies and the dragons. They will likely burn someone alive when they have flames if you try to separate them at this point. They will be fine living in Dragonstone until they are too big, probably around the size of hounds or so." My sister bats her eyelashes like she is trying to communicate and gurgles that sound almost pained come out of her mouth.

I feel you there Daenerys... I feel you.

Daeron looks down at the dragons from the side of the bed and Drogon gives out a purr that I am sure is supposed to be threatening as he holds his wings out. Daeron seems to pick up on the message they don't want to leave us as he sighs and shakes his head.

"I need to go spend some time with my wife, she was having a fit when I ran through to let her know no one was hurt earlier. I also freaked out my son when I ran off so suddenly so I need to assure him everything is fine." Mother nods and gives him a soft smile that hides the pain she is currently feeling very well.

"Go be a father I can be proud of my boy." He nods and walks toward the door but pauses halfway and turns.

"Father will visit, he will want to see them for himself." I feel my mother shake but still herself well enough.

"I know, I imagine he will 'summon' us like some common servants but as we are unable to travel he will make a spectacle of coming here himself. He will no doubt bring his 'latest' and his favorite bastards as well..." The way she says bastards alludes to quite a few half-siblings of mine out in the world.

I hope he is not as bad as Robert with like fifty of them that have to be butchered when the next king sits on the throne. I regret not surfing the wiki for this world now that I am here, would be nice to know of upcoming threats.

I nuzzle into my mom's chest as I feel a wave of baby tired come over me and close my eyes to the world. One blessing of all of this is even with super Vitality I can still nap like it's my job and it is very enjoyable to pass the time.


172 AC

Kingslanding - Redkeep

Aegon IV Targaryen


A week since we received the letter of the 'impossibility' of travel for my near-death wife and young twins. I could care less about them, I want to see the dragons so I can see with my own eyes the truth of these words. The small council had a great laugh at the expense of my son when a raven came telling us of the two dragons hatching.

When it was confirmed five times over I immediately ordered them to come here and show me but their inability to travel have put that on hold. I will just have to go see them myself, it has been a while since I saw my wife anyway. I suppose seeing my new twins will also be something interesting.

"Do you think it is true?" Daena asks Rhaena as they both sip on some fine wine.

"I don't know, I sure hope so as it will be the new rise for our family." Rhaena answers as she looks at Elaena who is holding onto her own 'stone' egg that matches her hair with its silver and gold streak.

Little Daemon bounces impatiently on his mom's knee as she holds him tight in her grasp, I smile looking at my secret son. I quite like the boy, he looks a lot like me and I know without a doubt he is mine unlike my 'heir'.

But no one knows Daemon is mine as of now, and that will change in the future.

"We will just go look for ourselves, I don't see why everyone would lie about it though." I speak up as I twirl my glass in my hand.

"That's a wonderful idea, your Grace." Daena responds with a smile and I nod, I know it's a good idea that's why I am doing it.


172 AC


Aerion Targaryen


The room was cleaned and everything was organized for the king's arrival, our mom's mood has dropped straight into the dumps. I can't even cheer her up with my incoherent kind words and she is usually just staring off into space.

A knock at the door gets her attention but the door opens before she can call out and I find it a bit odd as people usually call out who is entering. Seeing the man who came in with a crown on his head with seven dragon heads coming off of it I find the answer to my unasked question.

"Wife." He grunts in an undignified way and his eyes immediately find the dragons lounging on the bed.

"Your Grace." She gives a pained little bow while sitting up but he doesn't even look over to see it.

"I would have never believed it until I saw it for myself." His voice filled with child-like wonder as he looks down at the dragons who seem unfazed by his presence.

He gulps and the beginning of a double chin is more noticeable as he does, the man is not in the best of shape. I notice my twin is looking at the man closely as I struggle to look her way and I wonder if she knows more about this man. I should ask if I get the chance sometime soon, for all I know we could be killed off shortly from some freak accident.


We were taken away from the comfortable embrace of our mother to be shown around like trophies to all the people our dad brought with him. It is mainly because the dragons go where we go and so he had us dragged out into this room where a hoard of people are gathered. There are quite a few Targaryens alive from what I am hearing and I honestly didn't expect it with how few there are in the show.

"We should give a different egg to Daemon to see if it will hatch, I don't believe it is impossible with this happening." I hear a woman speak to my dad and looking at her I see she is likely related to us somehow.

Silver hair and purple eyes are all Targaryens until I learn their names, it is just convenient that way.

"I will have a few brought out to pass around to see if something else will crawl out." He looks down at the silver dragon tearing into a burnt leg of lamb.

"What are you going to have done with these two?" I can't see who she is referring to, either me and my twin or our dragons.

"Nothing as of now, they are safe here, and bringing them to the Redkeep will just have the faith kick up a fit. You saw how panic spread when word got out, people fear the return of the dragons." Perhaps I misjudged you father.

"I was talking about the two dragon riders, they bonded with the twins so what are your plans for them?" This bitch, you better shut your mouth!

"Oh, I didn't put much thought into it since I needed to see the truth for myself. I would have them wed each other so they can keep the blood that hatched the eggs pure. If no other eggs hatch from my bastards then these twos children should be able to get some more to hatch or even from their dragons when they grow." I stiffen and stop trying to flick off the woman beside me as I look back at my dad in sheer shock.

Did this man really just decide to wed me to my own twin?!

Dude I can't even begin to go into why that is not ok, for one and this should be enough to ensure it never happens I have smelt this little shits spoiled 'diapers'. There is no going back once you have seen someone at their lowest, on top of that she is my twin!

Looking over to my twin I see what I recognize from her future face as a scowl forming as she looks toward me and then back at our dad.

Hey do not blame me for this, you are the one who got me to touch the damn egg and let it hatch!

"I was thinking Daemon would make a good husband for little Daenerys, it would let his children carry the Targaryen name." Daenerys scowl whips around as best her baby neck can manage and I wonder why it seems she is even more against that marriage.

"Hmmm, I will think on the matter but I need to see if a dragon will hatch for the boy first. If it does then he can be legitimized and given the name without any marriages and even maneuvered to a 'higher position'." That sounds ominous, being a baby is great for gathering secret information.

Father tires of holding us and Daenerys is passed to a beautiful woman with Targaryen features but a solid gold band running through her hair. I am handed off to a woman who is dressed in a very 'nun-like outfit that is all white with gold laced into the front of it. This woman seems to be called Rhaena and she seems to be the nicest I have seen other than my mom.

"You are such a little cutie, when you grow up you will be a handsome little prince. A handsome prince with a dragon at his back, you will have all the maidens throwing themselves at you." She tickles my fat baby belly and I squirm and try to resist giggling like a fool.

I fail miserably...


172 AC


Daenerys Targaryen


If that man thinks I will marry THE Daemon Blackfyre that practically crippled the future of our house he is madder than my other father. I remember Ser Barristan Selmy telling me about my namesake before when I asked about my family's history. He told me that Daenerys loved Daemon and he loved her and that is one of the thorns that started the Blackfyre rebellion. Not getting the wife he wanted and instead, his half-brother gave a woman from the free cities to him.

He won't have to worry about it here because I will avoid the bastard and he won't have a chance to fall in love with me and I for sure won't love him.

I look over at my fool brother who is going red in the face from a big-chested woman tickling him half to death. A hand lands on my belly and a voice chills my spine as I look back up at the woman called Elaena Targaryen.

"Is Daenerys jealous of her brother getting a little tickle?" I try to shake my head but it only amuses the woman as her fingers start attacking my stomach.

Drogon help me!