
172 AC


Aerion Targaryen


"You fucking what?" I ask incredulously.

"Go tell your dragon to stop what it is doing, it is going to start a fight." She urges with a bit of panic as the Silver dragon blows fire out its mouth into the air.

The flames glow like eerie moonlight even in the day and I shake my head.

Making my way out from under the black beast of a dragon I walk to the side and that catches the attention of the silver dragon as it snaps its jaws shut. Its eyes trained on me as I put distance between myself and the black dragon.

"Hey little fella, how about we don't fight..." A hiss exits the dragon and I get the feeling it is annoyed at me.

I stand up straight and put my hands on my naked hips as I look the dragon over and then nod.

"Alright how about we don't fight little 'lass'." Hot air escapes the dragon's nose and 'her' tail flicks through the grass.

The dragon walks slowly forward on its wings and back feet before its head gets within arms reach and it stops. It takes deep breaths of my scent just like Drogon did and tilts its head so I can see into one of its eyes. I slowly raise my hand and set it on the nose and scratch it the same as I did the other dragon and a familiar reaction happens.

"Well damn, that wasn't so bad I guess." Another hot breath hits my back and I turn my head to see Drogon behind me sniffing at the silver dragon.

My body is being used as a shield as the hulking black dragon takes in the scent of the silver one. I almost laugh at how 'childlike' the action looks but seeing the woman who should be Daenerys staring at me with a questioningly look I keep my mouth shut.

"Who are you?" She asks as she walks over and sets her hand on the silver dragon's nose beside mine.

"Aerion Targaryen." She nods and looks the silver dragon over with a hint of admiration.

"Who are you really? Aerion Targaryen is my twin and right now a few days old, nowhere near old enough to walk around and talk. You also know Drogons name which should not be possible so I am very interested in who you really are." I clear my throat while coming up with some random story.

"I am Aerion Targaryen from the future." I nod in approval of my BS skill, I mean look at my body I am obviously an adult Aerion at the moment.

Wait I am still naked.

"No point in covering up now I have already seen everything." She snorts as she looks at me in amusement. "If you don't want to tell me yet that is fine but I have another question I need the answer to no matter what." I hesitantly nod but have no intention of actually answering anything I don't want to.

She may be my sister or potentially the soul of the show Daenerys stuffed into my sister based on how Drogon is here and her intelligence level I have observed both out of this dream world and inside of it.

"Go for it, I won't answer if it is something I don't want to though." Her lips thin as she looks me over one more time searching for something.

"Are you Jon Snow?" I am surprised by this question as it confirms she is the future Danny to know that name since Jon snow should at least be a hundred years from now by my guess.

"I am not Jon Snow." Her tense posture eases up and she nods before looking over at Drogon.

"That's good." She takes a few steps toward the black dragon before looking over her shoulder at me. "Want to take our dragons for a flight?" My eyes widen and I find myself nodding before I can think about it.


It took me all of thirty seconds after the dragon left the ground to find out why riding a dragon bareback is not a wise decision. We are now sitting on the grass field together and she seems much less on guard now as we enjoy the breeze.

"Being a baby sucks." She giggles in response and slaps my shoulder.

"You whine like a dying goat." She chokes on her words and I feel my face scrunch up as I try to shake off the embarrassment.

"Hey, I can't help it when my voice isn't even formed yet..." I am about to insult her for how bad her 'baby act' is but the sky darkens and the dragons let out whines.

We both look around and the plains around us are quickly getting smaller.

"Guess time is up, I am not looking forward to being able to lift my head again." I adjust my head and crack my neck getting ready for the uncomfortable body feeling once more.

"I don't know if we will get to come here again but it was nice to meet you, if not weird and mysterious. I will be thinking about who you are for many days to come and it will likely drive me crazy." I wince, I would go crazy at the mystery as well when all I can do is lay down and stare at a ceiling all day.

"Don't fret over it, you would not know me and I am no one important to you." She turns back to look at me after seeing Drogon vanish.

"Don't say that, you are my brother now so, of course, you are important to me." Guess she misunderstood me as light overtakes my vision and I no longer can respond.


A heavy weight on my chest makes it hard to breathe and I try to shake it off but nothing happens. I open my eyes to find my vision blocked by a metallic object and wiggling gives me results.

"Oh, Gods!" I hear a familiar shout from the large-chested maid and the object on my body shifts itself and I can see once more.

"What happened?!" A bang of the door being slammed open is heard and I turn my head a little to see familiar silver scales Infront of me.

The much smaller silver dragon from last night and its companion a tiny black dragon rest in between me and my twin. The hysterical maid runs out screaming and the guard stands over the cradle gasping for air.

"Seven hells... dragons." He chokes and turns around and runs out of the room.

What a good guard he is leaving a couple of babies less than a week old with small reptiles in their cradle...


172 AC


Daeron II Targaryen


I watch my wife feed my son Baelor while she carries another child in her swollen stomach. It fills me with joy knowing another little one will be here soon, I can't wait to see what they look like.

"Prince Daeron!" I hear a shout from outside the door and turn with a frown on my face.

"Who is there?" I shout back and the door opens and two men hold back one of the household guards.

"Prince Daeron it is an emergency!" He pants like a dying dog and I stand up slowly and motion for my wife to get behind me.

"What is the meaning of this?" He stands up and holds himself against the doorway as the guards at the door keep him back.

"Dragons!" He shouts and I look at him like a fool, what is he on about?

"Dragons?" I ask with a cold tone and he nods quickly seemingly convinced of something.

"The eggs in the prince and princesses cradle hatched, there are two baby dragons in there with them right now!" He falls back on the wall as he gave up standing and the guards pushing him back finally managed to shove him away.

"What madness is this? The dragons are all dead." I hear my wife speak but my curiosity is boiling and I am already approaching the door.

"Guard them till I get back, I will get to the bottom of this." Both guards nod and close the door behind me as I speed off down the halls toward my little brother and sister.


Before I even get into the room I hear a loud shriek that does not sound like it is from a man or woman and I charge into the room as the door was open. I spot mother behind a guard who has a blade drawn and has it pointed at the cradle. My blood boils at the sight and I am about to shout at the man when I see something move on the edge of the cradle.

The sun's rays reflect off its silver body as it holds onto the edge of the cradle and looks out at all of the people in the room. I drop to my knees as my mind finally recognizes the guard's words as true, dragons are alive once more.

"Stand down!" I bellow at the man still holding a sword to my family's sigil.

"Prince Daeron..." He looks at me with worry and I use the wall beside me to stand up back onto my feet.

"I told you to stand down." He sheaths his blade and I no longer pay attention to the man as I approach the cradle.

Standing over the cradle I see the silver dragon stare up at me with wide and chilling blue eyes. I check my siblings and see them fine, more than fine they seem to be trying to pull apart another dragon in the cradle who is being very patient with them. The black dragon turns its head toward me and I can't help the excitement burning inside of me like an inferno.

"Are the babies ok?" I hear mother worriedly ask as she is held back by the same guard.

She is not even supposed to be up and is worsening her injuries by being her so I put the dragons out of my mind and approach her. I carefully pick her up and turn to everyone in the room and take a deep breath.

"Get out." Their eyes widen but they soon make their way out of the room.

I carry mom over to the cradle and find she is passed out in my arms, how she managed to get up and across the hall, I will never know. She very well could have killed herself, she is not supposed to be out of bed for at least three weeks or more.

I shake my head and with one last look at the cradle I head to put mother back in bed and to get a Maester to look her over.


172 AC


Aerion Targaryen


Well, whatever just happened went better than I thought.

I expected to see blood when I heard a sword being drawn and a man shouting about demons from the lowest hell. I heard mother crying and my gut clenched as that woman is frail as a twig and she somehow got in here.

Seeing my brother carry her off only made me worry more and now I feel like I might have somehow been involved in getting my mom killed.

Mothers can do some superhuman feats when it involves their children so maybe it will be fine, I will send a prayer to 'Nova' to see if he can help out. I will forever feel bad if my new mom died before she could even hear me speak to her in real words.

I look over at my twin and can't really judge how she feels, it is hard to pick out emotions from a chubby baby face. But Drogon giving sad little whistles as he lays in between us lets me know she is also feeling glum.