"Normal common tongue"

""Foreign language or Valyrian in most cases""


172 AC

Kingslanding - Red keep

Aegon IV Targaryen


"The queen successfully birthed twins your Grace, a prince named Aerion Targaryen and a princess named Daenerys Targaryen. The delivery was long and she is still fighting for her life to survive at the moment but the Maesters are confident in her recovery." Fucking bitch won't just die, I am still doubtful if Daeron is even mine and the chances these are not Aemon's are low as well.

I have to stop myself from groaning Infront of the small council and instead nod with a fake smile.

"Send word of my thanks to my wife and have eggs placed in the cradle like usual." The man bows and turns to step out to get to my command and I smile for real this time.

I think I will have his daughter again tonight, her breasts are just the right shape and size...

"Your Grace." I turn around to see Lord Bracken my Hand and the man I had aimed to replace soon enough.

Melissa Blackwood is soon to birth me a bastard and I won't lie that I have been taken by the woman for quite some time. Blackwood's and Brackens don't get along very well so I will be sending off this hand and his daughter Barba Bracken.

"What is it?" I ask and he sits forward and clears his throat awkwardly while looking at the rest of the council.

He has been aiming for a meeting alone with me for weeks now, I suspect he is aware of the boot coming for him. I could care less though, if he wanted to keep the position he should have had his daughter work to be a better lover.


172 AC


Aerion Targaryen


"There is my boy, the Prince of Dragonstone who is only a short walk away but didn't come to visit me." I hear my 'mom' weakly speak to the man who walked into the room.

I am surprised this woman is alive, Naerys Targaryen is made of some tough stuff with all the blood she lost I swore death was sitting on her shoulder. I close my eyes feeling them sting, I had no clue infants had such shit eyesight but they do.

"I won't lie to you mother, I didn't expect you to make it. I was scared and couldn't find it in me to watch you die Infront of me with me being unable to do anything." Wish I had a name for this guy but it looks like he might be my older brother.

By older I mean he looks like a grown man and so I am confused as to why my mom was even pregnant, to begin with. The man pokes and prods at me and my sister and has a ghost of a smile on his face as I swat at him the best I can. Curse these weak arms and body, it is like I am living in sand or something.

Superhuman vitality is likely the only reason I can stay awake for more than an hour without passing out like my poor companion to my right. We suck on tits and shit on ourselves and that's about all we can do. I feel like I am in a straight jacket and it is killing me slowly.

"I would say I am sorry you have to go through with that son, but I am the one who almost died on my birthing bed. You could have come and at least let me see you Daeron, I was alone other than Aemon watching over... you know he has to be careful Infront of people." He nods with a sad smile as he sits on the bed and takes me into his arms.

"He is heavier than Baelor was when he was born." He looks down at me and I stare into his purple eyes trying my best to get the man to put me back down. "Message from the king came and he ordered eggs to be put into their cradles." He sets me down next to my sister as he talks and I see her open an eye wide when she hears the word 'egg'.

I have been suspicious of this 'twin' of mine and not just because her name was what let me know the world I am in. This Daenerys Targaryen doesn't act like a normal infant, and that's coming from me. I learned early on that screaming put people more at ease than sitting quietly but this little girl is quiet as a grave.

But her small eyes are full of a certain appraising light that I cannot notice when I am in a situation like I am. In the middle of the night in the crib she will try to move around when people are gone. If the wet nurse shows up she will go limp and pretend to sleep, after eating and the nurse leaving she will struggle once more.

I am conflicted, if she is like me and stuffed into an infant body did she get gifts from 'Nova' as well?

Will she smother me with a pillow in fear that my gifts are better than hers or something? We are in the backstabbing world of Game of Thrones and we are in the family of the top dogs.

The incestuous House that tames dragons and where the kings of these lands called Westeros.

"Just make sure the eggs don't crush them in the cradle." Mother sighs and shakes her head as she runs a finger over Daenerys head lovingly.

The little purple eye peeking out at the world snaps shut and Mother laughs having also seen it.

"I will go and grab two, I think I will put the black one from Baelor's cradle and the silver one from my own cradle." Mother nods and the man leans in and kisses her forehead before walking toward the door.


172 AC


Daenerys Targaryen


I am in the past, I have been sent into the body of my namesake when she was first born.

This is a second chance at life and I won't lie when this woman holds me close and kisses me I enjoy it. Naerys Targaryen looks frighteningly a lot like I did before I died, I am still put off by it but I can't hold it against her when she smiles at me. The man who was just here is one I know a little of Daeron Targaryen the second and the one who ruled after Aegon the Unworthy.

I still can't imagine living at the same time as these people, Aemon the Dragonknight, Daemon Blackfyre, Shiera Seastar, Baelor Breakspear, Aegor Rivers, and many other bastards and trueborn. House Targaryen was in ruin in my life and here it is overfilling with children both trueborn and bastards.

The Blackfyre rebellions are coming in the future due to my own 'father' who I am speculating is not my actual dad. The way my mom looks at the Kingsguard who is Aemon the Dragonknight has me doubting my father. I would rather my dad be the honorable knight as I already had a shitty father in my last life.

Gods, I will grow up on Dragonstone and in the Redkeep!

But that reminds me of all the problems that sparked in this time, but at least our house still has the throne. I will step up and be who I once was if I need to, I may not have Drogon at my side anymore but I know how to get an army once more. I will ensure the Blackfyres never become a problem and the throne is secured to our house for a long time.

""My little Dragons, you will get an egg to sleep with from now on. A tradition passed down from the times we still had dragons, the first to hatch eggs this way was the Good King and Queen. Don't be disappointed if it doesn't work, the dragons are long gone so it is better if you don't get your hopes up."" She speaks in Valyrian in a soothing way that tickles my small ears, my brother looks massively confused.

A bit too much emotion for a fat-faced baby boy, I wonder if he is like me?

Who could he be though, another Targaryen who was killed and sent back?

The only ones I know are my old brother Viserys and... Jon Snow.

I observe the boy and wonder if Drogon did burn him after I died and sent him back with me in the process. I have a feeling he is like me but I don't know who he is and we physically can't speak, but when we can I will find out. If he is Jon Snow I will make sure he regrets what he threw away.

I am watching you brother.


I admire the two eggs placed into the cradle between me and my twin, a familiar black egg with red swirls. The other is a solid silver that almost glows in the moonlight that comes in from the window, the dragon inside is no doubt beautiful.

I waited till the big-breasted nurse filled our bellies for the night and won't be back till morning, now I can move. I struggle with all my tiny strength to set my hand on the egg, it takes more strength from me than I ever thought.

I can even describe the 'weak' feeling of being a baby again, I feel like I will go mad at times but the hope of the future helps me hold on. I have to move forward and not look back, this is my life now and I will make the most of it.

My hand lands on the black egg and I feel a familiar warmth spread through my hand that comforts me like no other.


172 AC


Aerion Targaryen


Watching my sister I see her swing her arm up and around like a loony and finally get it onto the black egg beside her. She goes stiff and soon looks to fall asleep, I wonder what she is doing?

I look at the silver egg that is closer to me and wonder what it feels like if she can manage to do it then so can I. Plus I have Superhuman vitality anyway so I should be all around better than her unless she also has some kind of enchantment.

My small fingers press onto the egg and I am shocked to find it has some heat to it. Do they put them with babies in the cradle to keep the infants warm through the night?

I feel the warmth spreading up my arms and into my chest and it comforts me into a nice sleep. I don't even try to fight it as I slowly drift into blissful sleep.


My eyes open and there is no strain as I look around a grass field and shake my head.

I look down and find my fat baby belly is gone and I have a very toned body replacing it, I am struck stupid at the sight. I stand tall and wonder why I am naked outside in the breeze and how I grew so fast. Where is my mom or sister, I would even be happy to see the big-chested maid who suffocates me with her breasts.

A loud hissing noise behind me has me jump into the air in fright as I twirl around to see a massive black reptilian monster. It rears its head back and lets out an ear-shattering roar as I go stiff as a board looking at the dinosaur in the flesh.

Spotting wings and how it crawls I realize that I am not in Jurassic park and instead this is a dragon, similar in look to the one from the show now that I take a closer look.

"Drogon?" I hesitantly ask in hopes it has sentience enough to not want to eat me if I come off as a friend.

It lowers its head and brings its nose closer as it takes deep breaths of my scent and then starts to trill and purr like a tamed house cat. I reach out and scratch his nose and find it hot and spikey but not unpleasant as I run my fingers over it.

"How do you know his name?" I hear a woman's voice behind me and jump once more to twirl around and press my back against the dragon.

An unimpressed woman stands Infront of me in a black dress with a silver dragon pin on its shoulder. Her looking almost like a clone of my new mom has me rub my eyes a few times and I realize who this is easy enough after that.

"Daenerys?" I ask and she tilts her head while narrowing her eyes.

"You know my name as well." I gulp and nod slowly and realize I probably should have kept my mouth shut.

Before she can open her mouth another roar comes from the sky and all three of us look up to see a shining silver streak diving from the sky. Drogon growls and steps forward overtop of us both in a 'protective' way and vocalize his threat at the new arrival.

Undeterred the silver dragon lands Infront of the black dragon and growls back with exposed teeth.

"Silver... like my brother's egg." Danny mumbles and slowly turns to look at me in surprise before her eyes narrow once more. "Aerion?" I purse my lips and think it over and find no reason to withhold my identity and eventually nod.

We got sucked into some kind of dreamscape where we both are adults so some Hocus Pocus is going on that is above my pay grade.

"If you are Aerion then that should be your dragon, tell it to stop acting a fool and to calm down." She looks back at the silver dragon who is keeping its body low as it slowly approaches Drogon.

I look at the crazy lady and then back at the very unhappy dragon and wonder if she just wants me dead.