


???? ????


"Wake up." I hear a soft voice and take a deep breath as I sit up, opening my eyes I am immediately confused at the sight before me.

White on more white is the best I can describe the room I am in, I try to stand and fall over finding my body weak.

"What is going on?" I ask and look around for who spoke just a moment ago, seeing no one I worry if I have gone crazy.

The room seems large but also small, I can't actually even 'feel' anything under me and that concerns me. It is like standing on nothing and that should not be possible and reinforces the idea I went off my rocker.

"Calm down, you are fine now." Spinning my head I still can't find where the voice is coming from and I start to get a bad feeling.

"I am fine 'now'?" I hear a snort that sounds amused and a bright light blinds me.

Blinking and straining to see I make out a figure in the light as the light slowly fades and it looks like a man in a nice suit. The light fades completely and I can see an emblem on his breast pocket that reads out 'Nova Enterprise'.

"You are fine as of now, earlier you were smeared on the ground by a drunk driver if that helps clear things up. Oh, boy don't throw up, that won't clean up well..." Dry heaving as memories flood in of the 'night before' of celebrating with the boys.

I put my hands on my knees and hold myself up as I remember a truck going off the road blaring Eminem Godzilla. I only had time to look over and see the driver was a teacher I had in middle school and I can't help but feel pissed off. I am pretty sure he hit Eric as well, fucking Mr. Bleecker.

"I am good... I think." I feel the man with Silver hair and hazel eyes pat me on the back with an understanding look.

"My third wife ran me over with a truck a while back, it was enchanted so thoroughly it broke through my passive defenses and broke my leg." My eyebrows go further up the more he talks until I stand up straight and he grips my shoulder one last time with a curt nod.

"What?" I ask in pure confusion and he shrugs as he walks away from me and a giant wheel appears Infront of him.

"The 'what' is you are being given another chance at life and I am going to hook you up. I never actually met the person or persons that sent me on my journey but it is what it is..." He waves me over and I take hesitant steps toward him.

"I am dead but going to be brought back?" He nods and points at the wheel.

"With a bit of fun, some serious firepower in here but also some duds that I had to put in to make things fair. No one likes it when someone starts as strong as an elder god and can smack away everything that could be a problem. Adversity gives life meaning.... or so they say." I nod as things are slowly starting to make some sense.

I died and am receiving a second chance, a chance according to my religious grandmother I would never get because I smoked weed that one time. I always hoped she was wrong, it was an honest mistake when a big titty goth girl wants you to smoke... you smoke.

"So I spin this?" He smiles and nods and I grab the wheel and spin it as hard as I can and it takes off like a jet.

It lights up in a kaleidoscope of colors and I make a futile attempt to read the words but only get dizzy from my efforts.

"Damn it passed Sharingan.... thank god." Sharingan?

I look at him in confusion and he shrugs as the lights slowly die out and I hear the wheel click into place.

- Master of Music -

I look at the glowing words and hear a muffled chuckle beside me and turn to see a straight-faced 'man'.

"What's your name by the way? You never introduced yourself." He slaps his forehead and then throws his arms out to the side in a grand way with fireworks going off behind him.

"The name is Nova Morningstar, sorry about that you are actually my first soul to capture in this way to send somewhere else. I forgot all my practicing Infront of the mirror that Izzy made fun of me for." He shakes his head helplessly and sighs.

"I see." He shrugs and points toward the wheel and a ball of light comes off of it and crashes into my chest.

"Congratulations my friend, you are now a master of music. I remember making that one myself actually and it contains not only skill with any instrument but even how to make them. That will come in handy if you get sent to an underdeveloped world, but let's continue and you get two more spins. If Genie can give three so can a good-looking devil like myself." I nod with an impassive look on my face but really just a feeling of wanting to get out of here on the inside.

The wheel spins much softer this time and Nova deadpans seeing me barely spin it but he doesn't say anything.

- Superhuman Vitality -

"Not gonna lie you are getting fucked with these rolls, there are actual OP things and you get music and Vitality." I grit my teeth as he mercilessly drills into me, I want to give him a piece of my mind but he is obviously doing me a favor with all of this rebirth stuff. "I mean look at the next one over, - Eternal Arms Mastery - that would be overpowered in any world." He sighs as the light enters my chest and I get a sudden idea.

"Yea it is a pity." I approach the wheel and put my hand on it and look back at him seeing him give me an understanding look.

I push the wheel with the strength of a mouse and pull my hand back as it lights up and clicks once and rests on the one over from it. The light slowly dies and his face deadpans and he crosses his arms.

- Eternal Arms Mastery -

"Well played." He snaps and the wheel disappears as a light enters my chest once more.

Glad he went along with it, I may not understand what all is happening here but I know Eternal Arms Mastery is Lancelot's combat ability to be unrivaled in any Era from Fate. Super high vitality bard build with mastery of any weapon sounds like it will be fun no matter what happens in my next life.

"Alright, draw from the bowl." He holds up a bowl of slips of crumbled paper and shakes it around Infront of me.

I reach in and grab a ball of paper and pull it out as the bowl disappears and he takes the paper from me.

"Let's hope you don't get Warhammer or something..." He opens the paper and squints his eyes and slowly smiles and gives me an appraising look. "Not a bad pull, Good Luck." The paper beams into me and I get shoved back.

"What?!" I shout out not expecting something to happen so suddenly.

"You're welcome and make sure to leave a five-star review! I let you cheat that damn wheel so hook me up!" I hear him shout from behind and everything slowly goes black.


305 AC


Daenerys Targaryen


He stabbed me, he stabbed me after calling me his queen.

He cries and mourns what he has done as cold seeps into my limbs and my blood pours out of my body. He can see what I see but instead of stepping up and doing what needs to be done he instead runs from it.

He betrayed me out of fear, even though we have everything we need to build a better world.

A good world, because we know what's good... at least I thought 'we' knew.

It seems only I know what it takes to make a good world but now I will never be able to make that good world. Does he not see that out of fear he made all those lives I took worthless, they were a lesson for everyone and now because of him they are just ashes.

Everything is going black, a cold and empty world is what awaits me it seems.

I can hear in the distance my last child mourning me, a flicker of the warmth of his flames. I wonder if he burnt my traitorous nephew, another pile of ashes.


172 AC


Aemon Targaryen


She is giving birth to 'his' baby and he is not even here, even if he is king now he could at least show some respect to his wife and queen... sister.

I watch over the process as she gives her all once more to birth another pair of twins, the last pair put her foot in the grave. I send a desperate prayer to the gods to spare her this pain and let it be over soon.

One of the babies is finally pushed out and she falls slack on the bed looking defeated.

"It's a prince!" A voice calls out but I can't tear my eyes away from Naerys as she struggles to breathe.

Gods, please let her make it through this, I won't be able to put up with Aegon if you are not here Naerys.

She screams and all hands go back to in-between her legs as the other baby begins to descend. I notice Naerys is crying, this whole time she has not shed a tear and has been strong but looking at the baby in the arms of the maid she is crying.

I look over and finally notice the baby is not crying and my heart clenches, another stillborn. The maid bounces the baby and pats its back but no sound escapes from it as it lays in her arms.

I approach the maid and take a look and to my surprise, the baby boy seems alive, just silent. He struggles to open his eyes and move his arms but can't seem to manage to do what he wants to. His mouth opens and closes but no noise comes out and I wonder if he is just mute.

I get lost in watching the new prince that I forgot why I came over here and I look up and nod at Naerys who understands and a smile spreads on her face. The smile doesn't even disappear as she clenches her teeth in pain and her face goes even redder from straining.

"Ahhhh!" A small noise catches my attention and I look down to see the baby wrapped up in a blanket and trying to move his head.

Small noises escape him now as he struggles with his 'bindings' and the movements slowly stop as he closes his eyes. His breathing eases and I snort seeing him go to sleep so easily after all the pain he put his mom through.

I pull off my glove and run two fingers over his head, almost no hair but I can still pick up the silver sheen on his scalp. He has deep purple eyes when I saw them open for a moment and he seems an eager little guy to move around so much. The lack of crying still has me concerned and I know Naerys is also worried but he seems healthy.

"Welcome to the world little guy." I whisper as I slip my glove back on and take my place back by the door.

White cloak dragging on the ground behind me.