
207 AC


Aerion Targaryen


This... this is nice.

I am having trouble even keeping my head up at times because of the sheer amount of information I feel rushing into my mind. But I am slowly getting used to the strange whispers, the pleading... the prayers.

I can hear them.

Mainly it's those who saw my 'Ascension' as I am currently calling it.

But I can also hear other people who do not even know what happened.

A young girl begging to not be sick anymore.

A man wanting to feed his family so they won't go to bed hungry for another night.

A slave who does not know if he is even a person anymore, praying that the fire he gazes into will give him an answer that will set his mind at ease.

It's a lot to take in.

"I wonder if this is how Superman feels..." I muse aloud as I watch flicker flames in a fireplace with my bare feet stuck into them completely unharmed.

How could the flames hurt me?

I am fire.

I am light.

I am life.

Yeah... this is going to go to my head.

"The 'Man of Steel'?" Danny asks from the other side of the table as she watches me closely with curious yet cautious eyes.

She is unsure of what to make of my current state... I wish I could... show her.

Could I?

"Yes... the Man of Steel is supposed to be able to hear people from around the world or some nonsense after absorbing enough 'power' from the Sun." My mind turns hazy as my idle thoughts of wanting to show my wife what I am feeling turn into a plan.

Death can turn people into its champions.

Why would Life not be able to?

"Sounds like he would have a killer headache." Gwenys speaks up for the first time since I stepped out of the smoking pyre.

"He got used to it." As will I.

Currently, this is nothing.

In the end, I plan to have far more people 'praying' to me.

That's... strange to think about... but I know for a fact I would grow far more powerful.

The more people who are of my faith the more power I have access to.

The less people pray to other deities the weaker they grow until they likely fade into nothingness... sorta like how the Old Gods in the North have lost their names.

R'hllor left quite a lot of things for me to think about, but he also left a lot of 'blanks' as well when he did what he did. I can only assume he had reasons for doing what he did, it seems he wanted for me to figure it out as I go instead of following a plan he left out.

Why he gave up everything... I don't know but will figure out with time.


Something I have nearly limitless amounts of now.


Death is going to be a problem though... so long as there is Life there will be Death... the opposite side to my 'coin'.

The stronger I get the stronger 'it' gets in return.

I need... to figure out a way to put a lid on that as best as I can.

"Danny." I speak up and turn to look at my Wife who raises a brow at me.

"Yes?" She lifts her chin a bit and I smile at her.

"You trust me?" She has been with me from the beginning of this life, it's only right I attempt to 'change' her first.

"I do." She responds almost instantly and I gesture for her to come over to me by patting my lap and she rolls her eyes.

"Still a horny..." She mutters while standing up making me smile wider as she approaches and sits sideways on my lap.

Running my hands over her body I marvel at how different she feels despite the fact she has not changed.

I myself am the one who changed, I... feel far more than I did before.

I can feel the heat under her skin and the hot blood carrying 'fire' through her veins.

She is like... a candle if I had to compare her heat and fire to anything else.

I want it to be far more than just a candle though.

Far more.

"You are beautiful." I compliment her as I slide my right hand over the swell of her breast and up her smooth neck only stopping at her cheek.

Her breath stills and she shivers lightly as she bites her bottom lip painting an enticing sight that almost sends me into a fury of lust and passion. But I push those emotions down as I focus on what I want to do, it's my first time, and I only barely know how to proceed.

But I won't mess up.

Mistakes using my new power will be quite hard so long as I stay within my own 'Domains'.

It only takes a moment and I immediately can see results as the small flicker of 'flame' inside of her grows steadily. Her purple eyes which I have seen countless times and always thought looked beautiful slowly grow richer as a light glow lights up inside of them. I never would have called her eyes dim before but watching as their color turns richer and brighter I can't help but find them to be 'brighter'.

Despite the fact I am attempting to 'fill' her with my own flame I don't feel the Sun like presence inside of my chest to even shift as I pick up the pace and start flooding my Wife with what I can only call 'Life' itself.

I hesitate to call them imperfections but small things like light creases near the corners of her eyes smooth out. Her hair follows a similar path and seems to be rejuvenated as the silver locks slowly turn to an almost molten silver color as if they will start dripping melted metal onto the ground at any moment. Reddened skin from both the heat and the constant Sun exposure during the Conquest slowly fades into a pale milky white. Light pink lips slowly darken until they look almost like they are made of plastic or something artificial with how perfect they look.

I can't help but sit up slightly and catch those lips with my own which seems to snap my Wife from whatever trance she had found herself in as I quite literally 'worked my magic' on her.

"That is just unfair." I hear Shiera huff loudly and Danny blows out some air in an amused-sounding snort as she parts our lips by pressing her forehead against my own.

"I was worried..." Danny mutters while making eye contact with me.

"About?" I ask while licking my lips savoring her taste.

"You look different... I don't want to say you are more handsome since that makes it sound like you were not handsome before..." She mutters and looks down at her hands as she brings some of her hair forward to look at. "But if it's something you can share then I am not as worried." She playfully nudges me with her elbow as she looks around the table that I have my back to. "Jealous?" My Wife taunts my other Wives and I can actually feel their displeasure and amusement mixing like a savory concoction.

"You might want to hop off so I can start sharing the 'love'." I mutter as I feel my Wife shift on my lap.

Her rear end went through some change as well.

I don't know if I intended to do that, or if it happened naturally due to what I did, but I won't complain.

More cushion for the pushin is always appreciated.

"Fine..." Danny hops up from my lap sighing in 'defeat' yet I know she is not feeling anything but excitement and wonder at the moment.

We are linked.

In a way, I can only compare to my bond with Moonfyre... I should go and fill up the Dragons 'flame' as well and see if they change at all as well.

I have a feeling I could change them far more than I currently can a 'Human'.

They have more magic in them after all.

In time I don't doubt I can practice my 'skills' and will in time be able to change anything with ease and a wave of a hand.

But right now I am like a beginner sculptor... it will take time.

"My turn!" Shiera throws a leg over my thighs and sits on me in cowgirl position while playful rocking her hips with an almost feral grin.

Smiling I run both hands up from her hips over her large chest and the thought of swelling them a bit more is like a glass of water in the middle of the desert.


"Sweet girl." I mutter while running my palm over my granddaughter's head after finishing filling her own flame.

Well, she won't ever get sick... that much is certain.

I don't actually know what I am doing if I am honest, I am kind of just letting 'instinct' guide me if I am being honest.

The fire I can feel and see inside of people is likely their lifespan if I had to guess.

I am giving them as much as they can take.

I think this is what R'hllor did for his followers to keep them around, at least the high-ranking priests.

Only... I am not being cheap and I am pouring more than enough to keep them youthful.

I don't feel an 'end' to my own source of life.

But regardless I don't think I can just do this for everyone and make every person in the world immortal or something.

I wouldn't want to anyway.

Death... it's important.

The cycle must be protected.

I can shield my family from it, but not everyone.

"Can I ignite my sword with fire now?!" Maegor asks excitedly while pulling on my pant leg.

"If you practice." I actually don't know how to make that happen but I am sure I can figure it out and teach him.

For now, he can just play around and attempt it on his own though.

Turning a bit I wryly smile as I spot the girls of the family all looking at each other and commenting on each other's appearances.

This will certainly attract attention.

That's good though.

People have long thought Targaryens closer to Gods than Men.

Now it's true.

The more they believe it the more that fact is solidified.


A power that I only have started scratching at.

The more something is believed the more it becomes reality.

Power is a curious thing.

Power resides where men believe it resides.

Is the power I now have nothing more than a shadow on the wall?


It's real.

But I know for a fact the more people that believe I have immense power the more power I will have.

Is the opposite true?

If people thought I was weak would I shrivel and die?


But I would be weaker.

Good thing I started conquering the 'world'.

I have even more reason to do so now.

I need to cast as large of a shadow as possible.


That does not sound right for a God of Light.

I need to bring a rather bright light?

Hmm... I will work on it.