
207 AC


Rhaegar Targaryen


"Are they serious?" I ask aloud to no one in particular as I watch the gates of Meereen crack open and let a single rider out before they shut tight once more.

Mother said they would do this, but it does not make sense in my mind.

"I can take him." Maegor tries to walk forward by two hands dart out and grab his shoulders, one his Birth Mothers and the other belonging to my own.

"You will do no such thing." I snort hearing the deathly serious tone that Muna Mya used.

"I never get to do anything fun." Maegor huffs as he is pulled back.

"I suppose I can handle it, wouldn't want to look like Cravens." I shake my head still wondering why we did not just torch off the gates like every other city we have taken.

It has worked thus far.

Looking around for a horse to ride to meet the champion of Meereen I smirk as I see the disappointed looks of my siblings. I spoke up before any of them could and since I am the eldest here among us then my word 'ranks' higher. Their jealous gazes only serve to burn the fire inside of me hotter as I know I will get to show off a bit.


"Turn back Silver Fool, the great city of Meereen will not bow to vile demons such as yourself." The champion of Meereen speaks loud and proud as we both sit on horseback not far from one another between the Targaryen army and Meereen's west-facing wall.

"Silver Fool I might be but I do not see how any of us are vile demons." Tightening my grip on my spear as my horse gets anxious and adjusts itself impatiently I narrow my eyes at Meereen's champion as he takes off his helmet with a bright red face.

Anger or the heat I could not say, but he looks to be boiling under his skin.

"All of those from Valyrian wearing silver hair are demons, your people should have all died in the Doom." Anger and hatred are obvious in this man's tone and I find myself nodding along as he spits his words at me.

"Yet your people speak the tongue of mine." I genuinely do not understand why at the very least the 'Masters' do not change back to the Ghiscari tongue. "Your people were defeated and tamed by Valyria, that is why you speak the tongue of my ancestors." I shake my head as the man quickly reacts and lowers his lance. "And now history will repeat itself..." I trail off as I kick the side of my horse and adjust my spear ready to knock aside the poorly aimed lance.

Never thought the first man I intentionally killed while on horseback would be in this type of scenario. 

In front of an army awaiting an attack on a Slaver city.


207 AC


Daenerys Targaryen


"Rhaegar gets to have all the fun." I sigh in relief and exasperation as Maegor pouts childishly beside me with Mya's hands pressed down on his shoulders.

The reason?

He is upset he did not get to face Meereen's champion.

The champion now stuck under his horse and about to be beheaded by my Son.

"You could have warged the horse and made it lay down instead of it having to die." Mya speaks up almost taunting her Son who huffs and crosses his arms.

"I didn't think about that!" I look down at the frowning boy who soon scrunches up his nose. "Kepa said I was not supposed to warg into animals that are dying or are about to die... Rhaegar could have still killed it and I would be in trouble." Cheering breaks out from the few hundred Westerosi troops that have made it this far with us as Rhaegar lifts up a head by its hair.

"For good reason to, you can die along with the animal so it's best to play it safe." I narrow my eyes at Mya, she should not tempt Maegor, not every warg in the family needs to do dangerous 'tricks' like she does.

She has already turned Visenya into a wild warging warrior who even has attempted to warg into people just to make them trip over their feet. They say it's harder to warg into people but they can still do simple things like making them trip or scream like madmen in the middle of public... like in court.

"Muna do you think we could keep the hea-" I tune out the childish question as an Unsullied approaches my side.

Blue Snake.

I can't help but smile even if I find the naming practice disgusting and humiliating.

"The sewer's entrance has been located." I hum and nod before looking back toward Rhaegar who is casually riding back with his 'prize'.

"Begin with the infiltration plan, I would rather not have to burn down this particular city." This city is in the best spot in the Bay to rule from and whoever will handle things here in the future will no doubt appreciate not having part of the city burned.

Close to the Grass Sea.

Close to the Red Waste.

It is obviously connected to the Sea through the Bay.

Close to Valyria and the old Valyrian roads that lead to the other Free Cities.

It is also the largest of the cities in the Bay, it's too valuable to burn the gates and walls, it's better to take it as it is.

We will swiftly take control of the food stores and add the amount we brought with us to stabilize the city's people. They might not like having to wait in lines to get their meals but it won't be forever, farming expansion will begin immediately. I will have to build up a small council of people to organize some willing workers but once people realize the benefits of heading north into the Grass Sea many will follow. Within a year or two at most food will be much more abundant than it has been since the Doom and safety will also be at an all-time high.

Dragons will be protecting the cities and the farming settlements after all.

It will be bumpy for a bit, but just like when we smoothed out many roads back home using dragon fire to melt the stone. We will do the same here, dragon fire will smooth the 'road' and then everyone can enjoy the benefits of the new future we will build.


207 AC


Gaemon Targaryen


"Thank you... thank you so much." Another man bows before me and I absentmindedly wave him off as I walk down the still-slick path that needs to be scrubbed clean.

Most of this city needs to be scrubbed clean with all the moss and mold growing everywhere. Not to mention some buildings have multiple feet of river mud in them that needs to be shoveled out. But for now, there is plenty of room for my current 'subjects' who are all eager to 'repay' me.

"Are you sure this is fine?" I ask my Wife while looking around at people looking at me with reference.

More than I am used to, which is insane as I am a dragon rider.

"I may have lifted my curse but it was for you that I did it, so their gratitude is not missed placed." I scrunch my nose up but nod.


She made a curse after dragons brought Fire upon her people and dared to celebrate 'victory' inside of a city sitting upon her river. A curse I have seen before and have learned a lot about, Father even had people working on a cure that involved flaying off the infected area. He even had a Bolton second son training people in the art of flaying and it was working well from what I heard.

But now... I think everyone got cured all in one go.

"My head hurts." I sigh and head toward a cleanish-looking bench to sit down for a moment.

"I am sorry." I frown hearing her sound torn up, we may have only been married for a short time but she is still my Wife and I would not see her sad if I can help it.

"You don't need to be, I agreed to this." Gods I am going to get my ass beat.


Can she hear me when I pray?

Looking over at my Wife I narrow my eyes and she tilts her head making me smile a bit.

I pray with all my heart for her to cheer up.

She perks up for a moment before shaking her head with a sigh.

"Stop that." I freeze in place with realization.

"That worked?" Many thoughts run through my mind.

Who all has heard my many 'prayers' over the span of my life?

I have had some pretty wild ones... like right now.

"We can't do that out here... it's not proper." I roll my eyes at her words as she looks around with her darker skin tinting a bit darker from blushing.

"The Rhoynar are one of if not the most promiscuous culture." She frowns meeting eyes with me.

"That may be, but they did not get it from me." She huffs and shakes her head. "I would prefer if people kept those activities out of my waters." She sighs and I wrap my arm around her waist.

"Fine by me." I am not into outdoor sex anyway, it was mainly a jest to fluster her which worked and now she does not seem as sad as moments before. "Are you really going to flood Volantis?" I tilt my head imagining the sheer disappointment my Father would experience if one of the most valuable free cities went under the waves.

"Not after you made it seem like a bad idea... it's an option though." I lean my head against her own and look down at the river's flowing water carrying some debris.

"Why have you not done anything before." I purse my lips and decide to change my question. "Why have you not done anything recently besides what you are doing now?" She hums and the pleasant sound washes over me making me feel comfort.

"You will understand eventually but for now you can just think about as if I was in a long sleep and only now have awakened." Sounds strange and once more confuses me but I am slowly putting together pieces.

"I see." I honestly don't but I am trying to and things are slowly clearing up and painting a vivid image for me to understand. "Do you know the Old Gods?" She chuckles and moves her head making my own drop to her shoulder while her hands take both of mine into tight grips.

"I do, they used to be connected to these lands through the arm of Dorne, and even though they were not the most social they were a peaceful group." I smile getting confirmation the Arm of Dorne was real, some of my foolish siblings argued it was not because there are so few stories of it.

"Was the Arm of Dorne really shattered by the Children of the Forest using magic?" There are some Children of the Forest on the Gods Eye and on Skagos but Father keeps us away from them as he made a deal with them.

They get to keep their private areas and we will only interact with them when they seek us out. One apparently lives in the castle that is mostly built for House Targaryen on Skagos but that place is mainly Fathers 'place of learning'. He wants to make a place to rival the Citadel and that is the prime candidate all on its own on an island that no one cares to go to.

"As far as I am aware, the Old Gods magic is different from my own but if enough magic users of my own magic gathered they could have done something similar." She sighs and shakes her head. "That is what they intended to do when they marched two hundred and fifty thousand men toward Volantis. They wanted to destroy the city completely but the dragons came down and burned them all." I can't help but want to share in her memories of these world-changing events.

"Do you hate dragons?" I ask as my own dips low trilling loud enough to be heard before flapping her wings and heading back up into the sky.

"I would not have married into your family if I did." I nod feeling happy, even if I already knew this it's nice to hear.