
208 AC


Aerion Targaryen


Never again.

I will never complain again about the 'boring' politics and planning that goes into trying to unify the world under my banner.

I jinxed myself.

From now on I will be nothing but grateful.

"RRREEEEEEEAAAAAA!" Moonfyre once more flies past the inky black tower that is now missing half of its height which the broken-off part is laying in the water and has turned a dull grey color.

Moonfyre screeches back at the abomination before a swarm of black creatures tries to enter her mouth forcing her to shut her mouth tight.

Drogon is going to be pissed he missed this.

Hell, Danny is going to be pissed she missed this.

It's terrifying but it's certainly something those two pyromaniacs would enjoy.

Moonfyre banks right hard making me slide a bit in the saddle and grip the handles tighter so I don't fall off into the midnight black waters that churn as if boiling. She levels out aimed directly at the tower and smoke seeps out from her shut jaw which obstructs my vision for a short moment. But my vision clears as she tilts to the side and spews her flames around the base on the south side of the tower, the side she has been purposefully targeting the past three times she has flown by.

"RRRRRAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" A loud crack signals the monster to once more scream out in fury, its 'voice' is the loudest it has been since we started this, and actually sends off a shockwave that nearly throws me off my saddle.

Turning back I see the tower slowly tilting with the black 'liquid' upon it almost reminding me of a symbiote from Marvel or something. It struggles to keep the tower up for a moment before seemingly giving up in favor of turning half of its mass into a giant- SPEAR!

""HIGHER!"" With my eyes widening I yell at Moonfyre who was snapping at a small swarm of 'bats' that are trying to piss her off by going for her eyes.

She does not hesitate and barely manages to climb upwards with strained flaps of her wings that are filled with holes and bleeding profusely.

But it's enough.

The giant black spear blurs through the air and even manages to nick her tail causing her to scream in pain but she avoids being run through. I feel her struggle to continue to climb upwards into the sky so instead she levels out and glides away from the collapsing tower. Looking back at her latest wound I grimace as I see the back half of her tail is already soaked in blood. The spined frills along the sides of her tail that help her turn while in the air are badly damaged on one side and with the way her wings are she will have trouble making tight turns if this keeps up.

I gulp feeling my hands shake a bit but I reach forward and once more try my best to heal her with my poor understanding of how my powers work.

New priority.

Spend the next year or so learning how to use my powers while everyone else does the conquering.

If I even get the chance.

Looking over the side of Moonfyre she whines and I feel sorrow for my partner but I run my hands over her scales doing what I can as best as I can.

Meanwhile, I scan the city below where the 'spear' crashed and it carved a path through the East side of the city and even destroyed a large part of the Sept I came to burn.

I ignore the damage to the city and the people running about looking like ants after an ant hill has been stepped on.

I instead look for the spear.

Narrowing my eyes I feel a pit in my stomach as I can't find the spear.

That's not good.

Not good at all.

turning back toward the tower I see the vast majority of it has collapsed into the sea, silver flames cover most of the land where the tower was.

Except for a smaller black tower resting in the middle of it all... glowing.

My eyes sting as I look at the small black tower and my heart hammers in my chest.

There it is.

I don't know what 'it' is... but I do know it's the 'source' of all of this.

""ONE MORE TIME, BURN THE TOWER!"" Moonfyre whines a bit but I can tell she is still furious at how she has been treated by this 'enemy' and does not put up a fight against my command.

Instead, she banks hard once more with her slightly healed wings and her jaw starts smoking as she aims herself for the final pass.

"Let's do this..." Gripping a spike at the base of her neck instead of the handles I feel her body growing hotter as I continue to not only try to heal her but also burn her inner fire hotter.

Let's hope this works.


208 AC




Dear Gods...

I stand in the ashes of my home watching the massive silver dragon plunge down toward what remains of the Hightower like a silver arrow.

The dragon practically looks like a silver star with how the Sun is lighting up its gleaming scales.

My gaze follows it all the way until its mouth opens and the brightest thing I have ever seen comes out.

I stumble and fall back as the ground shakes and my ears ring.

A powerful wind blows and I struggle against it before noticing my children and wife huddled together and I move toward them banishing my previous thoughts of trying to find my coin pouch that is somewhere in our broken home.

Damn the coin.

The God's wrath is coming down upon us and the sound alone has my head feeling like it's going to pop like an overripe melon.

The strong wind that beats out any storm I have ever felt stops and I hurry to my family embracing all of them at once with my arms.

"We need to leave." I state urgently and none complain as I help them to their feet.

"What in the Seven Hells is going on?!" I hear a distant shout along with many other voices all soon joining.

"We need to leave!"

"It's the end of days!"

"The tower came alive and tried to swallow that dragon!"

"What happened, I just woke up!?"

"My eyes are bleeding!"

"Father..." My Daughter cries and grips onto me tightly forming a knot in my heart as she cries out in fear and confusion.

I grit my teeth not even knowing who to be mad at.

My gaze shifts from my Daughter to my Son who is helping his Mother stand and seeing they are 'fine' I shift my gaze back toward the tower.

What remains... which is not much... not much at all.

A hole.

Where the tower was is a giant hole that water is spilling into filling it like a bowl.

"RAAAAAHHHHHHH!" The silver dragon roars as it flaps its wings in place looking down at the hole in the middle of the bay.

I squint my hazy eyes that have been stinging since I first looked at the tower earlier.

Upon the back of the dragon, I can barely make out the saddle and a small spot of silver that must be the Dragon rider.

"It's dead." I mutter as I look back down at the large hole that water has almost filled up. "He killed whatever it was..." I shake my head pulling my Daughter toward my Wife and Son.

It matters not if whatever that 'thing' was is dead or not.

We are still leaving.

I don't know where we are going... but I want far away from this place.

"Where are they going?" My Son asks as the dragon flaps overhead seemingly leaving as it heads Northward.

I watch them go with uncertainty in my mind.

But then it hits me like that brick earlier that struck me in the back.

"Home." I feel the uncertainty clear out and my heart eases. "They are heading home..." Whatever that thing was, I don't want to know.

But what I do know, and what I won't forget.

A Dragon killed it.

Where that Dragon is, is where I want my family.

"Let's look for that coin purse..." I shake my head knowing it will take weeks if not moons to walk to Harrenhal from here.

But it will be worth it.

We will be safe there.

Dragons will keep my family safe.