
207 AC


Naerys Targaryen


Shivering as a cold wind blows in through the window I clutch the blanket wrapped around me tightly as I watch the fluffy white clouds in the sky drift through the endless blue.

I hope my dream was real.

My babies are flying back to see me... I hope it's true.

I feared the last time I saw them would be the last before I closed my eyes forever.

But my heart has ached at that thought endlessly since they left to capture Essos for their own children to one day rule over.

"Would you like me to close the window?" A kind serving girl asks but I can hardly see her face to know who it is.

"It's fine." I smile as best I can while looking back toward the window.

I really do hope that dream comes true, I want nothing more than to see my sweet twins once more... even if this time will likely be the last.

"Could you ask when they will have my evening meal ready?" I ask with great effort as for the first time in days I feel hungry.

I will need to eat to gain as much strength as I can to wait to see if they really will show up.

"Of course, I will be right back." The blurry kind figure bows low and then heads for where I know the door should be.

I hope it's something I can force down... or maybe it will be one of those meals my Son created back when he was young and full of energy with nowhere to put it other than the kitchen.


My sweet boy who always has the most thoughtful gifts sent to me seemingly once a week or more.

Poems and fanciful stories.

Beautiful paintings and outfits.

Flowers and other plants he cultivated himself in his garden.

But my favorite 'gifts' are the many Grandchildren, so many I can't fit them all in my arms even if I wanted to. I expect there will likely even be more in the future once his Conquest settles down, not to mention all of my Great Grandchildren who will be showing up soon. Great sadness is all I can feel knowing I will never get to see those sweet babes that will one day be born. But also an equal amount of happiness fills me knowing that one day they will still come to be even without me being around, and they will be loved.

That is a pleasant thought.


207 AC


Aerion Targaryen


"Mother." I speak up as I enter my mother's bedroom and find her looking out a window with searching eyes.

"Aerion?" She asks weakly and I smile as I approach her bed with excitement building up inside of me.

"The one and only." I joke as I slide onto her bed beside her and wrap my arm around her back as she sits up enough to see out the window.

"You showed up... just like in my dream." I hum and in my peripheral vision catch Danny slipping into the room as well.

We made it just in time honestly... she does not have long left.

I knew that when I left for Essos the last time I was here, but she did not look this bad back then and I held hope I would see her again one day. But looking at her now and being able to feel her time is running out makes me feel bad that I left at all.

It worked out in the end.

Now she will be fine and if I did not leave that would not be the case.

Just another reason I needed to return to Westeros to see everyone who is still around and kicking.

"Here." Danny hands over a Dragon egg I had prepared with us in Moonfyres Saddle bag.

Never know when you will need one, I gave one to Aeria for her crib as well.

But this is different.

This will be the first dragon not to hatch from one of my children or Danny and Me.

"Hold this Muna..." I mutter as I set the silver dragon egg with purple streaks across its surface on my mother's lap.

Her wrinkled hands reach out and weakly grasp the dragon egg with a slight smile appearing on her face.

"A new clutch?" She asks likely not understanding why I am giving her an egg.

I have shown her many eggs before so this is not exactly a new event for her.

"Something like that." I help her lay back after side hugging her a bit more and slowly I lean forward and kiss her brow doing what I did to everyone else so far that I have tried to fill with 'Life'.

But my hand also goes out to the egg and I attempt to stir the little dragon almost in a stasis inside into hatching. I have not yet done this but it should be possible after knowing it was originally R'hllor who hatched Drogon and Moonfyre and bound them and their offspring to our bloodline.

"That... feels st-" My Mother slips into unconsciousness as her body that was hanging on by a thread is flooded with Life.

"It's working." Danny speaks up as I can't exactly see with how I have most of my face pressed into a pillow.

But I can feel my mother's body heating up and the skin under my lips is 'changing'.

* Crack *

My hand that was on the dragon's egg soon feels movement as a small body pushes its way out of the egg and nuzzles against my palms. I pull the baby dragon up toward my mother's chest and rest the young dragon close to over her heart as I slowly finish up with what I was doing.

Lifting my head and looking down I almost have to do a double take as my Mother looks like an entirely different person. She always wore a Septa's head wrap back when I was young and I never saw her without it until she got old enough it started bothering her, not long after my Father died. So looking at her right now is the first time I have taken in her 'youthful' appearance and I can't help but look back and forth between her and Danny.

"You would think she is your twin and not me." I joke and Danny smiles as she reaches out and brushes our Mothers hair out of her face.

"Arrrrhh." The young silver dragon with purple wings watches closely as Danny brushes our Mother's hair back making me nod.

Seems it bonded to her... I can feel a link between the two of them but it's small which might be normal with a young dragon.

I have not seen a young dragon bond since I ascended.

Either way, this is promising.

I am pleased with this outcome.

"Let's stay here until she wakes up and then we can fly together to Kingslanding to continue with the rest of them." I speak my thoughts and Danny nods as she also slips onto the bed and rubs the silver head of the baby dragon.

"Sounds like a plan to me." Danny lowers her head to rest it beside our Mothers on the same pillow with a smile on her face.


207 AC


Daeron Targaryen


"You... look different?" Aerion smiles and I can't help but notice how strange his current appearance is.

"I do." He nods and I sigh looking out the window just in time to catch sight of Moonfyre gliding through the air over the city.

The sept... is he here to burn it?

"I have been having a strange dream." I decide to be direct and not beat around the bush.

Neither of us care to mince words.

"That is becoming a common occurrence with the rising levels of magic in the world, I would even be willing to bet those involved with me are being affected by it the most." I raise both of my brows at him as I pass my gaze over his strange appearance once more.

What in the seven hells is he talking about?

"Aerion, you are not making any sense." He snorts and shakes his head with a cryptic look in his eyes.

"Magic Daeron, magic has returned to the world in full force... or at least is in the process of doing so." I lift my cup of wine to hide my frown as he keeps saying nonsensical things. "Here,-" He holds out his hand toward me and I look at it confused as he gestures for me to grab it. "-let me show you." I slowly reach out and grab his hand wondering if he hit his head during his Conquest or something.

But soon my eyes haze over and I can not see Aerion before me but instead a giant city made of fused stone like Dragonstone. Looking left and right I spot hundreds of Valyrian people walking around going about their day as if they do not see me.

"There is a lot I need to tell you about... but first let's talk about your dreams and what they mean." Turning I see Aerion standing behind me with his arms behind his back and a smirk on his face.

His purple eyes glowing like stars in the night sky.