
207 AC




Watching the Lord of Light 'play' with a flame is quite the sight as he speaks to all of the gathered priests and priestesses.

"I have 'things' to handle in Westeros before we can take the rest of Essos, I am leaving all of my children here with Aemon in charge." The Lord speaks and all of us priests bow our heads. "I am informing you so you can keep an eye on things, help them when needed, and make sure they are informed of any abnormal developments in the city." A round of short acknowledgments leaves everyone and Aerion nods seemingly pleased. "That is all, everyone except Melisandre is free to go for the time being." Without a single moment of hesitation, everyone other than me and the Lord stand and head out of the room in an orderly fashion.

"How may I assist you?" The door clicks shut to the small meeting room and the bright purple eyes of my God lock onto me.


"I seem to have forgotten to thank you... so I was planning on doing just that." I shiver as his voice fills me with great joy.

"There is no need for thanks, I was-" He holds up a hand and I shut my mouth as he smiles wide.

"I am thanking you... thank you Melisandre for your assistance and guidance despite the fact I constantly doubted you and called you crazy." He purses his lips. "Come here." He holds out a hand and I quickly stand from the chair I was sitting in and approach him as fast as I can without falling over.

As I get within arms reach his hand grabs ahold of my arm and he pulls me until I am spun around and drop into his lap. His other hand moves like lighting and presses a finger over my lips sealing them shut as his eyes gaze into my own.

"You did a good job." He smiles in a way I have never before seen other than when he is interacting with his family. "This might tickle." I relax in his grasp not knowing what he plans but fully prepared for anything... even death.

Especially death.

But instead... I only feel warmth.

Warmth spreads from where his finger is pressing against my lips and sends pleasurable tingles all over my body. His hand slowly moves unsealing my mouth as he slowly brushes his fingers past my chin and down my neck. His hand slips down my neck until it reaches my chest where it slips under the neck of my dress and does not stop until he has his palm over my heart. His fingers send more pleasurable jolts as they firmly grip my breast and his lips twitch upwards as he places his forehead against mine.

"You no longer need the necklace..." He mutters before squeezing my breast twice and then letting go to pull back his hand, in the process he slips my necklace off with but a touch upon the golden chain. "Consider this part of your reward." I slightly nod feeling entirely different than I felt before he touched me.

"Thank you." He hums and bounces one of his knees wordlessly telling me to get off of his lap.

"The rest of your reward will have to wait until I get back..." I nod and he jerks his head toward the door once more wordlessly ordering me and I quickly head toward the door to obey.

My hand goes to my neck where I have long worn my necklace and I feel myself smile as I feel smooth skin instead of metal. My hand drops a bit grabbing and hefting up my own breast and I slowly head back to my personal room with new thoughts appearing in my mind.


207 AC


Aemon Targaryen


Avoiding bumping into the oddly flushed Melisandre as I head to meet with my Father I slow down my pace and turn around.

Did... did they just fuck?

I hope not.

I do not want to sit in a room smelling like sex with my Father.

Shaking my head I push forward and through the door into the meeting room where my Father is waiting while holding what looks like a ball of fire.

I am not jealous.

Not at all.

"Kepa." I speak up clearing my throat after testing the air with a quick sniff and nod to myself not smelling anything I would rather not smell.

"Sit boy." I hum and swipe a pitcher of wine off a side table as I head toward the other end of the table.

Smelling the wine I nod with a fond smile as I find it to be Arbor Gold.

"You need me to do something?" I speak up once more cutting through the odd silence in the room.

My Father snuffs out the ball of flames in his hand and his glowing eyes rise from his clenched fist and settle on me.

"Do I always need something when I call for you?" I shake my head while pursing my lips.

"No you don't, but I know you have something." He snorts with a wry smile.

"I do." I nod 'patiently'. "You are in charge until I get back, I am heading back to Westeros to handle some things before we push forward toward the East." I hum and slowly lift the pitcher of wine and drink straight from it earning a deadpan from my Father.

"I can handle things here." You know, we only just became 'immortal' or something and the city is singing outside in a crazy religious frenzy.

Not to mention my siblings are going wild with 'power' as they slowly seem to be adjusting to their changes after being 'enhanced' by Father.

I saw Maegor crash through a wall earlier...

"I know you can." He snorts and shakes his head.

I hum and nod.

"Are you going to hatch more dragons and bind them to my other Muna's?" He talked about it before, but he thinks he can increase the amount of dragon riders far faster than we anticipated.

Instead of waiting for the next generation to grow up with my Daughter leading the way, we just need to raise some hatchlings into rideable dragons.

We are already untouchable if I am honest.

But more dragons never hurt.

"I will for my Wives, I am waiting to hatch any for anyone else until later..." I nod making my own conclusions.

He wants to wait to give other people dragons like my Uncles in Kingslanding.

We need to finish the Conquest before he starts giving out power like that.

Not to mention he is likely planning to do what he did with Roach and the Great Stallion to other Gods.

If he can make a few more of us or all of us preferably into Gods like he did his old dead horse then we have nothing to fear from others in the family having dragons.

Hmm... I hope Rhaella can become a sex Goddess or fertility Goddess.

"Let's talk about my other plans that I need you to get the ball rolling while you stay here keeping things in order." I snap from my thoughts hearing him speaking once more.

"Alright." I push aside the rising thoughts of Visenya as a war Goddess with some skimpy 'armor' like those women I saw in that street performance not long ago.

"Pay attention because I need you to make sure these things go well in my absence." I nod and let go of the handle of the wine pitcher I was reaching for.

"I am all ears." He hums in reluctant acceptance of my words but his eyes remain suspicious.

I can handle anything he throws at me, so long as my siblings do not raise hell in the city as soon as he leaves.


207 AC

Haunted Forest

Cletus Sand


"Are we really out here looking for 'White Walkers' after those wildling bitches came whining at the walls gate?" I hiss out as I feel my Dornish blood freeze in my veins as I trudge through thigh-high snow.

"Shut up." The First Ranger crudely spits out his words making me debate if it's worth putting my spearhead through the back of his head and trying my chances out here beyond the wall.

Maybe I could sneak past the wall at Eastwatch?

I could be back in Dorne in a few months if no one stops me on the King's Road.

I am dying to taste a woman's cunt once more...

"Freeze." The First Ranger stops and holds up a closed fist.

"My blood is already frozen." I crack a smile at my own jest and elbow the man next to me earning me a slap to the back of my head that puts spots in my vision.


"I saw something." The First Ranger whispers.


He sounded a bit scared?

"What did you se-" Another hand grabs my head and pushes it down as I hear something cut through the air overhead.

"GET DOWN!" The First Ranger yells.

"ITS A TRAP!" A boy from the Westerlands screams and tries to run.

I turn and watch as he tries and fails at running away, he trips and lands in the snow almost getting buried alive. But in all honesty that likely saved him as a blue spear soared through the air right where he was moments ago.

"AHH-" A scream from The First Ranger causes me to turn back around and I spot another blue spear sticking out of his chest.

Is it made of... ice?


Looking down I see another blue spear.

"When did that get there?" I ask no one in particular as I look at an ice spear sticking through my guts. "Blurggh!" Fluid rushes up my throat and I fail to clamp my mouth shut as a deep red liquid sprays out of my mouth painting the nearby snow.


Oh, look at that.

I have been impaled.

Falling back onto the ground I feel the ice spear head stab into the ground under the snow and my body slides down the jagged ice shaft. The sky rapidly darkens overhead as I hear the screeching of a bat... or demon.

Well then.

This is not what I was expecting.

The crunching of snow, as someone approaches, is all I can hear right before I see a blue man with deep blue eyes appears in my vision. His clawed hand reaches out for my face as he leans over and I feel my mind feel like it's been shoved into a box as all of my senses stop at once.