
207 AC


Prince Edrion Narlias


"This must be what Valyria looked like." I mutter aloud as I watch dragons swoop and dive from the sky and take roost around the City.

Some remain airborne and others seem interested in sniffing out a meal around the city, but all are beautiful and terrifying. They mostly all look the same in appearance other than a varying number of horns and vastly different colored scales.

"Things really won't be the same after today..." My Wife stands a bit behind me as she watches a rather large red dragon circle over the Palace.

"I told you as much." I try and hide it but I am also feeling a bit frightened, but I always knew I made the right choice when I befriended Aerion.

All things considered, he has made me a rich man and helped keep me in power and not cut down as a sacrifice for the city. Now the stories that have been heard by all in my city are proven with so many fire-spitting beasts flying in the sky. The fear they rightfully had of my friend after he burned the Khalasar is alive like never before on this day.

The day when a Prince officially becomes an Emperor...

I shiver in fear and anticipation, this means great things for myself as one of the trusted 'Essosi' that Aerion deals with. Pentos will see its borders expand and its power solidify as Aerion stages his conquest here. His ships from the North have already brought over thousands of men ready for war though I doubt many will see an unburned enemy reach them. But men are needed regardless to pacify the cities and lands that the future Emperor will take for himself.

Looking around the palace yard where normally I greet guests I watch the faces of the various powerful men of Pentos. Most know of Aerion and have either made deals with him or tried to, most also were there when word arrived of him burning the Khalasar. But the few who have never seen a dragon as they nested during the long winter... their wide eyes bring me a bit of joy that pushes down the little dread pooling in my stomach.

I can't look weak before my ally when everything is finally coming to fruition and soon I will be more powerful than ever.

Heavy flapping wings draw my attention from a young man who looks ready to faint and I spot Moonfyre the Silver approaching. The great Silver mount of the future Emperor slowly lowers herself with mighty flaps of her wings as her clawed feet come down onto the wall around the palace. 

"She is bigger." I can't help but smile wide seeing just how much the silver she-dragon grew even during the freezing winter.

The Mother.

Another set of wings just as loud is all the warning I get before a great black dragon with red wings comes crashing down into a clear part of the yard. Its claws tear through the white pale stone I had brought in from the Vale but I care not as it opens its massive jaws and roars loudly.

The Father.

Drogon and Moonfyre, the Father and the Mother of dragons that started the rebirth of Valyria in a new form.

For even with Aerion's sharp mind and all the politics he has played on a worldwide scale... without these two he would not be anywhere near where he is.

"They are not on their dragons?" My Wife asks and I squint my eyes and look away from the beast's mouth to look at the empty saddles.

"I guess they are on that massive ship, likely with their children who could not yet fly on their own. That or he wants to travel to the palace besides his wives that can not claim a dragon." My wife nods while humming as she steps out from behind me and looks at the silver dragon leaning down from the wall to nudge at the black one.

I hope I gathered enough food for all of these dragons... both the ones that fly and the ones that walk among man.


207 AC


Jacaerys Targaryen


"It smells." I scrunch my nose as I walk beside my Mother and she watches the masses on the side of the streets with clear interest. "Make sure to settle into the Palace before running off to look for some  fun." I roll my eyes at her and the 'Defiant' gives her characteristic glare before looking back forward.

"You know I would not have to go out for  fun if people would stop playing games." I clench my hand feeling a familiar anger inside of myself that makes me want to punch someone.

"Make your Father proud and he will toss caution to the wind and steal your 'Sweet Alysanne' from Blackfyre keep himself." Taking a deep breath I nod once as I adjust my sword on my hip trying to distract my thoughts from the very woman my Mother speaks of.

"Is my 'Brother' really going to get involved in the Conquest?" It was spoken quietly but I overheard the words when they were spoken, Daemon requested to assist once he got wind of what was happening.

It would certainly be better to have family around to award with various lands and titles than to a random grasping Essosi. I know things were awkward with Daemon and the King but I never have seen my Father hold anything against Daemon. There was a story of him trying to win the hand of Muna Daenerys but that had to have been a very long time ago.

Now my Brother almost has as many children as my Father and seems happy anytime I see him, I have never seen any bitterness. It is easy to see it when it's there, the visiting Lords and even the Ladies who come around Harrenhal always have the 'look'. The look that shows they are jealous and are praying every night to either have what we have or that we lose what we have.

"It's likely, he wishes to prove his worth and is close with Aerion even if things are not as good as they could be. Daemon hopes to claim Tyrosh no doubt, his Wife is from there and has a powerful family that has a lot of influence in the Free City. I know he has worked hard on his own keep on the lands his Father left him but he can't help but compare himself to the rest of his kin." She shakes her head with a soft sigh that shows her tiredness from the journey over the Narrow Sea. "I am just glad he has stayed away from Aegor recently... things might not go so well for that boy." I snort knowing full well that Aegor would likely rage at being called a 'boy'.

"Well I guess we will see... but if he does come I hope he does not just bring men and arms for them to use." I know full well I will have the woman I desire, it's how my Father raised me after all.

...I just hope it won't take the entire war as I expect it to last a good while.


207 AC


Daenys Targaryen


"I don't think I will ever get over seeing one this close." Valarr runs his hand over the wing of Princess as she lazy naps in a private spot in the Palace gardens.

My beautiful mount ate her fill and needs to rest it off, the perfect time to show her off to the future Crown Prince of Westeros.

"She looks even better cutting through clouds like a knife." I tilt my head watching Valarr as he nods with a small smile, my current impression of Valarr is conflicted.

I know the best I could possibly get in Essos is maybe marrying a Brother and ruling one of the Free Cities or maybe reclaiming an old Grass city kingdom. If that was the path I walked then I would hope for a grass sea city from the ancient Kingdom of Sarnor, it would be much easier to rule from and also likely more profitable. There are fertile unfarmed lands and plenty of rare metals like silver and gold to be mined in the Northern grass sea.

But... I also know there is the option of marrying Valarr and being the Queen of Westeros, and it would not be consort like the current one. I have the dragon, the future heirs would have dragon eggs from my bonded partner and from no other she dragon. The future of all dragon riders who sit on the throne would come from me... it's tempting, if nothing else the 'legacy' would be nice.

"I can imagine." Valarr nods with a smile as he pulls his hand back from Princess and turns to look over the flowers not far from us.

"Let's walk." I offer my arm so as to not look like I am being a 'brat' by not letting him properly escort me.

"Lets." He smiles wider and I turn as I purse my lips wondering what I will decide, Father left it to me to pick what I do and I know he does not mind regardless of the decision I make.

Slowly walking arm in arm I admire the design that the gardeners made with the various plants. But even as I try and distract myself my thoughts bounce back to Valarr and I almost feel like pushing him away and avoiding him just so I won't be bothered with annoying thoughts. Like a buzzing bee circling my head, I can not avoid the hanging question that seems like a cloud overtop of us.

"You know you don't need to scrunch your face up like that, if I make you uncomfortable then we can just head back. I know the 'real' reason I was sent along is obvious and we have not talked about it, but we don't have to if you don't want to. I have no expectations and am mainly enjoying the trip for what it is, a nice break from the capital and all its drama and 'little games'." Valarr comes to a stop and steps away from me a few steps after letting go of my arm. "Honestly... I am in no rush to wed, even less when I consider the woman I am supposed to be pursuing has a dragon that can swallow me whole." I snort in amusement while knowing full well that Princess could snap up this Prince with no difficulty.

Shifting side to side my eyes land anywhere except his eyes as I try and form what I want to say... something I have wanted to say for a while.

"If I am honest with myself... I do not want to marry anyone." I would feel the same marrying Valarr that I would feel marrying any of my Brothers... mainly due to my preference not being men to begin with. "I guess what I want to say is in my mind I am thinking about which direction I want to go, Queen of Westeros or Founding some new Princedom somewhere in Essos... hell I might be able to marry the next Emperor of Yi Ti." Though I doubt when we are done in Essos there will be any Emperor other than my Father and then later Aemon.

"I see..." I expect to see a frown or hesitance when I finally meet eyes with him but instead, he seems to smile, unlike the practiced smiles from before. "I am glad you have told me what is on your mind... I suppose it would be unfair if I did not do the same." I nod once while catching sight of a dark shadow flying overhead and trilling loud enough to be heard. 

At the very least it seems Valarr is in no rush and I know we will be in Essos for quite some time. I have plenty of time to figure out what I want to do and I am sure there is something for Valarr to learn from my Father if he ends up not finding a bride in me. By the time he ends back up in Kingslanding, he will be a changed man regardless and hopefully more shaped up to be a King.