
208 AC


Aerion Targaryen


"The Jogos Nhai have been burned out, with that done and the false claimants assassinated the 'God-Emperor' of Yi-Ti has no reason to hold back any longer." I speak up after looking through the flames to watch some of my children ride their dragons and use them to burn giant sections of the Plains the Jogos Nhai once lived in. "It would be a shame to burn Yin down, it has stood for a very long time... but I will not be denied again." I purse my lips remembering how the ruler of Yi-Ti practically gave me some side quests instead of bending the knee.

But I went ahead and sent my children off to burn away all of his enemies and rivals, when I fly back over to his capital I expect to see him on his knees.

It's that or he and the entire capital city of Yi-Ti goes up in flames.

Quick work has been made of the rest of Essos and I am almost to the point where I am fine with just sacking the richest part of it just to call this Conquest 'over'.

There are still the islands to claim... but my children can handle that.

I have bigger fish to fry.

My faith grows every day and with it my power, this is my priority now.

"Do you think it's time to fly into Valyria?" Mya asks curiously as she runs a finger over the top of a baby dragon's head.

Her dragon.

Far too small to ride but she has all the time in the world to wait for the hatchling to grow.

"I think it might be or at least we are close to that point... all of the religions of Essos need to be absorbed first so we can have a united front when we head over to Westeros." Well, it won't really be us heading over there, but our followers and priests.

Poor Daeron... I think I do need to burn down that fancy church, his 'nightmares' will come true.

Not that he likely cares at this point.

In his eyes, I am either telling the truth about becoming a God or I am an immensely powerful magic user who is no different from a God. Either way, he seemed the happiest I have ever seen him when I left Kingslanding, restoring someone's youth and prolonging their lifespan seems to do that to people.

"How is Visenya in Ib?" Shiera asks as she combs her fingers through our youngest child's hair, Nerah looks content and unbothered by the action.

Turning to the flames once more I soon see the distant burning plains of the Jogos Nhai shifting to show instead a snowy castle. The vision shifts and soon I am inside of a castle not all that different in appearance from Winterfell if not for the fact the ceilings are not as high.

The hairy dwarves of this world... I sent my most violent Daughter to bring them to their knees when she kept pestering me about being bored. Aemon wanted to go with her but both Visenya and Rhaella pulled his ears and told him he needed to watch the newborn.

My poor boy... stuck behind while his wife goes off to conquer unseen lands.

Unseen to us at least.

"She is fine, she is feasting with the Ibbenese right now." I still find it strange that the Ibbenese are so genetically different from the rest of the world that they can't breed with any other race.

They can... but the babies always are malformed and die.

It's kind of like the people in the Southern continent.

I would almost say they need to just be purged to free up space for people who can actually unify with the rest of the world. I know in the future there will be conflict between races just based on the fact they are incompatible with the rest of the world genetically.

But... even for me, that seems a step too far.

I can maybe come up with some long-term plan to integrate their people with the rest of the world. The hairy men of Skagos are said to be distantly related, it could be possible based on the whaling the people of Ib do in the area with their massive ships.

I could slowly have the people of Ib possibly breed out through the Skagos natives until the point their 'blood' is thin enough that they can reproduce with any other race.

The people of Skagos are ugly but they can reproduce with the rest of the world, they can act as a bridge between the incompatible races.


The 'people' in Sothoryos though, they are a different story.

They are kind of like roided-up Neanderthals.

From what my Godly sight has shown me in the flames they use fire, but beyond that they are pretty much monkeys.

There is almost no hope for them.

In a few generations once Westeros and Essos settle I will expand down into that continent and they will go extinct.

I can't let the vast space available go to waste.

Sothoryos is easily the same size as Essos, in a few hundred years I might could have doubled or tripled the world population and have them all worshiping me.

Maybe far more people if I am honest, once the Great Grass Sea gets settled there will be a population explosion. I have plans to convince the lazy river Goddess in the family to have her help with bringing water into the Great Grass Sea. There used to be a giant lake that had many lakes branching off of it, but it's long gone and I think there is a possibility it could be brought back with a sufficient amount of 'motivation'.

Regardless, the future is bright.

My future.

But I suppose my bright future is a bright future for this entire planet.

The better off I am the better off the people worshipping me will be, I will see to it.

I might not be able to keep the prophecy true and bring an unending Summer as that sounds like a bad idea. But I will see to it that the quality of life steadily improves, at least to a manageable level where the people won't get fat and lazy. A world without large-scale war will at least be a success in my book, to say the least.

Food will be plentiful and as cheap as I can manage.

I want to try and push medicinal research toward where I know it could be, but I don't want the tech level to rise too much. I likely will kill off any attempts to make advances into a higher tech level, at least in the near future. Things are easy to manage as they are, if people had planes and nukes and stuff I could not even begin to imagine managing that stress, let alone social media.

Fuck that, I don't need that stress.

Maybe one day, but not anytime soon.

I like the world as it is right now and want to be fully solidified as the head religious icon worldwide before I let people start making Memes.

Man... what a weird concept.

Imagine a world where the Head God of the one and only religion has a Social Media account and just shit posts all day long.

It's going to be wild.

I am going to culture the hell out of countless generations.

"What are you scheming?" Danny asks as she lightly starts playing footsies with me under the table.

"I am just thinking about the bright future ahead of all of us." Danny narrows her eyes with suspicion but I keep a neutral expression on my face.

No one needs to know until it's too late to stop me.

Then I will corrupt the minds of countless individuals and give them the brain rot people of my last world spread to me.

It will be glorious.

"Let's take a walk through the city." Danny stands up obviously frustrated at not being able to read my mind.

"Agreed but no one take any food from the people who approach us." I stand up as well feeling a light feeling in my chest as I smile at everyone present.

"Why, are you worried about poison despite knowing we are immune?" I shake my head at Mya's question as I approach Shiera and take my Daughter who is holding her hands up at me to be lifted.

"No, I am just tired of feeling obligated to eat the food and not waste it." I mean, when the poor give you the food they likely need to eat to survive you feel a certain kind of way.

I hate tossing out the stuff they give us, but I also do not want to eat till the point I feel like I am going to bust open.

I don't actually even need to eat anymore... 

"Oh." Mya shakes her head and heads to loop her arm with Danny and head out of the room as I help Shiera out of her seat.

Looking one last time back at the fire that is dimming the father away from it I get I shift the image of Visenya hammering back some ale-like drink and instead focus on something different.

The future.

Each time I reach out to try and get a peek I am greeted with a bright light that is almost blinding to look at.

But from inside that light, I can see something.

I don't yet know what that something is as the light is too bright... but I have a gut feeling I will know once I have more followers empowering me.

I just hope it's not trouble.