The end... for now.

That will be the 'end' for now.

I have a sequel planned, but that will be later.

This will be good enough for what I had in mind, hopefully at least.

Quick note!

Aerion becoming a God.

(This was requested by someone and I ran away with the idea after having a wild idea for a sequel following Aerion's Son in the future. If that reader did not make that comment, this fic would have ended around chapters 60-70 after some R18s with my favorite Targaryen girls which was the main point of this Fan Fic.)

I will admit the 'Ascension' in this was done poorly, but I could not give all of the answers because you see this story through the eyes of the people living the story.

They didn't understand it, so how would their thoughts be able to explain it?

I couldn't just make Aerion omniscient all in one go, which made the transition bumpy.

But I will explain it here clearly for those who still don't get it and did not drop the fic.

I wanted him to become a God, but there is no 'Canon' step-by-step guide.

So I needed to come up with it on my own, using some kind of 'logic' based on the logic of the world in which this story is taking place.

I decided the simpler the better, no cultivation bullshit.

The simple premise that I followed for making Aerion and others into 'Gods' was from possibly my favorite quote in the Game of Thrones universe.

"Power resides where men believe it resides. It's a trick. A shadow on the wall. And a very small man can cast a very large shadow."

What makes a 'God'?

People who worship them, that is what makes a God.

Without people worshiping, there would be no God.

This is at least my own take on Gods in the Game of Thrones universe.

I am aware they are different in other fictional universes, but I needed to 'define' what the Gods are in this Fan Fic so I could make the MC into one.

What made the most sense to me in this universe, was to pretty much Gaslight the entire world into thinking he is a God forging a new Patheon, bringing about a new Era.

I could have done anything, but this was simple, and kept in tune with the idea of that quote that I love.

I know the context is a bit stretched, but that quote made a lot of sense to me at the time and still does.

If EVERYONE in the entire world of Game of Thrones forgot about the Faith of the Seven, all at once... it would no longer exist.

Gone, reduced to atoms... if even that.

Just like Kings and Lords and Famous Warriors... in the world of Game of Thrones, once they are forgotten that is when they truly die.

Look at Tywin, his obsession with Legacy is because he understood that fact.

Being remembered is a form of immortality.

So I did what I did and it flew over most people's heads... which sucks but it is what it is.

There are ways I could have done it better, but I am going to keep moving forward.

If I look back I am los- ok I will stop with the quotes.

I hope you enjoyed this Fan Fic, and I hope you stop by for the sequel that is likely going to be bringing Fire and Blood to your favorite universes.

See you then!