
187 AC


Shiera Seastar


I dance around the room as I make sure everything is clean and orderly, I do not want to look like a pig with stuff scattered around. Aerion said he would join me for his mid-day meal and I don't want him to think I am wasting away in my bedroom. I get plenty of work done around the castle and even down in the growing town and if he thought I was being lazy I would be angry.

I nod as I look around the room and see it is clean, a knock at my door brings a smile to my face as I twirl around and head for the door. I snatch the door open and headbutt his chest causing him to grunt as his arm snakes around the back of my head. I start to laugh and he soon joins before I back up to make room for him to enter.

"Have I told you before that you have a hard head, it might contain the secret to Valyrian steel..." He narrows his eyes as he looks at the top of my head and I slap his arm playfully.

"Stop, the only secret my head contains is what the servants will be serving in just a moment." He hums and I hear his footsteps behind me as I head for the table.

"You cleaned?" I scowl at the wall and wonder who ratted me out... Gwenys most likely.

"I have no idea what you are talking about." I pull out my chair and sit in it before pulling my cup toward me which was already full.

"I see, so the burning scented candles and clothes I see sticking under the closet door are not from a hasty clean-up job?" My head whips around and I see nothing sticking out from under the closet as he starts chuckling. "Made you look." I turn my best glare on him as he takes the other cup and finds it empty.

He reaches for the pitcher on the table and I keep up the glare as it's a good cover to hide the smile I feel threatening to show itself. Watching my recent concoction pour into his cup I nod in my mind and when he lifts it to his lips I cheer as well. He sips it before putting the cup back down, his eyes still traveling around my room looking for something to poke fun at me for.

"You got rid of the stuffed dragon I made you?" He is looking toward my bed and I sigh remembering how Balerion finally fell apart at his very seams.

"I tried to have Narha fix him but there was not much she could do, he went from Balerion to a gecko when she was done." I sniff my nose and rub at my eyes causing him to sigh.

"I will see about getting you a new one, it was made by the old woman of Dragonstone when you were a small little thing. You screamed and shouted until someone held you and I thought you were lonely so I asked her to make you a friend. Took her days to get it right..." I am pretty sure that woman is older than Dragonstone itself, but she is good with a needle, she is the one who taught Narha.

"I want a Moonfyre this time." She is the best dragon to ever live, I am sure of it, well at least until the silver and blue-green egg hatches.

"We will see." He sips more of the wine and leans back in his chair. "What did you even have prepared and how long will it take?" He places his hand on his chin and cracks his neck before yawning, he looks tired.

"A surprise." He sighs but a knock at the door stops him from complaining and I stand up to let the food in.


"This is all your favorites." He looks down at the strudels and other sweets with an odd look.

"Of course!" I smile as I pick up a berry strudel and take a bite of it, the sweet and tart taste almost makes me groan.

"You invited me to come and eat some of your favorite foods?" I nod as I chew and he gives me a dry look. "None of my favorites?" He poorly hides his amusement as he lifts one of the lemon cakes and places it on his plate.

"You should feel honored, not many people get to enjoy these at all, I usually eat them all before they can be served to anyone else." He stops his eating utensil halfway to his mouth and slowly starts nodding.

"I see, it's an honor for me to be invited to share with you and not you inviting me to enjoy a real meal with you. How very Shiera of you..." I nod happily seeing him understand even if his last comment rubbed me wrong. "You might find no one wanting to come and eat with you again in the future if you don't at least have something they like served as well." I shrug as I reach for the plate of lemon cakes.

"I do not care to eat with other people, they will just hog all the foods I want anyway." He shakes his head before taking another sip of the drink.

"Well I suppose it will be fine, we will just have to make sure you are working off all the sweets you are eating. Can't have you turning out like our Father and not even able to move around properly." I snort at him as I remember the sorry state our Father got to, I will never get that big as all the fat goes to my breasts anyway.

"Fine but we are going for a run and nothing more for today, I still need to make sure I watch the twins for a little while." He narrows his eyes at me and I find myself confused about what he is thinking about. "What?"

"You are scheming something..." I stiffen in my seat as I was reaching for another lemon cake but I push through and give him a clueless look.

"What could I be scheming?" He leans forward and looks me over with his eyes as if looking for a clue.

"I do not know but you are acting a bit funny." I resist looking toward his glass of wine, the book in my mother's collection did not have the full recipe but I am sure I got it right 'this' time.

Soon enough he will fall under my spell...

"Nothing is funny at all Aerion you are the one being funny." He nods as he returns to eating on my snacks and I sigh in my mind.


187 AC


Aerion Targaryen


I sit in my solar while a wave of heat pulses through my body and I stare off at the ceiling.

That little shit poisoned me again, she does this every now and then but I have no clue why. Something about those damn books her Mother left her in the chest she left behind upon her death. I should have the books burned in Dragon Fire soon so she will stop trying to cast her damn witch magic on my stomach. She just wants to ensnare me so she can be spoiled rotten, even though I buy her whatever the hell she wants. Damn, little sisters are the worst, cute but nefarious...

I suppose she is helping me get ready for if someone really did try to off me with some random concoction at the very least...

I should tell Danny to scavenge off her plate more often to knock her down a peg or so, will do her good. The matriarch of Harrenhal likes to teach the spoiled little bastard Princess a lesson or two every now and then. All in love and care, never anything to genuinely hurt Shiera, she is a cinnamon roll if you can get passed her haughtiness.

The door to my solar opens on its own and I raise my brows but settle back into my seat when I see my Aunt Elaena.

"You look tired." I nod and hear my aunt snort before she drops down a thick book on the desk. "Good, you need to have this read over before the end of the day if you want to be able to respond to the Lords who are seeking to invest." I sit up in my chair and look at her in bewilderment.

"What?" I feel my head buzz and I flip open the book to see pages of reports and financial records, the Singing minstrels outdid their selves.

"I am taking a break, so you need to handle what I was working on." She smiles viscously and I feel like a knife is slipped between my ribs.

"Now hold on I don't pay for short notice leave..." She scoffs and turns to leave but I leap from my chair and run around to block the door. "I have to go through the reports from the Reach and the deals to mediate between the Reach Lords and the new Lords of the Gift. You know the Reach is up in arms about the North suddenly being able to support themselves once more, their coffers took a hit." Leave it up to the cowards in the Reach to charge nearly ten times to the starving North and then get pissed when they stop buying.

"Not my problem." She hisses and tries to shove me aside but I stand firm as a wall, I notice she seems pretty angry with me and I am confused about what I did.

"Alright come out with it, what did I do to piss you off." it's better to rip the arrow out when it comes to Dragon Blood women, they are like crazy women who burn your shit if they can't unlock your phone to read your texts.

"Oh, I don't know Aerion what did you do that could piss me off... or rather who?" It takes me longer to get to the root than I would like to admit even with her scowling at me, I was closer on the phone thing than I realized.

"She told you?" Her scowl turns from venomous to burning as her hands end up on her hips.

"Aerion." She gives me a look so dirty I will need a bath after this. "First everyone is talking about you fucking Mya and then you come back from a 'hunt' with my sister draped over your body." I find myself cursing Daena, she did it on purpose.

"But how does that end up with you being mad at me?" I ask hoping she won't blow up and she only looks down to the floor letting out a tired sigh.

"Good luck with the investment reports." She slips between me and the door like a snake and is off.

I look back to the desk and see the book next to the Reach reports and quickly slip out the door hitting the lock before I chase after my aunt. It just might be quicker to smooth her ruffled feathers than it would be to slug through all the extra work she dropped on me. She obviously did it on purpose to catch me off guard, she likely is already ready to handle it on her own and just wanted to make me sweat. So the quickest solution is to just seek out what she desires and get her back on the job.

I could also just put off a few other things and handle it on my own easily enough but she is obviously in a huff. I did bang her sister so I think it would be wise to just give her the win on this one and seek peace. Plus I am pretty sure I have a good idea of what she is aiming for and I am one hundred percent on board.