
187 AC


Elaena Targaryen


That bitch really went ahead and seduced Aerion, I almost can not believe my eyes.

I knew he started rutting Mya, it's all that is talked about at Harrenhal, and even Daenerys was laughing along with some servant girls when I overheard them. But now Daena as well, or at least that is what it looks like with her clinging to his side as they make their way from the stables. Seven hells this is going to be a mess, but maybe not with how unbothered he looks.

If Danny was fine with Mya why would she care about another I suppose, but that just adds to the annoyance burning away in my chest. All the work and time I put in to help him run his 'economic empire' and he leaves me high and dry as he snags my sister. I think I should drop a few of the problems I am solving for him in his lap and let him struggle a bit, he seems to have too much free time anyway. Maybe then he will show some 'appreciation' for all the hard work I do, I would enjoy a good release after all this time.

I suppose I always did have this in mind when I decided to pass over marrying the Master of Coin, I could have been the secret Mistress of Coin. But I did not like the deal of mothering the old man's children as the price, Aerion had a sweeter deal. What I am doing for Aerion is a lot more widespread and I feel more satisfied even with the stress that piles up over time. But I also thought something might eventually come of it, the work itself is something I enjoy but I still want my due.

I was not of the mind to ruin his marriage with Daenerys to get into his bed, but now with what he is doing and the lack of flames remelting Harrenhal, it's safe to say she is in on his doings.

I suppose I got comfortable doing what I liked and enjoying my time doing it while also getting to see interesting things he plans and does. His music is also a treat and I always will enjoy listing to it at any time. I was content to let things continue as they were but now that my own sister got some of him I am feeling a bit passed over. I pushed aside the lust before but it has grown into a consuming flame that I can not push away without burning up.


187 AC


Daenerys Targaryen


"I guess I was right." I keep the smugness out of my voice but I still feel like rubbing it in his stupid face.

"Yes..." He avoids eye contact because he knows what I want, to lord this over him as I should but I suppose I can be merciful.

"Next time don't seem so sure you are right, you have put on blinders to things you have gotten accustomed to. I do not have such blinders, my eyes are always wide open for such things." He nods as he wipes the slobber off Aemon's chin, the little baby boy has been staring off into the distance all day and drooling like an old hound.

"I suppose, but next time you could just point out the obvious in a more... obvious way." I roll my eyes and restrain myself from scoffing at him, I literally put it into words for him and he chooses not to listen.

I don't mind though, it is actually quite nice to get a break from his constant pursuits, like a high-quality wine I can savor it when I desire instead of being bent over a chair. Though I won't lie and say I do not like being bent over a chair every now and then, it's just a new taste to have some time to relax for a bit.

"I will make a great effort to inform you when next I see someone trying to get your cock." He finally looks at me with a dead look but I can see him resisting a smile. "So how was she?" He shakes his head with a sigh escaping his lips.

"Unprepared, felt like I blindsided her when she was the one who blindsided me." I chuckle and imagine my dear aunt impaled on my husband's cock out in the woods.

Poor old lady was not expecting the beating that my husband can't put on a woman, I hope her legs won't give out. But it would be amusing to see her limping around after trying to ride the dragon and coming back defeated. I look forward to her joining us one night so I can see her face as he ruins her, but Mya comes first and I have been looking forward to seeing her ruined look even longer.

"Well, I promised the babes when you got back we would go check in the dragon's den to see their bonds. I saw Drogon returning earlier so I am sure he already stuffed their bellies full like he does most mornings, such a caring father my scaled son is." I don't even think most dragons in our House got raised by their parents like this, I think most got chained and keepers gave them food and care.

"Let me get cleaned up and we can head out." He sets Aemon down on the blanket next to his sister and before he leaves he blows against Rhaellas stomach causing her to kick around in a fuss.

"Leave my sweet girl alone and go get into the tub, I had hot water brought by not long ago it should still be warm enough." He nods and heads to pass by me giving me a quick kiss on the head before heading off to get ready.

"He will be back." I kneel down next to the blanket as they both wiggle around trying to watch their Father leave.


187 AC


Aerion Targaryen


"Here you go, just don't nip at him this time." I sit on the stone floor and let my son's dragon climb up onto my lap as I sit Aemon on one leg.

Aemon is leaning back on my stomach as I keep him upright with an arm around his body, his tiny mummers as he watches the dragon are adorable. I still think it will be inconvenient to wait to name them after Daenerys tossed out the names I came up with. She wants our kids to name their own dragons which is fair but they won't be speaking for a while and even when they can name something is pretty advanced. I just hope they do not name them something stupid like grass or something, would look dumb later on in life.

"You think they will grow as fast as ours did?" Danny asks as she sits next to me with Rhaella who has a meaty hand on her purple dragon's head trying to grab the golden nub that will be a horn.

"I think so, they eat enough to look like pigs and this den is warm constantly from our dragons sleeping in here all the time. I would be surprised if they grew slower than ours did, might be worth tracking their growth though. We did not have the chance to track ours since we were too young but I want to have a private record for people in the family to look back on. Could help in some future problematic situations or something, who knows?" She nods as she leans against my shoulder and I wrap my other arm around her back and hook it around her side to pull her side flush against my own.

"Did you pick out a room for Prunella? I want to get it ready long before they come to drop her off in person, the poor girl has no real idea what's happening." Danny frowns as she nods, she made it abundantly clear we will never foster any of ours, which I already decided to never do.

"I did, she will be staying within our own little private rooms, I guess you did not see it when you went to get cleaned up. I cleaned out the bedroom on the far side from our actual room but it's directly across from ours. She will be able to find us easily and also far enough away that no noise will wake her up. We can get the room ready for a Princess with everything we can to make her stay comfortable. When she is accustomed to us we can move her to a more private room somewhere in the tower and the room she will us now can go to Rhaella." I smile seeing her so on board with this, I was not expecting an invader in our private little 'apartment' but it's not unwelcome.

The girl is too young to do something like spying and will be raised with us until she is an adult, she will be our kid in everything but blood and name. Plus anything she wants to be sent to her family will be looked over before sending it regardless so if she was spying she would be caught.

"Good, sounds like you got everything handled as far as that goes." She nods and the baby dragons get tired of being manhandled by baby hands and they scamper off to climb the hulking forms of their parents. "I wonder how often Moonfyre will be laying eggs..." It is not something documented so I might keep track of how many she lays and how often for private records as well.

"Hopefully before we run out with how someone has decided to start spending his days." I roll my eyes at her and she chuckles, she really likes to screw with me at every opportunity.

"I doubt we will run out, we still have three and I am guessing there will be another batch of eggs within the next two to five years if I had to guess. It is known that they stop laying as frequently the bigger they get and this is her first clutch so she might be laying them frequently for the next twentyish years and then she will slow down until she eventually stops. But then again I am guessing and I do not actually know so we will see, for all I know she could be carrying some new eggs already and is waiting to lay them." I eye Moonfyre and she just trills as the purple dragon climbs down her neck and onto her head between her eyes.



187 AC


Rhaena Targaryen


Why am I here, just to suffer?

"-so I tried to get back on top and held me down and kept at me like a spear trying to pierce my guts. I swear I saw the stars swimming in my vision before I felt my back lock up and I could not move anymore." I clench my eyes shut and pray to the Maiden to protect me from my sister's foul recount of her night with our nephew. "Are you even listening?" She asks with an annoyed voice.

"Yes, I am listening..." I sigh and she nods while crossing her arms and lifting her chin and I know the next words out of her mouth are going to test my will.

"So what do you think?" I take a deep breath and calm my heart before I throw something at her.

"Think about what?" She groans and her arms drop before she slaps her thighs and narrows her eyes.

"What do you think I should do now?!" She hisses and I find myself surprised, she is never not sure of what she wants to do, this is unlike her.

Maybe there is hope for her yet...

"I think you should pray for forgiv-." A pillow hits my face and another groan greets my ears.

"I should have known... I would ask Elaena but I know she has been mooning after Aerion for a while. I suppose I can help her now, I am already in his bed so to speak so I can just drag Elaena along and she will forgive me." I clench my seven-pointed star necklace and send a prayer to the Mother to help my dear sister in her pursuits of lust.

It would not even be a big deal if she would just marry but she only has a 'taste' for men with dragon blood... which is just our family. She always was like this and the torch of attraction to our nephew from him having an actual dragon has grown into a forest fire since he became so successful and powerful. The richest Targaryen in our history if I had to guess and I would bet he is the best with a blade as well from the many melees I have prayed for his safety during. Then to top it off he has grown into a very attractive man, well then all of a sudden Daena is the one 'mooning'.

"Just do as your heart wishes and have no regrets, and try not to ruin our niece and nephew's marriage." I set the pillow down and pat it softly as Daena nods while biting her lips.

"I can do that..." She nods to herself and falls back onto the bed with her hair splaying out. "I can just do what my heart wants..." Mother watch over us and protect us all.