
186 AC


Aerion Targaryen


Looking up from the rug me and Daenerys rutted on I spot Shiera, her face is red but not from embarrassment. It looks like she is ready to blow a fuse or stab someone in a blind rage making me panic a little as Dark sister is closer to her than me. I slowly sit up to make my way to the sharp object to put it out of hands reach.

Thankfully what ever had her so pissed off left her mind after seeing us both naked as the day we were born. This gave me enough time to stand up and walk toward her which had her take a cautious step back hitting the flap. I snatch Dark sister from the table where it sat and let out a breath I was holding.

"Shiera, is there a problem that required you to barge into the tent when you of all people know that we were not to be disturbed?" She looks away from my other 'sword' and blinks owlishly as she processes what she is seeing.

When the cogs in her head start spinning again a grim look overtakes her features as her fists clench. She narrows her eyes as her chest starts to rise and fall rapidly and I wonder if she wants me to murder someone for her. I can't even begin to understand what has her in such a fuss at this time of day, unless someone pissed her off.

"Tell me their name, I will send them to the fishes." She pauses and shuts her eyes tight as she grits her teeth.

The tent flap behind her opens and I almost jump forward drawing Dark sister thinking the fool who earned her ire stalked her out here. The wide purple eyes of Bellenora are not what I expected and neither were the other heads that peeked in through the opening. I pause with Dark sister in one hand with the sheath half slung off, my other hand around Shieras shoulder ready to toss her behind me for safety.

"Close the tent, you are letting the breeze in." Daenerys grumbles with her face pressed into the rug.

I point Dark sister toward the sky as its sheath slides back on and set it on the table as I walk toward my discarded clothes. I toss my shirt over Daenerys bright red ass that looks like she got a sunburn as I slip my feet into my pants. With some of my dignity spared I fasten a button on the pants after pulling them up.

Turning with narrowed eyes at Shiera she shifts on her toes as she looks anywhere but at me.

"Shiera." The tent flap closes as the other perpetrators make there selves scarce. "You better get back here!" I shout out as I hear feet shuffle away with purpose.

I stumble toward the tent almost kicking Danny as she tried to roll over to sit up hearing me shout. I make it past her and Shiera as I throw open the flap and see four fleeing backs as they run for safety. I clench my hands and carve this incident into my very soul, there will be compensation.

"What happened?" Danny rubs her eyes and even yawns once as she looks around in confusion as I close the flap and wrap an arm around Shiera's shoulders.

"We had some peepers stop by." Danny nods as she pulls her knees to her chest showing more than she should right about now.

"Who?" She dismissively asks.

"Pretty much every sister we know about." She purses her lips and her eyes leave mine as they venture to Shiera who is stiff as a board.

"It was not my idea." Shiera starts to bail the water out after the ship is already resting on the sea floor.

"I believe you Shiera, you can tell me who forced you to come into the tent after hearing me say we did not want to be bothered." Danny's voice is laced with amusement as she slowly stands on shaky legs.

"It was all Mya and Narha, they practically forced me in or face the pain of death! I had no choice but to obey or be harmed..." She trails off as she wipes her eyes with tears starting to pool in the corners of her eyes.

Danny listens quietly as she walks to the wine pitcher and pours herself a cup, she turns and jumps up onto the table as she holds the cup in one hand. No attempts to cover her sinful body have been made, almost like she is making some kind of statement. The 'wounds' of our 'battle' are now being worn like trophies.

Shiera's eyes in-between dramatic sniffles trail Daenerys form as she looks from the love marks on the neck all the way to the thigh. It looks like she got her ass beat in a street fight if not for the flawless face only marred by some sweat on her brow. Danny swirls her wine like a villain just like I taught her back during our time on Dragonstone when we would sit on the Dragon glass throne. It was always her favorite spot to pretend to be the evil villain, that might actually be a bit concerning now that I think about it.

"Want to try that again?" Danny's velvet-smooth voice entices as she pulls the glass to her lips and takes a sip.

"I wanted to come in and throw a fit, you are stealing away Aerion for yourself." Shiera's entire act collapse's like a house of cards as she straightens her posture and even wraps her arms around my chest.

"How exactly have you come to that conclusion? I don't see how I am stealing him when he has always been mine to begin with." Shieras soft arms grip with a surprising amount of strength as she starts to growl like a feral cat.

"I don't see it that way, just because 'our' father arranged for you to get married does not mean you have to. He made that arrangement when he was worried about not being able to see more dragons hatch and that's just ridiculous. Aerion's kids will hatch dragons no matter who their mom is and does not have to be from you." Danny giggles as she sets down her cup and hops off the table.

Slow seductive steps toward the both of us, her head lowered as she laughs softly.

I purse my lips as I try to pry the vice-like grip off without hurting Shiera, she wraps a leg around my own as I do. Danny stops in front of us and lifts Shieras head with a pointer finger under her chin.

"So you want to be the one to marry Aerion?" Danny asks with a stone face and a steel voice.

"Hold on what the heck are you guys doing? I think we should take a second and first of all get some more clothes on." Danny purses her lips before slowly shaking her head and dropping Shieras chin as she lets her hand drop to her waist.

"Shiera needs to get this off her chest or she will never stop being so frustrated." Danny gives an almost pitying look to Shiera that makes my heart clench as I stop trying to pull her back and instead pull her in.

Why are they both making it seem like someone is going to die?

"I will marry Aerion." Shiera finally speaks up as she buries her face against my chest and Danny lets out a sigh.

It feels more like she just doesn't want to be left alone more than actually wanting to be married. She for some reason is convinced that she will be left alone if Danny and I get married, most likely because we are the two to seek her out. She gets up and goes wherever she wants these days but Danny and I used to be the only two who would bring her along on our own.

She was always just a bit too young to keep up with everyone and that left her in the dust, Danny and me being more mature noticed this. She has become dependent on us and is starting to feel neglected if I had to guess. I hug her and set my check on her hair as she keeps her face hidden against my chest.

"You don't have to marry anyone to stick around us, we are not going anywhere you cant follow along." I try to assure her after assessing the situation and hope I don't miss the mark.

It can be oh so easy to miss when the target is the unpredictable heart of females.

"You won't leave me?" She looks up with her blue and green eye both going slightly red as real tears pool and her grip tighten.

"Nope, when we finally leave Kingslanding we are heading to Harrenhal but that's still months away as it needs some preparations done. You are more than welcome to tag along, I expected you to come even if I had not asked." I even have an entire floor in the widow's tower being prepared for her with her favorite designs, supposed to be a surprise so I will keep it that way.

"I didn't mean like that..." She hits my chest with her head and Danny snorts beside me.

I look over and see she slipped on her dress while I was busy comforting Shiera, it looks like she got attacked in an alley with her disheveled state. Danny joins the hug and enjoys squishing Shiera between us who doesn't put up a fuss.

"Aerion she thinks all of your attention will be on me, she doesn't understand we have been acting married already for quite a long time." Shiera twists and nuzzles her head into my neck as her nose starts tickling me with its short breaths.

"Well we can only show her through action she is wrong, starting with heading back to our room and taking dinner inside. Shiera will be joining us to tell us any interesting things she heard or saw while at the feast." That gets a smile from both and I wipe my imaginary sweat on my forehead internally.

Mission passed and we managed to cool the overheated tea kettle named Shiera without spilling any vital fluids. Though I doubt this will be the end of things with my excitable sister gripping my hand so tight I fear for my fingers losing blood.

"The other girls will face my vengeance, they ducked all responsibility so they will pay the price I decide and when I decide it." I just might get to see Narha model that underwear at this rate.

"You are right, they left me behind after we came that far together!" Shiera kicks at the ground as I slip back on my shirt and grab Dark sister.

I take a last look around the tent and only see my armor of value as we leave through the flap.

"Make sure someone grabs my armor and has it put away cleaned if you do not mind." I get a solemn nod in return from him as we walk by.

With that out of the way, it's time to make our way to a real bed and listen to the gossip as we fill our stomachs with good food. Some nice wine and maybe a foot rub if I play my cards right and I will sleep like a baby.

"Wait, what happened to Daemon did he ever wake up?" I ask Shiera as I worry I might have earned a foul title for killing my 'brother'.

"He woke up but has not left his room where he was moved, even his mom threw her arms up and left him alone. She seemed annoyed with him when she was asked how he was feeling at the feast." I nod and sigh in relief knowing I am in the clear on Kin slaying.