
186 AC


Aerion Targaryen


Seven this and seven that, after Daenerys was walked up to the marriage altar by 'totally not our real dad' Aemon the Dragonknight all the sevens begin. Blessings and Vows are invoked to finish with a song being sung. Then it gets to the part I am actually dreading as I don't want to make anyone look completely stupid today.

"Is there anyone present who would contest this marriage?" The High Septon himself is binding us together on this day in the Great Sept of Baelor.

No one steps forward or at least not loudly as I look around for anyone brave enough to vocalize a complaint. It helps to have two giant dragons out front to keep someone as stupid as Daemon from confessing their love to my soon-to-be wife at the last moment. The High Septon regardless of how he feels about this arrangement pushes on seeing no challengers.

I am sure Daeron paid a pretty penny to get this done, marriage between two Targaryens is heavily frowned upon. They would even speak up when there were lots more dragons so I can't imagine what he gave in return for this.

Aemon steps forward and removes the 'Maiden cloak' from Daenerys shoulders and steps back out of the way while folding it. A proud look on his face that couldn't be more obvious as I cloak Daenerys with another Targaryen cloak. The only difference is this one is named 'marriage cloak' other than that there exactly the same.

But the meaning behind it is entirely different, she is now under my protection legally with my cloak on her shoulders. But with us being of the same House the visual of it is kind of missed but people get the point. It makes me kind of regret deciding to keep the default sigil, but I didn't want to be associated with Daemon and him reversing the sigil.

"In sight of the seven, I hereby seal these two souls, binding them as one for eternity." He finishes wrapping the bindings around our joined hands and takes a step back while holding his hand's palm up in front of himself. "Look upon one another, and say the words." The part I had to practice in the mirror for an hour to avoid embarrassment.

"Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger, I am hers and she is mine from this day until the end of my days."

"Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger, I am his and he is mine from this day until the end of my days."

We kiss with our tied hands in between us and the awkward silence is shattered by a dragon's roar outside that causes Danny's lips on mine to curve into a smile. I pull back and meet her slightly red eyes from holding back tears. I feel warmth pooling in my stomach looking into the eyes of my wife as the crowd mutters about Drogons roar.

"Guess it's done now, you can't leave me anymore unless this man right here annuls the marriage." I joke and she turns to look at the High Septon who is looking confused.

"I am sure he would work out a deal with me if I asked." She speaks with a very forceful tone as her face turns stony.

"P-Princess..." I laugh at him look between us in fear while blinking fast.

"She is jesting dear High Septon, we were born together and will die together so there is nothing to worry about." His nose scrunches up ever so slightly before a stiff nod as he hobbles off with sweat on his brow.

"You scared him." Danny presses her hand on my chest as she swings the tied one side to side with my own bound to it.

"Well, I could care less, a self-important man who uses the weight of the common folk to push agendas. Men like him will find their selves suffering in the not-so-distant future, I will see to it." I don't think it's a good idea to open schools and educate the common folk, they will start to get ideas.

But I feel like a place of learning under Targaryen's control is necessary for the future of this house, something will be done about the faith of the seven as well. It will be slow but dismantling the power the faith has over the crown is an important part of my 'legacy' I will leave my house.

Harrenhal will become the future of our House and all the people of the world only see it as a monument to what will happen when you anger a dragon. In the future, it will be much more than melted towers and a lesson to our enemies.


"Congratulations you two, I imagined this day differently when Aegon first told me he would have the two of you married. Arranged marriages rarely turn out happy, but I see my worry was for nothing. I am happy for the two of you and hope you have a happy marriage." Aunt Daena known as the defiant and also the mother of Daemon Blackfyre sits at our table to talk to us.

"Thank you Aunt Daena, I am blessed to have a wife like Daenerys who understands me better than anyone else ever could." Like the fact she is the only one who is aware of me being older than my body.

One of the main reasons I have refrained from any relationships with other people, that and Drogon has an uncanny nose and is a snitch. He can sniff me from far off and huff and from there Daenerys will be on the trail looking for the cause. A big dumb black dragon is a snitch yet thinks I won't tell Moonfyre about him eating the extra meat.

"Yes, it is a blessing to have someone who understands you by your side." She looks at me with a sly smile that I can't help but return.

The woman who burned this very city to ashes and planned to conquer the known world, yea I know her.

"You two are just perfect, I hope things last and you can outshine even the love story of King Jaehaerys and Queen Alysanne." With Danny in my ear talking about all the future babies we will have we will outshine them at least in something.

"I hope to avoid the famous 'rifts' they had but I looking forward to imitating the Good Queen in headcount on births. I want a lot of little Targaryens to love on, I am sure everyone will be glad to see more of them running around." Daena nods with her lips going thin hearing Daenerys fantasize.

"It would be nice to see some more baby dragon riders, I am certain your dragon's eggs will hatch for your children." Danny smiles happily before some shouting at another table grabs her attention and Daena locks eyes with me.

She smiles and slowly stands up to free up the 'guest chair' for someone else to visit Daenerys and me. She turns slowly and only breaks eye contact when she starts walking away with her hips noticeably swaying. I almost mutter a curse before I feel Danny hook her arm around mine and set her head on my shoulder.

"Are you really going to threaten the men at sword point if they try to carry me off for the 'bedding'?" She sounds amused and happy and it makes the thoughts of what my aunt just did fly away.

"I brought Dark sister for a reason, if they want to strip my wife naked and carry her off it will be over my cold corpse." I reply with all the steel in my voice I can muster and loud enough to be heard.

Daenerys shivers and men who are sitting at tables close to us let out curses and lament the 'lose'. I may care about public opinion but no one will see my wife naked and put their hands on her for some 'custom'. The custom is not something I will respect and I will openly spit on anyone who does, it's disrespectful to your wife and yourself.

"The Ladies will weep not being able to rip your clothes off, though I am glad since this is a nice outfit." she pats my chest and rubs the fine black clothing with red trim.

"Let them weep, if they want to see me naked they will need one of two things." She lifts her head from my shoulder and I turn to see her raised eyebrows.

"What exactly are those two things?" Fire building up in her tone threatening to be unleashed.

"They either need my wife to approve or legs able to outrun a dragon." She snorts and her nails that gripped my arm loosen.

"I see, I doubt anyone will have legs like those." I will ignore my half sisters just recently having just those such legs as they escaped without getting burned the other night.

"Then the Ladies can only weep." I let out an exaggerated sigh as another brave soul approaches our table to sit at the guest chair.

It seems to be Lord Baratheon, what can I squeeze from him seeing how he 'dares' to approach the hungry dragon? He will soon learn it's not wise to approach the dragon with an insatiable appetite for gold and resources. Harrenhal landing in my hands had my hunger skyrocket with the new 'cavernous' vaults that I need to fill.

I might as well open a bank with how big the vaults are, I will have dragons and specially trained men defending the castle so no worry of robbery.


Holding Dark sister out in front of me as I level it with the chest of a brave and stupid man who called for the bedding and dared to approach. His eyes widen as the Valyrian steel nicks his expensive doublet.

"There will be none of this, I can undress my wife on my own just fine and don't need help. In fact, it is my favorite part and I know none of you wise men will get in my way and spoil my fun on this grand day." More sour looks are tossed my way but I remember all of them and their houses for later.

House Tully surprisingly has a young man tossing a venomous look in my direction, the fool will pay for it at a later date. I didn't even need a reason to hate House Tully since they already voice complaints about Harrenhal ending up in my hands. But this little glare of his might be the difference between his House going extinct and surviving my clutches.

He better count his blessings and pray to all seven of his gods because I will find something and when I do it won't be pretty. I will pull on the rat's tail until Harrenhal is 'promoted' and I no longer need to worry about the Riverlands. The aim is to have them kicked from their pedestal and become Prince of the Trident getting rid of the need for a 'Lord'.

Only when Tully is cast aside and my 'branch' of House Targaryen is elevated to rule the Riverlands will I be satisfied. My kids and their kids will also not have to worry about any future kings or queens letting the Riverlands try anything against them like trying to get 'compensation' for losing Harrenhal to the Throne. I can already see the fish trying to get himself a dragon bride once Harrenhal becomes the most prosperous place in Westeros.

"Let's go." I hold out my arm and Daenerys loops hers with mine as I give one last look toward the Tullys.

I have bigger fish to fry at the moment, the idea people expect me to bed Danny after the wedding to truly seal the wedding is fine by me. This tradition I have no problem with this in any way shape or form.