86 R18


207 AC


Aerion Targaryen


"I think this might be a bit too much..." Looking at myself in the mirror I eye up the first 'Emperor's Crown' that no doubt will gain as much fame as the first Conqueror's crown.

...I am still salty that the Dornish lost or 'lost' that crown after the Young Dragon died with it.

"It does look a bit... shiny." After Shiera's words, I purse my lips and narrow my eyes at the Valyrian steel crown with a nearly perfectly circular gem of varying colors for each of my wives.

"I knew it." I take it off and set it down while looking for a simple circlet to be crowned within the 'Grand ceremony' which is the official start of the second Targaryen Conquest.

"Just wear it, it looks fine." Elaena picks the crown back up and sets it on my head after using one hand to comb some of my hair back. "I like the way it looks." She smiles before pressing a soft kiss against my cheek and then turning to help Daenerys with her hair once more.

Daenerys and her damn braids...

"Fine." I sigh even as I eye the room for the circlet I usually wear but can't seem to find it and almost feel like heading to take one of my children's circlets instead.

"It might not look so bad in the light..." Shiera playfully comments as she wraps her arms around my stomach and stands on the tips of her toes to put her chin on my shoulder.

Slipping a hand behind me and herself I grip one of her plush ass cheeks as she rolls her eyes but instead of backing up, she presses her breasts against me smooshing them flat.

"...after." She wiggles a silver brow after checking the room to see if anyone else heard her, she almost looks like she is trying to sneak off with something.

"You promised to talk with Jacaerys after the guests left and you had time." Daena speaks up after her near eagle eyes seem to have caught onto our mischief.

"And I will." I act as if I also was not planning on slipping off to one of the many empty rooms in the Prince's mansion to get lost in the night with my lustful wife.

Shiera does not react outwardly other than a sly smirk that quickly fades as she pulls my hand off her butt... the seductress just hums a tune as she lets go of me and turns to check on her own appearance in one of the many mirrors.

"After." I mutter to myself but hear Danny snort beside me as she lifts her chin and lets her long braid drape over her shoulder similar to how the old Queen Visenya was said to wear her hair.


"So?" I slip the questioning word out as I take a seat in a private room with my Son taking a seat across from me.

"I wish to take Nightmare and an 'egg' with me to Slavers Bay and 'break the chains'." I tilt my head as I look at Jacaerys and bounce around on ideas for what is motivating him.

"Why?" I guess it won't hurt to hear it from the horse's mouth directly, I will sniff it out if he tries to lie.

But since Danny brought up the plan she 'created' many of the children have been interested in putting it into motion themselves or being a part of the process. Daenerys thinks it would be best to try and 'buy' the Unsullied now before we start gaining ground because then the Masters will fear us. As of now, they will be hesitant but not outright fearful if they are anything like the masters she knows and dealt with before.

They are a prideful people and will see the vast distance between us as an obstacle and the cities between us as shields guarding them from danger.

"I want to do my part, I want to earn my place." He earnestly speaks with a steel-like determination in his voice that almost moves me but instead, I sigh.

"You do know there is a  very good chance that things will end up going poorly, Danny speaks from a hopeful position when she talks of her plan. She sees both sides of the coin but she thinks it has already landed in her favor, which we can't possibly know." I pause and bounce my head side to side as I think back to the reports I have received about Slavers Bay. "The men who sell the Unsullied are a ruthless bunch and may seek to attack you outright upon your landing in or near their city." No news about scorpions or other long ranged weapons, but it won't be long until they have them out and ready to use.

Ghis fought actual Valyria, it is unknown if they managed to kill any dragons... but they know the power of Dragon fire.

All they need to do is visit their old capital of Ghis and they can easily learn what a dragon can do...

"I never said it would be easy or that I think I will succeed without any hardships." I look at him strangely and he has the decency to look embarrassed before trying to steel himself once more. "But I still want to try and I want to make you proud and carve out a piece of Essos with my own hands." I hum and nod ignoring the swelling of pride in my chest.

"You want that Blackfyre pussy that bad?" I ask bluntly remembering how his Mother brought up the girl once again after sucking me off this morning.

"Huh?" He dumbly drops his jaw and I shake my head.

"Boy." I sigh and it feels like years of frustration leave me all at once. "Listen and listen well... it is alright to let a female motivate you, but there is a fine line between passion and purpose or just being a simp." Is this idiot boy of mine thinking about taking Slavers Bay to then ask if he can web Daemon Daughter?

I mean... that is kind of metal and respectable... in a certain light.

"I just don't get why you have not married her if that is what you want?" I have never told any of my children they need to ask me for permission if it is a matter of love and the heart, they can have a shotgun wedding for all I care.

If it was politically motivated then it is different.

But if he loves the girl and wants to be with her then he should have just stolen her away like a wildling and married her on the spot. It is not like she is a bad option, all things considered, she has Targaryen blood and family in a Free City we are soon to take. From what I remember Daena talking about, the girl is also sweet, and if she is fine with it, then I see no reason I should not be.

"But..." He seems to be seriously confused as he looks at me as if I just slapped him.

...this might take longer than I thought.

I hope Shiera does not fall asleep while waiting... she is always grumpy when I wake her up with my cock between her tits.


"If you keep bouncing like that then we might just break the 'no pregnancy during conquest' agreement." I grit my teeth after trying to warn Shiera as she rides my length with reckless abandon.

She either ignored me or her eyes snapping shut meant she was once again going through the throes of pleasure as she presses both hands against my chest and slams herself down. I lift my head and catch her left nipple with my mouth seeing her come to a stop, only when she is sitting still can I get ahold of one to nip at without getting whiplash.

"Fuck!" She hisses weakly as her arms go around my head and pull me against her harder.

Soft tit flesh seals me off from any air but I do not care as my hands grab her hips and I instead of trying to free myself by lifting her off of me, I work her once more up and down my cock. Instantly the slick tightness spasming around my length amps up its attempt to hold me in place but I resist the lovely warm embrace in favor of some friction.

"Mmm." My Wife leans her head against mine and hums as her legs snake around from supporting herself in cowgirl and instead clench behind my back. "Give me all of it..." She mutters into my hair as she keeps my face buried against her chest.

My soft nipping and licking turn a bit harsh as my lungs start to burn and she soon lets me pull back from her abused tit to instead take in some air. Her flushed face greets me as I open my eyes and enjoy the sight of my Heterochromatic eyed Wife. She licks her lips before pushing her chest out a little while leaning her non-abused breast toward my mouth.

"Spoiled rotten." I shake my head even as I keep pumping her body up and down as if she is weightless, this particular action also happens to send ripples through her abundant breasts that lightly bounce each time I sheath myself.

Unfortunately or fortunately in this case I am glad to be the type to spoil my loved ones as I lean down and take the other tit into my mouth after bottoming out and holding her down. She squirms and shifts on my lap as her arms once more go around my neck and pull me into her breast.

"Mmm... I want it..." Her voice rasps as I pick up the pace and adjust myself enough that I am hitting the very deepest part of her slick tunnel. "Aerion!" She gasps and her embrace around my neck goes weak as her legs instead tighten, locking her in place halfway down my throbbing cock. Lifting my head and letting go of her nipple I take a breath as she tries to break my back with her iron thighs.

"Stop." I grunt as I tighten my hold on her hips and push her down the rest of the way before painfully slowly raising her back up. "Shiera!" Filled with frustration of being denied the movement I want I let go of her hip with one hand to deliver a harsh slap on her fat ass.

"Ah!" She jerks and her legs loosen just enough for me to pry them off with quick movements and practiced hands.

She falls back bouncing on the mattress a few times which does wonders for her abundant chest. But I have no time to admire the jiggle of her breasts as I seek relief from the overwhelming need that this woman has put into me.

"You asked for it." I vindictively push her knees against her chest squishing her breasts as I adjust myself to spear her with my cock.

Not letting her adjust herself I instead push her into the bed while she whines and gives me a pitiful look that almost seems like she will start crying at any moment. I want to scoff and maybe flip her around so I do not have to see her act, but instead, I lean down and seal her lips with my own as I slip my dick between her puffy and abused lower lips. She hums in a very annoyingly pleased way as I slam back into her harshly, the rough treatment being exactly what she was aiming for all along.

Pushing against her thick thighs with my hands I break the kiss as I do a push-up with her underneath me. She is pressed into the mattress like a fold-up chair and can do nothing but wiggle her feet and watch as I repeatedly skewer her with my length.

Pulling my hips back I groan as her velvet walls seem to try and pull me back in, the temptation to bury myself inside of her wins out and I only make it halfway before lunging back forward. The wetness she summoned to her eyes moments ago to look pitiful almost makes her eyes seem to shine as she watches me work my way in and out of her slit. Each time I pull back further before I am pulling back almost to my tip and then slamming down till I am balls deep pressing my sack against her raised ass as I push her further into the bed.

"Uhh...uh...uhh..." Each time I swing my hips down and bury my dick into her depths she exhales whatever little bit of air she managed to gasp which pushes me to go faster in both concern of her wellbeing and a primal need to fill her up with my seed.

My hands on her thighs grip tightly as I wildly rut into her, my fingers sink into her thick thighs while her breasts look painfully flattened. The jolts of pleasure rapidly build into a tsunami as I lift my upper body as much as I can and arch my back burying my cock inside of her. A tightness in my core turns into an explosion of pleasure that forces my eyes shut as I fill my Wife with my seed.

"Fuck." My hands slip as my grip weakens from my trip over the edge of pleasure and I collapse on top of my Wife causing her to grunt.

But instead of worrying about her as her arms and legs quickly wrap around me in an impossibly tight embrace, I instead close my eyes and let my head sink in between her breasts.

Even the momentary worry about suffocation does little to crush the high I am feeling as waves of ecstasy drive me straight into a stupor. The only thing I do besides relax on top of my Wife is to slip my arms around her and embrace her back as she embraces me.