
207 AC


Aerion Targaryen


"Seeing how things went with Norvos and how quickly it has been pacified I think it would be best for me to head over to Myr to make sure things are going as smooth in the south as up here." I pause to take a breath while thinking about the most recent news we have from the South. "Rhaegar and Tessarion will come with me... Visenya as well." I almost roll my eyes seeing my Daughter perk up hearing she will get to come along.

My last offer has been sent to Lorath and Qohor and all we are doing is waiting to see who responds first or if they will even respond at all. Once we have word from one we will decide based on what they decide who we will march the bulk of our army toward. I expect Lorath to bend the knee so long as we don't mess with their maze and their traditions which will be fine for the most part. So long as they do not cause trouble for the red priests who will be spreading the 'holy word' about how amazing my family is then I could not care less what they do so long as they do it on their knees.

"Have you decided what you will be doing with Aegor?" Aemon asks aloud even though he already knows what I decided.

It is something he does often during meetings, helping me with the flow of the conversation while also making sure I do not forget to mention anything. Sometimes I get in a rush and either overlook mentioning something or just assume people can make connections between two points I have already discussed. One of my heir's strongest 'political' strengths is his ability to read a room and the people in it and he uses it to his advantage efficiently.

...he is a damn monster at poker.

"He will keep Myr on the condition that he sends two-thirds of his own men to help capture and secure the other two daughters. Half of the men he will provide will go to Lys and the other half will go to Tyrosh on the Blackfyre ships. Those same men will keep order in those cities for the next ten years, should things turn poorly and disorder break out he will lose Myr." I can already smell a plot against Aegor, no doubt Brynden will be tempted to let some chaos break out in Lys just to kick Myr off his new seat.

I need to make sure that does not happen... maybe letting Brynden have the claim of the shorelines from the bottom of the Stepstones all the way to the Mother Rhoyne may help with that.

But I still have some time to plan that out a little more, I will not promise anything when I still likely have months until the men are in place to capture the cities. I will divide up the Disputed lands once I actually have them in hand and that will likely be after Qohor is already secured.

One small step at a time.


207 AC


Tessarion Targaryen


"How does it feel?" I turn from DreamChaser as she lowers her bronze head down to the ground with her steel-toned spikes digging into the sandy material she has made a bed out of.

"How does what feel?" I ask my uncle Balerion as he approaches my dragon cautiously but with wonder in his eyes. "Surely you are not asking me for the hundredth time what it feels like to be bonded to a dragon?" I raise a brow at the explorer who merely shrugs with a sly smirk.

"If you stopped giving me a different answer each time then I would stop asking." I scoff while shaking my head as I turn to my mount who lets out a low rumble sounding much like one of Muna Mya's kittens... just much louder.

"It is never the same... just like us she feels differently about things every day." Sometimes I like my morning meal as soon as I open my eyes, other times I like it after I have bathed and gotten dressed.

DreamChaser is much the same.

"I know." He grunts while turning slightly beside me as one of his hands grabs a steel-colored spike on my dragon's neck. "My wife has been asking about a flight..." I smile and nod once as I imagine the Braavosi woman screaming as she flies for the first time.

In my own experience, everyone is always out of breath after their first time riding a dragon.

"If you cannot convince anyone else while I am gone then I will take her for a flight upon my return." I just hope we do not spend too much time down in the South, I prefer the company of my family and do not like to be separated from them for too long.

Like a flock of birds... Father says 'flock' does not sound intimidating enough for a group of dragons and I have to agree after what happened in this city not long ago.


207 AC


Rhaegar Targaryen


""Calm Vhagar."" I hold my hand up and set it on the snout of my dark green and orange mount as she rises from her nap.

"Do you think we will actually do anything other than fly there and sit around while Kepa talks to Aegor?" Visenya speaks up not far from me while checking her riding outfit with Rhaella fussing over her braid that has fallen apart.

Visenya loves to wear a braid similar to her namesake when she is either in riding gear or combat gear... which normally is the same outfit for her.

A Valyrian steel Scalemail with Valyrian runes covering it along with artwork of dragons curling their necks around her sides. It is the standard armor and riding gear for most of the females in the family with only Muna tending to wear far less metal.

'Rules for thee, not for me' is common on her tongue when asked about it... other than when Kepa gets his hands on her and tosses a suit of chainmail on her at the very least.

"-you almost ready?" Aemon claps my shoulder and I nod as I scratch between my mounts scales with the two clawed fingers of my Valyrian steel gauntlet.

"I am as ready as I will ever be." He smiles and nods once before turning to go check on his soon-to-be wife.

Why he did not wed Visenya when he wed Rhaella I will never know... it's not like she does not sleep with them almost every night. If they wait till she is also swelling with a babe then it will be setting a bad precedent for making children out of marriage which needs to be stopped. I have nothing against a bastard but for our family, it can be dangerous... when dragons cover the skies and our blood is easy to find it can go poorly if someone gets any foul ideas.

We need to prevent another dance at all costs.

"Mount up!" I shake my head hearing Kepa's words and quickly make my way to the rope ladder to climb onto my mount.

I will let Aemon worry about his marriages but I think if it goes on for too long I should subtly bring it up in a passively curious manner.

But in all honesty, I expect it to mainly be Visenya just wanting to remain 'free' even though everyone knows she is locked into Aemon and Rhaella.


207 AC




"I see." I respond to Shiera Targaryen as she sets down a glass candle on the table before me. "Is that all you needed, your Grace?" I smile and look away from the magical item and meet eyes once more with the future Empress of Essos.

...maybe not 'just' an Empress.

"If you can't figure out what it is doing then it's fine, I have just been curious and the writings I have about them have been... unhelpful." I nod as I break eye contact and look back at the glass candle.

"I will do my best, your Grace." She hums and I notice she purses her lips as she looks around my room once before turning and heading toward the door.

"Send word to me as soon as you find something if you manage to get anywhere with it." She walks out the door after leaving a few more words and soon the door is shut once more by a servant who was standing on the side.

Now I am alone once more.

I could have answered her right here and now what I think is happening but I doubt she would believe me... no one would believe me.

Reaching for the candle I grab it being careful not to cut myself on the sharp edges as I bring it closer. Once it is before me I run a finger over a sharp edge and let my blood drip upon the ancient Valyrian item.

A small milky flame ignites upon its tip.

Similar to how my recent attempts to gaze into the flames have gone I quickly find myself seeing visions in the flame. The white color fades and is replaced with a life-like vision as if I am transported into another place as I gaze into the candle flame. But unlike my attempts in a brazier or fireplace I can see far more of the 'room' I have found myself in.

Far more.

I have been struggling with looking into the flames for hours on end almost burning my eyes out of my head only to see shadows of figures and structures. But in this moment I see more than I was hoping for as I look around at a giant throne room that puts anything I have seen before to shame. My eyes wander to the throne and the figure sitting upon it and as they do I feel like my entire being is locked in place.

Sitting upon the throne is no longer the shadow of a flaming man I have seen countless times... this time there is a man who looks flesh and blood.

Hair that seems ready to drip down like molten silver as it reflects the light from the shining halo resting upon it.

Pale skin that looks almost like pure snow yet seems to radiate heat... no it radiates light.

The figure is a man who is clothed in the finest silks that seem spun from moonlight as they shimmer upon his body.

Looking closely at the face I feel a part of myself refuse what I am seeing as it goes against what I know and what I expected but once the closed eyes of the 'man' open I can no longer deny what I am seeing.

"R'hllor." The name of the Lord of Light leaves my mouth and in doing so I feel all the strength leave my body but I hold onto myself as best I can just to bask in his presence for a moment longer.

"Not quite." The amused voice that is startlingly familiar carries through the throne room and I collapse into the chair I am sitting in as the flame goes out.

Try as I might I can not open my eyes as exhaustion washes over me and I feel the pull of sleep drag me down. But even as that happens I still engrave the words and sight I have seen and heard deep within myself.

Things are far different from what anyone expects.