Chapter 170

As he listened to Lu Jia's lengthy report, Tao Ran's head felt increasingly heavy, and his field of vision became increasingly blurred. It was as though there was some odd power in the wheelchair, constantly pulling him down. He saw Fei Du pacing back and forth with two shadows, like a monster. Tao Ran finally realized that this wasn't a normal physiological reaction. His field of vision was so blurry he could hardly focus. With difficulty, he stretched out a hand and caught Fei Du's clothes.

Fei Du lowered his head slightly. His lenses reflected the light, and Tao Ran couldn't see his close-by gaze.

Tao Ran's lips moved slightly. "Fei…"

Fei Du put his phone aside and plucked Tao Ran's hand off of himself.

Tao Ran desperately wanted to open his eyes, but in the end he was powerless to resist. The boundless exhaustion submerged him. "You…"

In a flash, the odd taste of that too-sweet cup of milk came over his tongue, and a thought flickered through Tao Ran's mind—why had Fei Du allowed Zhang Donglai to publicly post those two photographs? Perhaps it had even been Fei Du's own people who'd posted them.

Since Zhang Donglai was already in his hands, if it had been only to serve as evidence, couldn't he have just handed the photographs over to the police?

Fei Du, what are you doing?

Tao Ran's consciousness let out a final inaudible murmur, then dissipated in total defeat.

Fei Du brought some chairs together, carefully laid a cotton-padded overcoat on them, then picked up a jacket someone had taken off, rolled it into a pillow, and, avoiding Tao Ran's wounds, carefully picked him up and arranged him on the chairs.

He looked over Tao Ran's unwilling sleeping countenance, made himself a cup of coffee, put on headphones, then used Tao Ran's access and communications devices to track the police force's progress in pursuit of Zhang Chunjiu and his brother.

At 2:45 AM, Zhang Chunjiu and the others had fled to an area near Yan Sea Highway, and an unknown number called Fei Du's cell phone.

"Hello," Fei Du said.

There was silence over the phone for a moment. "…I didn't expect you to be the oriole stalking behind."

"Chairman Zhang." Fei Du laughed silently. "I was just wondering when I was going to get this call from you. You truly are composed."

The police wouldn't resort to cross-border kidnapping. If they'd really had unfavorable evidence against him, they'd have come for him with an arrest warrant long ago.

Zhou Huaijin… The Zhou family didn't use these means.

And all the people who had been beside Zhang Donglai were old people they could trust, people they knew inside and out, some who had even been with them at Heng'an. If Fan Siyuan's hand really did stretch that far, he wouldn't have had to wait until now.

Zhang Donglai absolutely hadn't been kidnapped by force. He had snuck out himself in the night, changing his clothes and bringing wine, dressing as though he intended to go out raising hell with his drinking buddies. Evidently some "friend" who had his trust had tricked him away. After going through it all, if he hadn't been able to think of Fei Du, Zhang Chunling could have poured water out of his head.

And after kidnapping Zhang Donglai, the request had been to exchange him for one person. That person had been the one who had contacted Su Cheng. So it went without saying whose hands Su Cheng had fallen into.

Zhang Chunling said grimly, "Su Cheng was your lure. I should have known something was wrong starting when you escaped the assassination—it wasn't coincidence, and it wasn't your good fortune, either."

"My luck isn't any good. I don't dare to gamble on 'coincidence.' Later, I suppose because I obediently went into the little dark room to be questioned by the investigation team and picked up some inexplicable squabbles, you overlooked me, Chairman Zhang, not taking me seriously." Fei Du rested his elbows on the arms of his chair, two fingers propping his temples, calmly turning half a circle in the swivel chair. "When Su Cheng disappeared, you thought he had fallen into Fan Siyuan's hands. Just in case, you appropriately sent your children to a safe place… How sincere a parent's heart, Chairman Zhang."

"I never imagined I'd be sending him into your hands," Zhang Chunling said coldly. "President Fei, the pupil truly surpasses the master."

"You flatter me," Fei Du said somewhat coquettishly. "All I had to do was fool that stupid girl with Su Cheng. Nothing technical about it. You must find it funny, Chairman Zhang."

Zhang Chunling likely could only have vented his hatred by firing a bullet into Fei Du's head. One word at a time, he said, "Enough nonsense. What do you want?"

"What do I want?" Fei Du repeated the question, seeming very thoughtful. "Chairman Zhang, that doesn't sound very friendly. I'm a good citizen with a law-abiding business, helping the police solve a case…"

"Helping the police solve a case with a kidnapping?" Zhang Chunling snorted. "You deliberately luring my people abroad, was that to help the Chinese police solve a case? President Fei, my character is rather straightforward. I don't like going around in circles talking nonsense. Let's be honest and not speak in code. I could have another son if I wanted to. You'd better not think he's such a strong playing chip."

Fei Du didn't speak. He took off one earpiece and put it next to the phone's receiver.

The jumble of voices coming over the earpiece passed at once through the receiver, flowing over the signal to Zhang Chunling's ear.

"All departments take note, we've locked on the suspects' location!"

"Five cars in all, the difference in the license plate numbers is…"

"Take note, the suspects may be armed."

"The task force is in place—"

Zhang Chunling's breath caught.

"I heard you two grew up in an orphanage. With such a large age difference, it would seem that Director Zhang isn't biologically your younger brother." Fei Du picked the phone up once more and sighed in a hypocritical display of emotion. "Not related by blood, yet still so much affection and faith. That's truly rare. No wonder you've never worried about letting him be such a crucial figure in such a crucial position."

There was silence on the other end of the phone. Fei Du closed his eyes and could almost imagine the other's rage-twisted face.

"Chairman Zhang, even if you manage to run today, afterwards you'll be a criminal, wanted everywhere. You'll have to hide for the rest of your life. You may be extradited any day to come back and eat lead. It can't have been easy making it this far. Are you content with that outcome?" Fei Du lowered his voice. "How about I give you a clear road?"

Zhang Chunling still made no sound, but he didn't hang up the phone, either.

"You just heard—before, Director Zhang could get internal information from the police. I can get it, too. I have better connections, better means, more money than he does, and I'm on good terms with your honored son. I'm also generous. I won't haggle as much as Fei Chengyu, who was unwilling even to fund a piece of empty land. Aren't I an ideal business partner?" Fei Du said unhurriedly. "My requirements aren't high, either. I just need you to be a little loyal, not blow around all over the place, ganging up with all these Zhous and Zhengs… What benefit can there be to being with trash like that, aside from inviting trouble? I suppose you must have deep experience on that point, Chairman Zhang?"

Zhang Chunling at last spoke. Clenching his teeth, he said, "Fei Du, you really are Fei Chengyu's son, the same stock of greed and malice."

"You flatter me. Though I'm a little more strong-minded than that good-for-nothing Fei Chengyu." Fei Du's voice was very low, his tone almost gentle; if you didn't know better, you might have thought he was coaxing a lover, not making threats and promises to an unprepossessing elderly man. He said, "My guess is that up to his death, Fei Chengyu had only found traces of Wei Zhanhong and his ilk. He wouldn't have known your identity, Chairman Zhang, isn't that right? Set your mind at ease. I'm not Fei Chengyu, and you aren't the same person you were three years ago. Our collaboration will be smooth."

Zhang Chunling coldly said, "I don't know that I've changed at all."

"Forgive me for speaking frankly, but three years ago, you were hiding backstage with victory in your grasp. Now…" Fei Du laughed silently. "You're a stray dog at the end of your rope."

Over the phone, you could hear Zhang Chunling suck in a breath.

"Your backers, your brother, your reputation, your reputation, your power—in the blink of an eye, it's all gone. Chairman Zhang, think carefully. Do you want to be all alone in the world from now on, fleeing here and there in solitude, or do you want to listen to my arrangements and let me take care of you and those…capable people under your leadership? I'm very willing. After all, I'm very fond of Donglai. I don't especially wish to see him grieved."

Zhang Chunling was silent for a long time, then finally roughly said, "How do I know you aren't playing a trick?"

As soon as he spoke these words, it was like an admission of defeat.

"Chairman Zhang." Fei Du sighed. "There's no value to me in playing a trick on you. Zhang Donglai is in my hands. If I'd really been planning to give you away to the police, I wouldn't have let Zhang Donglai post that status update and alert you. Otherwise, maybe now the police would be chasing you through the streets along with Director Zhang. Where would you find the time to haggle with me? I think I've demonstrated my sincerity enough as the first party. Don't you think so?"

Zhang Chunling choked, unable to get a word out for a long time. He was forced to acknowledge that Fei Du was making sense and come to terms. "Have Zhang Donglai talk to me. I'll send you the meeting place. You'd better come, President Fei."

Then the call was hung up.

Fei Du stood up, noiselessly put a blanket over Tao Ran, picked up his jacket, and walked out.

As he was passing by a corner of the hall, someone quietly asked him, "Are you sure you can lure him in like this?"

Fei Du was putting on his jacket as he walked. Without turning his head, he said, "We've both 'unveiled our secret intentions.' Not showing himself now would be admitting defeat. As far as he's concerned, catching Zhang Chunjiu alone has no meaning. Unless he's dead, there will be a reaction."

The person asked, "Why didn't you tell Wenzhou and the others?"

"Realism," Fei Du said.

The person didn't accept this perfunctory explanation. "Too realistic. So realistic it nearly seems real.—Can I trust you, Fei Du?"

Fei Du's steps paused. He raised the corners of his mouth ambiguously.

"Director Lu," he said rather pertly, "sincerity works miracles."

The southeast road out of the city was already firmly sealed. Police sirens shook the sky. The flickering streetlights swept over Zhang Chunjiu. His face was like a stone. A police car suddenly charged out of an intersection ahead, red and blue lights flashing as it made its appearance, blinding them so they couldn't see how many cars were coming.

The surrounded driver was clearly panicked. "Director Zhang!"

"Turn east, go straight through," Zhang Chunjiu ordered, not batting an eyelash.

"Director Zhang, east of here is the sports park and the East Forest Ski Run, it's…"

"I know," Zhang Chunjiu interrupted him evenly. "Drive, don't waste words."

The sports park and the enormous ski run divided Yan City's city center from the East Forest suburb. It was in a crevice, something outside of anyone's jurisdiction. Apart from the little commercial district established based on the sports park, all around was a neither here nor there urban-rural fringe. The streetlights were sparse, and there was traffic year-round.

But in the small hours of the morning on the eve of the New Year, it was for once quiet here. The five cars located by the police went right over the roadside railing. Wheels almost leaving the ground, they charged horrifyingly down two sides of a great slope.

Zhang Chunjiu said calmly, "Show those tiresome sham goods some fun."

The pursuing police cars were drawing close. The car bringing up the rear of Zhang Chunjiu's procession suddenly opened its window, and someone threw something outside. In the dark, the leading police car couldn't clearly see what it was. By the time they sensed something amiss, it was already too late. The thing thrown out of the car exploded as soon as it touched the ground. After an enormous noise, car alarms began to cry madly, and a few police cars overturned almost at once. Fire flared up instantly, raising a wall of flame.

Meanwhile, the five cars carrying the criminals raised their guns; a hail of bullets came pelting in from behind the screen of the flames and the explosion.

The quiet early morning, like a porcelain vase fallen from a high place, cracked with an ear-splitting noise, the firefight coming without warning.

"The ambulance will follow, and the bulletproof vehicles will go on ahead. Split up and hem them in. They must be pinned down.—Give me the map, be careful of the nearby communities…" Luo Wenzhou's words suddenly paused.

"Captain Luo, the urban villages here are mostly concentrated to the west of the road. They aren't in this direction. Set your mind at ease. Up ahead, there's only the East Forest Sports Park and Ski Run. The ski run closed the day before yesterday and won't open until the third day of the New Year. No one will be there now. We can trap them there!"

Luo Wenzhou quickly narrowed his eyes, remembering that when they'd been surreptitiously tracking down Yang Bo and his mother, Zhou Huaijin had mentioned something—that Heng'an Orphanage had been located in Yan City's suburbs, and the place had become a ski run long ago.

The East Forest…Ski Run.

"Second detachment come with me, everyone else continue pursuit!"

Was this Heng'an Orphanage's original location?

The place where it had all started, the place where it would all end?

Luo Wenzhou's spine went cold. He suddenly had an ominous premonition out of nowhere.

Fei Du arrived at the pre-arranged street garden and looked around. He saw no trace of Zhang Chunling, but he wasn't surprised. He quietly sat in his car, waiting.

"You Raise Me Up" was playing on repeat. He tapped the steering wheel with his fingers to the rhythm.

Suddenly, a bullet brushed against his car, hitting a rock next to his front wheel. The rebounding bullet leapt up and knocked against the bulletproof glass, making a frightening bang.

In the rearview mirror, Fei Du glimpsed the cars surreptitiously following unable to hold themselves back from moving.

Just then, the phone rang, the ringtone exactly the same as the song he was looping. The two overlaid refrains produced an unusually pleasant sound.

Fei Du couldn't resist listening to it a little longer before reaching out to pick up the phone. "Chairman Zhang, I came to rescue you, and you shot at me. What is that supposed to mean? You're not indispensable to me, and if your freedom and your son's life aren't indispensable to you, then we're fated to part…"

"Slow down," Zhang Chunling interrupted him. "Throw off your people."

Fei Du frowned.

"Throw—off—your—people," Zhang Chunling said heavily. "I told you to come alone."

Fei Du was silent. Neither of them spoke for a moment.

Zhang Chunling said, "President Fei, do you not dare?"

Fei Du slowly rolled down the window and made a gesture aimed behind him.

"Leave by the park's back gate. I'll tell you where to go."

Zhang Chunling had him go around in circles around the street garden. Probably determining that he'd thrown off his people, he said, "Drive two-hundred meters ahead, stop by the road. There's a car ready to take you, if you please, President Fei."

Fei Du stepped on the brakes and indeed saw a small car parked not far away. He couldn't resist taunting Zhang Chunling. "Our interests are the same now, and we're in a cooperative relationship. Chairman Zhang, you clearly know I only want to protect you, but you're so defensive… A businessperson ought to know when to be generous."

"The generous all die young," Zhang Chunling said coldly, then hung up.

Fei Du knew what he meant. He tossed his phone, wallet, and keys into the car and went over empty-handed. Two people quickly got out of the waiting little car and glared at Fei Du with hostility, scanning him all over with a detector, wishing they could peel off his skin.

"It's lucky I don't have a pacemaker," Fei Du said, taking a dig, "or I'd have to implore you from the bottom of my heart."

The two people searching him didn't respond. One raised his head, gave him a grim look, and opened the car door, indicating for Fei Du to get in.

"Chairman Zhang," one of Zhang Chunling's subordinates said, "a few cars came over five minutes afterwards. There's a crowd gathered near where Fei Du left his car. They've taken a phone from the car. I figure there's a tracker on the phone. They seem flustered and are searching for traces of him in the vicinity."

Zhang Chunling wasn't at all taken aback—if Fei Du hadn't tried anything, he'd have thought it was strange. "Got it, bring him over as arranged. Be careful."

Fei Du changed cars three times, being searched each time. When he changed to the last one, he still didn't seem angry at all, only looked a little tauntingly at the people searching him. One of them, who had the look of a chauffeur, suddenly departed from normal behavior, opening his mouth. "You're asking a tiger for its skin, President Fei. You have some courage."

"What, do I seem like the sort of person who'd be very scared of death?" Fei Du shrugged, then looked at his watch. "It's nearly four. I'll just give you a warning, if I'm out of contact too long, the people looking after Young Master Zhang may become uneasy. Perhaps something will happen that none of us wants to see."

The chauffeur said, "Then it seems there isn't much time left."

"An hour." Fei Du's expression cooled. "Even my patience has limits. At most, I'll put up with your boss's ridiculous suspicions for another hour. Please pass that on to him. He'll do as he sees fit if he wants his son."

The chauffeur, seemingly very loyal to his post, turned to report something. As Fei Du prepared to get into the third car, his ears suddenly picked up a strange movement. Then something warm splashed onto the small bare patch on his neck. Fei Du quickly turned his head and saw the person who'd just searched him falling towards him, his neck sliced nearly halfway through by a knife. Blood from the carotid artery sprayed all over him. Fei Du instinctively reached out a hand to block it and was nearly pulled down by the body. The next instant, a hand grabbed him, hooking firmly around his neck—