Prologue - The Awakening

Main POV

' head....'

I felt like my head was crushed by a 10-ton weight as I woke up from my slumber. As I woke up, I blinked my eyes, trying to adjust to the sudden brightness that suddenly hits my eyes. As I open my eyes, I was shocked.

'Hold on, this isn't my room.' I thought as I look around, seeing so much merchandise around the room. Merchandises of a muscular man with a wide grin, blond bunny-like hair, and wearing red and blue spandex. 'Hold on, isn't that All Might from My Hero Academia?'

I begin to rub my eyes as I thought I was just seeing things, but no matter what I did, I still saw a room filled with All Might. Who the hell bought so much merchandise of a specific anime character? I saw so many otakus, including me, but none of them were this obsessed.

When I turned my head around, I froze. Right in front of me is a mirror, and let me tell you, I'm pretty sure I'm still dreaming because the mirror shows a reflection of the famous hero otaku, Izuku Midoriya, also known as Deku. I shuddered. Why did everyone love that name anyways? Who the fuck wants to be called Useless? I don't care if this was used in a positive way by the best girl in this universe but no sane person would want to be called 'useless'. No way in hell would I ever call him Deku.

I realized when saw the reflection, as I shudder, the reflection follows. I felt my mind start to go blank. I know what I just saw, but my mind didn't want to think of it as the truth. So, I decided to see if my mind didn't play tricks on me.

I lift my hand, and the reflection follows. I wave at the mirror, and the reflection follows. I gave the mirror a middle finger, and it follows as well. I slap my cheek, and it follows. I stare at the mirror as my eyes slowly grow wide.

'N-no way....' I got up and approach the mirror. And there's no mistaking it, I am somehow in the body of the My Hero Academia's protagonist, Izuku Midoriya.

"H-how....?" I managed to summon my voice, no, Izuku's voice as I pinched my cheek one more. Yeah, it's very painful and I'm not waking up anytime soon, so I decided to let go while wincing.

"W-what happened to me? D-did I die not long ago? Is it because of an accident? Natural death? Murder attempt? Truck-kun strikes again? S-suicide!?" I start to get panic. "W-why can't I remember a single shit of how I got here!?"

"Morning is here! Morning is here!"

I whipped my head toward the source of the voice and saw the All Might alarm clock. I approach the clock and silently turn off the alarm. Thousands of questions start running through my mind, but the most important one keeps repeating in my head.

How is this possible? Isn't this shit only available in anime/fics? Why My Hero Academia? And what happened to the real Izuku Midoriya?

I then look at Izuku's phone and grab it before turning it on. When I saw the date, I widen my eyes again.

"I was sent to the day of UA's entrance exam?" I muttered before looking at Izuku's hand. Or, is it my hand now? Ugh, this is so confusing.

I wonder, have I got One For All from All Might? I look at the time shown at the alarm. 5 AM? I start to groan, as even now, I still have a habit of waking up too early. I went to the closet and looks. And I can't help but wince. In the closet, I saw the ugly tracksuit Izuku wears during his training and during the entrance exam, the Aldera School Uniform, and so many clothes that can be considered fashion crimes for those who even dare to wear them.

Aldera, I can't help but growl when I think of that name. A school filled with discrimination, bullying, neglect, and so many shits I hate so much about this universe. Memories of Izuku getting bullied by Bakugou and being mocked by his classmates start playing in my mind.

Huh, I never realized that Midoriya's past memories were in my mind as well. The uniform looks burnt, not surprising since Bakugou has been harassing Izuku daily.

'God, I hate that dipshit. I never understand why some people even ship Bakugou with Izuku in the first place.' I shuddered again. 'I....rather not think about it.' I grabs the ugly tracksuit and puts it on before walking out of the room, and I was surprised to see Inko had already woken up.

"O-oh, Izuku! You're awake already! Go and clean yourself, I'm making your favorite food for breakfast!" Inko said with a warm smile. I can see why people love Mamadoriya. Sure, she has some flaws in anime and manga, but she's a single mother who only has her son as her remaining family. And with Izuku's heroic and reckless tendencies, it's not weird if Inko will do whatever it takes to keep her son safe.

"Okay, I-Mom." Great job, me. It's only the first day and I almost screwed up. It can't be helped though, I felt weird calling her mom. She isn't my real mom, but since I somehow invaded Izuku's body, I have to play the part at least. But, deep inside my mind, I wonder if it's alright to change the course of the story a bit. But, I immediately push the thought away.


After having breakfast, I start to jog toward Dagobah Municipal Beach Park. I have to rely on Izuku's past memory to walk towards the park and it wasn't exactly reliable as the memories were vague. Maybe it's because it prevents my mind from exploding due to memory overload. So, I decided to turn on GPS and jog towards the location.

When I arrive, I notice that there were only a few pieces of trash left. It seems that Izuku did a lot of work to clean this beach, something I can respect. If I was sent here, I would be complaining about how hard the work is and even giving up.

I shake my head, that kind of mindset isn't befitting Izuku Midoriya. And if I plan to keep the timeline attach, I need to play the part. Even though it's a pain in the ass. I started picking up some of the trash and was quite surprised at how light it was. I'm not much of a bodybuilder back then and this kind of stuff actually weights quite a lot for my past self.

After time has passed, I was finally able to finish cleaning the remaining trash on the beach. I check the time and grin, I actually finish cleaning exactly at the same time as the canon timeline. Good, I haven't screwed the timeline at all.

"Woah!" I was surprised to hear a familiar voice and turns around. What I saw caused my eyes to widen in shock. In front of me is Eijirou Kirishima, wearing a black tank top and gray pants with a white bandanna wrapped around his head, approaching me with his bright grin. "Did you clean this whole beach!? This is amazing! I heard that this beach was turned into a junkyard! You're so manly!"

I have to squint my eyes at how bright he is. I can't believe this. Somehow, the canon timeline has been broken into pieces. Please tell me the universe didn't make that 'sneeze from a time traveler is all it takes to change the entire timeline' meme into reality!

"I-I didn't exactly c-clean the whole t-thing." I stuttered as Kirishima was too close to me. "I saw there are trashes remaining and I-I thought, why not finish the job?" Kirishima somehow glows brighter. I can't believe one of my top ten BNHA crushes is actually here and I'm trying so hard to control my blushes.

What can I say, I'm a proud Bisexual guy.

"That's amazing! You didn't have to do it but you still did. You're the definition of manly!" Kirishima said excitedly as he gets closer to me. My face felt warm, and I bet I'm redder than Kirishima's dyed hair right now.

"I-It was nothing...." I cursed myself for being unable to stop stuttering. Even after getting isekai'd, I still stuttered while talking to strangers. "Uhm...." I pretend to wonder what his name was, didn't want any wrong ideas.

"I'm Eijirou Kirishima! Nice to meet you...." Kirishima pulled out his hand before trailing off.

"I-Izuku Midoriya. Nice to meet you too, Kirishima-san." I said while returning the gesture. "S-so, you live around here?" I want to bash my head into a nearby wall. I never knew how to start a conversation and always ended up in a weird direction.

"More like I just moved nearby. I'm not planning to ride several hours of trains just to get to high school." Kirishima said.

"High school.....are you going to UA High?" I asked with fake curiosity. Of course, Kirishima is going to UA, I mean he's part of Class 1-A.

"Yup, Hero Course!" Kirishima said while grinning. "I want to be like my idol, Crimson Riot, the manliest hero that's ever existed!"

"You know Crimson Riot, the Chivalrous Hero!? People rarely talk about him because of him being an old-generation hero!" Izuku's fanboy personality somehow takes control and I somehow starts fanboying like him.

"No way, you know him as well!?" Kirishima starts sparkling again. Seriously, how does Anime-verse's reality works? "A-are you going for UA entrance exam as well?"

"Y-yeah....I'm aim for the heroics." I said while rubbing my head.

"That's awesome!! I hope we both pass, maybe we can ended up in the same class!" Kirishima said excitedly.

"Y-yeah, I hope so too." Before we can talk more, we heard a truck coming nearby. I can't help but flinched, as Truck-kun is the possible candidate for how I got Isekai'd. Then, I saw him, Toshinori Yagi, the blonde Skeletor, the man with infinite blood, but he is well known as All Might, the Symbol of Peace.

"MIdori-bro, do you know him?" Kirishima asked curiously.

"H-he's my mentor....." I said quietly. Kirishima looks at me like I grew a second head. Not that I blame him given how skinny Yagi-san is. I then saw him staring at the beach in shock. I want to laugh but I suddenly recalled a particular scene from anime that is similar to this.

"Oh, oh, MY GOODNESS!!!" Yagi suddenly buff up with a wide grin, turning into All Might. I hear a loud thump next to me. I turn around and saw Kirishima's jaw literally drop to the ground. I can't help but smack my forehead as loud as possible, and it manages to gain All Might's attention, who suddenly froze. It seems that All Might noticed me and Kirishima.

"Hey, All Might...." I said in exasperation. "Great job at being subtle....."

I know I should act my part to keep the timeline from getting screwed by the universe itself, but when your isekai life leads to a mentor like All Might, you tend to let out a few remarks toward said mentor.


"Please, young man. Keep this a secret."

I covered my face with my hand as I was amazed at how no one has ever figured out All Might's civilian form in the canon with how All Might show no skills in hiding his identity at all. After getting over the shock, All Might have no choice but to explain everything to Kirishima like how he did the same thing to Izuku in the early season.

"I-I understand, All Might. Don't worry, I'll make sure your secret is safe!" Kirishima grinned toothily, making All Might sigh in relief. He then looks at me. "And don't worry, Midori-bro, your secret being All Might's apprentice is safe as well."

....this world didn't deserve this sunshine.

"T-thanks." I simply nodded as Kirishima leaves. I look at All Might with a dry expression, making All Might startle a bit.

"Y-young Midoriya, why are you looking at me like that?" All Might asked nervously.

"'Keep it a secret', you said," I said in a dry tone. "'Don't let anyone know', they said." All Might cover his mouth as he clears his throat, wiping a bit of blood on his mouth.

"A-anyways, well done, Young Midoriya." All Might said excitedly, acting as if nothing happens. "I'm beyond impressed! I knew you had it in you, but you manage to go beyond my expectations!" All Might grabs his phone and shows me the picture of Izuku Midoriya, 10 months ago. Or is it me since I'm somehow residing in this body right now? God, this is confusing.

".....why do you have to take the picture of me embarrassing myself?" God, my bad habits of saying whatever is in my mind strike again. But, All Might simply laugh at my words.

"That's not why I show you this. Look at you! This is you 10 months ago! Look at how much you grow!" All Might state while pointing at my...everything.

"B-but, you just gestured at all of me." I can't help but say it. It may not be anime, but How To Train Your Dragon is one of the best-animated movies and Hiccup is one of my favorite protagonists.

I still can't believe Dreamworks plan to create a live-action version! Disney's corruption is spreading and Dreamworks has become one of its victims!

"Exactly!" All Might laughed. Did.....did he just pull a Gobber on me? Did that movie exist here? "This is the result of your hard work! Be proud of it!"

I.....can't exactly agree with it. I felt guilt start to grow inside me. I can't believe a guy who has zero motivation like me just taking credit from a guy who did all the hard work and even overdone it just to achieve his goal. I felt no pride, only shame. I know I should keep the canon from getting too screwed but that doesn't mean it's right.

"There's still a long road ahead of you before you can fully inherit my powers." All Might said with a wide smile. "But, it's starting to look like you can actually do it!"

"All Might...." I muttered, getting his attention. "A-am I truly deserve this? T-this feels like cheating..." At that moment, I wasn't acting as Izuku Midoriya. This is me letting my bad habit loose.

"Are you still worried about that even after all these months?" All Might laughed while clapping my back. I held a wince. "It was your hard work that did all of this, not mine." I felt guilt start to grow inside me again. "And that's why you deserve to inherit my quirk!"

"Y-yeah...." I said with a forced smile. I never know why, but back then, I'm not too fond of cheating and taking other people's credit. It never sits right with me. Now, it feels like I'm being a hypocrite.

"Someone once told me this: there's a difference between being lucky and deserving. One's an accident and the other is a reward. Never get those two confused. Take that to heart, young man." Oh, I know not to get those two confused, and I'm pretty sure I'm the former. "This gift, you earn it with your own valiant effort." Yup, the guilt is spreading through my body faster that any zombie virus in existence.

"Eat this." And just like that, my mind went blank at the hair All Might offered to me.

".....wut?" I muttered. I know I saw this in anime and manga, one of the funniest moments in the story. But, I somehow got the short end of the stick. Is this karma for laughing my ass off while watching this scene multiple times?

"I-in order to inherit my quirk, you need to at least consume some of my DNA. It's how it works!" All Might said while looking away in embarrassment.

" once experience this and want to let me suffer the same fate, didn't you?" I asked in deadpanned manner.

"W-what are you t-talking about, Young Midoriya? I-I would never!" Liar. I simply sighed before grabbing the hair.

"Well, here goes nothing." I was going to eat it before I smell something. "...shampoo?"

"I-It's to make sure it's safe to eat." I'm just too tired from everything that happens just now and the guilt building inside me didn't help at all. I swallow the whole thing and held myself from gagging. "I....would never eat another hair ever again."

"Yeah, it wasn't exactly a pleasant experience." I look at All Might and saw him cover his mouth. "I-I said nothing." I snorted. I guess he still has his silliness like in canon.

"I-I felt nothing...." I muttered.

"Well, you need to let that hair digested before you can even inherit my quirk." All Might say. "Maybe around.....2-3 hours."

"If that's true, then why did you tell me now!? I only have a few hours before the exam!?" I start to panic. The nervousness about failing the exam starts growing inside me. Is this how Midoriya feels when he's about to take the exam? And since the canon has been ruined, I doubt I can pull rescue points by pulling a knight in shining armor move.

"C-calm down, Young Midoriya." All Might tried to calm me down. "You still have a written exam which is one and a half hours before the practical exam starts."

"With all due respect, All Might. Has it occurred to you that I'm quirkless and have zero experience in using an unfamiliar quirk in my body?" I want to ask this so badly towards him. Why did Horikoshi write the story like this? I know he has a reason, but now that I become one of his works, I can't help but feels how sucks the situation is. I saw All Might freeze before looking away.

".....well, I thought you might be natural like me." All Might said nervously, and hearing his reply made my temper go off.

"Well, I'M NOT YOU!!!!" I shouted in frustration and anger, causing All Might to look at me in shock. I just realize what I did and guilt start rising inside me. "I-I'm sorry." I start to pull my hair in frustration before walking away and sitting at the beach's shore. I may know how Full Cowl works, but the execution is a different thing. And the metaphor used by Midoriya didn't help at all, especially the egg in microwave. I know from experience, eggs exploded in microwave, so it's a bad metaphor to use.

I chuckle at the irony, despite Izuku being a genius in quirk analysis, he's quite an idiot in figuring out his own. And it didn't help that I'm no genius or even smart at all. I'm simply an otaku who graduate from college with a bare minimum GCPA and works as a normal office employee.

"Y-young Midoriya?" I look at All Might, who looks concerned. Don't give me that look, old man. I lashed out at you, you should've been angry at me.

"S-sorry for lashing out....." I muttered. "You must be thinking that I'm being ungrateful for receiving your quirk."

"No, you're right, Young Midoriya. I should've considered it as well. My ignorance has caused me to create a huge mistake and you ended up being the victim of my mistake." All Might apologized.

" you ever experience this kind of situation? When you are preparing for a mission and suddenly, you remember one crucial detail, it was too late to remember it?" I can't help but ask.

"I actually do." All Might said, making me look at him in surprise. "It was in my early years as a hero. During my first debut."

"What?" I was very shocked at the information. This isn't mentioned in canon. Then again, the canon has been ruined from the beginning.

"I have tons of experiences gained during my trip to the States. I was overconfident when I decided to make my first debut in Japan. I believe I prepared for any hero mission Japan could offer." All Might chuckle humorlessly. "When the disaster struck, I manage to save a lot of people and even got a chance to debut in front of the television. And when I heard someone begging for help, I immediately place every rescued civilian near the ambulance and rushed towards the voice, but I was too late. That was the day that never failed to haunt me for the rest of my hero career."

I heard everything and I was shocked to the core. Sometimes, I forgot that despite being the greatest hero in Japan and the funniest bozo in the anime, he is still a human with a chance of having to deal with trauma.

"...I'm really sorry." I could only say those words, as guilt still grows inside me.

"Don't be." All Might said. "I know I have no right to say this, but you are a bright and smart young man. I bet that you'll figure out how to use the quirk in no time." All Might said while patting my back. I look at him and gave him a strained smile.

Yeah, I have difficulties when it comes to smiling. Sure I can smirks and grin, but smiling is a different thing. And turns out that even as Izuku Midoriya, it's still the same.

"Thanks for the vote of confidence, All Might," I said as All Might smiled.

"Anytime, Young Midoriya. And you can just call me by my real name." All Might said.

" never told me your real name," I said, making All Might froze again. I can't help but find this funny and I may have gained a bit of satisfaction to get this type of reaction from him.

"I-I thought I told you before. It's Toshinori Yagi!" I simply shake my head.

"I just heard it now." As I said this, All Might start spluttering while apologizing. I can't hold it anymore, I start to laugh at his antics. All Might stop panicking and join the laughter. Suddenly, like the universe decided to play a joke with me, I felt a hum inside my body as I stop laughing and look at my hand, making All Might stops and look at me.

"What's wrong, young Midoriya?" All Might asked.

"I felt something inside me, could it be One For All?" I asked.

"Strange, It took me a few hours before I can feel it." All Might mused. "Okay, it seems that luck is on our side. No time like the present, we should test it now!"

"Y-yeah!" I said before we both get up. "U-uhm, how did I activate it again?"

"You should clench your buttcheek and yell from the bottom of your heart, SMASH!" All Might explained while showing off how he activate his quirk. I stood there in silence before covering my mouth, holding my laughter out of respect. I saw him saying this line and even hearing it, but it never fail to make me laugh.

"U-uh, maybe I should choose my words better." All Might start blushing in multiple shades of red while looking away.

"O-okay, well, how does One For All felt inside your body?" I manage to regain my composure before looking at All Might. "Like is it like a stream of the lake flowing inside your limbs or something?"

"Well...." All Might rubs his chin while thinking. "It's more of like a heater, you can feel warm starts growing inside your heart, slowly growing inside your body. You can clearly see that like an air balloon heated by fire, my body immediately inflated when I activate One for All."

"Okay...." I mused, at least this is a far better explanation than before. "How do you exactly turn on your heat?"

"I.....It was like a stove for me. I simply felt a trigger inside me and activate it." All Might said while rubbing his head. "I'm sorry, I can't explain it in further detail."

"N-no needs to apologize, All Might. It was a big help." That kind of explanation is much easier to understand than what his anime counterpart has to offer. "And how much can I OFA power can I use?"

"With your current body, around 5%!" I felt a bit disappointed but I decided to push that feeling before I close my eyes and start to meditate, trying to search for something inside me. I can see a small ember in the middle of the darkness. I focus on that ember to grow, and I saw the flame slowly grows inside me. And I can't help but be surprised at how huge it grow. And I can feel the pain starts to grow inside me.

'Too much! Too much! Too much!!' I panicked and immediately the flames turns back to a tiny ember. I mentally sighed in relief before focusing once more. I focus the flame to grow, but slowly. This time, the flame didn't grow at all.

I frown slightly before imagine it to grow once more, and I feel One For All burns intensely inside me. I grit my teeth, stopping myself from yelling in pain.

'Fuck, this is much harder than before. How did Izuku endure all of this pain!?' I thought in frustration at how difficult One For All is to activate.

I continue to try and activate the quirk but no matter what I did, it's always either too much or too little. It was never just right.

'Damn it, I-I can't do this.....' It's always like this. Everytime I meet with a roadblock, I always giving up and thinking that it was impossible. It's kind of the reason why I felt a lot of guilt when I accept it. Someone like me, an average guy with no determination whatsoever, receiving a power that was supposed to be a reward for someone who deserves it more than I should.....

Slowly, I felt like I want to give up. I felt like I can't do this, using this quirk properly. I felt like it'll be better if I simply left OFA dormant inside me and fsil the exam, simply to avoid any complicated shits.....

'NO!' I immediately thought, snapping myself from my negative thoughts. 'This quirk is the result of Izuku's hard work and somehow by universe's interferance, I, the person who never puts so much effort, gets the quirk. I may not be Izuku Midoriya, but I am sure ain't let his effort go to waste!'

I decided to try once more, but this time, I concentrate even more than before, thinking the flame grows slowly and steadily.

'Come on!! Work, OFA, work!!! I will made sure that his hard work not get to waste!!!' I increase my concentration in controlling this god damn op quirk, and I'll be honest, this is the first time I concentrate so much in my entire life.

This actually works as the flame grows slowly instead of becoming huge immediately. I still felt pain though, but it was less than before. I grit my teeth before I imagine the flame to grow a bit smaller, as the flame decreased in size.

"Woah." All Might's voice snaps out of my mental image as I look at him with an awed expression. I look at myself and saw the lightning surges around my body. I widen my eyes in shock before grinning and looking at All Might.

"I-I did it!" I exclaimed. All Might laughed before bear-hugging me, causing me to deactivate OFA and wince in pain.

"Well done, Young Midoriya. I know you can do it!" All Might said while spinning around.

"T-thanks, Yagi-san....I wasn't expecting it to work though. It was really hard to not activates too much strength and keeps the output steady." I wonder how in the world did those self-insert fanfic mc able to it so easily in first try while I was struggling with it.

"You underestimating yourself! I told you that you'll figure it out in no time!" All Might laughed before letting me go. "How about a few test runs?"

"Okay," I said before remembering that feeling and activating One For All. It was kinda difficult, but since now I know how it feels, it was so much easier. Maybe it was like a muscle memory? Meh, quirks are weird. "Full Cowl, activate!" Yeah, I'm an Otaku fanboy, sue me.

"You have the name for that technique already? Haha, as expected from a future hero!" I immediately took a stance, remembering the Taekwondo extracurricular I took when I was in high school. All Might take a boxing stance before pulling a 'come at me' gesture. I grin before moving forward and performing a skipping front kick, which surprise All Might a bit but he is able to block. I followed my attack with a roundhouse kick, which he managed to block again.

I grit my teeth before moving back, getting a distance from him. I wasn't expecting All Might to charge towards me and readied a punch. I immediately duck and dodge the punch before performing a spinning hook kick, which was a mistake as All Might grabbed my leg.

And he yeet me away.

I was sent flying. Thanks to One for All, my reflexes and agility increased drastically despite only a low percentage. But, it was enough for me to regain my footing once more.

"D-did you just yeet me!?" I exclaimed in shock. This actually cause me deactivates Full Cowling by accident.

"I'm shocked that you even know that old words!" All Might exclaimed with a laugh. I grit my teeth, knowing that my rusty Taekwondo skill isn't enough for this spar. I reactivates Full Cowling and went for offensive once more. But, there's something strange. I felt a danger is coming towars me as my body decided to move on its own as I ducked. And it prove to be the right thing to do as it turns out that All Might went for a backhanded swing at high speed. And I was barely able to dodge that. Thank you, sweet instinct and reflexes!

"Impressive!" All Might said as I immediately went for an axe kick, and something surprising happen once more as a spark suddenly appears on my leg before it disappear as my leg hits All Might's wrist.

"Wait, is that a smoke?" All Might exclaimed and I immediately back on and stopped before looking at my left leg which is smoking right now, causing me to be shocked. D-did I just create a spark by moving my body and causing friction?

"Young Midoriya, are you alright!?" All Might asked in worry and concern as I steps on my shoes to put down the smoke.

"Y-yeah, I-I'm fine!" I said before looking at my shoes, which is slightly burnt. I wonder how did that happen? I wasn't move that fast to even cause this.

"That's a relief." All Might sigh in relief when he saw that I was really fine. "But, what exactly happen?"

"I somehow burn my shoes due to frictions?" I said unsurely.

"But, how is that possible?" All Might asked in confusion. "You didn't exactly move that fast to even pull it off."

"I don't know either....." I said while looking at my feet. How did I do that? I shake my head. "N-nevermind that, let's-!"

"Alright, I think that's enough, young Midoriya." I was a bit surprised and nervous. What did All Might want to say? "I think you're ready for entrance exam." I was kinda surprised at All Might's words.

"R-really? B-but, what makes you think that? There's bigger fishes outside participating in the exam." I can't help but asking that. "And I wasn't able to do anything to you during the spar." I immediately got a karate-chop right on my head.

"Ouch!" I held my head in pain before looking at All Might in disbelief. "What was that for?!"

"Stop overthinking things. If you keep doing this, it'll hinder you when you did your exam!" All Might chastised me. I can't help it, I always nervous as fuck whenever there's exams. "And you can't exactly think you can even beat me! You just get your quirk not too long ago!"

"Ah....right....." I look down at my hand before gripping it.

"You'll do fine, I can see it from your fight." All Might said with a wide grin before his face morphed into curiosity. "But, I can't help to wonder, where did you learn how to fight like that?" I froze as I mentally bashed my head with an imaginary baseball bat. How could I be so stupid!? Izuku Midoriya never learn any martial arts at the past.

"Uhm....I learn it in the internet and practice it?" I said meekly. Another thing about me is that I'm a terrible liar and I always ended up telling the truth several minutes after I lied.

"....DId you overwork yourself again?" All Might stare at me, making me grow nervous.

"N-no! I-if I did, I would not be able to move after having a spar with you, All Might!" I said as panic starts to grow inside my body. Please believe me, please believe me.

"....I guess you're right...." I internally sigh in relief, and a bit disbelief since I wasn't expecting All Might believe me at all. "By the way, Young Midoriya. Are you alright?"

"Y-yeah, I'm alright. Why do you ask, Yagi-san?" I was a bit confused at why All Might decided to ask me that.

"Because you act very differently. You seem to be and closed at the same time." This surprised me as I wasn't expecting All Might of all people immediately noticd what's wrong with me.

"W-what do you mean, Yagi-san?" I asked nervously, cold sweats start dropping from me like drizzle.

"You were more vocal at showing how you feels, but at the same time, it feels like you're still hiding something." All Might points out. Damn it, I knew someone will figure out something is wrong, I was never a good actor and always let my emotion controls me.

" in article from the internet that said I should never hide how I feels for too long, specifically rage. I-I saw how much it affect others and I decided to let it out slowly.....but, I never realize how much have I bottled up to the point I might lose control...." It wasn't exactly a lie. This is what I did when I was still an average otaku, but they didn't need to know this.

"I...see." All Might seems to believe at what I said as he hugs me. "I'm sorry that I never realize what you're feeling. I-is that why you suddenly shouted at me?"

"Y-yeah, I'm really sorry about that." I muttered. "It's just....*sigh* with everything happens to me, I can't held it anymore.....and I ended up lashed it out on you. I'm sorry...."

"Will you....tell me what's going on?" All Might asked, slightly worry about me.

"...I 'll tell you once I know I won't lashed out on you, Yagi-san. And besides, I got an exam to participate." I said with a strain smile.

"Alright, but please remember. You can talk to me about anything." All Might said before letting go of me.

"I'll keep that in mind, Yagi-san." I smiled strainly before I left the beach to prepare for exam.


Thank god that I return around 7 o'clock, knowing that I got two hours before the exam starts. I decided to take a shower as thanks to those trashes, I now smelled like one.

After taking off my clothes, I look into the mirror. This body's muscles is not surprising since I saw in the manga/anime, but what surprise me is that I have scars. Multiple burn scars, possibly caused by Bakugou. I sigh, how did everyone, including Izuku even tolerate Bakugou? I start to believe that Izuku might have suffer Stockholm Syndrome like some fanfic writer thinks.

'Yeah, those scars are nasty.' I froze as I heard a voice starts to speak inside my head. I look around in panic.

"W-who said that!?" I said while looking around. I was met with silence before another voice said something again.

'Y-you can hear us?' This time, it sounds like a sickly young man.

"The fact that you replying is worrying." I said before washing my face, thinking I got crazy with so many inner monologue I made inside my head.

'No, kid. You're not getting crazy.' This time, it was a female. I tried to think what's going on before something clicked in my mind.

"One For All's vestiges." I muttered. "The quirk singularity.....but how is it possible?"

' do you know that, kid?' The gruff voice asked in serious tone. If my guess is correctly, this is the 5th, Daigoro Banjo.

'AGAIN, HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT!? WHO EXSCTLY ARE YOU!!' I held my head in pain from the loud voice. As that happens, I felt something tugged in my mind and in an instant, I was now inside of a dark void filled with 7 familiar people who glared at me. Then, one of them, a man with white hair and green eyes stare at me. This is Yoichi Shigaraki, the first One For All users.

"You're not that kid...." He muttered. I was a bit confused before I look my hand. My real hand. It seems that I took my old look when I'm in vestige realm.

"Who are you?" Yoichi asked. "And how do you know my name and who I was?" Great, I have no privacy inside my own mind.

"He's probably some spy sent by All For One to get One For All." Another guy with red spiky haired that similar to Bakugou stated. I can't believe they have the audacity to accuse me working with guy look like an avocado having a not-so-gentle sex with an older, disgusting avocado.

Everyone starts staring at me before Daigo starts bursting out in laughter with some of them chuckled. The spiky red haired man's and blue haired man's lip twitch a bit.

"Haha....I never laugh this hard! And I doubt someone who's work with All For One would insult him like that!! If he did, he'll be too afraid or too loyal to even insult him!" Daigo stated, making me sigh in relief. Daigo then look at me. "But, that doesn't explain how he knows about us..."

"Maybe we could ask him?" A man woth black hair with similar fashion like Best Jeanist, En, suggested before looking at me. "....okay, that is creepy."

Well, I'm sorry. Why don't you got isekai'd into the world of your favorite anime/manga while trapped inside the main character's body, and see how you feel about it!?

They all immediately stare at me like I've grown a second head. Fuck, I just have to think it out loud. I start to hate this vestige realm. No privacy whatsoever.

".....what?" En muttered incredulously.

"What kind of nonsense is this?" The man with tied blue haired, the unnamed 2nd User of OFA, stated. The spiky red haired man, who I guess is the 3rd user of OFA approach me and grabs my supposed non-existance collar.

"I want you to give us an explanation, now!" How am I suppose to explain to them? Simply stated that I'm a good-for-nothing otaku who loves anime that somehow got isekai'd into one of the anime that turns out to be on the other part of multiverse and in some unknown ways, invaded someone else's body!? ....fuck, I forgot this world has no privacy filter.

The third user dropped me in shock, he clearly wasn't expecting this bizarre answer. God, I'm suck at this shit.

"....he's telling the truth." Yoichi stated in shock.

"Great, we got a guy with mental issues as the users of OFA. Fan-fucking-tastic." Banjo muttered.

"Well, it's possible that he's not crazy. I mean, quirks exist and some of them already defying every laws of science in existance." En stated.

"Or perhaps he's having too much fantasy, to the point he didn't know he's telling the truth or not." A guy with white hair and cracks-like scars, Hikage Shinomori, the 4th OFA users stated. "But again, he knows some of our name except Second and Third."

What should I said to made them believe me? Should I said how One For All is created because Yoichi-san, a Quirk Bestowal users, got a stockpiling quirk due to his brother forcefully give it to him? Or how Yoichi is saved by Second and Third, starting the era of One For All? Or Shinomori-san trained his body due to how weak OFA was during his time but died at young age due to his body unable to handle the strain and passed it down to Banjo-san before he died? Or the fact that Shimura-san leave her son because of All For One target her.....?

I notice they all went quiet and look at them. It's easy to say that they are shocked to the core. Fuck.....I got so used to thinking everything in my mind that I forgot I now have 7 ghost living inside my head with zero privacy filters.

"....Okay, so he might not be mental." Banjo stated. I stare at him with dry look. "Don't give me that look. It's not everyday that you have this kind of bizarre shit." Well, he's right. I even think what I said is beyond crazy.

".....if you really know what happen, w-would you tell me what happen to my family....?" The only woman in this vestige, Nana Shimura, the 7th user of OFA, asked as guilt and sadness were shown on her face. Should I tell her? She deserve to know, but she will be devastated.

.....God, I can't say no to that sad face.

"Y-your family...died in.....accident...." This is the first time I spoke in vestige realm without thinking out loud. It's safe to say that the information shook her. "Y-your grandson...AFO...have him...."

"N-no....." Nana covered her mouth as tears start to flow out of her eyes. Guilt start to grow inside my body as I saw her starts to cry. Fuck, I now feel like the bad guy, but if I hide it, she will find out sooner and later, and from my experience, hiding a truth for too long is never a good thing.

Great, now I sound like a hypocrite.

"W-what happen?" Nana asked, trying to wipe the tears in her eyes. I steeled myself, she needs to know what happen.

"AFO...wants your his.....successor...and.....give him.....AFO.....while at.....the same....time....possessed his.....body through....vestige realm." God, it's super hard to speak in here. And my guilt grows more as Nana continues to cry with that information.

" think my brother would stoop this low." Yoichi mutters as the other vestiges went to confront Nana. God, never in my life would I feel this terrible. I never like being the bringer of bad news. "Don't feel guilty. You did the right thing. It's better she knows about it now than later or even never."

...should I confess to Inko what happen? She deserve to know about Izuku-!? Wait, is Izuku in here?

"I'm afraid no. He isn't inside your mind." Yoichi said. Fuck.....I killed him. "You didn't do it." I stole his life...everything he deserve, I-I stole it. "Kid, it's beyond your control. Don't blame yourself for this." I know, but I can't help feel bad about this. I'm a man who always waste my given chance....I didn't deserve this.

"W-what now....? I-it's clear....I didn't deserve.....OFA." I muttered, looking at Nana getting comfront by others. "I'm...a terrible....person."

"Kid-." Yoichi tried to say something but I cut him off.

"Y-you don't....know how...I was....before all....of this...I always...took everything.....

in granted.....wasting any...chance

....Hell.....I even....thinking up.....OFA.....and let myself...failed the....exam...." I grits my teeth in frustration while saying these words.

"...You're right. I don't know you before all of this. You may be a normal person, a man who loves doing good deeds or some criminals." Yoichi said. "But.....if what you said is true, then clearly you didn't realize your desire to change." What? I look at him in confusion.

"Tell me, why do you continue to be Izuku Midoriya?" What is he talking about? I did it to keep this universe from tearing apart from creating a new branch of timeline. "We both know that it's bullshit. Why do you lied to yourself about it?"

I.....don't exactly know how to reply that. Am I lying to myself, saying I did all of this just because for the sake of universe? I did all of the non-canon shits that can only be found in some fanfictions, accidentally point out some of the wrongs without thinking.

"...M-maybe...I-I just....don't waste this....chance...B-back then,...I-I always.....waste my....second chance....I-it's the.....reason life....was filled....with regret,....taking things.....for granted.....and then...I got.....Isekai'd...." I stop myself as I felt the strain from trying to speak in vestige realm when I shouldn't.

"Just think out loud, it'll be easier." I simply nodded. When I realize I'm now live Izuku Midoriya's life, I freaked out. I mean, who wouldn't? Then, I realize, should I choose to live normally as Izuku Midoriya like in the story?

I can't stop thinking about how the stories goes, so many bad things happen that can be avoided, some can be fixed with actions. And without realizing it, my desire to not waste any more chances took over and now, I can't stop thinking everything that can be done to keep the worst possible ending from happening.

I got a second chance again, and I'll be the biggest ungrateful person if I waste it again.

"....." Yoichi was silent. He must be thinking how selfish I am right now. "No. I don't think you're selfish." I look at him in surprise. "Trust me, if I got a chance to fix things before it got out of hand, I will do it as well. I'm probably jealous right now, learning that you're the one that got that kind of chance."

"I-I see....." I muttered while looking down. Yoichi closes his eyes for a minute before he look at me, with a sad small smile on his face.

"In my opinion, you're doing the right thing. Earlier when you receive our quirk, you didn't waste a single chance of learning it. I saw how you use the chance of learning One for All before the exam and even use your chance to voice out All Might's mistake. You even use the chance to told Nana about her family, knowing keeping secrets for too long will only harm her. I think you're in a right path." Yoichi said before patting my back. "A word of advice, if you're confident that you got the chance, take it without hesitation, or you'll regret it."

"...thank you....I-I didn't deserve....this...." I muttered.

"Then, try and prove you actually deserve it. You think you didn't deserve it, then try and made sure your chance isn't wasted." Yoichi said as I felt tears flowing from my eyes. How long has it been since I cried?

"Young man." Yoichi and I turn our head and look at Nana standing in front of us, her eyes were puffy, showing how much she cried. She went and hug me, which is surprising as I didn't expect this.

"T-thank you...for telling me this." Nana said as I stay silent. "W-we heard what you said about yourself." Oh, right. No privacy filter. "You shouldn't blame yourself for everything that happen. And Yoichi was right, if what you said about wasting your chance is true, then right now, you're trying to fix that. You took all the chance you got and didn't waste it. You're going on the right path."

".....Thank you....for this...." I muttered. She smiled before patting my head.

"Now, go and change things. Canon timeline can be damned." Nana said, causing me to snort before stifling my laughter. The others were chuckling, except second and third. Second walks towards me.

"...I don't trust you." Second stated.

"Second!" Yoichi stated.

"Don't...." I said, looking at Yoichi. "He has....every right....not to...." Yoichi looks at me with conflicted eyes.

"As I was saying before I was interrupted," Second continues. "I said I don' t trust you. Everything you said is straight out of Yoichi's fantasy manga collection, an isekai'd protagonist who got a second chance and all kind of stuff." I snorted at that statement.

" you're involved, I guess we can't help but see what will you do." Second said before glaring at me. "If you step out of the line, I have no choice to beat the shit out of you and break your mental state to the point you won't be able to recover."

"Second!!" Yoichi shouted in disbelief.

"....alright...." I mutter. "At least...I have.....someone to....rely on....when.....I did....something idiotic...." I attempt to joke, but no one here is amused.

"Alright, I think that's all." Yoichi stated. "You have an exam to participate, so we shouldn't keep you here for long."

"I wish you able to pass the exam without any difficulties." Shinomori said with a bow.

"Agree." En nodded. "After this, I would like to talk more with you about your knowledge of this world." I simply nodded before Banjo slaps my back harshly.

"Break a leg, kid!!" He grins while giving a thumbs up, I simply smiled warily while sweatdrop.

"Good luck, young man." Yoichi nodded with a smile.

"Made sure you pass that exam, alright?" Nana said with a smile. I simply nodded.

"I-I'm sorry....about your family....." I muttered.

"Don't be. I should be thank you for telling me." Nana said while her smile turns into a sad one. I simply nodded, didn't want to say anything. "Now, go and be a hero." She said before I suddenly woke up from the vestige realm. I realized I was lying on the ground, immediately got up and take a peak kn the clock next to the bathroom. 7.05 AM

So, It took only 5 minutes after that long talk? I sigh in relief before getting to take a shower. I made sure I use everything, soap, shampoo, conditioner, in order to remove that trash stench.

'Good idea, just imagine it made me sick.' I almost slipped when I heard Banjo's voice.

'Banjo, why are you talking to me?' I said mentally, confused after everything.

'You sound like you didn't want to talk to me.' Banjo said, while fake sobbing. ' Guys, the kid's being mean to me.' My eyes twitched before rubbing my forehead.

'You all made it sound like we're only going to talk later after exam. I didn't expect any of you guys to suddenly speaks to me again.' I thought in annoyance.

'Well, dramatic is part of being a hero as well.' Yoichi stated. I'm pretty sure he's smiling right now. 'I did' privacy....

'Well, since some of you are here. Would you mind give me some pointers of how to use One For All effectively?' I thought. 'It's kinda hard to prevent it from deactivated when I lose concentration. You guys can see how I did when All Might ask for a spar.'

'Of course, you're now the user of One For All. We'll help you as much as possible.' Yoichi stated.

'I didn't agree with this.' Second said.

'Me too.' Third agreed.

'Don't be like that, you two now sound like grumpy old men living in isolation that hates everything.' I snorted at Banjo's word. I guess I should get used to having voices in my head. I wonder what will the future look like after all of this shenanigans.

To be continued