Chapter 1 - Let's Swing Through the Exam!

Main POV

'So, you're telling me that just simply practice how to activate it and I'll able to learn how to use OFA and even keep it activate it by instinct?'

'Yes, but for now, try to learn how to look at the surrounding while imagining your ember stay lit.'

'Okay, but it might be difficult. I am never able to keep my mind focus on two separate things at the same time.'

I grab some of the granola bars and eat one of them as I put all of my stuff in the bag for the exam. The first step of Izuku Midoriya's chapter as a hero started with that exam and I don't want to screw it up.

'Yoichi-san, I was wondering.' I decided to ask.

'What is it, young man?' Yoichi asked.

'If One For All has reached singularity, will it end up unlocking all of your quirks like the main timeline?' I asked mentally. The concept of one quirk stockpiling other quirks is cool but it is to be expected. But, it might be changed since all of my knowledge about the canon keeps getting screwed by the universe itself.

'Yes, you will unlock it like in the manga verse.' I love speaking with Yoichi. He is easily the man of culture out of all OFA users. 'Thank you, young man.'

'You can call me by my name, you know. And you all know by exploring my memories.' I said while putting my last item, a pencil case into my bag.

'Very well, Midoriya-kun.' I ended up face-faulting due to his reply.

'That's not my real name.' I frowned.

'Well, you should get used to it since you're now him.' Banjo stated, making me sigh. I guess it made sense since I might not end up replying when someone calls me Midoriya.

"Izuku, a-are you ready?" I heard Inko asking from outside the room. I felt guilt for impersonating her son, who's apparently died. But.....I haven't found the right chance to tell her. So, for now, I just play my part.

"Y-yeah, mom. I'm ready." I said, stuttering a bit as I close my bag. It's examin' time.

', just no.' I cackled internally as everyone in the vestige are groaning. Despite Morbius being one of the worst movies, the meme materials are perfect.

Outside the Apartment

'Oh, by the way, guys. I have another question.'

'Geez, you sure do have a lot of them, kid.'

I walk down the stairs after saying goodbye to Inko. God, it feels weird having someone you didn't know personally as your new mom.

'Sorry, I always asked a lot of questions whenever I found something interesting, even multiple times because I can't understand it completely. Hell, my old teacher chastised me for being stupid because of it.' I chuckled humorlessly, remembering that particular day when I was in high school.

' in the world did that dipshit become a teacher in the first place?' Banjo asked incredulously.

'Well, I did fall behind compared to the other students.' I shrugged.

'That's still isn't right.' Nana said and I can imagine her frowning.

'Well, it can't be helped. I'm no longer in my old universe.' I shrugged as I reach the bottom floor.

'So, what's the question?' Yoichi asked.

'Right, during my 'spar' with All Might, I somehow burnt my left shoe by accident. Do you know how it happens? I got a theory but it sounds a bit stupid.' I asked mentally.

', we don't exactly know how.' Yoichi said, looking a bit confused. I felt everyone agreeing with him, even Second and Third. 'What is your theory?'

'Well, there's one anime called One Piece where there's a character, a chef of a pirate crew, fights using his legs. And he is able to utilize his speed to create friction and burns his leg to increase his kicking strength and add an explosive touch on each of his moves.' I thought as everyone seems to be silent.

'....does this man has any superpowers?' Yoichi asked.

'Despite being a modified human being, his power lay dormant until later chapters. And even without his enhancement, he can still do it with just training.' I stated, making everyone go silent.

'.....yeah, your theory sounds a little crazy.' Banjo sure knows how to speak bluntly. I look at my phone and saw the news about the train will be delayed for a few hours due to being destroyed by the villain's attack. I smack my face while groaning. Apparently, the news also stated that it happens on the path between the nearby station to the station near UA High.

'It's official, the universe is screwing with me.' I thought before looking at the clock.

'Oof, talk about bad luck.' Banjo stated with a wince.

'Please stop poking fun at our successor.' En stated. There's still a lot of time, but walking from here might end up encountering crowds blocking the street just to watch heroes and villains fighting. I'm still wondering how those idiots didn't scare of possibly losing their lives.

'Now, you can see why I hate the current society, Yoichi.' Third voiced out his disdain, making Yoichi sigh. I can't blame him, I mean those guys are idiots who have no value over their lives.

'I get it, Third....' Yoichi's voice sounds exasperated. He made it sound like he heard it so many times. 'You have no idea, Ninth.'

'Geez, if that's true, he can give Sasuke's brooding a run for its money.' I thought with a wince. I shudders as I can feel Third glaring daggers at my brain.

'Anyways, I need to find a way to reach the school faster.' I thought.

'Hey, Ninth!' Banjo called, getting my attention. 'Did you remember those sports tapes that you found in the apartment? You know, the quirk resistance one?'

'Uhm, yeah. Why?' I asked in confusion. I can feel everyone inside starts doubting whatever Banjo planned.

'Wear it on your wrist, try to make sure that the tape is as long as possible.' I am now genuinely confused, but I complied.

'Fifth....' Yoichi warned. Okay, now I'm concerned.

'No need to worry, Yoichi. I know what I'm doing.' Banjo said, and I can feel him grinning ear-to-ear. I got a bad feeling about this.

'I'm done....' I look at my wrists, now wrapped with black sports tape. Apparently, Inko stated that this was made by Izuku's dad, Hisashi Midoriya, the most mysterious character in MHA. Some even theorized that it's an alias used by AFO, and even so far theorized that Izuku has a quirk but was stolen by AFO.

'Yeah, that theory is wrong. My brother was too obsessed with becoming the first and only Demon King, he has no time to have a family.' Yoichi stated. 'And we check on the memory, and I hundred percent can say it's not him.'

'Wait, this whole time, AFO is an eternal virgin for more than a century? Well, I guess he only has himself to blame, no girls want to date a chuunibyou who's so edgy that he wants to be a demon lord of darkness and all.' I mused but was met with silence. It wasn't until Banjo burst out laughing with the rest joined in.

'God, we need this. Why does no one ever make any insults for that potato head?' Banjo laughed. 'Anyways, let's get started.'

'With what?' I asked, and the uneasy feeling starts to return inside me.

'Since you're going to inherit my quirk through One For All in the future and with how the story stated mine will be first, I thought that training involving swinging around will help you once you got my quirk.' My gut feeling was right, this is bad.

'Banjo, are you crazy?' Nana asked incredulously.

'We don't need to send our successor to walk into an early grave!' En said, agreeing with Nana.

'We all saw how the canon Izuku was completely unprepared with his quirk! We need to train him as fast as possible!' Banjo stated. 'Besides, this is a perfect opportunity to learn it.'

'Great, I just got into this world for a few hours. Well, it's nice till it last.' I can't help but think about it. I forgot some people in this world are a bit crazy.

'Trust me, kid. You got me as a teacher. You'll be natural in no time!' And that is the moment where my fate is sealed. 'Oi! Give me a benefit of a doubt, Ninth!'

'Yeah, yeah.' I rolled my eyes before carrying my bag on my shoulder. 'So, oh wise one, what's the first lesson?'

'Har, har, no need to be a smartass. Let loose of your tape a bit and toss it towards that pole. Make sure you activate your Full Cowl, doing this needs high upper body strength.' Banjo stated. I doubt this will even work, but just to humor him, I did what he told me. And surprise, surprise it didn't work.

'Kid, you need to pull the tape when it shoots pass through the pole. Thwip and release.' I can hear the deadpanned tone from Banjo.

'Well, I'm sorry if I can't do it on the first try! I never did this shit in my entire life! And don't quote Spiderman! It doesn't work the same way!!' I can't help but voiced my annoyance.

'Quote who?' I ignore him as I activates Full Cowl and did it again, but I followed the last advice. But, I ended up missing as the tape falls to the ground lifelessly.




'Your aim sucks, Ninth.'

'Zip it, egghead.'

I tried again and again, but no matter what I did, It always ended up being missed. I can hear the frustrated groan from Banjo.

'Ninth, let me take control for a second.' Banjo said with gritted teeth.

'Wait, you can do that?' I was kinda surprised about that fact. Well, it does make sense since OFA is counted as a sentient quirk.

'Yes, let me control for a second. And don't get distracted when I did, feel what I did.' Banjo said.

'Fifth, that sounds so wrong on so many levels. I may be single, but I'm not desperate.' I deadpanned, making some vestiges laugh.

'For god's sake, Ninth!' Banjo yelled in frustration.

'Okay, okay. Jeez, take a joke, will you?' Suddenly, I was unable to felt my body. I was kinda panicking until I heard Banjo's voice.

'Kid, calm down. Just concentrate and feel everything.' I did what he told me and I can feel him controlling my hand. I feel how he moves the hand and pulls. He did it repeatedly before stopping and giving the control back to me.

'Okay, do it.' I reactivates One For All - Full Cowl and did it slightly faster than usual. Huh, they weren't joking when they said constant use made it easier to activate it.

I then tried it again, but I highly doubt it'll work, it's not Spider-Man's web shooters and this random sports tape will not have the same effect. Suddenly, I felt a pull and before I know it, I'm now weightless.

Wait, why am I weightless?

I look down and widen my eyes as for some reason, I manage to launch myself several stories tall. I screamed in fear as gravity took over my body.

'KID!!!/NINTH!!' I felt like there are several knives stabbing my brain at the same them when they yelled.


'ALL OF YOU SCREAMING IN MY HEAD AT THE SAME TIME DID NOT HELP AT ALL!!!' I shouted back before concentrating to activate OFA, which was super hard since my head won't stop ringing.

I finally manage to do it once more, trying to ignore my goddamn headache before doing it again. And by sheer pure luck, It manage to work, but it ended up crashing me into one of the house's roofs. Fuck, the migraine grows inside my head and the vestiges start having a screaming match made it worse.

'You idiot!!! Your actions almost killed the ninth!!!' Nana yelled while I can feel her strangling Banjo.

'H-he order!!!' Banjo struggled to speak.

'None of us even believe it'll work!!' En shouted as I heard multiple slaps sound. 'And did you forget that you force him to learn how to do it!?'

'Think before you act!' Shinomori apparently joined in as I can hear Banjo choked scream.

'I-I believe in....learning on....the job.' I wanna facepalmed from how Banjo stubbornly defends himself, only ended up getting beaten again.

'Guys, please.....all of you screaming non-stop keeps giving me one hell of a headache, literally.' I groaned as I can feel everyone stop.

'Sorry, Ninth....' they all apologized as I sighed before looking at the sports tape.

'How did this even survive that kind of weight and strain? What is this even made of? Never mind that.' I mused before turning my hands, and I look a bit confused. A double I insignia can be seen. Double I? Why is it familiar?

I shake my head, the thinking didn't help to stop my motherfucking headache. I grab a pill of aspirin, knowing this might happen, before getting up painfully and looking around.

'Okay, Peter once said the best way to learn is through intense, life-threatening pressure. Let's see if that's true.' I activates Full Cowling, but my headache made me hard to activate it. I manage to activate it after several failed attempts before preparing myself. '....great, I start to lose my sanity....'

'Ninth, no.' Yoichi mutters but I simply ignore it and jump into another roof. I almost fell from the roof before regaining my footing once more and jumping again. I never realize this, but this body is far lighter than my old one. Is it because I gain more strength or I didn't weigh more than an average teenager?

'Oh, god. Banjo, you have corrupted him.' Nana moaned as I jumped into another roof. The next roof is quite far from here, so I decided to experiment again.

'Ninth, no!' Yoichi, En, Shinomori, and Nana yelled.

'Ninth, yes!!' Banjo yelled in excitement but was met with a punch in his face.

'Thwip and release. Thwip and release.' I jumped toward the ground. And before I touch the ground, I shoot the tape toward one of the poles and swing. I didn't manage to do it on time as my stomach crashed into the roof's edge.

"Fuck." I muttered before getting up painfully.

'Ninth, are you crazy?!' Yoichi yelled in exasperation.

'You want to die early, Ninth!?' Shinomori yelled in concern.

'No worries, guys. It's trials and errors.' I said before activating Full Cowl and did it again.

'Masochist!! Our successor is a fucking masochist!!' This comment caught me off guard and I ended up crashing into a pile of dead leaves.

"God-fucking-damn it!" I cursed before activating Full Cowling once more and tried again. This time, I was barely able to do it as I almost slipped and fall to the ground. I panted very hard before repeating the same process but ended up hitting another roof again.

'Ninth, you need to stop.' Yoichi said firmly.

'S-sorry, I can't....' I mutter.

'Why? You refuse to do it earlier and even think it as a joke! Why the change of heart!?' Yoichi asked, clearly concerned about me but I ignored it.

'I-I have to master it...' I muttered.

'Why do you need to do it in a rush!?' Nana asked in exasperation. I didn't answer as I catch my breath.

'I...always giving up on anything. Any chance I got, I-I always blew it up because.....I keep thinking it's too hard..... and give up without second thoughts!' I thought in frustration. The vestiges were silent as I look at the time, it was only 20 minutes after I left the apartment before sighing. 'I...just at able to.....get past through that wall...the one that I think is impossible to climb...and prove my pessimistic self wrong.'

'Midoriya....' Nana muttered.

'I'm sorry...I blew up too many chances...I-I ain't planning to blow this one up.' I thought before getting up again.

'...look, Ninth. I understand why you want to do this, but you need to understand sometimes, you need to take things slow.' Yoichi said as I stopped before sitting down in silence.

'Midoriya....' I heard him calling by my fake identity. 'Tell me, did you ever do something with so much determination?'

'Well...I do like drawing things....never like to leave any of them half-done...' I thought while looking at the sky.

'That's a nice hobby.' Yoichi smiled.

'Thanks...' I muttered. It's not every day someone said nice things about my hobby.

'And how do you finish those drawings?' Yoichi asked.

'I...always kinda rushed it....' I admit sheepishly. ' I-I never like to go through all of those complicated steps those artists took while drawing.'

'And how about the results?' Yoichi asked again.

'....too messy....' I thought.

'Have you ever tried to at least draw it slowly?' Yoichi asked.

'...Yeah, it's annoying though...too many unnecessary steps...' I thought. 'The results actually.....Oh.....'

'It has a satisfactory result, right?' I nodded. I can't believe I'm so dumb right now. Is this how it feels to be an idiot? It feels....nice. 'You see, you don't need to rush everything when you try to reach your goal. Rome isn't built in just one day.' I snorted, clearly hearing that a million times.

'Sure, rushing things might get you to your goal faster, but when you went through your goal, it's like you went through a journey. There are several things you might encounter that might teach you about your goal and even learn how to achieve it effectively' I simply nodded.

'Now that you hear everything, it's time to take a breather, calm down, Ninth. None of us asking you to rush everything.'

'Except Banjo, he doesn't understand how to do it as well.' Shinomori cuts in, causing Banjo to yell in anger and tried to punch Shinomori. But, from the sound, I can hear him miss all of the attacks due to his Danger Sense. I couldn't help but laugh at the moment. I look at the sky and saw a bird flying freely.

I smiled at the scene before standing up again. I decided to recall everything that ended up with me failing miserably. I keep thinking about it before I decided to go for another try

I then realize something and slapped my face as hard as I can. I can't believe I didn't realize that due to the rush, I forgot to check the route I must take to UA High.

'See what I meant, Ninth?' I simply nodded before I took my phone and activate the GPS to UA High, and it was stated that it'll take 2 hours due to the traffic. I look at the map before closing my phone.

I take a deep breath before activating One For All for another round. If I failed this time, I'll just go with roof hopping. Just take a page from Tobey Maguire's Spiderman, one at a time.

'He's going to do it again!?' Nana said in horror.

'Did he even listen to Yoichi's words at all to take things slow?' Third scoffed.

'Calm down everyone. Let's just see....' The Second stated, surprising me. I shake my head before shooting the tape once more. I then jump off the roof and swing again. I ignore the shouts made by everyone but I was surprised to not hear Yoichi or Second join the shout.

I built up momentum before I let go of the first tape and shoots another one, then swung. Thwip, momentum, and release, Thwip, momentum, and release, Thwip, momentum, and release. I start to grin widely as I take a slow and steady approach to web-swinging, well more like tape-swinging.

"Woo Hoo!!' I shouted in excitement as I keep swinging from one roof to another. As I was about to swing once more, I ended up missing the shot, but the momentum I build sent me toward one of the roofs.

"Not this time, bitch!" Before landing on another roof, I was barely able to reduce the fall damage by rolling. It was kinda difficult, but it did the job. I lay on the roof panting before laughing loudly. Now I can see why Spiderman loves swinging, it was exhilarating as fuck.

'Holy kid, you fucking did it!' Banjo exclaimed. 'Look at you, absorb my teaching like a sponge.'

'Sorry, Fifth. You shouldn't take other people's credit. This is all thanks to Yoichi.' I thought with a happy grin.

'Me?' I can hear the mock confusion tone in his voice, but I simply ignore it.

'You're right, sometimes, things just need to take it slow.' I thought before looking at the sky. 'I followed your advice, get rid of the pressure, and think about it for a moment before giving it another shot. I know it's not what you want, and I'm sorry-!'

'No need to apologize....' Yoichi said. I got a feeling he was smiling at me. 'I understand.'

'Thanks...' I thought before suddenly, I heard Second say something that shock me.

'Well done, kiddo.'

I widen my eyes as memories start to flash into my head. The tone he used, his voice, and his words. It reminds me a lot of my dad during the first time I got my award. My dad always overwork himself to feed the whole family and never get enough rest.

'D-did Second just give compliments?' Shinomori stated in shock.

'I think the world is ending.' En said in a serious tone.

'I just gave the credit he deserves.' I can feel Second roll his eyes at each of their statements.

'Aww, Second is mellowed down.' Banjo teased.

'Shut it.' Second said in a dry tone. I ignore their conversation as memories of him smiling in front of me while patting my head.

'Well done, kiddo. I'm proud of you.' I remember that word very clearly.

'Ninth..?' I heard Nana ask me in worry. 'You're crying....' Oh.....I didn't realize this. I wipe my tears away.

'S-sorry, the way Second said those words, it almost reminds me of my dad.' I thought before shaking my head. 'I...never got a chance to say thank you for everything, I never express how much I appreciate him just by existing in my life.....and apologizing for being an ungrateful and unruly brat.....'

'Ninth....' Yoichi said softly. 'You know that we're here for you, right?'

'.....yeah, I know now.' I thought before I attempt to swing once more. Take it slow. Thwip, momentum, and release. Repeat.


I manage to arrive at UA faster than I expected. I panted tiredly as I walk towards the gate. I look at the clock and am surprised that I arrive 40 minutes earlier than the canon. I walk towards the building while limping. I accidentally bruised my leg when I was swinging earlier. I tied the tape around my wrists again before continuing to limp, but I accidentally bumped into someone.

"S-sorry," I mutter before looking at the person I bumped into. I widen my eyes as out of all people I expect, this one is not one of them. It's Eraserhead, aka The Hobo Caterpillar, aka the I'm So Done Dad, aka Shota Aizawa.

"Keep your eyes on the road." The man grunted before looking at me. I notice he widen his eyes for a mere second before his eyes back to normal.

"Kid, where did you get those bruises?" Eraserhead asked. Is he worried about me? Huh, he is a tsundere.

"U-uhm, I got trampled by the crowd.....there's a villain fighting heroes nearby...." Thank god I saw the news, I can use this as a perfect excuse.

".....get to Recovery Girl's infirmary and rest up. The exam is still one hour away." Eraserhead said while pointing at the sign above. It says 'Recovery Girl's Infirmary' in Kanji. I blinked, did I just understand Japanese Kanji?

'Were you unable to before?' Yoichi asked curiously.

'I'm an Indonesian, who only barely understands English and Chinese by watching movies, knowing Taiwanese as a family tradition, and l learns basics of Malay during my college years.' I thought.

'....that's impressive.' En stated.

'I'm not that good, just enough to understand.' I mused before bowing in thanks to Eraserhead and walking away. As I arrive at the infirmary, I open the door and saw an old lady wearing a doctor's coat holding a large syringe, Recovery Girl.

"H-hello?" I said, getting Recovery Girl's attention.

"Hello, what can I-!?" She stops herself when she saw my wounds. "S-sonny, what happen to you!?!"

"G-got trampled by the crowd.....due to hero and villains...fight," I said while limping towards her.

"G-get to the bed!!" Recovery Girl stated as I complied and lay on the bed. She checks every part of my body to see all the wounds that might be hidden.

"Several bruises, cracked ribs, fractured leg, and... muscle strain? And why are there wounds on the wrist underneath the sports tape?!" Recovery Girl asked. Damn it, I forgot that one crucial details.

"I....hang myself with that sports tape to get out of the crowd...." I lied again. Recovery Girl looks at me before facepalming.

"Y-you shouldn't have done that! You only add more injuries, especially your wrists!" Recovery Girl sighed before kissing my hand with her stretched lips. How in the world did she do that? I felt everything is healed but fatigue starts to take over my body.

"Your whole body is almost fully healed, except the muscle strains. I need you to return here after the written exam to check if you are fully healed." I simply nodded, too exhausted to open my mouth. "Be careful next time. At this kind of time, we don't know what kind of stupid things happen."

"Y-yeah..." I muttered before looking at the ceiling. 'You guys there?'

'Yup./Yeah./We're here.' I snorted at all the different types of replies.

'Wanna talk random shits while waiting for time to pass?' I decided to ask.

'Sure. But first, I have a question.' Banjo stated.

'Shoot.' I thought, curious about what he was going to ask.

'Who's Spider-Man?'





'.....You're joking, right?'

'No, seriously who is he?' Never in my life have I felt so much horror.

'H-how could you not know who's Spider-Man is!?' I thought, showing how horrified I was. 'He's one of the best comic book heroes ever created. The most selfless hero who always made sacrifices of himself for other people to be happy!!'

'....yeah, no. Didn't ring a bell.' I felt my soul slowly leave the mortal plane as I saw lights approaching me. So beautiful.....





I didn't care, I just want to approach the light.



'.....okay, I am worried for nothing...'

After going on a trip to the afterlife and returning to the land of the living, It was time for the entrance exam. I was kinda nervous when I know that there was a written part, but turns out my worry is for naught as it turns out that the exam is similar to the one I took when I was in high school.

'I thought they might give me exams with materials I forgot, thank god they didn't.' I sigh in relief as I write down the answer.

'Why would you forget it in the first place?' Nana asked in confusion.

'In my world, everything you learn in high school is needed for college. Once you graduate, you will make yourself a resume about yourself, like which school you got into, what achievement you got, what type of work experience you have which mostly are internships.' I stated.

'Similar to our world.' Yoichi mused.

'But, why do you say all of those?' En asked in confusion.

'When you go to look for a job, you'll showing resume, and if you pass the interview session, you get the job. And once you get the job, toss everything you learn in school or college because those are useless.'




'You're joking, right?'

'Nope.' I popped the 'p' as I continue to write all the answers. After I finish all of them, I went to check all of the questions.

'Well, you did everything correctly.' Yoichi mused.

'Guys, please. I don't want to cheat.' I protested.

'It isn't cheating if we didn't give you any answers.' Banjo stated.

'But, telling which answer is correct or wrong isn't cheating?!' I asked rhetorically.

'Nope. The rules stated that any interference from the examiner will be considered cheating. We're not examiners.' Yoichi mused.

Please tell me Nedzu didn't do this intentionally just to have fun with anyone.

'Knowing that rat, yes.' Nana stated in a deadpan tone. How did Nana know him? 'We're acquaintances.' old is that rat?

'Well, I'm done here.' I look at the paper again. 'Maybe I can check it again, just to make sure my handwriting isn't bad. I mean, it's the first time I wrote Kanji.'

'Okay.....' Yoichi mused before looking at it again. '.....Ninth, nothing's wrong.'

'Okay....' I look at the paper again. 'Hmm, maybe I should-!'

'For god's sake, just give it to the teacher already!!!' Banjo stated in frustration.

'But, there might be a mistake or some question I missed.' I argued. I am always paranoid when it comes to exams. One mistake might ruin my mark, even ended up in failing grades. It happens to me several times.

'Ninth, we checked it, and there's nothing wrong. So please, no need to worry.' Yoichi said patiently as I simply accept his words...

'You know, maybe-.'



'Did you guys need to yell at me like that?'

'Your paranoia is on a ridiculous level!! We told you so many times that there's nothing wrong!'

'You guys still remember all of Japan's school curriculum materials?'

'All of the lessons we all learn from different curricula exist in that test paper, no need to worry.'

'If you say so....'

I'm now sitting on a bed as Recovery Girl checks on me again. She grabs a few pieces of equipment and checks in each part of the possible unchecked wounds or even a new one.

"Hmm, there are no wounds left. It seems that I manage to heal all of them." Recovery Girl mused before looking at me. "I'm glad that you're careful enough to not receive any wounds. But, I should suggest you not to overdid during the entrance exam."

"Alright." I nodded before looking at my hands.

"Young man," I look at Recovery Girl. "How's Toshinori?"

"Who?" I asked in fake confusion. I know that Recovery Girl knows his real identity, but I have to play dumb since All Might never mentioned her, and I wasn't supposed to know if she knows everything about All Might.

"I mean, All Might." Recovery Girl said.

"You know Yagi-san's real identity?" I asked in fake surprise before making a fake realization expression. "You're his doctor?"

"Yes, and it seems that Toshinori forgot to mention me. I'm glad that Toshinori finally finds a successor. I heard what he said about a young boy with green hair and eyes with freckles impressed him and decided to take him as a protege. And meeting you, I immediately put two and two together," Recovery Girl looks at him. "Have you had any difficulties using the quirk?"

".....?" I tilt my head to make sure my confusion looks genuine.

"I know One For All and how the quirk works, sonny. I am an old acquaintance of his old master." Recovery Girl sighed.

"He has a master?" I asked, acting like a clueless kid. In my defense, All Might hasn't told me or Izuku about any of this, so if I act as I know already, it'll increase so much suspicion. I ensured my action didn't raise their 'sussy' radar.

'*chortle* S-sussy radar.' I have to endure Banjo's laughter along with the rest of the vestige chuckling at that particular words.

"He didn't tell you anything, did he?" Recovery Girl said in deadpanned manner. "And he didn't call Sorahiko to help teach you?"

"In his defense, we're focusing on training to build my body to be a suitable vessel," I said, trying to defend his action. "We only have ten months to do so, and we have no time to waste. I was barely able to get enough time to learn how to utilize OFA. Glad that I manage to do it without injury." I heard Recovery Girl sigh in relief. "And who's Sorahiko? Is he Yagi-san's old master?"

"...I'm not healing him if he ended up lying in a puddle of blood when Sorahiko visits him. " RG's words made me a bit pale. "And yes, Sorahiko Torino is the one who trains Toshinori and has several mental scars that are permanently stuck in his nightmare."

".....that's an over exaggeration...right?" I asked unsurely. Is the anime the tone-down version of Gran Torino?

"With Toshinori's current condition, it's possible," RG mutters before walking to her office table. "You can leave now, you still have an exam to finish."

"Yes, ma'am," I mutter as I walk out of the infirmary. I should prepare a worthy funeral for the world's greatest hero.

'Ninth, what the hell?' Nana muttered.

'You know how Gran Torino acted. Not to mention, All Might's condition.' I pointed out.

'He's got a point.' En mused.

'Oh, you guys are being over-! WHY ARE YOU GUYS PREPARING A WELCOMING PARTY FOR HIM!?' Nana shouted in disbelief.

'We just want to prepare for Eighth's incoming demise.' Banjo said.

'Get rid of that!! And why are you even joining in, Yoichi-san!?'

'We saw the memories, and Ninth is telling the truth.' Yoichi said calmly.


....why there's no off switch for this? God, I think I might overdose myself with aspirin thanks to them.


I look bored as I hear Present Mic explaining how the exam works and all other things. I heard and read this speech a bazillion times, either in anime, manga, or fanfics.

And gosh, I thought the vestiges are loud. This guy is like he was born with the speaker on his throat.

'Oi!' I ignore the vestiges' protest. I heard an annoyed grumble as I look next to me with a blank expression.

It's Bakugou Katsuki, the biggest menace of this universe. I never felt so frustrated in my life seeing this..... a pile of shit exists. He does whatever he wants, non-stop bullying Izuku just because of that childhood moment when Izuku asked if he's alright but he thinks Izuku was being an arrogant piece of shit and looking down on him, always trying to 'put Izuku in his place'.

I never understood what was in Horikoshi's mind for not letting him face consequences. And his attempt at giving this shitstain a 'redemption arc' doesn't even fucking sense, at all. Endeavor is the only shitty guy that has a proper character development and redemption arc.

As I rant about this kind of shit, I notice someone raise their hand. It's Iida Tenya, the future class representative of 1-A.

"Sir, the pamphlet stated that there are 4 types of robots while you only have mention 3 of them! With all due respect, if this is an error on official UA materials, this is shameful!" Iida decided that it'll be a good idea to chastise an official pro hero/UA staff.

"We are exemplary students, expecting the best coming out of Japan's best school! A mistake such as this won't do!!" I rolled my eyes at his words. Didn't he realize he didn't let Present Mic finish his explanation?

"And you, with that unkempt green hair!!" I look at him with a raised eyebrow. "You've been ignoring Present Mic's explanation this whole time!! If you didn't take this exam seriously, then leave!" I ignored him while yawning. "H-hey!"

"Oh, sorry. I can't take you seriously at all, especially when you have that one-and-a-half meter dildo shoved through your ass." I said, earning a splutter from Iida while Bakugou stare at me like I grew a second head.

"Also, has it occurred to you that you just straight up cut off Present Mic's explanation before he can even finish because you were too impatient?" Iida continues to splutter.

"And I read the pamphlet even before the explanation starts. And when I heard, Present Mic has simply dumbed down the explanation so everyone can understand it easier." I said while leaning my head on my hand. "If you can't even see your own mistake, don't chastise someone else. You're only embarrassing yourself."

I heard the whole auditorium laugh, but I don't know if they were laughing at me, my jokes, or Iida. I simply don't care. I heard some of the vestiges laugh while Present Mic continues his explanation.

'Kid, you're brutal!' Banjo said.

'Trust me, I never speak out loud most of the things I think about.' I thought. 'Ever since I got isekai'd, my mouth felt like it has lost its brake.'

'...Ninth, you have a weird choice of words.' Banjo points out.

'Well, I did. If you translate it to Indonesian, those words are mostly used when they want to insult anyone who won't stop talking or foul-mouthed people.'

'Huh, learn something new every day.' After Present Mic finishes explaining, the whole participants walk out of the room. As I walk, I accidentally bumped into someone.

"S-sorry..." I said before noticing the person I bumped into. It's Kirishima!

"Midori-bro!" Kirishima exclaimed happily. "You're here! I'm so glad to see a familiar face!"

"Y-yeah, me too," I said with a strained smile. Damn it, why is it so hard to smile?

"Oh, by the way, which site are you in?" Kirishima asked curiously.

"Site B." Is it based on the canon? I sometimes forgot when it comes to minor detail.

"Aww, I'm in site D. I was hoping we could work together as a manly duo." Kirishima pouted, making me chuckle a bit.

"You think we can do it as a manly duo? I mean, I didn't know you a lot." That was a lie, but I'm supposed to be a stranger who just meet him earlier.

"Of course!! I know you're a manly guy, especially when I saw you clean the trash on that beach!" Kirishima exclaimed excitedly.

"Kirishima-san, I just clean a little part of the beach," I said, trying to deny what Kirishima has said, but he simply laugh it off.

"Sure, whatever you said, Midori-bro." I have a feeling he didn't believe my denial. "Anyways, It's time for us to pass the exam together!" Kirishima added before pulling out his fist.

"I don't know if I'll pass, but I will do everything I can to pass," I said while returning his gesture. Kirishima grinned, and he somehow shine brighter than my future.

"Okay, see ya!" Kirishima said before walking away.

'.....Kid, my Gay-dar won't stop ringing.'

'Banjo, shut your damn mouth or I'll use your bald head as my omelet special's main ingredient.'


'I never understand how UA was able to receive funds that are enough to build fake cities. Not just one or two, but more than 10 or even 20 of them!'

I look at the giant mock city, confusion written on my face. It's one of the biggest mysteries of BNHA, as it was never been explained in the manga or the anime. Fans speculated that Nedzu knew HPSC's corruption and use it to blackmail the president of the company, receiving endless funds for all of this shit.

But, again, it might be something else. For now, let's just think this is the headcanon.

I look around and notice another familiar person, Uraraka Ochako, the BNHA canon ship that receives a lot of hate for no apparent reason. And I can't believe there are BNHA fans that even ship her with Bakugou.

'They did what!?' Nana asked in a horrified tone. Despite I allowed them to look into my memory if they need answers, they respect me enough not to look too deep so I can keep some of my secrets. But, this also cost them to miss a few minor details when it comes to knowledge of another world.

'Let's not think about it. I'm going to help with her nervousness.' I thought before I slowly walked toward Uraraka. But, I was immediately stopped by Iida.

'Oh, give us a break!' Most of the vestiges said in unison.

"What do you think you're doing!? Can't you see that girl is trying to focus!? If you can't take this exam seriously, don't drag other people alongside you!" Iida starts to chastise me again, and my temper slowly rises but I calm down.

"Are heroes always made a random assumption without finding out the truth?" I asked calmly, but from how Iida reacted, I didn't sound calm at all.

'Yeah, you don't.' I decided to ignore Banjo as he got slapped by either En or Shinomori.

"W-what? No!" Iida sounds confused.

"Then don't do it! You don't know me, and you keep judging me because I act very differently compared to other 'exemplary' students! If this is how you act towards strangers, how would you fare as a hero?!" I didn't give him a chance as I point my finger at his chest. "And FYI, I want to help her because she looks nervous as fuck. I may not know her well, but I didn't deserve to call myself a hero if I just ignore someone who may need help." I simply walk away from him, too angry to even let him talk. And let me tell you, I wasn't expecting her to look at me.

"H-hey..." Uraraka said shyly.

"Hey..." I said. "S-sorry you have to see that."

"N-no worries. He started it." Ochako said shyly. God, this is awkward.

"Y-you don't need to worry about the exam." I stuttered, gaining her attention. "I'm bet you can pass."

"T-thanks....but I can't help but feel nervous, ya know?" Ochako said before she looks at the gate. "This is the number 1 hero school in Japan. And we got a lot of competitors."

"True.....but, worry about everything won't help at all," I said before lean closer to her. "A piece of advice. The early bird gets the worm."

'Oo, you aim to be the mysterious cool guy?' Banjo teased.

'No, besides, my current face didn't exactly look 'cool', no offense to the former owner. And why are you the only one that has been talking?' I thought in confusion.

'None of us actually has a lot to say, thou.' En points out. Good point.

"Uhm.....thanks for the advice....? I-I'm Uraraka Ochako." Ochako said with a smile, a bit unsure about the advice.

"M-Midoriya Izuku," I said before cracking my hands and activating Full Cowl, green lightning started to surge around my body as I let loose my sports tapes.

"Wow..." I ignore her awe as I saw the gate slowly open. I didn't waste my time as I run towards the city with zero hesitation. I learn hesitation during this kind of situation always leads to missing any given chance. Back then, I hesitate, a lot. Now.....I won't make the same mistake. I heard someone run behind my back. I turn around and saw Ochako, who finally understand my advice, giving me a grin and a thumb up. I grin back before redirecting my focus to my front, noticing a group of robots. I toss my sports tape toward one of the faux lamp posts and catapult myself upward. I lift my leg as I slam down my leg while I fall to the ground, destroying a few robots.

I immediately move as I let loose kick after kick toward each robot in the group. I raise my arm to block a swing from one of the robots. I flinch a bit when the metal made contact with my arm before I tore down the robot with one of my kicks. I then kick a robot that's approaching me from the back. When I notice I somehow destroy each robots on the group, I heard a shout.


And just like that, I witness ensues on the other side of the gate. I decided that ignoring them will be a good idea as I search for more robots.

'Behind you!' Shinomori said as I duck and perform an upward back kick. I look up and saw a metallic arm tries to target my head and saw the robot's head fall to the ground.

'T-thanks...' I thought.

'No problem, but we got exam to finish.' Shinomori replied.

'R-right, thanks again.' I thought before using the sports tape to swing again. Got an exam to finish, after all.

3rd POV

Observation Room

"Hmm, this is interesting."

Nedzu, the only publicly-known Quirked animal and the principal of UA, mused as he looks at the camera, showing several scenes in the exam sites.

"None of the examiners exactly knows how many faux villains are present in the site or where all of them are located. They were only given a limited set of time to cover the area and hunt down every single villain found." Nedzu said before pointing at the screen showing Shoji, a tall white hair boy with multiple limbs, standing at the top of building.

"Some will try to gather information in order to plan a strategy against the faux villain," Nedzu said while pointing at Shoji before looking at Iida blitzing through robots.

"Some use speed as their advantage to beat as many villains as possible." Nedzu then looks at Aoyama who shoots lasers at robot.

"Let's not forgot, keeps your emotion in check and keep calm despite under pressure." Nedzu said as suddenly, Aoyama stare at the camera and winked.

"Hey, you made sure the camera was hidden, right?" Present Mic whispers to Power Loader, a pro hero with iron gloves and a helmet that resembles one of the construction vehicles.

"Yes." Power Loader nodded.

"How does that listener knows where it is?" Present Mic asked.

".....No idea."

"Of course, another important factor is sheer power and combat skills," Nedzu added as he looks at the image of Bakugou laughing maniacally at a pile of scraps.

"If any students are able to utilize combinations of all of these tactics, they will surely be able to get the highest score." Nedzu said as he sips his tea.

"We got a lot of interesting students in this year's batch." Snipe, a pro-hero with a hero costume that resembles a cowboy and a gas mask, commented.

"Indeed. What do you think, Aizawa?" A man with white hair and wearing a red bodysuit, Vlad King, said towards Eraserhead.

"Their uniqueness is irrelevant to me. All it matters is the results." Eraserhead grunted before noticing Izuku shots his sports tape toward one of the pole and swing to gain more distance to cover. ".....who's the green kid?"

"Let's see.....Izuku Midoriya, age: 15, student of Aldera Junior High, quirk: ....quirkless?" Nedzu raised his eyebrow.

"But, he clearly has a quirk, with the green lightning and all." Midnight, a blue-haired woman wearing dominatrix costume, points out.

"Maybe he forgot to officially update it with a quirk doctor." Thirteen, a hero wearing an astronaut suit, suggested.

"And what about his support item?" Aizawa couldn't help but be curious about it.

"Oh, Shota is interested in another student?" Present Mic teased.

"I'm simply curious." Aizawa saw Izuku perform several kicks and punches toward the robot to save a lilac-haired boy, Shinsou Hitoshi. "He clearly knows how to fight. I can see him perform several Taekwondo moves. But from how he did it, it looks a"

"Sloppy?" Midnight asked curiously.

"No, he clearly knows how Taekwondo moves are performed. It's more like he's rusty, he's clearly relying on muscle memory to remember how to do it again." Aizawa points out.

"So, he not only has a powerful Quirk but he knows how to utilize it as well?" Midnight points out.

"Yes. But, UA didn't simply accept students that only have power and skills. We also need to look at how heroic they are." Nedzu said before looking at the screen showing Izuku bridal-carry Shinsou, who's blushing madly, before jumping away from robots. Izuku manage to kick off one of the robot's head and kick the head towards other robots like a soccer ball, destroying it.

"Well, we can agree that he's good." Vlad mused. Eraserhead silently watch the screen curiously. Izuku places Shinsou back on the ground before wiping off the mess on Shinsou, who won't stop blushing. "....teenagers." That is the rare moment where Eraserhead agrees with Vlad King.

Main POV

"Glad you're fine, buddy." I said before patting Shinsou's shoulder. I was about to walk away before I was stopped.

"Wait." I turn around and saw Shinsou, who is blushing. "I-I didn't ask anyone to save me.....b-but, thanks...."

"....sure." I simply nodded. And before I can go, I was stopped again.

"W-why did you save me?" Shinsou asked, confusion and curiousity in his voice.

".....Do you really need a reason to give someone a hand?" I asked rethorically before swing off.

'That lilac haired kid falls hard for you.' This comment caught me off guard as I almost fall from my tape-swing. Luckily, I manage to land safely on the ground.

'W-what!?' I screamed mentally.

'You didn't realize it? It was pretty obvious.' Banjo points out.

'You carry him away bridal-style from danger. You were like a holy knight in a pure shining white armor to the dark prince.' En joked, making me blush.

'S-stop with the fantasy metaphor!' I yelled mentally in embarrassment before noticing a robot that's about to attack me. I barely dodge it before using my knee to hit the robot's middle body part.

'Your comments almost got myself in dangerous situation.' I thought. 'And just for the record, this is not one of those harem fantasy anime. My luck in finding partner is almost zero to none.'

'You do realize you might jinxed yourself?' I paled at En's words. Fuck, En's right. with how universe love to fuck with me these few hours, it might've happen.

I dunno which is worse, having a harem or not having a partner at all.

'Why did you think harem is a bad thing?' Banjo asked. 'It's every man's fantasy!'

'Well, I'm not.' I thought before going to look for another robot. Me getting a harem? Hah, what a joke. It's not even a funny one. I'll be lucky to even find a partner. ' much points I got?'

'From how many robots you destroy, there are 17 of them.' I cursed, basically between 17 and 51. Without remembering how many 1, 2, or 3 pointers I destroyed, the only logical choice here is to find more robots.

I saw another group consist of robots tried to ambush an unaware students. I immediately made a quick work on them before continue running, without looking at who I just safe.

'Make that 20.' I mused before continue running. Suddenly, the ground starts shaking as I frantically look around.

"W-what was that?" I asked before I turn around and saw something that drop my jaw like a ton of bricks. Behind me is a giant robot with the number zero painted on it.

"Holy mother of Kaiju! I saw this shit in manga but witnessing the real deal with my own eyes is another thing!" I said in shock.

'Ninth, focus! This is still an exam, and Present Mic mentioned that we simply need to avoid them! Just get the hell out of here!' Banjo said as I snaps out of my shock.

'R-right.' As I was about to leave, I heard a faint sound of cry. I look around and I was unable to see anything, other than crowds continuously running past me. I heard it again, but it's kinda hard since the crowds won't stop screaming.

Suddenly, my entire vision was change. The whole crowd was replaced by blue glowing figures. And my vision detect something. One of the aura isn't running, they're lying on the ground struggling to get up.

My vision changed to normal as I try to look directly at the one I just saw. And in that place is Uraraka, with her ankle trapped under a boulder. I didn't give another thought as I moved the other examiners away from me. Not enough to push them to the ground, of course. I activates Full Cowl before running towards Uraraka.

When I arrive, I saw Uraraka look at me in surprise. I then look at the boulder and immediately toss it away. I saw her ankle is bruised, but it's enough to prevent anyone from moving. I didn't hesitate to carry her gently. I ignore her squeak as I activates Full Cowl before pulling one of anime's greatest secret technique.


'...really, Ninth?' Hey, you guys have your ways to have fun, I have my ways. Beaides, I did all of this to keep my anxiety in check.

"T-thank you..." I heard Uraraka muttered. I simply grin at her.

"No problem, I just did what a normal human should do." I said before noticing the Zero Pointer is giving a chase!! I grit my teeth in annoyance.

'Guys, do you think I can increase my percentage?' I asked the vestiges.

'You can increase to 8%, but only for 30 seconds.' Yoichi said.

'....I'll take the chance.' I replied, while continue to run away with Ochako on my arm. 'Could you guys help me with monitoring while I increase the percentage? If I fucked up, all of us will die.'

'Got it, Ninth.' Nana replied as I slowly let more energy flows around my body than usual.

'Ninth, you went 15%.' Crud, lower the output!! 'Now, you're 7%.'

'FUCK IT!!' I didn't bother to increase as it's more than enough to get further away from the giant robot. I manage to saw Shinsou once more and approach him.

"Hey, Lilac!" I shouted, catching Shinsou's attention before placing Uraraka next to him. "Can you keep an eye for her?"

"W-why!?" Shinsou asked in confusion.

"I need to stop this giant robot." I said bluntly.

"What!?" Shinsou and Uraraka said in unison, clearly disapprove at my decision.

"The robot didn't seem to stop, and there's a lot of examiners on the robot's ways." I said. "If I didn't at least get the program to target me, more examiners might get hurt badly."

"You can't do that!!" Ochako said in horror.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine." I said with a smile.

"W-why would you risk your life like that?" Shinsou asked in shock and confusion.

"...if I know I can do something to help but didn't do it and ended up letting others get hurt, I'll never forgive myself." I said before turning around. "Give her a hand, will ya? Be a hero." I added before running towards the zero pointer.

I was surprise to see Koda frantically tried to run away but got knocked away by one of the examiner, making my blood boil. When I saw the robot about to reach him, I immediately pull him away from the robot, barely save his life.

"Are you okay!?" I asked as Koda nodded meekly, causing me to sigh in relief. "Get to safety, I'll distract this tin-can." I didn't give him a chance to response as I immediately swing into one of the lamp pole.

"Hey, you Jaegar-knock off!!" I shouted, gaining the robot's attention. "How about instead of chasing after them, you target me, an easy target!?" Apparently, the robot seems to agree from the logical thought based on their programming as it starts to try and punch me. I immediately jumped away from the attack and use the tape to swing on its arm. The momentum manage to carry me into it's upper arm, as I let go of the tape. But the universe love to fuck with me as I accidentally slipped my hand when I try to grab the robot's upper arm. Luckily, I manage to shoot the tape on the metal wire on its arm joint to hang on it.

"Okay, maybe not my best idea ever." I mutter as I climb the tape and manage to reach the upper arm. As I stood up, the robot prepares to slam it's hand on me, which I barely dodge before running away from its hand. I start to climb its head by tape-swinging. I manage to reach the top of its head.

'Guys, how much percentage can I access that leave me only with slight fracture?' I asked curiously.

'15%.' Damn, that's kind of low.

'Once again, lend me your help, guys.' I asked as I starts raising the OFA Percentage.

'Ninth, you have reach 12%.' Damn it, I slowly rises it's percentage again as lightning around me starts to move more violently than before. And I can feel the strains in my muscle.

"Okay, here goes nothing!" i said before pulling back my arm and slams it to the robot. To my shock and horror, it barely left a dent and I felt the muscles in my hand teared.

'Shit!' I thought. 'It didn't work!' Suddenly, I felt my hair rised and my spines shivered. When I look up, a pair of hands are about to crash onto me.

'Ninth!' Fuck.

No One's POV

Few minutes earlier

"That guy is crazy!!"

Shinsou watch Izuku using his tape to swing on it's arm to reach the upper part. He almost panicked when he saw Izuku's grip slipped, and he sigh in relief when Izuku manage to tied his tape onto the joint's cable.

"I-Is he going to be alright?" Uraraka asked in worry. Shinsou didn't know how to reply as he could only watch. He then notice Koda stood there watching as well, before approaching him.

"Hey," Shinsou called him, making him squeak before turning around. "It's not safe here, we need to get out of here."

Koda looks at him before looking at Izuku running at the robot's arm, then he points at him with worry expression.

"I-I don't know how to help him...My quirk isn't good enough to help him." Shinsou replied. "You need to get out of here. He distract the robot so you can escape." Koda simply nodded meekly before they both walk away from the robot. Shinsou and Koda heard Uraraka scream as they both turn around.

They both widen their eyes in horror as Izuku is now standing at the top of the robot's head, and the robot is planning to crush on Izuku. As the robot slams it's hand on the head, they could only watch in horror, believing Izuku died to get the robot away from everyone so the others could escape.

Suddenly, they heard a loud boom as they saw someone manage to got out of the hands. They widen their eyes as they saw Izuku crawls out of the hand with a broken right arm.

Main POV

'Fuck, I felt my ribs cracked.'

'You're lucky you only have broken arm and cracked rib after that bullshit!'

'You're right, En.'

After I crawl out of the robot, I tried to think any shits that I can think of to stop this robot. Come on, you dolt, think, think, think!

'Ninth, you need to use 100% smash.' Yoichi suggested.

'...I got another idea than relying on 100%.' I thought before I charge Full Cowl on 7%. I only have one shot for this. I felt the hands start moving, so I immediately jump upward, as high as I can. When I reach the max height that I can reach from the jump, I raise my leg as I charge Full Cowl with higher percentage than the 15% I use before, didn't know how much.

'Ninth, are you crazy!?' Nana shouted in shock and horror.

'I remember how Izuku uses 45% and Fa Jin to create a faux 100% burst. What if I can recreate it, but with lower percentage and gravitational force instead?' I thought.

'Kid, you'll die!!' Yoichi thought.

'I got a way to land, so bear with me just this once!' I thought before my body slowly got pulled by the Earth's Gravity.

"Meteor Crush!" I shouted as my body slowly fall towards the robot. Suddenly, I saw it again. Smokes start to coming from my leg as fire ignites from my leg.

'Eh!?' The vestiges and I blinked in shock and before any of us could voice out our shock, my ignited leg crashed into the robot, create one hell of a dent before it combust in flame, creating an explosion and sending me away.

'Fuck!' I cursed before using my good arm to shoot the sport's tape towards the pole. I may overestimating my strength as when I manage to stop my falling, my arm ended up being dislocated, causing me to scream in pain. The tape didn't last long as due to constant use, it finally snaps, causing me to fall to my doom.

But, before I could think of anything, I ended up landing on someone, given the fact that i heard an 'oof!' when I land. When I turn my back, I was surprise to see Koda and Shinsou use themselves as body cushion.

"Y-you okay?" I heard Koda asked timidly.

"Y-yeah..." I grunted. Still feel pain from both of my arm and my leg. "T-thanks for the safe. I thought I'm going to be a bloody pancake."

"Y-you safe me first." Koda shyly said.

"God, you're reckless." Shinsou commented under Koda. "And guys? Getting crushed here."

"S-sorry..." Both Koda and I said at the same time. I tried to get up, but it's kinda difficult as I almost fall, but Koda grabbed me before I fall.

"Thanks, I owe you one." Koda shakes his head before signing. I didn't know JSL, but from his expression, he must be saying, no problem.

'Actually, he actually trying to say that you don't owe him anything.' En translate it to me.

'Huh...' I thought before looking at Shinsou. "You okay?"

"You're the one who got broken arm, dislocated shoulder, and more, but you worried about me?" Shinsou asked and judging from his tone, he is in a state of disbelief.

'He has a point, brat.' I was kinda surprise to hear Third said something after one hell of a silence.

'Several hours of silence and you already decided to insult me?' I thought in annoyance.

'You deserve it, with those reckless stunts,' Second chimed in.

'How am I suppose to know I somehow pull a Sanji over there?' I retorted, as my voice filled with annoyance. 'And did any of you guys know how I did it?'

' I think the only explanation we got so far is your theory.' Yoichi commented.

'Great....' I thought. And to think we couldn't get further from the canon.

'I thought you didn't care anymore when you pull all of the crazy shits those few hours earlier.' Banjo said dryly.

'...fuck Canon.' I thought, making the vestiges snorted. 'I still can't believe One Piece logic also applied in this universe. What's next, Haki actually exist?'

'Ninth.....did Haki allow you to see everyone in bright blue colour?' Shinomori asked.

'Yeah, that's Kenbunshoku no Haki, allows the user to gain 6th sense. Why did-!?' I froze, realizing why he ask me that question before I internally groan.

Somehow, a person with a low attention span like me unlock Haki. To think this couldn't get any further than canon, the universe decided to fuck with me once more.

To Be Continued