Chapter 2 - And We Go Even Further From the Canon

Main POV

A Week Later

Dagobah Beach, Musutafu


I perform another kick on the air with OFA 5% Full Cowl activated, trying to relearn every moves I used to learn. Been doing the same thing for an hour after did several push ups, sit ups, plank, etc.

I try to see if I can learn how to utilise that flame I create from the frictions I made during the entrance exam. If I can recreate it again, I could gain another unexpected advantages against All For One in the future, since he never expect OFA users has flame 'quirks' and all.

'Alright, take a break, Ninth.' Yoichi's voice can be heard as I stops and lying on the ground.

'So...on a scale from 1 to 10. how did I do today?' I asked curiously.

'6' En and Shinomori said in unison, making me winced. Is it that bad? I then heard slaps inside my head, followed with a pair of pained yelp.

'Don't listen to them, kid. You did great today. 8 out of 10.' Nana said as I can feel her glaring at En and Shinomori. I simply sigh as I watch the sky.

'Yoichi-san, how long can I use 8%?' I asked curiously.

'.....31 seconds.' If I'm standing right now, I'm probably facefaulted. One week of training and I only able to use more than 1 seconds!?! 'Did I made a mistake or is there something lacking!?'

'Calm down, Ninth. You only have your quirk for over a week, this is an improvement.' Yoichi tried to calm me down, but it didn't work as self-doubt starts to grow inside me.

'Breathe, kiddo.' Banjo said. 'You should not think too much. You have a lot of knowledge about this quirk, and it's only a week, you can still grow in the future. So, calm your head down!' Banjo's words calm me down a bit as I sigh before looking at the sky again.

'Do you guys think we can win against AFO in the future?' I asked, getting their attention. 'The storyline has changed drastically, our current timeline is different than the canon. Do you guys think....?' I didn't dare to finish the question, imagining the worst possible outcome is scary.

'Ninth, just let us worry about my brother.' Yoichi said softly.

'But-!' Before I say anything, I was cut off by Nana.

'Ninth, you're a kid. Be a kid. Enjoy your time as one.' Nana's voice was stern but kind, sound like a mother telling a child not to worry about adult's problem.

'.....okay....' I simply said as suddenly, I heard a notification tone from my phone. I take it out my pocket, and turn it on. On the notification section, I saw Uraraka text me from group chat 'Midoriya, da result is here, u?'

I raised my eyebrow before texting her back

Bushy Hair

No, Im not at home

havent check the mail



Wut about everyone?

Also, y my name is kirby?

Noodle Arms

Not yet

Midoriya, i'll kill u when we meet again

Bushy Hair

The name fits!

And Uraraka-chan, because u look liek 1 when u eat mochi in 1 gulp




Bushy Hair

*insert Uraraka eating mochi pic*

*insert Kirby eating pic*



u lucky Kiriby is cute

Bushy Hair

Its Kirby


Yeah, dat

Also, Shinsou, dat name fits u

Noodle Arms

Et tu, Uraraka?!


No offense Shinsou, u look skinny as hell

Thx 4 the nickname, Midori-bro

also, Uraraka, I havent check mine yet, otw 2 mailbox

Noodle Arms

Even Kirishima!?

Gentle Giant

*Insert a bowl of noodle emoji and arm emoji*

Noodle Arms


Bushy Hair

Noodle. Arm

Gentle Giant

*insert thumbs up emoji*

Noodle Arms

Traitors, all of u!!

I shall leave dis chat n be with my cat friends.

They haven't let me down like u guys.

Bushy Hair

Yet, Mochi seems to like Uraraka, Mocha loves snuggling Koda, while Meatloaf claims Kirishima as his new servant



and Midori-bro is Matcha's chosen one!

Noodle Arms




Gentle Giant

Guys, I think we broke Shinsou-kun



Koda made a joke!!

Bushy Hair

Im proud of you, Koda-kun


Noodle Arms

Can we pls talk something else!?

Bushy Hair


I'll be honest, I wasn't exactly expecting myself to befriends 4 future hero students in just one day. I remember during my visits to Recovery Girl for the second time, I receive a can of ass-whopping and a revival kiss on the cheek from her. After that, I was on my way out of the campus before I got tackled by Kirishima and Uraraka, I still remember that phantom pain.

Both of them, alongside Shinsou and Koda, were apparently worried after seeing or in Kirishima's case, hear what happen to me. It was kinda surprising since I never had anyone worry about me except my family, but it kinda feels nice.

'Yeah, I was surprised and impressed that you didn't get a boner when their leg accidentally touch your groin.' Banjo teased me, causing my face to heat up. 'And damn, I thought you're only crushing on that Kirishima kid, but you also has one for that Uraraka girl. You're secretly building a harem!'

'W-what!? W-why would I even get a boner!? In fact, it was uncomfortable! Just imagine someone pressing their knees on your groin!' I replied immediately, trying to get rid of the thoughts. 'And stop it!! I'm not building any harem! I don't even want that!'

'I thought that might turn you on, especially since you're a masochist.' I can feel Banjo's grin grew wider. 'And why not? Having a harem is amazing! Just imagine every possible combination of sex-!'

'LALALALALA!!! I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!!' My face grew warmer and warmer. Thanks to Banjo, those words will stuck kn my head for the rest of my life.

'Don't deny it. We know you want to.' En joined in. I give them a mental image of a giant middle finger, and it only made them laugh even more, even Second and Third joined in, and they're the edgelords!!

'Oi!' I groaned while ignoring them as I receive a text from Inko, saying 'Izu!!! Your result!!!'.

Then, I receive another text from the group. I went to check it.

Noodle Arms

I got mine

Im nervous

Gentle Giant

*insert sad puppy face emoji*


Me too. What if I failed!!?!


Pls stop

Now, you made me nervous as well

Bushy Hair

How about we meet with each other n open it together?


Y the suggestion?

Bushy Hair

Well, I thought having friends emotionally support u during this moment might help, especially if they were next to you




Bushy Hair

Wait wut!?

Noodle Arms

U suggest it

consider my agreement as my revenge

Bushy Hair

Zip it

I didn't agree on this


Sorry, Midoriya-kun

I agree with the boys

Bushy Hair

Not u 2, Uraraka-chan

Gentle Giant

*insert thumb up emoji*

Bushy Hair


Noodle Arms

Now u know how I feel


besides, I bet Mamadoriya want us to come

Bushy Hair

.....I can't believe u use my mom against me =_=

I facepalmed before I groaned. I can't believe they would do something like this. Suddenly, I got another notification from Inko, 'r u going to bring ur friends?'

I just stare at the screen blankly as the vestiges laughed at me. Is this how if feels receiving the end of Karma? I still remember when I tell Inko about my friends. Are they my friends?

'Yes!' The vestiges said in unison. I didn't exactly hear them as I starts to have flashback when I return from my exam.

Flashback, a week ago

After the entrance exam


I could only stood there in silence as she drowned me on her own tears, rendering me speechless. I thought the anime and manga was overexaggerating her crying habits, but she proves me wrong by flooding the whole apartment building with her tears in just 30 seconds.

If this is her quirk, I think she will be the best Hydrokinesis quirk user in the world, even beating other top heroes with hydrokinesis quirk.

Flashback ended

I shakes my head before sighing, decided to text her back, and hesitantly tell them the news before I left the beach. I ignore the constant ping from my phone.


I finally finish taking showers after the whole thing. I went to the shelf to grab my outfits before putting it on. I then look at the mirror.

I can see how my current body has grown, especially with the sudden growth spurt. I grow from my measly 5 feet 6 inches into 5 feet 8 inches. Yoichi deduced that my constant uses of OFA forces my body to grow so it can adapt with high output, including my growth spurt. Most of my leftover baby fats has disappear as well.

I then look at my current hair as I rub my hands on it. I have to cut my hair after a certain someone decided it'll be a good idea to put bubblegum on my hair, and a certain someone thinks it'll be a great idea to burn it with explosion!

I almost let loose my mouth so I can roast that son of a bitch and left that dipshit 5th degree burn scars!

'That doesn't even exist.' En deadpanned.

'I know. I don't care.' I retorted in annoyance. Thanks to that dickhead, I have to cut most of the hair, going with undercut since the burn and the bubblegum are at the hair near the right ear. Even though the hair still retains it's fluff, It wasn't the same as before.

'But, you have to admit. That hairstyle looks far better than that messy bush of a hair.' Nana said.

'I rather keep my fluff, thank you very much.' I replied before adjusting my outfits. Because of the growth spurt, Inko had to drag me to the mall just so I can buy new clothes. I have a feeling that she also did it to get rid of Izuku's old outfits, which is something I accept wholeheartedly.

I look at the black sleeveless hoodie and grey shorts, one of the outfit Banjo choose for me. I ain't complaining, since I always like these type of outfits.

'So, you love outfits that revealing?' En asked as a joke.

'What!? No! I just like it because it didn't restrict my shoulder movements and most sleeves are tend to be annoying or sometimes gets very hot.' I replied. I can't even believe En even made such a joke. I'm not a stripper.

'Well, your childhood says otherwise.' Nana teasd as my face turns red in an instant.

'I WAS ONLY A YEAR OLD!!' I thought in embarrassment. 'And I thought you respect my privacy!!'

'We do. We just found that by accident.' Yoichi said in amusement. I groaned before lying on bed. Suddenly, I heard someone ringing the door's bell.

"I'll go get it, mom." I shouted before getting up and went to the door, but Inko still follows me. I guess she wants to see my friends again. I remember how she flooded the whole apartment floor because I said I made friends.

I then open the door and I saw Kirishima, Ochako, Shinso and Koda has arrived. I can't help but smile, albeit with a bit difficulty.

"Hey, guys. You're here!" I said in a happy tone. I then notice that they're staring at me with gaping mouth. "Um...guys?"

"M-Midori-bro.....w-when did you get so tall and jacked?" Kirishima asked in shock. Is it me or he's getting redder? The weather isn't even that hot.

"Wow...." Ochako mutters.

"Y-yeah....t-turns out my quirk f-force my body to hit p-puberty faster..." I wasn't exactly lying. It's really what happen.

".....can we trade our quirks?" Shinsou said, a hint of jealousy in his tone. Is it jealous because of my quirk or because it made me grow, I don't know.

"That's not how it works, Shinsou." I replied in a deadpanned manner, before giving a smile at Koda. Koda reply with a nod and a smile. God, thank you for bless me with a cinnamon roll. I then look at Inko who smiled mischievously

"Mom, why are you giving me that smile?" I asked, worry evident on my tone.

"Well, I'm happy because I now know which of you will be my future son or daughter in law." Inko said teasingly. This immediately made my face become warm.

"M-mom!!! Why did you say that!!?" I exclaimed in embarrassment.

"Oh, Izu. You can't be that dense. Just look at how 3 out of your friends blushed seeing your face." Inko said teasingly. I groaned before covering my face.

", did you cook something?" I asked as I smell a smoke.

"Oh, no!!! My Katsudon!!" Inko immediately runs towards the kitchen as I sigh in relief.

"Sorry about my mom. S-she's....been asking me to look for partners and get married. Especially after.....this" I gestured my whole body.

"I-it's okay." Kirishima stuttered.

"Y-yeah!" Ochako said, her blush seems to grow.

"N-no problem." Shinsou also stuttered. Koda simply shakes his head while smiling.

"C-come in, guys. I'm not going to let all of you stay outside forever." I said before opening the door widely as they enters the apartment room.

"S-so, what's with the change of outfits?" Kirishima asked curiously.

"You guys remember all of my clothes right?" I asked rethorically as they all looks like they having a small flashback moment before they all said 'ooooh'. "Yeah, not to mention my growth spurt made all of my clothes no longer fits."

"I guess you're right." Kirishima said before he mutter about something.

"You said something, Kirishima?" I asked in confusion.

"N-nothing!" Kirishima stuttered before looking away.

"Okay...." I said before looking at others. "On a scale from 1 to 10, how nervous are you guys?"

"10." They all said in unison, except for Koda who lifts up 10 fingers.

"That much huh?" I mused.

"You must be very confident, given that you didn't show any reaction at all." Shinsou points out.

"Oh, I'm nervous, alright. I just didn't show it on my face." I said, trying to grip my leg as it won't stop fidgeting. Apparently, they saw it as they tried to hide their snickers, even Koda. "Haha, very funny guys."

"Come on, let's just get this over with." Shinsou said as everyone agree. I grab the letter that was placed on the table before rip the envelope, revealing a holo-disk.

"So...who goes first?" I asked and immediately, everyone points at me except Koda who only gives a nervous smile. My eyes twitched while staring at them in annoyance.

"Thanks for nothing." I mutter before turning it on and place it at the table. Suddenly, a holographic screen appears from the disk, revealing All Might on the screen.

"BOOYAH!! I AM HERE AS PROJECTION!!" I was kinda surprised. Even thought I know this might happens, his loud voice caught me off guard.

"ALL MIGHT!!?!" I shout in faux shock, and it was followed by others.

"Hahaha! I know it's been a while and I'm sorry, but you know what old heroes said, with great powers come a great amount of paperwork." My mind went blank as All Might blatantly mentions that it's been a while since we meet. I can feel other stare at me.

" know All Might?" Ochako asked in confusion.

"W-well....I did meet him once 10 months ago.....I was saved from a sludge villain....and I ask him few questions before he left." I stuttered, trying to tell as little info as possible.

"Oh, right! He must be the one that suggest you to clean the Dagobah Beach!! That's so manly of him helping other!" Kirishima points out as I winced before nodded. I forgot that he knows. Why do I even deny what he said during the entrance exam?

"Wait, you clean that dump!? I was wondering why the beach is now clean as fuck." Shinsou said with wide eyes before he got hit on the head by a frying pan. "Ouch! What was that for!?"

"Language." Turns out, the culprit is Inko, who holds her frying pan while smiling sweetly. This made everyone, including me, shivers in fear.

"Y-yes, ma'am...." Shinsou whimpered in fear. Inko was satisfied before walking back to the kitchen. Hell hath no fury like a mother.

'That's not the right words.' Yoichi points out.

'Let me have my fun butchering quotes, okay?' I internally pouted.

"The truth is, I didn't just arrive at Musutafu to fight villains. You're looking at the newest staff of UA!" All Might exclaimed.

"All Might teaches in UA!? Awesome!!" Kirishima said excitedly, as Koda meekly nodded in agreement.

"Wait, why did he told you?" Shinsou paused the video and points it out. "I thought something like this would be kept secret, cuz you know, Number one Hero and all."

"...Midoriya-kun, there's more than just one-time meet, right?" Ochako accussed as I start to feel the pressure surround me. I simply take a deep breath before sighing.

".....okay, fine. He help me with my 10 months of training for UA exam, alright!?" I said, finally relented.

"....I guess that's something that was meant to be a secret." Ochako mused while Koda nodded in agreement. Ochako notices Kirishima didn't look surprised. " know..."

"It was by accident and I promises All Might to keep it secret. But, I guess that promise is no longer valid as Midori-bro has let it out of the bag." I sighed. I'm now being a hypocrite, especially after how I sassed at All Might being careless with secrets.

"Y-yeah..." I said sheepishly. I look at Shinsou and he seems to grow more jealous by minutes. How am I going to help him? I'm not good at this kind of shits. But, before I can even do anything, the recording has started again.

"Hmm. Yes, what's the matter? Who's showboating? Me? Why, I never!!" All Might exclaimed as everyone snorted. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry. I'll wrap it up, but there's few things I need to show him first!" This made everyone curious. "Hold on, I have to made HOW MANY VIDEOS!?!"

My lips won't stop quivering as everyone laughed at the scene. It was basically like watching All Might as a movie star going off-script and the camera-man forgot to cut that particular scene.

"H-haha!!! He's clueless!!" Ochako laughed.

"Huh? I'm still recording?" All Might asked in confusion before looking at the camera and blinked. I can't control myself anymore as I laughed, followed by everyone.

"A-ah, yes. M-moving on..." All Might clear his throat before grinning, like nothing has happened. "You have pass the written exam with perfect score! Something that none of the students ever did, including the recommendation students."

"Wow! That's amazing!" Ochako gasped before looking at me. "I didn't know you're smart!"

"...I didn't study at all, thou." I admits while still staring at the screen in shock. I barely even remember every topics for the exam's question.

".....Midori-bro. Please lend me some of your geniuses." Kirishima pleaded, hugging my arms while giving me puppy dog eyes. Why does he have to be so cute!? It didn't help that Koda actually giggled at this.

"T-that's not how human body work!" I exclaimed, while controlling my face from getting warmer, which failed miserably.

"*cough* Kirishima-kun, you're making Midoriya-kun uncomfortable." Uraraka clears her throat while looking at Kirishima, who realize what's happening and let go of me. I hear he mutter something but it was unclear.

"But, despite that, you're only able to get 37 points during the practical exam. I'm terribly sorry...." I felt a pit in my stomach. 37 is a failing point as well? I felt my heart beat increase as I keep staring at the screen in disbelief.

" what I'll say if it wasn't for another factor. HAHAHAHA!!! Fool You!!" All Might starts laughing as I let out a sigh, followed by others.

"Geez, I can't believe All Might would be so cruel to even prank you." Ochako said but I didn't hear her as I tried to contain my anger and grip my fist.

"I'll swear.....I'll kick him right at his balls with my quirk!!!" I said with a gritted teeth before taking a deep breath and turn my head towards them. I was surprised to see them turn pale before realizing what I just said.

"....Ah, right. Sorry about that...." I muttered sheepishly before looking back at the screen. I blinked as the hologram shows Ochako visiting Present Mic.

"AAAHHH!!!! TURN IT OFF!!! TURN IT OFF!!!" Ochako went panicked mode as she flail her arms.

"Uraraka, what are you doing visiting Present Mic?" Shinsou asked in confusion while Koda tilt his head out of curiousity.

"N-nothing that concerns you!! Turn it off!!" Ochako daid in panic.

"Hello? I'm sorry to interrupt but do you have a sec?" Ochako in the video said.

"She suddenly shows up after the exam is over, and when you're in infirmary. Please stay tune to find out what happen." All Might said with a cheeky grin.

"Please don't...." Ochako moaned as the video continues.

"Yes, is something the matter, little listener?" Present Mic asked curiously.

"Do you know that boy with a messy green hair and freckled cheeks? Uhm....I don't want to offend him, but he has a plain-looking face. Doesn't stand out or anything. Oh, and his name is Izuku Midoriya." Ochako said in the video as Ochako paused the video, her face bright red.

'I guess some things never change.' I sweatdropped before realizing something. '....she just call me's not my body....but it still a huge blow on my pride.....'

"Uraraka, why did you call Midori-bro plain looking!?" Kirishima exclaimed.

"I-I didn't know how to explain how his face looks!" Ochako said, trying to cover her face.

"You could just mention his name. I mean, Present Mic must've lists for everyone's name." Shinsou points out.

"Aahhh!! I'm so sorry!!!" Ochako said while bowing her head.

"I-it's okay....." My voice sounds a bit down. I guess now that I'm Izuku Midoriya, I have to deal with being plain-looking.

"I think without having puberty, Midori-bro still looks manly and cool!" Kirishima exclaimed. Is he trying to cheer me up? I'm not worthy of your friendship, Kiri-bro. (QwQ)

"T-thanks...." I said genuinely as Kirishima flash a bright smile.

"T-too bright." We all said in unison before Koda starts the video.

"I-I was wondering, C-COULD YOU PLEASE GIVE HIM SOME OF THE POINTS I EARNED DURING THE EXAM!?" Ochako shouted at the last part while bowing.

"E-eh!?" I guess some things really stays the same, no matter how far you go from the Canon-verse.

"I-I was unable to do anything when he risk his life for the others during the exam, including savibg me when he could just leave me! Some other participants went to help him when he's in trouble while I could only watch helplessly at the sidelines!" Ochako said in passion.

"H-he could've get more points if it wasn't for me! I-I hold him back and making him wasting his time and almost got killed one time while I didn't do anything to return the favor!" The video shows Ochako on the verge of tears. "P-please, I need to make it up with him. Gives me some of my points, or if possible, all of my points!"

"U-uraraka-chan...." I said in shock before looking at Uraraka, who looks away.

"You have a quirk now, but your actions are the ones that inspires others!" All Might said with a large smile. "That's why I'm here!! You should know as a hero nerd, hero isn't only about fighting villainy!" The video of Ochako and Present Mic is unpaused.

"Wait, is he saying-!?" Shinsou said while staring at the screen with wide eyes.

"Thanks for showing up at the station with your request, but there's no need for you to worry, Little Listener." Present Mic said with wide smile. "Cuz, the kid is doing alright kn his own." The video immediately replaced with All Might's massive chest.

'If a daddy fetishist saw this, I have no doubt that they'll get a massive orgasm.' I thought in deadpanned expression. Does All Might have to even show off his chest?

"How could a hero course reject someone who's willing to save others, without caring the consequences!? After all, that's what heroes do!" All Might exclaimed happily. "It's my alma mater all about: training those who willing to risk their lives for greater good! That's why we have RESCUE POINTS!!!"

"Of course...." Shinsou groaned before facepalming. I mentally facepalm myself. How can I forgot about the rescue points!? It was the plot armor!!!

"The whole exam were being watches by the judges, and they reward you points for every one of your heroic deeds!!" All Might exclaimed

"Midoriya Izuku, you have gain 95 rescue points!" I blinked once. I blinked twice. I blink thrice.

"95 RESCUE POINTS!?!" I exclaimed in shock. What did I even do to get that much!?!

"That's so fu-freaking manly, Midori-bro!!" Kirishima exclaimed before hugging me excitedly. Calm down, it's just a hug, it's just a hug....

The screen then shows the leaderboard of the exam.

1. Midoriya Izuku - Villains: 37, Rescue: 95

2. Bakugou Katsuki - Villains: 77, Rescue: 0

3. Kirishima Eijirou - Villains: 39, Rescue: 35

4. Shiozaki Ibara - Villains: 36, Rescue: 32

5. Uraraka Ochako - Villains: 33, Rescue: 30

6. Itsuka Kendo - Villains: 25, Rescue: 40

7. Iida Tenya - Villains: 52, Rescue: 9

8. Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu - Villains: 49, Rescue: 10

9. Tokoyami Fumikage - Villains: 47, Rescue: 10

10. Awase Yosetsu - Villains: 50, Rescue: 6

"W-what...." I thought All Might was pulling my legs when he said I got 95 rescue points. But, he didn't. What did I do to even get that much!?

"You both have passed the exam, congratulations! And welcome, Midoriya Izuku, as you are now part of the Hero Academia!" All Might exclaimed with his casual smile before the video ended. Everyone stare at me in silence.

"Midori-bro....what did you do to get that much!?" Kirishima asked in disbelief.

"W-well, let's see...." I tried to remember every 'rescue' I did during the exam.

'The first one is when you help that Aoyama kid, who was defenseless during the exam after quirk overuses.' Yoichi points out.

"There's a guy with a quirk shooting laser form his navel who were defenseless due to quirk overuse...." I muttered.

'Kaminari kid who got short circuit.' Nana helped.

"A yellow haired guy who also overuse his quirk..." I continue muttering.

'Shinsou.' Shinomori added.

"You." I points at Shinsou, who starts blushing. I guess he still remember that embarrassing moment.

'A kid with weird looking head and shoots glue.' En added.

'That's Bondo, and you're being rude, En-san.' I replied to En before adding another name to the list. "A guy who can shoot superglue from their head. And then, Uraraka-chan and Koda-kun."

"....did you know?" Shinsou asked.

"Shinsou, I've been training everyday to keep me distracted from my anxiety and self-doubt." I said while pinching the bridge of my nose. "Hell, I even did that just to made me too exhausted and fall asleep without the possibilities of failing keep me awake at night."

"...why do you even get anxiety? You have a 'heroic' quirk and even did a lot of heroic shits." Shinsou said as I notices the venom when he said 'heroic'.

"I only got my quirk at the early morning of entrance exam." I admits, making them look at me in silence.

" only have a quirk for few hours!? How do you even did so good!?" Shinsou asked in shock, a feeling he shared with others.

"Last hour training." I said with sheepish expression. "Got few injuries, and it got worse due to getting trampled by crowds due to heroes vs villain. I even have to visit Recovery Girl during the morning."

"...You were injured and you still manage to did that good?" Shinsou asked in shock. "Wait, what about that tape swinging?"

"Tape swinging?" Kirishima asked in confusion

"It's part of my last hour training too." I said sheepishly. Shinsou could only stare at me before went to the corner and dark aura starts to surround me.

"He...trains even until he's injured....and even to master his quirk...what have I been doing this whole time?" Shinsou mutters. He sounds like he's a dead man. I couldn't help but sweatdrop. I then notice Ochako wasn't even here. I look around before looking at Koda and Kirishima.

"Guys, did you saw where Uraraka-chan is?" I asked in worry. They both point at the front door and I immediately walks out. I saw her just in front of the door, staring at the morning sky.

"Uraraka-chan?" I asked in worry.

"Hey, Midoriya-kun..." Uraraka muttered lowly. This only increases my worry.

"Are you okay?" I asked in worry.

"I don't deserve that rescue points...." Uraraka muttered.

"I think you do. You willing to give your points to me even thought it lower your chance to get in. Not every students willing to sacrifice their chance. You didn't have to do it, but you still did it." I said.

"Yes, I have to!!" Uraraka immediately cuts me off. "I-it's the least I can do! T-there's no need for you to even risk your life just to save me! Y-you could've just leave me!"

"No, I can't!!!" I snapped, stopping Ochako from saying a word. "Your life is important and worth saving! I-I can't call myself a hero, no, I can't call myself a human being if I left you to die!! Don't you ever said that I should leave you, Ochako Uraraka!!"

"I-I....." Ochako starts tearing up. "I-I don't deserve to be a hero.....I was helpless as a victim....I-I don't deserve that points.....I-I don't deserve to be in hero course..."

"W-why would you say such awful things about yourself?" I asked, aghast at every words she said.

"Didn't you see what happen!? I did nothing! I was helpless! All I did was just sacrifice my points, but you did all even though you could've died!! You did so much while I did so little!! I-i....." Ochako starts sobbing as I could only watch. "I-I should've failed! I-I wasn't strong enough to protect myself, how can I able to protect and save everyone?! How can I even help my parents!!?"

"Y-your parents?" I asked in confusion. I know her parents have financial issues due to their small construction company didn't get any work and was flat broke.

"M-my parents own a small construction company, but b-because of other bigger construction companies being more famous and effective, my parents haven't got much work and they're flat broke." Uraraka sniffed before wiping her eyes. "I-I was hoping that if I could be a hero, I-I could ease their works and burden while earning money so they could have a much easier life!"

"Your quirk. If you can get your license, you can use your quirk to help them, and cutting off huge amount of budget for any construction works." I said, pretending to put the puzzle together.

"Y-yeah....but, how can I be a hero....I-I'm just a helpless damsel in distress...." Uraraka sobbed. My heart broke seeing her like this.

"Then, do something about it!" I exclaimed while looking at Uraraka, who looks shocked. "Let me ask, you believe you're helpless during that time. What would you do about it? Keeps blaming yourself and falls to deep depression?"

"N-no...I don't know." Ochako said while looking away.

"....try to be not helpless." I said.


"Try to made sure that you will not feel being helpless. Grow stronger, smarter, and more aware. Keep growing until you become strong enough to defend yourself, become smarter to think of a plan to get out of any situations, become more aware so you won't need to experience all of that again." I said before wiping the tears on her eyes. "Don't repeat my mistake I did back then."

"W-what do you mean by that?" Ochako asked in confusion.

"Story for another time." I said while smiling. Well, smile as best as I can. "You understand what I'm trying to say, right?"

"M-mhm!" Ochako nodded.

"Good." I said before she went to hug me, catching me off guard.

"T-thank you...." Ochako said with a smile. I wipes her tears off.

"Now, don't cry anymore okay? I don't want to see such a beautiful and cute face ruined by tears of sadness." I said softly. Her face seems to grow more red as I heard the vestiges starts laughing.

'Oh, after a long silence, you guys now decided to react by laughing?' I asked mentally.

'Kid, we've been enjoying everything.' En said in amused tone.

'.....You guys enjoy me waiting for my result, while thinking I failed!?' I replied incredulously.

'We've been told you that you passed for a week, but nothing works. So we just gave up and let you receive the answers. And also,' Banjo said and I can feel him grinning ear-to-ear. 'We told you so.'

'Fuck my life.' I thought in annoyance before looking at Ochako who still hugging me. "Umm.....Uraraka-chan?"

"Call me Ochako." Ochako said with a smile.

'....must protect her.' I thought. "O-okay, Ochako-chan, you can call me Izuku. A-are you going to keep hugging me?" I asked as Ochako blinked before realizing and starts letting go and covers her face.

"MMMHHHHHH!!!!!" she start screaming, muffled by her hands. I sweatdrops before seeing her starts floating. In panic, I grab her by her waist before she floats away. This was a bad idea as she ended up fainted on my arms.

"O-Ochako-chan!" I start to panicked as the vestiges starts laughing again.

I carried her into the apartment before placing her on the couch. Kirishima and Shinsou looks at her unconscious form with raised eyebrow.

"Don't ask..." I muttered before looking at them. "So, we confirmed that Ochako and Kirishima passed. Now, all we need to know is Shinsou's and Koda's."

Shinsou starts fidgeting while holding the letter nervously. I raised an eyebrow before Kirishima suddenly lean closer to me.

"Ochako, huh? Why did you call her by the first name while we stuck in our family name?" Kirishima whispered. I simply look at him with deadpan expression.

"Really? Now? Shinsou and Koda are going to find out his result and this is what you think about?" I whispered back, making Kirishima looks sheepish. ".....and besides, you didn't ask."

"Then, call me Eijirou." Eijirou replied woth no hesitation.

"Sure....Eiji-kun." I replied with a snort before looking at Shinsou. "Come on, Shinsou-kun. Open the letter."

"Oh, we're going to see Shinsou-kun's result!?" I yelped as I saw Ochako woke up with a curious expression.

"For the love of Buddha!" I exclaimed making everyone stare at me before burst in laughter. I felt my cheeks getting warmer. "Y-yeah, yeah, laugh it up."

"Oh, I really need that." Shinsou said before looking at the letter again. I notices that he holds the letter shakily, too nervous and scared to open the letter. I can see why, I mean, I do feel that way when I got mine. But, I never saw someone THAT nervous.

Okay, I may have lied as I once act that way.

"Come on, Shin-bro! Don't you want to know your results?" Kirishima groaned. I can't blame him, Shinsou may have every right to be nervous, but this is too much.

'Hypocrite.' Banjo muttered but I simply ignores him.

"But-" Shinsou was unable to said any more words as Ochako, who finally snaps, grabs the letter, turn on the projector. I blinked as I saw the familiar face of a black haired hobo on the screen.

"Shinsou Hitoshi, you got 85 in your written exam and 45 points, 13 villain points and 32 rescue point, welcome to UA's Hero Course." The man said before the screen turns off. Shinsou looks like he had just shut his brain off, staring blankly at the device.

I was worried before decided to try and snaps him out of it. I gently places my hand on his shoulder before shaking him slowly.

"I....pass...." Shinsou muttered before tears slowly falling from his eyes. "I-I pass...." Yeah, it was a shock to me. His story has changed drastically, but I actually don't mind.

Well, to be fair, I already gave up on staying on the canon.

"Yeah, you did. Congrats." I said, while smiling at him. Well, as best as I could. I then look at Koda who also holds the letter nervously.

"Come on, big guy. Let's see your result." I said as Koda looks at me before nodded shakily. He tears off the envelope before pulling out the holo-projector and turn it on. It's reveal to be Nedzu, the first and only recorded animal with quirk in MHA universe.

"Hello, Koji Koda. Am I a bear? A dog? Or a mouse? Neither of those, I am Nedzu, principal of UA. I am here to announce your results in UA entrance exam! You did 80 out of 100 during your written part, which is quite good. As for your practical, you gain 10 villain points with 40 rescue points, which earns you a spot at Heroic Course. Congratulations, young man, and welcome to your hero academia!" Nedzu said before the holo-

projector was shut off.

Koda blinked at the projector for several times before shakily picks it up. He then slowly pinches his cheeks to the point it turns red before tears slowly coming out of his eyes.

"I-I pass...." Koda said with a shaky smile.

"Yeah, you did. Great job, Koda." I said with a smile. Koda immediately went to hug me while laughing happily, which I return the gesture.

Kirishima and Ochako decided that group hug is a good idea and proceed to tackled us and hugs Koda, Shinsou, and I like no tomorrow. I felt happy to have friends like them.

It was nice.

Inko decided to celebrate by going all out with her crazy cooking skills. Every possible Japanese cuisines that can be served at home displayed beautifully at the table. At first, everyone wants to refuse it, but Inko's persuasive skills ended up making everyone reluctantly accepts.

After the celebrations and more talking, all of them went back home, wanting to tell their parents or family about the good news. I sighed before helping Inko with the dirty plates. Apparently, Inko refuses to let them help cleaning, hence why it was a bit messy.

I wish my past self wasn't such an introvert. God, it's an amazing feeling to have friends.

No One's POV

UA High

"The result is something that none of us actually expecting."

Nedzu sips his tea as he looks at the screen with a smile.

"I must say, this is the first time someone manage to get that much Rescue points." Midnight mused, tapping her finger on the armchair.

"I concur. Do you think he knows about the secret factor?" Ectoplasm asked curiously.

"No. Grr." Hound Dog said, getting everyone's attention. "Grrr. He didn't have a single clue about rescue points. Grr. And his words were too genuine to be fake."

"Words?" Snipe asked curiously. Hound Dog looks at Nedzu, who nodded and press the button. The video shows Izuku saving Shinsou from robots by bridal-carrying him and swing away before landing and put him down.

"W-why did you save me?" Shinsou asked, confusion and curiousity in his voice.

".....Do you really need a reason to give someone a hand?" Izuku asked rethorically before swing off. All Might saw this and couldn't help but smile. He's proud of his protege.

"Most people will said 'it's what heroes do' when they receive this question, but not him." Power Loader mused as Aizawa stare at the screen in silent. Nedzu then shows the next scene with Izuku, Shinsou and Uraraka.

"Hey, Lilac!" Izuku shouted to catch Shinsou's attention before placing Uraraka next to him. "Can you keep an eye for her?"

"W-why!?" Shinsou asked in confusion.

"I need to stop this giant robot." Izuku said bluntly.

"What!?" Shinsou and Uraraka were shocked. The teachers weren't any better. Why did he want to do it?

"The robot didn't seem to stop, and there's a lot of examiners on the robot's ways." Izuku explained. "If I didn't at least get the program to target me, more examiners might get hurt badly."

Aizawa immediately groaned, he immediately knows that Izuku is a future problem child. To think he's one of those types.

"You can't do that!!" Ochako said in horror.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine." Izuku said with a smile.

"Love the optimistic view, but I think he was too optimistic." Thirteen points out.

"Grrr....I think he said those to calm them down." Hound Dog said.

"Why do you think so?" All Might asked in confusion.

"His legs are shaking in nervousness." Hound Dog points out.

"Huh, you're right." Snipe blinked. He wonder how did he miss that.

"W-why would you risk your life like that?" Shinsou asked in shock and confusion.

"...if I know I can do something to help but didn't do it and ended up letting others get hurt, I'll never forgive myself." Izuku said before facing the robots. "Give her a hand, will ya? Be a hero." He added before running towards the zero pointer.

" it me or he sounds like he went through such things?" Midnight asked in confusion and worry.

"Grr, Nedzu, I hope you will told the students to visit me every week." Hound Dog growled.

"Of course." Nedzu smiled before sipping his tea.

"I'm still curious about his quirk." Cementoss points out. "The file stated that he's quirkless, but he clearly shows that he has a lightning quirk that boosted his speed and quirk, but then, he somehow manages to ignites his leg in flames and creates explosion on impact."

"Yeah, his quirk is easily the weirdest out of the bunch." Midnight said while looking at the screen. Nedzu takes a file and looks at Izuku Midoriya's picture.

'I guess this year won't be so boring at all.'

The Next Day

Dagobah Municipal Beach Park


I counted as I perform another kick, OFA flows through my blood, lightning travels around my body. I decided to stop as I deactivates the quirk before panting.

'Your muscles have developed very fast with your constant uses of One For All."' Yoichi made a report as I takes a bottle and drink. 'Unfortunately, you're still not fast enough to recreate that explosive kick.'

'Diable Jambe. That's the name of that technique.' I replied before wiping the sweat off my forehead.

'God, it's so much better than what I have in mind.' Yoichi grumbles making me snorted. They may be annoying, but I never get tired of their antics.

Now, if only I can stop them from screaming in my head.

"Young Midoriya!" I perked up as I heard the familiar voice. I turn around and surely, Yagi-sensei is approaching me, in all of his skeletal glory form.

"Yagi-sensei!" I exclaimed before running towards him. As I get closer, I immediately activates OFA before trying to kick All Might's groin. Keyword, trying.

'YOU'RE NOT JOKING WHEN YOU SAID THAT!?' Nana went ballistic after seeing what I almost did. But, I didn't care as my kick was dodged by Yagi-sensei. Apparently, I forgot that he has years of fighting experience, giving him a better instinct.

"W-What the hell, Young Midoriya!?" Yagi exclaimed in shock.

"You trolled me!!" I shouted in anger. I'm pretty sure I look very comical to everyone. "Not only you didn't reply or even read my text, you made me think that I failed for a week!!! You even have the audacity to prank on me at that video recording!! Take the punishment like a true hero!!"

"Young Midoriya, stop!!" Yagi immediately went All Might and starts running.

"Get your American ass over here!!" I yelled before giving chases. We ran for 10 minutes until both of us stop as I calmed down.

"Y-you done?" Yagi asked nervously.

"...Next time, I'm getting a rusty scissor." I muttered darkly.

'Geez, dark humor much?' En mused.

' I got more than just dark humor.' I replied in annoyance before looking at All Might. "Mind telling me that why you never reply or read my message?"

"Ah...." I see Yagi looks very nervous. I squint my eyes in suspision. "I....broke it when I fought a villain and I change my number..." My mind went blank at this information.

".....have you ever think to get a phone from a support company so your phone won't broke everytime?" I asked as I saw Yagi froze before looking away. "...Fantastic."

"S-so, w-what would you like to discuss, Young man?" Yagi asked.

"One For All is haunted." As I said those, I can see his brain went shut down. A second pass as suddenly, blood burst out of his mouth.

"What!?" Yagi asked in shock. Please tell me that there's a guy with a quirk that can fix him.

"I said One For All is haunted. Haunted by the previous users. Now, they're living inside my mind." I said while pointing my head. Yagi looks shellshocked but manage to gain composure.

"W-when did this happen?" Yagi asked.

"After I went back home, before the entrance exam." I said while rubbing the back of my head.

"I-I see....." Yagi muttered.

"Oh, I also meet someone name Nana Shimura, who loves to refers you as Toshi. Did you know her?" I asked in faux confusion.

"Y-yes....she was my mentor." Yagi said sadly, making me feel bad. It's like how someone miss a mother.

".....she said she's proud of you. Saying how you have grown from that scrawny little boy and did an amazing job." I decided to add more. It's literally what she said about Toshi during that one week of hell.

"T-thank you, Young Midoriya." Yagi said before he hugged me. Is that tears falling to my shirt? I ain't gonna judge, since I would do the same if I'm in his position.

'Thank you, Ninth.' Nana said shakily.

"N-no problem..." I replied to both of them before he lets go and smiled.

"Now, is there anything you want to tell me more?" I can hear his tone is a bit happier. I guess words can affects other greatly.

"I need help." I said making Yagi looks surprised. "Yagi-san, I need to control this quirk as fast as I can. The exam clearly shows how much improvement that I need with this quirk. C-could you help me?"

"Of course," Yagi said with a smile.

"And Nana said that I need....Sorahiko's help? Who's Sorahiko?" I asked in fake confusion while I silently pale. Remind me why did I agree to this again!?

Oh, yeah. I want to try and learn how to use haki like before. Is it really haki, thou?

"W-what...?" All Might is visibly shaking in his boot. I guess I can' blame him seeing how Gran Torino kicks his ass easily.

"Nana said that I need a lot of help with my quirk. And she ask me to tell you to call him to help with my training." I internally shivers. So much for my normal life.

"...I'll see what I can do...." All Might sounds like he has lose the will to live. How bad did Gran Torino traumatise him to the point he's having a Vietnam Flashback!? "I-is there anything else?"

"Actually, yeah. I need help with my hero costume."


Both Yagi and I stood at the beach while shaking nervously. Turns out that Gran Torino was completely furious at Yagi for not telling him about me and from what I heard, he's rushing towards the beach with his quirk. The almighty All Might never looks so pale.

"W-why are you shaking, sensei?" I asked nervously. I try to act like I never know about Sorahiko.

"H-he's the one who beat me into shapes." All Might muttered. "I still remember how painful his kick was."

"I-is it that bad?" I asked again, starting to get scared.

"It's worse." Nana, I'm haunting you for the rest of your life and even the afterlife.

'I'm a ghost! You can't haunt me!' Nana said like she's a victor. Oh, you'll pay for this, I guaranteed it. Suddenly, a blur can be seen running towards here and crashlanded in front of us.

"TOSHI!!!" I heard a gruff, elderly voice from the smoke before I felt a powerful gust of wind move past me. I turn around and widen my eyes. I saw Gran Torino, in the flesh, kicking All Might at the groin. All Might fell to his knees while whimpering in pain while Grsn Torino huffed before looking at me.

"...Teach me your ways, Gran Torino-san!" I said before bowing. I heard Torino snorted.

"I like this kid already." Is that a good sign? Please tell me it is?

'Dunno~' Nana, I swear I'll torment you if that's the last thing I'll do.

"Now, tell me, why didn't you tell me about your successor?!" Gran Torino asked in anger.

"I-I don't want him to experience the pain...." Yagi muttered.

"Cowards..." Gran Torino muttered. "Tell me at least he can uses OFA successfully."

"I-I can use at least 5%, 7% if I push it." I decided to reply, letting All Might to recover from that unimaginable pain.

"..." Gran Torino looks at me before he walks towards me and examine my body, specifically, my muscle structure.

" least you did somewhat decent at building his body. Did he knows at least throw a punch?" Gran Torino asked.

"Does a kick counts?" I fight revolving my legs, so my fist is rarely used in combat.

"Good...You pick a decent successor." Gran Torino mused. Suddenly, I can senses his hostile towards me, causing me to move backwards as his leg suddenly appears in front of my face. I widen my eyes before barely ducks as I activates Full Cowl.

"Ho, impressive." Gran Torino said with a grin. Suddenly, I felt a shiver on my spine before I ducked, but apparently it was futile as I felt a huge force slams into my back, causing me to cry in pain.

"You manages to dodge my first, but you can't dodge the second one." Gran Torino mused. I got up and glared at him. This guy is such a pain in the ass.

I can feel another hostile intent towards me as I immediately uses OFA to roll aside and gets up before trying to deliver a straight kick on my back. But, unfortunately, Gran Torino manages to dodge it and kicks my face, sending me flying and crashes to the sand.

"I was right...." I heard Gran Torino mutter before looking at Gran Torino. "You do have it."

"Huh?" I asked in confusion. What does he mean?

"You have Ryou, kid. It was very subtle and a smaller scale, but you do have it." I widen my eyes at this fact. Ryou!? Isn't that the term used by people of Wano for Haki?! Gran Torino knows Haki!? Is that why his kick is so powerful even for All Might!? Fuck, how much did this universe is different from the canon!?!

"I take it back, Toshi. You found a perfect successor, and I never felt so excited!" I shivers as Gran Torino grins and cracks his knuckles. "Welcome to Gran Torino's Boot Camp!! Get ready, Zygote. In a month, I'll shape your wimpy ass to the point that you'll untouchable!"

On that day, I never felt so close reaching the Death's door.

To be continued