Chapter 3 - How to Survive UA Part 1

2 Months Later

Main POV

Midoriya Household

'I swear, the universe love to prank me.'

I lied at the bed while covering my head with my pillow, all parts of my body felt sore and it only get worse. I heard the the vestiges laughing at me in my own head.

'Stop laughing.' I groaned internally.

'I'm sorry.' Yoichi said, trying to suppress a chuckle. 'You ask to be train in Haki, or in Torino-san's cases, Ryou since that day you learn you have it. Now, you act like you regret everything.'

'Because I did.' I muttered as I start to feel the phantom pain on my sides. 'How am I suppose to know Gran Torino not only holds nothing back, but he adds more difficulty with Haki-coated high-speed attacks!?'

'I was wondering how did he always able to beat villains and act like he has eyes behind his back. I never would've thought it was due to Ryou.' Nana said while chuckling. 'I gotta admit, if I learn about it, I may get a better chance against AFO.'

'Agree.' Third nodded in agreement.

'Still, to think there's other power source that isn't a quirk...' Second mused.

'I'm more surprised at the history. Torino-san said it was invented during the 15th century.' I thought while looking at the clock.

'I am surprised as well. But, I have a feeling that you were surprised at other factor.' Hikage stated.

'15th century is the Pirate Era. It's like One Piece, world filled with Pirates. And Haki is one of the major factor at the anime's power-scaling.' I thought. 'To think this universe is actually a Type-X Universe.'

'Type X?' Yoichi asked in confusion.

'It's my term for any crossover universe. Like two or more canon universe fused into one to create their own canon, with elements from two previous universe.' I replied before groaning. 'I still feel the pain. No wonder Yagi-san scared of him.'

'But, look at the bright side. Now, you are more aware of your surrounding.' Nana points out.

'Of course I do. It's common for someone to have better danger sense after trying and failing to dodge the daily assaults of two strongest person in Japan for two months straight!' I replied in annoyance, causing others to laugh.

The training given by Gran Torino to properly unlocking my Haki is another level of hell. The constant beating from him while blindfolded, increasing muscles strength by doing impossible shits, and Gran Torino was senile enough to let All Might of all people to join at the constant beating, making my training even more difficult.

Seriously, what's with old man and losses of sanity!?

'You should at least see the positive side. You manage to increase your percentage to 10%.' En stated. Yeah, it's really great. To think it took getting beaten by a pair of adult to increase my percentage output. Maybe I should ask for more.

.....Oh, god. I've turn into a masochist!

'Took you long enough to realize that.' Banjo muttered.

'Zip it, Mr. Potato Head.' I growled in annoyance.

'You're manage to create a move that suppose to be impossible to catch up with Torino's speed.' Yoichi added.

'I'll be honest, I wasn't expecting it to work. I don't even know how to do it properly and it's still imperfect.' I thought.

'But, it still works.' Nana said.

'Another positive side, you even able to unlock the Armament Haki.' Hikage added. I frown when he mention that.

'It was only for one second. Not to mention, it was the imperfect version that only give a weak barrier like aura. And let's not forgot that I only able to subconsciously activates it 3 weeks ago and unable to activate it till now.' I retorted in annoyance. Apparently, Sorahiko points out my Armament is the weakest among those average Haki-users who just unlock it. It literally made a blow on my pride, or what's left of it.

'Kid...did you forgot you once mention how hard Haki training is? You unlocking two types of Haki in only two months is already an impressive feat, even if they're imperfect.' Yoichi said in stern tone, causing me to winced before looking away.

'...S-sorry, I forgot. I guess I let my frustration and impatiences get the better of me again.' I replied.

'I don't blame you, kiddo.' Banjo said nonchalantly. 'If I got beaten daily basis and shows little to no improvement, I'll act the same.'

'Just take it easy, kid. You already did an amazing job. And didn't you remember what Sorahiko said about you? You are a prodigy at Observation!' Nana said excitedly, making me chuckles.

'Thanks guys....sorry for my pathetic display.' I said apologetically.

'Good, I thought I need to knock some sense on you.' Second said before I heard a loud slap. 'Ow! What the hell, woman!?'

'Stop bullying Ninth!' Nana chastised Second, making me snort in laughter. I look at the clock, 10PM. Time sure has flies. I never would've expect that it's already two months since I got here.

'If I wasn't in such pain right now, I would like to tape-swing around the city.' I mused.

'Don't do it. It's not worth getting caught.' Banjo stated, surprising me.

'Didn't you suggest me to practice it during the entrance exam?' I points out, making Banjo winced.

'I.....have a change of mind....' Banjo stuttered. I felt my spine shivers, probably one of Nana's infamous sweet smile.

Woman always be the world's greatest mystery.

' you think i should share to them about Haki?' I asked the vestiges rethorically. After 2 months of hanging out, I can consider them as close friends. My trust towards them slowly grows and I slowly grow attached to them and adores them.

God, they're so precious and the world didn't deserves them.

'You're really greedy, building a harem for not only girls, but boys as well.' My cheeks flushed before slapping myself. Sure, Hitoshi's handsome face, Ocha-chan's cute cheeks, and Kirishima's hardened abs are..... and I dig my own graves.

'Guys, please answer my question!' I really need to get my head out of my gutter. How the fuck can I be so selfish trying to have them all!? I'm lucky to have them as my friends!

'Not until you have a good grasp on Haki.' Second said. 'You can't tell them if you don't fully understand the subject.'

'....I guess you're right....' I mutter before I decided to let darkness take over my consciousness.

Thank god Gran Torino let me rest tomorrow.

The next day

"Have you got everything?"

"Yes, mom."


"Never left without them."


"In the bag."



"Your action figure?"

"Mom, I'm at UA High to be a hero, not as a generic fanboy asking for an autograph."

Inko and I can be seen standing in front of the front door as Inko keeps asking every items that I might forgot. It was sweet of her to care, but the last one literally unnecessary.

"I'll be off now, mom." I said as I places the bag on my shoulder before walking away.

"Wait!" Inko stopped me. I was annoyed, but I'm not going to lash out on her. I took a deep breath before looking at her. "You look amazing, Izuku."

This actually made me even more guiltier. If she knows that I'm not the real Izuku....I shakes my thoughts off before giving her a smile.

"Thanks, mom..." I said before I walks away. Onwards to UA.

One Train Ride Later

"I never take the train ever again."

I never would've thought that taking the train during the first day of school all around Japan will made the train station so crowded. I still remember how some people's hand touches me roughly. Let's not mention the smell.

Oh, god. The smell. It's just so bad....

I shuddered at the thought, trying to forgot the horror of having to smell their body odors. Did they forgot to take a bath or just didn't do it because they're already late? I simply stop thinking about it as I walk away from the station.

"Izu!" I perked up at the familiar voice as I turn around and saw Ochako approaching me with a smile.

"Ocha-chan." I said happily. She immediately tackled me into a hug, which surprises me.

"Excited for our first day!?" Ochako said with excitement.

"Yup." I nodded. "I was curious of how the heroes school works." I place my hand on my chin. "Does the school works like normal school but with heroic lessons or maybe it'll be completely different?"

I know how UA works, but since this universe is completely different from what I know, I can't be sure anymore.

"Now that you mention it, I'm also curious." Ochako said. Before I decided to continue the conversation, I realizes that she hasn't let go of the hug, causing me to blush.

"Ocha-chan, y-you're still hugging the public...." I muttered as Ochako realizes what she did and blushed before letting me go. I suppressed myself from groaning as I heard the vestiges laughed in my head, and the bystanders add fuel to the fire by thinking that we're a couple.

"L-let's get out of here." I suggested. Damn my stuttering.

"Y-yeah, let's go." With that, we immediately walk away from the crowd. Both of us manages to arrives at the school gate at time, still awkward at the morning incident.

"Hey, Izu-bro! Ochako!" Both of us turns around and saw Eijirou waving at us while grinning with.....wait, is that Mina Ashido?

"Eiji-kun." I said while waving back. Eijirou grin grew brighter before he run towards us. "Not expecting to see you until I arrive at class, but I ain't complaining." I pointed at Mina. "Who is she? Your girlfriend?"

"What?! No! Kiri is more of a brother to me! He's my horn buddy!!" Mina said before pouting at Kirishima. "You made a new friend and never told them about me? What kind of friends are you!?"

"I'm sorry. I'm an unmanly person." Eijirou said with dark aura surrounding him.

"Anyways, I'm Mina Ashido, Kiri's best friend/the responsible sibling!" Mina said while posing.

"This comes from the one who causes accidents during our lab lessons?" Eijirou jabbed at Mina, who flushed.

"It was one time!" Mina said while playfully beating Eijirou, who could only laughed.

I'll be honest, I thought Mina will be shipped with Kirishima like most fans wanted. Hearing them having sibling relationship made me.....uncertain of how to react.

I'm sad because I was unable to see such cute ships. I cruel person to not feel that sad because it didn't happen?

Sure, I may have crush on this ray of sunshine, but this guy deserves the love from a relationship after what all the shits happen in future canon.

"And how could you, Kiri! Why did you never said you have a hunk of a guy to desire your bisexual wet dream!?"

Okay....I don't need to know that....

"Mina!" Eijirou was as red as his dyed hair. I can't help but scratch my head at the scene, unable to react properly, while ignoring the wheezing laughter from Banjo and En.

"Ummm..." I heard Ochako tried to get their attention, which was successful as Mina immediately turns around and look at us.

"Huh, I didn't saw you there earlier. Damn, Kiri, better luck next time!" I may not be a sharp person, but I definitely know what she meant. And apparently, Ochako knows too.

"W-we're not dating!" Ochako said with flushed expression, making Mina grins.

"Oh cool! So, he's free! Go, get him, tiger!" Mina said excitedly before pushing Kirishima, who's blushing uncontrollably.

"Mina! Stop it!" I tried my hardest not to react at this scene as the vestiges continues to laugh at me.

Universe, I hate you so much!

"So, may I have the name of the hunk that manages to caught my bestie's heart?" I tried, really tried not to blush at her comment. Now I know why some fanfic writers see her as a little shit, because she is!

"I-Izuku Midoriya..." I stuttered as Mina grinned.

"Greenie it is!" And just like that, I got myself a new nickname. I wonder how much nickname I got at just one year in UA.

'Really? Of all things, that's what you think about?' Banjo said in deadpanned manner. 'Come on, where's that hormone-driven thoughts!? You got one for Shinsou, Uraraka, and Kirishima, where's the one for-Ahhh!!!!'

'You damn pervert!! Stop corrupting Ninth even further!!' Nana said angrily. I can hear the stomping and punching noises as Banjo wailed in pain.

'....let's be honest, he did this to himself.' En said.

'Like what Ninth said last night, he dug his own grave.' Hikage said sagely.

'This is ridiculous.' Third muttered.

'And just like that, we have to endure high school drama inside a teenager's mind.' Second said in annoyed tone.

'....sorry...' I replied sheepishly.

'Don't be, Ninth. Those two old fossils are just being grumpy.' Nana said as I can feel her smiling before suddenly, the sinister feeling radiates from her once again.

And now, I understood why everyone fear woman.

"Anyways," I decided to get all of their attention. "Let's got to our class. We don't want to ended up late for our first day, right?"

"Yeah!" Mina exclaimed excitedly. "I bet the class will be fun." I laughed nervously. I highly doubt that.

"So, did any of you guys see Shinsou or Koda?" I asked Ocha-chan and Eiji-kun.

"You should check the chat more often, Izu-bro." Eiji-kun point out, making me wince.

"Ah, right. Sorry, I have a tough week, forget to check the chat." I take out my phone and sure enough, Koda stated that he was picked by his mom half an hour ago. He did mention his mom always go to work early, I guess that explains why.

At the chat, Shinsou stated he already arrive at his class, 1-B, few minutes ago. I guess that explain everything.

"What exactly happen?" Ocha-chan asked in confusion.

"All Might let a psychopath train me by continuously beating the shit out of me." I mutters.

"Eh!?" I guess it's not surprising for them to be shock.

"Wait, All Might did what?!" ...I wanted to facepalmed at my idiocy.

'Kid, you are a hypocrite.' I heard Banjo stated as I groaned.

'I know.' I replied.

'You chastised All Might for exposing himself.' Nana stated.

'No need to remind me.' I replied.

"Oh, was suppose to be a secret." Eijirou said sheepishly.

"Why didn't you tell me!?" Mina felt betrayed.

"Mina, it's his secret. I can't tell his secret without his permission. No matter how close I am with you, other has their own privacy." I was kinda surprise at Eiji-bro's answer.

'Why?' En asked in confusion.

'He's....not the brightest student.' I replied.

'Don't mock Kirishima.' Nana chastised me.

'I'm not, I'm only stated what he did.' I replied.

'Let's be honest, Seventh. The kid's right.' Third stated.

'We saw how he literally 'use his head' to beat an arcade puzzle game.' Yoichi stated.

'.....fair enough.'

".....I guess you're right, Kiri." Mina muttered. Ocha-chan and Eiji-kun look at me.

".....All Might is cruel, don't let him be a teacher." I said bluntly.

"We need more context!" Ocha-chan yelled at me.

"Okay, okay. So, I ask All Might for advices about my quirk training. And, I may have bit more than I can chew, asking if there's anyone that can teach me how to fight properly. So, he contact his mentor, who apparently beat All Might like a punching bag during his time in UA and also his homeroom teacher." I said while rubbing the spot where I feel phantom pain. "I somehow attracted his attention and he literally decided that I will learn how to dodge properly. It didn't help that he ask All Might to join the beatdown. So, yeah."

"'re telling me, this whole week, you were beaten to the ground by All Might and his teacher!?" Ocha-chan screech in disbelief.

"Actually, it's 2 months." I stated, making both of my friends horrified. "I still have some of my bruises unhealed."

"Bro..." Eiji and Ocha gave me a hug. I truly didn't deserve them.

"I feel left out." Mina stated, gaining our attention.

"Sorry." I said sheepishly. "Long story short, I meet All Might a year ago. He gave me advices of how to be a hero and suggest me to clean the beach near my house for 10 months. After the entrance exam, I ask him again for advice in battle, but he dump me with a psychotic teacher who beats the shit out of me for 2 months." I summarized everything.

' left some of the important details, but that's basically the gist of it.' Shinomori stated.

"Oof." Mina said with a wince.

"Yeah." I laughed humorlessly. "But, in positive side of things, my quirk control is better, and I gain sixth senses thanks to the accumulated paranoid feelings inside me."

"...bro, that ain't funny." Okay, my attempt of joke went horribly wrong as Eiji-kun looks like a kicked puppy. I sigh as I give both of them a side hug.

"Please don't endanger yourself again for the sake of training." Ocha-chan muttered.

".....I can only promise to try." I stated.

"Why?" Ocha-chan asked sadly. God, it broke my heart to see this.

"My quirk is destructive, and unexpected event might happens. So, I can only promise to try." I said.

"....okay...." Ochako mutter.

"After school, why don't we, alongside the others, go and hang out at somewhere? Your choice." I said.

" pay for my mochi." Ocha-chan said.

"Deal." I said immediately. I immediately heard Mina squeal.

"Kiri, you need to step up your game! That girl might stole your man!" And just like that, I promise myself to ban her from my chat contact.

"Mina!" I could only hear Mina cackled maniacally, making me certain to ban her. After the whole chat and few minutes walk through the hallway, we manage to find Class 1-A. Suddenly, we heard a shout.

"Get your feet off the table this instant!" I groaned, forgotting a certain rule-follower is here. He may be better in the future canon, but right now, he's in my 'little shit' list.

'Little shit list, really?' Banjo asked in deadpanned manner. I sighed before opening the door and surely, Iida can be seen scolding Bakugou, who places his legs on the table like he owns this place. God, please, sent somebody ro put him down a peg.

'Can't you do it on your own?' En asked.

'At my current level, he's still the better fighter.' I replied.

'Really? Your fighting skill is good, your strength is amazing, and you have improve a lot in 2 months.' Nana points out

'Sorry, Nana. I'm not taking any chances. That guy is portrayed as unbeatable not without any reason.' I replied while remembering most of the knowledge about Bakugou. Despite being a shitty person, his skills and strength are no joke. You need good strength and endurance to endure the explosive recoil, his reflexes are inhuman for someone who didn't unlock Observation, and he's not an idiot like the typical generic bullies. So, yeah, my odds against him is still as low as the canon.

I shakes my head off the thought before I decided to look at others, who looks at the chaotic environment dumbfoundly.

"Umm, is this the right class?" Ochako muttered.

"Sadly, yup." I sighed for the umpteenth time.

"Is that him? The guy who used to bullied you?" Eijirou whispered while pointing at Bakugou. Right, I've told almost the whole story about my past to them, specifically, my relationship with Bakugou. I told them the short version as I'm not into minor details in explanation.

Can you even believe that this universe's Izuku loves Bakugou so much that once confessed to him 5 years ago and got brutally beaten for it? And even until the day before I took over, he still loves him?! I conclude that this universe Izuku needs therapy before I nodded at him in reply.

'I think you alongside those fanfic writers are right, Ninth.' Yoichi said.

'His mental health is worse than in canon.' I retorted. I suddenly felt someone squeeze my hand gently, causing me to turn around and saw the culprit, Eijirou, who look at me in worry.

"I'm fine. I got over it because of you guys." I said, understanding why he did it.

"We're still worry." Kirishima said as I can hear the worry tone clearly from his voice.

"Yeah, that long duration of trauma isn't something you can deal in just few months." Ochako also said with the same amount of worry.

"What are you guys talking about?" Mina asked in confusion. I forgot she's right next to us.

"We're talking about my ex-childhood friend turns bully." I said while pointing at Katsuki who looks like he threatening Iida, who look horrified at Bakugou's antagonistic attitude.

"How did he got accepted in the first place?" Mina asked with a scowl.

"Dunno, I suspect a favoritism by our old middle school teacher, but I can't prove it." I replied before looking at Ochako and Eijirou. "And you two. Thanks for worrying, but I really am fine. Sure, I'm not fully recover, but you two and the others really help me a ton. And I'm really grateful for that. Those two months of hanging out together are one of the best memories I have."

I saw Ochak-chan and Eiji-kun smiled brightly before suddenly, they hugged me much to my surprise. I simply return the hug. Of course, the universe have to ruin it. Mina literally squeal in delight.

"Gosh, you three are so adorable!!" Mina exclaimed happily. This catches the whole class' attention. I am quite shock at how terrible their senses of awareness are.

Speaking of senses of awareness, I decided to turn on my Observation. I flinched as my Observation senses Bakugou's hatred. Holy shit, how did this guy has that much hate towards Izuku!?

'Jesus, kid. That guy is sick in his head!' Thank you, Banjo, for stating the obvious. I decided to ignore his hatred and try to sense something else. After few seconds, I manage to detect someone below us. I take a glance on my back and I saw it. The legendary Kakuna, SSS-rank, seasonal limited edition, Aizawa Shota. I can clearly hear the vestiges, except a few, wheezing in laughter.

"You!" I returns my gaze towards my front, seeing Iida approaching me. "I am Tenya Iida from-!"

"Soumei Academy. Yeah, I heard." I interrupted him. Not being rude, but we got a more pressing matter. "I'm Izuku Midoriya, and I suggest that you and others to go back to the seat. The teacher is already here."

"Teacher? I don't see anyone." Iida said in confusion.

"Look down." I suggested, which he did and I wish I have a polaroid camera to take a picture of everyone's reaction.

"Excluding the problem child, you all really need to work with your spatial awareness." The man said before pulling a juice pouch and drink it. "If you all here only to made friends, then pack your stuff and leave."

I hold myself from facepalming, I was literally caught off guard when he pull this shit at my first rodeo on BnHA. I notices everyone's bewildered face, and I can guess they're all thinking 'What the hell?'. I took this chance to went to an empty seat and thankfully, I manage to find one.

One that is away from Bakugou.

My action snaps everyone out of their thoughts and immediately went to their seat. This allows Aizawa to get out of the sleeping bag and reach the lecture desk.

"Welcome to the hero course." Aizawa said with a tone that sound like he's dying due to tiredness. "I am Aizawa Shota, and I might be your homeroom teacher for this year."

'Oh right, the expulsion.' I thought with dread.

"It took you all 8 seconds before you all to shut up, this is unacceptable. Time is precious, something that rational students would understand."

'I forgot how intense and stern he is.' I thought with a sweatdrop.

"Alright, let's get to it. Get to the changing room, grab the gym clothes at each of your designation locker, and meet me outside." Aizawa said before walking out. Everyone watch the whole thing in silence before I decided to follow his order. I didn't need more of his intense glare.


"You're early, good."

I look at Aizawa stare at me impassively. I wonder why is he staring at me like that. Is it because of the weird shit I pull during the entrance exam.

"Y-yeah..." I said while rubbing my head sheepishly. "Y-you're Eraserhead, right?"

" know me?" Aizawa said with raised eyebrow.

"Y-yeah, you're an underground hero that able to nullify any emitter and transformation quirk, and fighting quirkless using special-made capture scarf. B-but, I wonder where's your goggles?" I said while tilting my head.

", you have brains as well." Aizawa said impassively. "Tell me, what exactly is your quirk?"

"U-uhm, it's an emitter/stockpile quirk. I can use it to amplify my strength, speed, and durability. Currently, I can only use low percentage and if I overdid it, I can broke my arms. It's also possible to explode my limbs if I use recklessly." I said while wincing mentally, remembering how All Might mention it once. "It was the reason why I thought I was quirkless till I was 14."

I look at Aizawa and I notice he looks a bit shock before regain him composure. I was a bit confused before I realize that I forgot to update my quirk record. I guess the daily beating and constant kicks from Gran Torino on my head made me forgot about it.

'No, you're just too focus on the future to forgot everything.' Yoichi said as I groan mentally. This is another part of myself hate so much. I always forgot small details like this.

'Kid, don't blame yourself. Everyone is not perfect enough to remember every detail.' Banjo said.

'You may be right. But, the problem is, this always happens to me.' I replied in annoyance. 'Damn it, I thought I got better.'

'Ninth, you're being too hard on yourself.' Nana points out.

'Am I?' I thought in anger. 'I have made so many mistake in my past. I tried to not repeat my past mistake over and over and over again, but no matter what I did, it always happen! I always made mistake, either small or big!'

'Kid, you're overreacting.' Banjo said.

'The last time I made mistake like this, It almost cost my graduations. I almost failed. I barely passed! And I almost got myself in trouble with all of those mistake! It was so tiny, so miniscule, but it cause a major impact!' I retorted with the same amount of anger. All I heard is silence. '...not again.' I let my temper loose again.

'Kid-,' I cut Banjo off immediately.

'This is another example of what I mean. I promise myself to control my anger, but I let it control me again.' I thought regretfully. Why can't I do anything right? I decided to snap myself into reality as I saw everyone just arrive here. I felt Bakugou glaring at me, but I didn't care. I'm not Izuku, and I ain't satisfy that man-child's bruised ego.

"You all sure took your time." Aizawa said while looking at everyone. "10 minutes to change your clothes. Tons of civilians have already died."

Yeah, he's as harsh as I remember. I notices some students winced at the harsh words. I can't blame them.

"Anyway, we waste enough time. Today, you all will have a Quirk Assessment Test." Aizawa said, making everyone looks a bit surprise.

"Quirk Assessment Test?" Everyone parroted in confusion.

"Sensei, what about the orientation? All of us are gonna miss it!" Ocha-chan tried to argue.

"If you all are going to be pro heroes, that kind of stuff is irrelevant. It's a waste of time." I really doubt that. If they all are going for limelight, such thing is quite important, especially if they are Japan's top pro heroes. "In U.A, each teachers are given a certain freedom, so I can run my class however I see fit."

"I heard a rumor about this, but I wasn't expecting it to be true." I heard Iida mutters quietly. That 'rumor' is probably from Ingenium.

"In your school, each of you have taken standardized test at least once in your lives, but you all never use your quirk during this kind of test." Aizawa stated before typing something in his phone. "The country made laws about this in order to prevent anyone with the most power excel. But, it has so many flaws that I'm sure it'll backfired on their face badly, and sadly, that might happen."

.....laws and politics. Pfft. Who needs them?

"Midoriya." I perked up when he called me. Well, technically not me, but I'm in his body, so.....yeah, you get what I mean. "You manage to get the highest score at the entrance exam. At your middle school, what was your record in softball distance throw?"

Apparently, him calling me out gains several people's attention. I turn around and sure enough, they all whispered to each other.

"Wait, he got first!?"

"Midoriya. As in Midoriya Izuku? The one with 95 Rescue Points!?"

"Holy shit!"

I hear them whispers loud and clear. Never in my life I felt so uncomfortable like this. It didn't help that I'm afraid of people talking at my back. I decided to ignore them and look at Aizawa.

"I-if I remember correctly....." What was the moment Izuku did this in middle school? I look into Izuku's memories. Oh god, this is shameful. ".....20 meters." Yeah, that low. How did this green-headed never think of gaining muscle, I never know. My cheek flushed when I heard them start whispering again, making me lower my head in shame.

My Observation went off as I let out my hand and something made contact with my palm. I notice that it's a softball.

"So, it wasn't a fluke." I heard Aizawa mutter. Did he try to test my reflexes after seeing me noticing him just now!? "Alright, now I want you to throw it with your quirk. Anything goes as long as you stay in the circle."

" said, anything goes, right?" I need to clarify this because I have an ingenious idea for a prank. I really need this to not too focus on what happen earlier.

"Yes." Aizawa said in annoyed tone. "Now, hurry up. You're wasting time."

"Right, right." I said before looking at Ocha-chan. "Ocha-chan, lemme borrow your hand."

"Uhm...sure?" Ocha-chan did so before pulling out her hand. I let her touch the ball, five-finger-contact, before I enter the circle next to Aizawa. I could feel him glaring holes at me, but I didn't care. He said anything goes, so I did. I immediately activates One For All at 10%.

"Cowabunga!" I can't help but yell before gripping the ball and toss it as far as possible. I grin widely as I saw several sonic boom made by the thrown ball. Newton's second law, baby! I look at Aizawa, who twitch his eyes in annoyance, before giving my best cheeky grin.

"You said, anything goes, right?" I asked cheekily. God, I love loopholes.

"....problem child." Yup, that nickname is official. He then shows the result and as expected, it's infinity.



"Wait, didn't he let that brown haired girl touch it first?"

"Isn't that cheating?!"

I chuckled before noticing Ocha-chan glaring at me and pouting at the same time. I mouth an apology to her sheepishly, and it turns out she is joking, judging from her amused smile.

God, I love that girl.




'...pfft.' Now, I just want to dig a hole and bury myself in it.

"That's amazing!"

"I wanna try it myself! This looks fun!"

Mina, why do you have to doomed us all?

"Fun, eh?" An unsettling smile appears on his face. "3 years of high school to prepare yourself for hero work, and you think it's gonna be all games and funtimes, eh?"

The hair on my neck starts to rise as I felt unsettling pressure emits from Aizawa. I also notices everyone even froze, even some of them are on verge of fainting. Oh, wait, the grape-haired boy already fainted, and....did he piss on himself?!

I look at Ocha-chan, Eiji-kun, Ashido, and Koda shakily standing. Crud, of all people I have in mind, I wasn't expecting Aizawa to has Conqueror's Haki. Is it really a Conqueror's Haki? If it is Conqueror's, did he do it subconsciously or in command?

"Very well, then. You'll compete in 8 physical test in order to gauge your potential. Whoever has the least potential shall be expelled." Aizawa said with a wicked smile, causing everyone to be scared, except a few, like Yaoyorozu and Todoroki.

"He's not joking." I said, making everyone look at me. "H-he expelled the whole class last year. I-it was UA's most controversial news, being a hot topic even till today." I saw the color on Yaoyorozu's face immediately drained, but Todoroki seems indifferent

"You can't send us home!" I heard Kyouka shouted. I guess this is another change in timeline. Ocha-chan has lower self esteem issues than in canon, hence it was Jirou who voice it out. "All of us earn our place here fair and square!! This isn't fair!"

"Oh, and you think natural disaster are fair? How about power hungry villains? Catastropical accident that wipe out an entire city? Kidnapping? Human trafficking? Murder? Torture? No, none of those are fair. Some of you should've know this, life is anything but fair." I know that very well. My life and Izuku's past.

"As a hero, you will face against every kind of unfairness and overcome them. You want to be a pro? You're going to need to push yourself beyond limit. These 3 years, every one of you will face every hardship UA has offer. Your life wouldn't be the same as UA made sure you all went through a living hell in order to be a hero. Now, why don't you prove yourself that you didn't earn your place at Hero Course by mistake, Plus Ultra Style?" Aizawa finished with a manic smirk.

I can feel everyone gets nervous. Well, except Bakugou and Todoroki. Those two are really confident. I saw Ocha-chan, Koda-kun, and even Eiji-kun become more nervous.

"Sensei." I said, catching Aizawa's and everyone's attention. "You're right. Life is anything but fair. But, know this, sensei. We fought tooth and nail in order to get here. None of us are leaving this place without a fight!"

I hope that my short speech is enough to lift their spirit up, and I'm very glad that it did. I grin when I saw Ocha-chan, Eiji-kun, Koda-kun, Ashido, and slowly, each students show determine sparks in their eyes. Of course, Bakugou glare at me while Todoroki didn't give a single fuck.

"...." I look at Aizawa, who slowly grows a huge grin on his face.


The first test is 50 meter dash, and like in canon, Tenya dominates this round, Mina and Tsuyu gets a nice score despite their quirk, Aoyama goofing around, Ojiro gets a good score while Ocha-chan gets an average score. I saw her look dejected.

"Hey, don't be so downhearted." I decided to cheer her up. "There's 7 other test left. You will get a chance to shine."

"Thanks, Izu-kun." Ocha-chan said with a small smile. I'm buying this Kirby tons of mochi later.

"Bakugou, Midoriya." Great, the universe really hates me. I can still feel Bakugou glaring holes at me. I tried to ignore it but my Observation prevents me to do so.

"You'll eat my dust, Deku." Bakugou snarls at me, which I reply by rolling my eyes. I immediately activates One For All and suddenly, I decided to test something as I took Luffy's Gear 2nd's iconic pose.

"Runner, on your mark. Ready" I heard the robot's sound and I prepare myself.

"Soru." I mutter as when the robot shoots the signal. I immediately kicks the ground as fast and as many times as I can. I can feel my body launch towards the finish line and I almost lose my bearing when I stop myself.

"1.2 second." I was really pleased at the result. The 2 months of training with Sorahiko and Yagi didn't just help to improve my Haki and quirk. I decided to at least try to utilize Rokushiki when possible, more specifically, Soru. At first, Sorahiko told me that I was being an idiot and all the 6 techniques I want to learn is impossible.

I don't blame him though. Kicking at least 10 times on the ground to move at super speed? It sounds ridicilous and impossible.

It took me almost two months to at least perform an imperfect version of Soru, and I gotta say, I can't help but rub it to Sorahiko's face. But, it was a big mistake as he ended up forcing me to abuse the shit out of Soru in order to perfect it. I can perform it at least, but it's super hard to stop.

Suddenly, I felt Bakugou passed me as smoke covered my face, causing me to cough.

'Fuck that bastard.' I thought in annoyance. I heard the robot stated 4.13 seconds. Suddenly, my Observation went off again as I immediately step back. I saw Bakugou almost reach me with his explosive twitchy fingers.

"What the fuck was that, Deku?!" Bakugou growled.

"I utilize my quirk to the fullest." I shrugged, trying to hide the soreness using Soru. Apparently, kicking the ground more than ten times for a burst of speed has one hell of a drawback.

"Bullshit, you're fucking quirkless!" Bakugou roared as he was going to explode at me again. I was about to dodge but I notice Bakugou's palm stop exploding.

"I suggest you to stop, Bakugou." I heard Aizawa stated as Bakugou glare at me. "Now, go back with the others. You're wasting enough time already."

I sigh as Bakugou snarls at me before performing a Stomping Tantrum. Ooo, I think it's super effective as I can feel the ground shaking.

'Kid, you really have weird sense of humor.' I simply grunt as a sign of reply. I didn't really want to talk to them right now, afraid I might snapped again.

"Whoa, how did you move so fast!? I know your quirk boost all of your strengths, but I wasn't expected that much!" Ocha-chan stated. Are those stars in her eyes?

"It's a technique I learn, letting me move in a burst of speed." I said as Eiji-kun look at me. Wait, how did he has stars in his eyes?

"That's so manly! Can you teach me!?" He asked excitedly.

"S-sure, but it's not easy. It took me almost two months to learn, and that was an imperfect version." I said.

"THAT'S AN IMPERFECT VERSION!?" Both yelled in unison before they swarm me with more question. I frantically look around and spotted Koda. I immediately gave him a pleading look, but Koda looks away nervously. Traitor!!


The second test is a grip strength, and I have to say, this is the part I was most curious about. Izuku's average grip strength is 56kg without his quirk. I wonder how much is it if I use 10% OFA.

So, I did it. And to my surprise, it was 267 kg. That's almost 5 times a normal strength. I'm so confused at how OFA's multiplier works. The strength in anime and manga always inconsistent. Sometimes 5% is super powerful, and sometimes, it was too weak.

I heard a crushing noise and I turn around. I saw Yaoyorozu uses an industrial clamp to crush the grip tester. I shudder, feel pity to anyone dare to be at her bad side.

I heard students crowding Shoji and his grip tester. As expected, his brute strength catches their attention. If I remember correctly, it was more than 500kg. I wonder why the anime didn't let Shoji use his strength more. I mean, sure, his focus is more of a tracker, but at least show him that he can held his own with his strength.

I then notice Todoroki and I saw him froze the grip tester. I wonder if he actually uses his ice to frozen the outside and the inside of the grip to increase the pressure and get high score.

Well, I don't know if it might work on the tester. Pipe, sure, but I'm not sure for the grip tester.

"Hey, Izu-bro!" Eiji went over here with a large grin. "How much did you get? Mine is 197kg!" *whistle*, that's impressive for non-strength quirk. I showed him mine. "Damn it! I'm still far away!"

"You should at least proud. You get that high despite not having a strength quirk." I said while patting his head. Why do I find this satisfying?

"Really!?" Eiji starts to shine like a sun. My eyes are unable to handle it.

"Y-yeah." I said while looking away. And I immediately regret it as Bakugou glared at me. Seriously, his hate boner towards me is off the chart!!



I held my ass in pain as I barely able to clear the sandbox in our 3rd test, standing long jump. God, I really need to learn Sky Walk. I don't care if I'm going to have Float as my future quirk, It's much cooler running at air.

I really hate Bakugou laughing at me mockingly, stating how I'm pathetic and all. How did Izuku able to endure it, I would never know. Keep it down, me, or I'll exploded like when I was elementary.


Repeated side steps are our next test. All of us got beaten by a grape-headed pervert. The biggest blow on all of our pride.


"Another infinity!?!"

I can't help but wince as they shout. I have enough people shouting at my head and causes headaches. I really didn't need another one.

"Midoriya." I was a bit taken aback when he called me. So, I point at myself while looking at Aizawa in confusion. "Yes. Since you use Uraraka's quirk to get your score, I want to see how much you did without it."

"Sure." I grab the ball that Aizawa tossed at me before going into the circle again. I take a deep breath before I tossed it upward. I immediately activates OFA before kicking the ball to the sky. I was a bit surprise at the sonic boom caused by the ball.

It's official, OFA has the most inconsistant power scaling in the whole BnHA franchise.

I look at Aizawa, who stare at me monotonously before showing my score. I clench my fist in excitemet.


At least this made sense. Since Izuku uses his 100% on a finger, the distance was a bit off since finger has less muscle and human's legs has higher muscle mass than arms.

Also, I've been focus on my legs for Soru, so it's another bonus.

I decided to go back with the others as it was Bakugou's turn. I seriously want my day passed without seeing his permanent scowl. I swear, I think I saw some wrinkles on his face.

I saw him did the same thing as the anime and I can feel the shockwaves and heat made by his explosion. I turn to see his result and I can't help but feel happy.

712.6 m

I can see Bakugou seething at me. His face is red and I can see vein popping on his forehead. This is amusing at first, but I can't help but feel tired of it.

His hate boner towards Izuku never fail to baffles me to no end. And I can't even believe this is Horikoshi's fav child.

"Damn you, Deku!" See what I mean!? This!!! How can someone even like this rabid dog!? Sure, Izuku's attitude annoyed people, but this guy is impossible. How did those fans even like him and ship him with Izuku?!

I don't know about you guys, but in my opinion, they literally didn't give a shit about Stockholm Syndrome and thinks it's no big deal!

I was glad that Aizawa decided to stop Bakugou from going too far as he immediately wrapped Bakugou with his capture scarf.

"That's strike 2, Bakugou. No teachers in UA tolerates bullying and discrimination! One more time and I'll expelled you from hero course!!" I was taken aback at how serious Aizawa is. He literally didn't give a shit when this happen in canon, so seeing him guving an actual warning is surprising.

"You can't do this to me!!! I'm the best in here!" Bakugou roared. Wow.....this guy may be a genius, but this sure is one of his dumbest moment.

"Do I look like I give a shit about your opinion? You just get yourself on thin ice Bakugou. And as for the best, I can point out almost half the class that are better than you." I grew more surprised at this. "You're here to be a hero, every student, recommended or not, are not above the rules. You're nothing special, Bakugou. Remember that."

Holy shit, this is the first time I saw someone directly hit Bakugou on his pride. Sure, a lot of fanfics did so, but to see it in real life.


"Go back with the others. I rather not waste my quirk on you, it's onlu worsen my dry eyes." Yeah, that's a bad drawback. You got the most OP quirk in history, but it's weakness is dry eyes. That sucks.

I saw Bakugou grits his teeth before walking away in anger and Ocha-chan approach me.

"Are you okay?" Ocha-chan asked in worry. It's cute. I can't help but feel happy.

"I'm fine, he didn't touch me." I replied as Ochako smiled.

"I'm glad." Ochako said before pouts angrily. "What was that meanie's deal, anyways?! It was like he has a hate boner towards you!"

"I did mention it before, I grew up with him since we were kids." I said, recollecting Izuku's memories that was forcefully implanted in my brain.

"I know, you did mention it before. But, what I mean is how did he held so much hatred towards you?"

"Funny enough, it wasn't like this. We use to be close, our moms are best friends and love to arranging playdates for both of us." I chuckled at Ochako's disbelief face. "But, Bakugou gets his quirk when he was 4 and I didn't. He starts to grow arrogant, mean, and outright cruel." I took a deep breath before looking at Ocha.

"What I forgot to mention is the reason behind his growing ego. He inherits his mother's brashness, temper, and pride, making him an arrogant child. And not to mention, the adults and kids endlessly praises him like he's the person that was destined to be the new Buddha. His ego inflates like a hot air balloon, with the durability of a wet tissue."

"And when he sees you with quirk and beat his score..." Ochako manages to piece together the puzzle.

"His ego can't handle it." I sighed before blush in embarrassment. "It....didn't help that I.....also part of the kids who love to praise him despite what he did. And.....I....was ashame that I ever once love him and even confess to him in front of everyone."

"...Izu-kun..." Ochako said in worry. Huh...I was expecting disgusted expression when she saw how Bakugou act.

'She's your friend, Ninth.' Yeah, I know. But, not everyone is perfect or one-of-a-kind 99.999% purity.

'True.' Yoichi snorted.

"No need to worry. I grow out of that phase.....especially when he told me to jump off the roof in order to get a quirk in my next life." Well, it was entirely my opinion if I'm Izuku. I didn't realizes I actually said the last part out loud as I heard Ochako gasp. ".....I said that out loud, did I?"

"I'm sending him to the moon!" Ochako said as I immediately grabs her. "Izu-kun!?"

"It's not worth it, Ochako." I said before hugging her from the back. "It's not worth it. I gave up on him and let it go. It's not going to do anything. Let karma hits him like a falling meteor."

"B-but, it's not fair." Ochako mutters.

"I know. Aizawa said that already." I said while patting her head. "It's not worth your chance in Hero Course, Ocha-chan. Assaulting someone outside combat practice is not permitted, no matter the reason. Why do you think Bakugou got two strikes already in just one day?"

"....I still hate him." Ochako pouted as I chuckles.

"I never said to like him. Just don't let your hate controls you. I learn that the hard way...." I mutters the last part quietly. Ochako went to hug my arms.

"If you two are done with public display of affection, can we move on to the next test?" Aizawa didn't hesitate with his words. I realize our current position and immediately let go of each other before we start to blush. I can hear some girls squealing like crazy.

Just great. Not one day, and you have become a target for teasing materials.

"S-sorry..." I mutters.

"I'll be honest. With how strict he was, I thought he will give us a strike." Ocha-chan whisper. Don't tempt with fate, girl.

"Every pro heroes have personal lives outside heroism. But, a true pro hero able to balance either their lives or works without affecting each of them negatively." Aizawa stated. "If you want to be a pro hero, learn how to control your hormones and urges."

"W-we're not couples!!" We decided to clarify it. But, judging from the disbelief expression everyone made, I doubt they believe us.

"A pair of pussies. Perfect for each other." Even Bakugou doesn't believe us!!!!!


Our 6th test are distance run. It's like a marathon, but it was scaled by how long we can run. My stamina grows tenfold thanks to the constant dodging from both Torino and All Might non stop.

Yaoyorozu uses a solar-powered scooter. I don't care if she uses her quirk, that's still cheating!!!


Our 7th test is seated toe touch. If I did this test 2 months ago, I would've failed. Apparently, All Might's training only helps with my flexibility at minimum because our training involves building up muscles in every part of my body.

And if anyone wonders why I said I'll failed if I did this 2 months ago. Well.....

If you have a mentor who can move at a speed of jet and strike you from different directions, you tend to get creative when you dodge them.

I shivers as I remembering the horrible training I must endure just to not get hit by that painful kick.


The 8th and final test is push-ups. I was super glad that I got reincarnated with Izuku's memories and reflexes because if I did push ups with my old body, I bet I won't get one push up right.

'Why?' En asked in confusion.

'....' I didn't answer them as I feel my ears grow warm.

'Oh...yeah, you did terrible. How did you do it for a decade and still got it wrong!?' Thanks, Nana. Share my embarrassing moments to everyone, why don't you?


"I'm too lazy to show all of your results and the calculation, so I just show the overall ranking."

1. Yaoyorozu Momo

2. Midoriya Izuku

3. Bakugou Katsuki

4. Tenya Iida

5. Fumikage Tokoyami

6. Mezo Shoji

7. Ojiro Mashirao

8. Kirishima Eijirou

9. Ashido Mina

10. Uraraka Ochako

11. Koda Koji

12. Todoroki Shoto

13. Sato Rikidou

14. Asui Tsuyu

15. Aoyama Yuga

16. Sero Hanta

17. Kaminari Denki

18. Jirou Kyouka

19. Tooru Hagakure

20. Mineta Minoru

....I rubbed my eyes before I stare at the screen in disbelief. Not only I just perform FAR better than Izuku in canon, but why in the fuck Todoroki in rank 12!?

"Wait, I don't get it."

"Todoroki is the one with ice quirk, right?"

"Base on him introduce himself to Yaoyorozu when she talks to him, yeah."

"How did he get that low? I saw his scores and he is far better than us."

This is so absurb that everyone even voiced and share my opinion unintentionally!

"Todoroki. Why did you hold back?" This made me widen my eyes. Of course!! In canon, Izuku got low because the test is testing how you did while using your quirk!! The more versatility you have with your quirk to get high score, the higher your rank was!! Izuku only get low because he only uses his quirk once, and it causes one hell of a backlash that his rank drops like a ton of bricks.

Well, at least, that's my personal headcanon.

"I'm not using his fire."

....sorry, Todoroki. You may be the best To-dork-oki, but right now, you're acting like an idiot.

....yeah, not my best pun. But, I tried.

'Kid, just no.' Fuck you, Dr. Eggman. Most of my puns are somewhat funny! 'Now, you're just trying to patch your bruised ego.'

It's official, Daigoro becomes the worst OFA users personality wise in my personal list.

'Kid, you're being mean!'

"Is that your reason?" Aizawa asked as he glared at Todoroki. "You think villains won't use that bullshit to exploit you? What will you do if a villain held hostage on gunpoint and you're only able to use your fire because the enemy is immune to your ice? Will you tell the victim's family you let them die because you didn't want to use your fire?"

"I'll avoid that kind of situation." Todoroki stated stubbornly.

"And now, you're just being irrational." Aizawa said while rolling his eyes. Todoroki glared at Aizawa but he was unbothered. "I suggest you to go seek help with this problem or you'll going to endanger yourself and others around you."

I have a feeling Todoroki won't listen at all. I'm going to do something about it or else, he will die. Talk to him normally right now might not work.

I was once went through such phase, so I know.

I sigh as I look at Koda. Koda smiled nervously at me. I playfully glare at him, making Koda squeaked. I feel bad about him but he betrays me at the mercy of Ocha and Eiji.

"Umm, sensei?" Jirou asked nervously, getting his attention. "A-are some of us getting expelled?" This made everyone nervous. I forgot that I accidentally 'helped' Aizawa to scare everyone.

".....No. Not for now." Aizawa stated, making everyone stiffen. "Congratulations, none of you are going home. Must be my new record." He mutters the last part quietly, but some of us heard that.

"Anyways, you can find your time table with all of the class syllabus under your table. Look at it so you won't embarrass yourself by bringing the wrong book tomorrow." Aizawa said before he walks away.

I saw him walk towards a near corner, before I remember about a certain scene. That place is where All Might and Eraserhead have a small talk, with All Might points out how Aizawa lies about the expulsion.

"Izu-kun." I turn around to see Ocha looking at me in worry.

"Sorry, Ocha. I was just relieved that we're able to survive." I said sheepishly.

"You sound like this whole thing is a survival game." Eiji points out.

"Like I said before, he wasn't joking about the expulsion." I said with a sigh. "He was infamous in social media for such thing, causing UA having to face several controversies. It was the reason why UA heroic course has low passing rate."

"How did he even become a teacher?" Ocha asked in confusion.

"Not sure. I may knows a lot of heroes. But, there's informations I can't get without going on an illegal route, which I won't do it." I sighed.

"Ah..." Ocha simply nodded and suddenly, Eiji hugs my left arm, which caught me off guard.

"I heard what you said before." Oh, right...

"Yeah.....not my proudest moment." I said with a frown.

"How are you handling with....everything?" Eiji asked.

".....I meet adults who willing to lend a helping hand for me." I reply with vague answers.

"Oh, they sound manly." Eiji said as I chuckles.

"Yeah, they are." I smiled before Eiji let go of the hug. I saw Koda approach me nervously.

"'re cruel, Koda. Leaving me at the mercy of these dorks." I said jokingly as Eiji and Ocha pouts. Koda sheepishly looks down before muttering something. "Sorry, Koda. I can't hear you."

"I'm sorry." Koda mutters again. I feel bad about it, even thought I was joking.

"If you're going to apologize, you need to do one thing for me." Koda looks confused before I pull him a hug. "Lemme hug ya, you cute cinnamon roll."

Koda blushes in embarrasment as I also pulled Ocha and Eiji to join in, which they return the gesture.

"You love hugs, huh?" Ocha mutters.

"Well, you guys are a group of large, huggable, plushies." I said cheekily.

"Aww, you guys are so cute." I turn around and saw Mina behind me, standing next to a floating clothes and black haired girl, Hagakure and Yaoyorozu.

"M-Mina." Eiji said while his face starts to turn red.

"I have to say, you 4 are quite close. Did you all go to the sams school or childhood friends?" Yaoyorozu asked curiously.

"Nah. We meet each other since the entrance exam. We've been hang out since then." Eiji said with a grin before patting his back. "I meet Izu-bro here when I was in Musutafu to eat breakfast and wait for UA entrance exam. He cleans the Dagobah beach as his training for entrance exam."

"Wait, Dagobah Beach!? You mean the beach that turns into an illegal junkyard!?" Hagakure asked in disbelief, based on her exaggerated body language. I watch too many cartoons and anime to know how to read it. "YOU clean it!?"

"Yup!" Ocha said with a large grin. So much for keeping it to ourselves.

"Incredible." Yaoyorozu mutters in amazement.

"T-thanks....but, I'm sure you guys can do it as well, even did it better than me." I said.

"You're kidding me, right!?" Mina asked incredulously. "I'm not brave enough to even touch one of the trash! If I clean the beach, I'll just spray acids into the trash, which not only sounds less impressive, but my chemistry teacher made sure to drill into my head thatmelting any trash is bad idea for environment!"

"Like Ashido said, I also don't have any willpowers to even touch one of the trash." Hagakure said while shivering in disgust.

"Me either." Yaoyorozu admits in shame.

"No need to be ashame, Ashido, uhmm...Yaoyorozu, and Hagakure is it?" I asked, acting like I just neet her for the first time.

"Yup!" Hagakure said cheerfully.

"Yes, I'm surprise you know my name." Yaoyorozu stated while blinking.

"The others weren't subtle with their whispers, saying your name, stating about Todoroki introduce himself to you while pointing at you." I points out, making Mina and Hagakure looks sheepish. "Also, I accidentally heard you two introduce yourself before the gossip happens."

"I see." Yaoyorozu mutters while nodded.

"Hehe." I look at Hagakure's posture. I have a feeling that Hagakure is sticking her tongue out childishly.

"Anyways, like I said, no need to be ashame. If I have another way, I wouldn't touch those trashes even with a 10 feet pole." I said while rubbing my head.

"What do you mean?" Mina asked in confusion.

"Story for another time. Come on, we got to go back to class or else, Aizawa-sensei will be mad." I stated as they all shivers. I don't blame them.

No one's POV

"Why are you spying my class, All Might?"

Aizawa can be seen glaring at his side, specifically at All Might who looks a bit nervous.

"You do realizes that Nedzu ask you to bring them to the orientation, right?" All Might asked.

"He never stated that it's mandatory." Aizawa shrugged before he looks at All Might. "You're worrying about Midoriya, aren't you?"

"N-no-!" All Might was immediately cuts off by Aizawa.

"Don't lie. I always overheard about you talking about Midoriya everytime you visit Nedzu." Aizawa stated bluntly. "Only the first day and you already show favoritism."

"This coming from the man who willingly votes for 20 rescue points to Shinsou?" All Might asked with raised eyebrow.

"...why do you seem interested with Midoriya?" Aizawa asked.

"I meet him during the Sludge Villain incident, saw him willingly to save a boy with zero hesitation when the others were too busy waiting for someone with a 'right quirk', including me." All Might said in shame, surprising Aizawa. "But, I saw him, willingly save a boy without considering the danger. He help me to remember what's the important thing to be a hero. After the incident, I thank him for it and even help him to give advice for training to be a hero."

"....I see.." Aizawa mused. "Do you know about him being quirkless?"

"Yes." All Might nodded. "I thought you saw his file."

"I did, but I didn't know that he was quirkless until he was 14. I suspect him to be misdiagnosed quirkless, get his quirk when he was 6 or 8, a common age for most late bloomer, and forgot to update until now." Aizawa stated.

"Ah." All Might said with a cold sweat. 'Shit, I forgot to tell Midoriya about updating his quirk status. I failed as his mentor for ignoring such minor details!'

"But, for someone who has just unlock his quirk not long ago, he has good control." Aizawa mused.

"Yes, I meet him again at the day when he finds out he has a quirk. More specifically, the morning before the entrance exam." Aizawa loses his composure before he slipped. Luckily, he manage to regain his footing.

"....I'm sorry, but did you said that he found out he has a quirk at the morning before entrance exam?!" Aizawa asked in disbelief.

"Yes, and he is a prodigy. I just give him few advices when he told me his quirk and he immediately figures it out in less than 10 minutes!" All Might stated proudly, acting like a dad proud of his son's achievement.

"...has he ever mention how he learns how to fight?" Aizawa asked.

"He once mention it that he watch an instruction video in the internet." All Might mused. "And after the day of the exam result is distributed, I saw him trained by a.....retirdd pro hero." All Might's legs start shaking, much to Aizawa's disbelief.

"He is trained?" Aizawa asked in confusion.

"Y-yes.....b-by my old mentor. H-he somehow got his attention. Oh, god. The torture he endures." All Might whimpers. Never in his life, Aizawa expects All Might to whimpers of all things.

'What kind of training did Yagi and Midoriya endure!?' Aizawa thought in disbelief.


Main POV

"What a day."

I stood in front of the school gate with Ocha, Eiji, and Koda while waiting for Shinsou. I was a bit disappointed with the fact that Shinsou was at 1-B, but I ain't complaining about him in Hero Course.

Wait, if he's in Class 1-B, who has he replaced!? Or is the class has 21 students? Fuck, my knowledge of the future events are no longer valid.

'How many changes in the future I won't be able to predict?' I thought in dread, few cold sweats start to escape from me.

"Izu-kun?" I snaps out of my thought as Ocha calls me out. I look at her showing a worried expression. "Are you okay?"

"" I said honestly. "Got a lot of things in my mind."

"If you don't mind, what is bothering you?" Ocha asked in worry. I saw Eiji and Koda share the same expression.

"...I just worry about the future. I have a feeling that our class might face dangerous situation before we can even pass our 2nd year." I stated ominously, getting their attention. "I found out that All Might has been slow down in his job, and from my calculations, he only shows at average 3 hours a day. I fear that villains notice this and take this as advantage to grow and launch a surprise attack. Or even worse, limiting All Might's appearances on any dangerous situation, causing him to retire early."

I didn't tell them the full truth as I still respect All Might's secret. But, I can't fully lie to them about everything. So, I decided to tell them half of the story.

"....then, we'll grow stronger." Ochako said, getting our attention. "Izu-kun's right. All Might won't be a hero forever, and it's up to current heroes to catch up the slack. So, let's grow stronger together, to ease All Might's burden so he can retire peacefully!"

"...Ocha-chan, glad to see you still keep your spirits high." I said with a slight smile. Still a work in progress.

"W-well, I was inspired from your words." Ocha said while blushing. Gosh, she's so adorable. "I'm going to prove I can get stronger so I won't rely too much from anyone and become a proper rescue hero!"

"So manly!" Eiji, I love you as the sunshine child, but that word doesn't fit Ocha at all. "Hey, how about we train together!? All of us were too busy having fun while celebrating our success in hero course these few months."

"Y-yeah." We turn around and look at Koda. "F-from Aizawa-sensei's words, it looks like he won't go easy on us. And we might not be able to handle any challenge he might set for our class if we didn't improve."

"....Koda, I'm so proud of you." I hugs the cinnamon roll. "I still remember how shy you are when we first meet! Look how much you grown, able to comfortably talk to us!"

We all laughed together as I pat Koda's rocky head. I can't help but feel happy, but I still worry for them. All For One is a dangerous person and we face him on a war in the future. I gotta try to connect with the whole class and helps each of them to grow stronger.

Sadly, it's easier said than done, especially since I'm an introvert who never have a whole class as my friends. I'm pretty sure I can count my friends with only my fingers.

'Kid, you have us. No need to worry.' I heard Banjo said as his words ease my worries.

'Look, I'm sorry for what happen earlier. I-' I was immediately cut off by Shinomori.

'Not to worry. We understand.' I heard Shinomori answered. 'But, I suggest you to find help. Your mental health is not as good as you thought.'

'I want to, believe me. But.....who can I even talk to without sounds crazy?' I replied.

'You can start with us.' Nana suggested.

'.....fine.' I surrendered. 'Maybe after I hang out with my friends. I can't exactly socialize while absent at the same time.'

'Are you sure it's a good idea to get close to your friends? They're your weaknesses and AFO might exploit it.' I feel a sudden rage rising from my chest hearing Second's words.

'Let that fucker come. I'll made sure I squash that sad excuse of a head of his so badly that even Frenchman will think it's a plate of purée.' I replied in threatening manner. 'And Second, I don't care how important you are in hostory of OFA and AFO, but call my friends weaknesses again, I'll made sure you regret it.'

' least you got guts.' I heard Second mutters and scoffed. How uptight this man can be?

"Midoriya." I heard Shinsou's voice as I turn around and saw Shinsou walk towards us. "Sorry for being late. I was talking with my classmates."

"*le gasp* Is Shinsou replacing us with Class 1-B after everything we gone through?!" I said dramatically, making the others also gasped dramatically while Shinsou rolled his eyes.

"Very funny, dork." I laughed before patting his shoulder.

"So, how's hero course?" I asked.

"It was.....not what I expected. Everyone was nice and they didn' judge my quirk. Without including my classmate, Monoma, wants me to join for his 'conquest' against 1-A to 'show Class 1-B is superior', which I decline, nothing interesting happens." Shinsou shrugged.

"I spot a problem." Ocha mutters dangerously. What are you thinking, Ocha-chan?

"Well, I'm glad you have fun experience in UA." I said with a grin. "I was a bit worry after hearing how your old school was."

"Y-yeah." Shinsou said while looking down. Suddenly, I heatd a voice.

"Hey, you guys!" Mina's voice can be heard loudly as we turn around and saw Mina, Yaoyorozu, Tooru, that Kendo, Tetsutetsu, and Iida?!

"Mina? Yaoyorozu? Tooru?"


We all stated in surprise, as none of us expecting this. We stop as they approach us.

"Midori!" Mina immediately hugs my arm, much to my surprise. "Why didn't you wait for me!? And, ooh, who's that handsome guy?" I saw Shinsou was shocked at the statement and become nervous.

"Shinsou, I was wondering where you are and who are they?" Kendo asked in confusion.

"I'm Midoriya Izuku, this is Kirishima Eijirou, Uraraka Ochako, Koda Koji. Shinsou and us have been friends since the end of the entrance exam." I reply as Kendo nodded. "Also, Shinsou, this is Ashido Mina, Eiji's classmate before UA, Yaoyorozu Momo, .....Iida Tenya, right?" Cue Iida nodding. "And Hagakure Tooru, our new classmates. So, who are they?"

"T-this is Kendo Itsuka, and Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu. We talk after the orientation. Also, why are you guys wondering where am I?"

"You dropped this." Kendo showed Shinsou a notebook, making Shinsou widen his eyes before grabbing the notebook.

"Thank you. I didn't realize I dropped this...." Shinsou mutters guiltily before looking at me. Right, that notebook is the one he use to take notes at my suggestion of how to improve his physical attributes. Of course, I made sure he starts at a basic level unlike Izuku who immediately went to hardcore mode, a.k.a dragging a giant fridge with All Might sitting on it at his first day of workout. I simply waves my hand, giving him a silent message of 'not to worry'.

"Again, thank you." Shinsou said with a nod.

"What are friends for." Kendo said with a smile.

"Whoa, you look jacked, bro!" Tetsutetsu stated while looking at me. "Tell me your workout plans!"

"Well, how about this? We were on our way to a nearby cafe selling desserts. Why don'y you all join in? Maybe we can get to know each other more and maybe share few tips or stories?" I suggested.

'And you told us you're an introvert.' Yoichi snorted.

'I took an advice from Nana,' I simply replied.

"That's a great idea!" Kendo said while clapping her hands.

"I agree." Momo stated with a nod. "This way, we might be able to have a close bond with our sister class. And perhaps, sharing knowledges with each other for our future heroic class."

"As expected from you, Midoriya-san, who got first at the entrance exam and figure out the exam's hidden clue!" Iida, you may have good intention, but I'm going to rip that leg off your body and use it to crack your thick skull.

'Ooh! This man woke up and choose violence!' Yoichi said with a giant grin.

'Yoichi, you're my next target. And you're using that meme several hours late!' I retorted as I have to stop our mental comversation as Tetsutetsu start to bombard me with several questions with the vestiges and my friends laugh at me.

To be continued