Chapter 4 - How to Survive UA Part 2

The next day

'A new start for a great day!'

I can't help but be happy about what's going to happen. I somehow made a group of new friends! Me, a fucking introvert who likes to stay in the room, afraid of social interactions, manage to made friends!

'Geez, you're being a total drama queen.' Nana teased.

'How can I not?' I replied happily. 'Sure, we're all focus on how to train our quirks, but that doesn't mean we simply focus on quirks.'

'It's a waste of time.' I heard Second scoffed.

'Okay, seriously, what's with you? You've been criticizing all of my actions and choices non-stop.' I asked in annoyed tone.

'Because you're wasting your time hanging out with your 'friend', when you can do something more important, like getting better control at OFA.'

'....I have life, Second.' I retorted.

'And that life ended when AFO went after you and your friends.' Second said. 'You got this quirk, you act like you know what you have got yourself into, yet this whole time I watch, you keep proves that you didn't deserve OFA.' Oh, god, this is Nighteye all over again.

'And did you even realizes what you're doing hanging out with your 'friends'?' What is the point of this conversation again? 'You making friends simply add more weaknesses for AFO to exploit! If you really want to prevent that from happening, I suggest you to ditch them.'

'...Excuse me?' I thought as I felt blood start boiling.

'Excused.' Second said coldly.

'Second, what the heck!?' Nana asked in shock.

'Don't be shocked, Seventh. You did the same thing with your family.' Second said dismissively.

'Sorry, I might need you to repeat that sentence, cuz all I heard is crazy.' I retort in anger.

'Do you think this is a joke, brat? All For One is a fucking monster. He will do everything to break you, you saw what happen to Seventh and her grandson!' Second points out.

'I'll made sure that won't happen. I'll help them get stronger.' I replied.

'Damn it, Ninth! You're not going anywhere with One For All if you're too focus on your friend! While you're too focus on your friends, All For One already made plans to ruin everyone's life!' Second stated in frustration.

'I ain't going that path, Second. I'm not a fucking ronin.' I replied before grabbibg my phone.

'Ninth, you're being unreasonable! You wasted so much time!!! You already reach singularity but instead of training more, you simply goofing around and even attempt building yourself concubines!' It was that moment that I snapped.


'Ninth, calm down.' Nana said in trembling voice but I was too angry.

'You think I didn't know how dangerous AFO is!?! Don't fucking forget I saw what he did in near future, the destruction and chaos he caused!!! I want to stop him, but you're asking something impossible!!! I'm not Izuku Midoriya or even any of your ideal successor!!! I'm not a freak who's too focus on training, training, training, training, and more training!! I've made my schedule very tight that my time with my friends were limited!!! You're driving me crazy even before AFO broke me!!' I ranted before I decided to not to continue this useless conversation. I open my room door and was shock to see Inko fainting on the ground.

"MOM!?!" I was panicked as I tried to woke her up. Why did she suddenly lying on the floor!?

"U-ugh...." I sigh in relief when Inko slowly woke up.

"Mom, what happen?" I asked in worry.

"I-I don't know. One moment I was trying to woke you up for breakfast, and then I felt something pass me before I fainted." Inko said while rubbing her head.

"D-did you know what is it?" I was worried. Did AFO already sent someone targetting me?

"I-it was like a shockwave, a pressure. It was unbearable." I frown. An unbearable pressure or shockwave. Why does it familiar? "A-are you okay, Izuku?" I simply nodded.

"Yeah..." I said with a sigh.

"Are you sure? I heard you yelling about something." I froze before mently curse Second for his shits.

"Yeah, I just found something outrageous in the internet. I can't help but rant." I said while acting sheepish.

"Oh...." Inko said with a sigh. Sorry, Inko-san, I didn't want to sound crazy in front of you.

"Alright, mom. How about we eat breakfast? I'm sure you're hungry as well."


Dagobah Municipal Beach Park

I look at the sunrise silently. Second's words constantly played in my mind and it's getting unbearable to handle. What a fucking drill sergeant.

I sigh before looking at my palm. I seriously need more control at this quirk. I wonder.....let's test out some theories.

I start to activate One For All, but instead of spreading it, I collect the whole energy right at my heart. I immediately stops myself when I felt unbearable pain at my chest.

Damn output.....

I really need a new way to use One For All. I remember how Full Cowl works and just like some fanfic author's analogy, it's like spreading any flavor jam on a toast evenly. But, I am curious. What if the toast absorb the jam?

Okay, that's sounds stupid, but I can't help to think about Naruto-verse's chakra path. What if I can use OFA as chakra and use my blood vessels and nerves as my chakra path?

Is it really possible? way to try it out.

I start to charge OFA again, but this time instead of simply charge my heart, I also try to charge my brain. I made sure I use as low as possible. I felt sharp pain at my head and heart, but it was bearable than before.

I try to look around and I can't help but shock. I saw a seagull flying at the sky, moving at 0.5× speed. I can't believe this. I really did it. Wait, is that steam coming out of my body? Hmmm.....

I decided to test my strength by punching the ground. It was a big mistake as sands erupted from the impact and hits my face, especially my eyes. I cough violently while wiping the sands off my eyes while I deactivates that technique unconsciously. I still feel pain in my chest and head despite deactivate said technique.

I say this as an absolute win! I use 5% OFA and it has far bigger power than 10% Full Cowl!! Just imagine if I can control OFA's higher percentage!!!

After violently wipes the sands off my eyes, I looks at my hand before activates that trick again. I look in awe as several green lines starts appearing. Is this my blood vessel? I think it is!

I decided to call this OFA: Gear 2nd - Turbo Boost!

Not the best name, but it's far better than whatever Minato Namikaze can came up with.

"Izu?" I turn around and saw Ocha. I can't help but smile at her. "What happen to you!?"

"Tried to do something new." I said with a chuckle. "It backfires."

"I can see that from those sands on you." Ochako drily comment, making me laughed. "Seriously, Izu...."

"Well, I know now that hitting sand with supet strength is a bad idea." I said as Ochako snorted.

"Dorks." Ochako mutters with a smile.

"Yup, and I'm proud of it." I said cheekily as Ochako lightly punch my arm.

"Baka...." Ochako laughed before looking around. "I still can't believe you clean it all under 10 months."

"Well, it's not easy. People tossing random kind of trash into the beach. You should see how many unused electronic devices that still works." I said, remembering Izuku dig out a useable laptop with cracked screen. "But, I didn't give up, I continue to pick everything up."

"You're amazing, Izu...." Ocha mutter.

"Hey, come on. Don't compliment me with such tone. It sounds like you secretly berate yourself." I said while patting Ocha. Damn, her hair is so soft. "I ain't receiving compliments from someone who has low self esteem."

"But-." Ocha tried to say something but Icut her off.

"I ain't listening more lists about how you're inferior or other such thing. Remember what I told you back then. Instead of comparing yourself with someone else, try to compare yourself with your past self." I said while patting her head. "The last time people did that, they only able to live under the shadow of the person they try to compare themselves with, and trust me, it's terrible."

" once did that, do you?" As Ocha said that, flashes of Izuku trying to impress Bakugou by trying to be the best at academics starts to appear in my head. Damn it, Izuku, your obsession is crazy as fuck!

"Yeah...." I mutter before smiling. "I realizes that I'm not him, so I try to get stronger instead of focusing on chasing other people's progress and compare it. Everyone has different pace when it comes to their progress, and it's alright to take it slow."

"You never seem to catch a break...." Ocha points out as I chuckled.

"I'm a guy who needs to keep myself active or else, I'll just lazily lie on my bed, hugging my pillow while thinking about how to made a cool fantasy story and trust me, you don't want to see me doing that." Ocha snorted before chuckling.

"I can relate, I love to lie on the bed while thinking what kind of stars, galaxy, planets, and so many more that can be found in space." Ocha said with a smile.

"That's nice." I said. "Say, why don't we try stargazing sometimes when we're free? You can be my astronomy teacher giving me a lecture." I smirks at the last part as Ocha blush.

"I'm not that smart..." Ocha mutters.

"What's the brightest star on the Cygnus constellation?" I decided to ask.

"Deneb, a first magnitude star with the magnitude of +1.25, with it's luminousity of 55000 and 196000 times of our sun, and it took 2616 light year to reach there from Earth." Ocha answered immediately. I raised my eyebrow in amusement as she blushed. "You meanie."

"I just ask a question." I defended myself.

"You exposed me, now I shall expose you as the dorkiest person right here right now!" Ocha said with an angry pout.

"I'm s'rry, mine own queen. Prithee f'rgive this humble fooleth." I said while bowing dramatically, making her snort before laughed. I join the laugh.

"You're really are a dork." Ocha said as I grins widely before suddenly, my Observation pick up several familiar aura. "Whoa, how did you do that?"

"Huh?" I was genuinely confused by her question.

"Your eyes, they glow red." Huh, so it's not limited to only Haki/Ryou users? I thought I can see Sorahiko's haki activation because I'm a haki user myself. The 'Haki is invisible to naked eyes' rule doesn't seems to apply to this universe.

"It's Haki." I said cryptically as Ocha raised her eyebrow. "Also, the others coming."

"Others? What-?" She turns around and saw the others actually arriving. "D-did you just predict future with that Hike thing?!"

"Not 'Hike'," I can't help but chortled at her butchered word. "It's Haki. No, I just 'sense' their aura. But, if you train more, that is possible."

"You sound like it's not a quirk." Ocha said with a frown.

"I'll explain more detail later. Right now, we got promise to fulfill, being training together." I said before patting her shoulder and walk towards the rest. "You guys finally here." I saw everyone wear their own workout clothes.

Kirishima wore black tank top with grey pants while Tetsutetsu wore white tank top with black pants. And to keep the running gag, both clothes have same design. I can't help but snort at the universe trying to force them to be a twin.

Yaoyorozu wore black sport bra with tight pants. I ain't a pervert, but that clothes literally asking someone to stare at and apparently, everyone, including me, held themselves from staring.

Kendo wore white sport shirt with loose pants, reminiscent of martial outfit uniform. I'm not exactly surprise, given that she practice martial arts for her quirk.

Iida wore blue training outfits he wore during the entrance exam. Don't tell me he's one of those rich kids who omly wore same outfit every day?

Mina wore a loose white shirt with a very short black pants. If that pant is shorter than that, everyone will assume she only wears underwear.

Hagakure wore similar outfit like Yaoyorozu but grey coloured. I'm just glad that I'm not using Observation Haki right now.

Koda wore brown loose shirt with black loose pants. I guess he never actually train his body before.

Shinsou wore purple training outfit. Consider the condition, he probably just buy it not long ago.

"Indeed. I was hoping that some of us woke up earlier." Iida said while glaring at Mina, who look sheepish.

"Not everyone is a morning person, Iida-san. And besides, this is our first day training together. So, just take it easy with them." I said.

"Thank you, Midori. Iida won't stop pestering me about showing good example, good behaviours, etc." Mina whined. Mina, I just prevent any ember from a burning stick, why the fuck you pour a fucking gasoline on it!?

"Alright, before you guys said anything, how about we review with the our today's plan? So, we can jog the memories of those who still half asleep." I said as some of them perked up, trying to hide their grogginess.

"Alright." Yaoyorozu nodded. "So, we all agree we are going to do several warm ups before we follow up with endurance run and some heavy lifting exercise and we end with discussing some ways of how we can improve ourselves. Does anyone want to ask questions again?" Everyone seems okay with it. "Okay, how about we start with some stretches?"

We all nodded as we start with some stretches. I can see some people struggles with it like Eiji, Tetsu, Koda, and Iida. What's surprising is that even Shinsou struggles with it. I guess despite having a body build for flexibility doesn't exactly help if said person never exercise in their life.

After several warm ups, we went to run around the beach from one edge to another edge. After one lap, I can see some of them starts to panting like dogs. Wow, quirks really made everyone neglect their physical attributes, huh?

'You have no idea.' I heard Danjo mutter, but I decided to ignore it before I continue to run more. After 5 laps of constant running, I saw more and more of us start to breath heavily.

"You guys wanna take a break?" I asked at the others.

"No need, Midoriya-san. I can still go on." Iida said.

"Okay, if you say so." I nodded before we continue to run. After another 5 laps, we finally stop. I notices everyone panted as Yaoyorozu gives everyone water bottles for everyone.

"Thanks, Yaomomo!" Mina said excitedly.

"Y-Yaomomo?" Yaoyorozu asked in confusion.

"Sorry, but your name is too long. So, a nickname of combining your first and last name seems a good idea." Mina said while shrugging. "Of course, I'm not going to call you that if you don't want to-."

"N-no, I'm fine with it. In fact, I rather if everyone call me with that nickname." Yaomomo said while scratching her cheek. "I know how mouthful my family name is."

"Okay, Yaomomo!" Hagakure said excitedly. "Also, you guys can call me Tooru! I'm not into formalities."

"Okay, Tooru." Yaomomo said with a smile before looking at me. "So, Midoriya-san, how are you not tired yet?"

"Please, call me by my given name if you let everyone call you by nickname." I said as she nodded. "And for your question, I train harder than this. Not to brag, but this is literally a paradise for me."

"Is that why you have a body comparable to those Greek God scuplture?" Mina said with a sultry smile.

"Ashido, don't overexaggerate things." I said in deadpanned manner.

"You're too formal, Midori. Call me Mina." Mina said with a grin that I don't like at all. She suddenly grabs my shirt and lift it up.

"W-what the hell, Mina!?" I yelped before covering my shirt as everyone stares at me. It was an awkward silence as they won't stop staring at me. It's getting uncomfortable.

"M-Midoriya.....where did you get those burn scars!?" Iida asked in horrified tone. Right.....those explosive scars from Bakugou.

"Iida, it's clear that he didn't want to talk about it!" Thanks, Eiji. I owe you one. I simply nodded in confirmation.

"Who could've done such cruel things!?" Tooru asked in horror.

"A dipshit." Ocha blurted out before covering her mouth while blushing.

"Language!" Iida said as everyone snorted.

"I'll rather share with you all once I'm comfortable with it." I said before I drink the water in one gulp.

"Alright, then. Just remember, we won't judge." Iida stated as I nodded in gratitude.

"Anyways, how about we talk about few stuffs since we're clearly taking a break?" I asked as everyone nodded.

"Great idea!" Yaomomo looks like she's excited. "I was wondering, Midori-" I clear my throat as Yaomomo blushed. "I mean, Izuku-san, how does your quirk works?"

"My quirk is actually an energy stockpiling quirk. It's passed through genetics, from my great-great-grandpa." I said before activating Full Cowl. "It's an emitter type that enhanced every single part of your attributes. Strength, speed, endurance, and more."

"Wow! That's cool!" Mina said excitedly.

"But, how does the stockpiling works?" Momo asked in confusion.

"It's actually a bit weird, if you ask me." I said before drawing two circles. "So, one circle is my great-grandpa and the other one is his wife. When they have kids, one of their kids will gain the enhanced version of his grandfather's quirk. This continues to happen for several generations, with me being the 9th." I explain as I draw more and more circles before connecting them, making them look like a typical family tree photos.

"But, what about the brothers?" Momo asked in confusion. I guess being smart able to pick up many flaws.

"Well, that's the thing. This quirk only able to pass down to 'one' child and it's basically, either the quirk got passed into one of their child or you skip a generation. It's quite a mystery and I haven't found more info about it since my ancestor is from the dawn of the quirk and a lot of records regarding that event were gone." I said while scratching my head.

"I see, that's a shame. Your quirk is far by the most interesting one." Yaomomo mused.

"Wait, does that mean that, your family could possibly be a hero from past eras!?" Tooru points out in awe.

"Okay, now you're just making us jealous." Kendo stated.

"I-I didn't mean that, Kendo-san!" I said in panic.

"Relax, I was joking." Kendo chuckles before realizing something. "Wait, if that's true, then could you possibly gain copies of your ancestor's quirk!? You stated that your quirk is stockpile type, then there's a chance all those stockpiles are actually quirks from your ancestor's wife/husband!"

"Holy shit!!" Ocha said in shock.

"I would like to reprimand you for your foul languag, but this time, I agree with you." Iida relented.

"I-I'm not sure...." I said while rubbing my head. "I mean, I just found this all out few months ago."

"Oh, right. You only know your quirk exist few months ago as well." Eiji said.

"...I'm sorry, what!?" Tetsutetsu asked in shock.

"Y-yeah, I just found out the day during entrance exam." I said sheepishly. "Turns out that, the quirk also has other features, it's invisible during the early stages so the doctor won't be able to detect any sign of it."

".....then that means you're thinking you're quirkless for what? More than a decade!?" Yaomomo asked in realization. "I-is that why those....?" She hold herself back as everyone, including me, understand what she's refering to.

".....yeah." I relented. I was surprise Mina tackle hugged me.

"Wah!!! I'm sorry Midori!" I can't believe it, she cried on me!!

"M-Mina, s-stop blaming yourself!! You don't know!!" I said, trying to gently push her away.

"I'm a terrible friend!!" Mina wailed.

"Ei! Help me with your pseudo sister!!"

"Sorry, Izu-bro. She will stick to you till she's done."



After the whole fiasco, we decided to ckntinue with our heavy-lifting exercises while also talking more about our quirks. I can see why Izuku loves talking about it. The imagination with quirks are endless!

"So, Tooru. I can't help but ask, how does your quirk work?" I asked, planning to subtly hinting how her quirk actually works.

"Midori, it's not that difficult. I'm literally invisible." Tooru said while giggling.

"Well, if that's true, then shouldn't we saw those waters you drink fall through your throat and taking a shape of your intestine or your small breakfast?" When I ask that, I can't help but smirk at how she stops herself from doing more pushups.

"He's right. If that's true, we should seeing everything that enters your body." Yaomomo stated.

"And if you really invisible, shouldn't you be blind as the light went pass through your eyes instead of reflecting it?" I add another cent as she stops herself while thinking.

"Oh, my gosh, Midori! You just met her and you decided that giving her an existential crisis is a good way to deepen your friendship!?" Mina points out.

"I just want to help her with her quirk!" I said in faux panic.

"You didn't even look guilty doing it!!" Mina stated. Oops, caught red-handed.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Denial, the best choice for hiding your lies.

"You're even sucks at lying!!" Mina just had to fire those shots, does she?

"Now, that's just rude, not only you accuse people lying, you even go so far to make fun of someone for being sucks at it." I mutter.

"Mina, don't be rude! And stop accussing Midoriya!"

"You're just blind, stiff boy!"

"S-stiff boy!?!"

Ocha and Eiji can't help but snorted at the interaction. In fact, most of us tried our hardest not to laugh. This kind of interaction is what I love the most of having friends and it ain't disappointing.

'You kept disappointing me, Ninth.' Great, the biggest dipshit I ever met in my entire life just have to open his big fat mouth. Please go and make out with other vestiges, but I doubt anyone wants to do it with you given how anti-social you are.

.....okay, that was a bit too much. I really hate myself sometimes.


"Yaomomo, I can't help but curious, if your quirk needs your skin to be exposed to work, does that mean that you have to show a lot of skin?" I decided to ask her. I may believe in gender equality, but I'm still respecting anyone to not perversely stare at others.

"Yes, in fact, I made sure I leave most of my skin exposed in order to easily use my quirk." Yaomomo said while nodding.

"Is that so..." I said before looking at her hair. "I was wondering, does your creation bypass your hair?"

"I...never tried that before, why?" Yaomomo asked in confusion.

"Because if it's work, then all we need to do is to create a costume made out of fiber produced from your hair like some heroes..." I said as Yaomomo widen her eyes in realization.

"Then, I won't be needing to expose my skin to public!" She exclaimed with a large smile. This girl is just adorable with her innocent act. I then look at her trying to test my theory and much to my shock, it actually works.

I stole that idea from some fanfics, so sue me.

"I-It really work!!" She exclaimed happily before hugging me, catching me by surprise. "Thank you, now I don't have to wear something that's uncomfortable for me!"

"N-no problem....." Easy there, me....ignore that big boobs of her touching my arm. Ignore it please.

"Wow, damn. Midori, you really try to score big, don't you?" Universe, why!?! I turn around and look at Mina grinning like a mad lad she it. I felt my face grew even warmer as I felt Yaomomo's arms let go of mine. "First, Kiri, then Ocha, now Yaomomo!? Are you secretly building a harem, Casanova?"

"WHY THE FUCK DOES EVERYONE KEPT SAYING THAT!!?!" I scream at the top of my lungs. I'm not one of those perverted bland protagonist!! Wait, scratch that, I'm bland, but not perverted!!!

"Chill, Midori, chill." Mina laughed as I glare before flip her off. This only made her laugh harder.

"Stop making fun of Midoriya! Also, get back to finishing your set, Ashido!" Thankfully, Iida arrive and save us from humiliation.

"Eh!? But, it's tiring!" Mina whined.

"Shinsou-san and Koda-san has even finish theirs, only you haven't finish it! Also, if you have enough energy to tease Midoriya, then you still have enough to complete your exercise!" Iida, I have no idea you have it in you!! Especially when you're a guy who's too honest.

"You always ruin everyone's fun." Mina pouted but complied.

"Thanks for that, Iida. I swear if I hear another comment about me forming a harem..." I groaned as Iida chuckles.

"No problem, Midoriya-san. It's the least I can do for misunderstood you during the entrance exam." Iida said.

"Iida, that was 2 months ago. I didn't give a single fuck about it." I said.

"Please, watch your language." Iida chastised as I snorted. "Even so, I shouldn't making assumptions. I should be better than that."

"Instead of apologizing over and over again, which isn't necessary, btw, why don't you just made sure it won't happen again?" I decided that if 'It's fine' sentence won't work, I just said what they need to hear.

"Y-you're right, Midoriya-san! Thank you for your wisdom." I mentally facepalmed. Do I look like a wise old monk to you!? The word 'wisdom' and I wasn't meant to be together.

"That's not a wisdom, Iida." I said in deadpanned manner, but from Iida's expression, he didn't hear a single shit I said.

"Midori!" I look at Mina who was tired before she flopped onto me. Thanks to trained reflexes, I manage to hold her before she fell. "Carry me!! I feel tired!!" I immediately drop her. "Hey!! You should treat lady with respect!!! Are you not a true man!?" Oh, so that's how you play huh?

"I yearn for true gender equality. I have no patience for those who talks about female privileges when it suits them, and then complain someone 'not being a man' when it's convenient." I said with a scowl.

"This coming from a guy who keeps Ochako happy like a princess?" Mina teased as my cheeks feel a bit warm.

"I did that because she's my closest friend alomgside Ei-kun. And FYI, I treat every gender equally. Just ask Ei-kun for confirmations." Mina pouts before getting up and walk away before sitting nearby and sulked.

"Midoriya-san." I turn around and saw Kendo. "You have my respect."

".....lemme guess, guys hold back towards you because they didn't want to harm a lady?" Kendo nodded with a scowl. "Idiot, there's female villains exist out there. You hesitate to fight back, you'll die."

"That's what my sensei has been telling to all of the dojo students, but they still hesitate even after years of training!" Kendo complains.

"Yeah, it sucks." I said before both of us look at each other.

"I heard from Shinsou you teach him basics of Taekwondo. I have to say, I wasn't expecting you to practice martial arts." Kendo stated.

"I learn mostly from Youtube tutorials." I said sheepishly, lying through my teeth. "I learn few things from them and practice. It was hard since no one actually help me if I did a mistake or not."

"Why not enter a dojo?" Kendo asked.

"No dojo I visits accept quirkless." It wasn't a lie. I tried to see if anyone accept me as a dojo student, but none accepted me when I said I'm quirkless. I have to rely on Gran Torino's tutelages to refine my Taekwondo's techniques, since he has experiences on kicks.

He also suggest me to learn how to practice Krav Maga and Muay Thai, both adding versatilities to my martial arts. But, so far, it's harder than I thought. Even after watching several clips of both martial arts, it's not easy to learn. Gran Torino may have experience in martial arts, but he modified it to fits his quirk, and he's in his senile age, so he forgots a lot of things.

"But, you're no longer quirkless." Kendo points out in confusion.

"My registration card says I am and I kept forgetting to update it. But, I think it's best to keep it that way." Kendo looks at me in confusion. "If a dojo ask me about my quirk and denies any quirkless, then that dojo isn't a dojo, but quirk training camp. I want to learn not to overrelying my quirk, and able to fight despite being quirkless."

"You're a wise guy, Midoriya-san." Pfft, no, I'm not. I'm just being realistic. "Well, if you have time, why don't you visit my dojo?" She suggested, much to my surprise.

"You sure?" I asked hesitantly.

"Of course. If I don't, I won't suggest it to you." Kendo smirks. "Anyways, why don't we go for a round?"

"I have a feeling you're gonna curbstomped me." I mutters before both of us move back a few feet. As we did so, she immediately went for a punch. I dodge it before she perform another one. I immediately counters it with elbow strike, much to her surprise. I hid my attempt to flinch. Damn, she hits like a truck.

"Muay Thai?" She asked in surprise. I saw her subtly held her fist.

"Only basics. I learn it during 2 months before the school day." I said before pulling a roundhouse kick, which she blocks. I didn't give her a chance as I retract my leg before performing a knee kick. She manages to block while flinching.

I use this chance before grabbing her arms and perform another knee kick. But, to my surprise, she easily disarmed me before pulling my shirt and judo toss me to the ground hard.

"Ouch..." I groaned.

"Sorry about that. You weren't kidding when you said you're not holding back." Kendo said while nursing her forearms. "I still feel your knee kick. You perform correctly, but you use too much strength, causing your kick feels weaker when you perform the second one."

"I know that. I've been dealing with that problem since I practice it." I get up before holding my back. "And I should've expected that judo toss....."

"If it made you feel better, you force me to pull that, not an easy feat." Kendo laughed.

"No, it doesn't." I groan. "Anyways, that offer."

"I ain't taking back my words just because you lost, Midoriya-san." Kendo laughed while lightly punch my chest. "Besides, someone's gotta keep an eye on you from being suck."

"Har har." I rolled my eyes.

"But, seriously, you got a lot of potential. Come to my family's dojo and I will help you with it." Kendo said with a smile.

"I'll be honest, I thought being a student from another hero class, you will go being 'You're my rival, why should I share secrets with you!?' or 'My class is superior! You want our secrets!? Bow before me!'." I said while she snorts in laughter.

"You capture my classmate's attitude perfectly." Kendo said while wheezed. "I suggest some students to meet your class, and one of them even said something akin to it. I don't mind rivalries, but what he did was a bit too much."

"I....see." There's no doubt she's talking about Monoma. I mean, who else is that crazy to be a dick just because he's in different class? "Do you even know why he acts like this? I mean, both of our class is heroic course."

"Yes, but when we all have to go sit through while hearing the principal telling us how he keeps his fur as white as a pearl and found out that your class able to skip through the whole thing by having quirk test, he thinks you guys get a special treatment." Kendo stated.

"All of us almost kiss our hero careers goodbye during the test." I said in deadpanned manner. "Everyone did everything to not get into last place, only for him to change his mind and lied that all of it."

"!?" Kendo said in shock after a few seconds of silence.

"He's not lying." Kendo and I look at Mina. "It was intense, everyone did everything to not get expelled. It was a close call. And only one student were called out for holding back."

"Holding back?" Kendo asked in confusion.

"A recommended student, his quirk allows him to do two different things. But, he ended up only using half of his quirk's function through all the test." I said as she scowled.

"If Monoma meets that guy, I think I can't blame him for acfing like that." Kendo said.

"I think it's more of a personal issue, maybe trauma." I said, trying to defend Todoroki. He may be an ass in the early season, but with his family issues, I can't blame him entirely.

"Well, that's depressing." Mina commented. Really, Mina?

"Well, instead of talking about others, how about wr discuss more about our joint training?" Kendo asked as I simply nodded.

"Sure, why not?" Alright, let my comic book nerdy self out of my mind and let loose all of my ideas.


UA High

'Fuck, this is so fucking boring!'

My eyes twitch while looking at the whiteboard filled with 4 english sentences. No offense to the teacher, but I didn't want to relearn english. Sure, I've stayed in my home country for years, but I still speak english on daily basis with other employees.

"Geez, kid. That's one way to flex." Nana said. I ain't flexing, even though it sounds like it is.

"Come on, kids! Have more enthusiasm!! English is important especially if you guys are going for international!" Present Mic stated.

"Gua akan lebih semangat kalo lu ga teriak kaya orang masjid tiap sholat pake toa teriak teriak." I ended up speaking my native tongue in annoyance, making everyone stare at me, while Yaomomo tried not to snort.

"Ummm, what language is that?" Present Mic asked. This only made Yaomomo tried not to laugh harder.


"I don't know you spoke Indonesian, Midoriya." Yaomomo said while trying not to snort. After the painful english lesson with Present Mic, all of us finally able to catch a break from all the screaming with Ectoplasm's math. If you all want my opinion, it's basically out of the frying pan into a fire.

It's not that I hate maths, but if you went through college with math as majors, and you relearn all the shits you throw away after graduate, it's fucking painful. I feel like my head starts smoking, remembering just how painful calculus is and have to experience it again.

"Well.....I was bored one day and tried to learn other language, specifically a language that people barely use or understand. I'm more surprised there's other people use it other than me." I said.

"My parents always made sure I learn other language since my family always bring me to visit other country for expanding partnerships." Yaomomo stated. "But, I have to admit, you spoke Indonesian far better than me, like a native speaker."

'That's because it's where I'm from.' I thought while sweatdropped. I should really be more careful.

"Izu, what did you said during Present Mic's class?" Ocha couldn't help but asked.

"He says that he will be more....enthusiadtic if Present Mic didn't scream like a Muslim using megaphone saying their prayer in local mosque." Yaomomo said as everyone snickers, seemingly agreed with me.

"Midoriya, please don't insult our teacher and other people's religion!" Iida chastised me.

"I didn't mean to disrespect, but Present Mic needs to control himself. Even without his quirk, he still loud and my ears hurt. Also, for muslims, they can do their prayer, but do they need to use megaphone screaming their prayers every 4 am in morning where everyone who isn't muslim still asleep?" I stated in deadpanned manner.

"Wait, they actually did that!?" Nana asked in disbelief.

'Yeah, it always happen since my neighborhood has mosque for them.' I replied.

".....If you put it that way....." Iida conceded.

"You never told us you can speak other languages." Ocha pouted.

"Ocha, I'm not a guy who love to brags." I said while rubbing my head. "Especially after I saw what bragging did to a person." I take a glance on Bakugou who eats in annoyance.

"I guess that's fair." Ochako mutter.

"Do you know other languages as well?" Eiji asked in excitement.

"Yup, chinese is another language I learn when I was bored." I said with a wide grin. Everyone stares at me curiously.

"Why chinese?" Kendo asked curiously.

"Well, Chinese is a second most used language in the world." I said. The internet even confirms that it is. "And if I have a chamce to meet people who didn't speak english but spoke chinese, it'll be easy to talk with them."

"[I can confirm that. Most of the foreigners are either spoke english or chinese]" Yaomomo said as everyone stare at her in puzzlement.

"[Geez, it sounds like your parents want you to took over their company.]" I said as Yaomomo's face turns sad. "[I-I'm so sorry. I-I didn't mean-.]"

"[No, you're right. They did want me to take over. But, I want to do something else. I have all the money and my quirk, but I want to do soemthing more. There's a lot of people who didn't have the same luxury as me. I-I want to do more, you know.]" Yaomomo ranted.

"[Yeah, I know. And I'm willing to bet you'll be a great hero, with how selfless and determined you are.]" I said with a wide grin. Yaomomo blushes before return a smile to me.

"Huh, Ashido was right, you are a Casanova." I held myself from twitching my eyes. Why, just why?

"Uhmmm...does anyone understand what did they say?" I snaps out of my thought aa I heard Tetsutetsu's words. I turn towards them as Koda shakes his head.

"Sorry, guys." I said with a sheepish grin.

"Oh, what did you say to Yaomomo to blush like a tomato, Casanova?" Mina said with a sly grin.

"You ain't gonna drop that nickname, are you?" I said in deadpanned manner.

"With you stealing everyone's heart like they're made of priceless diamonds, no, it won't." Mina said with a grin.

'She made it sound like I'm a member of Phantom Thieves from Persona 5.' I thought with a sweatdrop.

"What is that?" Banjo mutter in confusion.

"How did you not know one of the best pre-quirk era game!?!" Yoichi screech in my head. I look at Ocha and Eiji who for some reason, glare at me.

I really hate drama.

"Liar, you love them."

Not when it happens to me!!!


"I am coming through the door like a normal person."

Snrk! I said it again, it's funnier to see it in real life than in anime or manga.

"Toshi.....I disown you as my apprentice." I tried not to laugh at Nana's 'I'm so done' tone while the other vestiges except the mr douche, laugh at Nana.

"So, does that mean we can continue our bet of how long will Eighth died by the hand of Gran Torino?" Banjo asked stupidly.

"YOU WHAT!?!?!"

I immediately ignore the wailing in my head as I heard All Might explaining abaout the current lesson, battle training. I can't help but feel excited about the lesson.

As All Might press the button and shelves filled with suitcase with number from 1-20 appears, everyone immediately went to the shelves and grab the suitcase and excitedly went to the changing room.

When I open my suitcase, I can't help but grin. They really done it.

Flashback begins

2 months ago

"Your hero costume?"

I look at Yagi who give me a questioning look.

"Well, I was hoping if you know a support company that's good for hero costume and support items." I said while scratching my head.

"Young Midoriya, you do know that you can request the design by sending the letter to UA, right?" Yagi asked.

"Sorry, Yagi-sensei, but I-I don't trust the company works with UA." I admits, confusing him.

"Why?" Yagi asked in confusion.

"I saw the internet about every company works with UA, and one of them is Detrenat." I said with a scowl.

"Detrenat? Their support items are on par with international support company? Why do you feel disdain towards them?" Yagi asked in confusion.

"Because when I was quirkless, my mom once ask the company to help me with my shoes since being a quirkless has extra tos joint and almost all of the shoes are for quirked people with less toe joint." I said, getting flashes of memory of Izuku's past. "And when we ask, they simply kick us out, stating 'the company was for future heroes, not a useless past relics'. I bet they still remember my face so they won't accept my request."

'And let's not forget the company that only gave Hagakure a pair of gloves and boots while leaving the poor girl invisible. With my luck, I have a chance to get that company making my hero costume.' I thought with a wince.

"And also, let's not forget the 'Flashing' incident from a year ago." I stated with a wince. "The first year hero student who was in internship 2 years ago has the controversial news of him stripped naked because the costume was unable to phased through solid objects like his quirk. Then, there's Midnight's first hero costume, where she confirms that was made by the same company made her hero student's costume..."

"...I can see your worries." Yagi said while pinching the bridge of his nose. "Very well, perhaps I can ask for a favor from my old friend."

"Wait, your old friend...." I asked with wide eyes. There's no way it'll be that easy.

"You must've heard David Shield." My eyes feels like it could popped out of my sockets.

"Who doesn't!? An American scientist who build a tons of support items and your hero suits! Not to mention, he's your former sidekicks!" I stated excitedly as Yagi laughed.

"Still a hero fanboy as usual, eh?" I can't help but blushes in embarrassment. I guess Izuku's former personality affects me a bit.

" know I can't help it...." I mutter while look away, causing Yagi to laugh louder.

"Ah, sorry, young Midoriya. Yes, I'm going to ask David Shield with your support item." All Might said.

"Is it alright, though?" I asked as Yagi gave me a questioning look. "It feels like I'm taking advantages from you."

"No need to worry. You need help, I simply offers solutions. It's what heroes do!" Yagi said while patting my back.

"Thanks, Yagi-sensei. I mean it." I still didn't feel fine. I know I said I will take every advantages, but it doesn't mean I didn't feel guilty.

"I always love to help my apprentice." Yagi said with a laugh.

"....Yagi-sensei, can I ask something personal?" I asked as Yagi look at me. "Is it alright.....if I share OFA secrets with others?"

"...Young Midoriya, OFA is a very big secret, it isn't something you can share carelessly." Yagi said while holding my shoulder. "But....if you can find anyone who can be trusted, then tell them. Just be careful."

"Yeah, thanks sensei." I said with a smile before giving him a questioning look. "So, does David Shield knows your secret?" Yagi stiffens before looking away. "You didn' tell him, did you?"

"W-well, I just said-."

"Yagi-sensei, did you trust him with your life?" I asked.

"Yes." Yagi replied with zero hesitation.

"Did you care for him deeply?" I asked.

"He's my best friend!" Yagi said with zero hesitation.

"Then, why didn't you tell him?" I asked in confusion.

"Young Midoriya, you need to understand the danger if they know the secret." Yagi stated.

"I know, but you can't seriously think of keeping him in the dark for the rest of his life. He went through your journeys together as hero-sidekicks duo, a pair of friends." I can't help but pressed the subjects.

"I.....You're right....." Yagi deflated.

"Besides, David Shield is one of the world's most famous scientist. He's smart enough to keep a secret that big and even find ways to keep himself safe from any danger." I added.

".....I hate that you're right." Yagi mock glared at me, while I gave him the best innocent look I can muster. "Fine, I'll tell him."

"That wasn't so hard, was it?" I asked teasingly.

"I wish your old self is back." Yagi deadpanned.

Flashback ended.

After that talk, I gave Yagi-sensei my hero suit design. He seems to approve it as he ask Shields with no complain. Speaking of Shield, we have a talk with them.

Another Flashback begin

2 months ago

"So, he's your prodigy, Toshi?"

I look at the man on the other side of the video calls, David Shield, who looks at me curiously.

"Yes, he's Izuku Midoriya. I have been teaching him for 10 months, helping him to become a hero." Yagi said with pride.

"Just for clarification, he's suck at teaching." I said as David snickered while Yagi looks betrayed. "He may be a good person and hero, but his teaching skill is nomexistance."

"Young Midoriya, why!?" Yagi asked in betrayal.

"I still remember your advice to help with my quirk is to 'clench my buttcheek and yells 'smash'." I said as David chortled before laughing while banging the table.

"It was one time! I did change my advice!" Yagi stated while blushing.

"If I didn't laugh, you'll not going to change your advice." I stated.

"You have zero confidence towards me, are you?" Yagi asked in deadpanned manner.

"You look so proud while telling me the first advice. Hands on hips and puffing chest." I stated as Yagi blushed.

"Can we talk about something else!?!" Yagi yelled in embarrassment as both Shield and I laughed.

"I can see how close you two are." Shield said with a smile. "But, I have a feeling this isn't just a call for catching up to date, isn't it?"

"No, Dave. I was hoping you could help with something else." Yagi said as Shield raised his eyebrow. "I was hoping that you could help to made my prodigy's hero costume for the hero school."

"Wait, isn't hero course school also provides hero costumes as they work together with support company?" David asked in confusion.

"That may be true, but...the company works with UA are questionable at best." Yagi stated.

"What do you mean?" David asked curiously. Yagi and I look at each other. I simply nodded.

"Well, David. Before I tell you the reason, let me tell you my secret for you to understand." David gave us a confused look as Yagi starts to explain everything about OFA.


Flashback ended

After that panicked moment and more explanations, David agree to help with the costume.

"He overdone themselves. I gotta ask Yagi-sensei to help me arrange a phone call so I can thank him personally." I mutter as I pulls out before putting it on.

I may have changes the hero costume design a bit. The design is still similar to Izuku's WHA style, but I keep it sleeveless, adds gauntlet with elbow pads, reinforced boots and knee guards, and an utility belt. Then, I add a retractable gas mask and goggles. Last but not least, a short sleeve jacket with multiple pockets underneath it, a hood with fox's ears, and armored paddings.

After putting on the final piece of the suit, I put on the jacket before activating the retractable goggles. Before I walk out of the changing room, I notice something in the pocket. I pull it out and saw a letter. Curious, I decided to open it.

Dear son,

I can't help but to notice theh sketching of your hero costume you draw on your bedroom. So, I decided to give you a gift my helping to made the jacket. It's not much, but I want to support your hero course journey with anything I can. Good luck on your class and made more friends!



P.S: Your drawing has improved a lot. It's amazing!

P.S.S: Don't forget to enjoy your school day. Yes, that includes getting a girl/boyfriend or if you bold enough, make an official harem with your group of friends. Just don't give me grandbabies this early.

I start to flush at the last part. I can't believe even mom start to call me out for making a harem! I fold the letter before putting it into my pocket as I put on my hood. I walk out of the changing room as I look at the gauntlet. I can't help but notice the similarities with the Full Gauntlet Melissa Shield made in the movie. Could it be that she's the one who made it?

If so, I gotta thank her for this when I meet Yagi-sensei after school.

Few moments later

Ground Beta

"They say the clothes make the man, young men and ladies. Be fully aware… From now on… you are heroes! That's great, everyone. You all look cool!" All Might praised all of us before exclaiming. "Now, shall we begin, Young Zygotes!?"

'If anyone focus on every details from season 1 and 2, the 'Young Zygotes' comment is a way All Might respects his old mentor no matter how scared he is towards that demonic dwarf.' I mused.

"Oh, is that you, Izu?!" I turn around and saw Ocha in her hero costume similar to the anime/manga. "Wow, you look cool! You have this mysterious vibe!"

"Thanks. I like your costume as well." I said as I took off the hood.

"I should've been more specific with my request. I end up getting a skintight bodysuit. I can't help being embarrassed as I feel exposed." Ocha said while rubbing her head.

"I guess you should." I said before turning around and look at Mineta ogling her. I feel a boiling rage at this dirty pig giving Ocha a perverted smile. To my surprise, he suddenly froze before shiver in fear and look at me. I glare at him harder as he paled and ran away.

....Am I that scary or he's just a scadery cat? Meh, probably the latter.

".....I really going to change my design." Ocha mutter with a scowl before looking at me. "So, what's with the ears?"

"Mom love to point out how I was like a little rabbit when I was a kid, seeing how energetic and enthusiastic I was back then." I said with a grin.

"Really? I thought you act like a puppy." Ocha said innocently. I felt that blow on my pride. "Like a husky! Acting tough while also cute!" I felt my cheeks starts to get warm at that comment. She then realizes what she said and went atomic red. "T-that, I, uhm, W-what I mean-, Ah, uh-!"

"Geez, I never thought you'll be so bold, Ocha." Mina appears behind Ocha while grinning and holding her shoulders. "To think not only you call him cute, but to compare him with one of the adorable animals."

"M-Mina!!" Ocha shrieked while cover her blushing face.

"Mina, please, don't." I groaned while rubbing my forehead. Why is this world have to add this headache-inducing little shit?

"Hey, Izu-bro! You look awesome!" Eiji said with a large smile.

"Eiji.....why you didn't wear anything?" I asked tensely, trying not to stare at his abs too much.

"My quirk is already an armor. I don't need anything." Eiji said with a large grin. I deadpanned before chopping his head. "Ouch! What was that for!?"

"That's for not thinking further. What happen if you have enemies that can nullified your quirk like Aizawa sensei? Your chest becomes a large target for them to hit you or even fatally injured you!" I chastised him as Eiji looks sheepish.

"I....didn't think this through, did I?" Eiji mutter while looking away.

"No, you don't. That's why we're having tjis conversation, to prevent any danger happens to you in the future." I said as Eiji looks down. "Don't look down, Eiji. I'll be honest, it's a honest mistake. You could ended up like him." I point at Mineta, who looks insulted.

"What was that mean!?" Mineta exclaimed, feeling insulted.

"I mean, I'm super glad that the support company that creates his hero suit didn't give him an unnecessary item like that diaper." I deadpanned, causing others to snort.

"It's not a diaper! It's-" Mineta scream which I cut him off.

"-a reference of 'a bowl of grape', I know. But, It still looks like a diaper no matter what." Mineta gapes at me before grumbling. How did he even get to the course, I never know. Oh, right, he's a crafty and cunning bastard, no matter how much I hate to admits it.

All Might then gains everyone's attention before starting to explains about the exercise's goals. It's an indoor operation in which the heroes will infiltrate the building where villains hide with the bomb that could take the whole city down with just a button. The mission is to capture the villains or retrieve the bomb under 15 minutes before the bomb exploded.

Then, All Might pulls out a cheat sheet.

I barely able to hold myself as he read through the sheet while giving more details about the exercise. I forgot how much of a newbie of a teacher Yagi-sensei is, especially when teaching a class!

We all draw our own lot, and I get A. Now, who's my partner?

"Uh, so, you're my partner..." I turn around and saw Kaminari holding a ball with a letter 'A'. Huh, I really need to stop relying on canons to predicts the current future. I already start the butterfly effects.

"I guess we are." I said as Kaminari grinned. "You're Kaminari, right? I heard some fsudents call you that."

"Yup. You must be...." Kaminari trailed off before looking sheepish. "Sorry, I didn't know your name. I sound rude, aren't I? You know mine, but I don't know yours."

"It's fine. We just barely know all of the classmates since this is our second day." I said while extending my hand. "I'm Midoriya Izuku. But, you can just call me Izuku."

"Then, you can call me Denki!" Kami-Denki said excitedly before return the gesture. I nod before looking at All Might revealing the team.

Team A - Midoriya Izuku and Kaminari Denki

Team B - Yaoyorozu Momo and Uraraka Ochako

Team C - Iida Tenya and Sato Rikidou

Team D - Todoroki Shoto and Bakugou Katsuki

Team E - Mineta Minoru and Aoyama Yuga

Team F - Ojiro Mashirao and Hagakure Tooru

Team G - Kirishima Eijirou and Sero Hanta

Team H - Asui Tsuyu and Ashido Mina

Team I - Koda Koji and Shouji Mezo

Team J - Jirou Kyouka and Tokoyami Fumikage

Huh....every team is completely different from the canon except Hagakure and Ojiro. Is that a subtle hint made by universe that they're meant for each other?

"Keep your boners from every people you meet, Casanova!" Banjo snickered.

Why does everyone thinks I'm a perverted bastard who seeks for harem!! I may be single for most of my life till I brought into this world, but I'm definitely not sexually desperate!!!!

"Alright, now for the first round of the exercise!" All Might pulls out two balls with letters 'A'. " Ah....oops, my bad." He went to grab another ball. "Aha! Team A vs Team D as the first round!"

.....The universe hate me so much!

"We're doomed." Denki whimpered. Now, the resident's Pikachu's confidences shattered. Nice job, Universe....

To be Continued