Chapter 5 - Unexpected Victory

Ground Beta, UA High

First POV

"So, we both can agree that we're doomed."

I sigh while looking at the map of the building as Denki looks at it on my left side. Ever since the team has been decided for both side, Denki starts to have anxiety.

"Denki, calm down." I sigh before placing my hands on his shoulders. "I know we're facing two of the class' powerhouses, but if we find a way to stop them, we can win."

"It's easy for you to say! You easily get high ranks on the quirk test!" Denki panicked.

"...If I told you I found their weaknesses, will you stop?" I said, getting the Pikachu's attention.

"Tell me, please! I don't want to lose badly!" Kaminari begged while holding my jacket.

"Let go, Denki. And please, for all holy's sake, please calm down. You act like you're gonna die." I said with a groan.

"Bakugou almost try to murder you." Denki mutters.

"Anyways..." I said with a sigh. "Bakugou is a prideful prick who thinks he's a main character in his own shows, believing he's destined for greatness, blinded by his own ego. He will go after me and ignore you, since you're the 'side characters' in his story."

"That's just rude." Denki deadpanned.

"Oh trust me, if you go to the same school with him for 11 years, you can see how much of a pain he is in my ass." I said in annoyance. "Anyways, he saw me as the 'most irrelevant side characters', and no matter what I did, he will took offense of it since to him, my existance is 'worth nothing and the only good thing I can do is do nothing'."

"....that's sounds like bullying." Denki points out.

"Of course, he is my main bully after all. He ain't gonna let go of his favorite 'punching bag'. We can take advantages of that." I said.

"By letting you to become a living bait!? Nuh uh, I may not know him much but I know he's a bad news to you!" Denki stated. "I may afraid to lose, but we're a team! We stick together!"

"I know, but we also have a mission to do. That's why while I distract him, you get the bomb." I stated, making Denki stare at me in disbelief.

"Uh, you forgot, I'm against a secret love child of Zuko and Elsa." I chortled before laughed.

"I know, but I bet that he won't use Zuko's firebending and focus on Elsa's magic. And you can use it as your advantages." I stated as Denki perked up. I show him the map. "Every building has it's own heater and sprinkles. You can use it as your advantage."

"I turn the battlefield into sauna." Denki stated.

"Yeah, but make sure that do not turn on the one where I and Bakugou fight. Bakugou's explosive came from his nitroglycerin sweat. If you warm the whole building." I said as Denki realize what I mean.

"He'll have more ammo and firepower. Got it." Denki grinned while thumbs up.

"Oh, I forgot." I said before activating Observation and saw a two aura signatures. I leaned in and whisper at his ears. "They place the bomb at the 4th floor, next to the window. Luckily, there's a heater in there."

"How did you know where they are?" Denki whispered in awe.

"When you got beaten up to the point you feel anxiety every single time, you tend to be more aware at your surrounding." I whispered back.

".....bro, you need help."

I simply grinned widely.

Third POV

Observation Room

"They have few more minutes before they can start."

All Might stated as he watch the screen, showing what the security cameras around the ground recording.

"Do you think Midori can win?" Mina asked in worry.

"He might lose." Yaoyorozu stated.

"Yaomomo, why did you say that? Are you hoping he will lose!?" Ocha asked angrily.

"I'm sorry, but I also need to be realistic. This isn't exactly a fantasy novel." Momo said, trying to defend herself. "I want him to win, but there's just some situation that's make him impossible to beat."

"Why do you think that?" Eijirou asked in confusion.

"I know Todoroki-san when my family went to a party and meet Endeavor and his son." Momo stated. "Endeavor claimed that he has trained Todoroki-san since he awaken his quirk. And let's not forget, Midoriya-san only has his quirk for less than two months and I have to give him credits for even able to adapt with it for 2 months. But, he was against someone with tons of experiences trained by a pro since he was a kid."

Everyone starts to get worry after listening Momo's words and none of them could believe Midoriya can win. All Might wants to defend his pupil, but he's a teacher of this class, he can't show blatant favoritism.

'Young Midoriya, I know I haven't taught you properly, but with how much you grow and the out-of-the-box thinking, I bet you can find a way against all of this odds.' All Might thought before gripping his fist. 'But, I'm worried. I should do something about Bakugou given how much you describe about him.'

Flashback, 2 months ago

"Hey, All Might."

All Might looks at his prodigy as Izuku sits down, holding a crushed plastic bottle.

"Have you ever met someone.....who made your blood boil by simply thinking about him?" Izuku asked as All Might looks at him with worry.

"I do...." All Might admits. "But, why do you ask?"

"Remember the boy I save 10 months ago?" Izuku asked as All Might nodded.

"You said he's your friend. Who was it again? Kacchow?" All Might saw how Izuku cringed at the name.

"Fuck, I forgot that nickname still exist." All Might couldn't help raised his eyebrow at his pupil's statements. "His name is Katsuki Bakugou. And I'll be frank, sensei, he's my bully."

All Might spits out his blood out of shock before wiping his mouth.

"Y-your bully!?!" All Might asked in horror. Izuku sigh before taking off his shirt and shows the scars on his body. All Might never felt so disgusted. How could someone did such thing!? And why did he never found out!?

"A hero scar concealer." Izuku said immediately, catching All Might's attention.

"W-why did you never mention it?" All Might asked in confusion and horror.

"....because I was in a phase where I..." All Might saw Izuku shudders. "....admire his strength and resolve, and even, having a crush on him..."

"...." All Might was speechless for the first time in his life.

"Yeah, turns out, I found out that it's not actually crush. I was just a victim of Stockholm Syndrome." Izuku said while rubbing his head. "I was in complete denial and keeps telling that him....." All Might saw how disgusted he is towards his past self.

"Young Midoriya...." All Might said in worry.

"I'm fine now! It took me a while, but.....after finally opening my eyes and seeing the truth.....also with some guidance, I manage to free myself from it." Izuku said while rubbing his arm. "But...ever since then.....I can't help but feel angry towards him.....whenever he comes to my mind, it's not the usual admiration and respect, just....rage."

"You really need help, Midoriya." All Might stated.

"Sorry, All Might. But, therapy isn't cheap. Mom has enough plates to worry for lil' old me. I didn't need to add more to her plate." Izuku chuckles humorlessly. "And most therapy isn't exactly healthy. They mostly are not helpful. Trust me, I saw how they decided to posts their therapy sessions into YouTube and none of them are professional."

"....then, try to talk with someone. Your mother needs to know about it." All Might said as Izuku nodded hesitantly.

"I....I will, when I'm ready." Izuku stated.

"Young Midoriya-." All Might was immediately cuts off.

"Sorry, All Might. But, it's not easy to confess everything. You know that very well." Izuku accussed as All Might winced. "....s-sorry. I didn't mean-."

"I understood. But, you will tell her." All Might stated as Izuku nodded.

"Yeah." Izuku said.

".....I should call Nedzu about Bakugou." All Might said.

"All Might.....don't." Izuku said, surprising All Might.

"Y-young Midoriya, this-." All Might was cut off again.

"Sorry, All Might. But, you need to know, Bakugou is very, very prideful and short tempered. If you tell Nedzu about this and deny him entry, he will lashed out and will go full vigilante, and I don't know about you, All Might, but I rather have my night filled with peace than getting more anxiety from daily explosions." Izuku stated. "Also, if he went full vigilante, he will immediately broke into my house and lash out on me, or worse, murder me in cold blooded."

".....but, we can't do nothing about it." All Might stated.

"I know, that's why, I'll deal with him myself. I gotta need to face my past sooner or later. And I rather do it early."

Flashback ended.

'I really want to never let this happen. I should've just disagree with you. But.....' All Might grits his teeth in frustration. '....why, why can't I deny your request, Young Midoriya!?'

".....Izu will win." All Might perked up when he heard Ochako said with determination. "He's very strong! He will find a way to win this!"

"Yeah! Izu-bro is the manliest guy I ever met! He will win this exercise!" Eijirou stated excitedly.

"You both didn't just say that because he's your crush, right?" Mina teased as both Eijirou and Ochako blushed atomic red.

"N-NO!!!" Both said in denial as everyone laugh.

'You have good friends, Young Midoriya. And they're right, you will find a way to win. I saw it myself, you keep exceeding my expectation.' All Might thought with a smile before blinking. 'I never peg Young Midoriya as a casanova. To think he manage to get two people with different gender have crush on him.'


Fake Building

Both Bakugou and Todoroki stood next to the bomb as Todoroki held the fake bomb.

"Well, they may made it realistic, but it's only made of paper." Todoroki mutter.

"Hey...Half-and-Half....." Bakugou said, making Todoroki raised his eyebrow.

"You're talking to me? My name is Shoto Todoroki." Todoroki stated.

"Did Deku actually have a quirk?" Bakugou looks at Shoto who raised his eyebrow even higher.

"Who's Deku?" Todoroki asked.

"I mean that green haired nerd!" Bakugou said in annoyance.

"You mean Midoriya? Of course he has, if not, he won't get that high of a rank." Todoroki stated as Bakugou grits his teeth.

'How? How? How!? How did that fucking nerd get a quirk!?! What cheat did he use!?' Bakugou thought before getting to 'conclusion'. 'Could it be!? He's hiding it since then!? For how long!? Did he do this to mock me!!? How dare he!!?'

"Stay here, Half-and-Half! I'll go look for Deku!" Bakugou said in anger, making Todoroki raised his eyebrow.

"You think you could beat him? He score higher than you in the test." Todoroki said as Bakugou grits his teeth in anger.

"That means nothing! I'll beat him to a bloody pulp!" Bakugou said angrily before slamming the door. 'He's nothing but a pebble on my path to greatness! I'll show him his place for getting in my way!'

Todoroki stare at the door before shrugging and heard the speaker's announcement.

"Now, let the exercise begin!"

With Izuku and Kaminari

First POV

"I'm no longer confident we can win this."

"Calm down, Denki. Try to think of happy thoughts."

"The only happy thoughts I could think of is having someone to marry to. And there's no way it would happen!"


"Cuz, I'm going to die!"

"Denki, please lower your voice, and we're not going to die.....I hope...."

"You didn't even sound confident!"


No offense to Denki, but he really give me more headache with all of his words. Why does he acts like Zenitsu than his usual confidence, playboy self in his anime? Is facing against two powerhouse this early really crushes his confidence that much?

"You know that panicking won't help at all, right?" I deadpanned.

"I know." Denki muttered. "But, how can I not panicking? I know we go through our plan multiple times, but these are two guys with op quirks!"

"You start to get confident when we discuss our plan." I points out.

"Well, I now remember who our opponents are!" Denki said.

"Look, Denki-" I stop myself as Denki walks past me. My Observation immediately cranked up to 11 as Denki almost reach the other side, I immediately pull him from there before an explosion triggered.

"W-what!?!" Denki said in panic.

"Bakugou." I growl as the smoke slowly cleared away, revealing Bakugou with manic grin.

"Deku!" Bakugou said with wide grin. "You have no idea how much I want to do this!"

"Oh, what a surprise. Given how much you been glaring holes at the back of my head." I can't help but let out a sarcastic comment as Bakugou growl.

"Ya think you're funny, Deku!?" Bakugou growled.

"Bitch, I'm hillarious." I said as Bakugou was taken aback. I guess it was expectedsince he never heard Izuku curses.

"....who are you and what have you done with real Deku!?" Bakugou immediately deduced.

"Everyone can change, Bakugou. You're the proof of that statement." I said as I took my stance. "Denki, go with the plan!"

I turn around and saw Denki froze. Is that why he hasn't speak a word since we start our conversation? Before I can say anything, I tilt my head as Bakugou launch a right hook. Taking a page from Kendo, I grab his wrist and his shirt before activates 5% OFA: FC to slams him to the ground. I didn't take any chance as I went full offensive by punching him several times while Bakugou blocks it with his gauntlets. I raises my percentage to 10% before tearing a hole on the gauntlet before I back away from Bakugou who let loose an explosion.

"Damn it! How did you know!?" Bakugou growl in anger. "You ruin my gear!"

"Because I know you more than you think, which is something unpleasant given how much you love to torture me." I snarled, as Bakugou took a step back, not expecting me to be hostile towards him. "You hate 'useless shits', and that gauntlets are too heavy and restrictive for your quirks and fighting style! You won't wear it if it didn't help you at all, and given how hollow it is, it helps you to stock up a mini nuke!"

".....What the fuck happen to you, Deku?" Bakugou growled, but from my Observation Haki, he wasn't furious as usual, just confused and disbelief.

"It's you what happen!" I said in rage. Did he even realizes what he did is wrong!? "You told me to kill myself! Of course I will be angry! You always attack me, but never kill! Then, you 'suggest' me to do it myself!?!"

"You're always in my way!! Nothing I said fucking matters as you're fucking stubborn!" Bakugou shouted. T-that is the fucking reason!?!

"What if I did, huh!? Tell me, how are you going to tell my mom about it!?! 'Oh, hey, Auntie Inko, I'm sorry. Deku killed himself because I told him so. And I've been bully him since 4 years old'!" I said as Bakugou spluttered. I turn as Denki still frozen in fear.

Before I can do anything, Bakugou went for offensives as he start to try clawing me with his hand. Every time I tried to dodge, he let loose an explosion. I manage to dodge it, but some manage to hit me because he was too close to me and Soru is still not perfected that I can use it multiple times.

Thankfully, my suit is fireproof like I ask, or not he will turn everything to ashes. When he tried again, I was very annoyed that I bitchslapped both of his hands and trying to use my half-finished Gear 2nd, I kick his chest. He gasped for air before his whole body was sent flying for several feets.

"Denki?" I turn around and saw Denki still frozen. Suddenly, I heard a cough as Bakugou slowly get up, clutching his chest in pain while glaring at me angrily. Decided to retreat, I immediately activates OFA 15% and punch the ground to create a cloud of dust to hid us. I immediately grabs Denki before using FC and run to the 3rd floor.

"Denki?" I called him as Denki starts breathing heavily.

"Hey, hey, hey. Take it slow, buddy. Take it slow....." I said as he looks at me, his breathing gets slower. "Are you okay?"

"I-I never thought...." Denki mutters.

"Take it easy, buddy." I said as we hid in a room before placing Denki on the ground. I look at the clock and we have 12 minutes left.

"Y-you got suicide baited....." Denki mutters.

"Y-yeah..." I admits. No reason to hid it.

"L-like me....." Denki added, catching me off guard.

"W-wha-!?" I can't hid my shock as I uttered my disbelief.

"H-he's just like him...." Denki starts to have panic attack. I am so worried as his emotions went haywire.

'What should I do!?' I panicked. I onky ever read or watch this kind of scene in either movies or novels, but not real life!

"Calm him down, Ninth. Don't surprise him. Help him with his breathing. Talk to him slowly." Second advised.

"Hey....Denki?" I called him as he keeps breathing heavily. "Can you hear me, Denki? You're having a panic attack."

"I-I....I..." Denki was unable to utter words correctly, keeps stuttering and breath heavily.

"Follow my breathing, Denki. Copy what I did." I said as I let him see me breathing normally. It work as he slowly follows my lead. It took a while, but he manages to slowly calm down.

"It's okay, buddy. You can get through this." I said softly as Denki looks at me, still scared. "Great job."

"T-thanks...." Denki muttered. "I-I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize. You didn't ask for a panic attack." I said with a smile.

"I-I thought I'm ready for this...." Denki mutters.

"Trust me, I thought it as well." I said with a chuckles. "But, I realizes that I was never ready. None of us are ready with what life prepares for us."

"....." Denki simply stare at me.

"Look, I know it's not the right time to said it. But, we still have the exercise going. A bomb to retrieve, a mad scientist freezer and walking nuke walking around the building, and I only have fists and kicks. None of this shits make any much sense. If you're still feel unwell, then made the call to quit. This exercises might be important since this is our first hero class, but your health is far more important. I'll respect your choice, I won't complain."

Denki looks at me as I made an eye contact with him. I simply look at him before nodding. A few moment of silence passed as Denki takes a deep breath before looking at me.

"I-I want to continue...." Denki mutters. "Heroes going to face far dangerous situation than this."

"It won't help if heroes didn't take care of themselves." I said.

"I-I know. B-but, i-if I gave up now.....then what's make you think this won't happen again?" Denki said.

"Denki-" I was cut off as Denki held my hand while giving me a pleading look.

"Please.....I need this..." Denki said as he looks at me for a while before I sigh.

"....If I saw another sign of panic attack, I will give up no matter what." I said as Denki nodded. "Very well, we need a new plan."

"New plan?" Denki mutters.

"My mistake is to let you go alone. I forgot this is a team exercise. I need you to help me with something before we deal with the big threat." I said as we start to formulate a plan.


I look at the timer again. 11 minutes left as I tighten my fist. My Observation senses that Bakugou slowly approach here, entering the room with an angry look.

"Finally stop running away?" Bakugou sneered.

"Unlike you, I care about my friend." I said as I took the same stance I did before, turning on 10% OFA: FC while glaring at Bakugou.

"Fine." Bakugou growls as explosions starts to popped out of his hand. Bakugou immediately charges at me again as I dodge, but he suddenly change his tactic.

"Stun Grenade!" Bakugou yelled as a burst of light hits my retina like a hot knife. I yelp in pain before rubbing my eyes. I immediately use Observation and barely dodge another strike but I was too late to dodge a poimt blank explosion.

I was crashed into the wall but I immediately move away as I heard Bakugou hits the wall where I was sent crashing.

"You're like a fucking bug, Deku!" Bakugou yelled. I keep closing my eyes, still feel the pain on my eyes from that flashbang.

"And you're like a fucking bitch, keeps barking and whining non-stop." I growled in annoyance. I heard him snarl as I grab his incoming fist thanks to Observation. I immediately with zero hesitation to pull a low blow.

Reducing Bakugou's chance to produce a children is a dick move, but it's justified since he's a dick.

"Kid, you're brutal." Banjo mutter with a wince.

"And what kind of logic is that!?" En asked. I ignore them as I focus on Bakugou's pained wails.

"Y-you fucker! Are you much of a weakling to pull such dick move!?" Bakugou howled.

"You're a dick. So, I pull a dick move on you." I retort.

"That doesn't even make a fucking sense!" Bakugou roared as he tried to attack me again, but I grab his arm with the help of Observation before I elbowed his head.

"Arrgh! My tooth!" Okay....I miss a mark. I was planning to give him a mother of all concussion, but taking some of his teeth seems to be a good idea.

"Denki, now!" I yelled in command as suddenly, sprinkles start to activates in the room, startling Bakugou.

"Damn you, Deku! How many cheap tricks you have left!?" Bakugou snarled as I let some waters get to my eyes to ease my pain. I know it might not be a good idea, but I'm still in a fight.

"Villains always use dirty tricks. Us heroes did everything to even the playing field." I said as I immediately charges towards where his sounds came from, which Bakugou barely dodge as I hits the air.

"Die!" Bakugou tried to let out an explosion. Keyword 'tried' as he could only unleashes a small spark, much to his horror. I took the advantage as I keeps Observation on while I grab his arm and yank him before elbowed his face again. I heard a crunching noise as I heard him howl in pain.

"You've been mocking me, aren't you!?" Bakugou snarled, his voice sounds like a guy holding their nose. "You think you're funny, huh!? Hiding your quirk behind my back!?"

"Why?" I asked coldly, and from his aura, my question manage to startled Bakugou. "We're not even friends. Why would I tell you everything, huh?" I clench my fist. "Tell me, you dipshit. Why would I tell you everything after everything you did!?"

"You're starting to growl back, nerd." Bakugou sneered.

" took me a long time to realize that you're not my friends. You're just a monster in my nightmare, haunting my head every single day." I said as I feel the electricity crackling around my body gets wilder. Bakugou charges at me again as he swings the massive gauntlet at me. I block it before he suddenly grabs my arm and perform a kick.

I wince as he starts to went full offensive, clawing me like a wild animal. I manage to grab his hands before pulling him closer and kneed his gut. He staggered back as I socked my fist towards his face, sending him stagger backward again. My observation picks up his aura's emotion and it's a manic glee.

"You should know something nerd. I still have the second gauntlet." I widen my eyes as I forgot about it. I immediately charges towards him but he manage to do it faster and pulls the pin. It may be weaken by the sprinklers, but explosion with that much firepower is still to strong!

I was sent flying out of the room, destroying the wall and crashed into the next room. I groan as I feel the pain on my back. Thank god mom reinforce the jacket and add some hidden cushion. But it still hurt like bitch.

"You really like to forget a lot of things, don't you?" Hikage stated.

"I'm not perfect, Fourth. I'm not one of those perfect OP anime characters." I said as I open my eyes to see Bakugou charges towards me again. I still didn't turn off my Observation this time as I dodge him before adding few punch on his chest and gut. Bakugou winced before he grab my shoulders and tried to knee my guts like I did. But, I protect myself from it as I grab his leg and we both fall to the ground. He went for a kick but I dodge it before I yanked a piece of ceramic floor and toss it towards him. He tried to explode it to dust but only small sparks came out.

"Fuc-!" He didn't get the chance to finish his curse as the ceramic piece hits him before I follow it with a roundhouse kick. He staggers as I did another kick, but he dodges it before he went for a kick on his own. I grab it before forcing him to fall to the ground. I pull a page from Ip Man as I starts to rapidly punch him relentlessly. Bakugou blocks the attack with the gauntlet but this is what I want. I shatters Bakugou's gauntlet before went past his defense and hits his head, then chest, guts, and cheeks several times, I kept punching until I realizes he's actually unconscious.

"...." I put my finger on his neck and thankfully, his heart still beating. I pulls out the capture tape, that is now wet, before wrapping Bakugou with the tape. It didn't stick since it's wet, so I made sure he's wrapped from head to toe, like a mummy version of Aizawa the Kakuna. I shall call him, Kacchan the Silcoon.

I heard a snort of laughter from my head. I'm a bit petty towards him okay? I still angry at his stupid answers and that powerful explosion hurts like a bitch.

"Bakugou Katsuki has been captured! 4 minutes remaining!" I heard the announcement as Denki walk towards me.

"Are you okay?" Denki asked in worry. I held my bruise as I nodded. "That fight was a bit brutal, especially when he launch an explosion towards you."

"That's why I ask you to turn kn the sprinklers. His explosion is no joke." I said before looking at him. "How are you holding up?"

"Good." Denki said. "Also, the preparation is ready."

"Good. I rather finish the exercise quickly. We don't have much time left and I'm tired as fuck." I mutter as Denki nodded.

"You didn't get hurt badly, right?" Denki asked.

"I'm not wounded badly. Most of the blows I receive was tanked by the reinforced kevlar added to my jacket and vest." I said with a grin. "Besides, I think I overdid it with him."

"Yeah...that nut kick sounds painful." I can't help but wince.

"Let's....not talk about it again." I said as Denki nodded with a shudder.


Third POV

"Bakugou Katsuki is captured! 4 minutes remaining!"

Todoroki was a bit surprise at this, but not too much. He knows Midoriya is a threat to Bakugou and given how Bakugou spoke about him, He and Midoriya has some sort of history, not a good one.

'But, no matter.' Todoroki froze the whole room with thick layers of ice. 'I made sure I reinforce the ice so no one can enter. Even with Midoriya's strength, it'll took him a while to break it.'

Few minutes has passed as Todoroki keeps staring at the door, expecting something. But, he was confused. Why are the 'heroes' hasn't enter?


Todoroki blinked as he felt several water drops fell onto his head. He wipes it off before more drops start to fall into his face.

'M-my ice is melting!? But, how?' Todoroki thought. 'Did they made fire and lit around the building? No. If so, then the ice will melt at faster pace.' As he thought about this, he felt the room gets warmer as puddles starts to form under his feet. 'T-they really did it!?! How crazy are they!?'

Before Todoroki can do anything, a huge voltage of electricity starts to hits him like a lightning struck him from the sky. He screams in pain as he kept wondering how did they did it?

Before he can say anything, the door was shattered as Midoriya took a stance before grins widely. Todoroki widen his eyes, knowing what's going to happen as Midoriya blurred away.

"The bomb has been secured! Heroes team win!"

The electricity stops as Todoroki collapse to the ground while breathing heavily. Kaminari walks out from the door with a wide grin as Midoriya grinned back.

"I never thought we could win this!" Kaminari cheered.

"I'll be honest, I wasn't expect the second plan we made actually ran this smooth." Midoriya admits sheepishly. Kaminari raise his hand for a hi five, which Midoriya returns.

"The exercise is over. Midoriya, Kaminari, please help your classmates to infirmary. You both can visit as well if you're wounded." All Might said through the speaker.

"I should visit her. I rather not deal with possible burn scars again." Midoriya mutters before he stumbles a bit. "And my legs feels so sore. I really need to perfect that move."


First POV

"You! Idiot!!"

*Whack! Whack! Whack!*

"Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!"

I yelped as Recovery Girl bashed me with her iconic giant syringe while yelling at me relentlessly. Holy of all deities, what's with old ladies and their violences!?! And isn't her job to heal others, not adding more injuries!!?

"Did you even know what you did!?!" Recovery Girl yelled.

"...I ended his bloodline?" I weakly mutter.


"That's not something you should joke about!! And thankfully, you didn't....but still!! You cause a lot of damage! Broken nose, missing teeth, cracked ribs, jaws, and bruised testicles! What's with the brutality, kid!? He's your ex-boyfriend or something!?"

"Okay, first of all, eew! I'll never fall for that annoying pomeranian. My past self maybe will, but not my current self. And before accusing me for anything, it's not because of his gender, but for his personality. Second, he's my bully. I...let my rage and annoyance get the best of me...." I mutter the last part quietly.

"...You need a fucking therapy, sonny." Recovery Girl's voice turns softer before sighing.

"Yeah...." I said while rubbing my head.

"Also..." She went to smack my legs, causing me to wince. "Don't do.....whatever you did to your legs. Not only you didn't let it recover, you did something that slowly torn that muscles of yours." I winced at the statement. "Luckily, I manage to notice it before you completely torn it off."

"Sorahiko and Yagi sensei went full throttle towards me, trying to teach me how to move as fast as them." I said as suddenly, the temperature went down several degrees.

".....I'll kill them." Recovery Girl snarled in anger. Goodbye, bastards, I will not miss you all. Lady and Gentlemen, prepare for welcoming party.

"Ninth!!" Nana yelled at me but it was futile. Recovery Girl is adamant to fulfill her promise.

"Anyways, your legs have been fully healed. How are you feeling?" Recovery Girl asked.

"Tired, but not to the point I will collapse to exhaustion anytime soon." I said with a shrug.

"'re not lying, are you?" Recovery Girl asked with narrowed eyes.

"No." I said, a bit nervous at her stare. She then sigh before giving me some gummies.

"Very well. Don't overexert yourself. If you got injured and tired, I can't heal you." I simply nodded before eating the gummies and walk out of the infirmary. To my surprise, Denki and Eiji was standing in front of the infirmary.

"Hey, guys." I said as Eiji immediately gets too close to me.

"Bro, you were so manly back there! You fought him like a true man!" Eiji said excitedly. If he has a dog's tail and ears, they will constantly moving. How can a guy be so cute?!

"Simp." Banjo snickered. Hush!

"E-even the nut kick?" I asked sheepishly.

"Bro....when did you start pulling a low blow? And should I worry you will did the same to me?" Eiji immediately went nervous.

"Wait, you didn't know? I thought the camera showed it?" I asked in confusion.

"I wasn't exactly pay full attenrion. Both you and Bakugou fought and move around too much that you keep moving from one camera to another." Eiji said as I blinked before nodding.

"I see....and as for your question, nope, unless we're going all-out battle." I said as Eiji grinned.

"Well, then. I'm going to improve my quirk to the point I won't have to worry about low blows. All I need to do is to get hard." I coughed, trying to hid my splutter. This guy really need to watch his phrasing. I look at Denki who weakly grins at me.

"You okay, Denki?" I asked.

"Y-yeah..." Denki said nervously.

"..." I walk towards him as he grew nervous. I then did something I never expect to do to anyone, patting his head. "Great job, by the way. Thanks to you, we manage to win."

Okay, I'm pretty sure the hallway isn't that hot. So, why Denki turns red?

"'re a dense motherfucker!" Banjo yelled in annoyance. Nope, not going to 'that' possibility.

"He's more a denial person than dense, Fifth." En, please, just no.


"The MVP of the exercise is without a doubt, Kaminari-san."

I wasn't exactly surprise about this. I mean, I did messed up my own plan and Kaminari literally plays a major role at my victory against Bakugou and get the bomb.

"May I ask why you believe it is, Young Yaoyorozu?" All Might asked.

"It's quite simple. Bakugou-san was out of the question as he immediately charge towards Midoriya-san with zero regards of the task. His attitudes cost him to ended up getting caught off guard when Kaminari-san turns on the sprinklers, allowing Midoriya-san to take the advantage and knock him out. Todoroki-san was out since even if he was the one who focus on the goal, he still allow himself to let his guard down and let the hero team snatch the bomb. Midoriya-san may have planned everything, but he did several flaws. He at first was too focus on Bakugou-san that he tries to split task with Kaminari-san, despite knowing it's a team exercise." Yaomomo takes a deep breath. "Then, he didn't consider Kaminari-san's condition and almost got him harmed when he clashed with Bakugou-san. He may have able to think a new plan instantly, but I think it was too complicated. Kaminari-san has his ups and down, but he plays a major role on crippling the enemies." She looks at me. "Also, Midoriya-san, what exactly is the reason you use that plan?"

" first, I try to think of simple plans. But, again, both of my opponents are not only skilled at using their quirks, I need to think about their intelligences as well. I used to be attending the same school with Bakugou and I have to admit, my academic skills is still not good enough to beat his. And Todoroki-san is smart enough to pass the recommendation exam and I doubt Endeavor will let his son to be dumb as brick." I said calmly before looking at them. "So, I decided that I plan something that plays a major factor in this battle. Their egos."

"Egos?" Everyone tilted their heads in confusion.

"Bakugou may be intelligent, but he's the biggest pile of dog shit in this class." I said bluntly as Yaomomo blush at my crude language. "His ego lets him see me as nobody, and my actions as 'an action of someone who didn't know their places'. At first, I want to keep him distracted enough that he ignores Denki, but it backfires as Bakugou found us before we can enact our plan. So, I went for plan B, it's similar to plan A, but instead of letting Denki dealt with Todoroki-san, I ask for his help."

"I see....why didn't you do it before?" Yaomomo asked in confusion.

" plan A may have affected by my subconscious, where I just want to fight him alone and punch that shitty smug smirk off his face." I said while blushing.

"I-I see..." Yaomomo coughed. "W-what about Todoroki-san?"

"My plan A is to ask Kaminari to uses the heaters on the floor so he can warmed Todoroki's ice and use that puddle to shock him or activates the sprinkler before Kaminari did it. Todoroki is a guy with an ego that makes him believe that he is powerful enough to one shot anyone. So, when making the plan B, I decided that I need to lower his guard. So, we made sure the heater turn on for few minutes so Todoroki's ego-influenced mind made him believe we didn't found him. Then, comes the series of minor distraction. Water droplets, room getting warmer, and sudden puddle. For anyone with the mindset like Todoroki, he will be losing his focus and too curious of what we're planning so he can ruin it, and that's the moment where I let Denki use his quirk and I charge in."

"...have you consider what will happen if the water and electricity meet the bomb?" Yaomomo asked.

"It was very clear through the window." I said with a grin. "Also, if Todoroki froze the bomb or it's surrounding instead of the door, it'll be game over even before we start. I mean, All Might-sensei did says that if the bomb was damaged, it'll be an automatic game over and both sides didn't win."

"And why didn't you let Kaminari-san help you with Bakugou?" Yaomomo asked.

"He admits that he can't control the output and if he use his quirk in an area with too many water, he might get him to shortcircuit himself. So, we both agree we use his quirk as a last resort. And since I use myself as a living bait for Bakugou, I have to be in the same room as Bakugou to keep him company. And I rather not get shock, thank you very much." I add the last part dryly as Yaomomo blushed.

"I-I guess I give you less credit. Your plans may be overcomplicated for simple exercises, but it did its job and you actually think of possibilities." Yaomomo said.

"When I have to deal with Bakugou for 10 years, I have every right to be anxious and overly cautious." I said as Yaomomo nodded.

"Regardless, Kaminari-kun still get the MVP. Sorry, Midoriya-san." Yaomomo stated.

"Nah, no worries. I agree, he deserves it. After all," I wrapped my arm around Denki. "he's the G.O.A.T!"

"What does a goat even have to do with anything that just happen?" Yaomomo asked in confusion as Mina can't help but laugh.

"Yaomomo, the G.O.A.T he's talking about is an acronym for Greatest of All Time." Mina said as Yaomomo blushed in embarrassment.

"I-I see....I still got a lot to learn about these...'slangs', is it?" Mina nodded at Yaomomo.

"I'm more surprise at how Midori even know slangs." Mina said.

"You'll be surprise how few hours on internet everyday can affect anyone." I said before shivering. "And I rather forgot some of it, specifically, the dark side of the internet." Everyone, I mean everyone except Mineta, shudders.

"Yeah, we can agree on that." Jirou mutters.

"All Might-sensei, how about the next exercise?" I asked as All Might nodded.

"Y-yes, our next team will be Team H, the villain team, vs Team I, the hero team." I saw Asui, Mina, Koji, and Shoji gets up and starts to leave the observation room.

"Good luck, guys." I said as the 4 of them nodded. As they walk out, I was immediately tackled by Ocha. "H-hey, Ocha..."

"I'm glad you're okay!" Ocha said with a bright smile. "I know you'll win! Unlike some people in this room...." I saw Ocha glare at everyone as they all looks away while coughing and Eiji shakes his head with a grin. You're telling me no one is confident enough to cheer for me to win except Ocha and Eiji? I know we just met, but ouch.

"Thanks everyone, feeling the love, by the way." I can't help but giving the dry sarcastic comment to everyone as they all blushed. I heard a cough before turning to All Might. My Observation picks up his nervousness and sheepish. All Might too!? Wow, and I thought we're having some sort of bond here.

"No offense, kid. But, logically, you should've lose. You only have 2 months of experience in using your quirk and everyone has them since they're 4 years old." Second commented.

'I know, and I don't blame them.' I replied mentally as I look at everyone as they all trying to avoid eye contacts. 'But, still, I can't help but feel hurt.'

"But, look at the bright side, your main harem members believe in you!" Nana exclaimed as I feel heat on my cheeks.

'Nana! Please! Stop!' I cried internally, trying not to make any expression.

"Stop being in denial, Ninth! We both know that's the truth!" Nana points out. La, la, la, can't hear you! "Very mature, Ninth. Very mature."

'I rather not think of harems. I'm not even the isekai protagonist.' I can feel everyone staring me with deadpan expression. 'Hey, if I got sent here, don't you think there's a chance others also got sent here? And I can't exactly call myself protagonist, I'm not a guy with stick up in my ass.'

" took over this world's protagonist. I'm pretty sure that counts as Isekai protagonist." First said in deadpan.

'First....I can't be a protagonist....this is not a novel, comic, manga, or whatever it is. It's real world and real worlds never have a main protagonist. Each of us are protagonist of their own story, but never a protagonist who are so important that the universe give he/she everything in silver platter just for the sake of the world's 'plot'.' I thought. 'And if you forget, the universe hates me so much that I suffer from it.'

"And pray tell what kind of suffer did you endure?" Third asked sarcastically.

'Let's see, getting your ass handed in silver platter by the number 1 hero and his mentor to the point you're a living embodiment of anxiety wrapped by human skin, getting placed with Bakugou of all people in a same class, then, there's an 200 years old so-called demon lord plotting to rule over Japan from the shadow.' I reply in deadpan manner. 'Sure, the first part helps with my Observation, but is the daily beating worth it? A big, fat, no! And I have to deal with it for the entire 2 months!'

"Technically, you ask for it." Nana chimed in.

'Yeah, and I regret it already.' I thought with annoyed expression. 'And let's not forget the world I got isekai'd in. If I don't know about OFA or even have knowledge on self defense, I'll be dead immediately in the entrance exam. You really need to see how many unrealistic SI Isekai Fics where all protagonists are able to fight despite never did it in their pasts, simply spamming their power and all.'

"Okay kid, we get it." Daigoro moaned at my 'reasonings'. I can't blame him, I did sound like I whined. Let's add that on my bucket list of self improvement.

"You really being harsh on yourself." Nana said in worry.

'I was an ignorant brat, Nana. I rather took my second chance seriously, unlike last time....' I mutter the last part before looking at my friends. Do they count as my friends since I literally took over Izuku's life?

"Kid, you act nothing like Izuku despite some similarities, and you're the one who expand the circle of friendship, not Izuku. So, they're your friends." Yoichi points out.

"I still think he should stop hanging out with them." Third scowled.

"Third, he's a fucking kid! Stop with your obsession of turning him into an antisocial edgelord! We didn't force you to stop being a furry and be normal, so stop forcing him to be an edgelord!" I tried, tried so hard not to laugh at the fact dumps from Yoichi. To think a guy who hates friendship is a furry, a community known for their friendships, that is so unexpected.

"Yoichi! You promise to keep it a secret!" I tried not to do anything, but my body won't stop shaking, trying to hold my laughter. "And stop laughing!"

'I can't believe the irony. A guy who despise me for having friends have something in common with me.' I thought in amusement.

"Wait, you're a furry?!" Banjo asked in disbelief.

'Always been one. Still remember my one and only fursona I used to draw.' I replied.

"...kill me now." Third mutter in agony.

'You're already dead.' I deadpanned at him before looking at the screen. As All Might start the match, I decided to try to observe the whole match using Observation!?

Why can I feel tons of life forces around the training area?!

I look at the camera where Koda and Shoji are and I can't help but scared.

That's a lot of rats. That's a shit tons of rats crawling from the sewer drain.

I raise both of my hands and covers my ears, just to be save than sorry. Everyone simply look at me strangely before looking at the screen and paled.


No matter how brave you are to be qualified as a hero, that shit tons of rats will be enough to give a shock and scare. I saw both girls fainted with a thud.

"....Team I is the winner of the match."

Next time, I should be careful when giving advices to Koji-kun, especially when the advices came from Overlord. He's fucking terrifying.

I'm just grateful I didn't ask him to use cockroaches and Koda was afraid of bugs.

"Ninth, that's enough." Yeah, I'll stop now.....

Later, Third POV

Recovery Girl's Infirmary

" head...."

Bakugou groans while holding his head in pain. He felt the pain won't stop stabbing his head.

'W-why the fuck is my head hurt so much?!' Bakugou groaned before looking around. He notices that he's actually in infirmary.

"Oh, you're awake. Good." Recovery Girl said before without any warning, kiss his cheeks.

"What the fuck, you old-!?" Bakugou stops himself as he felt the pain starts to disappear but he felt his stamina drained.

"Now that's over, how's your head?" Recovery Girl asked.

"It no longer hurt as fuck." Bakugou mutter with a yawn before Recovery Girl slaps his legs. "WHAT THE FUCK, YOU OLD HAG!?"

"Language!" She slaps him again, making him silent but still glaring at him. "What about the rest of your body?"

"Only a bit...." Bakugou mutters.

"Well, then, you're good to go. I should be grateful that you have enough stamina to properly heals most of your damage, especially the cracked bones. I really wish that kid held back more." Recovery Girl mutters quietly, but Bakugou heard it and grits his teeth.

"I.....I lost to Deku...?" Bakugou mutters in anger as Recovery Girl notices this and takes a mental note.

'I think both needs therapy.' RG deadpanned as she looks at Todoroki who keeps gritting his teeth while clenching his fist.

'To think that ice isn't enough to be at the top. I-is that bastard right!? Am I not enough with only my mother's ice? No, I simply need to get stronger. I'll be number one without relying on that bastard's fire!' Todoroki thought as his body burns in fiery determination.

'...make that three.' RG added her mental note.

After School

First POV

"I'm glad that the school's over."

I wobbly walks out of the classroom with a tired expression. I may like get my secodn chance in a new world, but why do I have to go through schools again?

And then, Calculus, fucking calculus. I thought I had enough of it after college, but nope, they somehow haunt my nightmare once again in my new life. And it was teached by one of the least appreciated hero in the fanbase, Ectoplasm.

No offense, I respect Ectoplasm a lot, being a hero while having handicaps proof he belongs to one of the G.O.A.Ts, and I wish Izuku gains more inspiration from him more. He proves that having handicaps, no matter in what forms, doesn't stop you from being a good hero.

But, why does he has to teach my hated subjects of all time!?

I sigh as out of nowhere, Ocha and Eiji immediately tackled me and lying on my back.

"Can you guys be a bit gentler?" I said tiredly as both grinned widely.

"Sorry, Izu-bro/Izu-kun!" Yeah, that is not a 'I'm sorry' face. I sigh before smiling and lift both of them with ease, surprising both of them.

"Whoa! I know you lift, bro, but I wasn't aware you can lift both of us!" Eiji was practically in awe.

"I lift a fridge sit by a 560 lbs gym teacher at few days before the end of my training day. You two are far lighter than that." I reply as Momo, Mina, Koda, and Iida appear and saw us.

"Oh, wow. I know he's strong, but not this strong." Mina whistled before she grins. "Let me join!" I sidestep away to dodge her incoming assault. "Meanie!"

"Sorry, Mina. Only two people at a time." I said unapologetically. "As you can see, no space available."

"Boo!!" Mina pouted as Eiji and Ocha laughed. Koda approach me with a small smile.

"Thank you for the suggestion for my quirk." Koda said quietly.

"No problem." Suddenly, I felt two pairs of eyes drill holes on my back. I turn around and look at both Ocha and Eiji give me a blank expression.

"So, you're the one who give him such terrible advice." Ocha's voice was monotonous, I could mistake her as a robot. "I knew something's wrong when our cinnamon roll did such terrifying action."

"How unmanly, bro." Eiji said in the same monotone manner. I look at Koda with a pleading expression.

"G-guys, please don't blame him. He only gives me a suggestion, not forcing me to do it!" Koda said in panic tone.

"No, Koda. He needs to be punish." Ocha said before she starts to tickles me with Eiji also joins in. I can't hold it as I starts laughing uncontrollably.

"S-stop!!" I plead while laughing continuously.

"Promise us you will not give him bad advices!" Ocha exclaimed while increase her effort to tickle me, causing me to lose grip on them and let them fall.

"Okay, maybe tickling him while he carries us is a bad idea." She groan as everyone laugh at the situation. I notices Bakugou walking out of the class while looking like he was defeated. When I use my Observation, I was completely taken aback of what I got.

His current emotion only shows sign of defeated. He's completely and utterly defeated.

Katsuki Bakugou, one of the most arrogant but hardworking antagonistic character, feels nothing but defeated. Is his ego much fragile than the normal canon timeline? Wait.....

Of course! In the canon timeline, he manages to rationalize that Izuku win by default instead of win the actual battle after small pep talk and seeing Todoroki, an unknown to him who manages to flex on him, only made him more determined.

Here, he got defeated by the supposed weakest and useless person he ever known. To him, it only shows that he's weak and all this time, he only wins because the person who he bullies let him.

'Damn it, why is that dick have to be emotionally stupid?' I groaned mentally. This is why he isn't my fav BnHA's character. His mentallity and logic only made me questioning at his crumbling sanity.

"Guys, I gotta do something, so let me take care of few things." I walk to approach Bakugou. I feel like I'm gonna regret this, but if I get a second chance after making tons of mistake and damages, then perhaps...

Outside of UA


I saw him stop himself before turning around to face me. I tried not to react, but his eyes really unnerved me. I got used to his crazed, borderline psychotic glint from his eyes, and seeing him having none of those truly affect me.

"What the fuck do you want, Deku? You came here to gloat?" His voice also devoid of any emotion. Okay, this guy really unnerved me by simply being OOC.

"If you're unnerved from him OOC, then try to imagine him seeing his victim OOC as well." En, I get your point, but not now!

"You know that I'm not that kind of person, Bakugou." I said as I walk towards him. "You shout and gloat, I listen and praise. That's how its been since childhood."

"Then, get the fuck away from me." Bakugou turned around and walks away.

"Is this how you react to your loss? Sulking, and giving up?" Bakugou immediately froze and turn towards me with murderous expression.

"I ain't giving up, you fucking nerd!" Bakugou roared as he grabs my shirt.

"Your eyes said otherwise." Bakugou trembles in anger before letting go and look away.

"I lost. To you, of all people!" Bakugou said before looking back at me. "I was suppose to be the best! I was suppose to blast through all of those fucking extra! And you're no better! You're suppose to be a simple peeble in the road, not a sleeping lion!" Bakugou slowly teared up. "Why would you never fight back if you can!? Am I not worth your strength back then!?! Is that why you decided to humiliate me in front of those extra-!?" I didn't let him finish as I let a punch on his cheeks, knocking him down.

"Is that how you see everyone? Nothing but a worthless obstacle!? I can't believe you have the gall to cry over your fragile ego!" I can't help but roared, forgetting that I was suppose to 'help' him. "l can't fucking believe you! How do I even tolerate you back then is beyond me!" I look at Bakugou. "Did you seriously believe you're the best? Or unbeatable!? No one is truly unbeatable! Not even you! Not even every top 10 heroes across the globe! Not even All Might!"

"All Might-!" I immediately cut him off.

"Lose his battle against his old age!" Bakugou stop himself before widening his eyes. "All Might's power is super strength, not immortality. You need to remember that, he will retire one day and even lose his life due to his old age."

"....." Bakugou simply looks down on the floor, looking like his world view was just shattered.

"Look, if you really think seriously about your loss, why don't you instead think of not let it happen again?" I asked as Bakugou looks at me. "You lose, big deal, I lost to you for years and only this time I manage to won. You got tons of wins and I only get one, Bakugou. Loss is an important lesson, a lesson to secure your future victory."

"Don't spout with that bullshit." Bakugou mutters. "Those are words of losers."

"All Might once also lost in battle, you know." Bakugou's attention was immediately on me.

"You lied!" Bakugou roared.

"I meet him, we have a talk. I ask him, 'Is there a time when you loss?'. He admits that he does." I said as Bakugou shakes his head in denial.

"Y-you lied! All Might never loses!" As he starts to get up and tried to punch me, his hand was caught by a large hand. I look at my side and saw All Might.

"Young Midoriya is right, Young Bakugou." All Might said as he let go of Bakugou's hand. "I do lose. It was when I was young, I encounter a villain. My mentors and I lose the battle, one of them sacrifice herself for me while the other one pulls me away from the fight." Bakugou continues to stare at All Might in disbelief. "It was that loses that made me think of how to overcome it. It took a while, but I manage to do it. And you should do the same, if you're aiming that number one spot from me after I retire."

Bakugou continues to stare at All Might before he walks away and grabs his bag. All Might sigh as he watches Bakugou walks out of the gate.

"Is this a good idea? Why do you not let him face his actions to you?" All Might asked as I sigh.

"Perhaps....deep down, I still care for him." I mutters. "I'm...not a guy who wants to see anyone walk through a villain's path. If I can stop him from walking that path, then I took that chance." I rubs my hair. "I keep praising him, even know that what he did is wrong. I don't want to repeat the same mistake. I'll do anything to keep him from the path of villainy."

It's not the right reason, but I can't tell him the truth yet. Maybe one day, but not now.

".....I see that you still have that kindness." All Might said with a smile.

"....." I use my Observation once more, and I'm super glad that he no longer has that 'defeated' aura. It's now replaced with determination and....what's that teeny, tiny dot in his head?

"Respect." Nana's answer was so out of place that I almost facefaulted. "It shares the similar feelings as when you show Soru in front of Sorahiko."

'.....I still hate his overcomplicated personality." I didn't do anything to earn his respect other than defeating him. This is why I hate to completely understand other people's emotion, it confuse the fuck out of me.

"Also, can you guys stop eavesdropping?" I immediately look at the pillar next to the front door. As I said that, Ocha, Eiji, Koji, Shinsou, Iida, Denki, and Yaoyorozu come out of hiding. Then, followed by Kendo and Tetsutetsu.

"S-sorry." Ocha mutters quietly, but I can still hear her.

"No need to apologize." I sigh while rubbing my head. "You guys heard everything." It's not a question, it's a statement.

"Y-yeah...." Yaoyorozu said, while pulling out a hearing device.

"....I guess I should explain few things." Damn it, I thought I can rest after dealing with Bakugou.

Post Credit Scene

Bakugou's Household

3rd POV

Bakugou can see lying on the bed while looking at his arm. His mind wandering to when he talks with Izuku.

".....Deku's changed a lot....." Bakugou mutters as he clenches his fist. "He's also got stronger a lot. Is it because of All Might admits he's retire? I can't fucking believe he's actually going to retire..."

Bakugou looks at the poster of All Might he stick on his bedroom's wall.

"I swear.....I'll take your number one place, All Might! I promise! I won't lose to anyone else ever again!" Bakugou shouted, determination in his voice. He then look at the picture of his childhood with Izuku. "My next goal, get my win back against that fucking nerd! Get ready Deku, the next time we face off, I'll be much stronger!"

"For fuck's sake, Katsuki! Go to fucking sleep!" Bakugou flinches before growling.

"Damn it, you old hag! I'm having my fucking moment here!"

"Moment, my ass! No one having a moment shouting crazily! And stop calling your mother old hag, you fucking brat!"


"All Might...the so-called Symbol of Peace.....teaching at UA?" A voice can be heard from the darkness as he starts chuckling before a newspaper showing an image of All Might with the headline 'All Might teaches in UA!? Facts or False!?'.

"I wonder...." A hand slowly grabs the newspaper as it cracks. "what happen if the Symbol of Peace was killed?" The newspaper slowly crumbles as the hand clenches the crumbled newspaper, turning it into nothing but a pile of dust. "Won't it made a perfect headline on the news?" The voice slowly chuckles before laughing maniacally.

To be continued.