Chapter 6 - A Filler Before the Storm

Dagobah Municipal Beach Park

Musutafu, Japan

Main POV


I kick the ground as fast as I can before I move towards the other side in a burst of speed. This time, I manage to stop myself but I can't help to wince from the sudden pain in my legs. I immediately stop as I sigh.

"You get better at using the technique," Yoichi commented.

"I wish I didn't have to deal with the drawbacks," I muttered in annoyance. I can't believe how much of a hassle it is to use one of the Rokushiki. I have to give more respect to the Cipher Pol agents for mastering it and using it like it's an on-off switch.

"One Piece casts consist of monsters," Daigoro mutters in a horrified manner.

'That I can agree on,' I nodded before getting up and trying to activate One For All. I felt the warmth flowing through my body. I look at the sea before taking a deep breath and taking a stance.

"Rankyaku!" I swung my leg as fast as possible, hoping for a wind blade. But instead, I was met with a powerful gust of wind blown around the area, causing a small wave in the sea.

"...I think you should use more speed than strength," Shinomori commented. Easier said than done. OFA amplifies your strength and utilizes that strength to increase your acceleration. "Why don't you practice how to do it without OFA?"

".....I can't think of any idea, so why not?" I mutter before practicing my kicks again. Compared to my old self, my strength and speed of my technique have improved a lot even without OFA.

During my training, it turns out that OFA acts as a multiplier instead of a simple raw power enhancement. If I can increase my core strength and speed, imagine what happens once it is multiplied by OFA.

"I never get how you were able to come to that conclusion." The Third muttered.

"All Might," I replied, getting his attention. "When I start training Haki or in Torino-sensei's words Ryou, I take a look at Izuku's note about All Might he wrote during the beach cleaning when I was bored. He points out that the muscle mass and strength in his body are multiplied by tons. And since most strength come from people's muscles, I assume it work similarly for me."

"But, OFA always changes based on the users." Nana points out.

"That's because of the Quirk factor. This is just my theory, but if I made my calculations right, each generation will multiply OFA's Multiplier, and each differs from the user's quirk. The greater your quirk factor is, the weaker it multiplies. Hence the reason why All Might's OFA strength skyrocketed compared to Nana's OFA." I mutter. "By the way, Second, Third, how much have your quirks improved when you use Gearshift and Fajin respectively?"

"I can accelerate a bullet with near-perfect control, and I'm able to use a bigger object when I get OFA but it's harder and slower when I use something like a rock." Second said. I can hear the scowl from how disappointing his boost was.

"I can accumulate more than quadruple the energy before OFA." Third said.

"So, basically, Yoichi starts OFA with 1.0 x base strength, and when Yoichi passed to Second, it turns to....3.0 x I think? and when it passed to Third, perhaps it turned to 4.4x or 4.5x." I continue to kick while muttering. "Shinomori, Daigoro?"

"My Danger Senses area increases from a measly 10-meter radius to 100 meters." I almost facefaulted from the sudden increases. What the fuck?!

"My Black Whip was able to break a bone easily and has better durability. Back then, it easily snapped from simply carrying my body weight, which is around 50kg, not to mention, It isn't strong enough to even break a wooden plank, and it was easily cut with a normal knife." Daigoro proudly bragged.

"So, around 10x and 13x respectively. Huh." I mutter before I try to increase my kicking speed.

"If you're wondering, I can fly easily while carrying two 100kg thugs with OFA. Back then, I couldn't get above 10 feet with my body weight, which is around 55kg." Nana stated.

"....did you know how much you weigh after OFA and how high you can fly?" My Observation immediately went off like a fire alarm as I could feel the dread coming from every vestige. "N-nevermind! Forget I asked!" Then, my Observation went off again, and my trained body immediately ducked from a flying kick.

"Nice dodge, brat!" I immediately rolled back as somehow, Gran Torino went up and tried to stomp where I was in such high speed. "And you didn't use OFA! My training did have results!"

"I can still remember you were THIS CLOSE to take my head off in every training!" I emphasize it by connecting my fingers and acting like I am trying to squish a bug with it. Gran Torino simply snorted.

"If I want to kill you, you'll be dead by now." Gran Torino said.

"Oh, and that statement did a WONDERFUL job to reassure me." I literally said with the most obvious sarcastic tone that even a blockheaded dumbass would even recognize it.

"What kind of insult is a blockheaded dumbass?" I ignored Nana's muttering before I dodged another attack from Gran Torino. I stop myself as Torino zigzags around the air, sand, and even water like everything is inside a pinball.

I tried to dodge the attacks but Gran Torino was ruthless. I was able to dodge the first, but he immediately followed it with two attacks. I dodged another one, and this time, he kicked 3 times in a row. This continues for a while. Fuck, our strength level is too much different.

'Fuck, if I keep this up, I will end up unconscious. I gotta tanked his attack, reducing his acceleration.' My Observation catches his movement from the back. When I tried to hit him, he simply blitzed through my attack and hit my unguarded defense. Saliva and some of my breakfast came out of my mouth before I caught myself and shakily stood up.

I really am bad at this. The only reason I'm still standing is due to my Observation. If I didn't dodge some of his attacks, I might be unconscious right now. I try not to rely too much on OFA, Soru is useless right now as Gran Torino can cut my acceleration faster than I can blink, and Armament-

"I guess I gotta try again," I mutter as I try to sense Torino once more. Fuck, that bastard is seemingly smug right now. I really want to punch his face so much. I raise both of my arms to protect a direct hit on my head. I endured the attack, but my arms were bruised badly. 

Observation picks up my ambition to survive and avoid injury, then maybe Armament picks up my ambition to endure and gain more strength, or maybe it's the desire to punch someone's face. I really don't know how it works, as Luffy said, it works. But, what choice do I have? Gran Torino then hit me twice again.

'Damn it, Torino. For fuck sake, stop accelerating!' I angrily swung at where Torino tried to attack as I felt a sudden surge of energy flowed on my arm, and it was not OFA.


I widened my eyes as I saw my fist coated with a bluish-black coat of metal skin, hitting Torino's yellowish-black metal skin. That said bastard is grinning ear-to-ear.

"Now, you get it." Gran Torino said before he suddenly disappeared and I immediately switched the flow of that energy on my back. As Gran Torino appears on my back, the armor coating suddenly disappears, leaving me exposed and defenseless.

"....shit." And I was introduced to a world of more pain.

A few seconds later

"Arrghh!!! Fuck you, Torino-sensei."

"Bah! That's a love tap!"

"Love tap, my ass!"


"You're the one with zero self-restraint!"

I lay on the ground with my back exposed. I can still feel it smoking like an overheated microwave on the verge of exploding.

"Look at the bright side, brat. It took you two months or so to finally figure out the basics of that aspect of Ryou." Gran Torino points out.

"Is that a compliment?" I asked in a deadpan manner. Torino's tone doesn't sound like it is.

"Brat, it took me 3 months to activate it and 9 months to master it. Be more proud." Torino points out as I sigh. "So, how's your progress with OFA?"

"Still 10%. If I push myself, I can use 15% for 45 seconds." I said while rubbing my back. "I manage to figure out how to flow OFA through my blood vessels and into my muscles. I can only use 5% for a few seconds, but it has higher destructive power than 10% and a bit higher than 15%." I regret everything when I see the predatory grin from Gran Torino.

"Get up and let's practice more, brat!" Fuck my big mouth. back! My back! "No excuses! You want to train with me, you got it!" Why!?!

30 Minutes Later


I opened my eyes and was horrified when I saw the gangs all here. Ocha and Eiji immediately approach me and lift me up.

"Izu-bro!? Who did this to you?!" Eiji asked in a panic.

"R-run....." I mutter weakly.

"Run?! Midoriya-kun, what exactly happened!?" I heard Iida shout in panic.

"Get out of here....please...." I mutter painfully.

"Oh, what's this? Are your friends also decided to join our training? Very well, then. It's been a while since I teach a large group of zygotes." I turned pale as I heard Gran Torino's voice. As I slowly fell unconscious, I heard a crack and a loud scream.

UA High

I can still the burning pain in my chest, back, legs, arms, and even some parts that are supposed to be impossible to get hit. I think Gran Torino might use a small dose of Emission and Internal Destruction.

I still gain enough strength to swing around the town though, it has become a habit of mine ever since I got traumatized from riding a train. It not only helps with my muscle strength and flexibility, but it's also free.

"Some day, you'll get caught and arrested," Yoichi mutters.

"I don't use my quirk, so not happening." I retorted. As I landed at the side road near UA, I tried to use Observation on my surroundings. I blinked when I saw tons of people surrounding UA.'s the press...

"That's the reason why we chose underground," En muttered.

'I wish I could go underground. But, with how flashy OFA is, it'll be hard as fuck.' I replied. I slowly walk towards UA and just like the anime and manga, the reporters shamelessly shoved their stupid microphones near my face.

"What can you tell us about All Might!?" Holy Buddha, tone down your voice, woman! I'm right in front of you!

Wait, did I just see Chitose aka Curious of the Meta Liberation Army!?

I snap myself out of the thought since I have a bigger issue to deal with, especially with so many microphones near my face. It's time to play dumb.

"Wait, All Might teach at UA?!" I asked in mock shock.

"NOT THAT DUMB!!!!" Third, Shinomori, Banjo, En, and Nana, thank you for giving me a bigger headache.

"Why are you asking us that!? Didn't he teach you!?" The reporters asked in surprise.

"No! Us General Department didn't even know All Might teach in UA!" I said, still acting surprised. And just like, everyone moves away from me, looking disinterested. My Observation picked up the others and given how they weren't surrounded, they apparently heard what I said.

I froze when my Observation picked up immense hatred from one of the crowd. I look at where the source comes from and widen my eyes. A mysterious figure wearing a black hoodie.

"T-tenko!" Nana said in horror.

'...Sorry, Nana. We can't interact with him right now. Too many civilians here.' As I said that, I walked away and saw Aizawa, who gave me a confused look.

"Problem child....what did you do?" Aizawa asked.

"Training," I muttered while shivering. "Also, sensei, I felt a killing intent from one of the reporters."

"K-killing intent?" I never saw Aizawa almost break his composure.

"Yeah. Just keep an eye on the red-eyed man with a hoodie." I whispered before walking towards the building.


I sat on my desk as I nursed the bruise on my cheek. I turned around and cringed when I saw the dead expressions made by the gangs. After I fell unconscious due to GT's 'training', he dragged them into the mess. Those bruises on their bodies indicate that he didn't hold back at all, including the Haki usages.

" train with him for two months?" Eiji asked as I nodded. I feel someone pat my shoulder and I turn around to see Iida with a stoic expression, but the bruises on his face make it look goofy.

" have my eternal respect...." Eh? What does that mean? I stare at Iida in shock and disbelief. What does he mean by that!?

"I can see how you can get your quirk under control easily. When facing that kind of danger every day, you got to adapt faster." Yaomomo said blankly.

"Y-yeah," I said with a sweatdrop. I can't believe Torino traumatized them that much.

"Hey guys." I turned around and saw Tooru. "Sorry for not joining you guys yesterday and this morning."

"Hey, Tooru," I said with a smile.

"Hello," Yaomomo said with a nod. "But, what were you doing yesterday, Tooru-chan?"

"After reviewing my hero costume-," I coughed as Tooru 'glared' at me. "I get it, Zuku."

"....oh..." Yaomomo starts to blush furiously, remembering what Tooru's 'hero costume' was like. "Y-yeah, I can see why."

"Not my proudest moment, I know. So, I decided to go to the support course and ask for the suggestion Zuku made for Yaomomo." Tooru suddenly chuckles sheepishly, and I have a few ideas why.

"They try to use your hair as a base DNA but it gets lost due to it being invisible and you all turn the whole support lab upside down just to look for it?" I asked with shaky lips. 

"H-how did you know that!?" Tooru was completely flustered as I took a deep breath before laughing and W H E E Z E D. Yaomomo covered her mouth, trying to stifle her giggles. "Come on guys, it's not funny. It's a major pain in the ass!" She then looks at us, more specifically, checking on our faces. Must've noticed our bruises. "...what have you guys been doing when I was gone?"

"Izu's sensei is batshit insane." I choked at how Ocha nonchalantly said those. 

"....I'm lucky I didn't join you guys," Tooru said in a deadpan manner. I chuckle hesitantly before I notice Bakugou enter the class he stares at me before looking away. Uhm.....what?

Seriously, why are most people I recognize acting out of character today?

"Alright, get back to your seat." Aizawa entered the class as he glared at everyone with his quirk. Or maybe a small dose of Conqueror's Haki? I turned around and saw everyone flinches while Mineta fainted again. 

If that didn't convince me that Aizawa is a Conqueror, then I don't know what will.

"I saw the battle training, and I have to say, All Might wasn't supposed to start the training with that. It's supposed to be First Year's second-semester lesson for a reason." Aizawa said while looking at everyone, who looked surprised. "All Might was supposed to review your hero costumes and see how effective it was with small sparring sessions. And that results with 'some' students with...questionable costume design." I saw some female students flushed in embarrassment.

"Anyways, what's done is done. Now, onto the review." Aizawa looks at Denki. "Kaminari, next time if you're unwell, don't push yourself. This is only practice, so it's alright to back off." Denki nodded before Aizawa stared at me. "Midoriya, next time don't waste too much time and push aside your personal problem. And perhaps next time, choose the right choice for you and your teammate."

"Y-yeah....." I rub my cheek sheepishly. "You're right, sir. I'll keep that in mind."

"Show me instead of giving me an empty promise," Aizawa said as I could only nod. "Bakugou, I'll confiscate your gauntlets."

"W-what!?" Bakugou said in shock.

"No sane teacher is supposed to allow a student to get a level 7 mass destruction weapon, especially when that student doesn't know how to control their emotion," Aizawa said while glaring at Bakugou. "If Midoriya didn't find a proper counter to your quirk, he will receive a fatal injury, more specifically, a giant gaping hole in his stomach." Everyone turns green at imagining it, including Bakugou. "Do you truly want to be responsible for an actual murder?"

"...No...." Bakugou said quietly, much to everyone's surprise.

"I'll give it back till you show you're responsible enough to wield such a weapon," Aizawa stated. 

"Fine, I'll prove you wrong for not believing me, Aizawa-sensei! Just you watch!" Bakugou roared, much to my surprise. I thought he might be lashing out by saying 'You can't do this! I'm the number one hero!'

"I guess the talk from Toshi actually opened his eyes," Nana stated. Yeah, he really needs his role model to keep him straight. That's exactly how he was tamed in anime/manga.

"As I said to Midoriya, show me instead of giving me an empty promise," Aizawa said before he gave a full power glare at Todoroki. Welp, I can't say I didn't see this coming. "Todoroki, are you treating my words as a joke?"

"No." I wanna facepalm as I heard the blunt reply from Todoroki. Did he even realize how much trouble he's in for refusing to use his fire? Then again, it can't be helped unless someone decides to take things into their own hand and beat the trauma out of his head.

"....." Aizawa slowly drags his face down in an 'I'm so done' manner. "Nevermind....."

.....I expect too much from our lazybump of a teacher.

"Anyways, we're going to discuss a pressing matter." I don't need my Observation to tell how nervous everyone is. I try not to roll my eyes as I know where this is going. "You're going to choose the class president."

3, 2, 1.


.....fantastic, my ears are bleeding.

"Stop being overdramatic, Ninth," Daigoro said.

'You rather want me to be a boring-ass bitch?' I asked as I try to block most shouting made by others, saying random shit about being class president.

"Girl's skirt shall be 30 cm shorter! And there will be exposing panties day once a month!"

I toss a pencil with 10% OFA to that bastard who just said those. Said bastard yelled in pain.

"Thanks, Midoriya!/Izuku!" The girls shouted in unison. I give a thumb up before lying my forehead on the table. That painful training drains most of my energy and I overuse my Observation to the point my senses are more sensitive than usual. The screaming from them only made it worse.

The only bright sight is that I can utilize Armament from a measly 1 second to 2 second.

....why do I feel like someone's judging me for being too weak? Ah, right, Third...

"I didn't say anything!" Third said in annoyance.

'You're thinking it.' I retorted.

"He's not wrong," Yoichi said as Third grumbled in annoyance.

Now, let's write a vote so I can go back to sleep.


What. The. Fuck!?

I blink several times before I rub my eyes. I think my old eyesight returns to haunt the rest of my second life.

Izuku Midoriya: 7 votes

Momo Yaoyorozu: 4 votes

Katsuki Bakugou: 1 vote

Tenya Iida: 0 vote


"....." Okay, seriously, do I look like a leader type?

"You help tons of students in over a few months." En points out.

"You befriend them despite the fact they believe their flaws didn't earn your friendship," Daigoro said. "And they even become your harem."

'Would you PLEASE stop with that harem comment?!' I begged that egghead to drop that, and I have a feeling that he won't.

"I think most of the votes come from bias." Shinomori points out.

'Yeah....' I reply tiredly. 

"Who the fuck voted for Deku!?" Bakugou roared. I moaned silently as I covered my head. I am not getting paid to handle this shit...

"But, you didn't have any salary." Exactly, Yoichi. That's the point of my complaint.

"Okay, so Midoriya is the class president while Yaoyorozu is the vice president. Whatever, I'm going back to sleep." Aizawa, you motherfucker.....

"Okay, here's my first command as a class president. Yaomomo, give your title to Iida so I can give mine to you." I declared.

"E-eh!?" Yaomomo was completely taken aback.

"I'm no class president material, and besides, I'm not good at handling any class president's job. I think letting you and Iida, two of the most responsible students in Class 1A is the right choice." I said as I patted her shoulder. "And before you say anything that discards your self-esteem, you deserve your position."

"Oh, uh...uhm..t-thanks." Yaomomo answered in a flustered tone.

"Good, now let me sleep. I need to recover my energy after you know what." As I finished saying those, I immediately let myself collapse into my table and into the dream world.


I really need to complain to Nedzu about this. Who the fuck think it's a good idea that Math should have 9 hours of lesson in the weekly schedule!?!

I swallow the whole chicken katsu out of anger, frustration, and hunger. I try so many times to avoid the nightmare that is Math, yet it haunts me back in my second life.

Thank god I know Japanese and English, if not, both questions are a complete nightmare. Last time, I had a classmate who tried to take a math course in Mandarin, and let's just say, she regretted it on the first day. I still remember how she cried for hours while calling her parents, expressing her regrets.

"I-Izu, are you okay?" I snap out of my rant before looking at Ocha, who looks nervous.

"S-sorry, I was a bit frustrated," I said sheepishly.

"I-is it about the vote?" Ocha asked nervously, looking like a kid getting caught doing something bad.

"No, no. I was frustrated at the school lesson." I said in a hurried manner. I hate how they give that kind of look. "Especially maths! I mean, who the fuck is sane enough to give us Math lessons for 9 hours a week, where the 2 hours consist of Math using English!"

"O-oh..." Ochako said, her face showing relief before shivering. "Y-yeah, I'm struggling at that lesson as well."

"Math is every student's nightmare," I said while nodding sagely before looking at Ochako. "Although, why are you, Eiji, and Koda voting for me?" I asked as she looked like a deer in headlights.

"W-wha-!?" Ocha was trying to deny it, but I simply gave her a flat stare.

"Your whistling gave it away," I said in a deadpan manner as Ocha blushed.

"W-well, I just thought you might be a good leader," Ocha mutters shyly.

".....Thanks for believing in me. But, I rather not take the job." I said with a small smile.

"S-sorry," Ocha mutters. I sigh before lightly pinching her cheeks. "Ow, ow! Let go!"

"Not until you stop acting guilty," I said, and I couldn't help but be surprised at how pinchable her cheeks were. It's like mochi!

"Okay, okay, I'll stop!" Ocha said as I let go. She glares at me while pouting. "Meanie."

"Come on, Ocha, if I didn't, you'll keep being guilty and I can't let that happen," I said defensively.

"But, do you have to pinch my cheeks?" Ocha mutter.

"Don't blame me for looking cute with those pinchable cheeks," I said without giving a thought before I realized what I said and my face started to warm up. "Wha-, I, uh, uhmmm...."

"C-cute!?" Ocha mutters as her face immediately explodes into a blushing mess. I can hear the vestiges laugh at the back of my head.

"Hey, Izu-bro!" I immediately snapped out of my mind as I saw Eiji, Iida, Yaomomo, Mina, Denki, and Tooru arrive. "Umm, why are you two blushing?"

"N-nothing!" We said in unison, which was a bad idea as Mina grinned slyly at us.

"Oh...Midori, you sly bastard. I can't believe you two are dating behind our backs." Mina teased.

"D-date!?!" I shout in panic.

"W-we're not dating!" Ocha said in a similar panic tone.

"Ashido, that's enough teasing! They're already embarrassed enough!" Iida, you are a true bro for stopping this.

"I can't help but find it cute." Yaomomo, please stop.

"Oh, is Yaomomo planned to willingly share Midori with Chako?" Mina teased.

"W-what!?! No!" Yaomomo blushed like crazy. Iida immediately chopped Mina's head, making her yelp in pain.

"Enough, Ashido. Let's eat before the lunch break is over!" Iida said as Mina grumbled and we all sat down.

But, why does Eiji seem to sit too close to me!?

"He's hiding his jealousy~" Nana, please, for the love of One For All, just stop.

"H-hey, Eiji," I said as Eiji looked at me.

"Hi." I tried not to be surprised at how quiet Eiji is.

"Ummm, a-are you okay?" Eiji stared at me. "I mean after what happened with Gran Torino."

"....You're the true god of manliness." Eiji teared up as he hugged me. I never felt so confused in my life. "Teach me your ways!"

"....Eiji, you're making this too awkward," I mutter as he finally notices this, and blushes before he lets it go.

"So, Zuku. I can't help but notice, is your back okay?" Tooru asked as I stared at her in confusion. "I mean, when we found you, the skin on your back was bluish-black."

"Oh! You mean this?" I tried to recreate the feeling when I activated Armament on my hand and to my joy, it works.

"Whoa...what is that?" Tooru asked in awe alongside everyone.

"This is what I talking about back then, Haki," I said as I stopped letting the Haki flow. "I wanted to teach you guys to do that as well, but you guys need better physical strength to wield it to their full potential."

"Anyone can learn it?" Momo asked in an interested tone.

"Ayup," I said with a grin. "There are three types of Haki in existence. Observation, Armament, and Conquerors."

"Observation allows you to detect trouble even without looking, right?" Yaomomo points out as I nod.

"Yup, but it's actually more of detecting anyone's aura. By reading their aura, I can detect their intention and even detect their future actions." I explained.

"...That's so cool!" Kaminari said in awe. "Do you think you can teach us!?" Everyone immediately stare at me with hopeful expression.

"I'm not good enough as a teacher, so no," I said while rubbing his head. "Maybe you can-."

"NO!" I can't help but chuckle a bit. I know how scary Gran Torino is, but these reactions are actually funny.

"Hey, Izuku. Can I ask?" Tooru asked as I simply nodded. "Are you.....a masochist?"

I stare at Tooru blankly before I chop her head lightly.

"Yeah, I shouldn't ask." From her voice, I can tell that she's pouting. She then stops herself. "Wait, if you can use Observation, can you see me?"

Everyone immediately looked at me with neutral expressions, but I could tell that without Observation, they dared me to say something that I shouldn't say.

"Observation only allows you to see your Aura. I can see how your body is shaped, but that's it." I said simply. 

"Oh....." Tooru looks disappointed. "Thanks for answering."

"Sorry," I said in sympathy. Before anyone can say anything, the alarm suddenly goes off. My Observation immediately detected the intense panic from the surroundings as I flinched.

"Emergency! The Level 3 security has been breached! Please evacuate in an orderly fashion!" I grab my head as the Observation and the loud noise gives me one hell of a headache.

"I-Izu?" Ocha asked in shock.

"S-sorry, I'm still not used to the intense emotion from the surrounding aura," I said before looking around. "Everyone was in intense panic the moment the alarm went off."

"S-senpai, what happen?" I turned around and saw Iida asking a person who looked 2 years older.

"The Level 3 security has been breached! That means someone successfully infiltrated UA! This never happened before!" The student stated, causing Iida and others to panic. 

"We need to get out of here," Iida stated calmly, but I could tell that he was panicking. We join everyone to evacuate, but there are too many people. Everyone got squeezed by others and some got shoved, hit, elbowed, or anything similar. I kept getting elbowed by others much to my annoyance and anger. 

The panic, fear, anger, annoyance, and frustration, overwhelm my Observation. Anger slowly bubbled inside me, I pushed some of the elbows away but got hit by another, and suddenly, my Observation barely sensed the others fall from the crowd. I could only see red.

"STOP THIS, AT ONCE!!!!" I roared in anger with all the strength I had. Suddenly, the wall and the windows cracked and everyone froze. I didn't give a shit as I glare at everyone in anger.

"Is this how UA students act during in danger, panicking like a little bitch and harming others with zero thoughts while only giving shit about themselves!? If any of you want to be a hero, I suggest you all fucking give up! You all shamed the name of UA students with how cowardly you all act, running between your tails in fear!" I said. "Look outside! See what you all panicked about!"

Everyone immediately looked out the window and I saw how everyone started to look sheepish and embarrassed.

"Tell me, is that worth panicking?! Tell me, is it worth harming others out of selfishness and cowardice!? Tell me!" I shouted, causing everyone to look down in shame. "Now, get your head straight and walk out of the cafeteria in an orderly fashion! And if you're a decent human being, get the injured to the infirmary!"

I saw everyone walk out of the cafeteria while some helped the fallen students to get up. I turn around and approach the others. I saw Ocha, Mina, Yaomomo, and Tooru look shaken with Itsuka checking on them, while Iida and Eiji checked on Denki, Tetsutetsu, Shinsou, and Koda.

"Are you guys alright?" I asked as worry crept inside my body. I check their bodies to see if there are any wounds.

"W-we're fine. We manage to escape any harm thanks to you using your quirk." 

Wait, quirk?

"What are you talking about?" I asked in confusion while continuing to check the wounds. Better be safe than sorry.

"You know, your roar." Mina points out, much to my confusion. "Your shout not only gets everyone's attention, but you manage to crack the walls and window, and I think some of the students fainted when you roared."

"Eh?" I asked dumbly, stopping myself from checking their wounds. I immediately shake it off, now's not the time. "Never mind, let's get you guys to the infirmary."

"We're fine," Mina said, but I can tell that she's shaking.

"It's better to be safe than sorry. I once got hurt badly from getting trampled." I said in worry. 

"He's right," Iida stated. "Getting trampled isn't something we can take lightly."

"Fine...." Mina pouts before giving me a look. I'm pretty sure that look means 'This is not over'.

"Yup." Yoichi stated. "especially when you unleash Conqueror's Haki at everyone."

....I'm sorry, what?!

"Did you forget? You did it when you got into an argument with Third." Daigoro points out.

'Seriously?! Why didn't you guys say something?!' I asked in disbelief.

"You decided to ignore all of us out of anger." En points out, causing me to pause.

'...sorry.' I replied in shame. Yeah, not my proudest moment, even though Third is being a shit.

"True." Most of the vestiges replied.

"Oi!" The dick shouted in annoyance.


At the class.

"Before anyone goes to ask, Mic and I manage to get the reporters off the barrier. And Midoriya, well done calming everyone down. I wish you could do that without property damage." I can feel my face turn red as I look down. You don't have to call me out like that.

"I received another information from Nedzu. We're going to give you a hero training alongside 1-B with a special guest." This catches my attention alongside everyone. Another thing that changes in canon.

"Everyone, I would like to welcome you all to another new faculty member. Well, more like an old faculty member who came back."

Wait, why there's a boss music playing in the background?

"So, these young zygotes are the ones who I will teach, huh?" I paled, recognizing this voice. I shakily look at the door as a familiar old man enters the room. He saw this before grinning and disappearing. 

I immediately activate Observation and Armament to block an incoming kick from this senile old man. I can see him grinning ear-to-ear before pushing more power with his kick as I push back from the force.

"Damn it, you senile old man!? Did your Alzheimer's get worse or something!?!" I roared in anger as he scoffed before landing on my table.

"Glad your training isn't for nothing." I can feel my eyes twitch in annoyance. This old man will die at my hand before his old age catches up with him.

"Did you do that to test me again?! Didn't you do the same this morning!?" I said with a growl.

"I don't remember." Gran Torino said, making my temper rise. I immediately activate OFA + Armament so I can at least punch that stupid face of his. 

I tried, yet all I could hit was air. I instinctively use my arm to block my gut based on what my Observation tells me, but my body can't keep up at how fast Gran Torino switches his decision, so I receive a blow on my head.

"Still too slow!" Torino scolds me, making me even more annoyed.

Third's POV

'Who is that old man?!' Most students thought in horror.

'Why him?!' The new Izu-Squad thought in dread.

'.....I can see why Deku's attitude changes and why he is no longer scared and pathetic...' Bakugou thought while sweatdroping.

'Can he kick my old man's ass?'

First POV

"Everyone, that is Gran Torino, a semi-retired pro hero." I can see Aizawa is so done with everything. "He will give you all extra training in combat."

"Sensei.....I hate you for the rest of your life." I mutter in disdain before wincing hard when I got a slap on my back.

"Bah, don't act like a wuss! I didn't teach you to be one!" Gran Torino said.

"I don't need another hour of training with you, you senile monkey!" I said in anger.

"Who are you calling senile monkey, you little rabbit!?"

"You, stupid old geezer!"

"Be grateful, you ungrateful brat!"

"Who will ever feel grateful towards you, you psychopath!?!"

"Why don't we go for another round, you pitiful whiner!"

I continue to banter with this senile old man without giving a shit on the surrounding. I may respect this senile old man's strength, but his Alzheimer's really pissed me off.

"Ninth, Gran Torino doesn't have Alzheimer's." No offense, Nana, but do I look like I care? "No, you don't." 

My Observation is still active and manage to detect an incoming assault as I raise my hand and grab the scarf trying to snare me. I turn around and look at Aizawa, glaring at me with his quirk.

"Are you two done fighting like a child?" I snorted before letting go of the scarf and sitting back down. "Now, then, I need you all to change into your hero outfit and meet me at Gym Gamma. Vlad King must've gotten his students in the training ground, and we don't need for them to wait you all for too long."

And with that said, we all went to grab our suitcases and went to the changing room with zero complaints. As I walk, I become more curious about how the training will go. I mean, this never happens in the canon and it rarely happens in fanfics. Should I prepare body bags for accidental murder or coffins for mass funeral?

"Ninth, you have gone insane from those beatings," Yoichi stated in horror. Blame Torino for that.


Gym Gamma

As the whole class entered the Gym, we could see a crowd of students standing on the field, waiting for the class to start. I saw Monoma notice us and gave a smug smirk.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the Class 1-A, the supposed superior class! Did you all think that just because you all are superior than us that you all get to be late for training? Is this how hero students suppose to act?"

I gave that idiot a dry stare before I look at Kendo.

"Hey, Kendo-san. Did someone abducted an asylum's patient?" I asked. This apparently caused everyone, 1-A and 1-B, either laugh, snort, or chuckles. And it was quite humiliating given how red Monoma's face is.

"No, Midoriya, t-this is my classmate, Neito Monoma." Kendo answered while holding her laughter.

"Ooh, the over-competetive one." I said. "Anyways, I'm glad you and the rest are alright after what happen in cafeteria."

"It's all thanks to you." Kendo smiled. "Your class is lucky to have you as the class representative."

"Nah, that's not my job," I said, catching her off guard. I pulled Yaomomo closer and showed her to Kendo. "It's her job. She did far better than me when it comes to the President role."

"I-Izuku! I-I'm not-!" Yaomomo protested.

"Come on, Yaomomo, give yourself a bit of credit. I mean, sure, you haven't got a chance to show yourself, but that doesn't mean you're not great at the job." I said as Kendo sweatdrop.

"Izuku, I don't think that's what she's meant," Kendo stated.

"Hmm?" I blinked before I saw her face and I realized I still held her. "O-Oh, sorry! I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable!"

"N-no problem....." Yaomomo muttered as Kendo laughed.

"Are you two together?" Kendo asked.

"Nope," I said bluntly. "She's way out of my league."

"Kid, you're fucking hopeless." I rather not enrage their parents due to misunderstanding, thank you very much. "You know that's not what I meant!"

"Midori-bro!" I blink before I look at Tetsutetsu waved at me before pulling Shinsou as well. "I can't believe this! We're going to train together."

"Don't get your hopes up, buddy." I said while patting his shoulder, much to his confusion. "This training is simply another excuse for the trainer to beat the shit out of everyone."

"Eh?!" Tetsutetsu asked in confusion.

"Trust me, I wish there was another way," I said while shaking my head. 

"M-Midori-bro, you worry me," Tetsutetsu said nervously.

"Because you should," I said as he started sweating.

"Midoriya, I think you can stop joking here." I turn to see Shinsou, who shows a hint of nervousness. "'re joking right?" I simply stare at him longer. "Right?!"

"Hey, Midoriya, Monoma-" I turn towards her with a confused expression as she points at the person behind me. I turn around before looking at her.

"Umm, did he forgot his med?" I asked in faux confusion.

"!" Yoichi asked in shock.

'Yoichi, if I give at least a single fuck of his rant about his class and our class bullshit, he'll lose his head.'

'How does that work?!' Banjo asked incredulously.

'Simple, I rip it off his neck!'

"You!" I sidestep away from an incoming attack. "Who do you think you are, you 1-A scum!? How dare you ignore me, the leader of the more superior class 1-B-!?"

"Aizawa-sensei, do Recovery Girl has emergency supply for vaccine shots? Cuz, I think this guy need it badly." I look at Aizawa who looks like he's so done in his life. My fellow students tried desperately to hold their laughter while Monoma looked like he was going to burst a few blood vessels.

"Can you please stop making fun of my student, Midoriya?" I turned around and saw Vlad King. His face shows a huge scowl while crossing his arms. I can sense the disappointment radiating from him.

"Can you please stop your student start any animosity? All we did is late for a minute and he went spouting bullshits about how his class is superior for arriving at this gym early." I can see everyone stare at me with a surprised expression.

"You do realize you're accusing my students, right?" Vlad King scowled.

"And did you even realize how blind you are? All I did was arriving here with my class and he went feral on us like a rabid dog. " I shot back.

"Alright, you two stop." Aizawa cuts us off as I looks at him. "Vlad, my student has a point. He and the rest may be late, but is your student needs to antagonize them?"

"I-" Vlad stuttered before shutting up and walks away. Geez, I didn't remember him to be this antagonistic.

"You did provoke him." Second mused.

'I simply retorted.' I huffed before looking around. '...anyone bet that Torino beat the shit out of everyone?'

"I ain't doing a sucker's bet," Second snorted.

"Midoriya." I look back at Aizawa. "From how you interact with Torino-san, you trained with him once, right?"

"Still train with him till this day, sir. He helps me a lot with my quirk control and fighting style." I said while rubbing at my arm. "I still have nightmares of his assaults."

"I need you to go first for demonstration." Aizawa ask me as my eyes slowly grow wide.

".....Sensei, do you hate me that much!?" I asked incredulously.

"I want to give everyone a clear message." Aizawa said and I notice his tone is different compare to his normal stern and no-bullshit tone. "You are the first rank student in Entrance Exam and letting them see you go toe to toe or beaten by Gran Torino will help to lit the fire inside them, giving them determination to grow better."

"Nice to know my misery will be for the greater good." I said in deadpan manner.

"....just do it for the class, problem child." Ah, the iconic nickname. Fine, I'll do it. "Alright, everyone, listen up!" I whistled as I saw everyone stop talking and stood silently. His way of getting attention is always amaze me.

"Today, we'll be having a special announcement for Hero course. Principal Nedzu would like to add new extracurricular to the timetable, Combat Training."

Okay, I didn't get a chance before, but what in the motherfucking Butterfly Effect is this!?!

"You all here for the trial, and you all will decide if you want to join or not." Vlad decided to add in before gesturing to Gran Torino. "This here is Gran Torino, the retired UA staff who decided to get out of his retirement for this class. Don't let the old appearance fool you, because despite being old, he's still a former pro."

".....Oh, dear, where am I?" I bit my lips very hard as I try not to laugh at Gran Torino's senile old man act. No matter what, this is always funny. I heard Nana wheeze while slapping Banjo's back, hard.

"Sir, is this a good idea? I mean...." Oh, Itsuka, you poor naive fool. Every single one of you fall for the act. I notice that my classmates looks more confused than concerned for Torino, and Bakugou looks cautious. Good, at least one of us knows it's an act.

"Hah! I bet I can beat him easily!" Kamakiri, you fool. You poor naive fool. You just sign a death warrant. My Observation went off as I saw Torino disappear and before I can move, Kamakiri was slammed to the ground, wheezing for air.

Everyone was silent as they look at Torino sit on Kamakiri while acting like an oblivious senile old man. I activates OFA 10% just in case-

"Oh, good. You still cautious as ever."

I widen my eyes as Gran immediately in front of me. I barely duck from his kick before it land on Sato and sent him flying. Sorry big guy, but this is battle training.

"Stay where you are, little rabbit!" He cackled as he charge at me again. I grit my teeth before I swing my arm on him, but he simply rush back. I twist my body before pulling a kick, trying to reach him, but he was too fast. Damn it, even after training and our gap is still too far!

"Where the fuck are you aiming, ya nerd!?!" I look to see Bakugou charge at Torino, but he simply twist around and kicks him away.

My Observation went off as I step away before a giant pillar of ice suddenly appears. I widen my eyes in panic as I saw Eiji got caught.

"Eiji!" I shout in horror before gritting my teeth and glare at the culprit. Todoroki flinches before his faces turns impassive. That son of a-

I move my head away as Torino tries to kick my head again. I was still mad as I somehow manage pull Torino's cap out of anger and toss him to the sky.

"Bakugou!" I shouted. In this kind of situation, I rather put my trust on Bakugou than others. I hate to admit it, but he's the better fighter.

"Shut it, nerd!" Bakugou roared, but still charge at Torino. I widen my eyes as Torino grins and his legs turns yellow-black armor-like.

"EVERYONE, BRACE YOURSELF!" I roared before he disappear from the air as Bakugou sent crashing to the ground. I activates Armament from my arms before enduring a crushing force that cracked my bones and sent me flying, crashing into the wall. My body shakes painfully while I watch in horror as Gran Torino land the beating of the lifetime.

Good news, Eiji is still alive.

Bad news, he and everyone never stood an chance at all. Not even class 1-B is saved from his assaults.

I shakily gets out of the crater I created on the wall as I hold myself to stand up. I wince as I see my arms are not only bruised badly, but broken as well.

Is this the difference between our strength?I know he's holding back from dealing a killinh blow on me, but damn....

This sucks.....

"Torino, I ask you to show how Pro heroes are, not beating them to submission!!" I wince at Vlad's anger tone.

"Midoriya." I look at Aizawa who looks.....regretful. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," I winced. "Just a normal training day."

"...this is a mistake."

"Well, what's done is done."


"You! Senile! Old! Fool!"

"Ow! Ow! Ow!!!"

I watch in amusement as RG beat the shit out of Torino, who cowers in fear. I never thought I would witness such amusing moment in my life.

"BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!" Bakugou is so enjoying this shit.

"People like you are the reason why I can't fully retired!! You kept sending everyone to infirmary due to heavy injury!! Because of you, Midoriya has picked up your bad habits!" I look down on the ground, trying not to hide my embarrassment while Bakugou laugh harder.

" train with him?" I turn to see Kendo stare at me in utter disbelief.

"Yeah.." I sheepishly scratch my head.

"How are you alive?"

"I've been asking the same question myself." I muttered while rubbing my arms. Thanks to stamina training from attempt to dodge every single GT's attack, RG's healing quirk didn't drain a lot out of me.

Or maybe that's just from the 3 shots of espresso I got from Lunch Rush, I don't know.

" And we forbade you from getting it next time!" Come on, guys. A guy's gotta have their caffeine intakes. "Not 3 espresso shot a day, you fool!"

What's wrong with 3 shots? I saw people drink their coffee with more than 5 espresso shots. Hell, Aizawa gets 10 shots.

"Don't compare that insane workaholic of a teacher with normal people!" Nana roared causing me to wince.

"You sure you're okay, Midori-bro?" I turn to see Eiji who looks healthy. I reply with a simple nod which made him smile. Thank god he is okay cuz I'm ripping Todoroki in half if anything happens to him.

"Protective towards your harem, eh?"

I'm so glad that Fifth didn't become the story director of a harem otome game, cuz I bet it'll be the biggest flop of the history.

"'re so cruel, kid."

"Alright, attentions on me, kids." Vlad shouted as everyone looks at him. I notice a paper and a pen on a small table next to Vlad. "I am sorry for the unexpected situations. We were simply meant to show how you all are still an inexperience students compare to a pro, but we never meant to let you all having such intense injuries."

"What even is the point? You know, besides getting our ass kicked?" Kamakiri asked in annoyance. Wow, I never pay attention of how this guy exert the same 'I'm stronger than you all' aura as Bakugou.

"Kid, you don't have to insults everyone that annoys you." Sorry, force of habits.

"We were hoping that this would made you motivated to train by pro heroes in combat." Vlad admits while rubbing his head. "But, we may have.....overlook how much of a wildcard Gran Torino is."

Wow, understatement of a century.

"But, anyways, I'm terribly sorry for getting you all injured badly." Vlad bowed. "I'm understand if you choose not to participate the extracurricular."

I saw everyone looks hesitant after hearing Vlad's words. Geez, great job, Gran. You broke everyone.

"Ninth, why don't you lit their spirits again?" Okay, Yoichi, what? Why do you ask me to do a leader's job? "Because you are." Do my plain face looks like I'm a leader?

"Kid, being a leader wasn't about having the looks. It's about your capabilities to lead." And tell me this, do I look like I'm capable? "The Conqueror's Haki answer everything."

Yeah, I doubt that Haki's mine.

" it for your friend's sake." Nana, why you out of all people have to deliver the low blow!? I look around and sure enough, everyone is still hesitating.

'....well, I still need to improve more.' I got up and walk towards the table next to him.

"Midoriya?" I look at Aizawa with confused expression.

"That fight shows me that I still got a long way to go." I shrugged before grabbing the pen and sign on the paper. Thankfully, the lingering memories of Izuku Midoriya stays with me to remember his signature. "And villains grow stronger over time. I rather not take chances of dying because of lack of power."

"Damn it, nerd! I ain't letting you upstage me!" Bakugou walks towards me. I offer him the pen and he snatch it rudely before sign on the paper. "I'm going to grow stronger, so I can be the number one hero! And you! You're my first step! You hear me, nerd!?"

"Lower your voice, Baka-gou."

"Shut it, you bloody nerd!"

I look away while muffled my ear as Bakugou screech at my face, his saliva fly towards my face. I turn and surprised to see the others planninh on signing the paper as well.

"See, kid? You're a natural born leader."

I doubt that. They're probably didn't want to be upstage by Bakugou. I can feel the deadpan gazes from the vestiges.

As the others sign, I notice that more students join in. The only people who didn't join is Todoroki, Aoyama, Koda, Mina, Jirou. I guess Todoroki thinks this training won't help him at all, being his pre-sport festival self.

"Aoyama.....he's the traitor, right?"

'Yeah, but with how massive the butterfly effects are, I'm not really sure now. I don't know what's stays or what's changed?'

"Things just got more complicated." I look at Aizawa who give me a look of approval. I simply nod before thinking about tomorrow. I don't remember when USJ, one of the biggest event of MHA and the first clue of the main big bad and his capabilities, happens. Is it tomorrow? Is it two days from now?

Will we able to survive?

To Be Continued