Chapter 7 - USJ (Part 1)

The Next morning

Dagobah Municipal Beack Park

"Ha!" I land a punch with my 2nd Gear as wind pressure emits from the punch. I follow up with a few kick.

"Keep it up, Ninth." I grunted before performing the move faster than usual and slowly add more OFA's energy into my body. Thanks to the vestiges, my control over the energy are far better than usual.

"This is still a risky move, Ninth. Don't think our existance here allowing you to be reckless." I agree with that, that's why I haven't jump immediately into Gear 2nd 15% Output.

"Perhaps...." I move my feet as fast as I could but all it did is generating wind pressure similar to my punch but stronger. I continue to kick the air until....


I widen my eyes as my right feet starts catching on fire but this time, it stays. I grins before I slams my leg onto the ground.


I end up sent flying and crashing into another side of the beach. Oh....I can hear a crack from my back.....

"Ninth, seriously what's with you and crazy shit?!" I wince at the headache caused by En's scream.

"I really need to master this move..." I mutters.

"Nope! Ora! Bu! Non! Tidak! Nil! Nem! 'A'ole! Nao! Nee! Nein!!!" I try so hard not to laugh at Nana's overuse of no in different language. "Don't laugh, mister!! I forbid you from pulling that move again until you can use it without blowing yourself back like a rocket!!"

"Fine." I replied before getting up and cleaning off the sand off my clothes. I look down and wince. Another shoe ruined.

"I swear, how did you even able to wear that same shoes every single day?" Banjo commented.

"I didn't ask for this, ya know. My extra toe joints didn't fit most quirk user's shoes. The reason why I wore the shoes is because this is the only shoe model that the shop willingly made to create for quirkless." I rubs my head. "In Izuku's memories, he and Inko once went to Detrenat to get a custom made shoes, only to get kicked out by saying 'Null shall stay as a relic of the past'."

I paused myself from the memories I mention before facepalming.

"Oh, right...Detrenat is a company made by the Meta Liberation Army." I mutters.

"That old revolutionary army?" I blinked when I heard Banjo said. "I met the original Destro back then. He's a good candidate for the politics involving quirks. Sadly, got imprisoned for being seen as nothing but terrorists."

"Did he ever have plan to overthrown the government?" I asked Banjo.

"Not exactly. Sure, he may have protests and causes ruckus around the town, but he never let the group to harm innocent civilians." Banjo said.

"How about quirkless?" I asked.

"Destro's goal is to liberate, not oppress. He said that if he discriminate the quirkless for not having a quirk, or in his words, meta ability, then he'll be no different than the government and choose to quit his campaign rather than doing such things." Banjo added. "Which apparently being tarnished if what you said earlier is true."

"It's true. Meta Liberation Army was hiding under our noses, under everyone's noses. They know how to blend themselves into civilizations as they have their own city as their base of operation, Deika City." I said.

"Do you think you should've told your teachers about this?" Shinomori asked.

"Look, I'm up to change the past as I already toss every single early canon events out of windows, but what can I exactly do? No one will believe me about my future knowledges, and Detective Tsukauchi, the True Detective may help with this, but I don't exactly know how his quirk is fully works. And lets not forget, I change too many shits in one go, so I don't think I can risk another butterfly effect bringing doom to everyone." I said while rubbing my head.

"I wish you think this through back then." I sigh.

"I'm not a good planner like those self insert fanfic protagonist. And sorry if you guys didn't get the jackpot you all need to fight AFO and other future threats like Humarizes, Nine, and MLA, but I didn't ask to be here in the first place." I said while looking at the sun.

"'re right, sorry." I rise my eyebrow at Second's words. "We forgot, you're still human till the end."

"....thanks. I'll try to find a way, but don't get your hopes up. Life has been messing with me for too many times." I mutter the last part before leaving the beach.


Class 1-A, UA High

"Hey, Izu-bro!" I look at Eiji entering the class with a huge grin. "Sorry, I didn't mean to overslept pass the morning workout routine."

"I don't blame you, Eiji." I said with a snicker. "Gran Torino unleash hell into everyone."

"Y-yeah....seriously, bro. What's your secret?" I laugh at Eiji asking me while being afraid.

"Nothing. Just turn off your sanity and continue to fight against your fate. The more you fight, the less you feel the pain." Eiji stares at me like I'm crazy, while I simply give him a wide grin.

"....can you teach me to learn haki? I don't want him to crack my hardening every single time." Eiji look at me while begging.

"Sorry, bro. But, if you want to learn it, you gotta endure all of that." Eiji paled before whimpering. I gave him a comforting hug. "There, there."

"You bastard!!!!" My Observation went off as I immediately push Eiji away and doge before a hand tried to clawed me. I turn to see Bakugou foaming from his mouth like a rabid dog he is while glaring at me with such anger.

"You knew!! You knew this will happen!!" I jump into my table to dodge another explosion from Bakugou.

"Well, duh. Have you seen me getting my ass kicked by that senile old man?" I jump into another table to dodge an incoming attack.

"I'll beat your ass black and blue, nerd!!" Bakugou roared in anger.

"Like I did to you in battle training?" This only fueled Bakugou even more as he charges at me again while I dodge his every attempts.

Up, down, up, left, right, left, down, back, up, left, up, down, right, left, down, forward, right, up, forward, back.

Each failed attempt increases Bakugou's speed and his attacks start to get wilder and more unpredictable. If it's not for my Observation, I'l be toasted.

And speaking of Observation, it pick up another attack as I jump down from the desk and a capture scarf wrapped Bakugou like a cocoon.

"Bakugou, what's the meaning of this!?" I wince at Aizawa's volume.

"Sorry, sensei. I think he's too excited after yesterday's extracurrirculer." Aizawa stare at me before facepalming. I swear I heard him saying 'I don't get paid enough for these shits'.

Poor guy.

"I'll let you scott free this time since Midoriya simply dodges and didn't fight back, but don't get your hopes up for next time." The scarf immediately loosen up and retract back to Aizawa. I still wondering how the technology works.

The sports tape I use back then has similar features, but since I'm clueless at how the mechanics work, I can't ask the support team to made one since none of the students know how it works.

And I rather keep the school safe from Mei Hatsume.

Hmmm, I should go and meet the support team later. I think I can get some upgrades.

"Alright, those who are too busy watching the fight, get to your seats in five second or get expelled." As he said that, we all immediately unleash our secret quirk, teleportation to our respective seats.

Snrk!!! Ignoring my vestiges....

"Alright, for today's lesson, we'll going to focus on another aspect of heroism." I feel a pit in my stomach as I heard those words. "We're going to do a rescue lesson."

Everyone cheered happily, but all I can feel right now is nothing but pure dread. This is it, the day when the villains launch a full assault from the inside.

I didn't listen much to what they said as I tried not to get myself panic. Oh, god, I'm so going to die, am I?

"Ninth, breath." I stop my panic rant as Nana snaps me out of it. "You're not going to die. We'll made sure of it."

'That is so not reassuring.' I retorted.

"Panicking won't help at all, Ninth. Right now, stay calm. The others start to suspect you." I blink before I look up. Indeed, everyone is staring at me weirdly.

"Is....there anything you would like to add, Midoriya?" Aizawa raised his eyebrow.

"S-sorry. I-I can't help but feeling nervous...." I admitted, surprising everyone.

"Izu, what's wrong?" I look at Ocha who gives a concern look.

"I can't stop feeling nervous ever since the press broke into the school. I.....think there might be something bad happen...." I saw everyone looks at me, unsure of what to do with the information.

"Midoriya, you're being paranoid." Sero stated.

"Yeah....." I simply look down. How am I suppose to tell the others about future without looking crazy? "H-how many teachers will be there for the lesson?"

"3. All Might, I, and a mystery teacher." Thirteen.

"I-is it possible to bring more teachers?" I asked.

"No. They're busy with their own lessons." I tried so hard not to groan. ".....if it made you feels better, I'll try to ask." I simply nodded. "Alright, if you want to choose to wear your costume, go ahead. It's not mandatory. Now, scram."

I approach my suitcase and grabs it. My observation went off and I caught a hand approaching me. I turn around and see Bakugou.

"What's going on, nerd? Where are all of your bravado from early morning?" I scowl before letting go of Bakugou's hand.

"Don't you think it's weird that the press able to break through UA's security?" I asked as Bakugou paused.

"....yeah, that's fucking weird." Bakugou admit. "But, don't you think you fucking overthinking it?"

"Villains roam around the street as civilians without anyone knowing, they could attack at anytime." I said before turning around. "I mean, how could I predict someone I saw a friend will turn their back at me because not having something they have control of?"

I didn't see what reaction Bakugou made as I walk away.


"Everyone, get into the line! Enter the bus in orderly manner!" Iida, do you seriously need to do that?

"Iida looks like that field trip guy planning to place where each student should be sitting." Denki said while chuckling.

"Actually, he does have a plan for that." This made Denki actually chortled. "And let me just tell ya, he's gonna be so disappointed."

"Huh? Why?" Eiji asked in confusion.


"Curses, to think the bus' layout is an open one!!" Eiji and Denki laugh next to me while holding their stomach.

"I told ya." I smirked while looking at them.

"YOU KNEW!?!? MIDORIYA, HOW COULD YOU!!!??" I winced at Iida's volume but I still laugh.

"I thought it's common knowledge! Don't tell me you never ride a bus before to not able to differentiate them." I said as Iida stares at me before his face starts to turn red and looks away. This serve as fuel to increases Eiji's and Denki's laughter.

"Hey, Midoriya." I look at Tsuyu tilting her head. "I tend to speak what's in my mind."

"Uh....okay?" I am completely unsure of how to react at her sentence.

"So, I'll speak what's been bugging me. Your quirk, it's like All Might's." Everyone immediately stare at me the moment they heard her.

"True, but you forget one detail, Asui.""Call me Tsu.""Okay, Tsu. You forgot, All Might's quirk didn't grant any lightning display whenever it activates." I demonstrate it while activates OFA on my arm, lightning starts to emit from my arm.

"May I ask, Izuku?" I look at Yaomomo before I nod. "Why does your quirk emits lightning? I have a few theories but I rather confirm it from you."

"Well, it's an excess energy I burn whenever I use my quirk. The longer I use and the higher percentage I use, I'll get tired faster." I simply stated as Yaomomo nodded in gratitude.

"It's kinda awesome your quirk looks. Mine looks a bit boring." Eiji said while hardening his hand. "I mean, all I can do is harden."

"Eiji, if you're going to break your self-esteem again, I'll force you to wear a similar sleeping bag like Aizawa and only allow you to say 'Metapod'." I threaten him while gripping my fist, which cause him to gulp and nodded. "Besides, you already have a perfect defensive quirk with an edge on offense. With how simple yet effective your quirk is, it's much easier to be an awesome hero instead those flashy yet impractical quirks."

"Flashy and impractical?" Everyone asked.

"Any quirk that display flashiness but also causes as much destruction as it can. Heroes are meant to save people, not stealing jobs from demolition specialist." Everyone chuckles at my poorly attempt to joke.

"But, still, if we're looking for flashiness for popularity, Bakugou and Todoroki will be the one who will get famous easily." I snorted at Sero's words.

"I doubt both will get popular. You saw how Bakugou acts and with how Todoroki avoids socialzing with anyone, fans will write them off." I paused. "Unless those fans are a big fan of cool and mysterious or loud and bad tropes."

"What's that suppose to mean, huh!?!?" Bakugou roared.

"See?" I said while gesturing at Bakugou as everyone laugh.

"Stop fucking laugh, ya extras!! I'll fucking kill ya!!" This only made people laugh harder.

"Izu." I look at Ocha giving me a worried look. "Are you still nervous?" I really don't deserve to be her friend. She's just too nice.

"Yeah, I'm a bit better now." I decided to lie. I rather not cause another panic.


"Holy shit! We're in Universal Studio Japan!"

I snorted at Denki's words while Aizawa deadpanned at him.

"This is Unforseen Simulation Joint. In here, you all will going through simulations that imitates the real natural disaster. Your lesson here will be learning how to adapt to the situation while performing rescue efficiently." Aizawa explained as another person arrives.

"Jeez, Aizawa. If you keep this up, you'll going to take everyone's jobs." The person is none other than Thirteen. Yeah, the manga did her justice, she looks like a walking mattress.

"Oh, my god! It's Thirteen!!!" I was amused at Ocha's fangirlish squeal when she saw her favorite hero.

"Did you manage to do what I asked?" Thirteen nodded and much to my shock, a familiar trio walks into the scene.

"Oh, are these the our kouhais we're going to teach!?" The periwinkle haired girl said excitedly.

"I wanna go home." The indigo haired boy muttered.

"Aw, come on, Tamaki-kun. This is our kouhais. As their senpais, we're guiding them for the future!" The blond haired boy said with a big grin.

"Umm, sir. Who are they?" As Ojiro said that, a flash of memory enters my mind. Before I realize what I just did, my mouth move on its own.

"Wait, you're the second year student that flashes in live tv during Sports Festival!" I immediately cover my mouth as everyone stare at me then stare at the blond haired boy.

I can hear a metaphorical glass cracks as Aizawa tried so hard not to laugh, while the girl, Nejire, snorted.

"Y-yeah, n-not my best moment there...." Oh, god, what have you done, me?!

"I-I'm so sorry! M-my mouth just moves without me realizing!!!" I can hear the vestiges laughed at me.

"N-no need to worry, kouhai. It's something I need to live with it." I feel really bad for him now. He didn't deserve this.

God, why do you give me such loose mouth?!

"I think it's Izuku's mouth that is loose, not you." This is even worse!!!

"Everyone, I would like you to meet the third year heroic students. These are the Big Three, Nejire Hado, Mirio Toogata, and Tamaki Amajiki. Don't let their attitudes or past misdeed fools you, they are the students that can be consider as pro-level hero. Mirio is the student closest to be consider as number one pro." This information surprise everyone.

"Ahaha, I don't think that's true. I still have tons to learn." Mirio said while rubbing his head.

"That'll explains your failed grades." Aizawa muttered.

"H-hey!! Come on, sensei! Don't be cruel!!!" I don't need my Observation to pick everyone's doubt.

"Alright, I think you kids should know a few things before the class start." Thirteen claps her hand, getting everyone's attention. "You all must know how my quirk work, Blackhole, rigt?"

"An ability to suck stuffs with an intense gravitational pull that even suck the light?" I summarised how her quirk works as she nods. "You use it to suck all the debris and obstacles during rescue missions."

"You're right. And my quirk has potential to shred enemy into a gory mess." Holy shit, she's blunt! I can senses everyone's horror at the information. "My power has always been dangerous, and if I didn't learn how to control it, it could endanger everyone. Every quirks are like that, and in this lesson, we'll learn how to learn control, while also learning how to rescue people with your quirk. You must remember, with great power, there must also come with great responsibility."

Everyone claps at her short speech while cheering at how amazing that speech is. I did join in too. As we stop clapping, I felt an intense emotions suddenly appears at the center of the building.

I can feel the pit in my stomach getting bigger. It's here. The villains.

"I-Izu?" I look at Ocha before noticing everyone is staring at me.

"What's the problem, Midoriya?" Aizawa asked.

"There are unknown group of people arriving inside the building." I said as everyone look at me like I'm crazy.

"Midoriya, this is not-." I cut Aizawa off immediately.

"Look at there!!" I point at the center of USJ. Aizawa decide to listen and widen his eyes. A purple wisp can be seen on the center before it expands into a portal and group of people starts walking out of it.

"Villains....all of them are villains." I muttered.

"H-how do you know?" Mineta of all people decided to asked.

"Their killing intent, maniacal glee, bloodlust." I replied as everyone looks scared.

"Stay back, Midoriya. Thirteen, go and evacuate everyone to the bus, LeMillion, SunEater, Nejire, you're with me." Aizawa took command.

"It's Nejire-Chan!" Is it really the time!?!?

"Be careful, sensei! My head screams that guy with exposed brain, the guy with multiple hands covering his body, and the smoke guy are the biggest threat! In fact, the smoke guy is thevone responsible for the portal!" I give as much information I can give to him.

"Thanks for the warning, Midoriya. Now, go!" I nodded before following the others.

"Do you think Aizawa-sensei will be alright?" Iida asked in worry.

"I hope so." My Observation went off as the mist guy appears in front of him.

So this is Kurogiri. He looks more menacing than the anime pictures.

"Hello, my name is Kurogiri and we are League of Villains." I gripped my fist. "Hmmm, so All Might isn't here. Strange, I thought the schedule said he'll be here."

"You sneak into the UA by helping the press break into UA's gate." I said with gritted teeth.

"Hmm, yes. It seems that there's smart students here as well." I widen my eyes when suddenly Bakugou and Eiji of all people jump towards Kurogiri to attack.

I thought my friendship with him get rid of his stupid!!!!

"No offense, Ninth. But, you didn't exactly help him dealing with his....strategic capabilities." I try not to groan.

"Get away from him!" I shout at both numbskulls.

"Izu-bro!?" Eiji looks at bit surprise.

"Your attacks did jack-shit! His body is made of smokes!!!" I shouted as the smoke clears and true to my words, it didn't do anything.

"So, it's not only him. You all are an actual golden eggs." I charges OFA and coats my fist with Haki before immediately run towards him. "But, it's too bad. I have to kill you all!"

"No way I let you!" I decide to take the gamble and punch Kurogiri's face with 10%, and much to my happiness, Haki works on him as well. But, my happiness was short lived when portals spreads around us before everything turns dark.


"That is think the boy could touch me." Kurogiri mused as he saw his handiworks. He growls in annoyance as the students that didn't get caught are more than he wanted. "That brat.....his last ditch effort wasn't for nothing at all."

"Everyone, get away from ther." Thirteen said as she open the caps on her index finger. "I'm going all out." As she said that, Kurogiri could feel his body starts to get suck into the hole of Thirteen's glove.

"Such dangerous quirk...too bad, you should check your surround-!" Kurogiri suddenly stops as he felt more pain on his head as flashes of image start to play on his head. "Arrgh-!"

"Why is he faltering?" Mina asked in confusion.

"Midoriya's last punch really must affected him." Shoji mused.

"Huh, now I wonder how he did it?" Sero mused.

"It's Haki." Ochako mutters. "So, that's what it can do."

"Haki?" Iida asked in confusion.

"Everyone, get out of the building now! Go warn the teachers!" Thirteen said as everyone nodded.

"I won't let you!" Kurogiri shouted as he try to disperse more smoke but it get sucked by Thirteen. He growls before he decided to open a portal and redirects the portal into Thirteen, shredding her back.

"Thirteen-sensei!!" Everyone scream as some of them approach her. Ochako looks at Kurogiri in fear. This is going to be a battle they might lose.


"Shit!" I scream as I start to fall from the sky. I look down and notice a pool of water under me. Taking an advice from swimming lesson, I hold my arm against my body, press my feet together, and adjusting my position to point downward.

Thankfully it's successful as I dive into the water safely. As I enter the water, I saw a guy with shark appearance dash towards me.

"Nothing personal, kid!" I narrow my eyes as I activates OFA, and much to my surprise, the lightning discharges from my body is actual lightning as it causes shock to the shark guy. I immediately deactivates it and saw the guy float into the surface with burnt scales.

If it's not for the situation I'm in, I'll be laughing now.

Without any warning, a tongue suddenly wrapped around my body and pulls me upward. As I reach out of the surface, Is aw Tsu clinging on the wall of the ship.

"Kero, I was going to dive into the water but you suddenly discharge yourself." I saw her wince. "I think I burnt my tongue."

"Sorry!" I winced as well before noticing Mineta on the board. "So, it's the three of us, huh?"

"I'm glad you're the one here, Kero." Tsu said as she place me on the ship. "I don't think I can stand with him."

"What!? Why!?" Both of us gave the grape a deadpan stare before looking at each other.

"Any idea to get out of here?" Tsu asked.

"I think we can all agree the portal guy didn't know about our quirk." I said as Tsuyu nodded.

"Then again, I don't think you know that as well." Tsu points out.

"But even without that, they made a mistake of bringing a girl with a frog quirk into a place filled with water." Tsuyu nodded.

"That's true." Tsuyu then paused. "But, we still stuck."

"Got an idea, but I need you to do something you might hate." Tsuyu tilted her head in confusion.

"Great, they ignore my existance." Sorry, pal.

"You're not sorry." Nope.


"Okay, we're completely surrounded."

Eijirou looks around the area where villains in different shapes approaching them with gleeful grin.

"Okay, Eiji. You can do this, you train with Izu-bro for this moment!" Eijirou said as he turns on his quirk.

"Hah, to think this is all they sent against us!" Eijirou whipped his head towards the source of the voice and much to disbelief, Bakugou of all people are with him.

"What's with my luck? Oh, right, I charged in with him." Eijirou sighed. "This is what happen when you did a stupid move. Karma bit you back."

"Oi, Shitty hair!" Eijirou's vein popped at the insult.

"It's Kirishima! And your hair isn't much different than mine!" Eijirou said in annoyance.

"Whatever." Bakugou rolled his eyes. "Which sides?"

"Huh?" Eijirou asked in confusion.

"Left or right? Which side you'll go to beat these villains?" Eijirou blinked.

"Uh....right?" Eijirou was unsure.

"Fine, then take care of them yourself. I'll go to left." Before Eijirou could say anything, Bakugou blast off while cackling maniacally.

".....I can see why Izu-bro was frustrated with him." Eijirou deadpanned.




Another villain falls as Aizawa dodge another incoming attack before he use his scarf to wrap around a charging villain's neck and then pull as he follows up with a knee on the nose. He toss the scarf towards another person, wrap them, before pull them towards him. He then grabs the man by collar before judoflipped him.

"Power!!!" Mirio emerges from the ground as he pulls an uppercut on an incoming villain. Another one tried to hit him, but it phase through him. Mirio grabs the arm before twisting it and elbowed the villain's face.

Tamaki launched octopus tentacles towards a group of villains to tie them up before he follow up with a slam to the ground. He blocks a gunshot with his clam shield before using one of his tentacles to wrap around the shooter and him upward.

Said shooter got hit by an spiral energy blast on the stomach before crashing to the ground. Nejire fly past the fainted villain before noticing a group of villains taking aim at her. She pouted before putting both of her hands together and unleash a powerful blast towards the group.

"We can do this, guys!" Nejire said excitedly.

"....." The hand-covered man looks at everyone with his red eyes underneath the hand mask. The hulking monster with exposed brain stood there motionlessly.


"I think that's all of them."

Koda nodded before he drop an unconscious man on his hand to the ground as a mice walks out of the man's pants.

"I have to say, I wasn't expecting you to be that ruthless." Koda widen his eyes before looking down in depression. "I-I mean in a good way!"

"You idiot. How can ruthless be used for a compliment!?" Koda yelped when a shadow of Tokoyami but with a pair of giant claws and glowing yellow eyes appear next to Tokoyami.

"Be silent." Tokoyami hissed.

"Don't mind Tokoyami. He always been like this, but he mean no harm." The shadow said while jabbing his thumb towards Tokoyami. "I'm Dark Shadow, his partner in crime."

"I choose to avoid any crimes you involve with." Tokoyami said in deadpan manner.

"I just stole some cookies!!" Dark Shadow said.

"Which mother bakes for our neighbors, not for us!" Tokoyami said with a scowl. "And why do you even want one? You don't even need to eat!"

"That doesn't mean I don't like their taste!!" Dark Shadows said.

Koda sweatdrops at the interaction while hoping that everyone is doing okay and wish that Izuku could help him getting out of this weird situation.


"H-he's a monster!!!"

One of the villain can be seen frozen while trying to escape but to no avail. The person that approach them is Todoroki glaring at each of them.

"I am not in a mood right now, so I suggest you all talk while you all can. Who are you and why are you here?" Todoroki said as icy mist start coming out of his hand. "I can vouch for you, you don't want to get frostbite and risking to lose your limb for the rest of your life. So, start talking."

If the villain isn't frozen by ice, he would wet and soil his pants right now.


"Okay, I don't see any more villains here."

Ojiro stood with his tail on the top of a pile pf villains while looking around. He then let himself fall before landing roughly on the unconscious villain.

"I should check on the others. I have a bad feeling about this."


"So, I guess I'm with you guys."

Jirou, Momo and Denki look at each other before looking at their surrounding.

"We should go regroup with the others. It's much safer that way." Momo suggested.

"Yeah, sure. But...." Jirou trailed off as she points at other directions. They all look and saw multiple villains approaching them.

"Umm...anyone could made me something that I can channel my quirk with?" Momo nodded before giving Denki a blunt-edge spear. "Thanks."

"You can thank us by helping us to cover our back." Denki nodded with a grin.

"Of course! You don't need to ask me. I still cover you guys." Jirou rolled her eyes before placing her earphone jack onto her boots and let loose a sonic blast made of the sound of heartbeat.

Denki blocks an incoming blade attack before letting electricity flows from his and and into the speae, shocking the attacker. He then swing the spear while coating it with electricity, knocking out a group of people.

Momo use her bo staff to knock people on their head while dodging each of their attempt attack gracefully and blocking some of them using a small shield on her hand.

Jirou continue to let loose of her sonic waves on incoming villains, knocking them out immediately. After a few minutes, all of the villains look like they're knocked out.

"Well, that was easy." Denki laughed.

"It seems that the group priorities quantity rather focus on quality. Each of the villains are those that never got into the news, possibly a mere thug." Momo mused.

"But, what are their goals to even infiltrate UA?" Jirou asked as Momo froze before facepalming.

"We should let one stay awake so we could gather information." As she said that, suddenly a person emerges from the ground and choked Denki, holding him hostages.

"Stay there, girls. One move and he'll get what's coming." Both of them tense as Denki struggled to get free.


"Split!" Ochako, Iida, Shoji, Sero, and Sato splits up to dodge several smoke tendrils launch towards them. Iida dash towards the villain with his engine-boosted leg in attempt to kick him, but failed.

"Futile effort!" Kurogiri said as he was about to engulf Iida with his mist, but Sero's quick thinking manage to save Iida by using his tape.

"Arrgh!" Shoji went for a multiple barrage of punch, but none of them hits Kurogiri.

"Like I said, futile!" Kurogiri said as he tried to attack Shoji. But, suddenly acid shots between both of them, creating a distance. Ochako took this chance to grab Shoji and pull him away from Kurogiri.

"Thanks." Shoji said as Ochako nodded.

"What can we do against Kurogiri?" Ochako dodge another attempt to portal her.

"Nothing is working! I still don't know how Midoriya could pull it off!" Sato said before trying to punch Kurogiri but failed. Mina use her chance to shoot acid again. It failed to hit Kurogiri but it help Sato to get away.

"I swear, once we get out of here, I'll learn Haki just to hit that smug bastard." Mina moaned in annoyance.

"I suggest you all give up. Your futile attempt to resist will only delay the inevitable." Kurogiri growled.

"Not if I have say about it." Thirteen use her quirk once more to stop Kurogiri despite the injuries she endures.

"You are very persistent." Ochako saw it again, the metal collar around Kurogiri's neck. But this time, it is much clearer. She immediately took the chance and rush towards the villain and touches his metal collar while Thirteen shuts her quirk.

"W-wha-!?" Kurogiri didn't get a chance to say anything as Ochako roared and toss Kurogiri's now weightless body to Shoji. "Shoji, bind him! The solid part is on his neck, the metal collar!!"

"No!" Kurogiri shouted as Shoji complied, using all of his arm to bind Kurogiri. Sato joined it to pin down the villain.

"Iida, you got to go!" Ochako said, catching Iida off guard. "Go get the teachers! You're the one who's fast enough to get there in short time!"

"I-I can't leave you guys here!!" Iida said before looking ashamed. "I-I once did that to you...I can't do it again...."

"You-." Ochako shakes her head before looking at him. "Iida, you didn't leave us. You're our only hope for us to go through this by getting help. Now, run, Iida, run!" Ochako said as Iida looks at her before he nod and turns kn his quirk.

"I won't let you!" Kurogiri manage to break but suddenly scream in pain as acid eats up the metal on his neck and possibly the body underneath the smoke before he got tied up by tapes.

"Don't you dare hurt my friend, you bastard!" Mina said in anger. Kurogiri could only watch Iida leave the door at high speed and curses.

"This is bad." He mutters before he teleports himself away from the place. Everyone collapses to the ground while sighing. It seems that they all are exhausted after trying so many times to dodge the portals made by Kurogiri.

"Thirteen!" Ochako remembers the injured pro hero before approaching her and horrified at the back injuries on her back. "Somebody has a first aid!?"

"I got some." Shoji and Sato said at the same time as they both start to help to apply some on Thirteen's back. Ochako decided to help as well.

"N-no need to worry, Uraraka. I'll live." The hero chuckles. Ochako teared up at the situation. Her favorite hero risks her life for everyone and almost die for it.

"Y-you shouldn't have to risk this much..." Ochako chokes as Thirteen chuckles weakly.

"We're heroes, it's an occupational hazard....." Ochako won't stop tearing up.

"I-I swear, I-I'll study hard, I'll get myself stronger than ever...I'll get myself I won't be helpless like this! So you guys won't have to do everything alone!" Ochako said in frustration manner, getting everyone attention. "So please.....stay alive so you can guide us...."

"...I'll live, Uraraka-san. I can promise you that." Thirteen said, smiling underneath her mask. Everyone looks at

Ochako determines that she will get stronger so heroes won't have to risk their life for them like this again. She swore she'll break every bones of her body just so she could get stronger.

This is the moment when everyone agrees to do the same as Ochako and Ochako's Haki potential is unlocked.


"I seriously don't understand how you enjoy this so much."

Eijirou sweatdrop as he looks at the pile of unconscious villains lying down on the ground, beaten black and blue and burnt.

"Is that all you got, ya poor excuse of villains!? I see a fucking kindergarten pull a better fight than you!!!" Bakugou cackled maniacally as the villains groaned.

"Yeah, I never understand him." Eijirou mutter before looking at his wrist, consisting of minot scratches and bruises. Even with his quirk, he still get harm. "I really need to step my training if I'm facing new villains in the future...."


"Now, drop youe weapons." Momo complied as she dropped her staff and shield. "Good girl. I guess you're more than just your look."

Momo made a disgusted face, unwilling to accept a compliment from a creep. She prefer Mineta's than this pig, and that's saying something.

"Why are you all here?" Momo asked.

"Well, to attack you guys, duh." The man said while rolling his eyes.

"I mean, what for?" Momo isn't in the mood to listen bullshits from such pig.

"To kill All Might." This answer widen the kids' eyes at the bold declaration.

"How do you even planned to do that?" Jirou asked. "I don't think you guys can even do it, especially when you guys lose to us."

"Oh, we know. We meant to keep any distractions away. Our leader has a way to kill him, a frankenstein's monster. Made to be the anti-Symbol of Peace." They all look nervous at the declaration.

"That's a bold claim." Jirou stated.

"Oh, it's not bold if it's true. You haven't seen what that monster truly capable of." The man grinned. "We're confident that it can take down All Might."

".....I see. That is indeed terrifying." Momo said as the man grinned wider. "But, you forget one important factor."

"Oh, pray tell, princess. What is it?" Momo stares at him before smiling.

"Your hostage isn't defenseless." As she said this, a painful blow hits the man's balls at full force, causing him to screech in an unmanly manner. It was followed with a brutal swing on his head, knocking him out.

"Okay, I rather not getting into hostage situation as a damsel in distress again. He chokes so hard." Denki groan while rubbing his throat.

"We should meet with the others right now. We got a vital information about our villain group." Jirou and Denki nodded as they all run towards their friends.


"I hate you so much, Midoriya. Ribbit."

I sheepishly smiled at Tsuyu as she glare at me. The reason of why she did this? I ask her to carry Mineta for our plan.

My plan is similar to Izuku's in canon. Nothing change much. I mean, it's a good plan. Don't fix something that isn't broken.

"Yet you won't fix most broken stuff." I wince at Second's retort.

'Y-yeah, I plan to fix that.' I reply before using OFA on myself. I decided to push myself to 20%. 15 seconds should be enough for this.

I run towards the edge of the ship before jumping upward. As I was in mid air, I immediately switch to my 2nd Gear.

"Hey, jackasses!" I shouted, catching their attention. "Hope you all don't mind if I brought a whirlpool! Jet Blast!!" I punch downward as hard as possible.


I widen my eyes as water burst upwards like rocket as the water slowly forms a powerful whirlpool and starts sucking everyone to the center.

"Now!" I yelled at Tsuyu nodded and jumps before Mineta starts screaming in fear and toss multiple sticky balls into the hole.

Why does it sound so wrong?

Before I could fall into the water, Tsuyu use her tongue to capture me and pull towards her.

"Haha! We clear the zone, Tsuyu!" I said as Tsuyu nodded.

"You owe me for this!! For Mineta and saving your butt!" I grin while giving a thumbs up.

Thankfully, the whirlpool was over as we land on the shore. I feel my body a bit hungry, so I grab some of granola bar and eat it.

"Exhausted?" I look at Tsuyu

"Not much, but I feel a bit hungry. And given that villains are still on the loose, I rather not burn all of my calories and stamina. Creating whirlpool isn't as easy as a flick of a finger." I said.

"Yeah, your quirk is op." I shrugged.

"I can still break bones, Tsu. It's a dangerous quirk to have." I said before offering her some.

"I rather not eat till I wash my tongue off." Tsuyu deadpanned.

"Sorry. But, again, we can't let him die, no matter how much tempted I was." This made Mineta stop doing what he's planning to do and look at me in fear.

"True." This made Mineta avoids both of us even more.

"Stop scaring the kid, Ninth." Nope, not gonna happen, Nana.

"Let's get out of here. We need to regroup with others." Tsuyu nodded before we walks away from the water. "Stay hidden. We don't want to warn the villains about our presences." Tsuyu nodded again as we take a look on our surrounding.

From what I saw, Aizawa, Mirio. Amajiki, and Nejire did a good job dealing with the group of villains. I look at Shigaraki and notice he still standing.

"Come on, guys. We should get out of here." I look at Mineta in annoyance.

"You guys can go first. I have a bad feeling about this." I said.

"If it's another bad feeling, shouldn't you leave with us?" Tsuyu asked.

"Not this time." I said while gripping my fist.

"Don't tell me you're going to fight them?" Tsuyu asked.

"You're crazy! You're super crazy!!!" Mineta said in a panic. I bonked his head while shushing him.

"I want to ease sensei's and senpai's burden if I can. They will get tired and the villains will assault when they're lower their defense." I said.

"Yeah, but why is it have to be you?" I stop myself from her question. What should I say to her. I can't exactly say that I know the future and planned to change it if possible.

"ARRGHH!!!" I turn my head towards the source of the scream and I widen my eyes. Shigaraki has manage to touch Aizawa, but thankfully he gets away from him as fast as he can.

The villains start to charges at injured Aizawa but thankfully, the senpais cover his back.

"See? They can do it without our help." Don't be so sure, Tsu. The danger is just about to begin.

As I thought that, the dreaded happens.



"Say hello to the anti Symbol of Peace." The blue haired man said gleefully. The said anti pulls its fist away from the crater as a bloodied form of Aizawa can be seen in the crater.

'F-fuck.....i-it's too much...' Aizawa thought as he felt himself black out. 'I-I can't.....faint.....the kids...can't let...Oboro...'

"SENSEI!!!" Mirio scream in horror before he blitz through multiple villains before he launch himself to punch the monster. But, to his horror, it didn't move an inch.

"Kill him." The monster tried to punch him, but Mirio simply let it past through him before pulling a kick, which did nothing as well.

" unmoovable tank against untouchable assassin. Let's see who will be the one that'll last longer." Shigaraki mused before he gracefully dodge an energy blast from above.

"Heh, did you attempt to kill me? Some hero you are." Shigaraki mused as Nejire floats in front of him with a glare.

"You have no right to said bullshits." Nejire said in cold tone before charging energy blast. "100%."

Shigaraki's eyes widen as he barely dodge a beam. And his eyes widen even more when the beam pierce through Nomu like a hot knife through butter.

"You're one of the mini-boss." Shigaraki mutters before rushing towards Nejire, whp fly aways and starts blasting energy after energy.

"Come on, sensei." Tamaki mutters in worry before carefully carries Aizawa from the crater. Shigaraki saw this and attempt to attack him, but Nejire stops him.

"You're getting annoying." Shigaraki decided to attack her again, and this time, Shigaraki manage to grab the stripes around her arm, disintegrate it.

Nejire's eyes widen and out of panic, she blast Shigaraki point blank, sending him tumbling around the field before he catches himself. She fly towards him but suddenly, a portal appears in front of her. She can't stop herself, so she was teleported away.

"Tomura Shigaraki." Shigaraki turns towards the source of the voice and see his loyal partner Kurogiri. "My apologies, but one of the students escape. The pro heroes will come here as soon as possible."

"Damn it, Kurogiri. You have one job!!!" Shigaraki growls before taking a deep breath. "It's game over now. We can't get All Might and other teachers are arriving. Let's go back."

"Master...." Kurogiri mutters.

"But, before that....." Shigaraki grins before rushing towards a group of hidden students. "Let's kill some kids and let All Might see their-!"

Before Shigaraki register anything, he experiences four things. First, his wrist was caught and broken. Second, life flashes before his eyes. Third, a pain he never experience in his entire life suddenly appears on his face. Fourth, he was sent rolling and crashing into the nearbt fountain.

"W-what hit me!?" Shigaraki yell as blood won't stop coming from his face and his eyes widen when he notice the hand on his face fell off. "Father, father!?!"

He look around and his eyes widen when he saw the hand on his face is now on the ground, but cracked beyond repair. He shakily grabs the hand but the moment it touches his hand, it crumbles to dust.

"No, no, no, no, no." Shigaraki mutters as he desperately try to 'fix' the hand with his unharmed hand, but to no avail. His eyes immediately look around and notices three students run away from the hiding spot.



Shit! He's pissed. If I remember, that hand was once belong to his father given by AFO after he accidentally kills him with his quirk.

"No..." Nana wept inside my mind. I can't blame her, if I saw my own son got either killed or turn to a villain, I'll react the same way.

"I'll kill you myself!!" Shit, he's charging towards us.

"Get away, Tsu!" I slaps away Shigaraki's hand to avoid getting disintegration before I punch his face, causing him to stumble. I follow it up by a kick to his side, then spinning kick on his chest, jump kick on his gut, then stomp on the ground and punch his chest with as much force as I could, sending him flying again.

A portal sucks Shigaraki and stops him to land next to Kurogiri. I saw Kurogiri whisper something into his ear before his eyes widen and then-.


I widen my eyes as Nomu suddenly teleports toward Tsuyu and Mineta. I was unable to move fast enough, only able to watch in horror as the Nomu went for a punch.

My eyes widen even more when Eiji was right in front of them and use his hardening to take a blow for Tsuyu and Mineta.

"No-!" Before I could realize, Nomu punches Eijirou. And chaos ensues.

Eiji was sent flying and crash into Tsuyu and Mineta, who crashes into me, as we all sent crashing to the ground. I can feel the unimaginable pain on my body. I hastily get up as Tsuyu and Mineta whimpers in pain.

They both got a broken arm but Eiji had it worse. His whole body has a huge bruise as he won't stop coughing blood. His arms are both broken and he won't stop shaking.

"E-Ei..." I choked when I saw the state of his condition. The blood.....the heavy breathing....his body....

Oh, god. Oh, god. Oh, god. Oh, god.

"M-Midoriya." I snaps myself out as Tsuyu croak. I heard someone laughing at the background, cauing something inside me snapped.

"...can you guys take him to safety?" I ask Tsuyu.

"I-If both of us work together, yes." Tsuyu said.

"Get him out, I'll distract him." I said before walking away and facing Nomu.

"A-are you crazy!? You'll die!" Tsuyu croak painfully.

"It's either that or other more innocent people." I look towards Nomu. "Besides.....I live long enough..."


"Gearshift this early!?!" I let myself feel the new powers from my body and there, I feel it. A foreign energy inside me. I let it flow on my leg before I activates Haki and move my leg as fast as possible, creating flame with nothing but frictions.

"I never test this. In fact, this might kill me." I mutter before lifting my leg. "But, right now, I could only feel one thing."

"I want to kill you, so badly."

To be continued