Chapter 8 - USJ (Part 2)

Principal's Office, UA High

Musutafu, Japan.

"Ah, All Might, just the person who I've been looking form." Yagi did not squeal in shock when Principal Nedzu call him out.

"H-hello, Nedzu-san." All Might said nervously.

"It's been a while since we're able to have a proper conversation, do we?" Nedzu said with a smile before gesturing at the couch. "Now, have a seat, we have a few things to talk about."

Yagi never felt so nervous in his life. Is this the reason why everyone is fear of Nedzu?

"Now, let's discuss the elephant of the room. You should be with Class 1-A for today's lesson, no?" Nedzu said while preparing tea. Yagi nodded nervously as Nedzu pull his phone and show him the news on the headline.

"'All Might has Saved the Day Once Again! Three Bank Robbers Stopped Before They Could Get Away With the Money!'." Nedzu said while smiling before scrolling to the next page. "'All Might was Sighted Stopping Hostage Situations!', 'All Might Saved an Escaping Prisoner!', 'All Might Save a Suicidal Attempt!', you seems quite busy this morning."

"I-I can explain-!" Yagi was immediately cut off by Nedzu.

"Do you know why I accept you as a teacher in UA despite knowing you have zero experience when it comes to teaching?" Nedzu pours some tea into his cup before sipping it. "You see, when you inform me you're planning to have a successor, I was actually glad. That means that the Symbol of Peace entrust heroism to the future generations and he will able to be retire."

"Sir?" All Might asked in confusion.

"I hope you could lay down on your hero work and focus more as a teacher, guide the future heroes what it means to be a hero." Nedzu place the tea on the table. "I hope that might ease your burden, it's my way to show thanks for keeping Japan safe for all those years. But, it seems that fiery passion of heroism inside you simply won't let you do so."

"....yes..." All Might said while looking on the floor before taking a sip on his tea.

"So, tell me, how's young Midoriya?" All Might spittakes as he looks at Nedzu in shock. He swore he never told him about young Midoriya. Or more like, he forgot.

"Oh please, Midoriya's previous status as Quirkless that hasn't been updated before the exam is a huge giveaway." Nedzu said while rolling his eyes. "If I guess correctly, you must've forgot to tell him to do so."

"Y-yeah, it's one of the mistake I made." All Might admits. "As for your question, Midoriya is exactly the successor I've been looking for! His heroism and ideal is what I've been looking for! His smarts are also a major advantages he got compare to when I first obtain it."

"I see." Nedzu mused before looking at All Might. "And from how he easily use his newly given quirk, it does shows Midoriya's intelligence. And let's not forget the written exam."

"I'm actually surprised at how he easily got 100%, I know he's smart, but that smart?" Yagi admits.

"I would love to talk with him more." This sent shivers down into Yagi's spine. Why does that sound so ominous and why can he feel the danger if that actually happens.

"I couldn't help but ask, but how is his progress in One For All?" Yagi dismiss the warning from his head and smiled.

"He's done amazingly for someone that rushes his progress to 10 months. He manages to find a way to properly use his quirk without breaking his bone at first time, and he manages to find a way to create techniques that compliments his quirk, like for example Soru, which gives him a boost of speed." All Might paused. "But, I still ask myself, what does he mean by kicking the ground 10 times in a blink of eyes?"

"...I beg you pardon?" Nedzu has heard a lot of things, but this is easily the most ridiculous thing he ever heard. Well, most ridiculous after the former infamous vigilante is quirkless but can beat Endeavor with nothing but a swing of a sword.

Before All Might could say anything, he suddenly heard a sound of engine revving from a distance. He blinks before looking at the window and saw Iida running towards the main building while panting.

"Is that young Iida!? What's going on!?" Yagi exclaimed in confusion, catching Nedzu's attention as he joins All Might looking at the window.

"Something's wrong." Nedzu mused before looking at Yagi. "All Might!"

"Yes!" All Might bulked up before he runs out of the office at great speed. Nedzu's animal instinct warns him something is wrong, and he hopes that it's wrong.


"W-what!?" Mineta said in shock. It's not surprising as the former class representative has somehow use a quirk different from what he use before and ignite his leg on fire.

"W-what is happening?" Tsuyu asked in f

confusion. She snaps out of her confusion when she heard a cough from her side. Tsuyu was relieved that Eijirou is still alive, but if nothing is done, he might've die, and she didn't want that to happen to her saviour.

"Tsuyu." She looks at Izuku who looks back. But, his expression terrified her. His eyes glows red, his expression lacks any emotion other than rage. "Get Eiji out of here. He needs medical attention."

"B-but what about you?" Tsuyu is glad that despite all the rage, Izuku is still himself. "You'll die!"

"I'll stall time. It won't be enough, but I'll made sure I'll stay alive till the teacher's here." Izuku said in a calm manner. "I can promise you that. Now, go."

"M-Midoriya...." Tsuyu mutters before she and Mineta joined forces to get Eijirou out of danger.

She could hope that Midoriya's strange quirk could give him an edge against the monster.


"Why did you lie to her?" I heard Banjo asked.

"I rather let her believe I'll stay alive. If I don't she'll stay and get herself in danger with that wounds." I said while looking at Nomu looking at me.

"You know you'll die, right?" Second asked.

"I know. But, then again, I should've died few months ago." I said.

"...If you're going to use Gearshift, I need to tell you that your current body only allows Gearshift works for 2 minutes." I frowns at the short duration but given how fast All Might is, one minute to stalling will be enough. "Gearshift give you access to changes the object's speed while ignoring inertia and there are several gears, each gear go faster the higher you go."

"Can Gearshift works on slowing down or stopping the object?" I asked.

".....yes, but I rarely use it, why?" My eyes widen before I grinned.

"Then, Gearshift is enough!" I charge myself towards Nomu as Shigaraki commands him. Thanks to Observation, I manage to dodge the incoming attack and pull a roundhouse kick.


The explosive impact manages to stagger it a bit. I follow up with a roundhouse kick on the brain, causing it to screech before I keeps kicking him while not giving him a chance.

"Gotcha!" The kick manage to stagger him enough to give me an opening to do a haki-coated forcepalm on the burning skin.

"Gearshift - BRAKE!!!" I forcefully slow down the vibration of air molecule around the Nomu using the similar feeling I did on my own leg and to my glee, huge chunks of ice immediately grew from Nomu's body and stop him.

"WHAT!??!"/"WHAT?!" Both Shigaraki and Second scream in shock. I grins before pulling my own version of Flashfire Freeze on the ice by forcefully speeding the vibration of gas molecule.


I was knock back but I use my leg to stop myself. I didn't give the nomu another chance as I rush towards the monster again while grabbing a chunk of rock.

I point the rock at Nomu's brain before letting Gearshift onto it, launching the rock towards the Nomu's brain. Thanks to its shock absorption, it only slightly wound him. Damn it, I guess Armament - Coat will be on my wishlist for my training.

"If you survive this...." I ignore En's muttering before jumps from an incoming high speed punch, which is thanks to my observation I can dodge. I activates Armament and ignites my leg again and perform an axe kick on the brain.


Nomu screech in pain as I land roughly on the ground. I go for another Brake on Nomu, freezing it again before I follow up with Final Gear.


Damn it, I can feel my hand effected by the constant change of air molecule's vibration. My observation went off and I barely able to duck from a brutal swing that might takes my head off.

"Turbo Boost!" I activates 2nd Gear before follow it with Gearshift on my arm and Haki. As I did, flames ignited around my fist. "Red Hawk!!"


Nomu staggers several feet as I wince at the intense heat of Red Hawk. I didn't let it recover before follow up with anothe r punch. It's been working so far. A bit too well...

"Nomu, stop playing around! Kill him!"


I use everything I got to coat myself in Armament before he sent me crashing through water zone again. I cough some bloods as I get out of the water.

If it wasn't for my Haki, I might not survive this. This is why I never pick a glass cannon in any game. The damage isn't worth its survivability.

"Is it really the time to think about video game?" I ignores Third's words before I touches the water and use Gearshift on it. And I'm glad that it works as the water launches towards Nomu like a speeding bullet.

"Okay, seriously, how are you doing all of this?" Second asked incredulously.

"You said Gearshift can affect any object speeds when it touches. So, I ask myself, why is it only limited to myself or any physical objects around me? Does water and air counts?" I reply before holding the water and use Brake to turn the water solid, I decide to change it shapes into a spear.

"Speed manipulation are more than just going fast and hit hard." I said before Nomu rush towards me again. Using observation, I use my timing to stabs the brain with my water. This works as the Nomu screeches in pain. I grab onto Nomu as it starts thrashing around.

"Nomu, stop fooling around and finish him!!!" Oh, god, can you get more annoying than this!? I yelp as the Nomu pull my jacket's hood and toss me aside.

I am so lucky to have Haki and endure Gran Torino's training for so long.

"Really, now?!" I saw the water turns back to normal as the wounds onnthe brain recovered. Shit, so the usual weaknesses won't work.

"Does Gearshift works on living creatures other than me?" I asked.

"If you're planning to use Gearshift to pause Nomu from doing anything, then don't. Your limit won't allow you to do such thing." Damn it.

"Hey, Nomu." I look at Shigaraki who made a gleeful grin. "How about we target those people on top of the stairs? I wonder how he'll-!?"

I once again felt an immense amount of anger from hearing that bastard's words. I felt another foreign force bubbling from inside me. It was too much for me, so unintentionally I let it loose.

To my shock, a powerful wave emits from me as I saw the villains that are watching the battle starts to faint from getting hit by that wave. Shigaraki and Kurogiri shakes like leaves while Nomu froze on the spot.

W-Was that Conqueror's!?

"Holy shit!" Holy shit, indeed.

"Ninth! Before you jump into battle, you should know, you've been unintentionally only using either Gearshift, or Haki! You've been forgetting to activates Full Cowl or. Turbo Boost!" I curse myself for this. This is what happens when using quirks without any test.

"It's the reason why you start feeling the burns and freeze. Your haki allows you to bypass your clothes and activatea Gearshift with no issues. Your inexperiences deactivates your Armament and burns your gloves and hands as a result." I look at my gloves and just like Second said. It is ruined due to Gearshift. I toss my burnt gloves away before preparing for another round.

"Soru." I mutter before launching myself towards Shigaraki and sucker punch him on the face. I turn towards Kurogiri and use Haki to hit him again, which works as he sent tumbling on the floor.

"Gakh! It hurts!" Shigaraki moaned as I launch for another attack. He manages to dodge as I slams my foot onto the ground, cracking it.

"What kind of hack are you!?" I bristled at his words before going for another punch.

"Is this all a game to you!? A game where you're the player and everyone's the NPC!" I said as he dodges again. Damn, he's more slippery than I thought.

"Of fucking course! Now be a good NPC AND LET ME GRIND MY EXP!!!" He decided to attack me myself. I was angry and use Haki to grab his wrists before I follow up with a backhand. I didn't let him a chance to breath before I grab him by his hair and keeps punching him with no remorse.

My observation went off as suddenly, a portal forcefully open as I fall into the ground and I accidentally let go of Shigaraki. I look down and saw Nomu below me. I use my chance to use Haki and Gearshift once more as flames starts to appear on Nomu as it screeches.

I can feel the burning pain from my palm as I continue to let Gearshift runs wild and the flames getting more intense. I don't care if the fire burns my hands but this fuckef needs to die.

Before I could continue, Nomu grab me once more and toss me away. But, to my relief, a huge chunk of ice immediately covers the Nomu, locking him in place.

"Okay, what the fuck was that, nerd!?" I turn to see Bakugou and I can't believe I said this, but I'm relief to see him here.

"Can we talk later? That thing isn't down yet?" As I said this, someone grab my jacket and lift me up.

"What is your relation with my father?" I blinked as Shoto growls at me.

"The nerd's not related to Endeavor! His deadbeat dad is Hisashi Midoriya. It's where the nerd's get his freckles ans curly hair." I blink at another information dump. So, Bakugou has meet Izuku's dad once.

"No one asked you!" Shoto growls at Bakugou.

"But, he's right. I have no relation with your father." As I said this, Shoto growls. "Can we do this later? We got monster breaking out of the cage."

"Stop dodging-!" As I said that, the ice broke and Nomu looks like half of its fleshes got cut of, and that include the cauterized wounds I gave to it.

"Great job, Todoroki. Your ice helps it to regain regenerations." I deadpanned as all the missing fleshes start to grow.

"Okay, that shit is fucking disgusting." Bakugou mutter.

"More disgusting than your mouth, I presume?" I dryly asked.

"What the fuck did you say, nerd!?" Bakugou snapped at me.

"Beating the monster first then we can relax." I retorted before getting off from Shoto. "Todoroki, can you-?!" I was cut off when he froze the Nomu again.

"You know that won't-!" Cue ice prison break. "-work, right?"

"And you have any suggestion?" Todoroki asked sarcastically.

"Fire. This whole time, I try to give a permanet damage using flame to burn and cauterise his wounds. But, thanks to you freezing those wounds, it tears off the wounds off and regrow new fleshes." I said as Shoto growls.

"I ain't using my flame." I rolled my eyes.

"Bakugou, how about you?" I look at Bakugou.

"Oh, I'll fucking do it better than you, Deku!" Bakugou said with maniacal grin.

"Sure, if you can catch up." As I said this, I run towards the Nomu using Full Cowl before I activates Haki to kick its leg, causing it to stumbles. Shoto immediately took his chance to freeze it from the leg down and Bakugou was on top of Nomu as it grab its brain and explodes it.

"Hahaha!!" Bakugou scream in glee as he let loose of his explosions on its brain. But, suddenly, a portal appears and a hand tries to reach Bakugou. I grab a chunk of pebble and use Gearshift to launch it onto the hand, which end up removing one of its finger.


"Gah!!" I turn to see Shigaraki held his missing finger in pain. "You fucker!"

"Can you help me distract those two while Bakugou did all the work?" Shoto agree reluctantly before I charges towards Shigaraki.

"Damn you!!" I duck from the incoming swing before I punch him on the side. I kick one of his leg as he stumbles as I follow up with grabbing his face and slams him onto the ground. "Ackh!!"

As I was about to punch him on the face, a portal appears and consume me, causing me to fall and crash onto Bakugou, knocking him off the Nomu.

"What the fuck, Deku!?" Bakugou snarls.

"The portal user." I snarled back before getting up. Damn it, this is a mess. I can feel my lungs strained from all the Gearshift. I saw the Nomu broke free from the ice as the brain starts to regrow again.

"Oh, come on!" I roared in anger before Nomu tries to swing its arm again. It was grateful that the frost slowed the Nomu greatly, or else I won't be able to pull Bakugou and myself away from the attack.

"This is the most chaotic battle I've ever seen." I mutter before letting go of Bakugou.

" I can take care of myself, nerd!" Bakugiu growled.

"I rather not take any chances." I reply as Shoto launches a giant icicle towards Kurogiri, only for him to open portal and suck the ice. My Observation went off as we both get away from the attack dropped from the sky.

"Huh, you got better instinct that I thought." Or maybe it's an untapped Observation. He seems to be able to senses Ochako without looking during Sports Festival.

"You think you're the only one who can dodge without seeing!?!" I sweatdrop at Bakugou's words. Really? Now?

"We need to switch our opponents. It's clear that this doesn't works." I said as Todoroki creates an ice wall between him and the villains.

"Why can't we just beat them up?" Bakugou snarls.

"Look at where it got us." I deadpanned.

"Can you even use your fire again?" Bakugou asked.

"Unless you want me to ran out of oxygen, no." I deadpanned once more.

"Fuck, you're useless as always." Bakugou mutter. Inner peace, buddy, inner peace.

"So, Bakugou went after Kurogiri, Todoroki against Shigaraki, and I went back with Nomu? Okay? Got it. Now go." As I said that, the ice shatters.

Not giving any chance, I use Haki and Full Cowl to kick Nomu's head away. It works so far as it disorientate it for a while and I saw Bakugou caught Kurogiri in an instant and lock him in place by threatening with explosion while Shoto manage to freeze Shigaraki.

Good, now I can focus on Nomu again.

'How long can I use Gearshift?' I asked.

"30 seconds." I can't help hut asking myself where's All Might? I thought he might be here already. Observation picking up a right jab. I manage to dodge before climbing onto it and attacks its brain by using flames again.

This is the only thing I could think of right now. I grit my teeth as I keep my haki from deactivating while using Gearshift. Using both really give me a huge mental strain as my head starts to hurt.

"ARRGHH!!!" I scream to distract myself from the pain. The Nomu starts to screech and try to pull me away, but I didn't let him as I cling into the brain by dig my fingers into it.

Sadly, due to it beinga brain, it only manage to let me hold on for a while before it toss me asides like a useless toy. I groan in pain as the headache hit me full forces and I can feel my lungs burning.

Damn it, it's not working.....

"Nomu! Free Kurogiri!!" No! I gotta get up! I-!


I blink when I saw Mirio land besides me while grabbing Bakugou. I look at Mirio while panting heavily. He looks worse to wear. I guess the Nomu manages to get lucky hits on him.

"T-thanks for distracting them for us, Kouhais." Mirio laughs roughly before cougjing. "Sorry guys.....because of this useless senpai, you three have to steps in."

"D-don't be...." I gasped as Bakugou snaps out of his shock.

"S-shit.....I almost die....." I saw Todoroki land besides us, holding his broken arm. From his clothes, I say Shigaraki almost decayed his right arm. I turn my head to see Tamaki manages to ensnare Shigaraki with his tentacles while Nejire keeps Kurogiri away.

"Fuck...we stand a little to no chance against them...." I said as I can feel my lungs feels a bit better but still burning.


"Fear not, everyone!!! You know why!?" I widen my eyes before a chuckle escape my mouth and it turns to a full blown laughter.

"W-we did it...we bought times for All Might to arrive....." As I said this, I can see everyone starts to gain hope.

"CUZ I AM HERE!!!" All Might can be seen in his full glory landing on the stairs.


Flashback, during Izuku vs Nomu

"Aizawa sensei, please stay awake." Ochako is having a very bad day. First, Thirteen got herself hurt from protecting everyone, then Aizawa was carried by their senpais injured from head to toe.

Right now, she and the others went to treat Aizawa sensei while their senpai was looking for the others and his own friends.

"Guys!" Ochako turn around and gasp in horror to see Eijirou terribly wounded while Tsuyu and Mineta.

"Get him here!" Ochako said as they complied. Everyone around her are horrified at Eijirou's current states. "What happen!?"

"K-Kirishima blocks an attack that was meant for us." Tsuyu chokes. "I-I thought I was about to die, but he jumps in front of us and-! I'm sorry!"

"N-no, don't apologize..." Ochako said before looking at Eijirou. She decided to use her bandages to closes the visible wounds. The others help creating a makeshift sling for Tsuyu and Mineta.

"Wait, where are the others?!" Shoji asked.

"M-Midoriya.....h-he stays behind for....for us to escapes...." Tsuyu croaks.

"What!?" Ochako shout in horror before look down and sure enough, he is fighting the monster. "W-why would he-!?"

"H-he promises that he'll....stall time for the teachers to arrive....." Tsuyu said in fear. "W-will he be able to do it?"

As she said that, Izuku rush towards the Nomu, surprising everyone. And it's even more surprises when Izuku kicks the Nomu with flaming kick.

"H-how is he doing that?" Sero mutters. Ochako then looks at Kirishima, still in pain.

"I wish Recovery Girl is here...." Ochako mutters before suddenly, Momo, Jirou and Denki arrives.

"Guys! Oh, god!!" Momo covers her mouth at the injuries on Kirishima and Thirteen.

"Momo! C-can you help Eijirou!?" Ochako asked as Momo calm herself down before nodding and check on Kirishima.

"He has internal bleeding around his chest and some broken bones on his ribs and arms. I-I can't help much other than keeping him warm with blanket." Momo creates a blanket and covers Eijirou. "Ochako, I need you to lift his legs above his heart level. Kaminari, I need you to stay on Kirishima's side, reassure him. Jirou, check his heartbeat."

"O-okay..." Ochako did what Momo asked as Momo checks on his breathing.

"Damn it, why would you do something like this, Eijirou?" Denki mutters while shakily held Eijirou's hand.

"His heart is still beating, a bit stable than before." Jirou said as Momo nodded.

"This is all we can do. We're not exactly medical expert." As she said this, they saw a huge chunk of ices appears around Nomu.

"Holy shit, Midoriya summons ice!!" Ochako has so many questions, but she stay focus on keeping Eijirou alive. Sadly, the comments didn't exactly help her focus.

"Shit! Midoriya got launch into the pool!!"

"Wow! Midoriya becomes a water bender!!"

"Will you stop!?! We got patients here!!!" Jirou snapped at Mineta. Shoji wince while Thirteen chuckles weakly.

Suddenly, a huge wave of presence passed them by and everyone felt a shiver from their spine while Mineta fainted with his eyes blank.

"W-what was that??" Ochako asked in fear.

"I-it's the same presences made by Midoriya during the press breaks in." Momo mutters.

"H-how's Eijirou?" Ochako decided to focus on the current situation.

"He's fine. His heartbeat remains stable." Jirou said. "I'm just glad that Mineta's commentary didn't affect Kirishima."

"No!!" Tsuyu's scream caught their attention as Izuku was tossed away, causing everyone to panic. But it was short lived as an ice stops the Nomu instantly, causing them to sigh in relief.

They saw Bakugou and Todoroki arrived. They may not like them much but their helps will prevents Izuku from dying. But sadly, they weren't enough as they still got defeated. They saw Mirio saved Bakugou and their other senpais keeping the other villains away from them.



Ochako turn around to see All Might arrived with Recovery Girl on his back. The doctor jumps off from All Might's back and checks on both Thirteen, Aizawa and Eijirou.

"Recovery Girl, I'll let take care of the kids." All Might said as she nodded.

"Oh, dear..." Recovery Girl mutters. "Please get back, I'll handle this, so you all give some spaces here."

The students oblige as All Might jumps off the stairs and land on the lower floor.


"Heh, he's finally here. So, all the wait and build up wasn't for nothing at all." Shigaraki grinned.

"Thank you for stalling times, students. Now, rest. Leave this to me." All Might is actively ignores Shigaraki.

"Can you move?" I look at Mirio.

"Can't...ran out of breath....." I wheezed.

"How are you still able to awake?" Mirio asked in disbelief.

"Spite....." I wanted to chuckles, but it only comes out as nothing but wheezes.

"Okay, okay. Don't talk. Let's get you out of here." I smile as Mirio helps get me up. To my surprise, Bakugou helps out.

" Do you think he'll win?" Shoto asked.

"Of fucking course! He's All Might!!" Bakugou roared.

"Haha, I love your enthusiasm, kouhais." Mirio said while laughing.

"He'" I said while smiling. "Those attacks...wasn't just for shows..."

"The hell do you mean, nerd?" Bakugou asked in annoyance but I simply smile.


"You have the gall to attack my students." All Might growls.

"Your student ain't innocent, either. You know." Shigaraki said while showing his missing finger. "That green haired brat cuts off one of my fingers. What kind of hero students mutilate other people like that? To think in such young age, they already taught to be violent."

"That's the mistake you made while assuming us heroes. We all will get our hands dirty someday. Especially to a maniac planning to murder a child with no remorse." All Might said in anger. "Don't play the victim when you're the one who stage this attack, harming other people just to get to me."

"Oh, and what made you think I look for you?" Shigaraki asked in faux confusion.

"The press. The missing schedule. The giant hulking monster next to you. The attack happens during the lesson where I was suppose to be." All Might said before taking off his tie.

"I guess you're not just all brawn. Nomu." The creature screech as it charges towards All Might. But, to their surprises, All Might easily knocks it back with a punch.

"Is that all? I thought it'll be tougher." The Nomu screeches before charging at him again, but All Might simply punchs it again and again.

Everyone was in disbelief, why is the Nomu becomes so much slower and so much weaker than before? What happens to the creature?

Then, they heard a chuckle. Everyone turns to Izuku who's been smiling this whole time.

Shigaraki's eyes widen in realization as flashes of Izuku continuously punching and cauterizing its wounds happens in his head. He glares at Izuku in anger.

"You!!" Shigaraki growls in anger. Izuku raised his hand before giving a middle finger.

"I have enough of this foolishness!" All Might cock his fist backward before he let loose. "Detroit Smash!!!" His fist caved into the Nomu's skull before he bury its head into rhe ground and creates a large crater as blood explodes from it.

Everyone was shocked to see the result of the battle. It didn't last that long, a simple curbstomp battle on All Might's favor.


"Nerd, what the fuck happen?!" Bakugou asked.

"Tell me....if you deal a damage over time on an enemy, what will happen?" I asked.

"You'll lose health, duh." Bakugou rolled his eyes.

"And what happen if you use a healing spell but didn't remove the damage over time?" I added.

"Well, your health will drop again. But, what the fuck does it-!?" Bakugou widen his eyes before realizing what I mean. "You slimy bastard!!"

"You continuously use fire to harms the nomu while it regenerates to the point that he ran out of energy and unable to regenerate." Shoto conclude.

"I know I'm too weak to beat don't I simply made it easier for the others...." I said while grinning at Shigaraki's fuming face.

"Geez, you're devious, kouhai." Mirio mutters.

"I try to be...." I grinned.


"Is that all you got? I thought all of those gloating means there must worth something, but to think that it is easily beaten." All Might glares at the villains.

Shigaraki is torn. That Nomu was suppose to be his trump card given to him. That Nomu was suppose to beat All Might. That Nomu was suppose to be the ultimate weapon.

But, it fell. It fell before it could even injure All Might at the slightest.

How? How is this suppose to happen!? All of the plans he prepare for this raid, It was perfect! It was suppose to be flawless! He should walk out of this with 100% completion!!! So how-!?

Shigaraki whipped his head towards Izuku, who simply grinned back at him. That's it! That's the glitch that has ruin his raids!! A virus that ruin the balance of this game!!!

All he have to do is to get rid of him, then he won't face any more problems in his future raids! He will get that 100% completion! He'll breeze through this shit!!!

" the portal." Shigaraki mutters as Kurogiri did so.

"What are you-!?" All Might widen his eyes when suddenly, from the portal emerges Izuku who's unable to move. Shigaraki gleefully put 4 of his fingers around Izuku's neck.

"You ruin this raid for me. about you pay for what you-!?" Before he could say anything, Izuku did something that humiliates the villain for the rest of his life and cause everyone nearby to cringe.

A back kick on his nut.

Izuku uses all of his remaining strength that keep him awake after losing too much oxygen to give him a gap after Shigaraki did the biggest noob rant ever. This is enough for All Might to get to Izuku and carry him away.

"How dare you try to take hostages after losing!?" All Might is angry, no, he's furious for the villains to target his successor. Kurogiri senses that they have completely loses after that humiliation, immediately covers himself and Tomura with black fog.

"No!" It was too late. They have manage to escape. All Might stares at where the villain was before looking at Izuku who was about to pass out.

"E-Eijirou....." Izuku mutters, refusing to knocked out.

"Your friend is with Recovery Girl. He'll be okay." This actually works as Izuku finally stops resisting and fainted. "You shouldn't have gone through that, my boy..."

"All Might." Said person turn to see Todoroki approaching him. "Is he your son?"

All Might has heard many things, he has heard fans asking a lot of absurb questions about his personal life, about his past, and everything related, but no one has ever ask him about this.

"W-what!? No! We don't even look alike!!!" All Might said in shock as Bakugou snorted. "A-and why do you even ask that, Young Todoroki!?"

"His quirk works similar like you. I-I thought he's like me, a dual quirk user." This catches All Might's attention.

"What do you mean, young Todoroki?" Bakugou decided to answer the question.

"Deku somehow able to use fire, ice, and water while fighting that thing!" Bakugou yelled as All Might's eyes widen in shock.

"I'm sorry, what!?"


"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!!"

Kurogiri could only watch at the sidelines as he watch his glasses collection he collect ever since he serves his master.

"Young master, please calm down." Kurogiri said as Shigaraki glares at Kurogiri.

"How can I calm down!? Our raid fails, we lost our Nomu, and we got humiliated badly!!!" Shigaraki ranted.

"You mean you're the one who got humiliated." Kurogiri mutters quietly but Shigaraki didn't hear it.

"Damn it, damn it, damn it!!" Shigaraki ranted non-stop.

"Is there something that bothering you, Tomura?" Shigaraki froze before turning around and becomes nervous.

"H-hello, sensei." Tomura said nervously as Kurogiri sweatdrops at the 180.

"Master." Kurogiri give a bow at the source of the voice, coming from a laptop.

"Tell me, how was the attack?" Sensei asked.

"A total failure!" Tomura ranted. "It was working so well. We manages to split everyone up, we ambushes them, heck, Nomu is beating everyone like it was nothing!"

"Speaking of Nomu, what happen to it?" Another voice appears from the laptop.

"It was beaten by All Might, with rather ease." Kurogiri said.

"So, my experiment failed to match with All Might." The second voice mused.

"No, we don't know it's capability against All Might. It was tired out that All Might beat it with ease." Kurogiri said.


"It was that fucking glitch!!" Shigaraki ranted. "I don't know who he is, but he somehow manages to pulls bullshit after bullshits. First, he can bypass Nomu's Shock Absorption and staggers it with ease, then he suddenly able to use fire and ice to continuously deal DOT damages to Nomu, continues to suck Nomu's mp like a parasite!!" Shigaraki pants after he finish his rants.

"...I see." Sensei mused from.behind the screen. "Perhaps, you can take this as a learning experience."

"What learning experience worth my finger!?" Shigaraki yelled as he shows his missing finger.

"One that helps you grow stronger. Now that you have first hand experiences their strength, perhaps you should try to gain informations about them. Use that information to beat him when you meet again." Sensei advised.

"'re right sensei." Tomura mutters as he calm down. "Sorry for my outburst and failure."

"Not every plans succeed, Tomura. So, be patient." Sensei said in a sage-like wisdom.

".....should you told him you got kick on the dick?" Kurogiri asked.

"KUROGIRI!!!!" Shigaraki scream while flustered.

"....I beg you pardon?"


"16, 17, 18...." A man with a tan overcoat and a matching hat counts the number of students. "Other than a student with major injury and a student with that somehow lose a lot of oxygen, everyone is safe."

"We manage to apprehend roughly around 70 villains around the building." One of the officers said. "And then there's this thing that called Nomu. It's dead."

"Yeah, with that blown head, it's not shocking to see it died." Another officer stated.

"No, I mean, from one of our officer's quirk, it's stated to be nothing but a rotting corpse, been like that for months." The officer stated.

"Okay, that's just disturbing." Another officer said in disgust.

"Who could've done such inhuman things?" One of them stated in disgust.

"That's why we're here to find out." The man in overcoat stated before adjusting his hat. "It's our job, after all."

"You mean, your job?" Another officer said.

"Detective works aren't limited for detectives only, rookie. So, get your notebook out and start getting clues." The detective said in amusement before he notices an officer with a cat head walk towards him.

"Tsukauchi, how's your side?" The cat guy asked.

"Nothing new except the amount of villains and the monster is a walking corpse." Tsukauchi said as the cat guy nodded. "How about you, Sansa?"

"Other than finding a student that somehow got himself stuck on the ceiling while.....shining? I don't know, nothing much." Tsukauchi didn't want to ask more about that student.

"Umm, excuse me?" Both police and detective blinked before turning around and saw Ochako looks nervous. Behind her is Tsuyu, Mineta, Kaminari, Momo, and Iida.

"Can I help you?" Tsukauchi asked.

"Is a student name Izuku Midoriya, a young boy with green hair, alright?" Ochako asked. "I-I saw him getting carried away by All Might but we weren't able to see him since we're all asked to gather around. C-can I ask if he's okay?"

"Of course. Other than burns and frost injuries, a broken ribs while also running out of oxygen, he's going to be okay. He might need to stay a few days to heal with the help of Recovery Girl." Tsukauchi said while looking at the notes he took while checking on the injured victims.

"T-thank you." Ochako said as she bowed.

"He's a close friend, is he?" Tsukauchi asked with a smile.

"H-he is." Ochako said while blushing.

"He is more than just a friend to Uraraka." Kaminari teased as Ochako blushes even more.

"Kaminari!!" Ochako yelled as the detective and the officer chuckle.

"How about Kirishima, the boy with spiky red hair?" Momo asked.

"He's going to be okay. With your help and Recivery Girl's arrival, he'll be alright." They all sigh in relief.

"Thank you for answering our question." Momo said as the detective nodded and they walk away.

"They're good kids." Tsukauchi commented.

"They shouldn't have to deal with this during their first year." Sansa commented.

"Sometimes, fate simply want to mess with us." Tsukauchi replied.


UA's Infirmary

"How is he?" Yagi asked in worry before getting slapped by Recovery Girl.

"Calm down! I said he'll survive! Which part of it did you not understand!?" She sigh in frustration. "Maybe if you didn't waste your time too much in heroism and focus more on teaching, this won't happen!"

"That's a low blow, Chiyo-san." Yagi mutters.

"Good! Cuz I don't need you to keep poisoning your successor with reckless heroism! He did all of this because he looks up to you!" RG said in annoyance. "How did he ran out of oxygens in lungs and what's with the burn and frost wounds!? I don't get this at all."

"Young Bakugou said young Midoriya somehow manages to use fire and ice to stall time and tire it out." Yagi said.

" you think seeing his friend get injured causes him enough stress to unlock his actual quirk?" RG asked in worry.

"H-he did told me that he never made friends after falling out with Bakugou and in phase..." Yagi mutters.

"Stockholm syndrome!? And you didn't bother to tell Nedzu about this so Hound Dog could help him!?" RG yelled.

"H-he told me that he's no longer feels the same way! He no longer has the weird admiration for Bakugou but he still willing to stop him taking a wrong path." Yagi said.

"Just please, take better care of your sucessor! I didn't ask much!!" Yagi coulf only nodded before looking at Izuku on the bed with oxygen tube.

"Please be alright, young Midoriya."


OFA's Vestige Realm

"Should we going to address on the elephant of the room?" I open my eyes and well, well, well. I'm back in the vestige realm.

"Yeah, we should. Gearshift has been unlocked prematurely." I look at Second who stares back at me. "It's the reason why it's weaker than we expect. You may be able to use it know without getting it out of control like we predicts, but it'll be weaker."

"That's...a good....thing, right....? Slowly...adjusted to...power growth....." I asked.

"Not when it might risk cellular degeneration." I widen my eyes in horror. "You're lucky that you manages to use it in the exact time limit, or else your cell will start degenerate."

Shit, Gearshift is far more dangerous than I thought. Is there a way to increase my limit?

"Constant usage based on time limit and continue to build up strength as usual. And perhaps learn how to took more oxygen and learn how to hold your breath longer." I blinked at the advice given by Second. I thought he'll going to badmouth me about Gearshift.

"You...use Gearshift in a way...better way than me." Second admits as I widen my eyes. "I hate to admit it, but seeing you create fire and ice with my own quirk"

Is Second blushing in embarrassment?

"Tell anyone about this, and you wish you're dead." I rapidly nodded my head before he pets my head, to my surprise. "Great job, kid."

I can't help but smile at him. I guess he did give a dad vibes.

"Okay, that's a bridge too far, Ninth." I widen my eyes and I can feel heat rushing through my face. I really hate this realm.

"Aww, Second. You're a dad!" Nana cooed as Second growls before looking at me.

"This is your fault." I didn't ask my private thoughts displayed into a whole realm!!!

"So, since Ninth unlocks Gearshift instead of Blackwhip like in his memories, then that means that the next quirk unlocks might be random." Shinomori points out as they all thinks about it.

"That makes sense. And since butterfly effect is happening, that means the time he unlocks a new quirk will be random as well." En added.

"I rather...not.....experience that...again unlock new.....quirks." I mutters.

"That's what happens when you're too weak." I saw Third nonchalantly comments.

"Third!! Not the time!" Nana yelled at him.

"If you really think you can do better, then why don't you simply possess him!?" Banjo asked in annoyance.

"Why bother?" I groan at the blatant response. "I did warn him, yet he didn't listen." He simply move away to the edge of the room.

"Sorry about Third." I blink at the unusual apology from Second. "He's....gone through a lot."

"Lemme guess...his friends die.....he depress.....he didn't others?" Second blinked before nodding.

"How do you know?" Second asked. "Does your manga shows that moment as well?"

"It you die by....AFO. But.....nothing much...." I groan at the difficulty to speak. "It's...a famous...cliche tropes in....stories."

"You know because it's cliche?" Second deadpanned as I nodded. "How cliche is that?"

"Current trend....of main....characters use isolate...

himself and....keep... them save." I said in deadpan manner.

" they even realize that they made their friends even more vunerable by leaving them alone?" Second asked in disbelief.

"THAT'S.....WHAT I...THINK AS...WELL!!!" I cough for trying to scream.

"...Okay, who are you and what have you done to Second?" Banjo asked.

".....I'm sorry?" Second blinked in confusion.

"You hate his guts and now you talk to him casually." En points out.

"I....never said I did. I didn't trust him sure, but I'm more worried that he might turn on us instead of being unworthy or all." Second said.

"With how much you grumble while seeing Ninth doing his job? Yes, we think that you hate him." Banjo deadpanned.

"I don't grumble." Second deadpanned.

"Oh, you actually did." Shinomori said.

"Yup, you did." Nana added.

"Mhm...." En nodded sagely, making me snort. I look at Second and his eyes twitch in annoyance.

"So, Ninth. What's your wishlist?" I look at Nana.

"Blackwhip.....the versatility.....endless." I replied as Banjo whopped.

"Take that!" Banjo yelled happily.

"You just have to answer that." I sheepishly looks at her. "Anyways, what are your plans now?"

" GT' harsher...." I shivers at fear. I can't believe I willingly said this, but given how weak my current self, I have to.

"Well, I wish you luck." Nana said with a smile. Befoee I realize it, I was pulled out of the vestiges realm.


UA's Infirmary

I gasp in shock as I open my eyes awake. I notice that there's a familiar ceiling I saw since the entrance exam.

"M-Midoriya!?" I turn to see Yagi looking at ne in panic.

"H-hey, Yagi-sensei...." Yagi moved so fast that it took me a while to register that he hugs me while sighing in relief. "S-sorry to made you worry."

"I'm just glad you're okay....." Yagi mutters before letting go. Suddenly, he got hit by a cane.

"You fool! He just woke up!!!" I wince as RG continue to hit him like a dummy. Poor guy.

"And YOU!!!" I panicked as she starts hitting me instead. "You just have to get injured again, do you!?!?!"

"I-I'm sorry!!" I yelp in pain as she hits me again.

"I swear, youngster these day are all reckless fools." RG mutters in annoyance.

"H-how long was I out?" I asked.

"That low oxygen level made you faint for an hour." I widen my eyes at that information. "You didn't simply ran out of breath, the oxygens in your body literally drop into an alarming level! How did you able to end up in such dangerous situation!?"

"I-it's because of the new quirk." This gain their attention. "A-appparently, I somehow unlocks my predecessor's quirk, Gearshift, allowing me to manipulate speeds of object while ignoring the law of inertia. And it's drawback is that my oxygen level ran low after reaching its limit."

"....and how do you gain all that information?" RG asked.

"The vestiges told me." RG raises her eyebrow. "They've been a great help. Warn me that I might unlock more quirks at random time."

"'re lucky that you told us earlier before it happens." I nervously nodded before realizing something.

"W-wait, how's Eijirou? And how's the teachers!?" I asked in panic.

"Young Kirishima is alright. Recovery Girl maanges to keep him stable after arriving at USJ with me." I sigh in relief. "Also, the teachers are alright as well. Your friends did a great job to stop their bleeding."

"Their works are sloppy at best." RG scoffed. "They only know basic first aid, but they're still sloppy."

"Can you at least give them some credits?" Yagi sweatdropped.

"You already did, so I took over the harsh criticism part." This only made me sweatdrop myself. What kind of logic is that?

"This coming from a guy saying a dick should get hit by a dick move." Fourth, just shut up.

"Are you feeling alright?" I look at RG.

"Yeah...just exhausted.....and my lungs still burning a bit..." I mutter.

"Let that serve as reminder to be careful. And if you push beyond what you can do, you might get brain injury, which luckily, you didn't get." I turn pale as I start sucking more and more oxygen from the tubes, which only get me a whack from the cane.

"The oxygen tank wasn't meant tfor that kind of breathing, you moron!" I sheepishly looks at RG. "How did I end with a pair of buffoon with an op quirk!?"


To be continued