Chapter 9 - A Break

Class 1-B, UA High

"I'm sorry, class, but I must leave. There's an emergency in the campus. I want you all to stay in the class till either I or other teachers dismiss you." Vlad King said before leaving the room in a rush.

"What's going on?" One of the student with black spiky hair and a bandanna around his head asked.

"I think it has to do with Class 1-A's rsscue mission." A student covered in fur mused.

"As expected from 1-A trashes, can't avoid themselves from any trouble." Monoma scoffed before Kendo slapped his head hard.

"Stop antagonizing Class 1-A! Or do I need to keep reminding you everytime!?" Kendo yelled while gripping her giant fist and gets it close to Monoma's face, causing him to pale and shakes his head in fear.

"Midoriya...please be okay...." Shinsou, sitting at the back of the class mutters in worry. He has a bad feeling when he said it's an emergency.

He just hope that his friends are okay, and hoping that the emergency isn't involving them getting injured.


Few hours later

UA's Meeting Room

"I thank you all for coming for today's meeting." Nedzu said while looking at the teachers coming to the meeting. "We're going to discuss about the attack that happens during USJ."

"This is going to cause a lot of controversies." Present Mic commented. "Especially when two of the students got harmed during the attack."

"Are they alright? I saw them got carried by a stretcher not long ago." Midnight asked in worry.

"What about Aizawa and Thirteen?" Snipe asked.

"Worry not. Recovery Girl has confirmed that they are all safe." The teachers sigh in relief. "And since we finally clear those up, now let's start the meeting."

"It is obvious that this attack is pre-planned." Vlad King commented. "Splitting up students and set an ambush on each zones filled with villains and a monster made out of pure muscles."

"Indeed, but it seems that plan was exceuted prematurely." Midnight said.

"The little listeners easily beat them with no problemo!!!" Mic yelled cheerfully.

"Please, inner voice, Mic." Ectoplasm commented.

"Sorry." Mic said sheepishly.

"Speaking of the monster, the police has given me a report of what they found using one of the officer's quirk." Nedzu said while looking at Tsukauchi. "Now, Tsukauchi-san, if you would?"

"Thank you." Tsukauchi said before adjusting his tie. "From the report, the Nomu, based on what the students heaed from the villains, is made out of 4 DNA components. Each of them are noyhing more but mere thugs."

Tsukauchi places folders on the table and it display the image of 4 people with thug-like appearances.

"They look nothing like that monster..." Mic mutters.

"It is bioengineered." Tsukauchi said. "And we dive deeper into our investigation, and we manages to found 4 active quirk factors inside the body, horribly stitch together."

This caused everyone to froze. They have seen tons of bioengineered weapons in their career, but this is the first time they ever seen one with multiple quirks. Most of them are Trigger enhanced.

"That's not all. We detect zero brain activity from the monster and their insides are decaying at slow rate. The only reason they stay intact is due to the regeneration quirk." Everyone felt sick at the information.

"What about the villains leading the attack?" Snipe decided to try to change the subject, which works like a charm.

"The villains and the students confirm them to be Tomura Shigaraki and Kurogiri. But, the confusing part is that after checking the list of citizens, there are no one with those name." This raises several red flags on everyone's head.

"Have you check based on their quirk registry?" Midnight asked.

"We did, but none of them actually shows on the list." Tsukauchi shakes his head.

"Perhaps that the villain went off the radar by hacking or they simply change their names." Nedzu mused.

"And there are interesting information regarding the villain. According to one of the students, they said that despite leading the attack, he doesn't act like a leader. One of them says and I quote: "When Midoriya punches him and sent him flying, he accidentally broke one of the hand mask and he went batshit insane."" The teachers snorted at the choice of words.

"I don't blame them for saying that. Just look at the clip." Tsukauchi said while displaying the security camera recording. They saw Shigaraki decided to charges at a group of students, but Midoriya steps in by broke his wrist, and punches him on the facez sending him crashing to the other side.

"Wow, little listener sure packs a ton of punch." Mic mutters.

Then, the villain grabs the hand on the floor as it crumbles. He scream like crazy before charging at Izuku again. Everyone winced when Izuku perform a combo straight out of a video game on the villain.

"Okay, Midoriya is merciless against his enemy." Snipe commented as Izuku sent him flying into a portal.

"He's too violent." Vlad King commented but everyone ignores him.

"And apparently, he manages to calm down when Kurogiri whisper something to his ears. He must've been there as not only as a mean to escape but a voice of reason as well." Tsukauchi stated as Shigaraki indeed calmed down when Kurogiri whisper something to his ears.

"So, a maniac and a voice of reason leads a group of villains to attack UA." Snipe commented. "I don't know whether to be impressed by their guts or insulted at them."

"How about neither of them?" Ectoplasm suggested.

"In my opinion, those two aren't the actual leader of the group." This catches everyone's attention. "From all the information gathered, It seems that the true leader lets Tomura to...gain experience."

"What makes you think that?" Tsukauchi asked Nedzu.

"The plan is too sloppy, but there are some complexity behind the plan, especially when the plan involves a creature that could kill All Might. It may be farfetched, but the true leader might've meant to made the attack plan fails just so the villain would learn from the mistake." Nedzu mused.

"....don't you think you're overthink this?" Snipe asked.

"It's a stretch, but with current villain's mindsets, we will never truly know until its proven." Nedzu said.


UA's Infirmary

"Ugh...." Eijirou groan before wincing in pain. He try to hold his chest but he notices a pair of cast on both of his arms. He also notices the bandages use to wrap around his chest.

"E-Eiji?" Eijirou turn around to see Izuku on the patient's bed next to him.

"H-hey, Izu-!" He didn't finish his sentences as Izuku karate-chopped his head. "O-ow!! What was that for!?"

Eijirou has seen a lot of things, but seeing Izuku on a verge of tears isn't one of them. Izuku has shown himself to the a nervous then confident person who won't stop give everyone a dose of compliments and also brave.

So, seeing him on verge of tears is really new to him.

"Y-you idiot....." Izuku said before getting off the bed and hugs him. "D-don't ever do that again, you hear me!!!??"

"Y-yeah...." Eijirou mutters before hugging him back. "H-how's Asui and Mineta?"

"Got a broken bone, but fine. You took the full brunt of the attack." Izuku said while pinching his cheeks.

"Ow! Ow! Ow!!" Eijirou winces at the pain.


"You know that you're being hypocrite, you know that." Yoichi deadpanned.

'Yeah, I realize that. I'm self aware of my actions, but I rather if they listen to what I said instead of copying what I do.' I replied back.


"Aahh!!!" I scream before I got dragged back into the bed.

"You may have recover fast, but that doesn't mean you can do whatever you want!" RG yelled before whacking my head again.

"Are you sure you're even qualify as a doctor with all the harms you did more than the goods?" My damn mouth cost me another whack.

"I'll give you more harm!!" RG yelled as she continues to hit me.

"H-how did you get here, Izu-bro?" Eiji decided to asked.

"Got a fight with that monster." I nonchalantly said, causing Eiji to pales.

"A-are you okay!?!?" I wince at the volumes. Is this how it feels to be at the other end?

"Now, you know." Banjo, not now.

"I'm fine. Few injuries here and there." I shrug.

"Low on oxygen and risk a brain damage is not what I would say a 'few injuries'." Motherfucker! You traitor!!

"...Izu-bro, you're a hypocrite." Eijirou deadpanned.

"Yeah, I know." I sigh. "But, promise me that you won't do it again."

"Only if you do it as well." Eiji, why the puppy dog eyes.

"....fine." I mutter before looking at the ceiling.

"Oh, good. You all finally shut up." I yelp before turn my head to my left to see mummified Aizawa sensei.

"S-sorry. I didn't realize that you're here, sensei!" I said in panic.

"And to think you were the most self-aware student I ever got in years." I blush in embarrassment. I guess becauemse I'm in infirmary, I got too relaxed to realize my surrounding.

"I should've expelled you for doing such things, trying to get yourself killed." I wince but didn't complain. "But..if it weren't for you, there might be more students die by the hands of that psychopath. Consider yourself lucky and warned."

"Y-yes, sir!" I said with no argument.

"Good, now shut up and let me sleep. I advise you two do the same if you want faster recovery." As he finish said that, he closes his eyes before snoring.

"Don't mind him." I try not to yelp in surprise to hear Thirteen's voice. I turn and my god, she's far more beautiful than she was drawn in the manga.

"T-Thirteen sensei!?" I whisper yelled.

"That's Thirteen!?" Eijirou was shock. I don't blame him. No one expect such beauty behind that fishbowl mask.

"Yeah." Thirteen chuckles. "Surprising, isn't it? It's always funny to see everyone's reaction when they saw me behind the mask." Thirteen sigh. "Thank you for what you've done, but I suggest you to avoid doing that ever again, or at least keep it minimum."

"Y-yes, sensei." I replied.

"I promise your friend that I'll stay alive to guide you all. So, I expect you all to stay alive till you all graduate." Thirteen said with a smile.

"Yeah, I can promise you that, sensei." I said with a smile.

"Same here! I'll train and study harder!" Eijirou said with determination.

"That's good and all, but for god's sake, keep it down!!" Aizawa said in annoyance.

"S-sorry!" The three of us said with a wince. I look around to find my phone and notice it was placed on the table next to me. I grimace at the crack on the phone.

I guess it's not only me who got out unscatched. I grab the phone and sigh when it's still work. I wince at the number of messages I got from mom.

"Damn, someone's in trouble." I ignore En's teasing tone and replying to her message.


Hey, mom



You're okay!?

Why didn't you call back!?

The school didn't reply my call!


I'm fine

I'm in UA's infirmary!

Villain happens




I'm fine, mom.

Just slight bruises


I'm coming!

I place my phone before sighing. I guess I forgot how worrying mom actually is.

Hold on, did I start seeing her as mom, not Inko?

Damn it, I got too comfortable with my new situation! Why did I even call her mom!? I'm not even her real son!

"I guess Izuku's memories affect you more than just a translator and knowledges." Shit, will I slowly forgot who I was and start believing myself as Izuku!? "I don't think so. You're still you, just have some of Izuku's personality."

Well, crud. Am I going to start getting too emotional like him?

"Not sure." This is my life now. I look at my phone before decided to contact one person that might help me.

Gran Torino.

I can feel my legs shaking in fear as flashes of me getting curbstomped by that senile old man continues to play in my head. I takes a deep breath before decided to call him.

".....*click* H-hey, Torino-sensei?" I said as I try to listen his response.

"Who are you, boy?" I sigh. This always happens when I call him.

"Torino-sensei, I got a request." Here goes nothing. "Please...increases my training regimee."

"...why?" He's serious, good.

"I.....was too weak...." I muttered while gripping my fist. "That attack in USJ...I could do nothing but stall time.....the villains are too friends got hurt for my please, sensei. Help me....."

It's been a while since...I let myself be this vunerable. This is no acting as Izuku, but my genuine feeling. I was really too weak back then. The only reason why I can do what I do is because I was lucky, super lucky.

"....Toshi, is that you!?"

Cue vein's popping from my forehead.



I shout in pain as a duster directly hits my face. The force is enough to knock me off the bed.

"Go to sleep, you problem child!" Aizawa yelled in anger. I rubs my face in pain before I heard laughter.

"Geez, laugh at my pain, will ya?" I dryly commented.

"I hate being mushy about feelings, you zygotes. You should know that! Fine, but don't regret about the training later on!" I can't help but smile at this.

"Yeah, I know." I said before the call was off. I groan in pain before getting up from the floor.

"You're asking Gran Torino for more training?" I turn to see Eijirou looks a bit scared.

"Yeah....I ain't gonna get stronger by sitting on the ground while doing nothing." I said while placing the phone and duster on the table.

"C-can I join?" I look at Eijirou. "I-I want to get stronger as well. A-and I want to learn that Haki you mention."

".....let's ask the other students about this as well. I rather not contact Gran Torino now about the new student and then other people choose to join in." Eijirou nodded. "Also, thanks for saving Asui and Mineta for me. I should be at least grateful for what you did instead of only chastise you for being reckless."

"No worries." Eijirou looks at me before grinning. "So-."

"No." I deadpanned as I sit on the bed.

"I haven't finish my question yet!" Eijirou looks baffled.

"I know you long enough, Eiji." I said before rubbing his face like a plush. "I may like you, but you ain't gonna persuade me."

"E-eh!?" I saw Eijirou's face turning red. I finally realizes what I just said before letting go of his face and my face starts getting warmer.

"Ooooo, how bold are you, Ninth." Just why!?!?

" me!?" Before I could reply, the door was slammed open. I widen my eyes as I saw mom looks panic before seeing me and run towards me to give me a hug.

"Oh, Izuku!!! I'm so glad you're okay!!!" Mom's tears blast into my face full forces as I can see the whole infirmary started to get flooded.

"M-mom!! Calm down!! I'm okay!! I'm okay!! You're gonna flood the whole room!!!" I panicked, trying to calm my mom down.

"Problem child....." I'm so sorry, Aizawa sensei!!!!


"Good news, you are fully recovered." I look at RG scanning my body using whatever devices she use on me. I don't know if it's an x-ray or something else.

"Do we need to come to check up again?" Mom asked in worry. I don't blame her doing that.

"Some breathing exercises shall be suffice for him." RG said while waving her arms. "I hope you stop harming yourself, boy. Or else...."

"G-got it, Doc." I said nervously. Her cane is super painful and I rather not experience those ever again. "What about Eiji?"

"I ain't letting your boyfriend leave the infirmary you're wondering." Not you too, RG!!! I felt a shiver on the spine before I turn around and see mom giving me a sly smile.

"How long, Izuku?" I groan in annoyance.

"He just propse to him earlier." RG!!!!

"That was a proposal!?" Please kill me.....

"Please stop!!!!" I can't help bit whine as both mom and RG chuckles. Eiji's face is redder than his dyed hair.

Great job, ladies. You made this even more awkward.

"You're the one bold enough to propose." Lalala, I ain't listening!!! "Real mature, Ninth. Real mature."

"All jokes aside, I ain't letting a boy who just recover from internal bleeding walk out of the infirmary." That make sense.

"Oh, and Recovery Girl, you should tied Aizawa-sensei up. Knowing him, he'll going to escape the infirmary and teaches despite injured." I can feel Aizawa glaring holes at the back of my head right now.

Sorry, sensei. Not taking any chances.

"Noted." RG deadpanned at me. "Now, shoo. I got other patients to take care of."

Mom and I walks out of the infirmary and to my surprises, the others are here.

"Izu!/Midoriya!/Midori!/Zuku!!" I yelped when Ochako, Koda, Mina, and Kaminari tackled me before giving me hugs.

"G-guys!! C-can't breath!!!" I gasp as they all get off me. "You all are not light, ya know!?"

"Sorry." At least they were sheepish about it.

"Izu, what happen!? You aren't hurt, are you?!" I smiled at Ocha's worried expression.

"I'm fine, Ocha. RG just finish discharging me." I said while grinning. "I'll back in top shape in no time."

"T-that's good..." Ocha mutters.

"You have no idea how worried 'Ocha' was." Mina said slyly. "In fact, all she could think of is you."

"M-Mina!!" Oh, god, not another one.

"Honey, why didn't you tell me you also have a girlfriend?!" Mom, j-just why!?!?

"Oh, 'also'!?" Of course, leave it to Mina Fucking Ashido to pick up those words.

"He just propose to Eijirou."

"MOM!!!" I felt horror took over me. What have you done!?!?!

"Holy shit!!! What did Kiri said!?!?!" I feel like I wanna die.

"Now, now, he hasn't answer my question." Mom, just why?!? "A-are you planning to make a harem, dear?"







A few days have passed and I was able to train myself normally. I even decided to add Gearshift training into the regime.

Right now, I practices more on control over Gearshift and some weapon wielding. Water blades have been the greatest technique I ever made.

It's much complicated than it looks, I have to keep the water stay in place but not stop them from vibrating, if so, I'll only freeze the water instead.

And with the current skill I have in wielding Gearshift, the ice is as fragile as my pathetic ego.

The technique is successfully able to cut through metals, like how Liquidation works on Pokemon.

As for fire and ice, I constantly train how to activates it while also use Haki to keep my skin from getting burn or froze.

Out of 5 tries, I only successfully did it twice. The burns and frost aren't fun at all.

As for Gran Torino.....

He gets worse.

He gets FUCKING worse.

My training during the months before the school starts? He amps up to 11 and no break at all!

I have to constantly use Haki just to keep it up and it didn't last long before I turn to a basketball that never falls due to how much I got hit by him!!

I can still feel my back and legs ache from the pain. How did his current training feels as painful as my 2 months training?

"Oi, get up! I thought you said you want training!?" I grit my teeth before getting up while wincing in pain. I forcefully use Gearshift on myself to speed up my recovery.

"I can't even believe you even think such method." Second said in disbelief.

"Gear 2nd." I mutters as veins around my body start to glow green again. I made sure I coat my arms and legs with Haki. I charges towards Gran Torino, trying to land a kick, but he dodges.

I pull a spin kick on him, but he simply dodges mid-air. I grit my teeth in frustration as I try to grab that smug bastard, but he simply kicks my arm away before sending me flying.

I recover immediately before charge towards him again. I made sure I move as fast as I can, and to my glee, my legs ignite in fire from all the frictions caused by the acceleration. Thanks to Gearshift and understanding the mechanics, I manage to finally figure out the speed require to do this, but sadly it only achievable when I go in Gear 2nd.

I try to kick him again, but he still manage to dodge! I swing my leg, which he easily block with his own haki-coated leg. He kicks it away before slamming into my gut.

"Gakh!" I groan in pain as I deactivates Gear 2nd and my Haki in instinct. "Damn it, I still too weak...."

"Get some rest, brat. You've done for today." I want to protest but he cuts me off immediately. "If you overwork again, you'll only reset your progress and even slow it down, so calm your ass down and rest."

Fine, I guess I shouldn't overdid it with my training. I sigh before sitting down.

"I'll be honest, when you said you unlock your predecessor's quirk, I was not expecting that at all." I look at Gran Torino who offers me some juice box, which I accept. "And why did you never told me you could talk with the previous users?"

"Sorry. I thought All Might has told you, and you never ask, so I never brought it up." I said while drinking the juice before spitting it out in disgust. "What the-!? Minute Maid's Cranberry Juice!? No wonder it's sweet as fuck!"

"Really? I didn't taste any sweets at all." I twitch my eyebrow as Gran Torino cheekily grins at me. "And no, that buffoon never told me about OFA being haunted."

"...we may speculate that the villain that lead the attack in USJ might be her grandson." Gran Torino spits out his juice before staring at me in disbelief. "It took one hell of investigations, but the clue fits. Shimura family died due to the destructions of their house and polices speculates that it was caused by severe decomposition. If we calculate his ages back then and now, the timeline fits. It was a quirk accident caused by his quirk appearing."

"...Tell me you didn't joke...." I look at Gran and he looks furious.

"Your Ryou already answer that." Gran Torino's expression immediately turns sad.

"...I failed her." Gran Torino mutters.

"Don't blame yourself for that." I said.

"I could've encourage her to not to. I could've done more." Gran Torino said in frustration.

"..." I really have nothing to say. If I open my mouth and give the generic 'you can't change the past' advices, I'll sound like a total hypocrite.

"Sorry for my rant, kid." Gran Torino said.

"I don't blame you for ranting, sensei." I said while looking at the juice box.

"....thanks for telling me about this, kid." I simply nodded.

"Sensei...don't do anything reckless." Gran Torino scoffed.

"You have no right to say that after USJ's stunts, brat!" I clear my throat while looking away. I felt my face getting warmer. "'re right, if I did...I'll be a hypocrite."

I'm glad. I rather not wanting him get into a possible trap made by AFO.

"Sensei....does Haki, I mean, Ryou, has a third category?" I asked GT. I rather not act like I know about Haki more than GT, it'll make him suspicious that I know about it yet never practice it.

"You can call it Haki if you want, in fact, I think I prefer Haki. Ryou is not a good name to describe it, especially when Color of Observation has nothing to do with 'flow'." I can't help but snort. He's right about that. "And as for your question, yes, there is a third category for Haki. The Color of Supreme King. It allows the user to unleash a pressure that is so overwhelming that it can even knocked out a weak-willed humans." GT then looks at me. "Why do you ask?"

Well, I think I rather simply show it to him. Remember that feelings you have in USJ when Shigaraki threatens you by suggesting to kill my friends. I was shock as the familiar foreign feeling bubbled up instantly inside me before it was unleashed with zero control.

Shit! Is my emotion that unstable to the point I build up the pressure so easily and unable to control it!??

I turn to see Gran Torino look at me with wide eyes. I notices his hand is trembling a bit.

" long have you use that?" GT asked.

".....well, the first time is during my argument with Third due to our different philosopy, accidentally knock out my mom. The second time I did it is when the press broke into the school. The last time happens during USJ, when the villains plans to kill my friends." I rubs my head, finally remembering those moments. He should pay more attention to his surroundings. "I don't know what it was as I thought it's a coincidences. But during USJ, I feel the power and see what it capables of."

"I see....." GT mused. "Sorry, kid. I don't think I can help with your problems at all. I don't even have Color of Supreme King."

"Damn it." I groan before lying on the sand. "Do you know anyone?"

"All Might has it." It's surprising but not unexpected. "But the brat keeps using it unconsciously. And given his track records, I doubt he could teach you."

I can't help but sweatdrop at this. I guess All Might does sucks at teaching. But, compare to what I saw in anime, he's far better and thoughtful.

But, it still doesn't help him since he's still new at teaching.

"If you plan to train it, I rather if you do it while I supervise." I nodded. No arguments there. "Your Haki is too raw and you unleash everything in full strength. If you didn't control that, you might knock people out at the wrong place and at a wrong time."

"Fair enough." Like I said earlier, no arguments there.


"I can't believe you actually train without us!"

I felt a bit guilty about it. Everyone continue to stare at me while I could only shrink myself in shame.

"Great job, Ninth." I don't need anyone rubbing salt into my injury, Yoichi.

"S-sorry, I forgot to ask you guys about it." I admitted. "I...was selfish to think about myself...h-how weak I was during USJ...."

"Izu.....we know that feeling as well." I look at Ocha. "In fact, it's the reason why we want to join in the training."

"I-I'm sorry..." I mutters.

"Well, next time, I'll join in!" Damn it, I really don't deserves her at all.

"That goes to all of us!" Scratch that, I don't deserves any of them.

"So, Midoriya, what training did you do with Gran Torino sensei?" Momo asked curiously.

"I decide that I need to increases my quirk's current strength and time limit while also practice aspect of my quirk." I said while rubbing my head.

"Wait, does that mean Kendo's theory is true!?" Momo asked in shock, causing everyone to look at me in surprise.

"I-I guess. All I know is that I can also control the speed of anything I tocuhes while ignoring the law of inertia." I said.

"S-so that's how you do it!!" Momo exclaimed in excitement. "You control the vibration speed of the molecules in air in order to ignites fire or creating ice! If that's true, you can do much more than that! Like speeding up growth progress and speed up human's natural regeneration!"

"Y-yeah. But, I have to be careful about my quirk. If I broke my limit, I could lose majority of the oxygens in my body and if I keep it up, my brain cell starts to degenerate." I saw everyone's faces turn pale with the information given. I shouldn't have told them.

"Ya think!?" No need to shout, Daigoro.

"A-are you okay!??" The gangs all yelled at the same time.

"I'm fine!! I know my limits, guys. I swear I don't plan to die yet." I said while frantically trying to calm them down.

"Then what does Tsuyu means by you saying you live long enough!?" Shit! Tsuyu hear that!?!? "Izu, I thought you told me you're not suicidal!"

"I'm not! It was a spur of the moment!! I didn't mean what I said!!" Please don't make this more complicated. "Guys, I swear, I ain't planning to die early."

"...p-promise!?" Ocha and Eiji pulls the puppy teary eyes.

"Yes!! Yes!!! Please don't cry!! I'm so sorry to made you guys worried!" Right now, I'm in complete panic mode. "Y-you guys just slap me or hit me or do whatever you want next time I worry you! Hell, you guys can suggest anything now!!! Please, don't cry!!!"

"You're gonna regret saying those." I don't care!! I don't want to make any friends I made cry because of me!!! "...geez, a bit much?"

"A-anything?" They asked.



"...I did not see this coming."

Of all the things I expect from them, a date with each other is not something I foresaw like at all!

They mention that they want to see which would I prefer, a guy or a girl. When I doomed myself by mentioning that I'm bi, Mina decided to made it a double date! I immediately rejects that idea.

I'm a student trying to be a hero, not looking for harem!

"Why can't you do both?" Why!? I'm not a shameless horny dog who thinks with my dick, that's why!

"It's just a date, Ninth." I sigh before facepalming.

"....I never know how date works." I mutter quietly, but it seems that the others heard it and Mina looks like she want to drill a forbidden lesson to my head.

"You never go on a date?! Why!?" Because I was an office worker barely receive a minimum wage every month. The low amount of money I got wasn't enough to let me pay for any dates.

"D-dates doesn't have to involve money!" Nana, no offense, but what kind of sweet fantasy have you been living? People might love each other, but with all the places they visits, money is a must have!

Besides, even if I do have the money, my looks won't attract anyone at all. And my country isn't exactly friendly towards gay peoples.

And let's not mention about my family. If I told that I'm bi, they would go balistic.

"T-they can't be that bad, right?" They're worse. But, it was justified especially with how most people they meet really didn't give a best impression.

The crossdressers in my old country is....not something people approve, especially with how they fooled people for money.

"But.....crossdressers aren't part of LGBT." Yes, but what happen if my parents meet a transgender. "Oh....oh shit!" Yup, they will think trans and those crossdressers are the same.

And let's not forget that my parents will definitely disown me if I told them that I'm bi.

"Isn't that something your sister told you?" With how they react, I don't want to take that chances. They are disapprove with some of my fictional characters being gay as well.

"Wow..." Yeah, my love life sucks. It's the reason why I never take any chance to go on a date. And most people I meet aren't my type.

"W-well, I don't know either." I look at Eijirou. "I only try date once with Mina, but we found out that it didn't work, so yeah....."

"I never date anyone." Ochako admits.

"....wanna go get some snacks? I saw a store selling mochi and smoothie." I may not know about date, but I'm sure satisfying them with what they like is on a date's priority list.

"Yes!!" They both said with excited gleam. They somehow work together to pull me with surprising strength before I realize I feel lighter.

Really, Ocha?

"You know I can walk by myself, right?" I deadpan as I can feel my body floats higher. Ocha's face turns red before releasing her quirk. Luckily, I manage to land properly.

"S-sorry!" Ocha blushed. "Oh, this is so weird."

"What? Dating with two guys?" I asked in amused tone.

"Y-yeah." Ocha said while looking down nervously, her face is still blushing.

"S-same here." Eiji mutter while blushing.

"Well...since a certain group won't leave us alone until we did it, why not we just enjoy it?" I said while shrugging. "Besides, maybe after this, we could have another one?"

My mouth, I love you for giving me the ability to talk, but why don't your 'shut up' button work when I need to!?!?

Great, I accidentally lead myself to the cliche Otome's poly route. Those two blushes like there's no tomorrow.

".....m-maybe, yeah." Yup, I'm doomed. Great job, buddy, for setting yourself to a future of ruined friendship.

"Kid, you're too harsh on yourself." Trust me, En. This is a real shit. This is one thing that is meant to fail! Two friends going on a date with their other friend who has zero ideas what he's doing is a recipe to failure.

"Is that why you refuse harem relationship?" I don't trust myself to not fuck it up, Nana. Remember, I have no idea what I'm doing. My mouth move on its own and doomed myself.

God, if you hear me, please, if you give me a punishment for fucking this up, give me anything but losing my friendship.....

I-I don't want to be alone anymore....


"Eri~ Where are you? It's time for your medicine."

A young girl with white hair and a horn on her forehead covers her mouth in fear as tears start flowing from her eyes. She hate that man, lying for everything he did to her.

She hate for being alone in a room, she hate the knife and needle touching her skin, she hates everything that man try to do to her. She hates the pain she had to endure thanks to that man.

She need to get out of there. But, how?

She walks quietly while looking around, trying to find an exit but to no success, until she turns to left and she saw a path to the main road.

'Please...someone....anyone!' She begs to anyone who listens before sprinting. She can feel the fear crawling through her spine and she sprint faster.

And she crash onto someone, a tall man with green hair. She looks scared and shaking.

"Hey, are you okay?"


A blonde haired girl can be seen sucking blood from a dead bird's corpse at the alleyway. She looks malnourished, look like she hasn't eat for months based on how skinny she looks.

How long has time passed for her? Weeks? Momths? She thought that running away will made her free, but she didn't think she would unable to control her urge to drink blood.

Her parents constantly stops her from drinking blood, believing that doing so is what monster did. She isn't a monster, so they force her to be normal.

She hate being normal. She hate forcing herself from controlling her urge to drink blood. It hurts her stomach like fire burns her inside. It hurts her head, unable to think straight. It hurts everywhere.

She was bullied for trying to be normal, because it didn't look normal to everyone. People see her normal smile creepy. They saw her normal hobby boring.

It hurts. She hates for not having anyone to be her friends.

It was until she met a boy who was kind of her. For the first time, she didn't act normal. She felt true happiness.

It was until the bullies try to harm her and he steps it, causing him to get injured. The moment she saw his blood, her mind starts to crumble.

All she saw is food, food served in a silver platter, food served by her friend.

And she loses it.

And when she finally saw what she did, she was horrified. The boy looks pale and looks like he's dying.

Memories of her parents calling her monsters starts to play in her mind, and at that moment, she believes them.

She is a monster.

She calls the ambulance in panic before she run away. She was afraid she will loses it if she stays.

She was glad the boy is safe but guilt keeps crawling inside her fractured mental health. She chooses to run away, afraid that she might act like that.

But, it didn't help. Because of the blood she sucks from the boy, she start to grow addicted. Added with her fractured mind, she basically loses it.

Right now, she's using the only sane part of her mind to hide herself while preying on stray animals' blood. She cough a bit before dropping the dead rat into the ground.

The blood of animal helps to control her urges, but it also come with prices, sickness.

She felt her body burning non stop, her throat hurting, her body felt weak. She want the pain to stop, but don't know how.

If she went to hospital, she will definitely get captured without any medical treatment. Well, why would they? She thinks they will not going to sympathize a monster.

She snaps out of her thought when she saw a young child run from one of the alleyways and into the main route. She wonder how her blood taste-

No, bad Himiko. That is a child! You don't want to be a full monster.

She froze when she saw a man in plaque mask coming out from the same alleyway. She felt dread as he walks into the main road.

"Damn it, that cursed brat. To think she would force me to walk through such disgusting alleyway!" The man cursed before taking a deep breath and his tone turns cold. "I'm going to made her next session even more painful for all of the trouble she cause, she wish she's dead. In fact, I'll made sure she died multiple times."

Is that why the child run from the alleyway? Because that man chase after her?

There's no way she'll let another girl suffer similar fate like her. She would rather be a monster she refuse to become than ignoring that girl.


"Hey, are you okay?"

It's official, my arrival has thrown the whole canon timeline into the blackhole. How the fuck does the timeline went off the rail so badly!?

Eri, the child that didn't deserve any suffering, clutching on my pants in fear.

"P-please, help me." Eri mutters in fear.

"W-what's wrong?" Ocha asked in worry.

"Ah, there you are, Eri." I felt my blood went cold as a familiar voice came from an alleyway. I felt both Ocha and Eiji tensed as well. "I've been looking for you."

He looks at me before looking at Ocha and Eiji. I felt his gaze judging us.

"My apologies for the trouble my daughter has caused." I don't need Observation or my manga knowledge to even detect that piss poor attempt to lie. "She has cause a bit of a trouble, and she ran away from getting a punishment."

I would if your punishment is breaking people apart into a gory mess and then reattach them likenit was a puzzle!

"No problem." I held myself from growling at the man. If I did something suspicious, he'll kill me with ease. "But, may I ask....why is your daughter covered in bandages?"

Shit, I should've control my emotion better as he starts to give me a suspicious look.

"She tends to be clumsy at a time." I try so hard not to popped any blood vessel I have.

"Why the hospital gown? And why is it covered in blood stains?" I asked.

"I'm a doctor. Her clumsiness is extreme. She once accidentally drops a kitchen knife and harm herself badly." Did you even listen to your stupid lie!? Remind me how did he even escape being captured by police!?

"P-please...." I heard Eri whisper in fear. "Don't.....I-I don't want to go back...."

"Why is she afraid of you?" Ocha decided to ask.

"She's afraid what punishment I will give her. It's the first time I give her a punishment, after all." I wanted to scream at this man's words for lying.

"Now, Eri, let's go back." I can feel her shaking like an earthquake is happening. I saw Ochako and Eijirou went on a defensive stance before I decided to take a deep breath before staring at Overhaul.

"Is she even really her daughter?" I asked as I prepare to coat my hand with haki. "Do you have proof of her birth certificate, or her adoption paper?"

"Why do you even ask for that?" Overhaul asked with narrowed eyes.

"Kidnapping is very common, so common that when the child manage to escape, said kidnappers will blatantly lied that the child is theirs...and saying the kids has caused troubles." I said as the hand behind my back turns black.

"I wonder, are you her actual father, or is it just a terrible lie that even a baby is able to notice it?" As I said that, Overhaul takes off his gloves and tried to charges at me but I widen my eyes as a stabbing sound can be heard.

Blood splashes towards us as a sharp metal rod can be seen piercing through his kidney. I look at the culprit that did this and gape.

"Hehehe, for a monster, your blood looks pretty."

Himiko Toga!??

Holy shit, the whole timeline truly flying off the rail!

Wait, now's not the time!

I saw Overhaul destroy the pole and fix himself with his quirk before targetting Toga.

"How dare you, bitch!?" I use my strength to grab his hand from touching her and using my special technique, I unleash the mother of all men's pain plus Haki.

I wince at the man howling in pain before catching myself to grab his head and slams his head into the wall. I decide to go for another one, which causes his hand to limp.

"Holy shit....." I mutter as I felt the effect of my adrenaline stops. I turn to see Himiko shakily stood up before she fall. I catch her body before gently let herlying in the ground.

I sigh in relief before looking at Ocha and Eiji still protacting Eri.

"Guys, contact police and ambulance. Tell them, a villain try to kidnap a little girl as well as attempt murder and a sick girl needs medical attention, ASAP."

"R-right!" I sigh as Eiji pull out his phone to contact the police.

How did my life end up like this?


I am so glad that Naomasa Tsukauchi actually come here. I can at least trust this man to do his job compare to other officers in this universe.

"Hello, you must be Izuku Midoriya." I simply nod while holding Eri gently to reassure her. "I would like to ask more about USJ back then, but you're injured. And now is not a right time to ask, so I'll be focusing on our current situation."

I simply nod as he held his pen and notebook.

"May I ask, do you have a quirk? One that will help with this investigation." I decided to ask.

"Indeed, my quirk is Lie Detector. I could sense lie from people's words." So, this Tsukauchi follows every fan's headcanon. Good to know.

"Alright, let's ask this. How did you encounter the man?"

"I was going on a date, because a certain someone dared me, and suddenly, this little gal runs out of the alleyway before crushing into me." I said while rubbing the girl's head. "And not long, that man appear. All I can sense are shit tons of red flags from him. The girl, he calls her Eri, is scared of him. The man said she's scared of the punishment she'll get. I don't know why did he said that as it only raises more red flags."

".....seriously?" I try not to snort at the disbelief expression Tsukauchi gave me. He must've taken that statement as true and he did a doubel take.

"No joke." I said. "And when he was going to ask Eri to come back with him, I call him out. He tried to kill me with whatever the quirk he has but the girl that got dragged by the ambulance stabs him on the kidney. He easily destroy the weapon she use and try to attack her with it. I stops him from killing the girl and proceed to knock him out quirkless."

"I see..." He's suspicious of me, alright. "And how did you conclude that he's a villain and calls him out?"

"Other than him attempting to kill me, mom warns me about strangers saying suspicioua things. She's really worried that I might get kidnapped or worse, brainwashed." I shrugged.

"I see." Naomasa must've register that as truth. Well, I wasn't lying. Cases of kidnapping and hypnotism was rare in my world but it happens. My parents were paranoid about it and won't stop sending videos about it to me.

"Alright, how about you, Eri?" Eri shrinks in fear. She tightly squeeze my hands.

"Hey, it's okay. He can be trusted." Eri looks at me before she nods. For a five years old, Eri explains her experiences in a very graphic way. I felt the pit in my stomach grew deeper as she continues to explains everything.

After the whole explanation, she breaks down in tears while hugging me. God, I kmow what happen to her in manga, but not in full detail of what that bastard did since she was 3!

I'm so glad I crush his balls.

"T-thank you for telling us everything." I can see Naomasa looks sick. "I'll made sure he won't get you again."

"Y-you promise?" Eri asked with a hint of doubt but her eyes shows a bit of light.

A light of hope.

"Yes." Naomasa nodded with a gentle smile. "I'm sorry for what he did to you. You don't deserve that."

"R-really? E-even if I'm cursed?" Oh, god. How can you be so cruel to her?

"You're not cursed, Eri." I said firmly.

"B-but, I....I made daddy disappear...and Overhaul-!" I immediately cuts her off by giving ber a hug.

"Don't....." I mutter. "You are not cursed, Eri. You're just a kid. A normal kid."

"H-how am I normal!? I-I made daddy disappear with my curse! Mommy toss me away because I was cursed! Overhaul did all of that because of my curse!!" I grit my teeth in anger.

"Eri." I took a deep breath before looking at her. "You are not a curse. What happen your daddy.....did you do it intentionally?"


"Then, you can't blame yourself for that. Accidents happen. Even to me. I break my bone with my quirk due to accidents." I said while rubbing her head. "And what your mommy did is wrong. A mother should always love their child unconditionally even if accidents happen. She was on the wrong, no mother should toss their child away."

I can see her shaking while tears start appearing on her eyes.

"And Overhaul.....he's a monster." I said bluntly. "No amount of reasons will ever justify wat he did. He is selfish and cruel monster, who lies so he can do whatever he want to you. Don't listen to him, Eri. Words from monsters are nothing but lies."

This is enough to cause her to cry and hugs me tightly. I'll be honest, most of my words are improvised as I have zero idea of how to comfort a child.

"Yeah, you're sucks at it." I get it, Nana. But, if I don't say anything, she will.not stop seeing herself as cursed child. "I just say you need to work on that, but good job of attempting to help her."

"How about the girl?" I asked Naomasa. "I-I know that I said she stabs him, but....I don't think she did it without any reason."

"...I could only confirm that when she's able to survive." Naomasa said. "She's in a terrible shape, sickness, infected wounds, malnourishment. The only way is to get her to Recovery Girl so she could treat her."

"Does she will be charged for medical treatment?" I asked in worry. That girl has suffer through a lot in manga/anime, and I don't think she deserves to get more suffering.

"Recovery Girl receives her payment from HPSC like all heroes does and by working in UA. She never accepts payment from the patient because she knows how ridiculous the medical treatment's price are." I blinked, is that why she becomes a hero instead of doctor?

"Oh....." I look at Eri. "What about her?"

"...will you take care of her?" I blinked at Naomasa's request. "From what I experience dealing with kids like her, dragging them away from a person they trust will only further harm their psychology. There will be some paperworks needs to be done, but I think it will be right if she stays with you. But, perhaps, you can brought her to see Recovery Girl to check her condition."

"....okay." I nodded. "But, I may need to convince mom about this?"


"Of course!" I blinked while staring at my cracked phone. I decided to do a videocall involving current situation as I catch a ride on an ambulance with Eri and Toga.

It took a while since the ambulance constantly took shortcuts where signals are super weak but I manage to call mom.

When I call her, she was crying. It turns out that Tsukauchi contacts her first and inform her everything. Thank god I manage to calm her down before she went full Poseidon on the apartment.

"Really?" I asked while sitting on the bench outside the infirmary. Because of Toga and Eri, I have to stay outside so RG can hp them fully.

"Honey, what kind of person will I be if I don't help a child?" Mom asked with raised eyebrow. "And even if I said no, I know you will not let her go. You're always been selfless, Izuku."

Great, my guilty meter went skyrocket like there's no tomorrow.

"And I don't mind having an extra kid at the house. It feels lonely in apartment since Hisashi left." I frown at her words.

"Mom.....what happen to dad?" I asked. Hisashi's current status has always been a huge mystery in BnHA community, and Horikoshi, being a sadistic bastard he is, trotures the fandom by evading the topic as a whole.

It leads to fan theories like abandoning Izuku for being quirkless, stuck in another country because of laws, and the Star Wars classic, he's AFO himself.

".....Can we not talk about him?" I look at mom and I can see her pain just thinking about him. So, divorce. Damn, I guess the continuous attempt of breaking Izuku's psyche ended up also give him reasons for seeking Bakugou's affections.

".....okay." I mutter. "Thanks for letting Eri stay, mom."

"Yeah. And please, take care when you come back." I simply nod before turning off the video call. As I end the call, the door was open as RG and Eri walka out of the infirmary.

"How is she?" I asked in worry.

"For a child getting kidnapped, she is well cared." I blinked at the information before shaking my head.

"Eri said Overhaul always harvest her blood for his sick experiment." I said as RG wrinkled her face in disgust.

"No wonder." RG mutters before glaring at me. "So, how did you even end up encountering a villain in the first place?!"

"I-I swear, I don't know! I was on a date, nothing more nothing less!" I stop myself as I saw RG gives me a sly smirk. Oh no.

"You doomed yourself, Ninth." Yoichi, please shut your mouth.

"Youngster these days." Please bury me six feet under now.

"C-can I ask about the blonde haired girl that save us?" I asked.

"...she's in a terrible condition." I suck my breath as I heard that. "Her quirk requires her to consume bloods to stay healthy, but it turns out that whatever happens to her, she didn't."

"I bet some quirkist people responsible for that." RG grimly nod.

"A possibility, or mayber her parents doesn't allow her. And besides malnourishment, she also suffers from wound infections and Hantavirus." I widen my eyes in shock. "Luckily, I have few spares of vaccines and medicine to deal with those."

"Umm, can I check if I got caught by that disease?" RG gave me a deadpan stare before raising her syringe cane.

Ah, fuck


"Well, Eri, you'll be staying with me for now." Eri blinked before her face lit up a bit. After checking up and find out that I'm okay, she discharges me and Eri, but not without any minor bumps on my head and a wounded arm.

"Really?" I pats her head affectionately.

"Yes." I replied. She reply by hugging my legs. I finally met the cutest character in BnHA, I can finally die happy now.

"C-can we go and see that blond hair miss?" I blinked when Eri brought up Toga, which make senses especially when she gives an opening for me to knock Overhaul down.

"RG said that she is not available for now. She is sick and RG is trying so hard to help her." I said while patting her head.

"W-will she be okay?" Eri asked.

"Recovery Girl is the greatest and kindest doctor out there, so yes. She will be alright." At least, I hope so. Now that I find out Toga is here and hasn't gone through her villainous journey, I could help her.

She deserves a happy ending.

"Izu!" I blink before seeing Ocha and Eiji approaching me. "I'm so glad! You suddenly disappear when the police brings that villain away!"

"D-did you guys run here just to find me?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, man! We're worried about you! You disappear like that without any words." I stare at them for a while before I went for a hug. "E-eh!?"

Thank you god for not letting them leave.

"A-are you okay, Izu?" I let go of the hug before giving them a smile.

"Yeah, I-I'm just want to hug you guys." I said sheepishly.

"Oh, hi!" Eri shy away from Ocha as she looks at her while scared. "It's okay, I'm not gonna hurt you."

"Eri." Eri then look at me. "They tried to help me stop the villain from getting you, remember?" Eri beamed before went to hug both of them. They both caught off guard before returning the hug.

"Sorry that our date was ruined like that, guys." I said while apologizing.

"....Pfft." I blink when Ocha snort in laughter. "You dork! You didn't do anything, so why did you apologize!?"

"W-well....." Yeah, I have no excuses. This cause Eijirou to laugh as well. I can hear the vestiges laugh at me.

God, why?


So, after that embarrassing moment, we decided to walk to my home with Eri. It turns out that Eri is quite clingy on three of us.

I don't blame her, in fact, I don't mind at all. From their smiles, they indeed share the same opinion as me.

After arriving at home, mom drag the three of us in and hugs us like no tomorrow. When she finally saw Eri, she hugs the kid like she's her newborn child and Eri calls her Grandma, much to her delight.

But, much to our horror, she starts calling us papa and mama. The vestiges all roared in laughter at that. I try to ask her not to call me that, but I faltered by her innocent look.

And that innocent look also stops Ochako and Eijirou from refuting.

Aftera a dinner courtesy of mom, I decided to put Eri asleep. Ochako and Eijirou also on her side to keep her company.

Sadly, we all didn't expect her to cling on us and when we try to let her go, she starts squirming in fear and teared up. This leads us to our current predicament.

The four of us stuck on my bed, unable to move.

"So...this is not how I expect our first date to end." I said jokingly as they chuckle quietly.

".....Izuku, w-who do you prefer?" I blink when Ocha ask me that.

"S-sorry if I sound selfish, but....I don't want either of you to leave...." I said, catching them off guard. ".....I never had a proper friend until I meet you two, alongside Shinsou and Koda."

"Oh, right.....I forgot....." Eiji mutters quietly.

"I-if you choose to have boyfriend or girlfriend, what will you choose?" Ochako asked.

".....I-I can't....." I muttered. "I-if I choose.....I.....I'll only hurt other's feeling..."

"...I'm sorry....." Ocha mutters.

"Don't be.....and even so...I'm not ready to be in relationship." I said while patting both of them. "I have zero idea how it works and I refuses to be on one when I could in fact unintentionally hurt them...."

"....." Eiji has been quiet this whole time.

"C-can you guys wait...until I'm sure that I won't hurt you guys?" I shakily asked.

".....okay..."/"Yeah....." I heard them answer. I can feel the metaphorical weight leaves my shoulders.

"Thanks.....for staying friends with this fool." I said with a shaky smile. I felt them hugging me with Eri on my chest.

I really hope I don't lose them...



"Umm, guys? Did we forget something?" I felt them twitch. "I felt like we forgot something important."

"Izu, if we forgot it, it probably isn't something important." Ochako mutters.

"Yeah." Eiji agreed.

"Well, I guess you two are right...." I close my eyes. "Good night guys."

"Good night."


"Mina, I think they have left."

"No way! I swear they'll come!! I can feel it!!"

"Mina, it's been 5 hour since the date."

"T-they probably went somewhere!!"

"I wanna feed my pets....."

To be continued