Chapter 10 - But, How?!

Infirmary, UA High

Japan, Musutafu

"Ugh....." The blonde haired girl groan as she rubs her eyes. She blinks when she saw a white ceiling. Her confusion turns to full blown panic as she got up frantically.

"H-hey, hey! Calm down." The girl panic even more when she saw RG. "You're safe now, girl."

"N-no, no, no! Stay away!!" The girl scream in panic.

"It's okay, it's okay, I mean no harm." RG drops her cane as the girl breath heavily.

"W-where am I?" The girl asked while looking around.

"You're in UA, more specifically, in my infirmary." RG said before she sits down. "You're very lucky, young lady. A bit late and you might harm yourself permanently because of the disease you caught and infected wounds."

"W-who brought me here!? Are you going to hand me over to police!?" The girl asked fearfully.

"No, no. I'm only help to heal you." The older woman said with a sigh. "A boy around your age called an ambulance and worried about your current condition, especially after you save him and a little girl."

"W-what-!?" The girl's eyes widen as flashes of memories start to appear in her head. "I-is she alright?!"

"Yes, and the boy said it was thanks to you interfering." RG said as she grabs her cane and place it on the side.

"I-I didn't do much.....he was the one who knock the villain out...." The girl said before looking at her side. She blink when she saw a bottle filled with bloods. "W-what is-?!"

"The boy wanted to thank you for what you did." RG said. "When he heard about what happen and your quirk's drawback-"

"He must've been disgusted....." She mutter.

"No, he doesn't. In fact, the blood is his." The girl gapes at the information. "That bloody fool insist to donate a bottle of blood for you. He keeps insisting it despite it might kill him, so I simply extract as much as his human body can handle."

"H-he.....he gives his blood....for me?" The girl mutter in disbelief. "H-he didn't....find my quirk disgusting!?"

"...he told me and I quote 'He would like to give everything to help a hero who safe a child from a fate worse than death, even if it kills him' which I slaps him for saying such things. A child shouldn't say he'll die to help someone so casually!" RG paused when she saw the girl slowly teared up.

"N-no one has ever let me drink blood.....or even call me a hero....." The girl mutter while covering her mouth. She continues to cry while grabbing the bottle of blood.

RG silently watch the girl act. Perhaps she need to ask Nedzu to find whoever this girl's parent are so she could give them an important lesson, whopping their asses.

"I suggest you to not drink it too much in one go." RG said as the girl looks at her in surprise.

"Y-you don't think.....I'm a monster?" The girl mutter in shock.

"Girl, have you heard of a hero name Vlad King?" RG asked. "He's a hero teacher who has blood quirk like you. And he also drinks blood or eating blood-based food for his quirk. You're no different from him, girl. And from what the boy said, you are indeed a hero."

The girl stare at RG in surprise before looking at the bottle of blood.

"T-thank you...." The girl mutter before open the bottle and drinks it. She widens her eyes before her eyes rolled upward.

RG sweatdrops when the girl moans while drinking at the blood. It's something she still weird out when looking at any blood quirk users eating or drinking blood that is compatible with the users' body.

She heard from them that the compatible bloods taste like a 5 star course meal. But she can't help but ask why do they have to made lustful moans when they did it!?

The door suddenly opens, causing RG and the girl snaps their head towards the door. As the door opens, Eri emerges from there shyly.

"H-hello, grandma Chiyo." RG' sheart melt a bit. She really wish that she was there so she could adopt Eri before Midoriya did.

Curse that brat, not only he constantly overdid himself and others, he has to snatch away the child for himself!

"Hello, dear." RG said softly. Eri nod before seeing the girl on the bed, causing her to beam and ran towards the bed.

"Thank you for saving me from Chisaki, miss hero!" Eri said whiel giving her a hug. The girl froze before an embarrassed blush starts to appear on her cheeks.

".....a cute child calls me a hero...." She went catatonic from the overwhelming information she received and almost drop the bottle of blood if it was not for Eri catch it on time.

RG stare at the scene before snort. She then paused before wondering why is Eri here? Didn't she made it clear that Eri is good to go?

"Eri, why are you here? I thought I told Midoriya that you're okay." Eri then look at RG.

"Papa said that he brings me here so I can see grandma and miss hero!" RG felt like her old age might've act up as she felt signs of heart attack. Overhaul was super lucky to not encounter RG or else she would use her quirk to explode him inside out.

Wait, hold on.



"How could you!?!?"

I lazily duck from an attempted slap by Mina before sidestep from an incoming kick. I raise my hand to block an incoming slaps and punches while moving away from Mina.

Apparently, we forgot that Mina and the others tailed up during our supposed 'date' and we left them hanging on the mall without telling them what's going on yesterday.

This causes severe rage moment from Mina and she's now out for blood.

"You could've told us that you left! I have to stay there like an idiot!" Mina screech while starts tossing harmless acid on me, which I simply dodge.

It may be harmless, but I refuses to cause massive misunderstanding by getting myself covered in something similar to thou-shall-not-be-named.

"Really, ninth? Thou-shall-not-be-named?" Fifth, you know very well that no sane man would say it out loud in public, no matter how dirty your mouth is.

I stop dodging as Ochako and Eijirou grabs Mina's both arm while Iida and Momo blocks her view from me.

"What's exactly happens?" I look at Koda on my left, who looks confused, scared and a bit hurt.

"...soryy, Koda. The three of us met a kidnapper who did despicable things towards a child. It was an intense moment for us that we ended up forget to inform you." I said while regretting to not inform this friend shaped cinnamon roll.

"Oh, ok." Koda said before giving me a hug, surprising me. "I'm glad you're okay, especially after USJ."

".....I'm sorry to worry you, buddy." I pat Koda's rock-like head while smiling. I notices both Iida and Yaomomo actually heard that and look at Ochako and Eijirou.

"Is....that true?" Both nodded apologetically. "See, Mina? They won't leave us without any reasons."

".....sorry." Mina mutters.

"I'm just glad that we can sort out our misunderstanding." I said as Koda let go of his hug.

"Yeah, me too." Mina suddenly turns into mischievious. "So, how's the date?"

"I rather you clean up your 'secretion' before asking us such thing." I deadpan as Mina suddenly changes colors to blue.

"W-why did you have to word it like that!?!?" Mina asked in embarrassment.

"You start the battle, I finish it in one big swoop." I retort as she turns bluer before grabbing a handkerchief and wipes off her acids. I saw Iida and Yaomomo went catatonic while Ochako and Eijirou blushes.

"Okay, I'm confused. What do you mean by that, Ninth?" I froze when Yoichi ask me that. But, then again, it made so much sense now.

"What? Why are you guys become quiet?" Oh, think Yoichi is as innocent as a child. Are you telling me Yoichi never have a bird and a bee talk?!

"What even is bird and bee?" Yoichi asked in frustration.

"Well, you see, First, it's-!" A loud clap can be heard followed by a muffled speech. The speech turns to scream, then follow by shit tons of beating, and then silence.

I'm so glad I'm not in vestige realm right now.

Suddenly, I heard the bell ring and decided to go back to my seat, which is next to Eiji and Ocha. I'm just glad that last night's conversation didn't affect our friendships much.

I heard the door sliding open and I widen my eyes before trying to hold my laughter.

Aizawa is back, fully covered in bandages and I can see a broken handcuff on his left wrist. This guy is the definition of hardcore.

"Aizawa-sensei!?" I hear everyone shoited his name as he grunts.

"Kero, are you even alright sensei?" Tsuyu asked.

"My health is irrelevant. You all are the main priority of this school." For a guy who loves logical shits, he sure can came up with tons of bullshits. "Anyways, you all should be prepare more, because your fight isn't over yet."

I really want to bash his skull right now. Did this guy need to traumatise the whole class just for the sake of his 'logical ruses'!?

"You all will prepare for Sports Festivals." This immediately removes the nervousness around the air before everyone cheers like madman.

"HELL YEAH!!! LET'S GO!!!" Since when Bakugou looks so excited? I swore he didn't react violently like this in canon.

Wait a minute, why do I keep thinking about canon!? It was already fucked up beyond any recognition!

"Now you just realize it?" Second, please, just don't.

"Sir, is it really a good idea ti have Sports Festival after villain's attack?" Iida decide to be the voice of reason.

"True, UA would not doing such thing. But, sadly, the HPSC decided that having Sports Festival will prevent causing more panic to the public." Yeah, I call bull for that. They probably refuses because it will do more harm on them than any goods.

"I can't believe HPSC has reduced to group consist of power hungry pigs." I raised an eyebrow at Nana's words. So, HPSC was never like that, huh?

"Yes, back then, HPSC was meant to be a legal way for heroes to do what's right without polices chasing them when they try to capture a villain. But now.....Lady Nagant and Hawks...." Yeah, those are not a pleasant information.

"I hope you all train yourself hard for this, because the whole Sports Festival will be televised to the whole Japan." Well, crud. I can feel my stage fright took over me.

"You have a stage fright?" Yup. You have no idea how painful it is when I have to presenting my Final Year Project back then. My nervousness amped up to 11.

"Now, then-!" The door was slammed open and my hairs rise like there's no tomorrow. I saw RG 'not-so-calmly' enter the door with dark aura emits from her body.

Seriously, even her!?

"Aizawa-kun~." I shivers in fear from the sickly sweet tone coming from her mouth. "I told you to go to rest, right?"

"Y-yes....." Holy shit, Shota motherfucking Aizawa, the motherfucking Eraserhead, is stuttering!!!

"Then, why are you here?" RG's smile may look normal, but anyone can see right through it. Behind her smile is a tranquil fury of a doctor.

"..." Aizawa simply lower his head before walking out of the class, but he didn't get scot free as RG slams her cane on Aizawa's back, sending him flying.

"Sorry about that, dear. I ask Nedzu to find a substitute for today's class since Aizawa is still not ready to leave the bed." RG smiled at everyone and I can tell they're afraid even without Observation.

"Also, Midoriya." I flinched in fear. "If you want, you can visit the infirmary later. She's awake." I widen my eyes before nodding as she left. Immediately, everyone stares at me.

"Midoriya....who's she?" I grimace when Mineta asked me that.

"I help a starving girl who got injured badly, so get your head out of the gutter." I deadpan. "Also, I suggest you to get in shape immediately. If you fail to impress anyone in Sport Festival, you'll get kick out of the Hero Course."

This works too well as everyone stops looking at me and panicked.

"I was joking." This gets everyone to calm down before glaring at me. "I need a way to get you to stop asking more question."

"Could you at least try something else?" Yaomomo looks a bit annoyed.

"Sorry, but with Mina and Mineta are in the equation, I can't risk it." I said.

"Hey!"/"What does that mean!?" Both yelled at the same time.

"Tell me right on my face that you two won't asking me about 'How she looks', 'How hot she is', 'Are you sure that's the only reason?', or tease me about 'Hey, Ochako, Eijirou, it seems you bave competition!'." I deadpanned.

" admit it." Mina's grin get wider.

"..." I bury my face on the table. Why do I have to do that!?

"You can't blame anyone but yourself, Ninth." I know.

"Everyone....." I look up and saw Ochako emits similar dark aura as RG but not as intense as her's. "Let's give it our all at this event!! Aim for number one!!!"

....okay, I can see why people love seeing girls like that. She does look hot.

"And yet you choose to-!" With all due respect, Banjo, my love life is none of your fucking business!

"Kero, Ochako, you scared everyone." Tsuyu blunty points out as Ochako didn't listen at all.

"Say it with me!! I'll aim for number one!" Ochako said as some people cheered while others are hesitant.

"Umm, Izuku." I look at Koda. "C-can I ask you something?"

"Sure." I raised my eyebrow.

" you think I cut out to be a hero?" Koda asked and I can feel alarms ringing in my head.

".....why suddenly ask that question?" I asked.

"I...I'm scared. During USJ, I saw Aizawa sensei, Thirteen sensei and you on stretchers." I widen my eyes. "I.....I didn't ask you earlier because I didn't want to ruin the mood.....but, I....I can't stop thinking about it."

"Tell me, Koji. Why do you want to be a hero?" I asked.

"I.....I want to prove to people that I can do it. I also wanted to save others, either humans or animals." Koda mutters. "But.....I'm very lacking at a lot of things. I rely too much on animals and I....I'm scared of fightings."

Okay, the situation is more complicated that I thought. I have zero idea of how am I going to deal with this.

"I....don't think asking me about this is a good idea because I'm not very good at giving advices." I said while rubbing my head. "But, if I have to answer, facing your fear will be your first priority. Being a hero will always leads to a fight against villains. Perhaps, finding a reason to fight will help as well. Like protecting civilians or saving them."

"I-I guess...." Koda mutters.

"Sorry I couldn't be more helpful." I said apologetically.

"No, no. You help plenty enough, Izuku." Koda said while shaking his head. "Thank you. And you can call me Koji, Izuku."

"Oh, have I been calling you Koda this whole time?" I blinked.

"You told us we can call you by first name, and you still call me by last name." I rubs my head sheepishly.

"Sorry, Koji." I apologized. "Oh, by the way, do you consider to up your training with Gran Torino later?"

".....yeah." I blink at Koda's answer.

"Huh, okay." I am not expecting this from him at all.

"Well.....after some consideration and your suggestions, I thought maybe Gran Torino might help with that issues." Koda looks a bit nervous.

"Got nightmares from that old goblin?" I teased.

"Oh, you have NO idea!" I was taken aback from Koda's straightforwardness before I burst out laughing, causing him to blush in embarrassment.

"Well, you're not the only one." I said while patting his shoulder. "And great job at overcoming your fear in talking by the way."

Koji widen his eyes in surprise before smiling brightly. I'm so glad I look away before the brightness blinded me.

"Uraraka-san, may I ask, what is your reason to be a hero?" Iida decided to ask.

" may sounds selfish, but it was for money." I saw some people giving Ocha a judging stare, causing Ocha to shrink.

"Hey, give her a chance to explain before jduging her." I said, annoyed by theur reaction.

"Agreed. And it's not wrong, either. There are heroes with worse reason." Yaomomo commented. "Besides, she must've have reasons for seeking moneys."

" was for my parents. I-I want to give them a comfortable life." Ocha said shyly.

"See?" Momo said, with a hint of 'I told you so' tone.

"Don't be ashame of your goal, Uraraka-san. You have one of the most noble goal compare to most heroes I and my brother met." Iida said while placing his hand on Ocha's shoulder. "And trust me, Uraraka-san. There are a lot of them."

"O-okay." Ocha looks at me, while I simply give her a grin and a thumb up, which cause her to brighten up. I felt someone getting too close to me as I sigh.

"Mina, I still haven't forgive you to force me on a, I ask Gran Torino to amped up your training with him to 11." The presence behind me disappear as I felt satisfied.

There's no way I'll ever going to forgive that shipper after the shit she pulls.

"You're cruel, Ninth." Don't interfere with my non-existence love life then I'll leave you alone.


"So, why are you going to support course lab, Izu?" I look at Ocha, Eiji and Koji following me.

"I really need to change some few things with my hero costume, especially after unlocking another aspect of my quirk." I said while showing my palm. "You see, that particular power actually needs skin contact in order to work and my Haki has been a major factor to nullify that problem, but I don't always rely on Haki 24/7 due to Haki also has it's own limit."

"So, you going to modify your gloves to give you more skin-contact?" Eijirou points out.

"Yup." I nodded. "Also, I might going to add few weapons on my arsenal, like ammos and all."

"A-ammo?" Koji asked in confusion. I simply demonstrate it by grabbing a piece of toilet paper turns ball before using Gearshift, causing the paper to fly towards the trash can. "O-oh..."

"Yup. It'll be a great coverage for my lack of long range. Sure, I could create air bullets if I'm able to increases my limit, but it's still a long journey before I can do it without breaking my bones.'" I shrugs.

"You getting more and more amazing, Izu." Ocha commented.

"You know, I never got to ask, Ocha. Is your quirk really only limits to remove gravity?" I asked as Ocha looks confused.

"Well, yeah. It's been like that since." Ocha said.

"If that's true, then why does some item that got its gravity removed by you only floats for few meters instead of continue to fly towards space?" I asked as Ocha froze. "Does that mean that you can subconsciously think of how much gravity you can reduce on any items so it won't float into sky? Then, does that mean you can increases the gravitational pull? Or maybe despite you remove their gravity, earth's gravity is powerful enough to prevent it from flying away? But, that would mean the ball you throw earlier will eventually fall instead of continue to fly into space. This-!"

"Um, Izu?" I snap out of my thought before looking at both Eiji, Ocha, and Koji staring at me with wide eyes.

".....I just word vomit, didn't I?" I feel nothing but pure dread as they nod. The personality fuse is crazier than I thought. "Sorry, I thought I got rid of that habit before I meet you guys."

"Well, we were just surprise, that's all." Eiji said.

"Huh....I thought you guys would think it's creepy." I bit my lip, unable to believe myself continue to spill everything out of my mouth.

"....give us name, Izu." Oh, god. When did RG corrupt Ocha!?!?

"L-let's not do that, I rather if you don't go to jail, Ocha." Ocha pouts at me but complied.

"Can you try with my quirk!?" Eiji decided to asked.

"Sure, your quirk hardens your skin, right?" Eiji nodded enthusiasticly. "Is it only skin or you can do it with your muscles and bones?"

"....." Eiji pulls out his hand and use his quirk, and he then brightens up. "It did works!"

"Wait, you're telling me you've been using your quirk only at your skin!?" Ochako asked in disbelief. "I'm no rocket scientist, but I'm pretty sure it's a bad idea!"

"Yup, especially when a villain is strong enough to bypass your defense and crush it along your inside." Eiji blushes before looking away.

"Y-yeah, not my best idea...." Eiji mutters. I snort before ruffling his hair.

"Well, we manage to find your problem. Also, I suggest you learn how to utilise karate chop or hammer arm." I said as Eiji give me a deadpan look.

"Do I look like I'm a Poki-Man?" I try, really try not to flinch and show a horrified look at the name.

"P-Poki-Man?" I asked nervously.

"Yeah, Poki-Man." Koji shows an image from internet and by gods, I am completely horrified by the image. A poster of two abomination duke out on each other and a title at the bottom part of the poster.

Oh, god, what have you done to deny the existence of Pokemon and instead create this!?!?!?

"I-Izu?" I snap out of my thought before looking at Ocha.

".....anyways, hammer arm and karate chop will be a great help if you combine it with your quirk. Karate chop plus hardening will act like a sword while hammer arm will act like sledgehammer with your quirk's durability." I decide to push away the horror away.

"W-what about me?" Koji asked.

"Well, your quirk is self explanatory. I suggest that you get animal partners that will help with your quirk, especially if you still uncomfortable talking with people loudly." I said. "A dog for sniffing out hiding targets, a bird for aerial view, a rat for spying in underground, your potential is endless."

"T-thanks...." Koji blushes a bit. Damn it, this cinnamon roll is someone no one deserves.

"Uh, Izu-bro?" I look at Eiji. "This is not the way to support course lab."

"Oh, sorry. I forgot to tell you that I plan to visit the infirmary first." I said while rubbing the back of my head.

"Is this about the girl that involve with Overhaul?" Ocha whisper to me.

"Yup." I whisper back. "I gotta say a proper thank you to her despite her previous condition."

"I guess you're right. Overhaul shows tons of red flags when he ask for Eri." I nodded before open the door. As I open, I saw Eri and Toga talking. Eri notice us and brighten up.

"Papas! Mama!" I still can't get used to this as she went to hug us. "You're right, Papa!Ms. Hero has awake and alright!"

I notices Toga blushes when Eri calls her Ms. Hero, and I can't help but be amused at the irony. But, it's a good kind of irony.

"Good irony doesn't exist, Ninth." Tell that to canon Toga and this Toga. I then notice Toga widen her eyes when she sees me.

"S-saito?" Oh shit, I forgot Midoriya has a doppleganger that looks exactly like him. "I-I'm sorry....I'm sorry I hurt you..."

"Hey, hey, easy there...." I try to calm her down but it failed as she trembling in terror.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry...." I felt my heart hurt by simply seeing her in this state. I didn't say anything before slowly apporach her.

"W-why? Why are you here? W-why aren't you angry!? After what I did?!" Her face shows nothing but sadness and fear. "Why!? Why aren't you angry?!"

"I....I'm not whoever this Saito you mention....I'm Izuku Midoriya." This snaps her out of it before she stares at me once again.

"Y-you look like him, even sound like him....." She mutters as tears flowing out of her eyes.

"Look, I...I don't know what's going on.....but I can help-!" This causes her to react, albeit not in a good way.

"Don't.....please. I-i don't deserve help....I'm a monster..." Is this what Toga has been thinking of herself?

"All I see is a girl that needs help." I reasoned with her.

"You don't know....anything!" I try not to flinch at her scream. "I have an abnormal quirk! I'm an abnormal! I saw people cover in blood as pretty! I love the taste of blood! I'm a monster!!!"

....I'm going to murder Toga in a worse way possible.

"Is that it?" This snaps out of her rant before she looks at me. "I don't think you're a monster just because you like something that most people dislike. In fact, that made you unique."

"U-unique?" She stare me in disbelief.

"Yeah." I said while sitting down next to her. "Besides, when it comes to liking blood, you're not the only one. One of examples are Vlad King who I keep seeing always snacking on raw blood sausage and even drinking on a cup full of blood."

"Yeah, I just saw him eating homemade blood stew." Thanks for the assist, Ocha.

"See?" I said while pointing at Ocha.

"B-but.....I....I try to kill my friend...." Toga whimpers.

".....may I ask what exactly happen?" I asked slowly.

"I try to kill him! That's it! Just like what the police said!" Toga yelled.

" that really all of that?" Toga's eyes widen. "I have a feeling that's not athe full story. Innocent till proven guilty."

".....I-I try.....I try so hard not to drink blood.....I try, but it tummy head hurts...I-I can't see clearly...w-when I saw him bleeding...I-I can't control it....I harm him...I-I drink his blood....." She cried while covering her face. I went to pat her back.

"....." I didn't say anything as I simply let her cry. I look at Ocha, Eiji, and Koda who looks conflicted with a hint of sympathy.

I let her cry for a minute as she feel asleep. I gently let her lie on the bed and adjust it a bit.

"...sensei, are you going to arrest her?" I look at the person next to her bed, which is none other Aizawa himself. This shocks the gangs as they didn't notice him at all.

".....investigations are required." Aizawa mutters. "Recovery Girl mentions her quirk requires diet and I seen this cases before with Vlad King. If my hunches are correct-."

"Her parents refuse to give her a proper diet plan that is required for her quirk." Aizawa raised an eyebrow at me. "I donate some of my blood when Recovery Girl reveals the reason behind her malnourishment, and hearing her story, I connect the dots."

"'re right." Aizawa nodded.

"T-that make senses.....she does sounds like she try so hard to not drink any blood." Ocha points out.

"What kind of parents did something like that?" Eijirou looks horrified as Koji looks sad towards Toga.

"Rest assured, an investigation will be held towards her family." Aizawa said as I could only nod. "Also, Midoriya, you may need to practice on how to handle an emotional victim. But, thankfully, your actions allow to give more informations about what happens."

"Y-yeah, I never got to know how to handle that kind of situation." I said sheepishly. "In fact, I was usually the victim instead the comfort guy."

"...which middle school you come from again?" Aizawa asked.

"Umm....Aldera Junior High." I said in confusion.

"Guys, write it down. We found our target." I snaps my head towards Ocha, who emits dark aura alongside Eiji. Koji didn't emits it, but he does has a huge scowl on his face.

"Guys, guys. No need to be hasty. I rather if you guys didn't go to jail." I said in panic.

".....I don't get paid enough to do this." No one is, Aizawa, no one is!


"Poor girl."

"Yeah.....but, we can only hope Aizawa-sensei able to find dirts on her parents." I reply to Ocha.

"I wish we can do more than just letting Aizawa-sensei do it." Eiji grits his teeth in annoyance.

"Well, unless you want o risk getting into jail for 'illegal' interverence, I suggest you don't." I said. "I would like to help her, but if we get to jail for doing that, everything we did will be for naught and everyone will only see us as 'kids who assist villains', which will foil the 'proving her innocent' plan."

"Damn it, I hate when you're right." Eijirou mutters in frustration.

"All we can do is to be her friends and try to help her mentally. Help her to see that she's not a monster she claims to be." I suggest as the three of them nod. I look up and saw Support Course Lab sign. "Well, here we-!"

My observation went off as I push everyone back and a huge explosion follows, sending a giant metal door flying and crashing to a window. A figure also got sent flying and almost fall through the broken window.

I get up and catches said figure before they could fall to a pile of broken glass.

"You okay?!" I asked before putting them down on the ground. I finally get a good look on the guy, a blond haired boy around foot feet eleven, a pair of fox ears and tails, blue eyes, a pair of gloves, red sneakers, and blue bandanna around his neck. He also wears a blue gym clothes.

Hold up, why is he looking so familiar and not at the same time?

"T-thank you." The boy said before looking at me. "I thought I might've injured badly."

"N-no problem." His voice even reminds me of someone but who!?

"Tails!!" I widen my eyes at the name as a familiar girl walks out of the room. "Oh, you're okay! Thank god! I thought baby number 635 sent you flying too far."

"It did, Hatsume-san. If it wasn't for..." Tails stare at me.

"I-it's Izuku Midoriya." I answered.

"Midoriya-san catches me, I might've sent 8 feet further." Tails deadpan at Mei.

"Huh.....I guess I should went on scrapping it." Mei nonchalantly said while walk away.

"Not that there's anything left to be scrap anyways." Tails mutter in annoyance.

"A-are you sure you okay? You didn't get injured before I catch you?" I asked.

"A bit burn from the point blank explosion." Tails rubs his hand on the burns before he winced. I get near before touching the wound, using Gearshift to speed up the heal.

"Whoa....thanks!" Tails said before he brightens up. "Oh, right. I'm Miles Prowler, but you can call me Miles."

"Nice to meet you, Miles." I said with a smile. I turn back and surprise to see the others stood there while gaping.

" this the right place?" I can't blame them from going shock thanks to that explosion. I'll react the same way if it wasn't for my Observation.

"Great, now other classes will think us support students are jokes." I raised my eyebrow at the statement.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked in confusion.

"A lot of General Department Students are angry at Hero Course because they can't get enough points to get into hero course. And after hearing that one student manage to get an exception and cause hero student to be an odd number, they all get angrier and believe that person must've cheated. They dump out their feelings of being inferior on us support students and business students." I widen my eyes. How the fuck did the butterfly effect cause this much changes!?!

"I'm so sorry for that to happens." I said sheepishly.

"I don't blame you, Midoriya-san. You got into 1-A by your own merits, especially with how you catch me that fast and heals me." Miles said while smiling. "So, what can we do for you?"

"My friends and I need some adjustments involving our hero costumes. You think you could help us?" I asked as Miles grinned.

"Of course, that's us support student's role." Miles said. "But, I might need more information of you and your friend's quirks."

"Sure." I went to my friends and help them get up. "Sorry, I got distracted. Guys, this is Miles Prower, one of Support course students. Miles, this is my friends, Ochako Uraraka, Eijirou Kirishima, and Koji Koda."

"Hello." Miles said with a wave.

"Oh, my gosh, he's so cute!!!" Ocha squeal as Miles blushes in embarrassment. Koji gives a polite wave at him.

"Hey. And, out of curiousity, but how old is he?" Eiji asked in confusion.

"I-I'm actually 12." I almost faceplant on the ground at the information. I guess it does make sense since in Sonic franchises, Tails has always been younger than majority of the cast members.

"You must be super-genius if you can get into the course at such young age." I compliment him.

"W-well, I wasn't as smart as dad." Miles said while blushing. "I try to be as smart as him, but alas, my specialty is mostly machinery and engineering."

"Still more impressive than most people, so don't sell yourself short." I commented.

"Yeah, I mean, compare to me, I got bad scores in maths." Ocha admits while blushing.

"I'm no good at history, chemistry, and physics." Koda added.

"I-I guess." Miles mutter before shaking his head. "Anyways, you guys want costume adjustments, right?"

"And maybe some support items." I added as Miles nod.

"Follow-!" Before Miles finish his sentences, Mei appears out of nowhere with crazy gleam.

"Oh, you guys are actually customers!" I can see Miles scowling in annoyance.

"Come on, Hatsume-san. You've been taking over most of costume adjustment's part!" Miles stated in frustration.

"I have so many babies I made for you guys!" Mei ignores what Miles said and drag Ocha and Eiji into the lab, leaving Koda and I alone with Miles. I look at Miles frustratingly grit his teeth.

" okay?" I asked in worry.

"....sorry. I got frustrated with most of the students." Miles said while rubbing his shoulder. "I felt a bit annoyed by them. They didn't took me seriously because of my young age. Mei isn't like the others, but her ignorances really rubs me in a wrong way."

"I can see why you're so frustrated." I said. "Well, how about you help with mine?"

"Mine, too." This cheered up Miles a bit as he wags his twin tails rapidly. Oh god, now there's three cinnamon rolls!!

"Three? I thought there's only Koda kid?" Eri. "....fair enough."

"So, you never explain much about your quirk." Miles said.

"My quirk is.....a bit complicated." I said while rubbing my head. "At first, it was a simple stockpile quirk with a lot of strength. I can use it on small percentage or else I risk broken my bones badly."

"Wait, your quirk is strength stockpile? Then what did you do earlier?" Miles is visibly confused.

"It was thought to be a strength stockpile, until I somehow able to control the speed of anyone I touches while ignoring the law of inertia as well." I said while rubbing my head. "It requires a skin contact, so a full gloves won't work."

"...your quirk not only stockpiles strength, but possibly also your predecessor's quirk!" Miles exclaimed with wide eyes. I guess it doesn't took long for a genius like hik to figure out.

"That's the theory, but I might need to look deeper into my family's tree to confirm it." I said.

"Why so? I mean, the proof is there." Miles point out.

"I didn't unlock my quirk until few months ago, heck, I didn't even know if I do have one." I said as Miles widen his eyes in shock.

"W-wow....and you pass the exam and get first place despite everything you said? T-that's awesome!" I felt my face gets warmer as he said that.

"Thanks...." I mutter.

"Alright, I might be able to help you with that. Wanna hear some of my suggestion?" I nodded. "You could add a pair of fingerless gloves added with some armors to give you protection and perhaps damage."

"That's not a bad suggestion." I commented.

"And perhaps, I could add a feature where the gloves allow you to use higher percentage without risking breaking your bones." Miles suggest.

"That's a good idea, but maybe you can made it breakable after few uses? I rather not get comfortable while using full powers." I asked.

"So, emergency uses. Good idea." Miles said. "How about armored boots? It might help to increases your kicking powers. You do use kicks, right?"

"Yeah." I nodded before I heard an explosion and wince when I heard Ocha's and Eiji's yells. "Is that..?"

"Sadly yes..." Miles deadpanned. "It seems that we might need to prepare some funerals for your friends."

" can discuss some support items and costume adjustments with Koda, I gotta check my friends." Miles nodded before I walks away.

When I arrive there, I was greeted with a sight of Ocha stuck on a ceiling with a pair of gauntlet with rocket boost attach on it while Eiji is lying on the floor with an armor twisting his body in unnatural way. Mei can be seen standing next to them, oblivious to everything.

I stare at them before I did the only thing I could doin this situation. Facepalming. To think the butterfly effects affecting something so mundane as the victims of Hatsume's 'prototype'.

"You could do something else, like helping your friends instead!" I wince at the loud volume caused by Nana. And the next scream didn't help.



"I can't believe you two are actually so lucky!"

I can't help but chuckles in amusement. After getting them off the support items they forced to wear, Power Loader decided to appear and apologizes for everything that happens.

He did explains about Mei Hatsume similar to how he did in canon, about her being a bright talented student and has a lot of ambitions in building support items despite her eccentric natures.

"Well, you have to admit, most of her prototypes actually a great support items if it was adjusted more." I said in amusement.

"I just wish I didn't get to be her guinea pig." As much as I pity them, I'm so glad that I didn't become her victims.

"So, how was your talk with Miles, Koji?" I asked as Koda smiled and nodded while giving a thumb up. "What did you ask, anyway?"

"A support item to help with my quirk, some protection and maybe a non-lethal weapon." I nodded in approval.

"It's amazing a student his age could get into UA, even if it's support course." Eiji commented.

"Don't underestimate support course, Ei. They are capable of building a tech that rivals pro hero quirks or even create one that imitates them, and that requires tons of skills." I said sternly.

"Y-yeah, sorry. I sound a bit unmanly." Eiji looks ashame of himself.

"To be fair, UA is widely known for their hero course, so people never give a second thought on other courses they have." I points out.

"I guess...." Eiji looks downcast. I place my arm around his shoulder.

"Come on, don't put yourself down. I heard the General Department did much worse than this. And compare to them, you're the better one since you admit your fault." I said.

"Ummm, why are our class crowded with students?" I blinked before noticing that indeed, there are shit tons of students crowded the door of class 1-A.

"They're here to scout for competition." I heard Bakugou scoffed from distance. "Don't waste your time with these extras."

Oh, Bakugou, you gotta tone down your pride, buddy.

"So, this is the infamous Hero Class that face off the villains. To think that they're nothing but a bunch of self-entitled brat." I froze when I saw another familiar figure in one of the crowd.

Okay, why the fuck did a guy look like teenage Gilgamesh from Fate exist here?

"Hah?" Bakugou, please, don't made it worse.

"H-hey, come on, guys. Let's not cause trouble here." A girl look like Michiru Kagemori from BNA is here and trying to calm both side. Okay, the fuck?

"I suggest you move it, mongrel. Go take care of your mutt or something." I notice a boy look similar to Shirou Ogami but with light blue wolf ears on his head and a fluffy tail growls behind.

"I wonder, did you all fight those villains just to get yourself into news?" The fake Gilgamesh smirks while looking at Bakugou.

"W-we didn't look for any fight-!" Momo tried to deny but was immediately cut off by Gilgamesh.

"So, a bunch of incompetent fools, that'll explains why the teachers got injured and some students almost died. And to think you all got into hero course. If I were you, I would defeat the villains faster than people could blink."

All I can see is red.


Bakugou has faced a lot of people, and he has seen annoying people, especially Deku for his whiny personality and follow him like a lost puppy.

But, he never saw someone with such punchable face, even more punchable than Deku.

He felt his anger reach a boiling point that not even Deku could achieve. All he wanted right now is to punch this smug bastard.

But, he got a better idea.

"If that's the case, then why are they in hero course yet you didn't?"

"....I beg you pardon?" Bakugou felt a bit satisfied when he can see the boy's smug smirk fell.

"Like I said, if you truly can do that, then why aren't you in hero course?" Bakugou smirks while looking at the blond haired boy. "You talk big, but seeing that you're in General Department, I guess that's all you can do, blowing hot airs. At least those people you call incompetent fools pass the exam."

Bakugou never felt so satisfied seeing someone losing his cool like this extra. The boy was planning to attack and Bakugou was prepare to counter attack-


Bakugou and the blonde haired boy froze as a powerful pressure suddenly appears out of nowhere. To their shock, a lot of students besides some like the raccoon girl and wolf boy suddenly fell unconscious.

Bakugou felt this presence before, similar to one when he was in cafeteria. He was sitting at other side of the cafeteria when people shoving each other just to get out after hearing the alarm, then a powerful pressure follow with Deku's scream travel across the room.

Bakugou didn't want to admit it, but Deku manages to make him shakes in fear.

And then, the second time he felt that was during USJ. And it was much more potent than before and Bakugou could felt anger from the pressure. He knows Deku must've been angry and the villain's must've push a button they should never push.

And this time, the pressure Bakugou felt is more dangerous than before. Instead of anger, it contains a hint of cold fury. Bakugou would never expect Deku of all people could feel this type of rage.

And why....why does his heart feels like he was the cause of it?

Bakugou saw Deku walks towards the blond haired boy calmly, but the cold rage still emits from his body.

"....leave." The sheer fury in his tone sent shivers into Bakugou's spine. He didn't want to admit it, but he was super lucky to not anger Deku to this extend.

"Y-you-!" Bakugou saw the blind haired boy widen his eyes in disbelief. It's not like a normal disbelief, more like the guy knows who Deku is and he was in disbelief on Deku's cold fury.

Did this extra knows Deku? Bakugou never got ask himself more as Deku grabs the extra's shoulder and squeeze. Bakugou held back a wince as the boy scream in pain and kneeled down.

"Leave, and if I caught you harrassing my classmates and friends again, you'll wish you never been born." Deku said calmly as the boy shivers in fear before he rolled his eyes and fainted.

Shit, Bakugou never felt so guilty about himself for breaking Deku to the point he is angry.


"To think he talks big and only to cower in fear after a 'small talk'." I mutter as the blond haired boy fainted and foams coming out of his mouth.

"I-Izu..." I turn to see Ocha and Eiji shaking a bit.

"Oh...sorry. I keep losing control of this ever since USJ." I said while rubbing my head.

"I-I'm so sorry about my class." I turn to look at Michiru-lookalike bowing at me.

"No need to apologize. You guys aren't the one starting this." I said while waving it off.

"Actually, Shirou and I were hoping that we could scout the competition like that blond haired boy said." I look at Bakugou scoffing at her. "But, I swear I didn't want to antagonize you guys, just want a friendly challenge and all for Sports Fsstival. Oh, by the way, I'm Michiru Kagemori, and this is my boyfriend, Shirou Ogami."

"I....see...I'm Izuku Midoriya." I mutter, still can't comprehend that Shirou and Michiru actually exist here.

"Wait, Izuku Midoriya? The first placed student in entrance exam!? The guy who broke the zero pointer?" Michiru exclaimed with wide eyes. "Wow! I never thought I could meet you!! I'm a huge fan!!!"

"Eh?" I was caught off guard.

"Michi never stop gushing about you ever since she saw you in action in entrance exam. And it was to the point that she accepts her rejection to hero course in grace, believing that compare to what you did, she still have long ways to go and train herself for Sport Festival." Shirou growls.

"I...see..." I muttered.

"I'll be frank, I don't hold the same admiration as her, but since Sport Festival is near, I'll going to see your skills. Hope you're worth her hype." I can't help but sweatdrop as he growls at me. Seriously, how bad is the butterfly effect?

"From what we saw at your canon timeline knowledge, very." Shit.

"Oh, come on, Shi-kun. You gotta admit he's impressive, after all, you give a growl of approval when you saw him saving students after students." I widen my eyes. They saw that!?!?

"I approve of him acting like a decent human being, not approve of his skill." Shirou deadpanned.

"Great, now there's two more people kissing the nerd's ass." I groan at Bakugou's thoughtless words. Do you really have to ruin the calm moment?

"This is calm?" Yoichi, compare to the previous situation, this is calm as fuck. I notices Ocha, Koji, and Eiji staying silent while a bit wary of them. I don't blame them especially after that bastard run his damn mouth.

"Again, we're so sorry about Gilgamesh." My brain shortcircuit a bit at the name. You gotta be kidding me.

"It's okay." I said while waving it off. Michiru extends her limbs and coils around a large group of students before she let Shirou helps her to pull them away from here. Few students that are still conscious like the one with pink haired and a red bandanna and an anthro fox help pulling them away.

"I can't believe they have the audacity to make fun of us about the USJ incident, like they think we want it to happen!" Ocha said in furious tone.

"Easy, girl." I said while patting her shoulder. "Don't let a guy with superiority and inferiority complex get into you." Ocha pouted but nodded.

"I'm just glad that not everyone is like that. I almost got angry at them but I stop myself since they apologize." Eiji mutters. "I don't trust myself from saying something."

"Let's not think much about it. I rather not anger myself again." I said before looking at Koji. "You okay, pal?" Koji nodded shakily.

"Nerd." I turn to see Bakugou. "....did you know that guy?"

".....except for the fact that he looks and act like you, no, I don't. Why?" I asked in confusion. Bakugou flinched before looking away.

"Nothing....." He acts more weird than usual. What exactly happens?

"Kid, if you see your bully suddenly turns 180, you got to act weird as well." Yeah, but my observation haki picks up other things, but I can't make it clear about what is it.

"Anyways, I think we should get ourselves some lunch." I suggested as everyone nodded. I saw Momo looks downhearted. "You okay, Prez?"

"Huh? Oh, I'm-! Wait, prez?" I forgot how adorable her character is, even she looks cute when confused like that.

"Wow, Ninth. You-." Banjo, I swore to god.

"Yeah, I mean, you're the class president. Gotta call you by the title." I said.

"I-I rather if you call me Yaomomo instead like everyone else, Izuku-san." Yaomomo said.

"Only if you drop the -san." I jokingly said. "But seriously, what's been bothering you?" She remains silent, so I just give a guess. "Is it about what that bastard said?"

"H-how did you know?" Well, it's not that hard given what just happen.

"People will normally get affected by those words. Trust me, I speak from experience." I said as she give me a sympathy look. "Anyways, you should not think too much about what he said."

".....I feel like I don't deserve being in hero course. It feels like I was here because of my parents." Momo mutters.

"Money can do a lot of things, but it took skills to pass the exam, Ponytail. So, suck up and lretend you don't hear shit from that fucker!" I need to get myself a slap in my face. Bakugou complimenting someone!?

"Ignoring Bakugou's crudeness, he's right. Recommendation exams are still exams and you need skills and knowledge to pass it. If you pass with only money, then the recommendation exam wouldn't be called exam." Momo looks a bit better.

"T-thank you.....both of you...." Bakugou scoffed.

"Stop crying and train yourself. I want to get a fucking good fight with you, the nerd and Icy Hot and win against you fair and square as well." I deadpan at Bakugou's actions as Momo giggled a bit.

"Well, that settles everything." I mutter. "By the way, Yaomomo, have you try to use your quirk to duplicate other people's quirk?"

"Eh?" She looks confused. "My quirk doesn't work like that, Izuku."

"True, but what if the quirk is chemical based, like Midnight's Somnambulist?" Yaomomo widen her eyes in realization.

"If I can understand the molecular structure behind her quirk's gas, it's possible!" Yaomomo said excitedly before giving me a hug. "Thank you, Izuku! You open a lot of windows of possibility!" As she said that, she cheerfully walks away.

"....nerd, what have you fucking unleashed?" I don't want to know either.

To be continued